Math 5&6 Cot 3
Math 5&6 Cot 3
Math 5&6 Cot 3
F. Developing Solve the problems involving circumference Solve the problems involving area of circle
mastery(Leads to of a circle.
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Measure your head using string. Measure the Find the circle in our room. Measure it and solve for the area.
application of diameter and solve for the circumference.
concepts and
skills in daily
H. Making How do you measure circumference of a How did you find the area of the circle? How do you solve for a
generalizations circle using appropriate tools? circle’s area when radius is given?
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating A A.
Learning Activity sheets-Find the Circumference of the Activity sheets-Find the area of the different circle( be honest)
different circle Activity sheets-Solve the following problems involving area of circle
Activity sheets-Solve the following problems
involving circumference of a circle
J. Additional Find any circle at home. Measure the radius Find any circle at home. Measure the diameter and solve for the
Activities for and solve for the circumference area.
application or