15 Syllabus SPE Civil
15 Syllabus SPE Civil
15 Syllabus SPE Civil
Methods of sub soil exploration, Open test pit, Tube Test pit, Tube borings, Auger
Boring. Wash Boring. Advantages, Disadvantages, Percussion drilling Diamond
drilling, Rotary Drilling and Advantages Disadvantages of each method, standard
Penetration Test, Sampling, Preservation of Samples. Interpretation of geo-
technical parameters C,O, E.
RCC Design: RCC beams-flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of
singly reinforced and double reinforced beams, cantilever beams, T-beams, lintels,
One way and two way slabs, isolated footings, Reinforced brick works, columns,
staircases, retaining wall, water tanks.
Sources of water supply: Major (surface and underground) water sources, quality
and quantity of water in surface and underground sources, selection of suitable
sources of water supply, necessity &determination of the capacity of storage
reservoir by Mass curve method
Septic and Immhoff Tanks: Theory, working and design criteria of septic and
immhoff tanks, advantages and Disadvantages of septic and immhoff tanks,
Sectional elevation and plan of septic and immhoff tanks.
Road Geometries: Right of way, formation width road margin, road shoulder,
carriage way, side slopes, kerbs, formation levels, camber and gradients, sight
distance, Different types of horizontal and vertical curves, super elevation,
methods of providing super elevation, Traffic engineering , traffic study, origin
and destination study, variation of traffic, speed flow density and their
interrelationship, traffic signs, traffic markings, traffic islands and traffic signals,
road safety
Highway Materials: Soil aggregates and bituminous materials, properties and
tests California Bearing Ratio Test
Earth and Gravel Roads: construction details water bound macadam(WBM), Wet
Mix Macadam(WMM) roads, construction details Bituminous roads, Types of
bituminous roads surface dressing, semi grouting-full grouting bituminous
Design of Flexible and Rigid pavements- Flexible pavement, Concrete
pavement, types of construction of concrete roads, construction joints,
Hill Roads: Factors considered in alignment, drainage of hill roads
Earthwork for unlined channel, mid section formula, trapezoidal formula, Simpson's
formula rule, water supply lines, sanitary and water supply fittings, septic tank for a
domestic building and cost estimate of septic tanks, WBM road and pre-mix
carpeting, tube well, isolated and combined footing, steel truss, piles and piles cap,
Single span RCC slab culvert, earthwork for plain, hill roads, RCC work in beams,
slab, column and lintel, Arches and their bar bending schedule
Analysis of rates for finished items when data regarding labour, rates of material
and labour is given, Earthwork in excavation hard / ordinary soil and filling with a
concept of lead and lift, cement concrete in foundation, RCC in roof slab, brick
masonry in cement mortar, cement plaster, white washing
Valuation: Value and cost, scrap value, salvage value, assessed value, sinking fund,
depreciation &obsolescence, methods of valuation
Basic concept & functions of an operating system, textual Vs GUI Interface, type of
Operating Systems, concept of multiprogramming multitasking, multiprocessing,
Introduction to disk operating system (DOS), Commands and utilities, working with
MS Windows, Unix and Linux, Working knowledge of PC Software Word Processor
Industrial laws: Labour laws, factories act 1948, workmen's compensation act
1923, Minimum wages act 1948, ESI act 1948, EPF act 1952, Industrial Dispute
act 1947, payment of wages act
Professional Ethics: Ethics, morality, social and spiritual values and need,
professional bodies, code of conduct, dilemma before a civil engineer, conflict