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Vision: Core Values

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Capitol University is committed to develop the youth into “Total Persons,” mature and responsible
individuals who are intellectually, professionally, and technically competent, imbued with desirable
attitudes, and steeped in moral and spiritual values, who will serve as catalyst for social transformation.



Capitol University strives to develop the “Total Person”, one who has a strong foundation of integrity,
courage, and moral virtue. CU prepares her students to be engaged catalysts of hope and change in
challenging times by developing their social consciousness and ethical leadership skills.


CU seeks to transform students into professionals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and
values necessary to enable them to respond to challenges and excel in the modern global arena.


CU’s Total Person is dedicated to excellence in all endeavors. CU ingrains among her students the value
of hard work and a sense of responsibility, not only for their personal duties but also their role in the
greater community. They know that the future of the country and the world rests in the work of their


CU cultivates excellence in the arts, letters and scholarly pursuits for the enrichment of the Filipino nation.
CU also fosters progressive and tolerant individuals who appreciate and respect diverse histories, beliefs,
and identities.

Care- CU engenders a culture of care characterized by showing concern, kindness, affection, and respect
for other people. This begins by molding compassionate individuals with a sincere appreciation of the
value of each person. Total Person development entails a balance between academic excellence and
emotional intelligence, thus CU nurtures the capacities for high performance and high care.


Sing and Pledge Loyal True Friends

Love, devotion and faith

CU renowned in many lands

Molds our future and our fate

Voices echo in unison,

All our hearts beat as one

Singing together the same song

Ever grateful for all you have done

Hail to thee our Alma Mater

Hail O hail!

We greet thee forevermore

We may cross the oceans

and the hills while we travel

But treasure you

from shore to shore.

CU pride of our nation

Sail on thy voyage calm and smooth

You are a dedication

Dedication to our youth!

Master in Business Management
Joram Allen S. Alatraca
Bachelor of Laws

Doctor of Management

Eleno O. Buray, Jr. Master in Business Management

Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Management

Jessa S. Cortez
Licensed Professional Teacher

Ralch Andreiy A. Cuaresma Master in Business Management

Sushmita C. Dalapo Bachelor of Laws

Doctor of Management
Lilia P. Duraliza
Master of Business Management

Atty. Alfred Lord Tennyson Q. Gaccion Bachelor of Laws

Fahra Jane E. Gorgod Master in Business Administration

Damian C. Lastimosa, III Master in Business Management

Master in Business Administration

Rolan F. Literatus
Certified Public Accountant

Doctor in Business Management

Heidi Grace P. Mendoza Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Administration

Doctor of Management

Master in Business Administration

Rowena R. Orbeta
Licensed Professional Teacher

Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Management

Ophelia G. Paano
Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Management

Frank Richard T. Paurom
Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Administration

Charliez Jane R. Soriano
Certified Public Accountant

Jeanlie C. Valenzuela Master in Business Administration

Cherry Marie G. Taguiam Master in Business Administration




· Doctor of Management

· Master in Business Administration

· Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

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