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15 Syllabus SPE Civil

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Principles of surveying, measurement of distance, chain surveying, working of

prismatic compass, compass traversing, bearings, local attraction, plane table
surveying, theodolite traversing, adjustment of theodolite, Levelling, Definition of
terms used in levelling, contouring, curvature and refraction corrections,
temporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy level, methods of contouring,
uses of contour map, tachometric survey, curve setting, earth work calculation
total station and its important features.


Methods of sub soil exploration, Open test pit, Tube Test pit, Tube borings, Auger
Boring. Wash Boring. Advantages, Disadvantages, Percussion drilling Diamond
drilling, Rotary Drilling and Advantages Disadvantages of each method, standard
Penetration Test, Sampling, Preservation of Samples. Interpretation of geo-
technical parameters C,O, E.


Laboratory compaction tests, standard proctor Compaction, tests, modified proctor

Test. Theory of Compaction. Hogentoeler's Lubrication Theory, Factors affecting
compaction, Effect of Compaction on the properties of Soil, Selection of passes for
rollers and field trial, type of rollers, Field control of compaction, Determination of
density in the field, Sand Replacement Method, Core Cutter Method, Rubber Ballon
Method, Water Replacement Method, Consolidation, Difference Between
Compaction and Consolidation.


Soil classification, Bearing capacity, Determination of bearing capacity, Types of

Foundation-Spread Foundations, Raft or Mat, Foundation, stepped Foundation, Pile
Foundations, Friction piles, End Bearing Piles, frication cum End Bearing piles, Cast-
in-situ concrete piles, Group of Piles, Pile cap, Causes of foundation Failure,
Excavation of Foundations, Timbering of Foundation Trenches, Components of Well
Foundation Pile load test, Sonic test on Piles. Pile Integrity test, Deep Excavation.
Slope Stability, Liquefaction.



Properties of cement, Principles of setting and hardening of cement, Fine

Aggregate, Course Aggregate, General Qualities for food Aggregates, Water Cement
Ratio and its impact on concrete strength, Workability, Slump Test, Admixtures, Mix
Design, Recommended slump for various types of structural components
,Compressive strength of concrete, and methods of testing, Transporting concrete,
placing of concrete, compacting concrete, construction joints, curing of concrete
and methods of testing, transporting concrete, placing of concrete, compacting
concrete, construction joints, curing of concrete, placing concrete under water, use
of tremie, reinforced cement concrete, its properties and advantages, various types
of Form work for concrete structures, Fundamentals of Form Design, Deflection of
forms, arrangements of form work, bending moments & shear force in columns,
simply supported and cantilever beams, one and two ways RCC slabs, Admixtures
R.M.C, fixidity of junction of slab/beam with wall /column with reinforcement
detailing to achieve required fixidity, Weathering , Common repair techniques of
cracks , spalling Delamination, Efflorescence Corrosion, Carbonation depth,
Corrosion mapping and Sulphate Attack.


RCC Design: RCC beams-flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of
singly reinforced and double reinforced beams, cantilever beams, T-beams, lintels,
One way and two way slabs, isolated footings, Reinforced brick works, columns,
staircases, retaining wall, water tanks.


Introduction: Importance of water supply, need for protected water supply,

objectives of water supply system, role of agencies, water supply and sanitation
development in India, Quantity water: Estimating requirements, design period, per
capita consumption, fluctuation in rate of consumption, numerical problems,

 Sources of water supply: Major (surface and underground) water sources, quality
and quantity of water in surface and underground sources, selection of suitable
sources of water supply, necessity &determination of the capacity of storage
reservoir by Mass curve method

 Intakes and Conveyance of water: intakes, types of intakes, location and

requirement of an intake, types of conduits, pipe material, various types of pipe
joints, laying of pipes, hydrostatic test

 Quality of Water: Impurities in water and their importance, collection of water

samples, physical chemical and bacteriological analysis of water, standards of
quality for domestic water supply

 Sedimentation: Sedimentation aided with coagulation, various coagulants,

mechanism of coagulation and floc formation, stage in coagulation, design of
sedimentation tank

 Filtration: Theory of filtration, types of filters, working and comparison of slow

and rapid sand filter, sectional elevation and plan of slow sand filter and rapid
sand filter, pressure filter, Disinfection of water: Necessity of disinfection,
requirements of good disinfectant, methods of disinfection, theory of disinfection
by chlorine, chlorine demand, different practices of chlorination, sketch of
chlorinator, use of bleaching power
 Storage of clear water and its distribution: Layout of water distribution systems
along with their advantages and disadvantages, design of distribution system,
causes, detection and prevention of wastage of water

 Flow in sewers: Quantity of sanitary and storm water, variations in flow of

sewage and their importance, dry weather flow, types of sewer, condition of flow
in sewers, self cleansing and limiting velocities in sewers
 Construction and Maintenance of Sewers: Sewer appurtenances, materials for
sewer, laying of sewers, joints and Testing of sewer joints, maintenance,
operation and precaution before entering a manhole

 Characterization and Examination of Sewage: Physical, chemical and biological

characteristics of sewage, physical, chemical and biological examination of
sewage including pH, BOD and allied numerical problems

 Disposal of Sewage: Methods of disposal, the conditions for adopting different

methods, dilution methods, standards of dilution, self purification of natural
streams, permissible loads and limits of pollution to be discharged into inland
surface water and public sewer, disposal by land treatment method, treatment
standards for sewage effluents, effluent irrigation and sewage farming, sewage
sickness and it's preventive measures

 Treatment of Sewage: Definitions of preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary

treatment, types of treatment units employed in sewage treatment, their
function and efficiencies comparative statement, grit chambers and detritus
tanks, skimming tanks, primary sedimentation, filtration of sewage, tricking
filters, activated sludge process, comparison of trickling filters and ASP, oxidation
ponds Aerated lagoons

 Septic and Immhoff Tanks: Theory, working and design criteria of septic and
immhoff tanks, advantages and Disadvantages of septic and immhoff tanks,
Sectional elevation and plan of septic and immhoff tanks.

 Air Pollution: causes, effects and controls Noise

 Pollution: Causes, effects and controls


 Highways: Importance of highway transportation, IRC classification of roads,

Indian Road congress

 Road Geometries: Right of way, formation width road margin, road shoulder,
carriage way, side slopes, kerbs, formation levels, camber and gradients, sight
distance, Different types of horizontal and vertical curves, super elevation,
methods of providing super elevation, Traffic engineering , traffic study, origin
and destination study, variation of traffic, speed flow density and their
interrelationship, traffic signs, traffic markings, traffic islands and traffic signals,
road safety
 Highway Materials: Soil aggregates and bituminous materials, properties and
tests California Bearing Ratio Test

 Earth and Gravel Roads: construction details water bound macadam(WBM), Wet
Mix Macadam(WMM) roads, construction details Bituminous roads, Types of
bituminous roads surface dressing, semi grouting-full grouting bituminous
 Design of Flexible and Rigid pavements- Flexible pavement, Concrete
pavement, types of construction of concrete roads, construction joints,
 Hill Roads: Factors considered in alignment, drainage of hill roads

 Bridges: Introduction- components of a bridge Factors governing the ideal site

selection, bridge foundations, classification of foundations shallow foundations,
deep foundation, pile foundation, Well foundations, types of piers, abutments
and wing walls, types of super structure steel girders, types of girders, plate
girder, box girder, Bridge bearings, types of bridge bearing, different types of
bridges, maintenance of bridges.


Introduction: Introduction to quantity surveying and its importance, Duties of

quantity surveyor Types of estimates; preliminary estimates, plinth area estimate,
cubic rate estimate, estimate per unit base, Detailed estimates; definition, stages of
preparation details of measurement and calculation of quantities and abstract,

Measurement, units of measurement for various items of work as per BIS:1200,

rules for measurements, Earth work, Brick work (modular and traditional bricks),
RCC works, shuttering wood work, painting, flooring, plastering etc,, different
methods of taking out quantities-centre line method and long wall and short wall

Preparation of Detailed and Abstract Estimates from Drawings; A small residential

building with a flat roof, pitched roof with steel truss, timber structures

Earthwork for unlined channel, mid section formula, trapezoidal formula, Simpson's
formula rule, water supply lines, sanitary and water supply fittings, septic tank for a
domestic building and cost estimate of septic tanks, WBM road and pre-mix
carpeting, tube well, isolated and combined footing, steel truss, piles and piles cap,
Single span RCC slab culvert, earthwork for plain, hill roads, RCC work in beams,
slab, column and lintel, Arches and their bar bending schedule

Calculation of quantities of materials for cement mortars of different proportion,

Portland cement concrete of different proportion, brick masonry in cement mortar,
plastering and pointing, white washing, cement concrete flooring, terrazo flooring,
stone masonry-random rubble and ashlar, Analysis of Rates: Steps involved in the
analysis of rates, Requirement of material, labour, sundaries, contractor's profit and

Analysis of rates for finished items when data regarding labour, rates of material
and labour is given, Earthwork in excavation hard / ordinary soil and filling with a
concept of lead and lift, cement concrete in foundation, RCC in roof slab, brick
masonry in cement mortar, cement plaster, white washing

Valuation: Value and cost, scrap value, salvage value, assessed value, sinking fund,
depreciation &obsolescence, methods of valuation


 Granite flooring, laying clamp specifications, dry cladding tiles, polishing

 IPS flooring,
 Aluminium composite panels - fixing, properties, framing sealant
 Glass-properties for lamination, toughening, clamping, sealant
 Stainless Steel (SS)- Railing work, cladding works, canopy works, properties
field test to verify grade 304 etc
 Calcium silicate board-fixing properties, baffle/ metal false ceiling
 GFRC screen/ panel-properties, fixing arrangement, quality control.


Digital Computer systems, Characteristics, History, Computer Generations, Types of

computers & their classifications, application of Computer in various fields,
Computer Hardware & Software, Elements of computer hardware-CPU, I/O devices,
storage media, Computer Software-Types of Software, System Software,
Application Software

Basic concept & functions of an operating system, textual Vs GUI Interface, type of
Operating Systems, concept of multiprogramming multitasking, multiprocessing,
Introduction to disk operating system (DOS), Commands and utilities, working with
MS Windows, Unix and Linux, Working knowledge of PC Software Word Processor

Computer Languages, Generation of Languages, Translators-Assemblers,

Interpreters, Compilers, Algorithm, Pseudo-code, Flowcharts-rules & symbols,
Structured Programming concepts, various techniques of programming, Use of

Introduction to 'C', importance of C, basic structure of a C program, constants,

variables and data types, operators and expressions, managing I/O operators,
Control Statement: IF statement and its various forms, go to statement, for, while
and do-while loops, switch decision making statement Arrays: Array notation,
storage and representation, Functions: user defined functions and their use


 Basic Principle of Managements: Management principles, planning, organizing,

directing controlling, organization, structure of organization, structure of
construction organization both government and project organizations

 Accident, Safety and Housekeeping: Types, causes, cost and investigation of

accidents, hazards safety analysis, planning, implementation and education,
BIS measures for safety (specially construction industry),fire fighting, First aid,
security, pilferage, job layout- location of store equipments, materials, project
office, security guards etc

 Industrial laws: Labour laws, factories act 1948, workmen's compensation act
1923, Minimum wages act 1948, ESI act 1948, EPF act 1952, Industrial Dispute
act 1947, payment of wages act

 Personnel Management: Man power planning, sources, recruitment and

selection process, testing , interviewing, training and development strategies for
workers, supervisors and managers, career planning, industrial relations,
discipline, Industrial fatigue, leader ship, attitudes and human behaviour,
motivation, duties towards workers peers and seniors, wage payment
 Finance Management: Types of economic systems, ownership, Money
banking, international trade, foreign exchange, taxes, finance forecasting,
capital, sources of finance (loans from government and private), shares,
debentures, mutual fund, types of accounts and account statements, final
accounts and balance statements, demand and supply theories

 Project Management: Project planning, Man, machine, money and

material, work breakdown scheduling, Bar charts, CPM and PERT, types of
construction machines-crawler and wheel tractors Power shovels, cranes,
lifts, hoes, trenching machines, selection of equipment etc, Operation, cost,
troubles and maintenance, store and Inventory management, cash flow,
depreciation, instalments, Interest, manpower planning, organization chart,
purchasing, introduction to management software like primavera

 Quality Control: Specification, Inspection, stages of inspection, testing,

tolerances, BIS code specifications, for cement, aggregates, steel, concrete &
mild steel, Quality Management Systems ISO: 9000 series, Environmental
Quality Management system-ISO: 14001 series, Total quality management

 Marketing in Civil Engineering: Importance of marking, marketing of

housing, building materials, infrastructures, toll bridges, water supply and
sanitation services, consultancy, pricing, construction equipments, shuttering
and centering etc, market survey, marketing mix of product and services,
tenders and contracts, quotations, branding and packaging, invoicing,
property dealing, credit facilities and after sales maintenance etc

 Entrepreneur ship: Concept and need of Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial

qualities, small scale industries, procedure for setting up an industry,
construction firm, project report preparation and approval procedure from
the concerned agencies

 Professional Ethics: Ethics, morality, social and spiritual values and need,
professional bodies, code of conduct, dilemma before a civil engineer, conflict


Introduction to Auto Cad, definition of various commands used, Simple exercises

using Auto Cad commands, Double line plan, Front elevation and section of a one
bed room set residential single storey building.


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