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Grade 5 DLL Math 5 q3 Week 9

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The key takeaways are that the lesson covers measuring circumference, time, and using formulas to solve circumference problems. It provides learning objectives, competencies, teaching procedures and activities.

The objectives are to solve problems involving time, visualize circumference of a circle, measure circumference using tools, and derive the circumference formula. The learning competencies are listed on page 1.

The circumference of a circle can be measured using string, ruler, meter stick or tape measure. The formulas used are: C = πd or C = 2πr.

School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: MATH
Teaching Dates and
Time: January 9-13,2016 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 3RD Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES Measures the circumference of a circle
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of time Weekly Test
time and circumference. time and circumference. time and circumference. and circumference.

B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of time
time and circumference in time and circumference in time and circumference in and circumference in mathematical
mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and real- problems and real-life situations.
real-life situations. real-life situations. life situations.

C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives solves problems involving time. visualizes circumference of a measures circumference of a derives a formula in finding the
Write the LC code for each circle. circle using appropriate tools. circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IIIh-67 M5ME-IIIh-68 M5ME-IIIi-69

II. CONTENT Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Curriculum Guide Grade Five K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum, M5ME-
Math pp.63 Guide M5NS-IIIh-67 p. 63, M5NS-IIIh-68 p. 63, Lesson Guide IIIi-69, Lesson Guide - Gr.5 pp. 362 -
Surfing Internet :Website: Lesson Guide in in 366, Mathematics for a Better Life
Education World Elementary Mathematics Grade Elementary Mathematics Grade Textbook p. 242 - 243
5 pp. 362 5 pp. 362
Mathematics for a Better Life 5 Mathematics for a Better Life 5
pp.242-243 pp.242-243
Grade School Mathematics 5 Growing Up with Math 5 page
page 226 284

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Activity Sheet cut outs of circles, real objects circular covers of lids of cans, flash cards, charts, calculator, circular
Flash Card inside the classroom and at jars, real objects, coins, string, objects
home, compass. string tape
measure, ruler, meter stick
A. Reviewing previous Conduct a review about Identify the parts of a circle Have a review on visualizing Identify the parts of a circle (flash a
lesson or presenting the calculates times in the different (flash a model with parts circumference of a circle by model with parts numbered)
new lesson world time zones in relation to numbered) “Checking of Assignments”.
the Philippines
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solving Problems Involving Time Visualizes circumference of a Measures circumference of a Derives a formula in finding the
lesson circle circle using appropriate tools. circumference of a circle

C. Presenting Show a picture of a boy reading Sing this song about circles. Present this problem opener. Let the pupils sing a song, about
examples/instances of the in a study table. (Note: Teacher draws while circles like.
new lesson Talk about the boy show in the pupils sing) In the middle of the park, there is (Note: Teacher draws while pupils
picture. circular flower garden that has a sing)
Ask: What do you usually do as diameter of 10 meters. What is
a student before going to bed at the distance around the garden?
night? How do you manage
doing all the assignments. Ask: How can we protect the
Projects and other home garden in a park?
activities ? What is ask in the problem?
( Connect the value of proper What is/are given/s?
time management ) How will you answer the

question in the problem?

D. Discussing new concepts and Present this problem to the Present the problem under Cooperative Learning Present a situation to the class.
practicing new skills #1 class. Explore and Discover on page
Divide the class into four groups.
__, LM Math Grade 5.Have them Celso wants to find the distance
Jeffrey started his homework at read the problem Each group will have 3 different around their circular table. He
7:21 pm. measured its diameter to be 1.4 m.
sizes of jars or cans. See to it that
Jeffrey finished his homework a. Values Integration Can you help him?
at 8:40 pm. Ask: How can you show your each group will have all the
How much time did Jeffrey care and concern to santan Ask:
required materials for the
work in his homework? plants? What is the shape of the table?
What is ask in the problem? activity. How long is its diameter?
What is/are the given/s? What will you do to solve the
With a piece of string, measure
How will you answer the problem?
around each circle to find its
question in
the problem? Then, measure the string with
your ruler and enter the data in
the table.
Measure also the diameter and
enter the measure in the table.
Compare the measures of
diameter to each circumference.
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask: What did Jeffrey do ? At Divide the class into three Divide the class into groups. See to it
practicing new skills #2 what time did she start making Let the groups present their that each group has all the required
groups. See to it that each group
her homework? output one at a time. After all materials for the activity.
At what time did he finished ? has all the required materials groups have presented, ask “How
How do we solved the problem did you find the activity? How will Let the pupils measure the distance
Let the pupils draw a circle with
? you measure the circumference around the circular objects by winding
Is there a need to follow a a diameter of 2 meters of a circle? Does the the string on a tape around the
procedure ? circumference of the circle object. Let them also measure the
representing the circular
What are the usual steps we use increases as the diameter diameter of the object. Allow them to
to solve the problem ? garden.(See to it that pupils get increases? Is it easy to measure use a calculator to solve for c ÷ d or
the circumference of a circle? the ratio of the circumference to the
the correct measurement for
the diameter by letting them Let the pupils find the distance
around the circular garden. Note: For any circle, the ratio of the
trace the circular object on a
circumference to the diameter is
piece of manila paper and fold it 1 22
about 3 or or a number very
in half.) 7 7
close to 3.14.)
Place the string around the
Using a string with meter
markings on it, Count the
number of meter markings.
F. Developing mastery Group the pupils into four Discuss the presentation under How did you find the activity?
(Leads to Formative groups Let the groups present their Explore and Discover on page How were you able to find the answer
Assessment 3) Let the group work together to output one at a time. After all ___ of LM Math Grade 5 to the problem?
find the answers to the given groups have presented, ask Discuss with the pupils the formula in
problems with the following “How did you find the activity? getting the circumference of a circle.
guide questions: How many markings were
What is asked in the problem ? there? How were you able to
What are the given ? visualize the number of meters
What operation will be use ? Mrs. Alejandro planted with
What is the mathematical santan?”
sentence ?
How is the solution done ? Expected Answer:: We used
What is the answer to the string and wind it around the
problem ? circle.

G. Finding practical applications After all the groups have Discuss the other examples For extra practice, give exercises Ask pupils to answer A and B
of concepts and skills in daily presented, ask,” How did you under Get Moving on page ___ under Get Moving and Keep exercises under Get Moving, pages
living find the activity? How were you of LM Math Grade 5. Moving on pages __to __, LM ____ LM Math Grade 5. After the
able to find the answer ? What given time, check the pupils’ answers.
Math 5.
were the steps followed to Allow pupils to answer exercise A
come up with the answer ? For extra practice, give exercises under Keep Moving, page ___ LM
Encourage the pupils to check if under Keep Moving on pages Math Grade 5. Check the pupils’
their answers make sense by __to __, LM Math 5. answers.
checking their answer.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils give the Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to generalize as
abstractions about the lesson following generalization by following generalization by following generalization by follows:
asking : asking: How do you visualize asking: How do you measure the
How do we solve word The formula in finding the
circumference of a circle? circumference of a circle? What
problems involving time ? circumference of a circle are:
tools were use in measuring C = 3.14 x d or C = πd or
To visualize the circumference circumference of a circle?
To solve word problems C = 2πr
involving time, we follow the of a circle, we use string to wind
steps in solving word problems. around the circle and count the To measure the circumference of (The circumference is equal to π
Use the different ways to find number of markings on it with a circle, we can use string, ruler, times the diameter.)
the time such as subtracting / the help of its diameter.. meter stick or tape measure. (The circumference is equal to π
adding the time started from multiplied by twice the radius.)
time ended, using a number
line, and counting the minutes
or seconds from the time
started to the time ended.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the problem: A. Visualize the circumference of Measure the following objects (or Find the circumference of these
Carla left school at 3:15 pm. She the following circles with any available objects) inside the circles using π = 3.14.
walked to the school library to classroom using appropriate tools
1. d – 2.5 cm 2. d – 5 cm
work on her assignment .It took then, record the results in the 1. 6cm
15 minutes to walk to the 4. r - 1.5 cm
table. 2. 15cm
3. d – 6 cm
school library. Carla’s mother 3. 14cm
picked her up at the school 1.electric fan 4. 2m
library one hour after he 2. number wheel 5. 150 cm
arrived. What time did Carla’s 3. wall clock
mother pick her up ? ( 4:30 pm ) 4. speaker
5. jar
What time is 4 hours after 6:30
am ? ( 10:30 am ) a.

A plane landed in Cebu at 4:47

pm. It departed from Manila at
2:15 pm. How long did it take
the plane to fly from Manila to
Cebu ? ( 2 hours and 32 minutes

Irene had two exams today in

Mathematics and English . The
first exam lasted from 8:30 am
to 9:15 am. She had to wait 3
hours and 25 minutes from the
end of the last exam to the
beginning of the next exam.
What time did the second exam
begin ? ( 12:40 )

Trisha had a swimming lesson

after school. School let out at
2:55 pm and it took Trisha 15
minutes to walk to her lesson.
She made it just in time. After
the 1- hour lesson it took Trisha
20 minutes to walk home. What
time did she arrive home ?
( 4:30 pm )
J. Additional activities for Read and solve the problem Visualize the circumference of Measure 5 circle objects at home Using = 3.14, find the circumference:
application or remediation using number line using the appropriate tools and 1) d = 10 cm
the following:
record the results in the table. 2) r = 4.5 cm
Emily is driving to Cabuyao City. 1. plate 3) r = 6 m
She leaves at 5:50 am. She 4) d = 9 m
2. basin
arrives at 9:20 pm. How long did 5) d = 2.5 m
she drive for ? 3. water jag
4. cup
5. saucer
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

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