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The New Axiomatics of The Universal Law (Georgi Stankov)

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Dr. Georgi Stankov


In 1995, I discovered the Universal Law (the Law) of Nature:
I proved that all known physical laws and their applications can be
derived from this one law within mathematical formalism and
can be explained for the first time from an epistemological and cog-
nitive point of view. The discovery of the Law is the logical result of
the consistent implementation of the principles of mathematical for-
malism to the structure of present-day physics. This endeavour has led
to the development of a unified theory of physics and cosmology,
which is a full axiomatisation (axiomatics) of physics. It could be
shown that physics is applied mathematics to the physical world. The
major results of the new theory are: All terms, quantities, constants,
and other physical magnitudes can be axiomatically derived from the
primary term, energy = space-time, which is the primary term of
human consciousness. The primary axiom of the new axiomatics
establishes the semantic and mathematical equivalence between all
words or abstract symbols that can be arbitrarily used for the prima-
ry term. This is called the principle of last equivalence; it is the

Die ursprngliche Version der vorliegenden Publikation findet man als
Einleitung im Band 2 (concise version); diese erschien im Jahre 1999 als
Leitartikel in der Zeitschrift Journal of the Balkan Tribilogical Asso-
ciation (Vol 5, No 3, p. 129-155).
first and only a priori axiom of the new integrated physical and
mathematical axiomatics. According to it, energy (space-time) is
closed, infinite, continuous, inhomogeneous (discrete), and constant; it
is in a state of permanent energy exchange. It can be proven that the
continuum (the set of all numbers) is equivalent to the primary term.
Therefore, it is the common basis of both physics and mathematics.
The new axiomatics is verified by all mathematical (numerical)
results that have been theoretically or experimentally obtained in
physics so far. However, it eliminates some fundamental formalistic
blunders that have been introduced in this natural science through-
out its history by implementing the principles of mathematical
formalism in a inconsistent, and hence, wrong manner. In this way,
the validity of mathematics as challenged by Gdels theorem can be
proven in the real world (proof of existence). This eliminates the
continuum hypothesis and the ongoing foundation crisis of ma-
thematics as artefacts that are based on wrong assumptions.
The Universal Law describes space-time in mathematical terms.
The universal equation is E = E
f, where E is energy exchange,
is a specific constant amount (quantum) of exchanged energy,
called action potential, and f = E/E
is called absolute time.
The latter is a dimensionless quotient. The Universal Law is a law
of energy. Energy (space-time) is the only real thing. All physical
quantities such as mass, charge, force, and momentum are abstract
subsets of space-time that are first defined within mathematics
(objects of thought) and are then measured in the real world. They
are dimensionless numbers that belong to the continuum. Since
they contain space-time as an element (U-subsets), they can be
axiomatically derived from the primary term. For instance, it can
be proven in an irrevocable manner that mass, as it is currently
defined in physics, is actually a synonym for energy (space-time)
relationship, and charge is a synonym for area (two-dimensional
space), that is, the SI unit 1 coulomb is equivalent to 1m
. There-
fore, photons are not mass-less particles, as is believed in physics
today, but exhibit energy relationships (masses), just as all other
material systems such as gravitational objects. By eliminating such
fundamental formalistic blunders in physics, gravitation can be
integrated for the first time with the other three fundamental
forces. At the same time, it can be cogently proven that the big-
bang-hypothesis, and hence all the basic concepts of modern cos-
mology, are entirely wrong. The new theory is outlined in two
comprehensive volumes of more than 1000 pages and encompas-
ses the full axiomatic presentation of the fundamental physical
disciplines. The present publication summarizes the basic axioms
and conclusions of the new integrated physical and mathematical
theory of the Law.

Key words: Universal Law, universal equation, pri mary
term, space-time, energy, integrated physical and mathe-
matical axiomatics, mathematical formalism, space,
absolute time f, primary axiom, continuum, probability
set, epistemology of mathematical equations.


Since Einstein, it has been the dream of many physicists to dis-
cover the universal field equation and derive all known laws
from same. Contrary to this endeavour, modern physics teaches
that nature is regulated by many distinct physical laws. They are
products of various disciplines, such as classical mechanics, ther-
modynamics, wave theory, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics,
theory of relativity, QED, QCD, etc. We encounter various laws,
the most prominent of which are: Newtons axioms of classical
mechanics, his law on gravity, Keplers laws, the first and second
law of thermodynamics, Boltzmanns law, laws of radiation
(Wiens displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmanns law), classical
wave equation, various laws of electricity and magnetism, which
can be regarded as precursors of Maxwells four equations of
electromagnetism, Schrdinger wave equation of quantum mechanics,
etc. Unfortunately, physicists have failed to explain why Nature
needs so many laws, and how it co-ordinates them in a simulta-
neous manner, so that it functions as an ordered whole. The new
axiomatic approach in physics proves that these different laws are,
from ontological point of view, equivalent mathematical presen-
tations of one single law of nature - they are derivations of the
Universal Law for specific energy interactions. This extensive
proof forms the basis of the new unified theory of physics and
cosmology, which adheres to the principles of mathematical
formalism (see Tables 1 & 2).
Although the necessity of axiomatizing physics on the basis of
mathematical formalism was postulated some time ago (1), this
target has not yet been achieved. The discovery of the Universal
Law of Nature has led to the establishment of a general theory of
physics and cosmology, which is an axiomatization of physics on
the basis of mathematical formalism (2-5). It confirms without any
exception all the mathematical (theoretical) and experimental
results obtained in physics so far. At the same time, it reveals that
some basic verbal interpretations of these results are essentially
wrong from an epistemological point of view. Such mistaken con-
clusions have precluded the unification of physics. The major results
of the new integrated physical and mathematical axiomatics can be
summarized as follows:

1. Energy (space-time) has only two dimensions (constituents),
space and absolute time. They are canonically conjugated recipro-
cal magnitudes that can be expressed as numerical, dimensionless
relationships. All physical quantities as measured by the SI system
can be derived from these two quantities (see Table 2). This proves
that the SI system is an anthropocentric surrogate and should be
abolished from theoretical physics.

2. There is no vacuum. There are instead photons (photon level)
perceived as space (extent). The photon level has the same proper-
ties as matter, for instance, it can be assessed in terms of mass
(space-time relationship) and charge (area). Two new fundamental
constants have been derived: mass m
= 0.73710
kg and charge
of the basic photon h, also known as Plancks

3. All known physical constants can be derived from these two
constants by applying the universal equation (see Table 1). Thus
the energy (space-time) of the basic photon h is the hidden real
reference system of SI system, from which all other SI units and
quantities are obtained in a secondary manner according to the prin-
ciple of circular argument. This is a basic proof that the physical
world is a unity.

4. A novel method has been developed, which enables the deri-
vation of many new physical constants within mathematical forma-
lism and their empirical verification by various well known
experiments. All natural constants are dimensionless numbers -
their magnitudes are independent of the choice of the surrogate
reference system such as SI system - therefore, the SI system
should be eliminated from theoretical physics.

5. Charge is a synonym for geometric area: 1 coulomb = 1 square

6. The basic terms - time, temperature, and relativistic mass - are di-
mensionless numbers (quotients), the definition of which is mathe-
matics. They are physical sets of the probability set (0sP(A)s1) as
introduced by Kolmogoroff in his theory of probabilities. The
probability set is equivalent to the primary term P(A) = n = space-
time = energy.

7. The standard model of cosmology (the hot big bang hypothesis)
must be refuted - the universe does not expand. Instead, there is an
incessant exchange of energy (and mass) between photons and mat-
ter. This exchange is responsible for gravitation, as has been confir-
med by the discovery of many new cosmological constants. With
the help of these new constants gravitation can be integrated for
the first time with electromagnetism and the other two funda-
mental forces. These constants build a numerical input-output mo-
del of the universe. This model is equivalent to the continuum.

8. The standard model of physics must be refuted in its reduc-
tional attempt to explain nature on the basis of a few elementary
particles. At the same time, the new theory confirms all the mathe-
matical results obtained in QED and QCD.

9. Although the various mathematical expressions of the second
law of thermodynamics are derivations of the universal equation,
the notion of growing entropy in the universe as stated by this law
must be rejected.

The extensive mathematical proofs of these results are given in
volumes I and II (2-4), which take due account of the basis of modern
physics and cosmology. The new integrated physical and mathema-
tical axiomatics follows the principle of inner consistency and lack of
contradictions. Therefore, it would be sufficient to reject only one of
the aforementioned results to renounce the existence of the Law.
However, this is not possible.



A methodological analysis of the epistemological foundations of
modern physics reveals that the basic terms of this science are not
defined. Although all physical laws are laws of energy interactions
or can be derived from the concept of energy, physics does not know
what energy is in real terms (6). The same holds true for classical
space known as Euclidean space (7), relativistic space-time known
as Minkowskis world (8), charge, and mass (9), and Hilberts space
of quantum mechanics (10). The only method of describing the phy-
sical world is mathematics - all laws and their applications are ma-
thematical equations. This proves that the physical world is of ma-
thematical nature. However, physics does not give us any expla-
nation for this fundamental fact from an epistemological point of
view. The agnosticism of physics with regard to its primary terms is
propagated in all subsequent concepts of this natural science and
biases its edifice.
Like physics, mathematics cannot define its primary terms, such
as point, straight line, plane (area) in geometry (10,11), continuum
in the theory of sets (12), and number in algebra (13). This has pre-
cluded the axiomatization of mathematics by finite procedures (14)
as proven by Gdel (15). This proof has led to the foundation
crisis of mathematics as embodied in the continuum hypothesis
(16) and Russells antinomy (17). Mathematics is a hermeneutic
discipline without a real object of study; it deals with objects of
thought (Dedekind). Gdel has proved that any axiomatic system
of mathematics (18) contains primary statements, which have their
source in human consciousness and cannot be determined in a
finite way by secondary definitions that are also products of the
mind. Each time such formalistic procedures are applied to the
structure of mathematics, they lead to fundamental antinomies and
challenge its very foundation (15). Therefore, consciousness should
be an indispensable part of the theory of mathematics and sub-
sequently of any empirical discipline that implements mathematics
(19). However, consciousness is rigorously excluded from physics
as an explanatory principle - it is substituted by empiricism.
On the other hand, mathematics, being a hermeneutic discipline
without an external object of study, cannot render the missing proof
of existence with its own means. Gdels theorem tells us explicitly
that, in order to solve its ongoing crisis, mathematics should seek its
proof of existence in the real physical world. The aim should be the
development of an integrated physical and mathematical axiomatics
based on finite procedures, with the help of which the proof of
existence should be experimentally rendered. Such an axiomatics
should depart from a small number of axioms - ideally from a single
primary axiom - that are valid in both physics and mathematics. In
this way, the current artificial separation of the two disciplines will be
eliminated for ever.
Departing from this methodological analysis of the present-day
structure of physics and mathematics, I have come to the conclu-
sion that it is possible to establish a complete axiomatics of current
physical and mathematical knowledge that is based on a single pri-
mary term, when the principles of mathematical formalism, as first
propagated by Hilbert in 1900 (Hilberts programme), are consis-
tently applied to physics. This revolutionary approach furnishes
the missing existence proof in the real physical world and solves
the foundations crisis of mathematics that has persisted since 1931
(14), after the publication of Gdels first theorem (15).
The primary term of the new axiomatics is a product of our con-
sciousness: More precisely, it can be equated with our consciousness
and can be arbitrarily called energy, space-time, cosmos,
universe, the whole, continuum, or being (be aware of
being). From an epistemological point of view, the choice of the
name is of no importance. This primary (ultimate) knowledge is defi-
ned as the principle of last equivalence (primary axiom). It is the
furthest boundary of any human knowledge - for ever.
The principle of last equivalence is the common axiomatic origin
of both physics and mathematics. According to it, the idea of the
continuum in the theory of sets, which is the basis of modern mathe-
matics, is equivalent to the primary term. The same holds true for the
probability set in Kolmogoroffs theory of probabilities (20). Accor-
ding to Gdels theorem (15), the equivalence between the primary
term, the continuum of numbers, and the probability set cannot be
proven (or rejected) on mathematical grounds. It is an a priori axio-
matic knowledge. However, it can be verified by all experimental facts
in physics and other natural sciences (proof of existence). This is the
objective of the new unified theory of physics and cosmology which is
based on this principle (2-5, 21).
The new axiomatics takes into account the fact that all physical
phenomena (real objects or systems) are adequately expressed by
abstract mathematical symbols and relationships, which are objects
of thought, and proves that all mathematical equations are concrete
applications of the principle of last equivalence for the parts (see
below). Thus any mathematical equation is, in fact, a subset of the
primary term and contains it as an element. According to Russell,
such sets are called U-sets: A U-set is the total set of all sets that
contain themselves as an element (17). The same holds true for all
the physical quantities that appear in such equations - they are U-
subsets of the primary term. As all physical quantities are defined
within mathematical formalism, they are abstract concepts (objects
of thought). The only real thing is the primary term, that is, energy
or space-time, which any physical quantity or magnitude contains
as an element in an a priori manner.
This novel epistemological approach is based on a single term. It
reveals that physics is mathematics applied to the physical world.
Therefore, it can be axiomatized according to the deductive, formalis-
tic principle of inner consistency and lack of contradictions. This ap-
proach explains at the same time the trend towards mathemati-
sation of all sciences and leads to the development of a General
Theory of Natural Sciences (2-5, 21-25).
The validity of the new axiomatics is proven in the real world,
because the proof of existence is furnished by the principle of last
equivalence, which is the primary axiom of both physics and mathe-
matics. This is the crucial difference between the new axiomatics
and pure mathematics. While the former operates with real objects,
the latter deals with ideal objects of thought. The objective of the
new axiomatics is to prove that all abstract mathematical concepts
and symbols, such as numbers and signs of relation, adequately
express the primary physical term, energy = space-time. In other
words, they are evoked in the mind by its very nature. The reason for
this is that human mind is a system (U-set) of space-time which can
only reflect the latter - therefore, the primary term of human con-
sciousness is equivalent to space-time.

3.1 The Primary Axiom

The primary axiom of relation says: energy is equivalent to space-
time: energy = space-time. All the further names and symbols used
for the primary term are equivalents. This includes the term
consciousness. The primary axiom is called the principle of last
equivalence (PLE):

Energy = Space-time = Primary Term = Consciousness =
Universe = Cosmos = Nature = The Whole = Continuum =
Probability Set = Mathematical Symbols (1)

The primary term is a U-set - it is the total set of all sets that
contain themselves as an element. All the physical terms and
quantities that adequately reflect the phenomenology of space-time
are mathematical U-subsets of the primary term, that is, they are
objects of thought that contain the whole as an element. Any
physical idea that excludes the primary term as an element is an N-
set: It has no correlate in the real world and should be excluded
from physics as a wrong idea. Such ideas are vacuum, closed system,
etc. For instance, vacuum is considered the set that contains all ener-
getic particles: the void contains something. The N-set is a funda-
mental paradox or antinomy. The primary term can only be assessed
in logical categories. As mathematics is the prolongation of logic
with abstract symbols, both are hermeneutic disciplines of correct
thinking. Currently, it is believed that they have no external object
of study. According to PLE, their external object of study is space-
time. This conclusion renders the missing proof of existence of
mathematics. It also explains the mathematical character of the
physical world, namely, why all natural laws are mathematical

3.2 Properties of Space-Time (Energy)

The properties of space-time (energy) are: closed character,
infiniteness, continuousness, inhomogeneity (discreteness), and
constancy. They are interrelated U-sets and thus equivalent to the
primary term. U-sets cannot be separated in real terms, but only in
an abstract way in the mind. These properties are manifested by all
U-subsets of space-time. The conservation of energy (1st law of
thermodynamics) confirms the closed character of space-time. The
quantization of energy in photons (E = h f) and particles (Bohrs
model, Schrdinger wave equation) confirms the inhomogeneity of
space-time and the constancy of the quanta, for instance h, or the
existence of natural constants. The equivalence between energy
and space-time proves the continuousness of the physical world
and excludes the idea of the void (vacuum) as an N-set - the extent
is space-time, that is, energy.
Space-time can be subdivided into infinite levels and systems.
The U-set of equivalent constant amounts of energy, called
systems, is defined as a level. For instance, all protons have
the same energy (at rest) and form the proton level. As we do not
know how many protons there are in the universe, we define the
proton level as infinite. The discreteness of space-time is infinite
in real and abstract terms. It is not possible to distinguish between
the abstract infinity of numbers as objects of thought (mathematics)
and the real infinity of levels and systems of space-time. Hence the
equivalence between consciousness and the primary term - con-
sciousness is reflected space-time (energy). All levels and systems
are open - they exchange energy (space-time). We say: They inter-
act. The openness of the U-subsets of space-time is an aspect of its
infinity. However, space-time itself is closed.

3.3 Symbolic Expression of the Primary Term

Energy exchange and energy interaction are synonyms for
the primary term. Space-time is in a permanent state of energy ex-

primary term = energy exchange = space-time exchange = E (2)

According to the PLE the arbitrary symbol of the primary term E
is an object of thought. Therefore, it can be substituted by any
other mathematical symbol, such as:

E = = 1 = E / E =1/1 = 1/ = /1 = / = n = etc. (3)

It is important to observe that this equivalence cannot be rejected on
mathematical grounds because it concerns the proof of existence.
According to Gdels theorem, this proof cannot be given by means
of mathematics. The equivalence of the symbols in equation (3) is
therefore beyond the reach of mathematical argumentation. At the
same time, it is the epistemological (philosophical) origin of both
mathematics and physics.
For instance, we can substitute the primary term in equation (3)
with any quotient of infinite mathematical complexity, which can be
a product of differential, integral, or exponential calculus
1 = /, where the symbol for infinity stands for mathematical
complexity. All the equations in mathematics and physics, e.g. as
natural laws, no matter how complex they may be, are formulated as
numerical relationships (quotients) to the primary number one
= 1. As we shall show below, this elementary formalistic conclusion
can be easily proven by any person with a modest knowledge of
mathematics and physics. This basic theoretical evidence is
currently not fully apprehended by all physicists and theoreticians,
notwithstanding the fact that it renders the epistemological ground,
why Nature is of mathematical character, e.g. why it can be ade-
quately assessed by natural laws that can be expressed in terms of
mathematical equations.

3.4 Basic U-Subsets of Energy Exchange

The energy exchange between the levels is arbitrarily called ver-
tical energy exchange, while that between the systems horizon-
tal energy exchange. E is at once vertical and horizontal (U-
sets). The elementary event of energy exchange is called action
potential and is symbolized with E
. As all systems and levels
are U-subsets, the definition of the elementary event is an arbitrary
decision of the mind. We call this mental aspect the degree of
mathematical freedom. Thus any system or level can be defined
as E
. Any arbitrarily defined E
has a correlate in the real world
(U-set). All the physical events or phenomena that are objects of stu-
dy in physics can be defined as action potentials and expressed as
. Thus the term action potential is the total U-set of all dis-
crete events of energy exchange. For instance, the basic system of
a level, say an electron, is called an elementary action potential
and can be expressed with E
. The level is the total set of all action
potentials pertaining to it, e.g. an electron level. The systems of
this level are sets consisting of E
, e.g. electron orbits; at the same
time they are subsets of the electron level. E
is a specific mean
constant amount of energy for each level or system, defined in an
abstract way within mathematics that is always confirmed in an
empirical way.
The quotient of energy exchange and action potential is defined as
absolute time or simply time: f =E/E
. The quantity time is an
abstract U-subset (object of thought) of space-time, which is an
integral part of mathematical formalism. It is a dimensionless num-
ber, a quotient belonging to the continuum. This term is not
identical with the quantity conventional time t as used in physics
today. The definition of the latter quantity requires the definition
of the SI unit second and its method of measurement (see below).
Thus the quantity conventional time is a secondary U-subset of the
primary category time, which is directly derived from the primary
term in an axiomatic, a priori manner. Conventional time is a
concrete quantity of time. Within the new axiomatics, it can be
shown that many physical quantities, which are erroneously regar-
ded to be distinct, real quantities of matter, appear to be particular
mathematical parameters of time. The most outstanding are: tempe-
rature and magnetic field.

3.5 The Universal Law is a Mathematical Equation

The primary term can be expressed as a mathematical equation:

E = E
f (4)

We called it the universal equation (UE). This mathematical ex-
pression considers all the properties of space-time. The proof is
cogent (see below). All conventional laws are mathematical equa-
tions and thus U-subsets of space-time - they contain equation (4) as
an element. We shall prove that they are mathematical derivations of
UE, that is, they are objects of thought and have no real existence
outside mathematics. Thus, there is only one law, called the
Universal Law, which is expressed by the above equation. It
assesses the primary term mathematically and is equivalent to it. Ac-
cording to PLE, equation (4) can be expressed by any other symbol,
such as:

E = E
f = 1 = = n = 1/n
= n
/1 = n 1/n =

= 1/ = /1 1/ = etc. (5),

where the primary number 1 is the universal mathematical symbol
of equivalence with respect to the primary term; this number can
also be used for any subset thereof, e.g. as the certain event in
statistics or as a SI unit, e.g. 1m, 1s, 1C, 1joule. According to PLE,
the primary number can be substituted by any other number without
changing anything in mathematics and physics.
All mathematical equations are built as quotients that are equi-
valent to 1: / = 1, where symbolizes the infinite mathema-
tical complexity introduced by scientists through infinitesimal
calculus, statistics, geometry, topology or any other sophisticated
mathematical procedure. Therefore, all equations in science are
mathematical U-subsets of PLE and the primary term: the infinite
complexity of mathematics merely reflects the infinity of space-time.
While searching for particular solutions in the growing complexity
of mathematical models, physicists have overlooked this simple fact
of great cognitive importance. This attitude has obscured the
existence of one Universal Law of Nature.
In equation (5) n is continuum, is infinity, 1/ is the infinitely
small number, and /1 = is the infinitely great number. The last
two terms define the continuum: 1/n0, when n. In the theory
of sets, zero and infinity are defined as the limits of the
continuum. They are abstract subsets (objects of thought) of the
primary term. It is important to observe that all these abstract
symbols can be substituted by any other symbol or word, which is of
the same mathematical character. They will inevitably assess the
properties of space-time, for example, its infinity due to the closed
character. As space-time is of mathematical nature, all the words and
symbols used for the continuum reflect its closed nature. For
instance, instead of saying in mathematics the continuum is infi-
nite, we can say the infinity is continuous. This follows from the
principle of last equivalence, which is the common origin of ma-
thematics and physics. The existence of such basic tautologies de-
termines the limit of any human knowledge for ever and proves the
closed character of space-time.
The fundamental formalistic finding that all mathematical equa-
tions, for instance, all physical laws and their applications, represent
quotients that, according to PLE, are set equivalent to the primary
number 1 and are thus U-sets of the primary term, will be illus-
trated by the following two examples. These examples constitute the
basic proof of existence of mathematics in the real physical
world. At the same time, they prove the existence of only one Law of
Nature that can be mathematically expressed as a rule of three or a
mathematical derivation thereof of endless complexity.

3.6 Proof of Existence of Mathematics and the Univer-
sal Law within the New Integrated Physical and
Mathematical Axiomatics

Let us take any equation of infinite complexity () used in quantum
mechanics or any other physical discipline and prove that it can be
expressed as a quotient that is equivalent to the primary number
1: / = 1. Alternatively, the critical reader may try to find a ma-
thematical equation that cannot be presented in this way. This is a
basic formalistic proof for the existence of the Law that is also
confirmed by all physical results. In addition, one can prove that the
number 1 can be substituted by any other number of the conti-
nuum n, that is, n = / = = 1. The proof of existence confirms
that any scientific knowledge of nature exists a priori in the mind, so
that any categorical system of science can be axiomatically derived
from the primary term and expressed in terms of mathematics
(mathematisation or axiomatization of science).
This is the ultimate epistemological and cognitive basis of the
new integrated physical and mathematical axiomatics of the Uni-
versal Law: For this purpose, we have randomly selected two
different physical equations from the literature:

Example a): The equation of conservation of quantum proba-
bility, which is an approximate solution of Schrdingers equation
in the perturbation theory of David Bohm in Quantum Theory,
Dover Publ., New York, 1979, p. 416:

( )
( )
( )
A 2l cos
t t
n s


1 1

Solution: We assign the right term of this equation the symbol B
and express the above equation as a quotient:

( )
( )
( )
1 1


2l cos
t t
n s

= B

1 =

We can now multiply this equation with an arbitrary number
belonging to the continuum, for instance with n = 1000:


1 1000 =



When we set 1000,A
= A, we obtain A/B = 1000. If we express
A= E, B = E
, and f = 1000, we obtain the universal equation
E = E

Example b): The uniqueness theorem for rotating black holes in
Markus Heusler Black Hole Uniqueness Theorems, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1996, p. 227, eq. (12.77):

( )
( )
( )
| |
I e
y h dx x h dy
y x

| | ( )
, 1 1
2 2

Solution b): We assign the right term of this equation the symbol B
and express it as a quotient:

= 1

When we multiply this equation with n we obtain I
n/B = n. If we
set I
n = A, we obtain again the universal equation as a rule of
three: A/B = n or E/E
= f = n = 1. From this presentation it
follows that:

= = = 1 n = primary term = space-time =

= infinite mathematical complexity

We conclude: All the mathematical equations in physics and
science are obtained from the primary term according to PLE; they
are U-subsets of the universal equation, which assesses the proper-
ties of space-time in terms of mathematics by assigning it (or a U-
subset thereof) the number This is the apriori universal
formalistic procedure, which allows the application of mathema-
tics to real objects.
These examples prove in an irrevocable manner that the
continuum is an equivalent and adequate term of space-time. As
Kolmogoroffs probability set 0sP(A)s1 is obtained from the
continuum by mathematical transformation according to PLE:
1/n0 =P(A)>0, and n =P(A)s1 (according to PLE, 1 = ), this
basic term of statistics is another equivalent, abstract presentation
of space-time. We call this set the physical probability set and
express it with the symbol SP(A), where S stands for structure,
so that we can distinguish it from Kolmogoroffs abstract term.
This new symbol allows the epistemological discrimination be-
tween the theory of probabilities as a hermeneutic discipline and
statistics as mathematics applied to the real physical world, e.g. in
thermodynamics, QED, QCD, etc. From this, we can write PLE as

Energy = Space-time = n = 0sSP(A)s1 = SP(A) = 1 (6)

The equations from (1) to (6) are iterations of the primary term accor-
ding to PLE - they are mathematical tautologies or pleonasms thereof.
This is a basic proof for the closed character of space-time. Any ma-
thematical equation is an iteration of the last equivalence for the parts
(U-subsets of space-time). For instance, the universal equation (4) can
be expressed as a rule of three a = b/c or a function y = ax. The latter
is the origin of any other function in mathematics, such as:

) = 1, where m = 1,2,3... n (7)
) / y = E
/ E
= E
/ 1 = E
f (8),
= a
= ax = E
f = E
= cons.,

when f = 1 (9).

These presentations prove that mathematics is a system of mathe-
matical iterations of the universal equation, while the latter is the
mathematical envelope, with which the nature of space-time is
formally wrapped. With respect to tradition in physics, we call this
equation the Universal Law, or just the Law. This is justified,
as all known physical laws and other equations can be derived
from this Law (2-5, 21).

3.7 Quantities of Space-time and Their Method of
Definition and Measurement

All the physical quantities with which nature is described are ab-
stract U-subsets of space-time. Mathematics is the only method of
definition and measurement of such quantities, that is, they have
no real meaning outside mathematics (objects of thought). Physical
quantities are built according to the principle of circular argu-
ment (PCA). This is the only operational principle of mathema-
tics and physics. In fact, it is the only cognitive principle of our
mathematical consciousness. PCA consists of two dialectical
aspects: 1) the building of equivalencies, e.g. as SI units - all meter
rules are the same the world over; 2) the building of comparisons,
e.g. measurements with SI units in the real world. The PCA is an
application of PLE for the parts - it departs from the whole to
explain the parts. This principle is thus a U-subset of PLE. The
building of any mathematical equation with a view to assessing U-
subsets of the primary term is based on PCA. This means that all
known physical laws, expressing relationships between various
physical quantities, abide by PCA and PLE. They contain the prima-
ry term, space-time as an element (see Table 2).
The principle of definition of physical quantities used in physics
today is circulus viciosus, that is, any quantity is defined through
other quantities, e.g. mass through acceleration, charge through
current, etc. One part is explained by other parts, while the primary
term is neglected. Physics does not know the nature of space-time.
This has led to a profound agnosticism with regard to the meaning
of these quantities.

3.8 Dimensions, Quantities, and Units of Space-Time

Physics consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theo-
retical part consists of definitions of physical quantities; the empi-
rical part consists of their measurement (experiments) by building
relationships (comparisons) in the real physical world. The method
of definition of quantities is at the same time the method of their
measurement - both methods are applications of PCA. There is no
exception to this equivalence between mathematical theory (for-
malism) and empiricism. Within mathematics, the primary event is
the a priori definition of quantities as mathematical objects of
thought. Empiricism is of secondary importance - it is an experi-
mental confirmation of the Law for each particular energy inter-
action. This ubiquitous fact proves that mathematical conscious-
ness is an adequate reflection of the physical world. This is the
epistemological background of the new axiomatics. Modern phy-
sics, on the contrary, has failed to give an explanation of its termi-
nology from an epistemological point of view and has, instead,
resorted to pure empiricism as the only source of knowledge.
Hence its profound agnosticism.
Any quantity is expressed in units. Each unit stands for a dimen-
sion, and each dimension corresponds to a quantity. However,
there are quantities that have more than one dimension, e.g. force
is expressed by the dimensions mass, length, and conventional
time with the units [kgms
]. The definition of a quantity cannot be
distinguished from the definition of its unit(s) and dimension(s).
Each definition of a quantity and its corresponding SI unit is based
on a real reference system of space-time by assigning it the
number one according to PLE and PCA. For instance, both
metre for space and second for conventional time are defined with
respect to the photon level: 1 meter is equivalent to the distance
travelled by light (visible photons) during 1/299,792.458 second;
1 second is defined by the frequency of photons f = c/wavelength
emitted by a caesium atom. As c = f, both definitions are circular
- they resort to the number one, e.g. when f =1/t = 1s
, c = and
vice versa, when =1, c=f within mathematical formalism. If we
compare the wavelengths and frequencies f =1/t of two photons
by defining one of the photons as a reference system, we obtain
dimensionless quotients for the two dimensions, space (distance)

= SP(A) = n and time f = 1/t = f
= SP(A) = n. The same
holds true for any other real distance and time. The terms meter
and second are thus non-mathematical surrogates that substitute
the reference frequency f and wavelength of a real photon, which
has been arbitrarily selected as the initial reference system of SI. It
can be substituted by any other real system of space-time. The SI
units, 1 second for the dimension (quantity) conventional time t
and 1 meter for the dimension (quantity) distance are thus sur-
rogates of real space-time quantities that are initially obtained as
dimensionless relationships between two real systems, one of them
being usually defined as a reference system or unit, and should be,
therefore, eliminated within mathematical formalism. The current
usage of SI units only obscures the physical understanding of
It is generally acknowledged that there are six basic quantities
and units - space (m), conventional time t = 1/f (s), mass (kg),
temperature (K), amount of substance called mole (mol), and cur-
rent (A). As charge (C) is actually introduced through the current
in a circular manner, this quantity is not basic. All the other quan-
tities can be derived from these six quantities and their units within
mathematics. It can be proven that the last four basic quantities
and their units can be derived from the first two dimensions, space
and time, within mathematics. This means that space-time has
only two dimensions or constituents, space and time f: hence
space-time for the primary term. Therefore, all quantities can be
expressed in terms of space and time (see Table 2). As all physical
laws assess relationships between various quantities, this is also true
for these laws. This allows the establishment of a new simple
mathematical symbolism that can be axiomatically introduced from
the primary term (see chapter 3.13).

3.9 Motion is the only Manifestation of Space-Time

Human consciousness assesses energy exchange as motion (dis-
placement). Motion is the only manifestation of energy exchange
or space-time within the limitations of human senses. The univer-
sal physical quantity of motion in physics is velocity v. From v one
can obtain further quantities of motion within mathematics, for
instance acceleration a. As velocity is an abstract mathematical
quantity too, it can be substituted by any of these quantities with-
out affecting the validity of the present axiomatics. We have cho-
sen velocity as the universal quantity of motion for practical and his-
torical reasons. Velocity is defined within mathematics as a quotient
of the two identical quantities, space and conventional time, accor-
ding to PCA v = s/t = sf. Within 3d-Euclidean space, distance is
given as [1d-space], area as [2d-space], and volume as [3d-space].
The method of definition of these abstract quantities is geometry.
We shall use these symbols in the new axiomatics for any spatial
presentation [n-d-space], where n means any number of dimensions
and is equivalent to the continuum. This symbol includes any geo-
metric presentation, such as multidimensional spaces in topology (e.g.
in string theories) or fractal spaces in chaos theory.
The new dimensionless quantity time f = E/E
is defined in an a
priori mathematical manner as a quotient of the primary term and
its universal event - the action potential. The latter term is also
defined in an a priori manner as the total set of all events or
phenomena in the real world. The two terms, time f and action
potential E
, are the two most important subsets that establish the
unity of space-time, because they completely assess its properties
in a mathematical way. For this reason, we use only these three
symbols in the universal equation E = E
f. Within mathematics,
the number of symbols, standing for different quantities of space-
time, can be augmented ad infinitum. We call this the degree of
mathematical freedom - like space-time, the number of physical
quantities, which human consciousness can define, is theoretically
infinite: space-time=(mathematical) consciousness = infinity (PLE).
Hence the intrinsic complexity of physics, which is applied mathe-
matics. This mathematical complexity has hindered the perception of
one single Law of nature. This is the greatest fallacy of modern
physical theory.
When the surrogate SI system is employed, the abstract quantity
time can be assessed by the actual parameters, frequency f or reci-
procal conventional time 1/t, within mathematics according to
PCA: f = E/E
= 1/t = f. Both quantities are U-subsets of time. In
this way, we conclusively eliminate the term conventional time
from physical theory and substitute it with the term time f. This is
also the reason why we use the symbol f , which is traditionally
employed for frequency, although we could just as well introduce
any other symbol for time. It is important to observe that frequency
or its reciprocal conventional time are not the only actual quan-
tities of time. For instance, we can establish within the new
axiomatics that temperature and magnetic field are further specific
quantities of time. This finding eliminates the exclusive character
of conventional time. For practical purposes, we can still use t in
terms of seconds or any other unit of time by employing
conversion factors. Within mathematical formalism, velocity can
be expressed as:

v = |1d-space| f = |1d-space| |absolute time| =

= |1d-space-time| (10)

The product of one-dimensional space |1d-space| and time f re-
sults in an abstract mathematical quantity, called one-dimensio-
nal space-time. It is a U-subset of the primary term. The method
of definition is geometry (space) and algebra (time), that is, ma-
thematics. Space and time are constituents of space-time. This
is an axiomatic definition derived from the primary term. Accor-
ding to PLE, we can express the primary term as follows:

E = E
f = v = |1d-space-time| = v
= |n-d-space-time| =
= constant = 1 (11)

3.10 Reciprocity of Space and Time

Equation (11) proves that the space-time of any system or level is
constant because it is a U-subset of the primary term and manifests
the constancy of space-time as an element. For example, the speed
of light c is a constant one-dimensional space-time of the photon
level c = [1d-space-time]. This axiomatic conclusion is confirmed
by all facts - it is an irrevocable proof that the new axiomatics
adequately assesses the physical world (empirical validation):


=|1d-space-time| = |1d-space| f = 1/ = constant = 1 (12)

We conclude from equation (12) that space and time are canoni-
cally conjugated, reciprocal quantities that cannot be separated
in real terms (U-sets), but only in an abstract way in mathematics,
that is, in the mind. The infinitely great number and the infinitely
small number 1/, being defined as the limits of the continuum,
are thus mathematical symbols which intuitively reflect the reci-
procity of real space and time. As space and time cannot be separa-
ted in real terms, they form the unity of space-time. Thus space-
time contains at once the infinite small and the infinite great. The
reciprocity of space and time is without exception - as a funda-
mental property of space-time, it is manifested by each subset
thereof. This is a basic axiomatic conclusion of the new theory
that is central to an understanding of the Law. We can write:

When [n-d-space] , then f 1/ and vice versa (13)

Or E = E
f ~ f = 1/ |space| = 1/t (14)

Axiom of reciprocity: Space-time (energy) is proportional to
time f and inversely proportional to space, respectively, to con-
ventional time t. Time f is inversely proportional to space and
conventional time t and vice versa.

This basic axiomatic conclusion is confirmed by all physical pheno-
mena: the greatest energy is found in the smallest space of the atoms
(e.g. strong forces of hadrons and quarks, black holes, etc.) and the
smallest energy is found in the greatest volume, e.g. in gravitational
objects: red giants vs. black holes. There is no exception to this rule.
This is a fundamental proof that physics can be axiomatized from a
single term.
At the same time, this axiom reveals the fundamental gnostic
fact that space and conventional time are identical physical quanti-
ties built within mathematics that are erroneously considered to be
distinct entities. For this reason, velocity is a tautological quantity
which does not contribute to our understanding of space-time, but
only forges the hallucinatory perception of space-time by human
mind as extent (space), where certain objects move with different
velocities. Therefore, motion (displacement) is the universal hallu-
cinatory perception of energy exchange by human consciousness
within the energetic limitations of his senses (see vol. III).

3.11 Mathematical Presentation of the Reciprocity of
Space and Time

Space-time is the only real entity. Because of this, the only thing we
can do in physics is to assess the actual space-time of the systems or
levels. According to PCA, the space-time E
of any system can only
be assessed in a circular comparison to the space-time of a reference
system E
. This is a consequence of the closed character of space-
time and explains why PCA is the only operational principle of
physics and mathematics. Due to the reciprocity of space and time,
the universal equation can be presented as a rule of three (RT):

= f
= |1d-space|
= SP(A)= n =K

Equation (15) proves that all we can do in physics is to compare
the space, time, or space-time of one system with that of another.
The quantities which are defined in this way are dimensionless
quotients, whereas any comparison with a unit reference system
n/1 = n is a number belonging to the continuum. This comparison is
a real energy interaction. Therefore, any measurement in an experi-
ment is an energy interaction. The dimensionless coefficient K

assesses the energy exchange between any pair of systems or levels.
It is called the absolute constant of energy exchange. As all sys-
tems are open U-sets, energy exchange always occurs in both
directions: in this case, K
= 1/K
. Such constants belong to the
continuum or the probability set, that is, to the primary term. By
eliminating the surrogate SI system, we prove that all known natural
constants are absolute constants. They are constant dimensionless
relationships of space, time or space-time quantities of real systems,
which are obtained within mathematics by employing the universal
equation (see Table 1).

3.12 Photon Space-Time is the Universal Reference Frame

According to PCA, the universal real reference frame of the new
axiomatics is the space-time of the photon level as assessed by the
constant speed of light:

= |n-d-space-time|
=constant =1 (16)

The same reference frame is used in classical mechanics as G, in
electromagnetism as c
, and in the theory of relativity as
Lorentz transformations. Theoretically, it can be substituted by any
other reference frame (degree of mathematical freedom). We have
selected photon space-time as the universal reference frame with
respect to traditional physics. This allows a simple transformation of
conventional formulae into the new space-time symbolism.

3.13 The New Space-Time Symbolism

In the above disquisition, we have already introduced the new sym-
bols of the new integrated physical and mathematical axiomatics,
with which all traditional physical quantities and laws can be pre-
sented in terms of space-time (see Table 2):

E - Space-time = energy = primary term
- Action potential = elementary event of energy
exchange: E = E
= cons., when f = 1
f - (absolute) time, f = E/E

|n-d-space| - Space in terms of geometry = extent
SP(A) - Any physical quantity of space-time as a pro-
bability (dimensionless quotient) belonging
to 0sSP(A)s1, where 0sSP(A)s1 = n. In parti-
cular, this symbol is reserved for mass m and
charge Q (see below)
E = E
f =
[n-d-space] f =
= n =1 - Universal equation of the primary term according
to PLE and PCA. SP(A) stands for the space-time
of any system or level (U-subset) that can be ob-
tained as a relationship (probability or number)
to a reference system of space-time.

Any science is a categorical system of the mind. When the catego-
ries are U-sets, that is, when they are derived from the primary term
by PCA, the system can be axiomatized. All axiomatic systems are
thus transitive: They are equivalent presentations of space-time.
This is called the commutative law of the new axiomatics - it is
an iteration of PLE. For instance, geometry can be presented as
algebra and vice versa. The new axiomatics is transitive to mathe-
matics: any traditional mathematical expression of space-time in
terms of a physical law, a quantity, or a relationship thereof can be
expressed in the new space-time symbolism without affecting the
final numerical result. Due to the significant simplification of the
new symbolism and its clear epistemological background, many new
natural constants, which have hitherto evaded the attention of physi-
cists, have been derived for the first time. These constants can be ex-
perimentally verified. This is a convincing experimental proof that
physical empiricism is a tautology of the Universal Law for each
particular experimental condition.
The new axiomatics acknowledges the creative potential of ma-
thematical thinking. It is not a particular categorical system, but
the universal method of creating infinite categorical systems that
abide by the formalistic principle of inner consistency and lack of
contradictions. This leads to the unification of science under:

one principle = one term.

3.14 Mass is an Abstract Mathematical Quantity of
the Mind

The quantity mass does not exist. It is an object of thought that is de-
fined within mathematics. In mechanics, mass is defined as the
intrinsic property of an object that measures its resistance to acce-
leration (9). This is a tautological definition of Newtons 2nd law
F = ma, where acceleration a = v/t = vf = [1d-space-time]f is already
an abstract U-subset of space-time as defined within mathematics.
One abstract subset of space-time is defined in terms of another.
All traditional definitions of physical quantities display this vicious
character. For this reason, physics cannot explain its terms such as
mass and charge in terms of knowledge (epistemological agnos-
ticism). This vicious circle is substituted in the new axiomatics by
PCA as a U-subset of PLE - we depart from the primary term (the
whole) to explain the parts, which are mathematical quantities of
space-time. Their relationships are presented conventionally as
mathematical equations and defined as physical laws. As all mathe-
matical equations are U-subsets of PLE, all known physical laws are
U-subsets of the Universal Law, and this law assesses mathematically
the properties of the primary term.
The method of definition of mass is mathematics. It is also the me-
thod of its measurement. The real reference system is a standard object
preserved at the International Bureau of Weights in Svres, France. Its
gravitational energy E
on the earth is called 1 kg. The measurement
of masses, that is, weights, is based on Newtons 2nd law (definition)
and can be axiomatically derived from the primary term within mathe-

| |
| |
m kg
F g
F g
F s
F s
1 1
1 1 1
= = = = = =
| |
| |
1 1
= = =
( )


From equation (17), we conclude that mass is a mathematical
space-time (energy) relationship that is established by PCA. The
same is true for charge - it is an area relationship defined wi-
thin geometry (see chapter 3.19). This is the topic of a separate pub-
lication. In the following, we shall present some fundamental for-
malistic proofs for the theory of relativity, which will show in an
impeccable manner that this basic physical discipline is no more
than applied statistics to the primary term - space-time.

3.15 Lorentz Transformations in the Theory of Relativity
are Mathematical Iterations of Kolmogoroffs Proba-
bility Set

The actual theory of relativity is an application of Lorentz transfor-
mations of electromagnetism, with which the space-time of all mate-
rial objects is mathematically assessed, while at the same time
photon space-time is regarded as an empty, homogeneous entity; the
latter is a basic cognitive blunder of present-day physics, as we shall
show below. This mathematical presentation of space-time and its
abstract quantities, such as mass and momentum, is called relati-
vistic. Hence the terms: relativistic energy, relativistic mass and
relativistic momentum. These quantities are built within mathema-
tics according to PCA by selecting photon space-time as the initial
reference frame. When FitzGerald length contraction and Lorentz
time dilution are expressed within the theory of relativity, it be-
comes cogent that the Lorentz factor is another mathematical presen-
tation (iteration) of Kolmogoroffs probability set:

L c
= = = = s s

1 0 1
( ) (18)

when v 0, then
when v c, then

In equation (18), t
is the rest time between two events (Note: all
events are action potentials), also called local or own time that
is measured in a system at rest; t ist the diluted time measured in
an accelerated reference system. Analogously, L
is the length of a
system at rest, and L is its contracted length under acceleration.
The Lorentz factor
assesses the relativistic change of space and
time, that is, of the space-time of the systems in motion. In the new
axiomatics, motion is the universal manifestation of energy
exchange, that is, of the primary term. This axiomatic knowledge
is the departing point of the theory of relativity too, which
postulates that all objects are in relative motion (principle of
relativity). From equation (18), it becomes evident that:

the Lorentz factor gives the physical probability space:

= 0 s SP(A) s 1

This is a fundamental conclusion of the new axiomatics that ratio-
nalizes the theory of relativity to applied statistics of space-time.
The probability set of all space-time events, being action potentials,
is set in the Lorentz transformations in relation to photon space-time:
= c
= |2d-space-time|. When we substitute conventional time t
with time f = 1/t in equation (18), we obtain the universal equation
as a rule of three (see also equation (17)):

| |
| |
d Raum
d Raum
L c
2 1 2
1 = =

= = = = = =


= SP(A) (19)

This is the whole theoretical background of Einsteins theory of
relativity - be it special or general. It is a partial and inconsistent
intuitive perception of the Universal Law within mathematics.
After being revised, the theory of relativity is fully integrated into
the new axiomatics. In this way we eliminate this discipline as a
distinct area of physical knowledge. For this purpose, we shall ex-
plain in the next chapter the two basic terms of the theory of
relativity, rest mass and relativistic mass, in the light of the new
axiomatics, as their erroneous conventional interpretation is the
main source of the cognitive malaise which afflicts physics today.

3.16 Rest Mass is a Synonym for the Certain Event.
Relativistic Mass is a Synonym for Kolmogoroffs
Probability Set

By proving that mass is an energy relationship, it becomes cogent
that Einsteins equation postulating the equivalence between ener-
gy and mass E = mc
is a tautological statement. This equivalence
plays a central role in the theory of relativity and physics today.
While in classical mechanics, mass is defined in a vicious circle as
the property of the gravitational objects to resist acceleration, in
the theory of relativity, mass is regarded as being equivalent to
matter, while the term energy is restricted to photon space-time.
This is the epistemological background of Einsteins equation: E =
, or m = E/c
= E
/ E
. According to PCA, the energy of any
object of matter E
is compared to the energy of a reference sys-
tem, in this case, to the level of photon space-time, and is given as
an energy relationship m = SP(A). This relationship can be regar-
ded statically or with respect to the own motion of the object. In
the first case, this quantity is defined as rest mass m
, in the second
case, as relativistic mass m
. Within the theory of relativity, the
two quantities are expressed by Lorentz transformations:

E E m c
m c
m c m c
kin o
o r
= + =

= =
2 2

This is the equation of the total relativistic energy E, which is
given as the sum of the kinetic energy E
and the rest energy
= m
. We use this equation because it includes the relation-
ship between relativistic mass and rest mass: m
= m

(20) is the relativistic expression of Einsteins equation E = mc

reveals that the quotient of rest mass m
and relativistic mass m
another pleonastic presentation of the physical probability set
within mathematics:

= 0 s SP(A) s 1 (21)

We encounter PCA again - the theory of relativity can only define
the quantity relativistic mass of an object in relation to the mass
of the same object at rest. Both quantities are abstract subsets of
space-time that are built within mathematics. So is their quotient,
the Lorentz factor - it represents the continuum, respectively, the
probability set. When we compare the rest mass with itself, we
obtain the certain event:

= m

= SP(A) = 1 (22)

Rest mass and relativistic mass are thus abstract quantities of spa-
ce-time (space-time relationships) that are built within mathema-
tical formalism. Rest mass is the abstract intrinsic reference system
of the observed relativistic mass. It symbolizes the certain event
= 1. Relativistic mass gives the real space-time of any system in
motion. As all systems are in motion, we can only observe
relativistic masses. The relativistic mass is defined in relation to the
rest mass according to PCA. As mass is a space-time relationship,
any relativistic mass of a system is greater than its rest mass:
> m
. Their quotient represents the physical probability set:
/ m
= 0 s SP(A) s 1.
The above relativistic equations are derived by PCA and include
the entire cognitive background of the two basic terms of the
theory of relativity, rest mass and relativistic mass, which has not
been realized either by Einstein or by any other physicist after him.
The theory of relativity could, indeed, be very simple, once the
right axiomatic approach is employed - the new axiomatics of the
Universal Law.

3.17 Basic Axioms of Application

Space-time is energy exchange. As it consists of infinite, open U-
subsets (levels, systems), it cannot be assessed in a finite, determi-
nistic way. However, any infinite quantity of U-sets forms a set
that contains the subsets as an element - the common element
being space-time. According to PCA, which is the only operational
principle of mathematics and physics, any assessment of space-
time needs a reference system. Therefore, any actual space-time
exchange can be assessed as an interaction between at least two
entities (systems, levels, or action potentials). This knowledge
leads to the following fundamental axiom:

The action potential of a level or system E
is completely exchan-
ged (transformed) into the action potential E
of another level or
system and vice versa. This is called the axiom of conservation
of action potentials (axiom of CAP or simply CAP):

= E

All conventional statements on the conservation of energy (closed
character of the primary term) in physics, such as the conservation
of momentum, mass, charge, number of baryons, etc., are incorpo-
rated in CAP and can be eliminated as distinct laws. This axiom
leads to another basic axiom, called the axiom of reducibility

Any energy exchange in space-time can be regarded as
an interaction between two entities (systems, levels, or
action potentials), which are U-sets and may contain
infinite levels and systems. Any energy interaction re-
sults in a new entity, the space-time of which is the
product of the space-time of the two interacting entities
according to CAP (law of conservation of energy):

E = E
= E

Both axioms describe the nature of the primary term - they are
mathematical variations on the reciprocity of space and time. These
two axioms are of great practical importance. As most physical laws
are defined for closed systems, they can be defined by CAP. Thus
the idea of closed systems, being an N-set, can be eliminated - all
systems are open. The AR is the hidden definition (Poincar)
behind most physical laws, which appear to be intuitively correct
perceptions of the Law within human mathematical consciousness.
The two axioms, CAP and AR, are applications of PLE for the parts.
This insight effects a great simplification in our understanding of
present-day physics, as it explain for the first time from a cogent phi-
losophical point of view the a priori epistemological origin of all
natural laws from human (mathematical) consciousness. Precisely, it
proves the priority of consciousness - the platonic world of human
ideas - over empiricism. This is the greatest mental revolution
which the new integrated physical and mathematical axiomatics
brings about in the theory of science.

3.18 Applications of AR and CAP in Physics

AR can be applied to the space-time of any system or a quantity
thereof. Consider an object at rest with the mass m = SP(A). When
this object moves in space-time, e.g. in a free fall, it acquires addi-
tional space-time that can be assessed by the one-dimensional
quantity of space-time, the velocity: v = |1d-space-time|. Accor-
ding to AR, we can regard the mass m, which is a quantity of the
space-time of the object at rest E

as a distinct entity E
= m and
the space-time of its displacement E
, which is assessed by the
velocity, as another distinct entity E
= v. In this case, the velocity
is a quantity of the gravitation of the earth, which we regard as the
second interacting system. The quantities and symbols used for the
space-time of the interacting systems are arbitrarily selected and
can be replaced by any other quantity or symbol without affecting
the validity of AR, which is a primary axiom of the mind (see
Gdels theorem). The product of the space-time of these two
interacting entities, E
and E

gives the total space-time (energy) of
the moving object E, which is the system resulting from this
interaction. In this case, we obtain the momentum of the object,
which is a fundamental quantity in classical mechanics:

E = E
= mv = SP(A)|1d-space-time|

= momentum = p (25)

In physics, momentum is expressed as a vector, which is a [1d-
space]-quantity. Its method of definition is the geometry of Eucli-
dean space. AR holds not only for quantities, but also for the defi-
nition of all traditional laws in physics, which are applications of
the universal equation. For instance, the paradigm elastic colli-
sion is a hidden application of AR and CAP; it is a frequent para-
digm for the formulation of different laws and their applications.
A typical example is the law of conservation of momentum,
which is a subset of CAP. When the space-time of two moving
systems, E
and E

is described as momentum, m
and m
, their
product gives the space-time of the resultant system from this
interaction, which is conventionally described as elastic collision
(closed conservative system):

E = E
= m

= SP(A)
= mv

where m = m
= S(P)A, and v
= v
according to AR (e.g.
= 19, where v
= 1, v
=9 and v = 3), or in short:

E = SP(A)|2d-space-time| = E
f (27)

Equation (27) is another equivalent presentation of the Law within
the geometric formalism of traditional physics and can be substi-
tuted by any other spatial presentation. It demonstrates the possibi-
lity of expressing the Law with descriptive terms of mathematical
character. As most traditional laws are derived within geometry by
employing AR, one frequently encounters this two-dimensional
expression of space-time in physics, for instance, as the quantity
work W = Fs = SP(A)|2d-space-time|, where

F = ma, m = SP(A), a = dv/dt = |1d-space-time| f,

s = |1d-space|.

When we substitute v with c in eq. (26), we obtain Einsteins fa-
mous equation on the equivalence of mass (space-time relationship)
and energy (space-time): E = mc
. According to PCA, this equation
is an application of the Law for the space-time E of any system,
given in relation to the reference space-time c
= [2d-space-time] of
the photon level m = SP(A) = E/c
. The space-time of any system E
can be compared to the space time of the photon level E
= m
= c

= [2d-space-time], when the photon mass m
is defined as 1 unit or
the certain event m
= SP(A) = 1. This mathematical approach
reveals why photon mass has been neglected in physics - it is already
in the velocity of light as a system of reference. The same formalistic
blunder has been accomplished with respect to the current definition
of charge and current by assigning the cross-sectional area A of the
conductor the number one and then omitting it in the mathematical
presentation of the current AI = AQ/AAt, when A = 1, AI = AQ/At. In
physics, the square speed is also defined as potential or gradient (see
LRC below). From equation (27), we obtain the following axiomatic
presentation for the action potential within geometry:

= E/f = SP(A)|2d-space| f =

= SP(A)|1d-space-time||1d-space| (28)

The two-dimensional presentation of the space-time of the resultant
system is a product of the one-dimensional expression of the space-
time of the interacting entities as momentum. Two vectors described
as lines are multiplied according to AR to give a vector product.
This geometric quantity is presented as area, when the time of the
resultant system is set as f = 1. Alternatively, space-time exchange
can be regarded as an action potential and presented as area in
motion within geometric formalism. This presentation results from
the method of measurement in Euclidean space. It can be substituted
by any |n-d-space|-presentation. Many conventional laws and defi-
nitions of physical quantities follow intuitively (subconsciously) the
paradigm area in motion - for instance, electric current is defined
as charge (area) in motion (see below).

3.19 Charge is Area - Area in Motion Is Electric
Current (Action Potential)

Area in motion is an intuitive notion of the Law within geo-
metry, which is frequently used in the formulation of specific laws.
For instance, the laws of electricity are ontologically derived from
this paradigm. It can be proven that charge, another fundamental
term of physics, is a synonym for area, while the SI unit for charge
1 coulomb is equivalent to 1 square meter. This crucial
tautology has been overlooked by all physicists so far. In a vicious
circle, the quantity electric current is then defined as an area in
motion. This quantity is a subset of the new term action
potential (eq. 28). This fundamental formalistic blunder is the
topic of a separate publication. Here, we shall present its final
mathematical result obtained within the new axiomatics, which
proves in an irrevocable manner that the elementary charge e is a
hidden definition of geometric area and that the SI unit
coulomb is a synonym for square meter without discussing all
the steps and formalistic considerations that have led to this funda-
mental equation:

| |
e f d space m
c e
c e

= =

2 2 16 10
19 2

. (29),

is the Compton wavelength of the electron, which is a
known natural constant, f
is the Compton frequency of the electron
= c/
is the wavelength of the basic photon h (Plancks
constant) when f = 1 within mathematical formalism: c = f

3.20 The Long Range Correlation (LRC) is a New
Quantity of Great Practical Relevance

Within the new axiomatics, a new term is introduced, called the
long range correlation (LRC). It is square velocity as obtained
by AR within geometry v
= vv = LRC. It assesses space-time
from the static point of view:

= |2d-space-time| = long range correlation (LRC) =

gradient = potential (30),

when SP(A) = 1. The term long range correlation, which is also
used in traditional physics, acquires a new clear-cut definition. The
quantity LRC is axiomatically derived from the primary term - it is
an abstract U-subset of space-time when the latter is regarded in a
static way and energy exchange is mentally ignored. The method of
definition (= method of measurement) of this abstract quantity is
mathematics. In this case, the mass (energy relationship) of any
particular system is described as the certain event SP(A) = m = 1 or 1
unit and is not expressed in the equation.
We introduce this term for practical reasons - there are many
different quantities in physics that are synonyms for LRC. For
instance, the quantity electric gradient or potential is a concrete
LRC. It assesses the space-time of the systems as a potentiality that
can be transformed into an actuality, that is, into energy exchange
by the free will of our mathematical consciousness. This discrimi-
nation occurs in the mind and not in the real world - space-time is
incessant energy exchange. According to AR, any system of space-
time can be assessed as a result of the interaction between two
other systems and any assessment is an interaction per se. We may
assume that a system is not interacting (closed system); for example,
we may take a capacitor potential that does not discharge. In this
case, we can only describe its space-time, if we compare it with
itself in an abstract way. Any other measurement, for example with a
voltmeter, will be a discharge, no matter how infinitesimal. How-
ever, a self-comparison is also an interaction - it is a metaphysical
interaction that occurs in the mind by means of mathematics. If we
describe the system with the quantity mass, we can set its mass in
relation to itself and obtain the certain event within mathematics by
applying PCA: m/m = SP(A) = 1. As we have shown above, this is
the actual definition of mass at rest. As all systems are in motion,
there is no such thing as mass (or energy) at rest. This quantity is a
mathematical convenience, a definition by abstraction, and merely
expresses the certain event in mathematical physics.

3.21 The Axiom on the Reciprocal Behaviour of
Contiguous LRCs of a System

According to AR, any system can be regarded as consisting of two le-
vels (U-subsets). The space-time of these levels can be expressed as
LRC. In this case, the two LRCs of the system manifest the
reciprocity of space and time. While the LRC of the first level in-
creases, the LRC of the second level decreases and vice versa. This
also follows from the axiom of CAP, which is another equivalent
statement on the reciprocity of space and time. The reason for this
reciprocal behaviour of contiguous gradients is that the space-time
of the system is constant - it is a U-subset of the constant and closed
space-time. This approach is very useful in describing the dynamic
behaviour of real systems. This axiom has been used to explain for
the first time the biological regulation of the cell and the organism
from a dynamic, kinematic point of view (22).
The reciprocal behaviour of LRCs has been anticipated in
mathematics by the introduction of negative numbers, which are
complementary to the continuum of real numbers. We can assign
any real positive number an equivalent negative number. Thus the
continuum is designed as a formal system, which constitutes two
levels that behave reciprocally - the continuum of positive num-
bers and the continuum of negative numbers. Zero (von Neu-
manns set) is an abstract limit (intercept) between the two sets,
but this symbol can be replaced by any other number.

3.22 The New Quantity Structural Complexity, K

Modern physical outlook on nature is dominated by wave-particle
dualism. In fact, it is a dualism of the static and dynamic point of
view of human perception. This dualism is not a real property of
space-time, as is generally believed today, but an abstract mathema-
tical discrimination. Space-time exchange is always dynamic - its
universal manifestation as perceived by human senses and the mind
is motion. The dynamic view is thus the only correct perception of
space-time, as has been proven in the theory of relativity. The static
view is an abstract idea (object of thought) based on a mathematical
trick, which has not been fully comprehended so far. In the new
axiomatics, this universal, more or less, intuitive procedure is called
the arrest of time in human mathematical consciousness. To
this mental phenomenon, we owe the very existence of geometry
and mathematics, and their ability to assess the phenomenology of
space-time in an adequate manner. The mathematical origin of the
physical world and of all natural sciences stems from the auto-
matic arrest of time f within trivial and mathematical thinking.
Without this mathematical Pavlovs reflex, humans will not even
be in the position to perform simple counting of real objects.
For instance, the water current, itself, cannot be counted, becau-
se it is not a fixed, static quantity. Only after we describe it as a
static entity, e.g. as a river or a stream, can we count it, so that we
can now ask the following question: How many rivers flow
through this county? From this example, it becomes cogent that
human language, the very ontology and semantics of its vocabu-
lary, is intrinsically linked to this intuitive procedure of mathema-
tical consciousness. It can be shown that most of the semantic and
logical confusion, which one encounters in science and philoso-
phy, stems from the lack of apprehension of this fundamental,
ubiquitous phenomenon of the human mind. From this elaboration,
we can succinctly conclude, that the epistemological arrow of all
human knowledge - be it scientific or trivial - points from the mind
towards the outer world and not vice versa, as the currently predo-
minant empiric view sustains. This proves the priority of idealism
over empiricism.
Purely for this reason, a new quantity is introduced in the new
axiomatics that expresses the static physical view. It is called struc-
tural complexity (K
). This quantity is an abstract subset of space-
time and is defined as the total set of all static perceptions in physics,
science, and philosophy. It is established in an abstract way in the
mind when the constituent time is theoretically arrested. The arrest
of time occurs within mathematical formalism by assigning it the
number 1 as 1 unit or the certain event f = 1 in an a priori manner:

E = E
f = SP(A)|2d-space-time| =

= SP(A)|2d-space| f
= energy (31)

When time f = 1:

= SP(A)|2d-space| =area relationship =

= structural complexity (32)

Time is the constituent of space-time that assesses energy exchange
quantitatively: E ~ f. Therefore, the universal equation E = E
assesses space-time from the dynamic point of view. K
the other constituent, space (extent), which stands for the static
view. Within geometry, it is usually defined as an area relation-
ship, just as mass is defined as a space-time relationship. K
dies the geometric approach to space-time as static space, e.g.
Euclidean space, Minkowskis world, Hilberts space, etc. It is
cogent that the very definition of K
eliminates energy as a concept.
Precisely for this reason, all the above mentioned geometric spaces,
being widely used in physics, are empty: They are void of energy -
they are mental abstractions of real space-time, which is incessant,
continuous energy exchange. This impeccable axiomatic conclusion
explains for the first time, why physicists have no idea, what energy
is (6), notwithstanding the fact that the natural science, they practice,
is a classical study of energy interactions. By introducing an ever-
growing mathematical complexity into the empty geometric spaces
of their theoretical and experimental elaborations, physicists have
completely forgotten to take a fresh look upon real space-time, the
actual object of their study. Thus they have resorted to the utmost
form of blind empiricism - to a profound agnosticism with respect to
the epistemological foundations of modern physics.
This irrevocable axiomatic finding explains for the first time, why
we encounter many different quantities in physics that are erro-
neously believed to be intrinsic properties of matter, but are, in fact,
hidden synonyms (pleonasms, tautologies) of K
. The most pro-
minent is charge Q = K
= area. When we set [2d-space]
= SP(A) = 1, we can express K
= SP(A). Therefore, we can also
express charge (area) as Q = SP(A)= n within mathematical forma-
lism. This formalistic approach can be illustrated with the following
simple example: The area of a soccer field (10050m) is a ratio to
the arbitrary unit area of 1m
, which can either be expressed as a
number n = SP(A) = 5000m
= 5000 in mathematics or an area =
[2d-space] in geometry. Alternatively, we can substitute the meter
with an inch, the relationship between the two areas, the soccer
field and the square meter, remains the same. This example co-
gently confirms our basic axiomatic conclusion that, according to
PCA, all physical quantities are obtained as numerical dimen-
sionless relationships between two real systems (application of
CAP and AR), one of them being usually defined as a reference
system, and are thus independent of the choice of the reference
unit. This leads to the elimination of the SI system in the mathe-
matical presentation of physical quantities, which are adequately
defined by the new space-time symbolism (see Table 2). From this
disquisition, it can be concluded that the new quantity K
another great cognitive simplification in our physical outlook, as is
summarized below:

E = E
f = SP(A)|2d-space-time| - Universal equation,
dynamic expression of

= SP(A)|2d-space|, f = 1 - Structural complexity,
static expression of space-

= K
f = SP(A)[2d-space] f - Action potential (area in
motion), dynamic expres-
sion of space-time

The three basic equations of the new axiomatics express the dyna-
mic-static view of the world as embodied in the wave-particle dua-
lism in physics. They show that the constituent time assesses the
primary term dynamically as energy exchange (motion), while the
constituent space assesses it statically in terms of geometry.

3.23 Every Motion in Space-time is Rotation

Space-time is closed. The closed character of the primary term is
manifested by its U-subsets (systems, levels), which contain the
nature of the primary term as an element. Thus, any motion, being
the universal manifestation of energy exchange, is also closed.
Within mathematical formalism it can be described as rotation,
e.g. as a circular or elliptical motion. Any rotation can be regarded
as a system or an action potential. The static mathematical ex-
pression of such rotations makes use of circles (e.g. wave func-
tion), ellipses (Keplers laws), or any other closed geometric figure
- hence the frequent use of the transcendental pi-number in
physics, e.g. h/2t = .
As all U-subsets of space-time are open, all rotations are super-
imposed. The principle of superposition (electromagnetism and
quantum mechanics) reflects the open character of the systems.
Translation is a mathematical abstraction of rotation with a very
large extent: when [space], [1d-space] straight line. This is
the abstract origin of the co-ordinate system of Euclidean space or
of any other geometric space based on straight lines and right
angles. The closed character of space-time determines the inter-
ception of parallel lines in infinity in an a priori manner (rejection
of the parallel axiom). The proof of existence is the conservation
of energy. This proof cannot be given within geometry. On the other
hand, it can be shown that not only classical mechanics (Newtons
laws for rotations and wave equations) and electromagnetism (Max-
wells four equations), but also quantum mechanics (Bohrs model,
Schrdinger wave equation) assess the micro- and macrocosm as
superimposed, closed rotations within geometry. The theory of rela-
tivity is, for instance, based on the notion that space is bent (curved)
by gravitation. In such a space, there can be no straight lines or right
angles, and the parallel axiom is not valid. This knowledge effects
another great simplification in our physical outlook.
Finally, it is important to observe that there is no way of discri-
minating between rotations and waves in real terms. When a
rotation is regarded as a solitary event, while the other superim-
posed rotations are neglected in an abstract manner, the centre of
rotation is considered a fixed (motionless) point. In this case, we
describe a closed rotation, such as a circular motion. For instance,
by disregarding the rotation of the earth around the sun, we can
present the earths revolution around its own axis as a closed
rotation. When the elliptical rotation of the earth around the sun is
considered, the path of any earths point represents a wave. As all
rotations are superimposed, we only have waves. Hence de Broglies
correct notion of the wave character of matter. This axiomatic
knowledge effects another great simplification in physics.

3.24 The Continuum of Transcendental Numbers is
the only Adequate Perception of Space-time

Any mathematical expression of space-time is based on real num-
bers. For instance, the transcendental number pi is expressed as a
real number t ~ 3.14, which is an arbitrary approximation. All phy-
sical quantities in physics, e.g. all natural constants, are expressed in
terms of real numbers, which are mathematical approximations of
real magnitudes. Mathematics has virtually no theory of how to use
transcendental numbers for practical applications. This fact is of
great theoretical importance. Real numbers are N-sets - they exclude
themselves as an element. For instance the set of all 2 numbers is
1 set and not 2 sets. The number 2 excludes all numbers that
approximate 2, e.g. 2.000000001. Such numbers are called closed
numbers analogously to the closed systems in physics. They exclu-
de all contiguous approximations along the continuum. On the other
hand, transcendental numbers are defined as open numbers -
each transcendental number, such as pi, contains infinite approxi-
mations, which are closed real numbers. All systems of space-time
are open U-subsets of space-time.
Thus, the only adequate presentation of real U-subsets of space-
time within mathematics should be the use of open transcenden-
tal numbers. These numbers adequately assess the continuousness
and infinity of space-time. The transcendence (discrete continuous-
ness) of real-space-time must be reflected by a new mathematics of
open transcendental numbers that should be developed in the near
This insight has been intuitively followed in the past. For ins-
tance, in the theory of sets the continuousness and infinity of the
continuum (tautology due to PLE) is proven with the existence of
transcendental numbers, which cannot be counted (12). In a vi-
cious circle, the continuum of transcendental numbers is then
visualized by means of the continuousness of the infinite points on
a straight line, although neither point nor straight line can be
defined within geometry (10). In the new axiomatics, the existence
of transcendental numbers is proven with the transcendence (con-
tinuousness and discreteness) of space-time (proof of existence in
the real world).
For obvious reasons, all the numerical results which we present
in the General Theory of Natural Sciences (2-5, 21-25) are real
closed numbers - they are mathematical approximations, reflecting
the current degree of precision in the measurement of physical
quantities. The method of measurement of modern physics is based
on the a priori decision to employ exclusively the continuum of
closed real numbers. This is accomplished by assigning any real
system of reference the primary closed number 1 as 1 unit in the
SI system, e.g. 1 kg, 1 joule, etc., or as the certain event SP(A) = 1,
e.g. in the standardisation condition of Schrdinger wave equation
in quantum mechanics, in the theory of relativity as shown above,
and so on.
According to PCA, all physical magnitudes are measured and
expressed as relationships to this number and are therefore closed
real numbers n/1 = n. Thus the precision of any experimental result
is predetermined by the method of definition of the quantities and
their units (objects of thought), which is pure mathematics. For
this reason, all numerical results of constants and other physical
quantities presented in the new integrated physical and mathema-
tical theory of the Law merely reflect the current method of defini-
tion and degree of precision of measurement in experimental phy-
sics. Their exactness is, however, irrelevant to the validity of the
new axiomatics. Nonetheless, the accuracy of these numerical
results is a powerful evidence for the ubiquitous validity of the
new axiomatics.



AR - Axiom of Reducibility
CAP - Conservation of Action Potentials,
axiom of
- Structural complexity
Law - Universal Law
LRC - Long-Range Correlation
PCA - Principle of Circular Argument
PLE - Principle of Last Equivalence
RT - Rule of Three (universal equation)
UE - Universal Equation



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