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Learning Modules in Geccom

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Zion Rose E. Parpa and Jesusa E. Pineda



To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by

GREEN stands for Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education
for Sustainable Development and Nation-building

Why 2030? CHMSC made a commitment to Education for Sustainable Development

(ESD) when it launched Greening CHMSC in 2012. Today, ESD is a key element of
the UN Sustainable Development Goals which is targeted to be achieved in 2030.
With Greening CHMSC, ESD and the SDGs closely linked together, CHMSC wants
itself to be relevant and responsive to the global challenges of a transformed world
and make a significant contribution by 2030.


We are a GREEN institution committed to empower the youth and life-long learners
who will contribute to nation building and global transformation through quality
instruction, inclusive and creative teaching-learning pedagogies, relevant research,
social innovation, dynamic partnership, and active civic engagement, in a conducive
and fulfilling environment for students, faculty, staff, and partners.

Core Values Core Attributes

Excellence Competent Worker

Compassion Compassionate Being
Environment Environmentally Responsible
Love of Country Nation-Builder
Service Engaged Citizen

Quality Policy

We commit to deliver quality higher education service in conformance with

established standards through competent Human Resource and Functional Systems
adherent to the principle of continual improvement for customers’ satisfaction.


Every communicative situation entails conveyance of a message that is

complete, concise, concrete, clear, courteous, and correct, and that considers a
recipient’s background and points of view. Hence, individuals who aspire to become
effective communicators must equip themselves with effective communication skills.
The learning modules packed together in Purposive Communication is an
overarching guide that focuses on the most important facets of purposive
communication. Featured in these learning modules are lessons and activities that are
well suited to your needs as students. Part One, Communication in a Globalized
World, delineates the rudiments of effective communication in a multicultural cultural
world. Part Two, Communicating with Purpose, acquaints you with specific forms of
a language, with levels of language formality, with technology-based communication
tools, and with the various types of speeches. Part Three, Communication for Work
Purposes, equips you with the communication skills that will make you employable
and with job application essentials.
To aid you in your pursuit to become effective communicators is the foremost
aim of this module. That being so, Purposive Communication uses the following
seven-step learning model:

1. Target
Objectives are set to guide the discussions and activities in this module.

2. Lead-in
Each lesson begins with a presentation of a topic and its importance.

3. Learning Aid
Key concepts are provided to enable you to become effective communicators.

4. Were You Engaged?

This section affords you with opportunities to convey the knowledge and skills
that you have acquired.

5. How Engaged Were You?
At the end of every module, an assessment of how much of the knowledge and
skills you have acquired is conducted.

6. Embellish Your Learning!

After an assessment, interactive activities are given to help you become more
engaged in your learning and retain more information.

7. Your Opinion Matters!

To solicit your opinions about the learning modules, a feedback survey is


The learning modules packed together in Purposive Communication are

designed to equip you with effective communication skills that may be relevant to
both the school and the workplace. It is expected that completing the learning
modules will take approximately 54 hours.
In each learning module, you must go through all of the components in the
order presented below.



Learning Aid

Were You Engaged?

How Engaged Were You?

Embellish Your Learning!

Your Opinion Matters!



I. Title

II. CHMSC Vision, Mission, Core Values, Core Attributes, and 1

Quality Policy

III. Preface 3

IV. How to Use the Module 5

V. Table of Contents 6

VI. Pretest 7

VII. Learning Module 1 10

VIII. Learning Module 2 36

IX. Learning Module 3 71

X. Post-Test 121

XI. References 125

XII. Appendices 129


Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: _______________

A. Box the letter that corresponds to your answer. (10 Points)

1. The Greek word communicares means to share or to make ideas common.
a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statements is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

2. Self-expression is the driving force for people to communicate.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

3. Globalization is purely economic in nature.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

4. Globalization does not require the development of a person’s language ability.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

5. Which of the following is not needed for people from other cultures to learn a
number of vocabulary words with specific meanings?
a. Interactions c. Relations
b. Dealings d. Detachment

6. Which of the following terms describes communities in which there is a deep

understanding and respect for all cultures?
a. multicultural c. intracultural
b. cross-cultural d. international

7. The society and media representations of gender inform and influence the people’s
understanding and expectations of the gender roles in the real world.
a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

8. __________ is one of the foundations of a person’s roots and development.

a. friends c. ancestry
b. neighborhood d. race

9. __________ is a specific set of linguistic terms or human speech pattern.

a. language ethics c. language varieties
b. language components d. language diversities

10.Why is printed text considered a multimodal text?

a. It involves communication complexities.
b. It involves various communication modalities.
c. It involves communication barriers.
d. It involves communication presentations.

B. Answer each of the following questions in 5 to 7 sentences. (15 Points each)

1. When can you say that communication is effective?


2. Why are the two concepts, namely: audience and purpose vital in purposive


3. How can purposive communication be applied in real life situations?



Time Allotment: 18 Hours (2 Weeks)

At the end of this learning

module, you will be able to: LEAD IN

1. Discuss the
communication Above and beyond all other
process; consideration, knowing the process,
2. Identify the principles principles, and ethics of
of communication; communication, understanding the
3 Apply the
concept of communication and
ethics of
globalization, and describing local and
global communication in multicultural
4. Demonstrate knowledge
settings are paramount.
on the concept
of communication and
globalization; ENGAGE
5. Identify communication
Misconception Check: Agree or Disagree?
challenges in a global
atmosphere; ____________
6. Discuss how globalization Communication is a one-way process.
affects world
7. Describe local and EXPLORE
global communication in
multicultural settings; What if you were asked to speak before an audience,
8. Discuss how diverse what would your speech be about?
culture affect global

Read the following lessons to be acquainted with the process, principles,
and ethics of communication.




Communication is ubiquitous. At any place, people will need to convey

messages for whatever purpose. It is therefore necessary to find out how
communication takes place, how to communicate effectively, and what values to hold
as communicators.


❖ Communication was derived from the Latin words con which means “with,”
munus which means “a business,” communis which means “common,” and
communico which means “to confer” or “to relate with one another” (Igoy et
al., 2004).
❖ In business and workplace situations, an effective communication is vital to a
company’s overall success.
❖ The importance of effective communication in the world of business and
personal life is an absolute must because it generally accounts for the
difference between success and failure or profit and loss.
❖ According to Sanchez (2017), effective communication is the most critical
component of total quality management.
❖ It has been proven that poor communication reduces quality, weakens
productivity, and eventually leads to anger and a lack of trust among
individuals within an organization.

The Communication Process

❖ Communication is a process of mutual interaction of people through sensory

➢ It is a two-way process which occurs in an orderly and systematic
sequence that involves giving and receiving ideas, feelings, and
attitudes between two or more persons and results in a response.
❖ The mode of communication may be oral, written, or visual.
❖ The communication process is the guide toward realizing effective
➢ It is through communication that the sharing of a common meaning
between the sender and the receiver takes place.
❖ Individuals who observe and follow the communication process will have the
opportunity to become productive in every aspect of their profession.

1. The communication process begins with the formulation of an idea by the sender
who may be a speaker or a writer.

2. The speaker or writer then encodes the message into a language to be transmitted
through audible, visible, or comprehensible symbols to the receiver, listener, or
➢ The goal of communication between a sender and a receiver is understanding
of the message being sent.
➢ Communication noise can influence the receiver’s interpretation of the
message and significantly affects her/his interaction with the sender.
➢ As the receiver receives the message, s/he decodes it and may verbally,
mentally, or physically respond to the sender.
➢ The response made by the receiver of the message is the feedback which may
be negative or positive.
• The positive feedback is accepted while the negative feedback is provided
with an adjustment.
• Therefore, the receiver of the original message changes its function- from
the receiver of the original message to the sender of the response to the
original message.
• The adjustment made by the sender of the original message should be
incorporated in the communication process and should reach the sender of
the feedback.
3. Finally, the communication process ends or temporarily stops when both
participants have reached their goal or are satisfied with their transaction.

The Components of the Communication Process:

1. Source 5. Feedback
2. Message 6. Environment
3. Channel 7. Context
4. Receiver 8. Interference (psychological, physical,
linguistic and cultural, and mechanical)

The Nine Principles of Effective Communication

Michael Osborn (2009) claims that communication must meet certain

standards for effective communication to take place, and these are the following:

1. Clarity 6. Creativity
2. Concreteness 7. Conciseness
3. Courtesy 8. Cultural Sensitivity
4. Correctness 9. Captivating
5. Consideration

Ethical Considerations in Communication

❖ Communication ethics deals with the behavior of an individual or a group that

is governed by their morals which, in turn, affect communication.
❖ Communication has broad ethical implications.
• In a fast-changing mode of communication, one should regard ethical
listening, avoiding plagiarism, presenting the right evidence, and
applying ethical standards to mass media and social media with
❖ The National Communication Association stipulates that “ethical
communication is fundamental to responsible thinking and decision making,
and to the development of relationships and communities within and across
contexts, cultures, channels, and media.”
❖ Ethical communication enhances human worth and dignity by fostering
truthfulness, fairness, responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for self
and others.
❖ Unethical communication threatens the quality of all communication and
consequently, the well-being of individuals and the society in which we live.

Principles of Ethical Communication or the Credo for Ethical Communication
endorsed by the National Communication Association:

1. Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of

2. Endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to
achieve the informed and responsible making fundamental to a civil society.
3. Strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and
responding to their messages.
4. Promote access to communication resources and opportunities as necessary to
fulfill human potential and contribute to the well-being of families, communities,
and society.
5. Promote communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect
the unique needs and characteristics of individual communicators.
6. Condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through
distortion, intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the expression of
intolerance and hatred.
7. Commit to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness
and justice.
8. Advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significance
choices while also respecting privacy and confidentiality.
9. Accept responsibility for the short- and long-term consequences of our own
communication and expect the same of others

Activity 1 ENGAGED?

Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Course/Year: _____________________ Score: _______________

A. The Communication Process (50 Points)

1. Illustrate the communication process through a graphic organizer. (50
2. See Appendix B for the graphic organizer rubric.

B. The Principles of Effective Communication (15 Points)


1. Cite a communicative situation where all of the 9 principles of effective

communication are present.
2. Use the space provided.
3. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.


C. The Principles of Ethical Communication (15 Points)
1. Cite a communicative situation where the first principle of ethical
communication is applied.
2. Use the space provided
3. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.




The growing interdependence of cultures across the globe has instigated a

need for effective communication. Each and every individual has realized that
understanding can be achieved only if the information conveyed abides by the
principles of effective communication.


❖ Globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across
borders (Gray, 2017).
❖ Globalization is an economic concept – the integration of markets, trade and
investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products and services
between nations (Gray, 2017).
❖ Globalization promotes the development and prevalence of digital
technologies that make communication faster and information more easily
❖ Globalization takes us to an understanding of transformation, advancement,
and interdependence.

❖ We are living in a globalized society where a great change and transformation
are evident in a variety of economic, cultural, and social changes that have
shaped the world over the years.
❖ Technology has been globalizing the world into a closely interconnected
➢ This global interdependence for people and cultures has become a
norm of life.
❖ Thompson (1995) acknowledged that the origins of globalization of
communication can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century. He
presented the following features of globalization:

1. The emergence of transnational communication conglomerates as key

players in the global system;
2. The social impact of new technologies, especially those associated with
satellite communication;
3. The asymmetric flow of information and communication products within
the global system; and
4. The variations and inequalities in terms of access to the global networks of

❖ Globalization requires the development of a person’s language ability.

➢ The ability to use language accurately and appropriately is a
requirement of a globalizing society.
❖ People should acquire knowledge and skills that account for “global
communication competence.”
➢ It is only through global communication competence that people from
different cultures are able to communicate effectively and

❖ Cooley and Roach (1984) defined communication competence as the

knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability
to use and adapt that knowledge to various contexts.

➢ Their definition can be unpacked into three parts: knowledge, ability to
use knowledge, and ability to adapt knowledge to various contexts.

• Knowledge – knowing how to do something and understanding

why things are done the way they are (Hargie, 2011)
• Ability to use – accounts differences in intellectual ability
o There are factors that help or hinder individuals when
they try to apply the knowledge they have learned to
actual communication behaviors.
• Ability to adapt knowledge to various contexts – what is
competent or not varies based on social and cultural contexts,
which makes it impossible to have only one standard for what
counts as communication competence (Cooley & Roach, 1984).
o Status, power, race, and nationality are social variables
that affect competence.
❖ In the global communication context, competence further requires individuals
to be equipped with the ability to acknowledge, respect, tolerate, and integrate
cultural differences to be qualified for enlightened global citizenship (Chen &
Starosta, 1997, 2003).
❖ People who are globally competent do not only acknowledge the importance
of knowledge and skills to face the changing environment but also regard a
new set of thinking and behavior that greatly considers cultural differences.


identified what students should do to become globally competent

1. State ideas clearly.

2. Communicate ethically.

3. Recognize when it is appropriate to communicate.

4. Identify communication goals.

5. Select the most appropriate and effective medium for communicating.

6. Demonstrate credibility.

7. Identify and manage misunderstandings.

8. Manage conflict.

9. Be open-minded about another’s point of view

10. Listen attentively.

Activity 2

Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ____________________ Score: _______________

1. Discuss the impact of globalization on communication in the society in not more
than 7 sentences.
2. Discuss the impact of globalization on communication in the world in not more
than 7 sentences.
3. Use the space provided.
4. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.

1. Impact of globalization on communication in the society (15Points)


2. Impact of globalization on communication in the world (15 Points)





Cultural differences do abound. Divergence in cultural practices can bring

about misunderstandings even in places where people speak the same language.
Therefore, knowing how to communicate in multicultural settings must be regarded as
the sine qua non of effective local and global communication.


❖ Intercultural communication refers to the interaction among people from

diverse cultures (Jandt, 1998).

Forms of Intercultural Communication (Jandt, 1998):

1. Interracial communication – communicating with people of different races

2. Interethnic communication – interacting with people of different ethnic
3. International communication – communicating between representatives
from different nations
4. Intracultural communication – interacting with members of the same racial
or ethnic group (co-culture)

❖ According to Gamble and Gamble (2008), communication styles among
cultures may be high-context communication or low-context communication.

A. High-context communication is a tradition-linked communication

system which adheres strongly to being indirect.

➢ High-context cultures often display the following tendencies as stated

in C.B. Halverson’s book titled Cultural Context Inventory.

1. Association
• Relationships build slowly and depend on trust.
• Productivity depends on relationships and on the group process.
• An individual’s identity is rooted in groups (family, culture,
• Social structure and authority are centralized.

2. Interaction
• Nonverbal elements such as voice tone, gestures, facial
expressions and eye movements are significant.
• Verbal messages are indirect, and communication is seen as an
art form or way of engaging someone.
• Disagreement is personalized, and a person is sensitive to
conflict expressed in someone else’s nonverbal communication.

3. Territoriality
• Space is communal. People stand close to each other and share
the same space.

4. Temporality
• Everything has its own time, and time is not easily scheduled.
• Change is slow, and time is a process that belongs to others and

5. Learning
• Multiple sources of information are used.
• Thinking proceeds from general to specific.
• Learning occurs by observing others as they model or
demonstrate and then practice.
• Groups are preferred, and accuracy is valued.

❖ Asian, African, Arab, central European and Latin American cultures are
generally considered to be high-context cultures.

B. Low-context communication is a system that works on straightforward


➢ Low-context cultures often display the following tendencies as stated

in C.B. Halverson’s book titled Cultural Context Inventory.

1. Association
• Relationships begin and end quickly.
• Productivity depends on procedures and paying attention to the
• The identity of individuals is rooted in themselves and their
• Social structure is decentralized.

2. Interaction
• Nonverbal elements are not significant.
• Verbal messages are explicit, and communication is seen as a
way of exchanging information, ideas and opinions.
• Disagreement is depersonalized; the focus is on rational (not
personal) solutions.
• An individual can be explicit about another person’s
bothersome behavior.

3. Territoriality
• Space is compartmentalized. Privacy is important, so people
stand farther apart.

4. Temporality
• Events and tasks are scheduled and to be done at particular
• Change is fast, and time is a commodity to be spent or saved.
• One’s time is one’s own.

5. Learning
• One source of information is used. Thinking proceeds from
specific to general.
• Learning occurs by following the explicit directions and
explanations of others.
• Individual orientation is preferred, and speed is valued.

❖ Cultures with western European roots, such as the United States and Australia,
are generally considered to be low-context cultures.

Socio-Cultural Aspects of Communication

❖ Culture and communication are inseparable.

❖ Anyone involved in communication has his/her own identity and culture
which influences his/her communication.
❖ Communication becomes successful when the people involved are sensitive to
the socio-cultural aspects of communication.
❖ The following socio-cultural aspects are considered among components of an
intercultural event (Dapat, et al, 2016).

1. Cultural identity
➢ refers to the membership and acceptance into a larger cultural group
that shares a system of tradition, norms, and values

➢ involves the people’s standards of appropriate and inappropriate

2. Gender Role
➢ is not necessarily limited to male and female
➢ In some cultures, dresses and skirts are proudly worn by men.
➢ Women in other cultures are not only seen nursing children at home
but also run a country or lead a nation.
➢ The society and media representations of gender inform and influence
the people’s understanding and expectations of the gender roles in the
real world.
➢ Like culture, communicators must respect and accept the gender
preference of each human being.

3. Age Identity
➢ refers to how people feel and think about themselves as they age
➢ Not all children are innocent and childish, even adults are not at all
matured and responsible.
➢ Age identity can influence one’s self-image, personality, language use,
attitudes, and communication with others.
➢ Hence, communicators must be oriented to the age identity of the
person with whom they interact so they can convey appropriate

4. Social Class
➢ is the rank assigned by the society to its members according to their
income, titles, possessions, etc.
➢ People’s perception of another’s social class affects the way they
➢ The social class of one’s culture may not apply to another culture.
• Generally speaking, the higher classes enjoy more privileged
roles, and the lower classes are assigned manual labor.
➢ Regardless of one’s social class, people should communicate with each
other in ways that they find acceptable.
5. Religious identity
➢ refers to the active or inactive membership of a person to a certain
religious organization
➢ Some see themselves as members of various religious groups.
➢ Either way, their religious beliefs, values and worldviews are
associated with their way of life.
➢ Religion is very sacred and important to anyone (or perhaps to
➢ Hence, religious issues and prejudices should be handled properly and

The following are common forms of body language in multicultural


1. Shaking hands
❖ Philippines and America – the cultural gesture of shaking hands upon greeting
is considered the norm when doing person-to-person introduction.
❖ Saudi Arabia – one can shake a man’s hand after meeting him but s/he cannot
shake a woman’s hand at all in greeting

2. A-OK sign
❖ America and England - the OK hand gesture is quite popular and considered a
general gesture that denotes an agreement of sentiment
❖ Brazil - the OK hand gesture is equivalent of using the middle finger
❖ Latin American countries (Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba,
Bolivia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Paraguay, El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Guadeloupe,
Martinique, French Guiana, Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy) Austria, and
France - the OK hand gesture is taken as an insult

3. Thumbs-Up
❖ America, England, Philippines - the Thumbs-Up gesture can be equivalent to
the OK gesture

❖ Americas excluding the United States (Northern America—the northern
region of the North American continent, comprising Canada, the United
States, Greenland, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, and Bermuda. Latin America
and the Caribbean: Central America—the countries south of the United States
and north of Colombia - Thumbs-Up is a horrible idea (using this gesture can
be denoted as a sexual insult, and correlates to the middle finger meaning in
the United States).

4. Sitting with crossed legs

❖ North America and European countries – sitting with crossed legs is common
❖ Asia and Middle East – sitting with crossed legs is disrespectful

5. Eye contact
❖ Philippines – eye contact is considered a positive aspect of body language
❖ Spain and the Arabic culture (among people of the same sex) – eye contact is
also common

6. Nodding the head

❖ Philippines – nodding the head up and down means agreement or approval
while nodding the head from side to side means the reverse
❖ Bulgaria and Greece – nodding up and down indicates a negative response

7. Tugging the earlobes

❖ Portugal – tugging earlobes is done to indicate tasty food
❖ Spain – tugging earlobes is done to signify that someone is not paying her/his
❖ Italy – tugging earlobes is done to insinuate sexual innuendos

8. Pointing using the lips

❖ Philippines, Native America, Puerto Rico, and many Latin American cultures
– people use their lips to point, instead of a finger

9. Broad arm movement
❖ Italy and United States of America – waving arms around when talking is
❖ Northern Europe – gesturing with the arms is difficult to tolerate for it is
associated with insincerity and over dramatization
❖ Japan – gesturing with broad arm movements is considered impolite

Cultural Barriers to Communication in Multicultural Settings (Penn, 2017):

1. Language barrier 3. Behavior differences

2. Hostile stereotypes 4. Emotional display

Ways to Improve Intercultural Communication Competence:

1. Recognize the validity and differences of communication styles among people.

2. Learn to eliminate personal biases and prejudices.
3. Strive to acquire communication skills necessary in a multicultural world.

Activity 3

Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ____________________ Score: _______________

1. Answer each of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences.
2. Use the space provided.
3. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.
1. Challenges in communication in multicultural settings abound. How are you going
to deal with those challenges? What communication strategies are you going to
employ? (15 Points)

2. In what way can diverse cultures affect communication? (15 Points)




Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

Program/Year/Section: ____________________ Score: _____________


1. Answer each of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences or write 5 to 7-

sentence essays.
2. Use the space provided.
3. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.
1. When can you say that the process of communication in a communicative situation
is complete? (15 Points)

2. How can abiding by the principles of effective communication contribute to

successful communication? (15 Points)

3. What will happen if the principles of ethical communication are violated? (15


4. Why is being able to communicate effectively in a globalized world important? (15


5. Give and explain 1 communicative situation in which cultural differences are not
respected. (15 Points)

6. Why must the components of an intercultural event be considered when



Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: _______________

Instructions: (15 Points)

1. In relation to communication, describe the following picture in 3 to 5 sentences.
2. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.



Time Allotment; 18 Hours (2 Weeks)

At the end of this

learning module, LEAD IN
you will be able to:
Let‘s start off this learning module with an
1. Discuss the unequivocal reminder: COMMUNICATING IS
importance of FUN!
To some, finding the right words to say when
the varieties of
communicating with people from different walks of
English in both
life requires strenuous effort. However, when you get
oral and written
acquainted with the purposes of communication and
2. Demonstrate
communication strategies, you will discover that

knowledge about communicating is indeed an exciting activity.

the concept of
registers of

English in spoken One Word Splash:

and written
language; What one word can you associate
3. Identify and use
with the term COMMUNICATING?
strategies for
communication: EXPLORE
4. Present ideas What if you were tasked to communicate with someone
effectively using from a different country, how will you start your
various types of
speeches. _______________________________________________

Read the following lessons to be able to muster up the confidence to
engage in cross-cultural communication in varied communicative




Learning the varieties of English and different kinds of spoken and written
registers of a language will, indubitably, capacitate each and every person to become
an effective sender and receiver of messages.

Varieties of English

❖ World Englishes actually stands for the localized varieties of English as they
are used or spoken in certain areas.

❖ The concept of World Englishes was introduced by Braj Kachru.
❖ Kachru is known for the “Three Concentric Circles of Asian Englishes,” to

➢ Inner Circle with ENL (English as a Native Language) member

• USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand belong to the
Inner Circle

➢ Outer Circle with ESL (English as a second language) member

• Malaysia, the Philippines, and Pakistan belong to the Outer
➢ Expanding Circle with EFL (English as a foreign language) member
• Expanding Circle is composed of countries such as China,
Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand.

❖ Aside from the fact that the Outer and Expanding Circles are ESL- and
EFL-speaking, respectively, they have been colonized by some member
countries in the Inner Circle, making the varieties they speak as post-colonial.

❖ It is then to be understood that people have different linguistic and

cultural backgrounds, making intercultural communication a significant
variable in communication.

The expanding Circle e.g.

China Caribbean Countries

Three Concentric Circles of EnglishEgypt
Indonesia Israel Japan

Korea Nepal Saudi Arabia

South Africa South America Taiwan

CIS Zimbabwe

The Outer Circle e. g.

Bangladesh Ghana India

Kenya Malaysia Nigeria

Pakistan Philippines Singapore

Sri Lanka Tanzania Zambia

The Inner Circle

USA UK Canada

Australia New Zealand

Three Concentric Circles of English

❖ As regards structural variation, Kachru and Nelson (2006) claimed that the
varieties of English are influenced by the local languages(s) in various areas of
their grammars and exhibit specific phonological, lexical, syntactic, and
discoursal characterictics.
➢ For instance, in terms of stress and rhythm, Outer and Expanding
Circle varieties observe syllable-timed rhythm rather than stress-timed
• Nigerians say ‘success for suc’ess and Indians and Nigerians
say recog’nize for ‘recognize.
➢ Moreover, speakers from the outer and Expanding Circles do not make
any changes in their pronunciation to make a distinction between
nouns and verbs in pairs which Inner Circle countries observe as in the

case of ‘import and im’port and do not utilize contrastive stress for
focusing (Bambose, 1992 & Gumperz, 1982a, 1982b, as cited in
Kachru & Nelson, 2006).
❖ As regards sounds, Outer and Expanding Circles do not observe initial
aspiration of voiceless plosives such as p, t, k and these are often perceived by
Inner Circle countries as b, d, g.
➢ Some speakers of Expanding Circle varieties, as in the case of Japanese
speakers, do not properly distinguish between r and l.
➢ According to Pope (1976), as cited in Kachru and Nelson, 2006), in case
of syntactic features, question-answering systems differ between Inner
and Outer-Expanding Circles.
• While the former observes the positive-negative system where
the answer follows the polarity of the question (i. e., If the
question is in the positive, the answer confirming the
assumption of the questioner is in the positive, and the answer
disconfirming the assumption is in the negative).
• If, however, the question is in the negative, the answer
confirming the assumption of the questioner is in the negative
as well, while the answer disconfirming the assumption of the
questioner is in the positive), the latter observes the agreement-
disagreement system which poses difficulty to speakers who
follow the positive-negative system particularly in interpreting
the yes or no of the response unless it is followed by a
clarification (i. e., Yes, I think you’re right; No, that’s not so)
(p. 45).
❖ With respect to lexicon, vocabulary words peculiar only to some English
varieties in Southeast Asia can be noted as seen in the following examples:

1. Singapore English :
➢ actsy -show off
➢ missy –nurse
➢ chop-rubber stamp

➢ Marin kids- youngsters who spend their leisure time at or around
Marina Square, a shopping center
➢ graduate mothers-graduate (well-educated) married women,
encouraged to have more children and accorded certain privileges in
Singapore,’ as compared to non-graduate mothers (Pakir, 1992, as
cited in Kachru and Nelson, 2006);

2. Philippine English:
➢ deep - puristic or hand to understand ‘ as an attribute of language
➢ stick –cigarette
➢ high blood -tense or upset
➢ blow out -treating someone with a snack or mea
➢ motel -a hotel used for pre-marital or extra-marital affairs
➢ manualized-to prepare manuals
➢ go ahead -leave before others with host’s permission
➢ studentry -student body
➢ Amboy- a Filipino perceived to be too pro-American
➢ promdi - from the province
➢ behest loan -unguaranteed bank loan given to presidential cronies
➢ pulot boy- boy who pick us balls in a game
➢ balikbayan box- ‘a box where Filipinos returning from abroad put all
their shopping,’ among others (Bautista, 1997, as cited in Kachru
&Nelson, 2006); and
3. Malaysian English:
➢ antilog -a male hated by a girl
➢ popcorn - a loquacious person
➢ kachang -peanuts, easy
➢ slambar – rela
➢ red spot ‘ open shelf - girls who are popular and those who are not
➢ day bugs- those who come to attend school but do not live in residence
halls’ Said &Ng, 2000, as cited in Kachru &Nelson, 2006).

❖ When Bautista’s monograph on defining Standard Philippine English: Its
Status and Grammatical Features came out in 2000, she answered the usual
question asked about Philippine English: Is there a Standard Philippine English?
➢ She stressed that just like any other new variety of English (Indian
English, Singaporean English, and Nigerian English), Philippine English is
legitimate, having its own grammatical, lexical, and syntactic features.

❖ Gonzales (1985, as cited in Bautista, 2000) identified the following lexical

features in Philippine English (p. 76):

1. Preference for specific words and collocations specifically shall, could,

such, wherein, of (to signal possession);

2. Unusual words and collocations, specific terms, and word combinations

which may have been originally confused with other collocations but
which, because of frequent use, have become fixed combination in their
own right, (e.i., results to instead of results in); and

3. Unusual prepositional usage, including omission of prepositions in two-

word verbs, addition of prepositions to verb phrases, local use of different
prepositions in noun phrases following certain verbs and adjectives.

❖ The syntactic features identified include the following:

1. Word-order features, consisting of the placement of the time adverb before

the place adverb, placement of the adverb between verb and object,
placement of the adverb between noun and prepositional phrase,
placement of the indirect object introduced by to between verb and direct
object, and other unusual adverb placements;
2. Use of articles, including absence of the indefinite article, usual use of the
definite articles, absence of the indefinite article;

3. Noun-categorization, consisting of the non-pluralization of count nous, the
reclassification of General American English (GAE), mass nouns as count
nouns, mass noun pluralization, pluralization of adjectival nouns in
4. Pronoun antecedent incongruence;
5. Subject-predicate incongruence;
6. Reclassification of GAE transitive verbs as intransitive verbs; and
7. Tense-aspect usage consisting of unusual use of verb forms and tenses, use
of the perfect tense where the simple past tense or even present perfect tense
is called for in GAE, lack of tense sequence.

❖ As for the question “When does an error become a feature of Philippine

English?,“ Gonzales has this to say:

When do these errors cease to be errors and become part of the standard? If
enough educated elites in the society ‘commit’ these errors, then these errors in effect
have been accepted by the society as the standard (p. 189).

❖ The foregoing discussion only shows how dynamic English is.

❖ These are only some of the essential features of some varieties of English
which should be given full attention by users coming from different cultures.
❖ From the variety of English used by the native speaker, such as British,
Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders, English has evolved
into post-colonial varieties and should not be mistaken as errors most
especially if they have become the standard in the speech community and
have been codified.
❖ As the poet Gemino Abad (1997, p. 8) aptly put it: English is ours. We have
colonized it too.

❖ We need to be aware of and recognize intercultural communication as we

need to be sensitive to the people around us who belong to different
cultural heritages and who have their own linguistic identity.
❖ Being able to deal with people from diverse cultures will enable us to avoid
misunderstanding and communication breakdown, and to overcome language
barriers with less difficulty since you are exposed to their own language
❖ This way, we will be able to enhance our personal and social interactions.

Language Registers/Registers of English

❖ When it comes to language variation, the terms genre, register, and style are
often encountered.
❖ David Crystal (2008) defines registers as “a variety of language defined
according to its use in social situations e. g. a register of scientific, religious,
formal English (p. 409).
❖ In Hallidayan linguistics, the term is seen as specifically opposed to varieties
of language defined according to the characteristics of the users (viz. their
regional or class dialect), and is given a subclassification into field, mode and
manner of discourse (p.409).

CRYSTAL (1964) further discusses style and register:

❖ Language, being the product of interaction among the members of society,

must ultimately be studied according to the social context in which it is found.
❖ Within a language, there are variations in style and register, which
differentiate and formally characterize distinct social situations.
❖ Style refers to the degree of formality attached to particular interpersonal
social situation which is reflected by differences in language-for example, the
kind of language used while talking to a friend will differ noticeably from that
used in addressing a superior, in otherwise the same situation.
❖ Register refers to a kind of language whose forms are of a deniable social
situation, regardless of the status of the participants-thus one finds the register
of legal language, liturgical language, and so on (p. 149).
❖ It is to be noted that genre and register overlap and are sometimes used
❖ According to Lee (2001), whereas genre is associated more with the
organization of culture, register is associated with the organization situation.
❖ To this end, register is understood as the context-specific variety of language
to which the field-mode-tenor framework is important.
➢ To give a concrete example, with the genre of recipe, field may
analyzed in terms of the social setting and the communicative purpose
in which the text is produced.
➢ Tenor may be described in terms of the role/s required of the writers
and readers including the cultural values shared by both.
➢ Mode could be explained in light of the knowledge of other texts
required of speakers/listeners and writers/readers as regards the genre
including the formal text features.
❖ Language register then refers to the formality of the language which one
speaks. Different registers are used in different situations.
❖ It is through register that one is able to determine the kind of lexicon or
vocabulary to use as well as the kind of structure to be use.
❖ Even in writing, one may use a formal or informal register.
❖ In some instances, even a neutral language is identified.
❖ The formal register then is used in formal speaking and writing situations.
❖ In a state of the nation address classified as a formal communicative situation,
the speech is usually delivered using a highly-polished language, read from a
➢ This is certainly allowed since the president occupying the highest
position in the country could not afford to make mistakes.
❖ On the contrary, a priest delivering a homily, more often than not, speaks
extemporaneously and uses ordinary language.
➢ This is so since the audience is composed of various audiences coming
from different walks of life.
➢ The priest should be able to convey his special message to the listeners
without difficulty of comprehension on their part.
➢ The priest should be able to touch the very core of the listeners’ hearts
so that they live the preachings they hear.
❖ The formal register is likewise appropriate for use in professional writing like
project proposal, position papers, and business letters as in the case of writing
to a superior or to a head of a certain organization.
➢ It is more impersonal, objective, and factual.
❖ Informal register, which is more casual in tone, is appropriate for people with
whom you have established a more personal relationship as in the case of
friends and relatives.
➢ This type of writing may sometimes be emotional as an intimate
relationship exists between the speaker and listener or writer and
❖ Earlier in the discussion, it was mentioned that register refers to the kind of
language whereby the forms used define the social situation, notwithstanding
the status of the interlocutors.
❖ Thus, legalese or legal language is highly characterized by archaic
expressions, technical jargon intrinsic only to the community of legal
professionals, embedded structures, nominalizations, passive voice, as well as
long, kilometric sentences which are not the features of textese or language of
❖ Conversely, the features of SMS language or textese language, are exactly the
opposite-use of abbreviations, acronyms, slang words, and expressions.
➢ This is so since messages used to be limited to certain number of
characters/spaces which made texting much easier and quicker.
➢ However, misinterpretation and/or miscommunication in text
messaging may arise if vocabulary and knowledge of context are
➢ Hence, extra care should be practiced when comprehending text


Activity 1

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Program/Year/Section: ___________________ Score: ________________

1. Look for English news on television or on the internet delivered by a Filipino
newscaster and a Singaporean newscaster.
2. Cite your sources.
3. In 5 to 7 sentences, write the differences that you were able to discern in the
ways the two newscasters spoke English and used English. (15 Points)



The advent of technology has enabled humans to communicate any time.

Messaging platforms and social media platforms have been made available for people
to keep in touch with family members and friends who live in different parts of the
world. Moreover, acquaintances and friendships have been forged among people who
have come to know each other only through online platforms.


❖ It is inevitable that teachers and students use technology as an avenue for

❖ They use the computer to learn modern ideas and updated researches.
❖ Nowadays, technological innovation shapes the future of learners.
❖ Communicating with a purpose requires effective use of technology that
continues beyond the classroom.
❖ Knowledge and awareness of the various technology-based communication
aids and strategies can lead to students’ development for life-long learning and
for the workplace.

Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools and Technology

1. Print Media
❖ is considered one of the oldest forms of instructional media used in the
❖ is used to inform, instruct, and motivate readers, and may come in the
form of worksheets, activity sheets, textbooks, and modules
➢ Likewise, training materials include handouts, and manuals
while printed information materials may include brochures,
newspapers, newsletters, journals, and magazines.

2. Visuals and Visual Media

❖ Visuals refer to anything like pictures that are used to make
communication interesting to an audience.
❖ Visuals help convey messages more clearly and more appealing to the
❖ Visual media pertains to images, pictures, and graphic organizers.
❖ Readers or listeners need to acquire visual literacy (the ability to
interpret images).
❖ We acquire visual literacy if are endowed with interpreting skills, can
understand and appreciate the meanings of visual messages, can
communicate more effectively with the use of visual designs, can
produce visual messages using the computer and other technology
devices, and can use visual thinking to conceptualize problem
solutions at hand.
❖ Visuals may be categorized as the following: realistic visuals,
mnemonic visuals, analogical visuals, organizational visuals,
transformational visuals, interpretive visuals, and decorative visuals.

3. Graphics, Tables, and Charts

❖ are visual representations of numerical data
❖ may be used to illustrate relationships among units and trends of data

❖ may be used to present statistical results that are used to compare and
contrast, or present an eye-view of the whole information
❖ Graphs may be of different types as bar graph, pictograph, pie graph,
and line graph.
❖ Tables and charts may also be used for graphic communication.

4. Project Visuals
❖ The most recent project visual nowadays is the Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) Projector.

5. Smart Television
❖ is the most recent device used inside the classroom for audio-lingual
6. Digital Audio
❖ Digital audio files come in different formats as wave (.wav) files and
MPEG Layer-3 (.mp3) files.
❖ Other audio formats are Windows media Audio (.wma), Real Audio
(.ra, .ram) or Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI).
❖ Digital files are kept in digital storage as CD, computer hard drive,
flash drive, or digital recorder.
❖ Computers are digital devices.
❖ Audio files can be accessed through streaming audio, podcasting,
internet radio, and digital players.
➢ Streaming audio is a method where audio signals are delivered
to a computer via the Internet. It lets one hear the sound in
his/her computer. Among the most popular websites with
audio streaming are Spotify and Rhapsody.
➢ Podcast (Origin: Pod and Broadcasting) audio files are recorded
in MP3 format and are distributed on the internet. TEDtalks
and are among the many websites that provide
➢ Internet Radio: Wi-Fi Radios provide access to thousands of
internet radio stations.

➢ Digital Players: These are mobile digital media players;
portable electronic gadgets used to store and play audio files.

7. Video
❖ is a series of images that, when combined, will form moving visual
❖ Youtube and Vodcasts are video websites.

8. Video Conferencing
❖ can be used to give lectures and seminars to students who cannot be
present during the lecture.
➢ Skype is a program or an application used to communicate with
other people using webcams.

9. Email
❖ is the opposite of “snailmail”
❖ Electronic mail may be used to send messages through email websites
such as and

10. Multi-modal Texts

❖ “Multi-modal as defined in the Australian Curriculum is the strategic
use of two or more communication modes to make meaning as image,
gesture, music, spoken language, and written language” (O’Brien,
➢ A multi-modal text can be paper- such as books, comics, and
➢ A multi-modal text can be digital-from slide presentations, e-
books, blogs, e-posters, web pages, and social media, through
animation, film, and video games.
➢ A multimodal text can be live- a performance or an event.
➢ According to Jenkins (2011), a multi-modal text can also be
transmedia; that is where the story is told using “multiple
delivery channels” through a combination of media platforms

as book, comic, magazine, film, web series, video game
mediums-working together to form part of the same story.


Activity 2

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________

Program/Year/Section: ________________ Score: ___________________

1. Answer the following question in 5 to 7 sentences.
2. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.

How can tools of technology aid in effective communication? (15 Points)



Communicating effectively with a purpose will have desirable results indeed.

If you know your reasons for sharing ideas or conveying information, you will be able
to deliver understandable messages every time you communicate.

General Principles of Communication

❖ Since communication is a two-way process, it is important that you

know the principles to be observed to make it effective.
❖ For both oral and written communication, you should be able to apply
the following principles:

1. Know your purpose in communicating.

➢ Are you communicating basically to inform, to entertain, or to
➢ While you may have more than one purpose, there is still a
more dominant objective or reason why you communicate.

2. Know your audience.

➢ In both speaking and writing, you should know your audience
as they will dictate the speaking or writing style you are going
to employ.
➢ Consider age, educational background, profession, culture, and
other salient features of your listeners or readers.

3. Know your topic.
➢ You communicate essentially because you want to share
➢ In speaking situations, speakers are invited because they have
something to share.
➢ This also applies to writing.
➢ You write because you wish that other people learn something
from you.
➢ You may then utilize several or multiple communication
techniques to easily catch the attention of the audience.

4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation.

➢ The environment in which your speech or writing is to be
delivered will determine the kind of language you will use.

5. Work on the feedback given to you.

➢ Work on the comments you receive from your listeners/readers
at once.
➢ Take criticisms positively.
➢ In the long run, constructive criticisms will prove beneficial to
you as you learn to address them.

Principles of Effective Oral Communication:

1. Be clear with your purpose. You should know by heart your objective in
2. Be complete with the message you deliver. Make sure that your claims are
supported by facts and essential information.
3. Be concise. You do not need to be verbose or wordy with your statements.
Brevity is a must.
4. Be natural with your delivery. Punctuate important words with the appropriate
gestures and movements. Exude a certain degree of confidence even if you do not
feel confident enough.
5. Be specific and timely with your feedback. Inputs are most helpful when provided
on time.

Types of Speeches:

1. Expository/Informative Speech needs data to impart, and explains an idea, a

process, or an object.

❖ Facts must be presented in a clear, organized way.

❖ Also, in informative speech, technical language may be used to more
accurately describe the topic.

2. Persuasive Speech is a discourse designed to move people to do or not to do.

❖ It tries to convince audience to accept a particular view point or to take a

certain action.
❖ Persuasion, according to communication scholars, is:
➢ a communication process in which the communicator seeks to elicit a
desired response from his receiver (Anderson, 1971, p. 6);
➢ a conscientious attempt by an individual to change the attitudes,
beliefs, or behavior of another individual or group of individuals
through the transmission of some messages (Bettinghaus & Cody,
1987, p. 3).
➢ a symbolic activity whose purpose is to effect the internalization or
voluntary acceptance of new cognitive states or patterns of overt
behavior through the exchange of messages (Smith, 1982, p. 7).
➢ a successful effort at influencing another’s mental state through
communication in a circumstance in which the persuade has some
measure of freedom ( O‘Keefe, 1990 , p. 17).

3. Entertaining Speech is spoken both in standard and informal language, offers the
audience an enjoyable experience.
➢ Entertaining passages may be included in the other kinds of speeches
to offer variety or to provide emphasis.
4. Extemporaneous Speech is an informal speech given to suit an occasion, event, or
audience, and does not rely on a prepared manuscript but on the speaker’s
knowledge and ability to improvise.

Consider the following so you can render an effective speech and be a good public

1. Audience
❖ Know the profile of your listeners.
❖ It is important that you know who will listen to you- their age, gender,
educational background, religion, economic status, and interests.
❖ Also, know how much the audience knows about the topic. That way, you can
avoid discussing points that would run contrary to their beliefs and practices
and thus prevent miscommunication and misunderstanding.
❖ Further, you can introduce new things for them to learn and not simply
repeat things that they may have already learned from previous speakers.
❖ Know how to read the posture and gestures of your audience members as well
as these will signal to you what kind of an audience they are.
❖ Be ready to face different kinds of audiences as there may be some who are
questioners, hecklers, disrupters, hostile, or unresponsive/bored audience.
❖ Know how to deal with any unpleasant incident or conflict with your audience
and always stay in control of the situation.

2. Logistics
❖ It is something basic or essential for every speaker to know who is organizing
the event.
❖ Know who will be introducing you and who will be speaking before and after
you. That way, you will be able to tie up the earlier presentation with your
own resulting in a more coherent presentation.
❖ You may give the audience an idea as to what the next talk is going to be.

2.1. Venue
➢ The venue is equally important.
➢ Locate the lights and if you have movable visual aids, and know where
to position them.
➢ As a speaker, you should know also how to position yourself and how
you should move in front to get the attention of the listeners.
➢ Remember to work on your posture and avoid bad habits when
➢ Do not block the view of your visual aids as you present them.
➢ Employ a balanced posture by not standing on one leg only.
➢ Do not lean on any object that will give support tour weight.
➢ These postures give the impression that you lack confidence and

2.2. Facilities
➢ Ask beforehand about the pieces of equipment available for you.
➢ These facilities should match the presentation aids that you will use.
➢ If there is no available projector, find a way to have one especially if
your visual aids are highly complex.
➢ Know how to troubleshoot electrical problems or technical glitches.

3. Content of report/speech/lecture
❖ Since you have been invited as a speaker, the organizers must have sought you
because of your reputation as an effective speaker.
❖ If the purpose of the event is to inform just like in a convention, conference, or
a training-seminar, it is expected that you are able to contribute new
❖ If the purpose is to entertain, your speech should be lighthearted, amusing, and
lively. If the purpose is to persuade, your presentation should sound
convincing enough.
❖ Note, however, that any communicative event may have more than one
purpose but there is always a more dominant one.

So how do you prepare for the big event? The following are some tips for you:

1. Read a lot.
❖ Research on the topic assigned to you.
❖ With the fast-changing times, it is certain that there are new developments that
have occurred in the field.
❖ As a speaker, you should be kept abreast of these new developments by
reading a lot.

2. Prepare your oral presentation with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

❖ The following are the different techniques to open and close your presentation:
(a) using a startling or shocking statement; (b) beginning with a question; (c)
using a quotation; (d) narrating an anecdote or a story; (e) singing a line from
a song; (f) presenting statistics.
❖ The strategy you will employ should match the topic that you will present. For
example, you cannot sing a happy song if the topic has something to do with a
tragic event.
❖ Remember that your introduction and concluding parts will leave a lasting
impression on your audience.
❖ As regards to the body of your presentation, emphasize the major points you
wish to make backed up with supporting statements to further elucidate your
main points.
❖ Arrange your thoughts in a logical sequence so your listeners can easily follow
through your talk.
❖ You can do this by employing transitional or cohesive devices to make your
ideas coherent.

3. Rehearse by practicing aloud and getting feedback of those who will act as your
audience during the rehearsal stage.
❖ You may invite your family, or friends to listen to you while rehearsing.
❖ Their comments and suggestions can be useful for you to improve your
presentation before the big day.

❖ For the introduction, use any of the following gambits:
a. I would like to talk about….
b. I believe that the topic is….
c. let me relate a …..

❖ For the conclusion, use gambits or expressions such as:

a. Summing up the points….
b. To summarize….
c. In conclusion….
d. To conclude….
e. Finally….
f. To end my talk or speech….

❖ Then restate the highlights you mentioned.

❖ You may also challenge the listeners to act on the ideas you presented if the
purpose of the oral presentation is to convince or persuade.

4. Use technology.
❖ In this day and age, most speakers use technology.
❖ Technology forms part of their audio and visual aids.
❖ Through these tools, listeners can easily follow the discussion because they
not only hear but also see the highlights of the presentation.
❖ A disadvantage, however, is that some speakers rely on their visuals that when
technical problems arise, they are caught off-guard, and their presentation goes
❖ Technology tools should be used sparingly.
❖ Visuals should be utilized only to enhance your presentations.
❖ Thus, do not copy and paste on the slides what you are to say and then simply
read them verbatim.
❖ It is important that you only use key words in your slide presentations.
❖ Pictures that will represent a concept are also encouraged.
❖ The same is true with graphs, tables, charts, maps, quotes, and important
passages and sayings.

Delivering the Report/ Speech Talk

❖ Now that you have prepared your report/speech/talk, you are ready to make an
oral presentation.
❖ You have spent a great deal of time reading, researching, and writing your oral
output so you should also do your best to deliver it confidently.
❖ When you deliver your report, speech or talk, make use of both the verbal and
non-verbal codes.
❖ We know that effective communication calls for the blending of these two
❖ These two codes are always linked together.
❖ While the former is important, the latter is equally essential as it gives
emphasis to a striking thought or idea.

1. Paralinguistic Cues

❖ Subsumed under this category are facial expression, posture, gesture, and
❖ For facial expression, the eyes and eye-to-eye contact are very important.
➢ There is a saying that goes: “The eyes are the window to the soul.”
This means that by establishing eye contact, one can detect the
emotional state of a person.
➢ For example, it is difficult to hide your real emotions and fake your
feelings when people look straight into your eyes.
➢ When you are happy, your eyes become bigger without you being
conscious about it.
➢ When you are sad, worried or anxious, your eye become smaller as you
raise your eyebrows and make them furrow.

❖ Posture, on the other hand, refers to the speakers’ stance.

➢ How speakers carry themselves during the presentation will show
whether or not they possess credibility.

➢ It is important that as speakers deliver their messages, they project an
air of confidence so they can get the attention of the listeners and win
them over to their side.
➢ So how do you execute a correct posture? Simply stand comfortably
with your feet at least six to eight inches apart, with one foot over the
other. Your weight should also rest on the balls of your feet and your
hands should hang naturally at the sides. Ask yourself if you are
comfortable enough with the way you stand.
❖ Another important variable is gesture.
➢ Speakers who employ gestures in their speeches or reports are more
convincing than those who do not.
➢ Gestures are used to make a point more emphatic.
➢ However, gestures should be used only for important points raised as
they can become distractive when used often.
➢ Gestures abound so a speaker should know how to create variety.

❖ Finally, there is movement.

➢ Whereas gestures are made by some parts of the body such as the hand
and the arm, movement is made by the entire body (e.g. movement of
the head, shoulder, feet, etc.).
➢ Swaying one’s body from left to right, side to side, front to back, or
pacing from one side of the stage/platform to the other can be
exhibiting a negative non-verbal cue.
➢ A speaker should know how to move on the stage so that his/her
movement will not distract the audience.

❖ It is to be noted that while dress or attire is not considered as paralinguistic

cue, it is still classified as non-verbal.
➢ One way to attract the attention of the audience is by dressing up
➢ As a speaker, you should look good and pleasing to the eyes of the
➢ Dress appropriately but do not overdo it as it may create a gap between
you and the audience.
➢ You should be well-groomed with your hair neatly combed and your
shoes well-polished.
➢ Pieces of jewelry or fashion accessories should also be used

2. Prosodic features

❖ When making a presentation, there are features that you need to observe.
❖ When you speak, aim at delivering your message clearly through intelligible
and comprehensible pronunciation.
❖ You need to articulate the sounds clearly by paying attention to how you move
your lips, tongue, and teeth.
❖ An aspect of articulation is assimilation. It means blending the final sound of a
preceding word with the initial sound of the following word. Consider the
examples below:

to each his own the pros and cons

to eachizown the prosen cons

the splendor in the grass for a while

thus splendor in the grass for a while

Try reading the examples above. Blend the sounds. Do you think you were
able to achieve assimilation?

❖ Finally, note that successful communication depends on prosodic features such

as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm.
❖ Pauses or phrases and sentences are likewise prosodic features.
❖ While it is impossible to imitate or sound like Americans or British who use
English as their native tongue, try to at least approximate them.
❖ If the listeners cannot understand what you say because of the rate or speed by
which you speak, do it more slowly.

Presenting in Groups

❖ The earlier discussions apply to both individual and group presentations.

❖ However, when making group presentations, everyone should be a team
player, and members should not compete with each other.
❖ Note that since you are working with a team, there should be coordination
among you.
❖ Guidelines should be strictly followed, especially if the task is a group
❖ Planning is of the essence so that your presentation is coherent and does not
become fragmented.
❖ As you prepare your presentation, note the following tips:

1. Assign a specific task to each group member.

2. Divide the work accordingly. Each should know the part assigned to
him/her as well as the time allocated for each.
3. Decide on a strategy as to how you will begin and end your group
4. Prepare your audio-visual aids to hold the attention and increase the interest
of the listeners.
5. Practice on your own. Then come up with a schedule acceptable to the team
in which you can rehearse as a group.
6. Get feedback from your teammates as to how you can still improve your
presentation in particular and the presentation of the group in general.
7. As individual and group presenters, think of possible questions that may
arise after the presentation. If you cannot think of an answer, seek the help
of your groupmates.
8. As individual and group presenters, respond to questions effectively during
the question time. If nobody from the group knows the answer, be honest to
admit that you will find time to research on the matter.

Overcoming Anxiety or Stage Fright

❖ Many speakers become tense when making small and big presentations. This
is normal.
❖ Being nervous only shows that you care about your presentation.
❖ You are concerned about whether the audience will pick up something from
your talk.
❖ Note that a little amount of nervous tension is needed if you aspire for an
excellent performance.
❖ At the beginning, you may experience anxiety, but as you go along with your
presentation, your nervous tension will ease up.
❖ White and Henderlinder (1956) stated that: “We do not actually fear the
process of speaking as such but a negative response from the listeners.” This is
indeed true.
❖ What people actually fear is not the process of speaking but the negative
response, comment, or feedback from the listeners.
❖ There are ways by which you can overcome stage fright.
➢ One way is by preparing thoroughly for your presentation.
➢ It is important that you know about the topic and that you know more
than your listeners.
➢ Another way is to practice. The more you practice or rehearse, the
more confident you become.
❖ Stage fright then can be minimized. It is not also a negative feeling all the
❖ Learn how to convert this social fear into something positive so that you can
aspire for top performance.

Activity 3

Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

Program/Year/Section: ___________________ Score: ___________________

1. View any TED talk on
2. Answer the following question.
3. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.
Did the speaker effectively use paralinguistic cues and prosodic features to persuade
his/her audience into believing his/her assertions?




Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________
Program/Year/Section: ___________________ Score: _______________


1. Use infographics to show what you have learned about the following topics.
2. Be as concise as possible.
3. See Appendix B for the rubric for the graphic organizer rubric.
1. Varieties of English (50 Points)

2. Technology-based communication tools

3. Things to observe when preparing and delivering a speech


Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: _______________

1. Write a 150-word speech about a topic that interests you.
2. See Appendix C for the speech writing rubric.



Time Allotment: 18 Hours (2 Weeks)


At the end of this

It is a must for professionals to
learning module,
know how to deal with coworkers for
you will be able
successful communication in the
workplace to come into play. Also,
professionals are required to write
interpersonal specialized reports to convey information
skills that will about their work. It is a requisite then for
help you forge you, an aspiring professional, to acquaint
smooth yourself with the nuts and bolts of
relationships business correspondence.
with your
colleagues ENGAGE
2. Use language
Misconception Check: Agree or Disagree?
appropriate for
Box your answer.
Writing business letters, memos, and minutes of
3. Write business
the meeting is a difficult task.
letters, memos,
and minutes of
the meeting EXPLORE
4. Write an What if you were asked to speak about
effective the things that make you good at dealing with
application letter colleagues, what would your topic be?


Make sense of every lesson presented here.





Successful communication among members of the workplace comes to light

when they strive to develop interpersonal skills. People come from different walks of
life, so it imperative that every individual strive to acquire skills for communicating
and interacting with others.

The Value of Relaying Information in the Workplace and Interacting with the
Members of the Workplace

What makes an organization successful? What enables members of an

organization to function and accomplish their task efficiently and effectively? What
can be done to establish a pleasant and professional atmosphere in the workplace?

❖ One of the key factors is effective communication.

❖ Relaying information means using the appropriate language, tone,
style, and format.
❖ Communication in the workplace requires the same elements.
❖ You have also to consider the specific domain, sector, field, or industry
to which your workplace belongs.
• For example, your work maybe in government, the academe,
the corporate world, media, health, or social services.
❖ Each organization or community has specific philosophies, values, and
ideals that shape the way communication is practiced.
❖ Thus, in any kind of professional setting, you have to consider the
culture established by the founders and senior associates and adjust to
it accordingly.
❖ You are expected to meet prescribed standards and work within
specific norms to achieve common goals and objectives.
• For example, if the culture promotes conventions such as
adhering to certain dress code, you cannot just disregard them
to show your individualism.
❖ Showing respect for the company policies reflects maturity and
❖ However, there may be opportunities to introduce a new culture for a
more efficient and innovative organization (Inett 2016; Guo and
Sanchez 2009).
• For example, to help negotiate heavy traffic during the morning
rush, you are inspired by the idea of ride-sharing within your
department when going to work.

• You and your colleagues may agree to meet at a particular pick
up area or you may agree on a specific pick up time for each
person if it entails multiple stops to ensure that you reach your
department on time.
• Consequently, in this manner, you may even find yourself
exceeding company expectations in following the norm.
• Naturally, you communicate a new idea using language that is
fair, respectful, and ethical.
❖ As you have learned, communication is not only verbal.
❖ When it comes to face-to-face communication, people read your facial
expression and body language.
• If you keep looking at your watch, your colleague may sense
that you are in a hurry and do not have time to listen.
• If you raise your eyebrows after hearing a suggestion, you
maybe communicating that you are not convinced that it will
• If you are scrolling through your smartphone while in a
department meeting, you may be showing that you are not
interested in the discussion.
• Indeed, the small yet visible detail on your face and in your
movements speaks a thousand words.
❖ Indeed, when you join an organization or community, consider
yourself as a relevant member of one big team.
❖ Keep in mind your primary responsibilities and objectives. Interacting
with colleagues in the workplace means listening purposefully,
responding appropriately, expressing ideas respectfully, negotiating
proactively, and solving problems efficiently.

Using Appropriate Language in the Workplace

❖ Professional communication requires that you use language that is most

appropriate to a given situation in your workplace.

❖ When you are in a meeting, assembly, conference, or a formal event, you are
always expected to use a polite tone.
❖ You have to address your heads, clients, and colleagues according to their
official titles or positions (e.g., Doctor, Professor, President, Justice,
Honorable, Representative, Ms., Mr.).
❖ You need also to learn how to craft an effective email that commands respect
and elicits a prompt response.
❖ However, there are instances when formal language may be used in the
• For example, conversations during break time or after-office hours
with peers may not call for such formal language.
• In fact, being formal all the time may result in your alienating the rest
of the department.
• There is an art to knowing the appropriate language register based on
unique contexts.
❖ Vulgar language or slang that demeans is considered offensive in the
❖ In addition, remember to use jargon only if you are among colleagues who
belong to the same profession; otherwise, do not use jargon in the company of
colleagues who are not familiar with your field of expertise or interest.
❖ Indeed, the workplace consists of diverse individuals.
❖ Hence, using politically correct terms means to avoid offending people
belonging to a specific race, religion, gender, age range, class, and group is
❖ Political correctness in language means using words that have positive
suggestions or connotations to avoid discrimination.
❖ As in any community, being in a work place means being aware of your
beliefs, and principles, as well as your dormant or unexamined biases.
❖ Make sure you do not discriminate against a particular group through your
attitudes, behavior, and decisions.
❖ If you talk politely to your heads and associates, but talk disrespectfully to the
staff or your peers, then you are not treating people equally with respect.

❖ Each individual deserves respect regardless of position or status in the

Using the Appropriate Tone, Style, and Format in Professional Communication

❖ Tone refers to the attitude that is reflected in the words that you use, in both
writing and speaking.
❖ Your tone may be sincere, optimistic, sarcastic, pessimistic, and so on.
❖ People usually respond to the tone that you use.
• For example, if you say “Sorry” with a sincere tone, then people are
more likely to accept your apology.
• But if you say it sarcastically, the response can be negative.
❖ There are a number of details that may reveal tone.
❖ Word choice and language register can achieve a certain tone.
❖ Compare the following pair of sentences in terms of word choice and the tone
it achieves.

Style A: We should present our concerns in today’s open forum with the dean so
that they can be discussed.

Style B: We should raise our problems in today’s open forum with the dean so
that she can tell us what has been done about them.

• The tone of style A may appear to be more open and inclusive with its
choice of words.
• The use of the verb “present” and the noun “concerns” do not intensify
emotion and attitude.
• In addition, the objective “so that they can be discussed” may suggest a
level of openness to holding a dialogue.
• In Style B, however, the verb “raise” and the noun “problems” may
suggest a negative attitude.
• The use of these words reveals a certain degree of resistance to

❖ When you write messages, style and format also suggest your tone.
❖ Exclamation marks may suggest emotions or excitement or anger.
❖ Emoticons in email messages suggest informality and may not be appropriate
if you are writing a formal request or proposal.
❖ Words in all CAPS may indicate antoganism and may offend the recipient.
❖ Consider also the specific style and format that your organization requires.

• For instance, when writing official correspondence, you may be

expected to use a particular size of paper (e.g., letter; legal,; or A4),
font size (e.g., Times New Roman), and a letter head that shows the
logo of your organization.

Maintaining Smooth Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace

❖ One important principle underscored in the 2015 book titled In Search of

Excellence by Peters and Waterman is respect people.
• “Treat people as adults.
• Treat them as partners; treat them with dignity; treat them with respect.
Treat them …. As the primary source of productivity gains” (238).
❖ Working in any organization means working with different individuals with
various personalities.
❖ Having differing opinions on certain matters are fine as long as these are about
professional concerns.
❖ Arguing about differing opinions on personal preferences or taboo topics and
religion may result in intense and emotional rifts that may affect
communication and performance in the workplace.
❖ Keep communication to a professional standard during working hours.
❖ Working with people means you have to collaborate with them.
❖ You have to function as a team in order to accomplish your tasks and achieve
your objectives.

❖ Being a member of the team means that:
1. You do your job proficiently and efficiently because your work may affect
the entire operations of your team.
2. You help all members of the team if needed to make sure the job gets done.
3. You listen and provide constructive feedback to improve the performance of
the entire team.
4. You take a positive and proactive attitude towards work. You do not focus
on problems; instead, you focus on solutions and take the initiative to help
overcome challenges.
5. You help resolve conflict instead of creating it, magnifying it, and spreading
it. You strive to be positive influence in your office.

❖ The ideal attitude is to be considerate, concerned and confident.

❖ Cheerfulness is also an effective antidote to negativity in the workplace.
• When people are happy, satisfied, and affirmed, they become more
• When there are close bonds among colleagues, they look forward to
going to work and achieving more.

❖ In addition, working on concrete shared goals fosters a sense of camaraderie.

• For example, if you work as an event manager for a non-government

organization and discover that you do not have sufficient funds, you can
either worry or take a proactive stance.
• You can brainstorm with your team on creative ways to generate funds.
• You can create stronger bonds by working together on a common goal.

❖ Negativity in the workplace is contagious and brings down productivity; thus,

positivity is a better option if you want to make an impact and make a
❖ In order for synergy or smooth interaction to take place, every member of the
team should do his or her part and think of the entire group or organization.
❖ As Francis Kong, an inspirational business speaker and corporate training
consultant, asserts, “Open space collaboration should be in the norm. Turf

protection and egos should be parked in the parking lot while every person in
the firm should be led to rally for their common cause” (cited in Ferraz, 2015).

❖ Indeed, soft skills or interpersonal skills are important in the success of any
❖ Employers look at attitude and communication skills as significant attributes
when they evaluate applicants (Booher 2001).
• They do not look only for skilled graduates; surveys have shown that they
prefer applicants who have high communication and interpersonal skills
(White 2013).

❖ In the workplace, opportunities to write business letters abound.

❖ When you write business letters, remember that you are
communicating with people who are busy.
❖ They expect letters to be brief, clear, and organized.
❖ Do not use vague words that are open to multiple interpretations.
❖ Avoid lengthy sentence structures that are packed with details.
❖ Use a polite and formal tone especially if you are writing an official letter
and if you are representing your organization or community.

Writing Memorandum

❖ When you send an official announcement, a directive, a guideline, or a

reminder to your colleagues within your department or across departments,
you will have to write a memorandum or, in short, a memo.

❖ Memos may be used to:

• Formally document a verbal message

• Inform, notify, or update colleagues about certain concerns
• Request, remind, or recommend
• Serve as an introduction to specific document

❖ When you write a memo, you have to indicate the time, the date, the
recipients, and the subject.
• Recipients are usually busy, and they do not have much time to read
lengthy emails.
• If there are details that need to be presented, place them in a separate
document and send them as an attachment.
❖ Similar to any communication in the workplace, use a formal and a polite tone
with only the essential points.
❖ Do not go into a lengthy narratives or heavily detailed accounts of discussions
during meetings.
❖ Avoid using humorous expressions in an effort to lighten the tone; this may
offend your recipients as it may be understood as an inappropriate.
❖ Be sure the copies are only sent to the ones who are concerned.

Consider the following samples:

Sample A

DATE: September 16, 2020

TO: Finance Department; Marketing Department; Operations Department
FROM: Human Resource Department
SUBJECT: Annual Performance Evaluation Reports



For your compliance.

Sample B

DATE: September 16, 2020

TO: Finance Department; Marketing Department; Operations Department
FROM: Human Resource Department
SUBJECT: Annual Performance Evaluation Reports

Kindly submit your annual performance evaluation reports by September 20,

2020. We have extended the deadline to allow you to fulfill the requirements and
enable you to receive the incentives extended to employees annually. If you have
questions or concerns, please let us know right away.

Thank you for following our organization’s policies and guidelines.

• The language, tone, style, and format in Sample A seem to show an

aggressive and threatening tone.

➢ First of all, the use of all caps indicates “shouting” at the

➢ Second, the message seems to focus on what has not been
➢ The word choice and language use may create an attitude of
resentment that may lead to demotivation.

• On the contrary, the tone in Sample is more respectful as the word

choice seems to emphasize the receiver’s ability and willingness to
fulfill the organization requirements.

➢ This may encourage your colleague to do the expected tasks

with more enthusiasm.

❖ Therefore, before you write a memo, remember that the elements of word
choice, language use, format, and mechanics have a powerful impact on the
recipients. It may destroy or nurture the harmony in the workplace.

Sample Memorandum

999 Global Solutions

3rd Floor, Gateway Mall, Cubao, Quezon City

Memorandum Order No. 21








Good day.

This is to inform you about the scheduled Christmas Party that will be held at
Marikina Convention Center, Marikina City on December 23, 2013 (Saturday), 6:00 P.M. to
10 P.M.

With this, I am glad to announce that bringing of immediate family members to the
event is highly encouraged to enjoy and to feel the spirit of Christmas.

Please give the list of names of your invited guests to your Team Leader on or before
November 29, 2013 for reservation.

Thank you and God bless.

Writing Minutes of the Meeting

One of the most important components of a meeting is its minutes. Minutes

are a descriptive report that provides an official written record of the discussion done
and decision made during the gathering. In other words, the minutes of the meeting
refer to the summary of the proceedings of a meeting.

Standard Elements of Minutes


1. Name and address of the organization

2. Type of meeting (special, executive, committee, board, regular, emergency)
3. Call to order: time, date, and presiding officer/s
4. Attendance (For groups of under 20 members, list both the present and absent


1. Reading, correction, and approval of the previous minutes: “I move that the
minutes of meeting dated January 16 be approved as corrected”
2. Business arising from the previous minutes of meeting
3. New Business
a. Agenda 1
b. Agenda 2
c. Agenda 3


1. Announcement (including the time and date of the next meeting)

2. Other matters (new topics that may need to be covered in future meetings)
3. Time of adjustment
4. Name and signature of the minutes-taker and the presiding officer (e.g.,
Respectfully submitted by Moran Homa)

NOTE: The format of the minutes of a meeting depends on the pattern and style used
by the organization. If you are not familiar with the company’s format, refer to the
minutes of the meetings held in the past. However, if you think the format used is
flawed, you could make suggestions or recommendations for its improvement.

Guidelines in Preparing Minutes of the Meeting

1. Use the chronological order.

2. Minutes should be factual, brief, and free from editorial comments or subtle
slanting of factual statements. Example of an editorial comment is: As always, Mr.
Garcia rejected the proposition of Ms. Roces.
3. Capture the gist of the meeting. Summarize rather than transcribe.
4. Verbatim record is required for parliamentary points: motions, resolutions, and
points of order. Motions and amendments should be stated accurately including the
name of the maker. The name of the seconder of the motion should not be entered
unless ordered by the body.
5. During voting, the number of votes on each side must be entered.
6. Use the meeting’s agenda to guide you in organizing the information.
7. Focus on action taken rather than topics discussed.
8. Be objective. If someone who is your adversary provided an excellent suggestion,
include it.
9. Type the minutes while the facts are still fresh.
10.Put single spaces between the text paragraphs.
11.Place page number at the bottom of the paper.
12. All sums of money mentioned should be written in both figures and words.
13. Place corrections made in the previous minutes above the affected line or in the
14. Never discard the original minutes. If you retype the page, attach the original to
the revised one.

Sample Minutes of the Meeting

Business Administration Department
Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite

Minutes of the Meeting (Regular Meeting)

Call to Order: November 19, 2008/1300-1400/Room 210
Presiding Officer: Dr. Alma Gonzales, Department Chair

Present: Absent:
Aala, Rose Ann Balababa, Teresa
Arible, Nemencia
Aviñante, Mary Jane
Calucin, Catherine
Cortez, Angeline
Digma, Hazel Jane
Nuestro, Eloisa
Macalino, Jillian
Medina, Jennylyn
Ylaya, Pamela

The meeting started at 1300 with a prayer led by Ms. Nuestro.


1. The previous minutes of the meeting dated October 22, 2008 were approved with
the following corrections:
1.1 Attendance: Ms. Rose Ann Aala was not late.
1.2 Opening prayer led by Ms. Angelique Cortez should be Dr. Angelique

2. Business arising from the previous minutes of the meeting

2.1 3.2.3 The buddy system will be closely monitored by the subject
2.2 3.11.7 The Department will make the Letter of Intent form.

3. New business
3.1 Faculty
3.1.1 The chair explained that the bases for the inclusion in the FRDO
Blacklist are breach of contract and major offenses.
3.1.2 The chair enjoined the faculty to be prompt in submitting documents.
3.2 Administrative concern
3.2.1 The assistant chair asked the subject coordinators to strictly monitor
the faculty in requiring students to have their own copies of the
3.2.2 The CBA director announced that there will be a power dressing
seminar on November 22, 2008, 1400-1600, Roosevelt Hall.

3.3 Academic matters
3.3.1 The chair reminded the faculty to improve their classroom
management skills.
3.3.2 Ms. Ylaya reiterated the checking of attendance at the start of the

4. Announcements
4.1 Dr. Macalino announced that there will a holy mass on November
4.2 The chair informed the body that Academician College has been
granted a deregulated status by CHED.

5. Other Matters
5.1 The assistant chair said that there will be two faculty members who
will attend a seminar organized by the Business Educators Society
of the Philippines.
5.2 The chair reminded the body that no faculty is allowed to enter the
chair’s office without permission.

The meeting was adjourned at 1415 with a prayer led by Ms. Catherine Calucin.

Respectfully submitted by:

April Joy Calanog

April Joy Calanog
Letter Styles
Noted by:

Alma Gonzales
Dr. Alma Gonzales
Department Chair

cc: EVP, VPA, Dean

Writing Business Letters

❖ When you write business letters, remember that you are communicating with
people who are busy.
• They expect letters to be brief, clear, and organized.

❖ Do not use vague words that are open to multiple interpretations.

❖ Avoid lengthy sentence structures that are packed with details.
❖ Use a polite and formal tone especially if you are writing an official letter and
if you are representing your organization or community.
❖ Look at the following samples with specific formats.
• The block format (all parts are left justified) is considered the most formal.
• The options are the modified block ( the date and the closing are towards the
center) and the semi-block format ( the date and the closing are toward the
center and each paragraph is indented).

Sample A: Block Format


September 16, 2020 [Date]

Ms. Maria F. Santos [Title and Name of Recipient]

Executive Director [Position]
Society of Medical Practitioners [Organization]

Dear Ms. Santos: [Formal Salutation]

[Body of the letter]

Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to support our outreach project for children
with special needs. Without your help, we will not be able to attain our objectives.

We are sending you a copy of our brochure that shows other details of the project. It includes
the schedule of activities that we will follow when we launch the project on November 2020.

We look forward to seeing you at the launch!


[Signature of letter sender]

Ben Danilo [Name of letter sender]
Project Coordinator[ Position]
We are the Children Foundation [ Affilliation]
301 Goodness Road, Fair Village, Q.C., Phil. [Address];+639227554677 [Contact details]

Sample B: Modified Block Form


September 16, 2020 [Date]

Ms. Maria F. Santos [Title and Name of Recipient]

Executive Director [Position]
Society of Medical Practitioners [Organization]

Dear Ms. Santos: [Formal Salutation]

[Body of the letter]

Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to support our outreach project for children
with special needs. Without your help, we will not be able to attain our objectives.

We are sending you a copy of our brochure that shows other details of the project. It includes
the schedule of activities that we will follow when we launch the project on November 2020.

We look forward to seeing you at the launch!


[Signature of letter sender]

Ben Danilo [Name of letter sender]
Project Coordinator[ Position]
We are the Children Foundation [Affiliation]
301 Goodness Road, Fair Village, Q.C., Phil. [Address];+639227554677 [Contact

Sample C: Semi-block Format


September 16, 2020


Ms. Maria F. Santos [Title and Name of Recipient]

Executive Director [Position]
Society of Medical Practitioners [Organization]

Dear Ms. Santos: [Formal Salutation]

[Body of the letter]

Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to support our outreach project for
children with special needs. Without your help, we will not be able to attain our objectives.

We are sending you a copy of our brochure that shows other details of the project. It
includes the schedule of activities that we will follow when we launch the project on
November 2020.

We look forward to seeing you at the launch!


[Signature of letter sender]

Ben Danilo [Name of letter sender]
Project Coordinator[ Position]
We are the Children Foundation [Affilliation]
301 Goodness Road, Fair Village, Q.C., Phil.
[Contact details]

❖ Two punctuation styles are used in business letters: open and mixed.

• Open punctuation means that no punctuation marks are used after the salutation
and the complimentary close.
• Open punctuation is considered a time-saving style and is used with block letter
• Mixed punctuation may be used with modified block letter style, in which as
the salutation and complimentary close are followed by punctuation marks.
• The proper punctuation with this style is a comma after the complimentary
close and a colon (for business letters) or a comma (for personal letters) after
the salutation.

A Sample Letter of Inquiry


Gateway Mall, Cubao, Quezon City

January 20, 2017


Business Manager
Tiffany Chairs and Tables Co.
Ermita, Manila City

Dear Mr. Yatal:

Can Tiffany Chairs and Tables Co. provide 1,000 pieces of golden tiffany chairs and
500 pieces golden tiffany tables to be delivered on February 5, 2017?

We need to find a bulk supplier of tiffany chairs and tables for our events company.
Please answer the following questions:

1. Can you provide us with the total number of chairs and tables needed?
2. Can you deliver the products on February 5, 2017?
3. Do you accept credit card or cash only?

We will highly appreciate your immediate response to this letter for we are currently
preparing for our schedule events on February 14, 2017. May we please have your
response by January 25, 2017?ours,

Thank you so much.

Sincerely yours,

Anthony Herrera
Anthony Herrera

A Sample Letter of Response


Ermita, Manila
Contact #: 09056675432

January 24, 2017


Elysian Events Specialists
Cubao, Quezon City

Dear Mr. Herrera:



Here are the answers to your questions about our company’s products. We are glad to
inform you that we can supply your needed chairs and tables. we also wish to inform
you that from January 1 to January 31, 2017, we have a New Year Promo which is 10%
discount on all our products.

1. Yes, we can provide you the needed number of golden tiffany tables
and chairs.
2. Yes, we can deliver it as soon as you pay the total amount of the
3. Yes, we accept credit cards.

We hope we answered all your queries about our golden tiffany products. If you have
more questions, you may reach us at 09056675432 or you can visit us from Monday
through Saturday, 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

We look forward to more business transactions with your company. Thank you.

Truly yours,

Business Manager

Writing Emails

❖ Also known as an "electronic mail message" an email message is a text,

typically brief and informal, that is sent or received over a computer network.
❖ An email message is generally limited to one idea rather than addressing
several issues.
❖ If you address more than one topic in a single email message, chances are the
recipient will forget to respond to all points discussed.
❖ Discussing one topic allows you to write a descriptive subject line, and the
receiver can file the single subject message in a separate mailbox if desired. If
you must send a lengthy message, divide it into logical sections for easy

Sample Email

Activity 1 ?

Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ____________________ Score: ______________

A. Writing an Email

1. Write a business email of invitation.
2. Submit a typewritten email of invitation.
3. See Appendix E for the business correspondence writing rubric.
B. Look for a copy of a sales letter; then, evaluate its characteristics.

Type of Sales Letter: _____________________________

Source: ________________________________________

1. Language - _________________________________________________________


2. Accuracy and Completeness - __________________________________________



3. Professional Appearance - _____________________________________________


4. Conventional Format - ________________________________________________


5. Logical Organization - ________________________________________________


6. Politeness - _________________________________________________________




Almost always, applying for a job necessitates an application letter. An effective

application letter can make a good impression on a prospective employer. Consequently, it
is best to write an application letter that can help you land a job.

❖ Cover letters accompany your application when applying for a new position.
You can use cover letters to introduce yourself, describe your interest in a
company and outline your qualifying skills.

❖ Tips in Preparing a Cover Letter


1. Never begin your letter with ho-hum phrases (e.g., “Enclosed please find my
résumé for…”). To be more creative, you may begin with the following topics:
a. Begin with a question that stimulates the reader’s interest.

b. Lead in with a name of someone you both know (e.g., When Dr. Gilda
Nomer mentioned your name in a conference…)
c. Start out with a quote that applies to the type of business of the employer.
d. Explain how you learned about the job opening you are applying for.
However, though readers want attention-getters, do not be tempted to use
shallow gimmickry.

2. The cover letter must not simply repeat the content of your résumé. Emphasize
concrete examples
3. Address the letter to a specific person. If you do not know the specific addressee,
call the company and inquire.
4. be specific with the position you are applying for. do not use general or incidental
job vacancies.
5. Avoid superfluous information. Do not begin with “let me tell you something about
myself. My name is …” Moreover, do not include lots of specifics (dates, numbers,
names, places). Just choose the hard factual information.
6. Focus on what you can do for the company. Remember that they are looking after
their own benefit.
7. Minimize opinions about yourself. When you claim one, be sure to support it with
specific and factual evidence.
8. Highlight two or three of your most significant accomplishments or abilities.
9. Use the active voice and powerful action verbs.
10. Be sure you observe correct grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and usage. Avoid
jargon, clichés, and verbosity. Readers expect good grammar and writing. Any
typographical and grammatical error may cause the reader to doubt your
11. Be direct to the point because some readers are impatient.
12. Be factual. Never misrepresent yourself by overstating your experience and skills.
In short, don’t exaggerate.
13. Do not beg for the job (e.g., “Please call today! I’ll be waiting by the phone. I am
desperately eager to start.”)
14. As you write, imagine that you are writing a script for your interview: how yu could
break the ice at the beginning of the interview; how you can convey positive

personality; the things you want to talk about during the interview; and what you
hope to get from the interview.

Format and Mechanics

1. Use letter-sized bond paper.

2. Limit the letter to one or two pages.
3. Never miss the signature.
4. Use a letterhead. Include your full name, address, phone number, and e-mail
5. Use a business letter format (block, modified, simplified)
6. Use 1- to 1.5-inch margin on all sides.
7. Do not cram the text at the upper half or lower half of the page. Be sure to have
appropriate page fill.
8. Preferably, use a blue sign pen when signing a black-inked text.
9. Use white or off-white paper with (at least bond 20).
10. Use a font size of at least 10 and maximum of 20.

Parts of a Cover Letter


1. State your purpose in writing the letter.

2. Indicate your source of information: newspaper, magazine, the internet, personal
3. State an eye-catching or attention-getting statement about yourself that will make
the reader continue reading your credentials.
4. Show your enthusiasm to work with the company.


1. Present your work experience, academic qualifications, training, some personal

qualities with specific evidence.
2. Be sure to segregate and organize your paragraphs. You may group paragraphs by

theme (one paragraph for work experience nd one for education) or by function
(management, financial. technical)
3. Tell the prospective employer the benefits of hiring you. Don’t just give facts;
explain how these facts will benefit the company. for instance, instead of telling the
company all the trainings you had, you may just say “I have extensive training in
copyediting. You will save both time and money because I will need little training in
this area.”
4. Refer the reader to a specific part of the résumé that suggests your strongest
credentials for the position. Place this evidence in the last part of the body.


1. Indicate your interest for an interview at a time most convenient to the employer. If
necessary, specify the day and time you are available for an interview.
2. Indicate how the interviewer can contact you.
3. Anticipate a positive response form the employer.
4. Say thank you.

Sample Cover Letter

1212 Florence Nook, Caloocan City
Contact No.: +63974-225-2255

May 15, 2012

Professor Wu Siew Mei

Director, Center for English Language Communication
National University of Singapore
10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511

Dear Professor Wu:

I read with great interest a recent article titled “CELC Towards Global
Competitiveness.” The article discussed your plans to increase the members of your
teaching team. This emphasis on expansion appears to be a positive sign of CELC’s
long-term dedication to quality language teaching. It is with my interest to submit my
application as a full-time lecturer in your prestigious organization as a response to your
advertisement in your website on January 20, 2012. I am confident that my credentials
meet the requirements of the job.

As stipulated in my résumé, I have 15 years of teaching experience at the tertiary

level in some of the most reputable universities in the Philippines. This experience has
honed me to be a better teacher and to imbibe the pedagogical beliefs of inculcating the
value of discipline, excellence, inquisitiveness, and integrity to my students. I set very
high standards that the students should meet. I allow my students to reflect on what they
know, what they do not know, and what they want to know – from these I teach. I
instruct my students to learn how to teach themselves and become more independent
learners. This is how I show my strong commitment to teaching which has been
consistently confirmed by the high ratings I have obtained from peer, administrator, and
student evaluations.

To further enhance my teaching skills, I continuously update myself on the

current trends in language teaching by attending seminars and engaging myself in
pedagogical research and presenting them in reputable conferences. I believe that with
these activities, you will save both time and money because I will need little training in
these areas. Not only that I focus on acquiring learning, I also share with my fellow
educators what I know our requirements for the post.

Further, I am grateful that my educational qualifications have met your

requirements for the post. I have obtained a master’s degree in Language Teaching
which shaped and honed my strategies and approaches in teaching English courses. And
to satisfy my endless craving to learn, I started taking up my doctoral degree Applied
Linguistics in 2007 and finished it in December 2011.

I hope that my credentials make me a viable candidate for the position. I
wish that I can be given a chance to contribute to realizing your aspirations to
be a leading international center for the teaching of English language and
communication skills.

I look forward to meeting you personally for a n interview at a time

most convenient to you. You may refer to my résumé for additional details
regarding my credentials. Should yu have any questions regarding the details,
please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at the above contact details.
Thank you.


R. M. Galosi

Rico M. Galosi

Qualities of a Good Application Letter

Job application letter, just like other formal correspondence or business letters,
should have good qualities to promote positive impression from the recipient. The
qualities your application letter should have are:
1. Complete
2. Simple and clear
3. Accurate
4. Relevant
5. Courteous and neat

The Essential Parts of a Job Application Letter

1. Heading
❖ contains your full name, residential address, landline and cellphone
number, and email address.

❖ Your contact details must be updated and active so the hiring manager can
update you on the progress of your application.

No. 155 Masipag cor. Maganda Streets
Bagong Bario, Caloocan City, 1400 Philippines
Mobile: 09987656321

2. Date
❖ conforms with the convention used by the country or region.
❖ It is always proper to write the name of the month instead of the
❖ The digital format should also be used less as it often times may cause
confusion to some people who are not used to the convention.
• For example: 02/03/2020 may mean February 3, 2020 or
March 2, 2020, depending on the region’s convention.

• There are two acceptable ways of writing a dateline:

• October 15, 2020
• 15 October 2020

3. Inside Address
❖ contains the recipient’s name, position, company and company

Director, Human Resource Department
ABS-CBN Corporation

❖ Be able to know the complete name and title of your letter’s recipient.
• This creates a good impression for you that you did your

4. Salutation
❖ has common forms such as:
• Sir:
• Madam:
• Dear Sir:
• Dear Madam:
5. Greetings
❖ is like a gesture of courtesy in your letter.
❖ Words typically used are:

• Greetings!
• Compliments!
• Good day!

6. Body
❖ First Paragraph:
• Say why you are writing.
• Say what job you are applying for.
• Say where/when you saw it advertised

I read with great interest a recent article titled “CELC Towards Global
Competitiveness.” The article discussed your plans to increase the members of
your teaching team. This emphasis on expansion appears to be a positive sign
of CELC’s long-term dedication to quality language teaching. It is with my
interest to submit my application as a full-time lecturer in your prestigious
organization as a response to your advertisement in your website on January
20, 2012. I am confident that my credentials meet the requirements of the job.

❖ Second Paragraph

• Introduce yourself.
• Say what qualities you have which make you suitable for the
• Give details of your qualifications and previous experience.

• Make sure you include any details that are mentioned in the

As stipulated in my résumé, I have 15 years of teaching experience at the

tertiary level in some of the most reputable universities in the Philippines. This
experience has honed me to be a better teacher and to imbibe the pedagogical
beliefs of inculcating the value of discipline, excellence, inquisitiveness, and
integrity to my students. I set very high standards that the students should meet. I
allow my students to reflect on what they know, what they do not know, and what
they want to know – from these I teach. I instruct my students to learn how to teach
themselves and become more independent learners. This is how I show my strong
commitment to teaching which has been consistently confirmed by the high ratings
I have obtained from peer, administrator, and student evaluations.

Note: Details of your qualifications and previous experience may be written in

more than one paragraph. However, it would be best if you write them in just
one paragraph since they will also be presented in your résumé.

Third Paragraph
• Say why you are applying.
• Say why the company should consider you.
• Sell yourself!

To further enhance my teaching skills, I continuously update

myself on the current trends in language teaching by attending seminars
and engaging myself in pedagogical research and presenting them in
reputable conferences. I believe that with these activities, you will save
both time and money because I will need little training in these areas. Not
only that I focus on acquiring learning, I also share with my fellow
educators what I know our requirements for the post.

❖ Conclusion
• We make a general statement about how we hope our
application will be considered.

• We thank the person we are writing to for their time.
• We tell them that we look forward to hearing from them.

I look forward to meeting you personally for a n interview at a

time most convenient to you. You may refer to my résumé for
additional details regarding my credentials. Should you have any
questions regarding the details, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with me at the above contact details. Thank you.

7. Complimentary Close

❖ hints the closure of your letter. Its usual forms are:

• Very respectfully yours,
• Very sincerely yours,
• Truly yours, [less formal]
• Cordially yours, [less formal]

8. Signature

❖ is basically your signature over your printed name. Signature line has two

• Handwritten signature
• Type written signature

Mary Claire Cruz

9. Enclosures

❖ list documents attached with the letter.

Example: Enc. Curriculum Vitae

Writing a Résumé

❖ A résumé provides a summary of your education, work history, credentials,

and other accomplishments and skills. There are also optional sections,
including a resume objective and career summary statement.
❖ A résumé should be as concise as possible. Typically, a resume is one page
long, although sometimes it can be as long as two pages.
❖ Résumés come in a few types, including chronological, functional, and
combination formats.

1. Chronological resume: For candidates with rich, consistent professional

2. Functional resume: For candidates with several gaps or changes in their career.
3. Combination: For candidates with a diverse background of experience or when
skills and abilities are more relevant than work experience.

When deciding which format to choose, consider both your background and the job
you’re applying for. For example, you may have a rich, consistent professional
background typically represented in a chronological format. However, the job you’re
applying for might place heavier value on your proven skills and abilities, in which
case you might choose a combination format to highlight what’s important to the
employer. For clues on which the employer values most, pay attention to requirements
listed in the job description.

You should use a chronological resume if:

You have several years of experience in one career path

You have worked for several employers or clients in one industry
You have minimal or no gaps between jobs

If you’re a recent college or high school graduate with little or no

professional experience, you might consider using a functional or combination

A functional resume format is also useful if you have been out of work for
a significant amount of time.

If you’re changing positions or industries, a combination resume might be

a better fit. In this case, a resume that puts more emphasis on your transferable
skills and abilities may be more beneficial to potential employers.

A chronological resume helps employers quickly understand the value of your

most recent and relevant work experiences. As employers may only spend a few
seconds on each resume, prioritizing the most recent information helps ensures your
experience gets seen.

How to write a chronological resume

Your resume should include information relevant to the position for which you’re
applying. Chronological resume sections should include the following in this order:

Name and contact information

Summary or objective
Professional history
Educational history
Skills and abilities

You can also include achievements and interests, but these should only be
included at the end of your resume, and only if they are relevant. If your resume is
multiple pages, consider removing optional sections like these to make it as brief,
concise and readable as possible.
The key difference between a chronological resume and other formats is how
you structure your experience section. In this format, you will list your most recent
experience first. When you are writing the details of each experience, you should
reference the job descriptions that interest you to see which keywords employers are
using. These terms can be a guide for what phrases to include when you describe your
own experiences.

The placement of your professional experience and education sections
depends on where you are in your career and the relevance of education to your
chosen industry.
For example, if you are writing a resume as a student, you may want to
prioritize your education section as it may be more helpful information for potential
employers. This is especially true if you have relevant certifications, diplomas or
coursework. If you have been in the workforce for several years, you might consider
placing your education after your experience section.

Name and contact information

Begin with your name and contact information. In this section, include your name,
phone number and email address. Optional information includes your mailing address
or links to online portfolios if appropriate.

Summary or objective

You might also choose to include a short professional statement at the top of your
resume. This section provides quick context for employers as they review your
application. Those with several years of experience in a specific industry should
include a summary of their skills and experiences. New graduates or those still in
school may want to consider an objective statement that describes your most valued,
short-term goals.

Professional experience

Your professional experience section should include all relevant work experience
starting with your current or most recent position, if applicable.

For example, if you’re applying for a dental assistant position, you should list your
work history starting from your current employer and going back to the first job you
obtained out of high school or college related to the dental or healthcare industries.


Your education section should be structured similarly to your professional experience.

List the most recent educational achievements first and go backward in time from

If you have are currently enrolled in or have completed and obtained a post-secondary
degree (Associate’s degree or above), you should not list your high school
information. However, if you graduated from high school and did not seek a post-
secondary degree, you might consider including your high school background with
your GPA (if above 3.5) and any other relevant information related to your
educational experiences.

Your education section should focus on degree acquisition and coursework but can
also include other academic achievements such as certificate programs or awards.

Skills and abilities

Your skills and abilities section should highlight your most relevant competencies.
Skills and abilities can include both hard (technical) skills and soft (interpersonal)
skills. Carefully review the job posting to identify which of your skills the employer is
looking for in an ideal candidate and include them in your skills section.

An Example of a Reverse-Chronological Resume

Janet Chobot
Little Rock, Arkansas • (123) 456-7891


An exceptionally organized and friendly dental assistant with 3+ years of successful experience
working with dental offices and clients

Professional History

Smith Family Dentistry, Dental Assistant

July 2017 – Present

• Clean and prepare treatment rooms

• Prepare patient to be seen by for dental treatment

• Answer common patient questions about dental procedures, treatments, and issues

E&H Dental, Office Assistant

August 2015 – July 2017

• Organized client schedules

• Received patients upon arrival

• Handled client billing and paperwork

• By end of work experience, took on key dental assistant roles

Educational History

Little Road Junior College

August 2012 – June 2014

Certified Dental Assistant Program


Dental assistant skills include: DANB certification • X-ray certification • Denture impressions •
Calming personality and demeanor • Hygienic • Minor oral surgery experience
An Example of a Functional Resume

John A. Doe
999 Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 99999
(123) 555-1234


Experienced and versatile professional with strong urban planning as well as people,
management, and research skills seeks a position in urban planning and environmental
impact analysis with a major city or Fortune 500 company.


• Background managing direct transportation planning and programs

• Adept at managing urban planning programs and people
• Able to anticipate and project organizational change
• Background as administrator of office operations


• Skilled in Government Guidelines

• Quality Control
• Urban Planning
• Environmental Impact Mitigation and Research

Administrative: Lead coordinator for the daily processing of thousands of checks for
payment and the mailing of confidential reports, meeting strict deadlines, and avoiding
late fees.

Problem Solving: Designed a waste-management program involving Recycle Ann
Arbor and a major book company, intended for the efficient handling of tons of
paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, and glass, achieving net savings of $20,000 per
building annually and reducing company disposal obligations.

Management: Oversaw operations of an expanding research lab, providing

expertise, commitment, and quality control during a time of significant transition.


Senior Process Engineer, September 2016-Present

Zezee Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Process Engineer: Technical Support, September 2012-September 2016

Zezee Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Technical Professional, September 2010-September 2012

City of the Stars, Mich.


Master of Business Administration (2015); GPA 3.9

Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Okla. (Online Program)

Bachelor of Science (Emphasis: Ecosystem/Environmental Business) May 2012

Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich.

An Example of a Combination Resume

Alex Lee
Scranton, Pennsylvania • (123) 456-7891 •


A strategically-minded and hard-working sales associate with 2 years of

experience increasing sales and increasing brand awareness.


Sales and marketing skills include: Tableau (intermediate level) • Excel

(intermediate level) • SalesForce Administration (entry level) • Team player •
Hardworking • Creative

Professional History

L&O Financial, Sales Associate

August 2016—Present

• Utilize Sales Force to help manage client accounts

• Learned and used various data analytics tools, including Excel and
Tableau, to provide data insights
• Work collaboratively with other associates and managers to create new
marketing strategies
Educational History
Pennsylvania State University
L&OAugust 2012
Financial, – June 2016

June 2016—August 2016

• Trained on industry financial systems

• Assisted sales teams with day-to-day operations
• Learned skills in sales and developing client relationships
• Accepted as full-time Sales Associate following successful internship

Awards Include: Magna Cum Laude, President’s Scholarship Award (2014,
2016), Academic Honors (2012-2016)

Extracurriculars include: Debate Team Captain (2015), Student

Government Treasurer (2013-2014), Habitat for Humanity (2012-2016).

Activity 2

Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: _____________________ Score: _______________

1. Answer each of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences. (15 Points each)
2. See Appendix A for the essay writing for rubric.

1. Why are cover letters important?







2. Why are résumés important?









The job interview plays a pivotal role in the job application process. It is
important then that you know what to do during a job interview.

Interview Guidelines

a. Thirty (30) minutes before the appointment time the applicant must be in the venue.
b. Formal attire (business attire) is necessary to make the applicant presentable.
c. All credentials should be submitted 91 photocopy for file) the original is always on
the possession of the applicant for the purpose of authentication.
d. The photo of the applicant is at least 6 months when it was taken, to claim it recent
or latest.
e. The nature of the answer of the applicant is a factor to validate all information

declared in his/her credentials.
f. Application letter and resume’ will be filed in the company once the applicant/s
would not be hired and subject for calling again for anther interview.
g. The word “thank you” take significant role on how the employer will give his last
impression to the applicant.

10 Tips to Have a Successful Job Interview

1. Display sense of responsibility by coming to the scheduled interview on time and

2. Exhibit research skills by conducting a study about the employer, hiring manager
and job opportunities.
3. Suggest sense of loyalty by verbalizing intention to stay longer with the company.
4. Insinuate leadership skills by articulating that you can work with less supervision.
5. Showcase creativity by answering difficult questions with style and ease.
6. Demonstrate professionalism and proper work ethics by dressing up corporately
during the interview.
7. Be natural, optimistic, focused, confident, candid, and precise.
8. Flaunt your sensibility by asking insightful questions.
9. Illustrate confidence by positively selling yourself.
10. Exemplify social graces by thanking the interviewer for his/her time.


Activity 3

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: ______________

Instruction: Fill in the following table with the necessary information.

Job Interview Conduct

What to do What not to do



Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: _______________


1. Write a memorandum. See Appendix E for the business correspondence rubric. (16
2. Write your own cover letter. See Appendix F for the rubric for cover letter.(16
3. Write your own résumé using your preferred type. See Appendix G for the rubric
for résumé.(16 Points)
4. Type your cover letter and résumé.
5. Use letter size bond paper.
6. Font style: Times New Roman; Font size: 12


Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

Program/Year/Section: ________________ Score: ____________________


1. Get a sample of a cover letter from any reputable website or from someone you
know. Write your source. Then, read the document and write an evaluation on how
effective or ineffective the cover letter is. (15 Points)
2. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.


Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: _____________________ Score: ______________


1. On YouTube, look for a video of two or more people talking.

2. Evaluate the process of communication by answering the following questions.
a. What principles of effective communication are observed and breached? Provide
pieces of evidence. (15 Points)
b. What principles of ethical communication are observed and breached? Provide
pieces of evidence. (15 Points)
3. Cite the website from which the video was taken.
4. See Appendix A for the essay writing rubric.



1. Deliver the speech that you wrote, and record your delivery.
2. See Appendix D for the speech presentation rubric.
3. Use MP4 format for your video.
4. Submit your video via email.


Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

Program/Year/Section: ______________________ Score: _______________

A. Box the letter that corresponds to your answer. (10 Points)

1. The Greek word communicares means to share or to make ideas common.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statements is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

2. Self-expression is the driving force for people to communicate.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

3. Globalization is purely economic in nature.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

4. Globalization does not require the development of a person’s language ability.

a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

5. Which of the following is not needed for people from other cultures to learn a
number of vocabulary words with specific meanings?
a. Interactions c. Relations
b. Dealings d. Detachment

6. Which of the following terms describes communities in which there is a deep

understanding and respect for all cultures?

a. multicultural c. intracultural

b. cross-cultural d. international

7. The society and media representations of gender inform and influence the people’s
understanding and expectations of the gender roles in the real world.
a. The statement is true. c. The statement is possibly true.
b. The statement is false. d. The statement is possibly false.

8. __________ is one of the foundations of a person’s roots and development.

a. friends c. ancestry
b. neighborhood d. race

9. __________ is a specific set of linguistic terms or human speech pattern.

a. language ethics c. language varieties
b. language components d. language diversities

10.Why is printed text considered a multimodal text?

a. It involves communication complexities.
b. It involves various communication modalities.
c. It involves communication barriers.
d. It involves communication presentations.

B. Answer each of the following questions in 5 to 7 sentences. (15 Points each)

1. When can you say that communication is effective?


2. Why are the two concepts, namely: audience and purpose vital in purposive




3. How can purposive communication be applied in real life situations?



What can you say about the learning modules in purposive communication?

Use this sheet.


“Basic Essay Writing Rubric” (n.d.). Retrieved from


Barrot, J. (2015). Technical writer’s survival kit: A guide to effective technical

writing for college students and professionals. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Bautista, M. L. S. (2000). Defining standard Philippine english: Its status and

grammatical features. Philippines: De La Salle University Press.

Crystal, D. (1964). A liturgical language in linguistic perspective. New Blackfriars,

46, 148-156. Doi:10.1111/j1741-2005. 1964 tb07472.x

Dapat, R. et. Al.(2018). Essence and essentials of purposive communication in the

21st century. Philippines: Books ATBP. Publishing Corp.

Delos Reyes, R. (2018). Purposive communication. Philippines: St. Andrew

Publishing House.

“Graphic Organizer Rubric” (n.d.). Retrieved from


Kachru, Y. & Nelson, C. (2006). World Englishes in Asian contexts. Hong kong:
Hong kong University Press.

Madrunio, M. & Martin, I. (2018). Purposive communication using English in

multilingual contexts. Philippines: C&E Publishing Inc.

Manzano, B. et al. (2018). Purposive communication for college freshmen.

Philippines: St. Andrew Publishing House.

Mercado, E. et al. (2018). Purposive communication. Philippines: Jimczyville

O’Brien, A. (2013). Creating multi-modal text. Retrieved from

“Popular Science” (n.d.). Retrieved from


“Resume / Cover Letter Rubric” (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.readwritethink.


Rosales, M. J., Galano, E. and Rivera, J.A. (2019). Technical writing: A resource
guide to writing across disciplines. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

“Speech Rubric” (n.d.). Retrieved from

Suarez, C. et. Al. (2018). Purposive communication in English. Philippines: Ateneo

De Manila University Press.

White, E. E. & Henderlider, C. R. (1956). Practical Public speaking: A guide to

effective communication. NY:
Macmillan Company.

Wiltshire, C. and Camps, J. (Eds.). (2000). Romance phonology and variation.

Selected papers from the 30th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages,
Gainesville, Florida, February 2000. Retrieved from




A. Essay Writing Rubric


Ideas The paper is clear The paper The writer is The paper has no The paper has
and focused. It is mostly beginning to well-defined topic no clear
holds the reader’s focused define the or has too many purpose or
attention. and has topic even topics. central theme.
Relevant details some though the To extract
enrich the central good development meaning from
theme. details. is still basic the text, the
or general. reader must
based on
sketchy or
missing details.
Organization The organization The paper The The order of the The paper lacks
enhances and is mostly organizationa sentences in the a clear sense of
showcases the organized, l structure of paragraphs makes direction. No
central theme. and the paper is sense, but the identifiable
The order of enables strong order of the structure is
information is the reader enough to paragraphs does evident.
compelling, and to make move the not.
moves the reader sense of it. reader
through the text. through the
text without
too much
Conventions The writer The writer The writer Multiple errors Errors in
demonstrates a uses good shows are found in spelling,
good grasp of writing reasonable spelling, capitalization,
standard writing conventio control over a capitalization, grammar,
conventions (e.g. ns limited range grammar, usage, usage, and
spelling, correctly. of standard and paragraphing. paragraphing
capitalization, The paper writing repeatedly
grammar, usage, is easy to conventions. distract the
paragraphing), read, and At times, reader, and
and uses errors are errors are make text
conventions rare. distracting, difficult to
effectively to and impair read.
enhance readability.

B. Graphic Organizer Rubric

1 = Weak; 2= Moderately Weak; 3 = Average; 4 = Moderately Strong; 5 = Strong

___1. The graphic organizer has an appropriate title and labels.

___2. The lines, boxes, and text in the graphic organizer are neat and legible.
___3. The information in the graphic organizer is accurate.
___4. The spelling, grammar, and punctuation of the text in the graphic organizer
are accurate.
___5. The graphic organizer presents the information in a manner that is easy to
___6. The relationships presented in the graphic organizer are correct and clear.
___7. The form in which the graphic organizer portrays the information is
appropriate to the relationships being represented.
___8. The graphic organizer demonstrates an understanding of the topic, its
relationships and related concepts.
___9. The graphic organizer fulfills all the requirements of the task.
___10. Overall, the graphic organizer represents the student’s full potential.

C. Speech Writing Rubric

Criterion Rating Rating Rating Rating

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
Points 10-9 Points 9-8 Points 8-7 Points 7-6
Introduction (1) Gets Meets any three Meets any two of Meets only one
attention of the four criteria the four criteria of the four criteria
(2) Clearly
identifies topic
(3) Establishes
(4) Previews the
main points
Body Main points are Main points are Main points Main points
clear, somewhat clear, need clarity are not clear
well supported, some support, and and support and have no
and some lack of support
sources are documentation sources and and no sources or
documented documentation documentation
Conclusion (1) Reviews main Reviews main Brings closure Does not bring
points points , brings closure; the
(2) Brings closure closure audience is left
(3) Memorable hanging
(Adapted from Dan Rooney)

D. Speech Presentation Rubric
Criterion Rating Rating Rating Rating
Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Points 10-9 Points 9-8 Points 8-7 Points 7-6
Introduction (1) Gets Meets any three of Meets any two of Meets only one of
attention the four criteria the four criteria the four criteria
(2) Clearly
identifies topic
(3) Establishes
(4) Previews the
main points
Body Main points are Main points are Main points Main points
clear, somewhat clear, need clarity are not clear
well supported, and some support, and and support and have no support
sources are some lack of and no sources or
documented documentation sources and documentation
Conclusion (1) Reviews main Reviews main Brings closure Does not bring
points points , brings closure; the
(2) Brings closure closure audience is left
(3) Memorable hanging
Eye Contact Eye contact with Eye contact with Eye contact with Little or no eye
audience virtually audience less than audience less than contact
all the time (except 80% of the time 75% of the time
for brief glances at
Use of Language Use of language Use of language Use of language Use of language is
contributes to does not have causes potential inappropriate
effectiveness of the negative impact, confusion, and/or
speech, and and vocalized vocalized pauses
vocalized pauses pauses (um uh er etc.)
(um uh er etc.) (um uh er etc.) are distracting
not distracting not distracting

Body language Body language, Body language, Body language, Body language,
gestures, and facial gestures, and facial facial expressions gestures, and
expressions expressions and gestures facial expressions
adds greatly to the compliment lack variety and are lacking or
message message spontaneity inappropriate

Clarity Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all the distinctly nearly all distinctly most of cannot be
time with no the time with no the time with no understood with
mispronounced more than one more than two more than three
words mispronounced mispronounced mispronounced
word words words
Topic Topic is specific, Topic is clear Topic lacks clarity No specific
appropriate and appropriate and and focus purpose--
adapted to audience somewhat adapted needs adapting to inappropriate for
to audience audience audience or
Visual Aids Visual aids well Minor problems Significant No visual aids
chosen and with visual aids problems with
presented visual aids
Time Within allotted time Within 10% of Within 20% of Not within 20% of
allotted time allotted time allotted time
(Adapted from Dan Rooney)

E. Business Letter Writing Rubric

4/Exemplary 3/Accomplished 2/Developing 1/Beginning

Organization Accurately uses Mostly uses Few errors in the Many errors in the
correct business correct business use of correct use of correct
correspondence correspondence business business
format format correspondence correspondence
format are format are
noticeable. noticeable.
Content The letter clearly The letter clearly The purpose of The purpose of
states its purpose. states its purpose. the letter is the letter is
Appropriate Nearly all details unclear. unclear. The main
details are used to are used to Few details to idea is not
support the main support the main support the main supported by
idea. idea. idea are available. details.

Appearance Typed; correct Few problems in Many problems in The letter is not
spacing, font spacing, font spacing, font typed, uses wrong
style, font size, style, font size, style, font size, format, and is
and format are and format are and format are hard to read.
used. found. found.
Language Use Correct grammar, One or two More than two Errors in
punctuation, and mistakes in mistakes in grammar,
spelling are grammar, grammar, punctuation, and
evident. punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling are made
spelling are spelling are throughout the
evident. evident. letter.

F. Rubric for Cover Letter

4 3 2 1
Function Audience and Audience and Audience and Audience and
purpose of the purpose are purpose are purpose are
cover letter are present but less clear, and not clear.
strong and could be weak parts
clear. stronger. remain.
Form and Format of the Format is Format is Format is hard
Content letter is clear. mostly clear. confusing. to see. Major
Each major Each major Major sections sections are
section section are missing missing.
includes all includes most information.
required required
information. information.
Effectiveness Letter shows a Letter shows Letter shows a Letter does not
very an appropriate less have a
professional appearance, professional professional
appearance, tone, and style. appearance, appearance,
tone, and Some tone, and tone, or style.
style. inconsistencies style. Several Much revision
remain. weaknesses is needed.
need attention
or revision.
Grammar and Writer follows Writer follows Writer follows Writer has
Mechanics all guidelines most some difficulty
for spelling, guidelines, but guidelines, but following
grammar some sentences guidelines.
usage, sentences are contain Most
mechanics, unclear, multiple sentences
etc. Sentences uneven, and errors, and are contain
are strong and contain errors. difficult to numerous
varied. Writer follows understand. errors and
some cannot be
guidelines, but understood.
errors, and are
difficult to

G. Rubric for Résumé

4 3 2 1
Function Audience and Audience and Audience and Audience and
purpose of the purpose are purpose are purpose are
cover letter are present but less clear, and not clear.
strong and could be weak parts
clear. stronger. remain.
Form and Format of the Format is Format is Format is hard
Content résumé is mostly clear. confusing. to see. Major
clear. Each Each major Major sections sections are
major section section are missing missing.
includes all includes most information.
required required
information. information.
Effectiveness Résumé Résumé shows Résumé Résumé does
shows a very an appropriate shows a less not have a
professional appearance, professional professional
appearance, tone, and style. appearance, appearance,
tone, and Some tone, and tone, or style.
style. inconsistencies style. Several Much revision
remain. weaknesses is needed.
need attention
or revision.
Grammar and Writer follows Writer follows Writer follows Writer has
Mechanics all guidelines most some difficulty
for spelling, guidelines, but guidelines, but following
grammar some sentences guidelines.
usage, sentences are contain Most
mechanics, unclear, multiple sentences
etc. Sentences uneven, and errors, and are contain
are strong and contain errors. difficult to numerous
varied. Writer follows understand. errors and
some cannot be
guidelines, but understood.
errors, and are
difficult to


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