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Long Quiz in Grade 7 Matatag

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1st Quarter Summative Test in English 7 b.

General Directions: Read and analyze each item c. Assonance
carefully and select the best answer. d. Elision
9. In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a
Analyzing Literary Texts vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed
syllables near enough to each other for the
1. What is a Japanese poem of seventeen echo to be discernible (e.g., penitence,
syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and reticence).
five, traditionally evoking images of the a. Repetition
natural world? b. Alliteration
a. Elegy c. Assonance
b. Haiku d. Elision
c. Sonnet 10. What sound device was used in this line? “I
d. Limerick have a dream that my four little children
2. This type of poetry describes the world will [...] I have a dream that one day on the
from the point of view of the author. These red hills of Georgia [...] I have a dream
types of poems use imagery to describe today!
places, people and events. a. Repetition
a. Lyric poem b. Alliteration
b. Narrative poem c. Assonance
c. Descriptive poem d. Elision
d. Epic For Numbers 11-14
3. This refers to a short poem, often with Direction: Identify the tone of the following
songlike qualities, that expresses the poem.
speaker's personal emotions and feelings. 11.
a. Limerick
b. Epic Soft petals fall from the cherry tree,
c. Lyric Poem Drifting gently in the breeze.
d. Descriptive Poem A sense of tranquility fills the air,
4. What is the primary difference between As nature whispers secrets rare.
narrative and descriptive poem?
a. Descriptive poem focus on emotions a. Anxious
while narrative focus on events. b. Serene
b. Narrative poems tell a story about an c. Angry
experience. Descriptive poems explore d. Playful
the sensory experience of a moment by 12.
evoking all five senses. a.
The city streets are bustling and
c. Descriptive poems are longer than
narrative poems.
People rushing, faces in the crowd.
d. Narrative poems have meter and
A sense of urgency fills the air,
rhyme, descriptive poems does not.
As everyone goes about their affair.
5. “They fought like cats and dogs”. What
figure of speech is this? Relaxed
a. Metaphor b. Overwhelmed
b. Personification c. Peaceful
c. Hyperbole d. Content
d. Simile
6. The fire swallowed the entire forest. What 13.
figurative language was used in this
sentence? Whispers of love on a gentle
a. Personification breeze,
b. Hyperbole Dancing through the trees.
c. Simile Hearts entwined, souls in tune,
d. Metaphor Underneath the shining moon.
7. The sausages are sizzling in the pan. What
figurative language was used in this a. Playful
sentence? b. Anxious
a. Simile c. Romantic
b. Hyperbole d. Confused
c. Metaphor 14.
d. Onomatopoeia
Crisp leaves crunch beneath my feet,
As I walk through the autumn street.
The air is cool, the sky is clear,
8. What sound device is used in the line?
A sense of peace surrounds me here.
Polly's prancing pony performed perfectly.
a. Repetition a. Annoyed
b. Relieved c. Every cloud has a silver lining.
c. Bored d. The grass is always greener on the other
d. Envious side.
20. How does the message of this excerpt
15. Read the following poem below and connect to real life?
determine the recurring motif. a. . It tells us always to follow the crowd.
b. It encourages us never to change our
Bangus sizzles in the pan,flavors so minds.
divine, c. It emphasizes that every choice has
A taste of home, in every bite, we consequences.
find. d. It suggests that all paths lead to the
Adobo, sinigang, halo-halo sweet, same destination
Filipino cuisine, a culinary feat. 21. It is a general truth, fundamental principle
or a rule of conduct.
a. Playful a. Universal truth
b. Melancholic b. Philosophy
c. Content c. Maxim
d. Excited d. Belief
III. MAXIMS, UNIVERSAL TRUTHS AND 22. Read the poem and answer the questions
PHILOSOPHIES. For items 16-19, read the that follow.
excerpts from each poem then answer the
questions that follow. Pedagogic
By Cirilo F. Bautista
16. What message is expressed by this maxim:
“Do unto others as you would have them I walked towards the falling woods
unto you”? to teach the trees all that I could
a. Treat others with the same respect and of time and birth, the language of
kindness you expect for yourself. men,
b. Take advantage of others. the virtues of hate and loving.
c. Avoid interacting with people who are They stood with their fingers flaming,
different from you. Listened to me with a serious mien:
d. Always prioritize your own needs first. I knew the footnotes, all the text,
17. My words were precise and correct-
Hope is the thing with feathers I was sure that they were learning-
That perches in the soul, till one tree spoke, speaking in dolor,
And sings the tune without the to ask why I never changed color.
words, And never stops at all, What is the theme of the poem excerpt?
a. People know more than nature.
What words of wisdom best captures the
b. Everything changes.
message of this excerpt?
c. Its important to teach nature about
a. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
human things.
b. Out of sight, out of mind.
d. People don’t understand nature as well
c. Hope is a fickle friend.
as they think they do.
d. Hope springs eternal.
18. How does this excerpt message connect to
23. How does the theme contribute to the
real life?
poet’s purpose in writing the poem?
a. It encourages us to give up easily.
a. By showing that humans have a lot to
b. It tells us to ignore our problems.
learn from nature.
c. It suggest that hope is a constant
b. Dy describing how trees grow and
source of comfort.
d. It emphasizes the importance of
c. By arguing that people should be nicer
material possessions.
to trees.
19. Which maxim best captures the message
d. By explaining why trees are important.
of this excerpt?
24. What is the purpose of the poem excerpt?
a. To persuade
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, b. To inform
And sorry I could not travel both c. To entertain
And be one traveler, long I stood d. To reflect
And looked down one as far as I could 25. What does the poem’s description of the
To where it bent in the undergrowth, trees as “flaming” mean?
Excerpt from “The Road Not Taken a. To show they are angry.
by Robert Frost b. To suggest they are listening intently.
c. To indicate they are on fire.
d. To emphasize their beauty.
a. Seize the day.
b. Look before you leap.
26. How does the poet’s portrayal of the -highest
speaker’s interaction with the trees -brightest
support the poem’s message? -behold
a. By highlighting the importance of -created
education. -tasted
b. By showing the speaker’s curiosity -murder
about nature. -stop
c. By illustrating the speaker's connection -curious
to the environment.
d. By suggesting that nature has its own God Said, “I Made a Man”
wisdom. by Jose Garcia Villa
27-29 Read and determine the type of
poetry in each item. God said, "I made a _______30
Out of clay—
27. Any woman Speaks by Angela Manalang But so bright he, he spun
Gloria. Himself to _______ 31 Day
a. Lyric Poetry because the poem
expresses the poet’s feelings, thoughts Till he was all shining gold,
and reflections. And oh,
b. Narrative Poetry because the speaker He was lovely to ______ 32!
describes the environment as to where But in his hands held he a bow
he is.
Aimed at me who _________33
c. Descriptive because the speaker Him. And I said,
focuses on the sensory images. ‘Wouldst murder me
d. None of the above. Who am thy Fountainhead! '

28. God said, “I made a Man” by Jose Garcia Then spoke he the man of gold:
Villa. ‘I will not
a. Narrative Poetry because the speaker _______34 thee! I do but
collecting their things and describes Measure thee.
their movement through a specific Hold Thy peace.' And this I did.
But I was ________ 35
Of this so regal head.
b. Lyrical Poetry because it employs ‘Give thy name! '—‘Sir! Genius.'"
rhythmic language and vivid imagery to
evoke emotions and convey a message. 36. What does God said I made a man
c. Dramatic Poetry because it is written in mean?
a dramatic form, consisting of dialogue
a. The poem explores on how the
between characters, monologues, and
people are created by God from
soliloquies, conveying a story or idea. clay to human with life.
d. None of the above. b. Man is free.
29. Valediction sa Hillcrest by Rolando Tinio. c. God created everything except
a. Dramatic Poetry because it is written in man.
d. Man wanted to take revenge on
a dramatic form, consisting of dialogue
between characters, monologues, and
soliloquies, conveying a story or idea. 37. Which of the following best
describes the structure of the poem?
b. Narrative Poem because the poem a. A single stanza with a regular rhyme
follows the sequence of events, the scheme.
setting is detailed and the speaker b. Multiple stanzas with varied line
reflets on the feelings and attachment lengths.
and nostalgia. c. A free verse format with no specific
c. Lyrical Poetry because it employs structure.
rhythmic language and vivid imagery to d. A traditional sonnet form.
evoke emotions and convey a message.
38. The theme of the poem can be
d. None of the above. explained as:
a. The appreciation of God`s creation.
For items 30-35, complete the missing b. The gratefulness of man to God as
lines of the poem by choosing the his creator.
correct answer from the box below. c. The relationship of God and Man

d. The ungratefulness of men towards
their creator as well as the selflessness
of God.

39. What is the tone expressed in the

a. happiness
b. melancholic
c. ungratefulness
d. joyful

40. What does the line “He was

handsome to behold! But in his hands
held a bow.” mean?

a. God wanted to create a mighty man

and provide it with a bow as its
b. God created wonderful creature
until it begun to be hostile to Him.
c. God made tough man and ordered
this to give Him bow.
d. God held handsome creature
holding a bow.

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