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Spring Term Exam Literature Year 8

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d. similar in meaning
SECTION A: LITERARY 4. A black beautiful brilliant
APPRECIATION. bride_______ is an example of
a. alliteration
Answer all questions in this section.
b. assonance
c. onomatopoeia
1. ___________ is a figure of speech d. pun
wherein a comparison is made between 5. Peter’s pretty partner paid the bills_
two unlike quantities without the use is an example of
of the words "like" or "as." a. alliteration
a. Soliloquy b. rhyme
b. Metaphor c. satire
c. Simile d. digression
d. Analogue 6. A happy torment ______ is an
example of
2. The hero or central character of a
a. Oxymoron
literary work is the _________
b. Synecdoche
a. genre c. Innuendo
b. literary theory d. Simile
c. motif 7. Stanza is to Poetry while __ is to
d. protagonist drama
3. Oxymoron is the use of two a. Paragraph
contradictory words that are b. Act
a. placed apart c. Line
b. different in meaning d. Line
c. placed side by side

PIHS Autumn Term

8. A figurative expression in which part 14. What is the central idea of a story or
stands for a whole is called __ poem
a. Personification a. Subject matter
b. Amplification b. Climax
c. Synecdoche
c. Title
d. Metonymy
d. Theme
9. Pick the odd item out of the list
15. Which of these is a characteristic of
a. Sonnet
an elegy?
b. Epic
a. It conforms to a fixed pattern
c. Allusion
of lines
d. Ode
b. It has a mournful tone
10. A deliberate use of exaggeration for
c. It celebrates heroic deeds
the purpose of humour/emphasis is
d. It is set in the country side
a. Metaphor
e. It ends happily
b. Irony
c. Simile
16. What is the timing and location of a
d. Hyperbole
literary work?
11. Drama is meant ___________
a. Plot
a. Teach manners only
b. Atmosphere
b. Criticize
c. Setting
c. Educate and entertain
d. Theme
d. Be read and acted only
17. A group of lines separated from other
12. Identify the major distinctive feature
groups in a poem is known as
of drama from the options below
a. verse.
a. Dialogue
b. caesura.
b. Setting
c. stanza.
c. Epilogue
d. metre.
d. Plot
13. Cast , Acts and Scenes are usually
a. Fictions
b. Narratives Read the passage below and answer the
c. Novels questions below.
d. Plays

PIHS Autumn Term

Playing is as natural for children as 18. Children play because they are so full
breathing. All children love to play. They of
play because they are so full of high a. blood and bone.
spirits and energy that they spend it by b. high spirit and energy.
playing. Running, jumping and other c. patience and eagerness.
physical activities build their muscles. d. strength and energy.
Moreover, playing involves imaginations
e. toys and happiness.
and imitations. This contributes to the
development of the child‘s mind also. In
19. The following things contribute to the
playing, a child makes friends, develops
development of the child’s mind
the qualities of leadership.
a. Honesty and leadership
Above all, playing is a preparation for the b. Imagination and techniques
business of life. For example when girls c. Imagination and imitation
play with dolls, they practice being
d. Preparation and practice
mothers and when boys play policeman
e. Preparation and imagination
game, they prepare themselves for active
and outdoor life. Thus, playing is a
20. Parents make mistakes on their part
rehearsal of activities which will be
when they think
useful to them in life.
a. playing keeps their children
It is, therefore, necessary that parents active.
should let their children play when it is b. laying injures their children.
time to play. Some parents force their
c. laying is a waste of time .
children to study as it is thought to be
d. playing is a rehearsal of activities.
useful for life than play. It is a mistake
e. playing is a build-up activity.
on their part to think play is a waste of
time. Through the experience of play, a 23. A good player is a symbol of
child enriches his life and makes himself a. courage.
physically strong. They also learn team b. victory.
spirit and co-operation which helps them c. leadership.
in their day-to-day life. A good player is d. sportsmanship.
always symbol of true sportsman spirit. e. management.
So, children may be allowed to develop all
24. The underlined expression is
these qualities through their play.
a. metaphor.
b. consonance.

PIHS Autumn Term

c. simile. A. Kehinde
d. metonymy. B. Tiwa
e. synecdoche. C. Williams
30.In “I am so famished that I can D. Mr. Richard
devour a whole cow.” The device used
is 36.Apart from Sidney, which other
a. hyperbole.
character had lung disease
b. metaphor.
A. Taiwo
c. irony.
B. Kehinde
d. sarcasm.
C. Andrew
e. irony.
31. The powerful overflow of feelings D. Williams
recollected in tranquility is
a. prose 37. Another word for hyperbole is
b. poetry A. comparison
c. drama B. under statement
d. epic C. over exaggeration
e. D. figures of speech
32. A technique a poet deliberately uses
to convey messages is 38. Understatement is another word for
a. literary devices A. Hyperbole
b. figures of speech B. Litotes
c. poetic devices C. Epigram
d. poem technique D. Oxymoron
33.The author of Addiction is
a. Nicole Bertram 39. The writer of plays is known as
b. Ndidi Mandah A. Playwrite
c. Johnson Nwaorgu B. Playwriter
d. Agoma Abosede C. Novelist
34.The main character in Addiction is D. Playwright
a. Mrs. Doris
b. Mr. Israel 40. Addiction by Nicole Bertram is a
c. Lucia A. tragedy
d. Sidney B. tragi- comedy
C. comedy
35.One of these is not a character in D. poem

PIHS Autumn Term

SECTION B _______________________________
Answer all questions from this section
1. Sidney is a young boy who became _______________________________
addicted to drinking and smoking. _______________________________
Critically explain the situations that
lead to his addiction and the effect it
had on him.
2. With example for each define the
following figures of speech.

PIHS Autumn Term

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______ ______
(b) Synecdoche _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ ________________
_______________________________ 3. ’’ You understand nothing. When I
_______________________________ graduated for many years, I had no
_______________________________ job. She was the one that single
_______________________________ handedly took care of all my needs
_______________________________ while working in a bank. Her
____________________________ influence was what when the
business didn’t yield any profit at
(c) Hyperbole - first, she used her salary to pay
_______________________________ off most of the debts and even sold
_______________________________ a property her father gave to her-
____________________- foundation of the very things you
_______________________________ enjoy today’’
_______________________________ Above is an excerpt from ‘Addiction’
_______________________________ a. Who is the speaker?

(d)Personification b. Who is the speaker talking to?

_______________________________ __________________________
_______________________________ c. Who is the speaker talking about?
_______________________________ __________________________
(e)Euphemism SECTION C
Answer two questions only.
_______________________________ 1. Briefly discuss the plot of the
novel, Adiction.

PIHS Autumn Term

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__________________________ _____
__________________________ 2. Write short note on the following
__________________________ characters in Addiction.
__________________________ a. Sidney
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b. Mrs. Esther _______________________
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_______________________ _______
_______________________ c. Mr. Israel
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______ __________________________
3. Write short note on the theme of __________________________
lies and deceit in the play Holy __________________________
Sinner _______
__________________________ 4. Briefly discuss the theme of
__________________________ stigmatization in the play Stigma.
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PIHS Autumn Term


PIHS Autumn Term

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