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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Lanao del Norte



COMPETENCY/ Remembe Understa Apply Analy Evalua Creat Ite Item

SKILL/code ring nding ing sing ting ing m location
60% 30% 10%

Distinguish among 1
forms (kinds and 1 1
descriptions). Fill-
out forms
accurately (school
forms, deposit and
withdrawal Slips,
etc.) ENSWC-

Inferring the
Meaning of
Unfamiliar Words 1 1 2
(Blended) Based
on Text Clues, 1 3
Synonyms and
Antonyms 1

Infer the meaning

of unfamiliar words
using context 1 1 4
clues (clipped

1 5

Composing clear
and coherent
sentences using 1 6
appropriate 1
structures (subject
Identify the correct
subject verb
agreement in 1 7
sentences with
intervening 1
phrases (EN5G-
Identify the main
idea of the 1 8
paragraph 1
Order of adjectives
1 9

Distinguish text
types according to 1 10
purpose – To 1
recall a series of
events /information
Distinguish text
types according to 1 11
purpose – To 1
informational text 1 12
types 1
1 1 13

images/ideas that 1 14
are explicitly used 1
to influence
Define the
common type of 1 1 15

Ask questions to
check 1 1 16
understanding of
EN5LC =IIC-1.3.1
Write a clear and 1 17
sentences using
structure -
Infer the meaning 1 18
of context clues –
synonyms and 1
1 19

Infer the meaning

of unfamiliar words 1 20
based on other 1
strategies –
HEALTH 1 1 21
Infer the meaning 1 1 22
of unfamiliar words
based on other
strategies –
Infer the meaning
of unfamiliar words 1 23
(compound, 1
EN5V-IIIa-20.3 1 1 2

Infer the speakers 1 26
tone mood and 1
1 1 25

Distinguish text
types according to 1
features (structural 1 27
and language ),

1 28

Use complex 1 29
sentences to show 1
cause and effect
appropriately to `1 30
messages of 1
different authentic
Analyze how
visual and 1 31
multimedia 1
contribute to the
meaning of text
1 1 32

Infer the target

audience 1 33

Distinguish text
types according to
features -structural 1 34
and time-order
(sequence ) 1
Use complex
sentence to show 4 4 37,38,3
cause and effect 9,40
Identify meaning of
content specific 1 35
words – denotation 1
and connotation
(science) 1 36
Total 8 8 8 6 6 4 40

Prepared by : Checked by : Reviewed by :

JEANETTE D. MACARAMBON __________________________ ___________________
Master Teacher 2 ESP PSDS

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Lanao del Norte


Name : _____________________________ Grade & Section : ___________

School : _____________________________ Date : _____________ Score : ______

I. DIRECTIONS: Read every test item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In filling out forms, what does the item “signature above printed name” means?
A. Affix signature below your printed name.
B. Affix your signature at the right side of your printed name.
C. Affix your signature above your printed name written in small letters.
D. Affix your signature above your printed name written in capital letters.

2. “For those who have available WIFI at home we shall undergo online classes”, the
teacher said.
What does WIFI mean?
A. wired finish B. wireless fidelity
C. winner’s finale D. wireless finality

3. The doctor told the patient to have her urine check. She has to undergo urinalysis.
What does the underlined word mean?
A. a liver examination
B. blood sample examination
C. a certain type of hospital bed
D. chemical analysis of the urine
4. My father loves to use colored _______ to pair with his favorite coat and tie.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate clipped word.
A. cap B. necktie C. hanky D. watch

5. Father used to stay in a dorm near the university where he studied.

What is the original word of dorm?
A. dormers B. dormicum C. dormitory D. dormitel

6. The following are inverted sentences, EXCEPT one:

A. Seldom did he visit me every weekend.
B. Across the bridge lived an old man.
C. The nurse wears his PPE with discomfort.
D. Never did he give a present during my birthday.

7. Which of the following sentences is NOT expressing an intervening phrase?

A. A group of cats walk gracefully in the aisle.
B. The teacher, together with the students, plans for a victory party for a recent
award the school received.
C. The leaders as well as the members of the organization agrees to the new
D. The first part, including the middle part of the movie touches the emotions of
the viewers.

8. The seahorse is a very unusual animal. Its head and neck look like a horse and its
tail looks like a monkey. It can change its colors, just like a chameleon. Its two
eyes can move independently of each other. While one eye looks under the water.
The other may look up at the surface. Moreover it is the male seahorse, not the
female gives birth to a baby seahorse. (Quarter 2, Module 3, lesson 12, p. 19)
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. The male seahorse gives birth.
B. The seahorse is an unusual animal.
C. Its head and neck look like a horse.
D. The seahorse eyes move independently with each other.
9. The following statements show the correct order of adjectives, EXCEPT one:
A. The old man carries a one big yellow sack on his shoulders.
B. The old man carries a yellow one big sack on his shoulders.
C. The old man carries a big one yellow sack on his shoulders.
D. The old man carries a yellow big one sack on his shoulders.

10. On March 20, news about COVID-19 was very alarming. Everyone was scared of
the pandemic. Wear face mask and face shield, wash your hands with soap and
water, sanitize your hands with alcohol and hand sanitizer were the reminders that
we can see and hear everywhere. This is to protect everyone from COVID-19.
Observing health protocol is the best thing to do in keeping oneself away from the
What do you think is the type of informational text being used in the sentence?
A. to recall B. to persuade
C. to explain D. to classify or dislike

11. Rainy season is wished by many people but not in Barangay Lapinig because this
place is one of the most vulnerable to flooding. A possible solution to this problem
is to build flood barriers. Flood defenses such as sand bags, concrete dikes and
flood gates could be built to prevent flood from reaching even populated areas.
What does the paragraph explain?
A. Rain is wished by many.
B. Flooding has been a problem ever since.
C. The problem of flooding needs a concrete solution.
D. The place is vulnerable to flooding and therefore needs solutions.

12. The following are examples of a recount informational text type, EXCEPT one:
A. diary B. speech
C. journal D. newspaper article

13. Advertisement, lecture, editorial, and letter to the editor are examples of _________
informational text type.
A. Recount B. Description
C. Procedure D. Exposition
14. What sentence shows stereotype information?
A. His child loves gadgets more than books.
B. I think I can do well in an online class.
C. Many students are interested in an online class.
D. Coronavirus is very contagious so everybody must follow health protocol.

15. “Everyone is using TARA herbal shampoo now. It is everybody’s choice. You try
it, too”
What common propaganda technique is used to attract customers?
A. Testimonial B. name calling
C. Bandwagon D. Plain folks appeal

16. If you have been someone who displayed mild symptoms of COVID- 19, what
should you do?
A. I will schedule a visit to my friend.
B. I will attend birthdays and other gatherings.
C. I will disregard using a face mask and face shield.
D. I will isolate myself to avoid the transfer of virus.

17. She didn’t notice the dog under the table.

Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence.
A. She didn’t notice B. notice the dog
C. the dog under D. under the table

18. Aunt Cely bought an ancient jar. It is costly and not everybody can afford to have
Give the meaning of the underlined word.
A. antique B. preserved C. historical D. expensive
19. Huge amount of money was appropriated for infrastructure projects.
A. spent B. reserved C. budgeted D. calculated

20. Most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. If you
experienced these, then it is a manifestation that you are infected.
Infer the meaning of the italicized word within the context.
A. experienced B. tiredness C. infected D. manifestation

21. Frequent hand washing, wearing of face mask and face shield, staying at home and
observing physical distancing were the safety health protocol that must everyone
must follow because it is an official government rule.
Infer the meaning of the underlined word.
A. wearing of face mask B. physical distancing
C. frequent handwashing D. official rule of the government

22. After walking in the rain for hours because I couldn’t get a ride, I came down with
What is the meaning of the underlined Science word?
A. pandemic
B. a good feeling
C. severe cough
D. a viral infection that attacks respiratory system

23. My son is suffering from sun_____ which is a skin inflammation due to over
exposure to sunlight.
What is the appropriate word to make the compound word complete?
A. ____rise B. ___burn C. ___set D. ___shine

24. Follow the teaching of your parents. They are wiser than the new generation.
Connect the pair of sentences into a compound sentence.
A. Follow the teaching of your parents for they are wiser than the new
B. Follow the teaching of your parents nor they are wiser than the new
C. Follow the teaching of your parents and they are wiser than the new
D. Follow the teaching of your parents yet they are wiser than the new
25. Just hold on to your dream, sooner or later you can achieve what you longed for.
Just continue to be inspired by the people around you.
What is the tone of the speaker?
A. inspirational B. discouragement C. disappointed D. dismayed

26. “Don’t worry, the storm will stop soon and we will have a good harvest “.
Evaluate the mood of the speaker.
A. hope B. sadness C. eagerness D. place

27. More and more people in the neighborhood are becoming sick of the new identified
coronavirus, a pneumonia-causing disease. So, the government planned of
solutions to prevent the contagion. The safety health protocols like staying at
home, wearing of face mask, observing proper physical distancing and
frequent hand washing and sanitizing should be strictly followed by the people to
avoid contamination.
Identify the problem in the paragraph.
A. Not wearing of face mask
B. frequent hand washing and sanitizing
C. Observing proper physical distancing
D. Many people are becoming sick of coronavirus.

28. Which of the following sentences shows problem and solution text?
A. Frequent hand washing is the best solution to fight infections.
B. Health protocols should be followed and done during pandemic
C. Fever, dry cough and tiredness are the most common symptoms of COVID-
19 diseases.
D. No public transport is allowed to operate during the time of pandemic to
lessen the contagion so most people walked on by foot to reach

29. Flash floods can occur when ________________________________

A. there is a combination of weather
B. there is an intense drought in a land area
C. vegetation there is a result of sudden movement along faults within the Earth
D. slow-moving thunderstorms or a multiple of thunderstorms moving over the

30. I can feel the gentle blow of the wind as it touches my skin. The roaring sound of
the waves awaken my senses. That is the reason why I always wanted to
reminisce memories in this place.
What text type best describes the paragraph?
A. discussion B. narrative C. descriptive D. procedure

31. The following are types of target audience, EXCEPT one:

A. needs B. location C. lifestyle D. Records

32. What multimedia may require the use of speech, music, and sound effects?
A. Video B. Audio C. Text D. Animation

33. Which of the following is an importance of target audience?

A. it will make the business bankrupt
B. Attitudes and opinions are irrelevant in targeting an audience.
C. target audience makes business to focus marketing efforts
D. the location as a type of the target audience is not to be considered.

34. Arrange the events according to time order.

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
1. The pupa will turn into an adult butterfly.
2. A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval, or cylindrical egg.
3. They form themselves into pupae.
4. The egg hatches, the larva will start his work and eat the leaf they were born
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 2-4-3-1 C. 4-3-2-1 D. 3-2-1-4

35. I don’t want to stay on the 13th floor of the hotel. It is scary out there.
Find the connotative meaning of the word in bold letters.
A. tiny B. little C. vast D. bad luck

36. The baby looks fresh after taking a bath.

What is the denotative meaning of the word in bold letters?
A. impertinent B. fractured C. clean and pure D. good health

II. Identify the number of clauses, kind of clause and the cause and effect in the
Whenever it rains, there are puddles in the driveway because this place easily
gets flooded.

(37) Number of clauses: ___________________________________

Kind of clause:
(38) Independent clause: ____________________________________

(39) Dependent clause: _____________________________________

(40) Cause: _____________________________________________________

Effect: _____________________________________________________



1 D 11 D 2 D 31 D
2 B 12 B 2 D 32 A
3 D 13 D 2 B 33 C
4 B 14 C 2 A 34 B
5 C 15 C 2 A 35 D
6 B 16 D 2 A 36 D
7 A 17 D 2 D 37 C
8 B 18 A 2 D 38 3
9 A 19 C 2 D 39 There are puddles
9 in the driveway.
This place easily
gets flooded.
10 A 20 D 3 C 40 Whenever it rains

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