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First Voyage Around The World

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FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD BY ANTONIO - One of the people in the boat came to Captain

PIGAFETTA General with “joyous” at their arrival.

- CAPTAIN ordered food and drink to be given
EUROPEAN attraction to Asia’s wealth and spices,
to the people in the boat and gave:
incited Spain to expend for an expedition.
a) Red caps
15th CENTURY period of discovery and expansionism b) Looking glasses
began. c) Combs
d) Bells
FERDINAND MAGELLAN a Portuguese navigator and e) Ivory and other things…
“rediscovered” Philippine Island on 1521. - After seeing the politeness of the Captain the
- Gained confidence and support from the people in the boat they presented:
monarchy of Spain. a) Fish
ANTONIO PIGAFETTA Italian chronicler b) Vessel of Palm wine which they call
- World’s first circumnavigation were URACA
accurately recorded in his journal. c) Figs more than a foot long
LORD STANLEY OF ALDERLEY a narrative of the d) Other smaller and of a better savour
voyage were translated by him. e) 2 cochos
1519 – the voyage has began. - Made signs to us with their hands that in 4
1522 – the voyage was successfully completed. days they would bring us:
1519 – year of the Nativity of our Lord. a) Umai which is rice
MONS. FRANCIS CHEREGATO – reverend Lord b) Cocos
- Ambassador of the Pope Leon the Tenth c) And many other victuals
arrived at the bishoprick of Aprutino and the - Explain the kind of fruits above-named:
principality of Theramo. - COCHI – the fruit which the palm trees bear.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1519 (TUESDAY) – set sail from St. - And as we have bread, wine, oil, and vinegar
Lucar. – these people have those things proceeding
- South-west otherwise named Labeiche from palm trees only.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1519 - arrived at Island of Great - Wine proceeds from the said palm trees
Canaria named Teneriphe. - They make a hole at the summit of the tree as
- 28 degrees latitude far as its heart, which is named Palmito, from
- They stayed 3 days and a half to take in - which a liquor comes out in drops down the
provisions tree; which is sweet but somewhat of bitter.
MONTEROSE – came to a port. Port name. - “The island where they dwelt is called
- 2 days to supply ourselves with pitch (a thing ZULUAM, and it is not large”
necessary for ships) - CAPTAIN give the cloves, cinnamon, pepper,
- Not a drop of water is to be found proceeding ginger, nutmeg, mace, gold
from a fountain or a river. Only once a day at HUMUNU - The Island that they were staying
the hour of midday. - But then they named it THE WATERING PLACE
MARCH 16, 1521 (SATURDAY) – arrived at daybreak OF GOOD SIGNS and since they found here
in a high island. the first signs of gold.
- 300 leagues distant from the before- - They found:
mentioned Thieves’ Island. a) White coral
- The isle is named Zamal. b) Large trees (bear fruit smaller than an
CAPTAINED GENERAL – wished to land at another almond, and are like pines)
uninhabited island to be in greater security and to c) Palm trees both good and bad
take water. - There were many circumjacent islands and
- He set up 2 tents on shore for the sick. named them THE ARCHIPELAGO OF ST.
MARCH 18, 1521 – after dinner, they saw a boat LAZARUS because they stayed there on the
coming towards them with 9 men in it. day and feast of ST. LAZARUS.
- Captain General ordered that no one should
move or speak without his permission.
- This region and archipelago is in 10 degrees - 2 hours afterwards
north latitude and 161 degrees longitude from - In the largest boat, the King sitting under an
the line of demarcation. awning of mats
MARCH 22, 1521 (FRIDAY) – the people in the boat - The Captain gave good entertainment to the
returned and came about midday, with 2 boats laden men who came to his ship, and gave them all
with the said fruit: sorts of things, on which account the king
a) Cochi wished to give the captain a rather large bar
b) Sweet oranges of solid gold, and a chest full of ginger.
c) Vessel of palm wine However, the Captain thanked him very much
d) Cock (to understand they had poultry in their but would not accept the present.
country) GOOD FRIDAY – the Captain sent on shore the before-
- They (the men of the captain) bought all they mentioned slave, who was their interpreter.
(people in the boat)brought. KING – came with seven or eight men in a boat. He
SCHIONE – the lord of these people gave the Captain:
- Old, had his face painted and had gold rings in a) Three china dishes covered with leaves full of
his ears rice
- OTHERS have bracelets and rings of gold on b) Two dorados which are rather large fish.
their arms, with a wrapper of linen in their CAPTAIN – give the King:
head. a) Robe (red and yellow cloth) made in the
 They remained on their place for 8 days. Turkish fashion
 CAPTAIN went there every day to check his b) Very fine red cap
sick men; gave them water of this said fruit c) Knives and mirrors. (To the King’s people)
the cocho. - He told to the King (through interpreter)
CAPHRE – people who wear holes in their ears so cassi cassi, that is to say, brothers.
large - Captain showed the King:
- That is to say, Gentiles, and they go naked a) Great number of swords
- EXCEPT that round their middles they wear b) Cuirasses
cloth made of the bark of trees. c) Helmets
- REMARKABLE of them wear cotton stuff, and d) Made two of the men play with their swords
at the end of it there is some work of silk done e) Sea chart
with a needle. f) Ship compass
- People are tawny, fat, and painted - Captain asked if he would allow two of his
- Anointed with the oil of coconuts and sesame people should go with him to the places
(preserve them from the sun and wind) where they lived. The King granted him.
- Hair is very black and long, reaching to the
- Carry small daggers and knives, ornamented - Gentle
with gold - Go naked
- Darts, harpoons, and nets to fish. - Painted
MARCH 28, 1521 (THURSDAY) – they saw a small boat - Wear piece of cloth made from a tree (like a
called Boloto – with 8 men inside and approached the linen cloth) round their body to cover their
ship of the captain-general. natural parts
TRAPROBANA – slave of the captain - Great drinkers
- From Sumatra WOMEN are dress in tree cloth from their waists
- Who spoke to the people - Hair is black and reaches the ground
- These people withdrew immediately – feared - Wear gold rings in their ears.
to those people inside the captain-general’s - These people chew a fruit called Areca –
ship. shape of a pear; cut in four quarters and
- CAPTAIN-GENERAL showed them red cap, and chewed for a long time which makes their
other things and tied on a little plank. mouth red.
BALLANGHAI – two long boats
- Made a little barter – obtained 17 pounds of
cinnamon for 2 big knives, which they had
taken from the Governor of Pulaoan.
- Not more than 3 or 4 cubits high
- Great quantity of dogs, cats, pigs, fowls, and - Not got more 3 or 4 little branches.
goats - Leaf like the laurel
- Rice, ginger, cocos, figs, oranges, lemons, - They got its bark which is gathered twice in
millet, wax, and gold mines. the year.
- 9 degrees and 2/3 north latitude, and 162 - When they are green (woods and leaves) have
longitude from the line of demarcation. the taste and force of the bark itself.
- 25 league distant from the other island where - CAINMANA cain means wood and mana
they found two fountains of fresh water. sweet.
- Remained 7 days in this place, then took the MAINGDANAO – large city
tack of Maestral. - Took possession of a bignaday, a vessel
- Midst of 5 isles: Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, similar to a prahu
Baibai, and Satighan. - They killed 7 out of 18 men – chief men of
SATIGHAN – a bird called Barbastigly – large as eagles Mindanao.
and killed only one. FOUR ISLANDS (southeast):
- Taste of a fowl with a long tal. a) Ciboco
- Lay eggs as large as goose. b) Birabam Batolac
- Hatched under the sand in sun at good arm’s c) Sarangani
length. d) Candigar
- The King of Mazzabua could not follow us and OCTOBER 26 (SATURDAY) – they met a very great
waited him near 3 islands: storm in the island of Birabam Batolac.
b) Ticobon a) St. Elmo – stood for more than 2 hours at the
c) Pozzon mainmast head like a flame.
- Captain-General and King went to Zzubu b) St. Nicholas – head of the foremast
which is 15 leagues off from Satighan. c) St. Clara – mizenmast
APRIL 7 (SUNDAY) – midday, entered the port Zzubu SEPTEMBER 6, 1522 – entered the bay of San Lucar
- Saw many houses built on trees. - 60 men composed as their crew when they
- The artillery were fired as soon as they sailed left Maluco are now 18 only.
to the port – interpreter reassured that it is to - Some died of hunger, run away at the island
show peace and friendship; and also honor of Timor, and some condemned to death for
the King of the country. their crimes.
TUESDAY morning – following the King of Mazzava, - As they left San Lucar they had run more than
with the Moor 14,460 leagues, and they had completed
- Captain told the Moorish that “our arms were going round the earth from East to West.
soft to our friends and rough to our enemies” SEPTEMBER 8 (MONDAY) – cast anchor near the
ZOLO and TAGHIMA – islands pearls are found. mole of Seville, and discharged all the artillery.
- West 2 islands (TUESDAY) – went in shirts and barefoot, with a
- The King of Burne married a daughter of the taper in their hands to visit the shrine of St. Maria
King of Zolo, who told him that her father had of Victory, and of St. Maria de Antigua.
these 2 big pearls. VALLADOLID – presented Sacred Majesty Don
CAVIT and SUBANIN – course east and a quarter Carlos, neither gold nor silver.
north-east, they passed near this 2 inhabited places. - Book written by his (Pigafetta) hand of all the
- Passed near an island called MONORIPA. things that occurred day by day in their
BUTUAN and CALAGAN – best cinnamon of any voyage.
grows. FRANCE – presented few things to Madam the
Regent, mother of Christian King Don Francis.
ITALY – devoted leisure and vigils to the noble
lord, Philip de Villiers Lisleadam – the very
worthy grand master of Rhodes.

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