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Bangladesh Bank Defined Sector Specific Environmental & Social Due Diligence (ESDD) Checklist

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Annexure C:

Bangladesh Bank defined Sector Specific Environmental & Social

Due Diligence (ESDD) Checklist

Index of sector specific ESDD checklists:

Sl. Sectors Page No.

Sector - 1 Agri - Business (Poultry) ii
Sector - 1 Agri - Business (Dairy) iii
Sector - 2 Cement iv
Sector - 3 Chemicals - Fertilizers v
Sector - 3 Chemicals - Pesticides vi
Sector - 3 Chemicals - Pharmaceuticals vii
Sector - 4 Engineering and Basic Metal viii
Sector - 5 Housing ix
Sector - 6 Pulp and Paper x
Sector - 7 Sugar and Distilleries xi
Sector - 8 Tannery xii
Sector - 9 Textile and Apparels xiii
Sector - 10 Ship Breaking xiv

 Sector -1 (A). Agri Business – Poultry:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the poultry
subsector of the agri-business.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “No”

or “ Not Applicable (NA)” and determine the risk rating.

Legal Classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Orange A category up to 250 birds in urban areas
and up to 1000 in rural areas. And, this is Orange B category for above
250 birds in urban area and above 1000 in rural areas.

Key Issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/
1. Avian Influenza: Does the business activity take
adequate management measures to protect from animal
diseases / pathogens such as Avian Influenza (strain HN51)?
2. Solid waste:
• Is there provision for appropriate management of solid
waste including waste feed, animal waste, carcasses,
sediments and sludge from wastewater treatment
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste
/sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
3. Wastewater / ETP:
• Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) or appropriate
wastewater management processes to treat the wastewater
• Does the design ensure that there is no bypass
arrangement for the ETP or wastewater management
4· Hazardous materials: Are there adequate systems for
the handling, storage and transport of hazardous materials?
And, is there adequate check to ensure only permissible
hazardous materials are in use?
5. Monitoring: Has environmental monitoring, particularly
protection from disease causing pathogens, been planned?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important/critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk

~ ii ~
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Mediu
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining m”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ iii ~
 Sector -1 (B). Agri Business – Dairy:

This checklist should be used for a l l proposals for financing in the Dairy
subsector of the agri-business.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “No”

or “ Not Applicable (NA)” and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, for dairy farm, this is Orange A category for 10 cattle or
below in urban areas and 25 or below in rural areas. And, this is Orange B
category for above 10 in urban areas and above 25 numbers in rural
areas. And, for dairy processing, this is Orange B category.

Key Issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Wastewater / ETP:
 Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat the
wastewater discharges in the Design?
 Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
2. Solid waste:
 Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste /
sludge from the ETP been Included in the design?
 Have proper provisions been made for the management
of organic solid waste in dairy processing facilities?
3. Air emissions: Are air emission prevention and control
measures systems i nstalled from the combustion of (fuel in
turbines, boilers, compressors and other engines for power
and heat generation?
4. Monitoring: Has environmental monitoring, particularly
effluent characteristics, been planned?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium

~ iv ~
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

 Sector - 2. Cement:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the cement

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “No”

or “ Not Applicable (NA)” and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997 this is Red category.

Key issues approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Air emissions: Are air emission prevention and control
measures systems installed in all point sources of emissions
in operational processes and also in the handling and
storage of intermediate and final goods?
2. Wastewater / ETP:
• Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat the
wastewater discharges?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
3. Solid waste:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid
waste/sludge from the ETP been included In the design?
• Have proper provisions been made for the management of
solid waste - including clinker production waste and kiln
4. Noise: Have noise control measures been put in place in
grinding, handling and transportation?
5. Monitoring: Does environmental monitoring for
continuous monitoring equipment on all dust emission lines?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”

~ vi ~
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ vii ~
Sector - 3 (A). Chemicals -Fertilizers:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the
fertilizer sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Red category.

Key issues approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Hazardous chemicals: Does the design provide for
handling, storage and transportation of hazardous
chemicals in the manufacture of fertilizers?
2. Wastewater / ETP:
• Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat the
wastewater discharges in the design?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
3. Solid waste:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste /
sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
• Does the business activity include an approach towards
handling and disposal of spent catalyst / toxic metals, if any?
Have provisions been made for the management of these
hazardous wastes?
4· Air emissions: Are air emission prevention and control
measures in place for ammonia, nitric oxides and nitrous
oxides in nitrogenous fertilizer manufacturing, and in utilities
such as boilers?
5. Noise: Are noise control measures in place for the large
sized rotating machines?
6. Monitoring: Does environmental monitoring include
continuous monitoring systems of storm water for pH,
fluoride and ammonia?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”

~ viii ~
If answers to a italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ ix ~
Sector - 3 (B). Chemicals – Pesticide:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in pesticide

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR1997, this is Red category.

Key issues approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Guidelines: Is the pesticide manufacturing been
carried out in line with the WHO Guide lines, Stockholm
Convention and Rotterdam Convention?
2. Hazardous chemicals: Does the design provide for
handling, storage and transportation of hazardous
chemicals in the manufacture of pesticides?
3. Wastewater / ETP:
• Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat the
wastewater discharges in the design?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
4. Solid waste:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid
waste/sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
• Has provision been made for the proper management of
solid waste (e.g. chemical residues and filtrates) and liquid
waste (e.g. spent solvents)
5. Air emissions: Are proper air pollution control device
included to tackle emissions during pesticide manufacturing,
formulating and packaging?
6. Fire / explosions: Have proper design provisions been
mode to prevent fire and explosion hazards that may arise
from solvent use, handling and storage?
7. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly the
effluent characteristics, proposed on a periodic/ regular

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk

If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

Sector - 3 (C). Chemicals – Pharmaceuticals:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the
pharmaceutical sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Orange B category. This is classified as life saving

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. 1. Hazardous chemicals: Have methods been included for
the sate storage and use of hazardous chemicals?
2. Wastewater / ETP:
• Is there an Effluent Treatment Plant (UP) to treat the
wastewater discharges in the design?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
3. Solid waste:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid
waste/sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
• Are there responsible methods to dispose off-specification
drugs / damaged Medicines?
4. Air emissions: Have methods to manage the hazardous air
pollutants (e.g. benzene and carbon tetrachloride and
toluene) and odorous compounds (e.g. mercaptans)?
5. Genetic resources: Have proper procedures been followed
If there is the use of particular genetic resources that have
threats to biodiversity?
6. Bioethics: Are good bioethics management approaches
been adopted if genetically modified foods or related new

~ xi ~
areas of work are involved?
7. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly of
the air emissions (stack and fugitive), proposed on a periodic
/ regular basis?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xii ~
Sector - 4. Engineering and Basic Metals:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the
engineering and basic metal sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Orange B category For engineering works up to

Tk.10,00,000 and re-rolling. And, this is Red category for engineering
works above Tk.10,00,000.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Air emissions: Have appropriate air pollution control
equipment at the emissions points and also exhaust
provisions in the various metal manufacturing processes?
2. Wastewater I ETP:
• Has an ETP for the cleaning and rinsing streams included in
the design?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
3· Solid wastes:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste
/sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
 Is proper management of the different types of solid
wastes been undertaken?
4. Noise: Are measures to control noise from the mechanical
equipment and physical activities?
5. Fire / explosions: Have proper design provisions been
made to prevent fire and explosion hazards that may arise
from operations?
6. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly of
the air emissions (stack and fugitive), proposed on a periodic
/ regular basis?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”

~ xiii ~
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xiv ~
Sector - 5. Housing:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the housing

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is not classified.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Sewage:
• Has a sewage treatment plant (STP) of a size appropriate
to the requirements been includedin the design? Is there a
Justification for the chosen size?
• Does the STP design ensure that there is no bypass
2. Dust: Does the proposed business activity have appropriate
measures to control the dust pollution during construction?
3. Noise: Are measures to control noise from the large
construction activities?
4. Debris: Are there measures to manage the construction
5. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly of
the air emissions and effluent discharges, proposed on a
periodic/regular basis?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xv ~
Sector - 6. Pulp & Paper:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the pulp and
paper sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Red category.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Wastewater / ETP:
• Has an ETP of a size appropriate to the requirements been
included in the design? Is there a justification for the chosen
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
2. Air emissions: Does the proposed business activity have
appropriate air pollution control equipment at the emissions
points, particularly the pulp processing and utilities?
3. Solid waste:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste /
sludge from the ETP been included in the design?
• Are there measures to manage the large quantities of solid
waste (though non-hazardous)?
4. Odour: Are measures for preventing and controlling odour
been planned?
5. Noise: Are measures to control noise from the large
mechanical equipment and physical activities?
6. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly of the
effluent's characteristics, proposed on a periodic / regular

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium

~ xvi ~
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xvii ~
Sector - 7. Sugar & Distilleries:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the sugar
and distilleries sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal Classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Red category.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Wastewater / ETP:
• Has an ETP of a size appropriate to the requirements been
included in the design? Is there a justification for the chosen
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
2. Solid wastes:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste/
sludge from the ETP been Included In the design?
• Have methods to store and dispose solid wastes (generated
from the treatment of raw material) been planned In the
3. Water: Are water consumption reduction approaches been
adopted to reduce the overall water intake?
4. Air emissions: Does the proposed business activity have
appropriate air pollution control equipment at the emissions
points, particularly the steam boilers?
S. Odour: Are measures for preventing and controlling odour
been planned?
6. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly of
the effluent's characteristics, proposed on a periodic / regular

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”

~ xviii ~
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xix ~
Sector - 8. Tannery:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the
tannery sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)”, and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Red category.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Hazardous chemicals: Does the business activity
include appropriate hazardous chemical management
methods in pretreatment, dyeing and other processes?
2. Wastewater / ETP:
• Does the proposed business activity have its own ETP?
• Does the ETP design ensure that there is no bypass
• If It Is to a Common ETP, is this in working order?
• Does the proposed business activity include a chrome
recovery unit in its design?
• Is the post ETP treated wastewater discharged into a water
body from where water is drawn for other applications?
3. Solid Wastes:
• Are there responsible methods to dispose the solid waste
/sludge from the ETP been Included in the design?
• Is the management of solid wastes properly planned
and methods of disposal
4. Odour: Are there methods to control the odour from
leader tanning as these constitute a nuisance to the
surrounding community?
5. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly
Chromium VI, proposed on a periodic / regular basis?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”

~ xx ~
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

Sector - 9. Textile and Apparels:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the textile

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)” and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Orange B category.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Hazardous Chemicals: Does the business activity
including appropriate hazardous chemicals management
methods in pre-treatment, dyeing and other processes?
2. Wastewater / ETP:
• Does the proposed business activity have an ETP?
• If business activity uses specific dyes (e.g. chrome dyes,
sulphur dyes or phenolic compounds) in dying process. Is
there a method to check the limits of particular compounds
in the effluent discharged?
• Has the ETP design ensured that there is no bypass
3. Solid Wastes: Is the management of solid wastes
properly planned and methods of disposal identified? The
wastes include trials, trimmings, cuttings of fabrics, spent
dyes, pigments, and printing pastes; and ETP sludge
containing mainly fibers and grease.
4. Air emissions: Are air pollution control devices planned
in the finishing processes such as coating and dyeing to
manage air emissions that may contain toxic compounds?
5. Fire and explosions: Have proper design provisions
been made to prevent fire and explosion hazards that may
arise from operations?
6. Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly

~ xxi ~
effluent characteristics proposed on a periodic basis?
7. Export requirements: If it is an export-oriented
business or part of the supply chain have all the buyer
environmental requirements been met?

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xxii ~
Sector - 10. Ship Breaking:

This checklist should be used for all proposals for financing in the ship
breaking sector.

Please complete a response to each of these questions as “Yes” or “ No”

or “Not Applicable (NA)” and determine the risk rating.

Legal classification:

As per ECR 1997, this is Orange B category.

Key issues and approaches:

Particulars Yes/No/
1. Certificate: Do the management methods include
obtaining a certificate from the exporting country?
2. Hazardous Chemicals: Does the business activity
include appropriate hazardous chemicals management
methods during sorting, storage and reuse?
3· Wastewater / ETP:
• Does the proposed business activity have an ETP in its
• Has the ETP design ensured that there is no bypass
4· Solid Wastes: Is the management of solid wastes
properly planned and methods of disposal identified?
5· Monitoring: Is environmental monitoring, particularly
effluent characteristics, proposed on a periodic / regular

Determining Risk Rating:

The italicized questions are the more important / critical ones. The risk
rating is determined as follows:

Criteria Risk
If answers to anyone of the italicized questions is "No" “High”
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" but 50% or “High”
more of the non italicized questions is “No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Medium
to more than 25% and less than 50% of the remaining ”
questions is "No"
If answers to all italicized questions is "yes" and if answers “Low”
to less than 25% of the remaining questions is “No”

~ xxiii ~

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