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ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec.


Albert Einstein Elie Cartan Myron W. Evans1

Einstein, Cartan and Evans –

Start of a New Age in Physics?

Horst Eckardt,
Munich, Germany

Laurence G. Felker,
Reno, Nevada, USA

[original German article to be published online at:]

Although physicists have struggled in vain for over a half-century to encompass all natural
forces within a unified theory, chemical physicist Myron W. Evans has now succeeded.
Based on the fundamental insights of Albert Einstein and Elie Cartan, Evans’ theory takes
the geometry of space-time itself as the origin of all forces of Nature. As Einstein attributed
gravitation to the curvature of space-time, the new theory attributes electromagnetism to the
torsion or twisting of space-time. The possibility of reciprocal interactions between gravitation
and electromagnetism -- which possibility is denied in current mainstream physics -- leads to
predictions of new physical effects which could be used to produce power and energy from

Photograph by Alina Hacikjana
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

For centuries, physicists and philosophers sought a unified description of all phenomena of
Nature. We know today that the world at the sub-microscopic quantum scale behaves very
differently than our familiar macroscopic experience. In particular, theories of gravitation
have been irreconcilable with quantum theory. Therefore, one expects that, if gravitation
could be unified with quantum theory, wholly new insights would result. It now appears that
this unification has been achieved, but not in the manner expected by previous generations
of scientists. This unification predicts fundamental new effects – for example, the production
of energy (or power) without need for input of other primary energy. This prediction, among
others, is creating great interest in professional and scientific circles. We now review the
origins of this unification.
Albert Einstein in 1915 published a theory of the gravitational interaction; he called this the
theory of General Relativity, and today it provides the basis for our understanding and
exploration of the cosmos at large. In 1905, Einstein had already produced the theory of
Special Relativity, which rests upon the well-known postulate of “constancy of the speed of
light“ in vacuum. During the last thirty years of his life, Einstein looked for a still more
comprehensive unified theory which could cover all known natural forces. He spent the years
from approximately 1925 to 1955 in this search, but did not reach his desired goal. Since the
discovery of quantum mechanics in the 1920’s, the majority of physicists busied themselves
with this, and not with General Relativity. The fact that quantum mechanics is consistent
only with Special Relativity, but not with General Relativity, was overlooked or ignored. In
addition, while quantum mechanics is successful in describing the electron sheath of atoms;
it is not a suitable theory for the high mass-densities which occur within atomic nuclei.
Other notable progress toward unified theory in the 20th century consisted of a unification of
electromagnetism with the weak nuclear force, via an extension of the formalism of quantum-
mechanics. Gravitation has remained, until today, outside the Standard Model of particle
Elie Cartan is less well-known than Einstein. He was a French mathematician who
exchanged ideas with Einstein concerning many details of General Relativity. Cartan’s
original insight was that electromagnetism could be derived, via differential geometry, from
the geometry of space-time – more or less in parallel with Einstein’s insight that gravitation
could be derived from space-time geometry.
A successful unification, however, was not achieved by Cartan and/or Einstein. The
unification was finally achieved in the year 2003 by Myron Evans who, trained as a chemical
physicist, brought fresh insight to the problem. Evans held several academic professorships
in England and the USA, before he was forced to withdraw because of his unorthodox views,
and he now works as a “private researcher“ in his homeland of Wales. From there, he
conducts the “Alpha Institute for Advanced Study“ (AIAS), which presents his ideas to the
public as a world-wide team or working-group. A popular-scientific presentation is in [3].
Recently concentrating its work on energy production from the vacuum -- a topic which
established science avoids – the AIAS website generates large interest, as shown by the
steady increase in web-page statistics on the AIAS site [4]. Many well-known universities and
research establishments world-wide have visited these pages.

1 The four natural forces

To understand the importance of unification, one must start with knowledge of the quantities
being unified. It is widely accepted in physics that all interactions in Nature are
manifestations of four fundamental forces. . We characterize these briefly as follows:
1. The seemingly separate force-fields generated by electrostatic charge and
magnetism were united in the 19th century, largely by Maxwell, into what is now
called electromagnetism, or the electromagnetic field.
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

2. The weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactive decay. According to the
Standard Model of elementary particle physics, the weak interaction is mediated by
the W- and Z-bosons, which are “virtual particles“. Neutrinos also are known to be
involved in the weak interaction. It has been shown that the weak force is essentially
the same as electromagnetism at very high energies. Thus, these two forces are said
to be “already united“.
3. The strong nuclear force holds protons and neutrons together. It is carried by gluons
and quarks in combination, although direct experimental proof of their existence was
not achieved until recently.
4. Gravitation is the fourth fundamental force, but it does not fit with the theoretical
picture of the other three, since it is regarded (after Einstein's General Relativity
theory) as the curvature of space-time, which does not correspond to a classical force
term. On the other hand, General Relativity today has been well-tested
experimentally, so that nobody doubts its validity.

2 Unification
If a unified description and formalism could be given for these four very different forces,
many new theoretical insights and practical applications would result. In addition, mutually-
reciprocal interactions -- which today’s mainstream physics does not recognize -- could then
be predicted and used. As we will see later, such interactions open new possibilities for
power generation. In view of the urgent global energy crisis, this might be the most important
application of such a unification.
The first three fundamental forces concern quantum physics (the world “in the small“), while
the fourth force (gravitation) applies on all scales, including cosmic orders of magnitude.
Therefore, the underlying fundamental problem is to unify General Relativity with quantum
mechanics. Conventional science has explored essentially three different pathways which
might achieve this result:
1. Bringing general relativity into quantum physics. The insurmountable difficulty here is
that time in quantum physics is treated as a unique continuous parameter, which is
incommensurate with the quantized coordinates of distance (or spatial displacement).
2. Quantization of General Relativity. But the mathematical formalism for this approach
is thus far inconclusive, and unable to make reference to experimental tests.
3. Invention of a totally new theory, from which the others follow. The various “string
theories” are examples, but they require un-physical high-dimensional spaces (N>10),
and have not produced testable predictions.
The solution comes, surprisingly, in an unexpected way. By extending the Einstein theory
along the lines first suggested by Cartan, Evans shows that all four fundamental forces are
derivable from one extended theory. This represents the long-sought Unified Field Theory.
Evans’ approach does not exactly follow any of the three above-mentioned pathways,
although it is closest to the third one in the list.

3 Basis for Evans’ theory

To understand the basis of Evans’ theory, we must review the starting-point of Einstein’s
relativity theory. Einstein postulated that the presence of a massive body or an energy
distribution in space (which are really interchangeable, according to the famous formula
E=mc2) changes the geometry of space. Viewed from right-angles within a Euclidean
coordinate system, it “creates” a curvature of space (or, more accurately, space-time). One
can write this directly as a formula:
In which R designates the (tensor of) curvature, T the (tensor of) energy-momentum density,
and k is a proportionality constant. The left side of this formula is geometry, the right side is
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

physics. Einstein thus used the geometry of curvilinear coordinates, which goes back to the
mathematician Riemann. This formula implies that space-time (i.e. the three space
coordinates, and time as the fourth coordinate) is a 4-dimensional continuum (or manifold)
whose curvature we perceive as a force (namely gravitation).
Notably, Einstein’s formula did not exploit all possible characteristics of Riemann’s geometry.
It turns out that R describes only the intrinsic curvature of the manifold; in other words, it is
limited to describing vectors whose point-to-point variation lies entirely within the manifold
(see Fig. 1A).


3 2

Spacetime Spacetime
Curvature Spinning

A) Curvature B) Torsion
Fig. 1: Curvature and Torsion

In contrast to this, Cartan employed considerations of extrinsic curvature. This means that
vectors are also allowed to vary within (and normal to) the plane tangent to the manifold at
any point (see Fig. 1B). Cartan showed that the extrinsic curvature of space-time could be
taken to represent electromagnetism as described by the Maxwell equations. Unfortunately,
Einstein’s use of the mathematical concept of tensors made the relation to Cartan’s concept
of geometry unclear. Cartan used the so-called “tetrad” to represent the manifold’s extrinsic
curvature. In the 3-dimensional case, this reduces to a Cartesian-coordinate “triad”, which
moves along with a point in space. More exactly said, the tetrad specifies a tangent space at
each point of the Riemann manifold. In this way, one maintains at each point a Euclidean
tangent space (a so-called fiducial space), which greatly simplifies the description and
visualization of physical processes (Fig. 2).

Fig.2: Tangent plane at a curved surface

ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

Despite the value of Einstein’s and Cartan’s insights, a united theory could not yet be
formulated, because experimental indications of how to extend Maxwell’s theory in a manner
consistent with General Relativity were still missing. The crucial connection was found by
Evans around 1990 in the spin field or B(3) field.
The decisive empirical effect -- the Inverse Faraday Effect (IFE), i.e. the magnetization of
matter by a beam of circular-polarized electromagnetic radiation, first observed
experimentally in 1964 -- could not be explained by Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamics,
except by introducing an ad-hoc material property tensor.
However, Evans in 1992 was able to derive the IFE directly from first principles (generally-
covariant unified field theory, which includes general relativity), and thereby inferred the
existence of a previously unknown magnetic field component -- the B(3) field.
B(3) is, informally, a general-relativistic correction to classical electrodynamics, somewhat
analogous to the general-relativistic correction to Newtonian gravitation needed to explain
the perihelion-advance of Mercury.
The index numbers – (1), (2) and (3) -- here refer to the so-called circular basis; and the
polarization directions B(1) and B(2) refer to the directions of transverse polarization of the
field. Thus a polarization index must be inserted into the Maxwell equations. This polarization
index corresponds to the tetrad vectors qa in Fig. 2. Finally, this leads Evans to postulate
that the geometrical representation of the electromagnetic vector-potential A should be a
Aa = A(0) qa
where A is the 4x4-matrix of the complete electromagnetic potential, and A(0) is a
proportionality factor. The electric and magnetic fields (combined into the tensor Fa of the
total electromagnetic field) then emerge directly from Cartan’s expression for the torsion Ta:
Fa = A(0) Ta
In this formalism, electrodynamics is completely attributed to the geometrical torsion of
space-time. The complete picture, unifying electromagnetism with gravitation, requires both
Riemann curvature and Cartan torsion. The intrinsic curvature determines gravitation, and
the extrinsic curvature (i.e., torsion) determines the electromagnetic field. This is described in
detail by suitable field equations in form of Riemann-Cartan geometry. This theory is now
called Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) theory, after the names of its principal authors.

4 Unification with strong and weak forces

Still to be described is how the remaining two fundamental forces are represented in the ECE
If one analyzes the equations of the theory, it is noticeable that it is formulated for the tangent
space of the Riemann manifold. The number of basis vectors of this space can be selected
freely, it needs not be four-dimensional. Thereby the possibility is offered of selecting such
bases which are suitable for the description of quantized action (e.g. electron spin).
Furthermore Evans derived from Cartan geometry a wave equation, which is in principle a
nonlinear eigenvalue equation. Under certain approximation assumptions. this equation
becomes linear and predicts discrete stable states. Those are the “quanta” of energy-
momentum in quantum mechanics. All quantum-mechanical theories, in particular Dirac’s
electron theory, and the strong and weak interactions, can be deduced in this way as special
cases of the ECE theory.
If we compare this result with the three conventional paths to unification referred to above, it
is noticeable that none of these was actually used. The new theory predicts quantum effects
without assuming them (as a postulate) from the beginning. The first two forces
(electromagnetism and weak force) are combined, the third and fourth turn out to be
derivable from other considerations. In short, there are no truly “fundamental forces” because
they all emerge from geometry!
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

5 Implications for quantum physics

The main implication is that quantum theory in its current form is not a fundamental
description of Nature. In particular, the Heisenberg interpretation and the Correspondence
principle are incorrect. The ECE version of quantum physics rests upon a classical, fully
deterministic basis; quantum indeterminacy plays no role. Nevertheless the equations of
quantum mechanics (for instance the Schroedinger equation) are correct and describe
classical statistical processes. It would be a mark against ECE theory if it did not predict this
result, because the equations of quantum mechanics are experimentally verified a thousand-
Evans also argues that the Heisenberg Uncertainty relation arose only by a
misunderstanding, and is not justifiable. All physical mass-points of a field theory are actually
densities -- i.e. quanta of matter-energy spread over a volume of space. Thereby the Planck
quantum of action is to be divided by the volume, for instance, of the measuring instrument in
which two complementary variables (e.g. position and momentum) are measured. The result
can become arbitrarily small, i.e. the uncertainty can be reduced to powers of ten smaller
than previously believed. An elementary particle, therefore, is neither exclusively a wave, nor
exclusively a particle, but possesses characteristics of both at the same time.
This sounds fantastic as a theory of physics, but exactly that was measured already some
years ago [5]. The experimental refutation of the uncertainty relation was accomplished by
mainstream physics.

Electron paths


Holes Screen

Fig.3: The Aharonov Bohm effect

As a further example of an effect which was previously difficult to explain, we consider the
Aharonov Bohm effect (Fig. 3). Two electron beams are diffracted by a double gap, at the
screen, a typical interference pattern is produced. In the diffraction zone is a closed toroidal
coil. The magnetic field is circularly closed and thus remains within the coil. If one now
switches on and off the magnetic field, in each case two different interference patterns result.
The closed magnetic field thus has an effect on the electron beams, although these are not
in direct contact with the coil. This appears to be a quantum-mechanical “action at a
distance“, which has given rise to many confusions and unsound speculations.
This problem is treated in ECE theory as follows. The magnetic field of the coil creates a
space-time “vortex” (due to its torsion) which extends into the space outside of the coil itself.
The pulling effect of this vortex (i.e. the effect of vector-potential A) is then able to influence
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

the electron beams. Thus, the apparent “action at a distance” is reduced formally to local,
causal deterministic effect.
Evans points out that torsion is always accompanied by curvature. Since curvature is
manifested as gravitational mass, it follows that the spin of all elementary particles must
contribute a component to their gravitational mass. From the neutrino one knows this
already experimentally, even if the standard model fails here. Also photons must possess a
gravitational mass, which is extremely small, however, and is situated below current
detection limits.

6 Implications for technology

Typically, new theories lead to practical applications only after many years. In the case of
nuclear fusion, the hope of producing useful power for society’s use remains unfulfilled even
after 50 years. In contrast, the ECE theory suggests direct applications in diverse fields -- in
particular, the urgent question of energy production.
The possibility of a new energy source arises from the reciprocal interaction between
gravitation and electromagnetism. According to current standard theory (Maxwell equations)
this interaction is not possible.
However, the ECE theory predicts that a gravitational field is always connected with an
electrical field, and vice-versa [6]; this might be called “electrogravitics”. The effect has been
known empirically for decades, of course, but until now has lacked a quantitative description.
That is now possible with assistance of the ECE theory. This application should interest the
aircraft and space industries greatly.
In the area of electrical generators, the unipolar generator awaited an adequate explanation
since its invention by Faraday in 1831. This is now completely explainable [7]. Similarly as
with the Aharonov Bohm effect, the torsion of space-time must be considered. In this case it
is created due to the mechanical rotation.
The most interesting technical application involves the extraction of energy directly from
space-time. One must understand this as a resonance effect. First the equations of ECE
theory show that matter can “transduce” energy from the surrounding space-time (one
sometimes speaks also of “vacuum”). To accomplish this in practice requires that one
fabricate a suitable configuration of space-time, e.g. a skillful mechanical or electromagnetic
arrangement. The configuration must be so arranged that a resonant excitation of the
material takes place. One knows from forced mechanical oscillations that, with suitable
excitation frequency, large amounts of power can be transferred to or from the oscillating
Probably many “overunity” inventions on the alternative power scene function this way. In
these cases, the inventors found the resonance mechanism by accident. Therefore, some
experiments are not repeatable, because the fundamental mechanism and critical system
parameters, which led to the desired result, are not actually known.
The ECE theory makes it possible to calculate these parameters exactly. The AIAS group is
presently studying the excitation mechanism, via numerical solution of the ECE equations.
Experimentally the focus is on resonance excitation in electrical circuits. If one can obtain
power in this way, mechanically moving parts (as in generators) are not required; and due to
the smallness of the source, each electrical appliance could, in principle, be fitted with its
own power supply. The basic components would be cascadeable up to power station size.
A final application is in medical technology. Nuclear magnetic-resonance (NMR) tomography
requires very high magnetic fields, which forces a correspondingly complex design and
construction. Instead one could use the Inverse Faraday Effect (described above) to
generate the required magnetic fields in the patient. This requires only electromagnetic
radiation in the radio-frequency range. Large solenoid coils are then not required, and the
NMR apparatus could be built substantially smaller and cheaper.
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

7 Implications for cosmology

The ECE theory also has implications for astrophysics and cosmology. Expansion of the
universe is conventionally said to be governed by Hubble’s Law, which predicts that galaxies
move away from us all the faster, the further they are distant from us. This is based on the
red shift of starlight from the receding galaxies.
However, astronomers have recently found red-shift fluctuations which cannot be reconciled
with Hubble’s Law, although this is not publicly discussed. The ECE theory can explain these
deviations easily. One can translate the ECE equations into a dielectric model. The
reciprocal effect between radiation and gravitation is described therein by introducing a
complex-valued dielectric constant. This leads to predictions of refraction of light and
absorption. In areas of the universe with high mass-density, the dielectric constant is larger
than in areas of low mass -density. The absorption of energy within these areas leads to an
increased red shift. Such a model goes far beyond the Hubble model.
In Evans’ theory, the cosmic background radiation accounts for absorbed radiation energy,
and is not seen as evidence for the Big Bang, which does not occur in this model. Instead
there are expanding and contracting zones of the universe adjacent to each other.

8 Summary
The ECE theory describes a unification of the four fundamental forces, and their reciprocal
interactions, in a simple unorthodox way. All physics becomes reduced to geometry. The
quantum theory is placed on a causal deterministic basis, while statistical description of
processes on the atomic level is preserved.
The important points of the ECE theory are the following:
1. Space-time is completely specified by curvature and torsion. All physics can be
derived, via differential geometry, from these underlying primordial qualities of space-
2. Curvature is the basis of gravitation, and torsion is the basis of electromagnetism.
Also, torsion implies curvature, and vice-versa.
3. The ECE theory is mathematically based on differential geometry. It relies exclusively
on causal connections and no stochastic processes.
4. The ECE theory rests on three postulates: the curvature postulate of Einstein and the
two torsion postulates of Evans within the electromagnetic sector.
5. The insights of Einstein are even more penetrating than they were believed to be at
first. Specifically, Einstein’s views that “all physics is geometry” and that “quantum
mechanics is incomplete” are correct.
6. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is incorrect; the abstract
space of quantum theory is the tangent space of the general relativity.
7. The coupling of electrodynamics with gravitation leads to a large number of new
8. In cosmology, there is neither a Hubble Law, nor a Big Bang.
These ideas are difficult for established university scientists to digest without fundamentally
re-orienting themselves. The Evans theory will receive strong impetus for further
development if it actually succeeds opening new energy sources. Then these ideas will
become generally accepted either with or without the support of universities and research
ECE Theory, H. Eckardt, L. Felker 09. Dec. 2005

9 References
[2] Myron W. Evans, Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory, Part 1. Abramis, 2005, ISBN
[3] L.G. Felker, The Evans Equations of Unified Field Theory, preprint on
[6] P.K. Anastasovski et al., Development Of The Evans Wave Equation In The Weak Field
Limit: The Electrogravitic Equation, preprint 2003
[7] F. Amador et al., Explanation of the Faraday Disc Generator in the Evans Unified Field
Theory, paper 43 of the unified field series, 2005 (

[Translator’s Note: I have tried to faithfully render the authors’ original ideas into English, but
do not necessarily endorse (nor disagree with) the views expressed or discussed herein.]

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