Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience in Barcelona For Current and Future Scenarios. The RESCCUE Project
Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience in Barcelona For Current and Future Scenarios. The RESCCUE Project
Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience in Barcelona For Current and Future Scenarios. The RESCCUE Project
Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience in
Barcelona for Current and Future Scenarios.
The RESCCUE Project
Beniamino Russo 1,2,3, * , Marc Velasco 1 , Luca Locatelli 1 , David Sunyer 1 , Daniel Yubero 1 ,
Robert Monjo 4 , Eduardo Martínez-Gomariz 3,5 , Edwar Forero-Ortiz 5 ,
Daniel Sánchez-Muñoz 6 , Barry Evans 7,8 and Andoni Gonzalez Gómez 9
1 AQUATEC (SUEZ Advanced Solutions), Paseo de la Zona Franca, 46-48, 08038 Barcelona, Spain; (M.V.); (L.L.); (D.S.); (D.Y.)
2 Grupo de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental (GIHA) (Group of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering),
Escuela Politécnica de La Almunia (EUPLA, Universidad de Zaragoza) (Technical College of La Almunia,
University of Zaragoza), Calle Mayor, 5, 50100 Zaragoza, Spain
3 Flumen Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain; or
4 Fundación de Investigación del Clima (FIC) (Climate Research Fundation), Calle Gran Vía, 22, 28019 Madrid,
5 Cetaqua, Water Technology Centre, Carretera d’Esplugues, 75, 08940 Barcelona, Spain;
6 IREC, Power Systems department, Jardins de les Dones de Negre, 1, 2a pl., 08930 Barcelona, Spain;
7 Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QF, UK;
8 School of Built Environment, College of Sciences, Massey University, Auckland 0745, New Zealand
9 Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona Municipality), Carrer de Torrent de l’Olla 218, 08012 Barcelona, Spain;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-932-479-869
Received: 26 June 2020; Accepted: 6 July 2020; Published: 13 July 2020
Abstract: The results of recent climate projections for the city of Barcelona show a relevant increment
of the maximum rainfall intensities for the period 2071–2100. Considering the city as a system
of systems, urban resilience is strictly linked to the proper functioning of urban services and the
knowledge of the cascading effects that may occur in the case of the failure of one or more critical
infrastructures of a particular strategic sector. In this context, the aim of this paper is to assess
urban resilience through the analysis of the behavior of the main urban services in case of pluvial
floods for current and future rainfall conditions due to climate change. A comprehensive flood risk
assessment including direct, indirect, tangible and intangible impacts has been performed using
cutting edge sectorial and integrated models to analyze the resilience of different urban services
(urban drainage, traffic, electric and waste sectors) and their cascade effects. In addition, the paper
shows how the information generated by these models can be employed to feed a more holistic
analysis to provide a general overview of the city’s resilience in the case of extreme rainfall events.
According to the obtained results, Barcelona could suffer a significant increase of socio-economic
impacts due to climate change if adaptation measures are not adopted. In several cases, these impacts
have been geographically distributed showing the specific situation of each district of the city for
current and future scenarios. This information is essential for the justification and prioritization of
the implementation of adaptation measures.
Keywords: urban resilience; cascading effects; climate change; pluvial floods; 1D/2D coupled models
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Urban resilience refers
Urban resilience refers toto the
the ability
ability of of an
an urban
urban system—and
system—and all all its constituent socio-ecological
its constituent socio-ecological
and socio-technical networks across temporal and spatial scales—to
and socio-technical networks across temporal and spatial scales—to maintain or rapidly return maintain or rapidly return to to
desired functions in the face of a disturbance, to adapt to change and to quickly
desired functions in the face of a disturbance, to adapt to change and to quickly transform systems transform systems that
limit current
that limit or future
current adaptive
or future capacity
adaptive [1]. [1].
In this context, a city can be considered
In this context, a city can be considered as as aa system
system of of systems,
systems, and
and itsits urban
urban resilience
resilience is is strictly
linked toto the
functioningofofurban urban services
services and thethe
and knowledge
knowledge of the cascading
of the cascadingeffects that may
effects that
occur in the case of the failure of one or more critical infrastructures of a particular
may occur in the case of the failure of one or more critical infrastructures of a particular strategic strategic sector [2].
Moreover, urban areas are complex systems that cannot be understood
sector [2]. Moreover, urban areas are complex systems that cannot be understood by sectorial and by sectorial and disciplinary
disciplinary alone [3,4], and
approaches alonethe[3,4],
focusand of smart cities
the focus ofmodels on strengthening
smart cities different sectors
models on strengthening with
technological advancement could contribute to building upon a city’s resilience
sectors with technological advancement could contribute to building upon a city’s resilience in terms in terms of dealing
with natural
of dealing hazards
with natural [5].hazards [5].
This paper shows how
paper shows howpluvial
assessed byby analyzing
analyzing thethe
behavior of
critical urban services and the related cascading effects in the case of failures
of critical urban services and the related cascading effects in the case of failures due to heavy storm due to heavy storm events.
events.this aim,
With sectorial
this and integrated
aim, sectorial models
and integrated have been
models developed
have been and calibrated
developed and calibrated to analyze
to analyze the
resilience of several urban services in Barcelona for current (baseline scenario)
the resilience of several urban services in Barcelona for current (baseline scenario) and future and future (business as
usual scenario) rainfall conditions up to the horizon of 2100 [6]. In addition,
(business as usual scenario) rainfall conditions up to the horizon of 2100 [6]. In addition, the the information generated
by these models,
information together
generated by with
thesethe historical
models, information
together with theavailable
historicalfor each urbanavailable
information service, has for been
used to feed a more holistic model which covers all the urban services
urban service, has been used to feed a more holistic model which covers all the urban services of the city. This twofold
of the
approach, including
city. This twofold risk treatment
approach, (implementation
including risk treatment of adaptation strategies)
(implementation in a comprehensive
of adaptation strategies)flood
in a
risk management process, is presented in Figure
comprehensive flood risk management process, is presented in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1. Twofold
Figure approach
1. Twofold to achieve
approach an urban
to achieve resilience
an urban assessment
resilience for current
assessment and future
for current scenarios.
and future
A flood-resilient city can be defined as a city which is able to resist, absorb, accommodate
and recover from the city
A flood-resilient effects
canofbea defined
flood hazard in awhich
as a city timelyisand
to resist,manner,
absorb, including
accommodate through
the preservation
recover from the and restoration
effects of a floodofhazard
its essential basic structures
in a timely andmanner,
and efficient functions [7]. In this
including context,
through the
flood resilience assessment has been performed in Barcelona through a 1D/2D urban drainage
preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions [7]. In this context, flood model
linked to other
resilience urbanhas
assessment services models to in
been performed evaluate thethrough
Barcelona cascade aeffects
1D/2Dproduced by urban
urban drainage floods
model on
traffic, electric and waste collection systems. The employment of a coupled 1D/2D
to other urban services models to evaluate the cascade effects produced by urban floods on traffic,urban drainage
and wasteflow variables
collection (flow depths,
systems. flow velocity
The employment of aand flood1D/2D
coupled extension)
urban ondrainage
urban surfaces
flowflood events
variables is essential
(flow depths,toflow
perform tangible
velocity and intangible
and flood extension)riskonassessments.
urban surfacesMoreover,
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 26
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 3 of 25
pluvial flood events is essential to perform tangible and intangible risk assessments. Moreover, the
results of these
the results integrated
of these models
integrated havehave
models beenbeen
to feed a holistic
to feed tool to
a holistic assess
tool the resilience
to assess of theof
the resilience
the as a whole.
city as a whole.
approachesare arecomplementary
complementaryand andinterconnected
interconnectedand andcan
understandthe the
decision making.
decision making.
2.1. TheEffects
Recently, theClimate
(Fundaciónde deInvestigación
FIC fromthe
variables in Barcelona, the results of which are summarized in Figure 2. These results
variables in Barcelona, the results of which are summarized in Figure 2. These results confirm the confirm the
same trends as other previous studies developed for the city and are in line with the data
same trends as other previous studies developed for the city and are in line with the data from the from the
last ClimatePlan
publishedby byBarcelona
providedby byFIC,
phenomena such as extreme rainfall, heatwaves and droughts could experience significant
phenomena such as extreme rainfall, heatwaves and droughts could experience significant increases increases
due anacceleration
Figure compassrose
maximumpoint pointchange
over the century, taking into account return periods between 2 and 100 years. The center
over the century, taking into account return periods between 2 and 100 years. The center represents represents
no changes,and
correspondstotoan anincrease
days (theborder +1000%)and
borderisis+1000%) andextreme
(theborder +10°C).
borderisis+10 ◦ C).Thick
median scenario, and the shaded area is the uncertainty region
median scenario, and the shaded area is the uncertainty region (5–95%). (5–95%).
Particularly, in the case of maximum rainfall intensities and the horizon of 2071–2100 for the city
Particularly, in the case of maximum rainfall intensities and the horizon of 2071–2100 for the city
of Barcelona, the value of the coefficient of climate change (defined as the ratio between future and
of Barcelona, the value of the coefficient of climate change (defined as the ratio between future and
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 4 of 25
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 26
current maximum intensities, for certain return periods and time intervals) [10,11] was found to be
current maximum intensities, for certain return periods and time intervals) [10,11] was found to be in
in a range between 1.07 and 1.26 depending on the frequency and duration of each maximum rainfall
a range between 1.07 and 1.26 depending on the frequency and duration of each maximum rainfall
intensity (Figure 3 and Table 1).
intensity (Figure 3).
Climate change
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Duration (in minutes)
Figure 3. Fiftieth percentiles of the climate change coefficients obtained for different rainfall durations
Figure 3. Fiftieth percentiles of the climate change coefficients obtained for different rainfall durations
and return periods for the horizon 2071–2100 for the city of Barcelona [6].
and return periods for the horizon 2071–2100 for the city of Barcelona [6].
These results were obtained using statistical spatial and temporal downscaling techniques on
Table 1. Loosely coupled models developed and used for the flood resilience analysis in Barcelona.
20 future pluviometric series provided by 10 general atmospheric circulation models, forced by
Loosely Coupled Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios and previously validated for a
Involved Sectors Main Purposes
control period (1976–2005) [6]. The climate change coefficients in Figure 3 represent the 50th
percentile of the results obtained. Flood hazard assessment and socio-economic
Once these
1D/2D climate change
coupled coefficients
Urban were obtained,flood
drainage they risk
applied to for
and with
different return periods (T1, T10, T50, T100 and T500) used for the last drainage propertiesmaster plan of the city
of Barcelona [11] obtained through
Flooding—traffic the alternating
Urban drainage and blocks method.ofFigure
Assessment flood 4hazard
showsandthe flood
Barcelona project
model design storm for a return
Surface traffic period of 10 years with a duration of
on traffic systemapproximately 2h
and 30 min
Sustainability after
Flooding—electric the
12, x application
REVIEW climate
Urban drainage andchange coefficients for each different rainfall duration.
Assessment of flood hazard and flood impacts26 5 of
These120results were obtained using statistical spatial and temporal downscaling techniques on 20
future pluviometric series provided by 10 general atmospheric circulation models, forced by
Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios and previously validated for a
historical control
period (1976–2005) [6]. The climate change coefficients in Figure 3 represent the 50th
percentile of20 the results obtained.
Once these
0 climate change coefficients were obtained, they were applied to synthetic storms
with different return periods (T1, T10, T50, T100 and T500) used for the last drainage master plan of
the city of Barcelona [11] obtained through the alternating blocks method. Figure 4 shows the urban
Elapsed time
drainage Barcelona project design storm for a return period of 10 years with a duration of
Figure 4.
approximately 4. Urban
Urban drainage
2 h and Barcelona
30 min project
after the design
project storm
application withwith
of a return
climate periodperiod
a return
change of 10 years and
of 10
coefficients a duration
eachand a
of 2 h and
duration 35 min [6].
of 2 h and 35 min [6].
rainfall duration.
2.2. 1D/2D Coupled Approaches for Urban Pluvial Modelling
2.2. 1D/2D Coupled Approaches for Urban Pluvial Modelling
Urban areas have a complex topography and contain small-scale elements such as streets and
Urban areas have a complex topography and contain small-scale elements such as streets and
buildings that are usually not taken into account in standard river floodplain studies [12]. Therefore,
buildings that are usually not taken into account in standard river floodplain studies [12]. Therefore,
a higher resolution is required to represent features at the city scale, although this may lead to larger
a higher resolution is required to represent features at the city scale, although this may lead to larger
computational time, notwithstanding the fact that urban model areas are generally smaller than a river
computational time, notwithstanding the fact that urban model areas are generally smaller than a
floodplain. For all of these reasons, urban, pluvial flooding requires a different modeling approach
river floodplain. For all of these reasons, urban, pluvial flooding requires a different modeling
than the one used for fluvial flooding [12].
approach than the one used for fluvial flooding [12].
During the last two decades, several authors have published papers about the need to develop
and use urban stormwater models (USMs) based on coupled approaches (the modeling of the surface
and sewer flows at the same time by 1D/1D or 1D/2D models) to represent adequately urban flood
caused by surcharged sewers [13–16] and carry out realistic flood risk assessments [17].
Although the choice between using a 1D or a 2D surface overland flow model (to be coupled to
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 5 of 25
During the last two decades, several authors have published papers about the need to develop
and use urban stormwater models (USMs) based on coupled approaches (the modeling of the surface
and sewer flows at the same time by 1D/1D or 1D/2D models) to represent adequately urban flood
caused by surcharged sewers [13–16] and carry out realistic flood risk assessments [17].
Although the choice between using a 1D or a 2D surface overland flow model (to be coupled to a
1D sewer model) determines the accuracy of results and the computational time required to obtain
them, when the flow overtops street curbs and does not remain within the street profile, using a 2D
model is crucial [12,18].
In 1D/2D USMs, the underground sewer network is represented by a 1D sewer model while the
surface flow is computed using a 2D model. The 2D model reproduces the urban surface topography
and is essential to achieve a more realistic simulation of the flow spreading across complex urban
surfaces, with results such as flow depths and velocities anywhere in the urban model area [12].
USM can be semi-distributed (SD) or fully distributed (FD). SD models, commonly applied in
urban stormwater modeling, are based on subcatchment units where rainfall is applied, while runoff
is estimated and routed according to specific hydrological losses and rainfall–runoff transformation
methods. FD models, which are generally more detailed and theoretically more realistic, are based on
the two-dimensional (2D) discretization of the overland surface, where runoff volumes are estimated
and directly routed by the 2D overland flow module [19]. Both kinds of approaches can be followed to
create 1D/2D coupled models that are able to simulate, at the same time, the behavior of the sewer
system and the urban surfaces and their mutual interaction in case of pluvial flooding events (Figure 5).
Finally, hybrid models (H) can account for runoff produced by rainfall which is directly applied from
subcatchment units formed by building areas (roofs, terraces and courtyards) and directly conveyed
into the sewer systems; for the other impervious (streets, sidewalks, squares, etc.) and pervious
(parks and natural areas) urban surfaces, the 2D overland flow model computes and routes the runoff
produced by the rainfall directly applied to these surfaces [20]. These approaches are represented in
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 26
Figure 5.
Figure5. 5.Scheme
Schemeofofsemi-distributed (SD) (a),
semi-distributed (SD) (a), fully-distributed
and hybrid
hybrid (H)(H)
(c)(c) 1D/2D
model (USM)
(USM) approaches (adaptedfrom
approaches (adapted from[19]).
brown, subcatchment
units are
units arerepresented,
lines and
and arrows indicatethe
arrows indicate thepathway
pathwayofofthe the runoff
runoff from
from thethe source
(subcatchment units or discretized 2D surface)
(subcatchment units or discretized 2D surface) to the sewer system.
sewer system.
entering the
the underground sewernetwork
underground sewer networkisislimited
limitedbybythethe hydraulic
efficiency of surface drainage structures (inlets, transversal grates, etc.) [21–23] and their
efficiency of surface drainage structures (inlets, transversal grates, etc.) [21–23] and their state state
of of
maintenance and clogging [23,24], although these aspects are often neglected in
maintenance and clogging [23,24], although these aspects are often neglected in urban drainage urban drainage
models [19].
models apply the runoff
apply all the runoff estimated
estimatedinina agiven
subcatchment directly
into the
into theselected
computational node
node ofof the sewer system, without
sewer system, withoutaccounting
accountingforforthethe hydraulic
capacity. With this
this assumption,
model only
only considers
considers thethe
flooding thatoccurs
that occurswhen
sewer system
system surcharges
urbanfloods produced
floods produced by by
poor capacity of inlet systems [19]. On the contrary, FD modelling packages, such as Infoworks ICM
(Integrated Catchment Modeling) software [25], can take into account the hydraulic performance of
surface drainage systems connecting network nodes with the 2D overland surface mesh by weirs,
orifices and other experimental equations [20,21].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 6 of 25
poor capacity of inlet systems [19]. On the contrary, FD modelling packages, such as Infoworks ICM
(Integrated Catchment Modeling) software [25], can take into account the hydraulic performance of
surface drainage systems connecting network nodes with the 2D overland surface mesh by weirs,
orifices and other experimental equations [20,21].
Figure 6. Scheme of loosely coupled model approach used for the multi-hazards
multi-hazards assessment
assessment [27].
The aim
aim ofof the
the developed
developed loosely
loosely coupled
coupled models
models was
was the
the assessment
assessment of of multi-hazards
multi-hazards and
multi-risks (including direct and indirect impacts) produced by urban pluvial floods
multi-risks (including direct and indirect impacts) produced by urban pluvial floods and the and the cascading
effects on other
cascading effectsurban services
on other urban(electrical system, waste
services (electrical collection
system, system and
waste collection surface
system andtraffic system).
surface traffic
Table 1 summarizes
system). the analyzed
Table 1 summarizes the services
analyzed affected byaffected
services pluvial floods in Barcelona,
by pluvial floods inthe behaviorthe
Barcelona, of
which was based on the developed loosely coupled models [27]. Figure 7
behavior of which was based on the developed loosely coupled models [27]. Figure 7 shows the shows the analyzed
interrelationships to assess the
analyzed interrelationships resilience
to assess of some main
the resilience city main
of some services
the case inof urban
the case flooding
of urban
episodes [28].
flooding episodes [28].
Table 1. Loosely coupled models developed and used for the flood resilience analysis in Barcelona.
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Diagram
theimpact analyses
impact carried
analyses out out
carried within this paper
within and the
this paper andpotential cascading
the potential effects.
2.5. Social Flood Impacts Model
2.5. Social flood
Flood impacts
Impacts can be classified into tangible and intangible impacts and direct and indirect
impacts [29]. In this study, socio-economic impacts produced by pluvial flooding have been assessed
Pluvial flood impacts can be classified into tangible and intangible impacts and direct and
indirect impacts [29]. In this study, socio-economic impacts produced by pluvial flooding have been
assessed according to comprehensive and detailed methodologies carried out and implemented in
previous investigations in several urban areas [29,30].
In the social field, for the assessment of the intangible impacts, human risk focuses on the safety
(a) (b)
Figure 8.
Figure Experimentalflood
8. Experimental floodhazard
hazard criteria
criteria for
for (a)
(a) pedestrians
pedestrians and
and (b)
(b) vehicles.
Regarding flood
Regarding flood vulnerability
vulnerability for
for pedestrians,
pedestrians,itit is
is considered
considered toto be
be aa function
function of
of exposure
exposure and
sensitivity, taking into account several indicators such as demographic density, the
sensitivity, taking into account several indicators such as demographic density, the percentage of percentage of
people of a critical age and of foreign inhabitants and the number of critical infrastructures. By
people of a critical age and of foreign inhabitants and the number of critical infrastructures. By setting setting
thresholds for
thresholds for the
the proposed
proposed indicators,
indicators, the
the vulnerability
vulnerability of of each
each census
census district
district can
can be
be qualitatively
scored and classified as low, medium and high. On the other hand, in order to assess the
scored and classified as low, medium and high. On the other hand, in order to assess the vulnerabilityvulnerability
for vehicular circulation, the exposure for each urban street, expressed in terms of vehicular daily
intensity, is considered. Based on this value, flood vulnerability regarding vehicular circulation
is qualitatively scored and classified as low, medium and high, in a similar manner to pedestrian
vulnerability [28–30].
Methods for risk determination can be qualitative or quantitative, with both having limitations.
If we define risk as the probability or threat of a hazard occurring in a vulnerable area, flood risk can
be assessed through a flood risk map related to a determined scenario and return period by combining
hazard and vulnerability maps [29,30]. Pedestrians and vehicles are expected to be the most potentially
affected by floods in Barcelona. Their risk is related to their stability, and in Barcelona, this is assessed
for the present (baseline) and also for the future (business as usual (BAU)) scenarios according to the
rainfall variable projections for different return periods.
Qualitative risk assessment defines hazards, vulnerability and risk levels by significance levels
such as “high”, “medium” and “low” and evaluates the resultant level of risk against qualitative criteria.
In this case, hazard and vulnerability maps are generally elaborated through specific criteria and
indexes, and so risk maps will be created by multiplying the vulnerability index (1, 2 or 3, corresponding
to low, medium and high vulnerability) by the hazard index (1, 2 or 3, corresponding to low, medium
and high hazard). Finally, the total risk varies from 1 to 9, where higher levels indicate higher risk
according to the following risk matrix (Figure 9) previously employed in other works [29,30].
criteria. In this case, hazard and vulnerability maps are generally elaborated through specific criteria
and indexes, and so risk maps will be created by multiplying the vulnerability index (1, 2 or 3,
corresponding to low, medium and high vulnerability) by the hazard index (1, 2 or 3, corresponding
to low, medium and high hazard). Finally, the total risk varies from 1 to 9, where higher levels
indicate higher
Sustainability risk
2020, 12, according to the following risk matrix (Figure 9) previously employed in other
5638 9 of 25
works [29,30].
Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium
Vulnerability Medium Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Figure 9. Proposed
Figure 9. Proposed flood
flood risk
risk matrix
matrix for
for pedestrians and vehicles
pedestrians and vehicles [28,30].
Flood Depth Range (m) Hazard Classification Maximum Vehicle Speed (km/h)
Flow depth < 0.1 Low Road speed limit
0.1 < Flow depth < 0.3 Medium 20
Flow depth > 0.3 m High 0 (Road closed)
Table 2. Flood hazard effects on traffic flow (from [38,39]).
Flood Depth Range (m) Hazard Classification Maximum Vehicle Speed (km/h)
Flow depth < 0.1 Low Road speed limit
0.1 < Flow depth
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638
< 0.3 Medium 20 10 of 25
Flow depth > 0.3 m High 0 (Road closed)
Substation Failure
Probability (PF)
Electrical Percentage of Auxiliary Generation
Total cost
locations Sample of area afected Cost (AGC)
coupled 1D/2D depth Fragility Curve Effective Damage
USW model probability Cost (EDC)
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Integration
Integration of
of GIS
GIS spatial
spatial analysis
analysis for flood assessment
for flood assessment on
on the
the electrical
electrical model.
In particular,
particular, the
the flooding
flooding hazard
hazard level
level of each electrical infrastructure
infrastructure waswas assessed on the basis
on flood influence
influence areas
areas of
of55m,m,2525mmandand3030mmininradius with
radius withrespect
respectto to
their location
their depending
location depending on
on asset type
asset (distribution
type (distribution center
medium-voltage(MV) (MV)andand high-voltage
high-voltage (HV) substation
respectively), aswell
consideringthe theflow
flow depths
depths values
values every
every 2 m2 in
in order to avoid
to avoid locallocal errors
errors and
and potential
potential uncertainties
uncertainties of theofelectrical
the electrical asset location
asset location and ofand
the of the source
source data provided
data provided by the
by the 1D/2D
USW USW Inmodel. In addition,
addition, a 10 cm threshold
a 10 cm threshold was used to was used to
consider consider local
significant significant local
flooding. flooding.
Using these
parameters, the flood affections were classified as complete, partial or null, quantifying the percentage
of flooded surface in each area of influence of each electric infrastructure according to the methodology
proposed by Sánchez et al. [28,40].
One of the most important uncertainties of this model was the lack of knowledge about the
specific location of critical electrical infrastructures (sometimes located on surfaces and at other times
underground or with self-protection elements which were not always known).
For the impacts analysis, a vulnerability curve (known as a fragility curve in the energy sector)
of the electrical infrastructure proposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency [41] was
used. The curve relates the probability of failure of an electrical infrastructure to the flood depth.
Furthermore, this curve was partially modified to carry out a sensitivity analysis of the final results
regarding this input [40]. The results obtained from the analysis of the percentage of flooding surface in
each area and from the fragility curve were computed to obtain a probability of failure, later categorized
into four different risk categories as shown in Table 3.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 11 of 25
The cost assessment was based on estimations based on GIS computing; furthermore,
we established the supply area of each electrical location using Thiessen polygons and obtained
the power supplied through an estimation of the consumers per area based on the census of the city.
Based on these estimations, it was possible to extract the number of consumers affected and the
time needed to repair the substation as well as the cost of the energy not supplied, the cost incurred by
businesses, auxiliary generation and the damage received by the location [40].
(a) (c)
Figure 11.(a)
(a) Container
Container distribution
distributionin inBarcelona
Barcelonaclassified according
classified according to to
fraction type
fraction andand
type types of of
containers as they
they are
are loaded
loaded by by the
the bin
and(c)(c)bilateral load.
bilateral Adapted
load. from
Adapted from
from Martínez-Gomariz et
Martínez-Gomariz et al. [42]. al. [42].
Finally, on the basis on the location of the containers (Figure 11) and the flow parameters provided
by the 1/D/2D USM model, flood (a)
hazard maps showing the unstable waste (c)
containers were created
for an historical storm event to validate the model and several synthetic project storms of 1, 10 and
Figure 11. (a) Container distribution in Barcelona classified according to fraction type and types of
50 years [27,42].
containers as they are loaded by the bin lorry, (b) lateral load and (c) bilateral load. Adapted from
from Martínez-Gomariz et al. [42].
2.10. Holistic Model of Urban Resilience
The Holistic Modelandof Urban provided by the 1D/2D USM were used as inputs to the HAZUR®
the results
holistic tool
the evaluation and of
thethe potential
results cascading
provided by theeffects
USM were byused
pluvial floods on
as inputs several
to the
main HAZUR
urban services
® holistic(as
toolwell as evaluation
for the others notofcontemplated by the integrated
the potential cascading floodby
effects produced models
described) and to
on several estimate
main urban their recovery
services (as welltime for current
as others and future by
not contemplated scenarios. This analysis
the integrated involved
flood models
34 urban services described)
groupedand intotonine
sectors their
withrecovery time for
563 critical current and future
infrastructures. scenarios.
The main urbanThis
analysis involved 34 urban services grouped into nine sectors with 563 critical
and services analyzed included the water cycle, energy, telecommunications, transport, emergencies, infrastructures. The
publicmain urban
health, sectors andand
environment services
greenanalyzed includedwaste
infrastructures, the water cycle, energy,
and citizens. telecommunications,
The HAZUR ® tool is capable
transport, emergencies, public health, environment and green infrastructures, waste and citizens. The
of analyzing cascading effects generated from certain impacts (Figure 12). In the case of pluvial floods,
HAZUR® tool is capable of analyzing cascading effects generated from certain impacts (Figure 12).
impacts and cascade effects on electric and transport sectors were assessed for several synthetic project
In the case of pluvial floods, impacts and cascade effects on electric and transport sectors were
with return
for several periods
synthetic (T1,storms
project T10, T150, T100 and
with different T500)
return for current
periods (baseline)
(T1, T10, and
T150, T100 andfuture
for current (baseline) and future (BAU) scenarios.
Taking into account the down-times included in the HAZUR® tool (obtained from the sectorial
models or by expert assessment) and considering the interdependencies which exist between several
services and infrastructures, the cascading effects can be simulated [43]. Figure 12 presents an example
of cascading effects generated by a 10 year return period flood event in Barcelona. In this case, as can be
seen in Figure 12, the tool allows us to see that the lack of capacity of the drainage system in the upper
part of the city generates a flood on the high-speed ring “Ronda de Dalt”, stopping the circulation of
vehicles. This affects many other services (such as medical emergency services, the local police or the
citizens), and it also causes the failure of the other high-speed ring “Ronda Litoral”, which in turn
would affect the same services as before (in another area of the city) as well as the port of the city due
to the connection of this highway with that infrastructure.
3. Results
The 1D/2D USM and the derived loosely coupled (integrated) models described in the previous
section were developed and validated using field data provided by sensors and historic collected
information to estimate the potential effects of climate change on the urban drainage sectors and the
cascading effects on other main urban services [27]. The use of this modeling approach allowed us
to achieve valuable results in terms of flood hazards, as well as in terms of socio-economic risk and
impacts on other sectors of the city. In this section, the specific results directly related to the urban
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 13 of 25
drainage sector and the other analyzed urban services (surface transport, electric system and waste
collection) are presented.
Figure 13.13.Vulnerability
Vulnerability maps
maps for
As stated
As stated above,
above, thethe flood
flood riskresults
risk results were
were presented
presented ininterms of of
terms flood riskrisk
flood maps for all
maps forthe
all the
considered return periods and scenarios (baseline and BAU). Figure 14 shows the flood risk maps
considered return periods and scenarios (baseline and BAU). Figure 14 shows the flood risk maps
related to a rainfall storm event with a return period of 10 years for both scenarios.
related to a rainfall storm event with a return period of 10 years for both scenarios.
Figure 13. Vulnerability maps for pedestrians.
As stated above, the flood risk results were presented in terms of flood risk maps for all the
considered return periods and scenarios (baseline and BAU). Figure 14 shows the flood risk maps
Sustainability to a12,
related2020, 5638 storm event with a return period of 10 years for both scenarios.
rainfall 14 of 25
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Example
14. Example of flood
of flood risk
risk mapsfor
maps forpedestrians
pedestrians for
year return
year period
return projected
period projected
storms related
related to baseline
to (a) (a) baseline
(b)(b) businessas
business asusual
usual (BAU)
Furthermore, the the high-risk
high-risk area
area (in(in percentage)for
percentage) forpedestrians
pedestrians was
was broken
districts in
in order to observe the riskiest districts in terms of pedestrians’ stability. Moreover, in order to
order to observe the riskiest districts in terms of pedestrians’ stability. Moreover, in order to highlight
highlight the effect of climate change in terms of the increase of high-risk areas in Barcelona, we also
the effect of climate change in terms of the increase of high-risk areas in Barcelona, we also present the
present the variation of high flood risk areas for pedestrians according to the 10 districts into which
variation of high
Barcelona flood risk areasdivided
is administratively for pedestrians
(Figure 15).according to to
It is possible theobserve
10 districts intoincreases
the major which Barcelona
of high is
flood risk areas divided
30% for15).
the It is possible
whole district to observe the
of Barcelona) major
with increases
respect of highchange
to the climate flood risk
(around 30% for the whole district of Barcelona) with
(from 12% to 16%) for the same return periods [28]. respect to the climate change coefficients
(from 12% to 2020,
16%)12, xfor
same return periods [28]. 15 of 26
Climate Change
60% 20%
high risk area
Increase of
30% 15%
0% 10%
T1 T10 T50 T100 T500
Floods related to return periods
Ciutat Vella Eixample
Sants-Montjuic Les Corts
Sarrià-St. Gervasi Gràcia
Horta-Guinardó Nou Barris
St. Andreu St. Martí
Barcelona Climate Change Factors
Figure 15. Expected increase of high-risk areas according to the future conditions.
Figure 15. Expected increase of high-risk areas according to the future conditions.
3.1.2. Flood Risk for Vehicles
3.1.2. Flood Risk for Vehicles
The flow variables (flow depths and flow velocity) provided by the 1D/2D USM were also used to
The flood
generate flow variables (flowfor
hazard maps depths and for
vehicles flow velocity)
each provided
district by and
of the city the 1D/2D USM were
their evolution inalso
the used
to agenerate
of climate flood
change hazard mapsThe
scenario. forresults
vehicles for each district
concerning of thescenario
the current city and show
their evolution
that areasin the case
of a high
with climate
hazardscenario. Thehave
conditions results concerning
reduced the current
risk compared scenario
to the case ofshow that areas
pedestrians; classified
in particular,
with hazard
high high flood
is null for T =conditions
hazard have
1 and is less reduced
than T = compared
5% forrisk 10, with this to last
the one
of pedestrians;
the designed in
return periodhigh
for hazard is null
the sewer for of
system T the
= 1 city,
and which
is less progressively
than 5% for Tincreases
= 10, with
one being the
This return period
notwithstanding, thefor the show
results sewerthatsystem
climateof change
the city,scenarios
which progressively
could produceincreases
an average forincrease
of 30% periods. This notwithstanding,
for the whole city with a peak of the50%
results show that
for specific climateAdditionally,
districts. change scenarios could
for the produce
an average increase of 30% for the whole city with a peak of 50% for specific districts. Additionally,
for the simulation corresponding to return period T1 and the BAU scenario, the high flood hazard
area is null for each district [28].
In order to assess the vehicles’ vulnerability, three levels were also proposed based on a unique
indicator: the vehicular flow intensity (VFI) expressed in veh/day. Depending on this value and
defined thresholds, the vulnerability of each urban road was classified into three levels (low, medium
3.1.2. Flood Risk for Vehicles
The flow variables (flow depths and flow velocity) provided by the 1D/2D USM were also used
to generate flood hazard maps for vehicles for each district of the city and their evolution in the case
of a climate 12, 5638 scenario. The results concerning the current scenario show that areas classified
2020,change 15 of 25
with high flood hazard conditions have reduced risk compared to the case of pedestrians; in
particular, high hazard is null for T = 1 and is less than 5% for T = 10, with this last one being the
corresponding to return period T1 and the BAU scenario, the high flood hazard area is null for each
designed return period for the sewer system of the city, which progressively increases for higher
district [28].
return periods. This notwithstanding, the results show that climate change scenarios could produce
In order to assess the vehicles’ vulnerability, three levels were also proposed based on a unique
an average increase of 30% for the whole city with a peak of 50% for specific districts. Additionally,
indicator: The vehicular flow intensity (VFI) expressed in veh/day. Depending on this value and
for the simulation corresponding to return period T1 and the BAU scenario, the high flood hazard
area isthresholds,
null for each thedistrict
[28]. of each urban road was classified into three levels (low, medium
and high) [28]. The
In order finalthe
to assess vulnerability map is shown
vehicles’ vulnerability, in Figure
three 16. also proposed based on a unique
levels were
Furthermore, for vehicles, flood risk was assessed through
indicator: the vehicular flow intensity (VFI) expressed in veh/day. the elaboration
thisrisk maps
value andfor
the considered
thresholds, return periods andofscenarios
the vulnerability (baseline
each urban road was and BAU).into
classified Figure 17levels
three shows themedium
(low, flood risk
high) [28].to aTherainfall
finalstorm event with
vulnerability mapaisreturn
shownperiod of 10
in Figure 16.years for both scenarios.
Figure 16. Vulnerability map for vehicles. Green, orange and red colors indicate low vulnerability
(vehicular flow intensity (VFI) < 100), medium (100 < VFI < 1000) and high (VFI > 1000), respectively.
Furthermore, for vehicles, flood risk was assessed through the elaboration of flood risk maps for
all the considered return periods and scenarios (baseline and BAU). Figure 17 shows the flood risk
maps related
Figure to a rainfall storm
16. Vulnerability event
map for with aGreen,
vehicles. returnorange
of 10 years
red forindicate
colors both scenarios.
low vulnerability
(vehicular flow intensity (VFI) < 100), medium (100 < VFI < 1000) and high (VFI > 1000), respectively.
(a) (b)
Figure 17.17. Exampleofofflood
Example floodrisk
for vehicles
vehicles for synthetic
related to to
(a)(a) baseline
baseline andand (b)BAU
(b) BAUscenarios.
In this case, the assessment has also been broken down into districts in order to observe the
riskiest districts in terms of vehicles’ stability. Moreover, in order to highlight the effect of climate
change in terms of the increase of high-risk areas in Barcelona, we present the variation of high-flood
risk areas for vehicles in all of the districts (Figure 18). In this case, it is also possible to observe a
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Example of flood risk maps for vehicles for synthetic 10 year return period projected storms
related2020, 12,baseline
to (a) 5638 and (b) BAU scenarios. 16 of 25
In this case, the assessment has also been broken down into districts in order to observe the
In this case, the assessment has also been broken down into districts in order to observe the riskiest
riskiest districts in terms of vehicles’ stability. Moreover, in order to highlight the effect of climate
districts in terms of vehicles’ stability. Moreover, in order to highlight the effect of climate change in
change in terms of the increase of high-risk areas in Barcelona, we present the variation of high-flood
terms of the increase of high-risk areas in Barcelona, we present the variation of high-flood risk areas
risk areas for vehicles in all of the districts (Figure 18). In this case, it is also possible to observe a
for vehicles in all of the districts (Figure 18). In this case, it is also possible to observe a major increase
major increase of high flood risk areas (from 20% to 40% for the whole city area) with respect to the
of high flood risk areas (from 20% to 40% for the whole city area) with respect to the climate change
climate change coefficients (from 12% to 16%) for the same return periods.
coefficients (from 12% to 16%) for the same return periods.
Increase of high
100% 20%
Climate change
risk area
80% 18%
60% 16%
40% 14%
20% 12%
0% 10%
T1 T10 T50 T100 T500
Floods related to return periods
Ciutat Vella Eixample
Sants-Montjuic Les Corts
Sarrià-St. Gervasi Gràcia
Horta-Guinardó Nou Barris
St. Andreu St. Martí
Barcelona Coef. Canvi climàtic (%)
Moreover, for both scenarios, the expected annual damage (EAD) [29] for the whole city including
flood damages related to properties and vehicles [30] was calculated. The results indicate that, due to
climate change, the EAD would grow from € 39.8 M to € 54.7 M [28].
Finally, the methodology for the estimation of indirect damages produced by pluvial floods based
on an econometric method of input–output (IO) tables indicated a linear relationship between direct
and tangible
Sustainability losses.
2020, Specifically,
12, x FOR PEER REVIEWaccording to the obtained results, indirect tangible damages produced
18 of 26
by pluvial floods in Barcelona could represent around 29% of direct damages. This increase could be
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 26
taken into account in the previously reported EAD [28].
(a) (b)
Figure 19. Example of (a)economic flood damage maps for properties for synthetic (b) projected storms of
10 years19.
Figure related
19. to baseline
Example of (a) and
economic BAU
flood scenarios
damage (b) for
maps indicating aggregated
properties damages
for synthetic for districts.
projected stormsof
storms of
10 years
10 years related
related to
to baseline
baseline (a)
(a) and
and BAU
BAU scenarios
scenarios (b)
(b) indicating
indicating aggregated damages for districts.
(a) (b)
Figure 20.
Figure Exampleof(a)
20.Example ofeconomic
flood damage
damage maps
maps forfor vehicles
vehicles forfor (b)projected
synthetic projected storms
storms of
of 10
10 years related
years related
Figure to baseline
to baseline
20. Example (a) and
(a) and BAU
of economic BAU scenarios
floodscenarios (b) indicating
(b) indicating
damage maps aggregated
for vehicles damages
for synthetic for districts.
for districts.
projected storms of 10
years related to baseline (a) and BAU scenarios (b) indicating aggregated damages for districts.
3.3. Assessment of the Effects of Pluvial Floods on the Surface Traffic Service
3.3. Assessment of the Effects
The climate-related of Pluvial
resilience of aFloods on the Surface
city depends on its Traffic
to maintain the correct functioning
of theThe
main urban services
climate-related duringof
resilience extreme weatheron
a city depends events such astopluvial
its capacity floods.
maintain The results
the correct of the
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 18 of 25
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 26
3.3. T500
and Assessment of the Effects
and current of Pluvial
(baseline) andFloods
the Surface Traffic Service
scenarios. Examples of flood hazard maps are
shownThe in climate-related
Figure 21. Comparing
of aresults for both
city depends onscenarios,
its capacityit to
can be observed
maintain that,functioning
the correct for the total
amount of 1492
of the main urbankm,services
the increase
the roadweather
links that could
events suchbe as
pluvialby speedThe
floods. reduction ranged
results of the
between 3% and 30% depending on the return period, while the increase in terms
impacts produced by this kind of floods on the surface traffic system were analyzed according to the of closed road links
could be around
methodology 20% for in
presented allSection
the considered return
2.7. In this case,periods (Figure
flood hazard was22).
assessed through flood hazard
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 26
maps elaborated on the basis of flood depths provided by the 1D/2D USM and the specific hazard
and T500previously
and current presented. Hazard
(baseline) and maps
(BAU)elaborated for Examples
scenarios. the return periods
of floodT1, T10, T50,
hazard mapsT100are
and T500 and current (baseline) and future (BAU) scenarios. Examples of flood hazard maps are shown
shown in Figure 21. Comparing the results for both scenarios, it can be observed that, for the total
in Figure 21. Comparing the results for both scenarios, it can be observed that, for the total amount of
amount of 1492 km, the increase of the road links that could be affected by speed reduction ranged
1492 km, the increase of the road links that could be affected by speed reduction ranged between 3%
between 3% and 30% depending on the return period, while the increase in terms of closed road links
and 30% depending on the return period, while the increase in terms of closed road links could be
could be around 20% for all the considered return periods (Figure 22).
around 20% for all the considered return periods (Figure 22).
(a) (b)
Figure 21. Example of flood hazard maps for surface traffic for synthetic projected storms of 10 years
related to baseline (a) and BAU scenarios (b).
Finally, through the TransCAD mesoscalar traffic model, the increase in transit time for all the
synthetic storm events was assessed and monetized following the methodology proposed by the
Multi-Color Handbook (a) [45]. The monetization of the increase of traveling (b) time for the whole city
allowed the21.
Figure estimation
21.Example of
Exampleof a specific
flood hazard
hazard EAD
maps forbaseline
for surface (1.82for
surface traffic
traffic M€)
for and BAU
synthetic (2.0 M€)
projected [28,38].
storms of
related tobaseline
baseline (a)
(a) and
and BAU
BAU scenarios
scenarios (b).
km through the
of roads TransCAD
with reducedmesoscalar
speed traffic model, the increase in transit
km of closed roadstime for all the
500 storm events was assessed and monetized following
synthetic 600 the methodology proposed by the
400 Handbook [45]. The monetization of the increase of traveling time for the whole city
300the estimation of a specific EAD for baseline (1.82400
M€) and BAU (2.0 M€) [28,38].
km of roads with reduced speed km of closed roads
500 6000
400 Baseline BAU Baseline BAU
T10 T50 T100 T500 400 T10 T50 T100 T500
(a) 200 (b)
Figure Representation of
22.Representation of the
the effects
effects produced
produced by
by pluvial
transportsystem inin
Barcelona for
for current 0
Barcelona current(baseline)
(baseline)andandfuture (BAU)
future scenarios
(BAU) in terms
scenarios of kmof
in terms ofkm
of with
roadsreduced speed
with reduced
(a) and km Baseline
of closed roads (b). BAU Baseline BAU
speed (a) and km of closed roads (b)
T10 T50 T100 T500 T10 T50 T100 T500
Finally, through the TransCAD mesoscalar traffic model, the increase in transit time for all the
synthetic storm events was assessed and monetized following the methodology proposed by the
Multi-Color Handbook [45]. The monetization of the increase of traveling time for the whole city
allowed the
Sustainability 2020,estimation of a REVIEW
12, x FOR PEER specific EAD for baseline (1.82 M€) and BAU (2.0 M€) [28,38]. 20 of 26
(a) (b)
Figure Figure
23. Example of risk of
23. Example maps
risk of all the
maps electrical
of all assetsassets
the electrical studied for T10
studied for (a)
T10and T 100
(a) and (b). (b).
T 100
Table4 4shows
Table showsthethenumber
numberof ofelectrical
electrical infrastructures
infrastructures potentially
potentially affected
affectedby bypluvial
Barcelona forbaseline
and BAU
BAU scenarios
potentiallevel of impact.
level TheThe
of impact. tabletable
also also
shows the
social impact that each type of flooding provokes in society by counting the number
the social impact that each type of flooding provokes in society by counting the number of people of people affected
in eachincase
affected each(reaching, in the worst
case (reaching, case,
in the 725,119
worst case,out 1,620,343
725,119 total people
out 1,620,343 in Barcelona)
total and the losses
people in Barcelona) and
provoked for each case, which in the worst scenario amounts to 771,129.01 €. It should be noted that
the losses provoked for each case, which in the worst scenario amounts to 771,129.01 €. It should be
the high (HV) and medium-voltage (MV) substations with a potential flood risk have been studied
noted that the high (HV) and medium-voltage (MV) substations with a potential flood risk have been
throughout the city, while only the distribution centers (DCs) in the vicinity of Besós and Llobregat
studied throughout the city, while only the distribution centers (DCs) in the vicinity of Besós and
rivers and coastal areas were considered [28,40].
Llobregat rivers and coastal areas were considered [28,40].
Table 4. Electrical infrastructure potentially affected by pluvial flood in Barcelona for baseline (BAS)
and BAU scenarios. DC: distribution center; HV: high-voltage substation; MV: medium-voltage
Table 4. Electrical infrastructure potentially affected by pluvial flood in Barcelona for baseline (BAS) and
BAU scenarios. DC: distribution center; HV: high-voltage substation; MV: medium-voltage substation.
St. Martí
St. Andreu
Nou Barris
Sarrià-St. Gervasi
Les Corts
Ciutat Vella
Figure 24. Distribution of computed number of containers which are potentially unstable for each
Figure under
district 24. Distribution of computed
current (baseline) number
and future of rainfall
(BAU) containers which are
conditions duepotentially unstable
to a flooding for each
to under10
a designed current (baseline) and future (BAU) rainfall conditions due to a flooding corresponding
year storm.
to a designed 10 year storm.
3.6. Assessment of Flood Resilience through a Holistic Approach
The holistic model was used to determine the recovery time of the city in the case of extreme
episodes of pluvial flooding produced by extreme rain events. The analysis of the holistic simulations
allowed the estimation of a recovery time of approximately 1.5 h (calculated as an average value for
all the events with return periods T1, T10, T50, 100 and T500), while for the BAU scenario, this value
increased up to 2 h.
4. Discussion
The potential increase of maximum rainfall intensities in Barcelona due to climate change could
produce a significant increase of tangible and intangibles impacts due to pluvial floods. This paper
aimed to perform a comprehensive multi-risk assessment using a detailed 1D/2D USM and several
loosely coupled models in order to estimate direct impacts not only due to the poor efficiency of the
drainage systems of the city but also due to several cascading effects on other critical urban services.
This kind of analysis represents a key tool for decision makers to achieve a reliable estimation of the cost
of not acting and to propose and justify correct adaptation measures which are able to reduce a large
set of tangible and intangible impacts. For the case of Barcelona, the development and calibration of a
1D/2D USM and its integration in several loosely coupled (or integrated) models allowed us to perform
a multi-risk analysis whose main important outputs are shown in Table 5. Moreover, the geographic
detailed analysis of the potential flood impacts could help in the prioritization of the implementation
of adaptation measures [46]. For example, the results provided by some impact models concerning
intangible (safety for pedestrians and vehicles, stability of containers) and tangible (economic losses for
properties and vehicles) damage indicate that the highest economic and social risks are concentrated in
the districts located in the downtown of the city (near the sea).
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 22 of 25
Table 5. Potential pluvial flood impacts due to climate change assessed by loosely coupled models.
Indicator (BAU
Model Type of Impact Values for T/EAD
vs. Baseline)
Pedestrians: +30 (T10), +34
Increase (%) of high
(T50), +32 (T100), +30 (T500)
1D/2D USM Intangible flood risk area for
Vehicles: +38 (T10), +42 (T50),
pedestrian and vehicles
+34 (T100), +25 (T500)
Increase (%) of EAD
1D/2D USM + (including properties,
Tangible +42%
Damage model vehicles and indirect
Increase (%) of km of
1D/2D USM + +31 (T10), +60 (T50), +66
Tangible and Intangible closed roads; EAD due to
Traffic model (T100), +116 (T500); +0.18 M€
travelling time rise
Increase (%) of the
1D/2D USM + number of flooded +13 (T10), +12 (T50), +11
Tangible and Intangible
Electric model electric infrastructures; (T100), +10 (T500); +0.12M€
related EAD
Increase (%) of the Empty: +27 (T10), +28 (T50)
1D/2D USM +
Intangible number of unstable 50% full: +28 (T10), +32 (T50)
Waste model
waste containers 100% full: +28 (T10), +36 (T50)
5. Conclusions
This paper demonstrates how the integration of a detailed and calibrated 1D/2D USM with other
models and tools which are able to describe the behavior of other urban services can be useful to
simulate the response of these services during pluvial floods produced by heavy storm events.
Furthermore, through the development of these loosely coupled models, socio-economic impacts
related to these events can be estimated and the cascading effects can be fully analyzed, as well as the
interrelationships between services and critical infrastructures.
In this study, the effects of floods in the potential context of climate change for the city of Barcelona
have been analyzed through a multi-risk approach, and the results of this assessment, in terms
of tangible and intangible impacts, have been presented for the whole city and with a geographic
discretization (i.e., in terms of city districts).
The results demonstrate that Barcelona could suffer a significant increase in these impacts due
to climate change if adaptation measures are not adopted. It was demonstrated that increments of
maximum rainfall intensity of 12–16% could cause increments of more than 25–30% in terms of social
impacts (e.g., intangible damages such as the increase of areas classified with high hazard conditions
in case of pluvial flood events) and of 42% of economic losses (including tangible direct and indirect
damages) expressed in monetary terms through the concept of EAD that has been calculated for each
analyzed urban district. Economic losses related to traffic disruption due to pluvial floods could
also increase by 9%, while for the electric system, the increase of economic damage could be 70%,
although the final EAD result was shown to be quite low.
Moreover, the average recovery time of the city (defined as the time in which urban services do
not recover their normal functioning) could increase from 1.5 to 2 h due to climate change effects.
Finally, the paper shows the geographical distribution of the socio-economic impacts.
This information could be very useful for the prioritization of implementation of adaptation measures.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.R.; methodology, B.R., M.V., L.L., E.M.-G., R.M., B.E. and D.S. and
D.S.-M; validation, B.R. and M.V.; formal analysis, B.R. and E.M.-G.; investigation, B.R., M.V., L.L., R.M., D.S.-M.,
E.M.-G., and B.E.; resources, D.S., E.M.-G., B.E. and D.S.-M.; data curation, D.Y., D.S., E.M.-G., E.F.-O., B.E., D.S.-M.,
A.G.G., writing—original draft preparation, B.R.; writing—review and editing, B.R., M.V., L.L., D.S., E.M.-G., B.E.
and D.S.-M; visualization, E.M.-G.; supervision, M.V.; project administration, B.R.; funding acquisition, B.R. and
E.M.-G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638 23 of 25
Funding: This research was funded by Horizon2020 Programme, Grant Agreement No. 700174.
Acknowledgments: This paper presents some of the results achieved in the framework of the RESCCUE
project (Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Urban Areas—a multisectoral approach focusing on water)
( RESCCUE is a research project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program,
and its main goal is to provide methodologies and tools for the evaluation, planning and management of urban
resilience in the context of climate change.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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