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ISSN: 2795-1952 (Print); ISSN: 2976-1107 (Online)

MedS Alliance
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Original Investigation
Sexual Harassment and its Impact in Females at Workplace in
Dhanusha District, Madhesh Province, Nepal
Lalan Jha1* |Shree Shyam Giri2 |Poonam Sah3 |Vijay Kumar Kapar4 |Pramod Kumar Yadav5
1 Department of Forensic Medicine, Janaki Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Janakpurdham, Nepal; 2 Centre for Clinical Research and
Community Health (CCREACH), Kathmandu, Nepal; 3 Rajarshri Janak University, Janakpurdham, Nepal; 4 Department of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, Madhesh Institute of Health Science, Janakpurdham, Nepal; 5 Ministry of Health and Population, Madhesh Province,
Janakpurdham, Nepal


Article history: INTRODUCTION: The violence of sexual harassment at workplace is problematic issue in the
Received: 3 February 2023 community for females. It has a direct bearing on the workplace productivity as well as the development
Revised: 15 March 2023 of the society. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the effects of sexual harassment on health
Accepted: 8 April 2023
and daily performances of female employees. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Descriptive study was
*Correspondence: carried out in Dhanusha district of Madhesh province of Nepal from March, 2022 to April 2022. The study
Mr. Lalan Jha. was conducted in different organizations (workplace) situated in Dhanusha district which were selected
Department of Forensic purposely. The sample size was 120 working females. Banks, schools, hospitals, and shopping centres
Medicine, Janaki Medical
were the selected female working places in this study. Face to face interview was conducted through
College and Teaching
Hospital, Janakpurdham,
structured questionnaire for the 120 females who gave the permission for interview. RESULTS: The
Nepal. present study demonstrated that 61.67 % respondents exhibited to possess the knowledge about sexual
harassment however, 38.33% of the female respondents demonstrated to be unaware about sexual
harassment at their workplace. Among the total numbers of female participating in the research, 29% of
the females had experienced the incidence of sexual harassment. Majority of respondents (25.71%)
Jha L, Giri SS, Sah P, Kapar
working efficacy had reduced after being suffered from sexual harassment and 5.71% had changed their
VK, Yadav PK. Sexual job. 5.71% females suffered from headache and body ache, 5.71% suffered from high blood pressure,
Harassment and its Impact 22.86% suffered from anorexia, 20% suffered from restlessness/insomnia, 17.14% suffered from fatigue,
in Females at Workplace in 14.29% suffered from anxiety, 11.43% faced depression and 2.86% had lost their body weight.
Dhanusha District, CONCLUSIONS: Sexual harassment for females at work place affects them physically as well as
Madhesh Province, Nepal. mentally. Therefore, awareness programme should be conducted time to time and anti-sexual harassment
MedS. J. Med. Sci. policy should be implemented at workplace.
Keywords: Female, physical, sexual harassment, workers, workplace
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Sexual harassment arises when people are targets of workplace productivity as well as the development of the
unwanted sexual comments, sexual gestures or sexual society and their physical and mental health. Therefore,
activities. Sexual harassment occurs in different forms as, this study was conducted to assess the effects of sexual
verbal sexual harassment, physical aggressive sexual harassment on health and daily performances of female
harassment, cyber sexual harassment, sexual violence and employees.
sexual assaults. Sexual harassment at workplace is an MATERIALS AND METHODS
extension of violence in everyday life and is sex Study design and setting
discrimination. It constitutes a gross violation of women's A descriptive study was carried out in Dhanusha district
right to equality and dignity. It has its roots in patriarchy of Madhesh province of Nepal from March 2022 to April
and its attendant perception that men are superior to 2022 at different organizations (working places) situated
women and that some forms of violence against women in Dhanusha district. The working places considered for
are acceptable [1]. An employee gets uncomfortable when this study were banks, schools, hospitals, and shopping
unfriendly environment at workplace is characterized by centres in the district.
pervasive sexual harassment. The serious effects of sexual Participants, sample size and sampling technique:
harassment at the workplace are often understated and Females working at different organizations (working
thus it negatively impacts the equal rights of women. Not places) situated in Dhanusha district were selected as the
only does it impact her, it has a direct bearing on the study participants. The sample size of 120 working females
©2023 The Authors. MJMMS: An International Publication of Centre for Clinical Research and Community Health (CC-REACH) by MedSpirit Alliance Ltd. 64
Jha et al. Jan-June|2023

was determined based on the basis of prevalence of 82%, Table 1| Socio-demographic characteristics of study
that women experienced at least one form of sexual participants (n=120)
harassment, with 7% of allowable error and 5% of non- Characteristics Frequency Percentage
response [2]. The study sites were selected by simple Age
random sampling from banks, schools, hospitals, and <25 years 37 30.88
shopping centers as per the list obtained from the sub- 25-35 years 53 44.17
35-45 years 25 20.83
metropolitan city, Janakpurdham at first step. Then, the
45-55 years 5 4.17
study participants were selected by convenient sampling.
Marital Status
Only the females who gave the permission for the
Married 61 50.83
interview were included in the study. Unmarried 48 40.00
Data collection procedure and study variables Divorced 03 02.50
Face-face interview was done through research Widow 05 04.17
instrument. The research instrument was semi-structured Separate 03 02.50
questionnaire and it consisted of two parts. First part Profession
consisted of questions for the organizational details which Bank Employees 37 30.88
included sociodemographic characteristics such as age, School Teachers 34 28.33
sex, marital status, education and profession of study Nurses 35 29.17
participants. Second part included questions on Sales Girls 14 11.67
knowledge, sexual harassment experienced by working Educational Levels
females and its impact on job, mental health and physical SLC or SEE 37 30.88
Higher Secondary 60 50.00
Graduate and above 23 19.17
Statistical analysis and data management
Majority females (61.67%) had knowledge of sexual
The data was analyzed using SPSS software. Analysis of
harassment and 38.33% had no knowledge about sexual
personal information and other responses was done in
harassment. Majority of the females (36.7%) responded
sums of frequency (f) and percentage (%). Chi- square (χ2)
that power and position of male at workplace was the
test for independence was used to investigate association
major cause of sexual harassment (Table 2).
between the knowledge on sexual harassment at
workplace and female workers at 5% level of significance. Table 2|Knowledge and causes of sexual harassment (n=120)

Ethical consideration Knowledge on Sexual Harassment N %

Ethical approval was taken from Janaki Medical College Yes 74 61.67
No. 46 38.33
and Teaching Hospital, Janakpurdham, Nepal. Informed
Cause of Sexual Harassment
consent was taken from each subjects. Subjects were
Lack of effective law 24 20.00
assured for the anonymity and confidentiality of the
Lack of Awareness training/Education 29 24.20
information and allowed to refuse to participate in the
Power/Position of male 44 36.70
study at any time if they wished to. Opportunity/Attitude of male toward female 23 19.20
Out of 120 sample, majority of the participants (44.17%) Age group (p=0.011), types of profession (p<0.0001), and
were in the age group of 25-35 years, 50.83% of the educational levels (p=0.008) were significantly associated
respondents were married, 30.88% were working as bank with sexual harassment whereas association with marital
employees and 50% had an intermediate level (higher status was found to be insignificant (p=0.933) (Table 3).
Secondary) of literacy (Table 1). More than one fourth (29%) One fourth (25.71%) of the females had reduce efficacy,
of the females experienced sexual harassment in their 22.86 % tried to avoid certain areas of workplace, 17.57%
work places (Figure-1). tended to change work pattern significantly, 11.43%
hurried for duty off, 8.53% arrived late and 8.57%
considered to change the job due to sexual harassment
(Table 4). Similarly, 5.71% suffered from headache and
body ache, 5.71% suffered from high blood pressure,
22.86% suffered from anorexia, 20% suffered from
restlessness/insomnia, 17.14% suffered from
fatigue,14.29% suffered from anxiety, 11.43% faced
depression and 2.86% lost their body weight.
©2023 The Authors. MJMMS: An International Publication of Centre for Clinical Research and Community Health (CC-REACH) by MedSpirit Alliance Ltd.
Jha et al. Jan-June|2023
Table 3| Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants according to experience of sexual harassment (n=120)
Characteristics Experience of sexual Harassment
Chi square p-value
Yes (n=35) No (n=85)
Age group 8.86
<25 years 17 (45.95%) 20 (54.05%) 37 0.011
25-35 years 9(16.98%) 44(83.02%) 53
>35 years 9(30.00%) 21(70.00%) 30
Marital Status
Married 18(29.51%) 43 (70.49%)
Unmarried* 17(28.81%) 42(71.19%) 0.007 0.933
Bank Employees 2 (5.41%) 35(94.59%)
School Teachers 5 (14.71 %) 29 (85.29%) 39.86 < 0.0001
Nurses 16(45.71%) 19 (54.29%)
Sales Girls 12(85.71%) 2 (14.29%)
Educational Levels
SLC or SEE 9 (24.32%) 28 (75.68%)
Higher secondary (Intermediate) 12(20.00%) 48(80.00%) 14.04 0.008
Graduate and above 14(60.87%) 9(39.13%)

Table 4| Impact of sexual harassment on daily Table 5|Physical & Psychological Effects of sexual
performances (N= 35) harassment
No. Percentage No. Percentage
Consider changing job 5 14.29 Headache and body ache 2 5.71
Try to avoid certain areas of 8 22.86 Weight loss 1 2.86
workplace High blood Pressure 2 5.71
Reduce efficiency 9 25.71 Fatigue 6 17.14
Change work pattern 6 17.14 Anorexia 8 22.86
significantly Insomnia 7 20.00
Hurry for duty off 4 11.43 Anxiety 5 14.29
Arrival late 3 8.57 Depression 4 11.43
Total 35 100.00 Total 35 100.00

DISCUSSION the females below 25 years of age were sexually harassed,

This study was conducted in Janakpurdham, Dhanusha of as this age is more vulnerable and unaware about the
Nepal in females who were working in various positions requirement of jobs, which is similar to the findings of the
in private and government offices with an objective to study conducted in Municipal Corporation limits of
assess the sexual harassment situations and its impact on Mangalore, a coastal city in Karnataka state [4]. In this
health and working performance. Although, if anyone is study, more than one fourth (29.51%) married and one
convicted of committing sexual harassment against an fourth (28.81%) unmarried females were harassed
employee or customer, one shall be liable to punishment, sexually. Similar results were seen in the study conducted
considering nature of an offense, with imprisonment not for sexual harassment in public transportation among
exceeding six months or with fine not exceeding fifty female students in Kathmandu valley [5]. This study also
thousand rupees or with both [3]. This study revealed that exposed the association of sexual harassment and their
considerable proportion (29.0%) of female workers profession, wherein 85.71% sales girls, followed by 45.71%
suffered from various type of sexual harassment by their nurses, 14.71%) school teacher and 5.41% bank employees
co-worker in working area. A study conducted at were harassed, which is statistically significant. Similar
Kathmandu, shows 82% of the females faced any type of study has done in educational sector of Peshawar,
sexual harassment [2], which is greater than our finding. Pakistan [6]. This study also showed the association of
This difference might be due to socio-cultural educational level and sexual harassment, wherein 60.87%
environment as still culture of silence exists in the study females with graduation and above degree were harassed
region and Terai belt of Nepal. We found that 45.95% of followed by 24.32% females with lower education level
(SLC or SEE), while about one fourth (20%) females with

©2023 The Authors. MJMMS: An International Publication of Centre for Clinical Research and Community Health (CC-REACH) by MedSpirit Alliance Ltd.
Jha et al. Jan-June|2023

higher secondary education level faced sexual harassment carried out in six carpet factories of Kathmandu Valley [9].
[2]. Sexual harassment is not only a moral issue, it is also Sexual harassment can have significant impact on a
an issues of female right, dignity and humiliation; socio- woman’s mental health. It can lead to feelings of anxiety,
economic reputation. It can make serious impact on their depression, and low self-esteem. Females who experience
personal life, their physical and mental health and daily sexual harassment may also experience symptoms of post-
performance. This study exposed the impact of sexual traumatic stress disorder, such as intrusive memories,
harassment wherein, 25.71% of the females has reduced avoidance of situations that remind them of the
efficiency on work, followed by 22.86% of the females who experience, and difficulty concentrating [10]. In this study
tried to avoid certain areas of workplace and 14.29% of the we found that there is negative association between sexual
females considered changing their job, while the harassment and mental health on the sexually harassed
remaining 11.43% and 8.57% of the females hurried for females. 14.29% of the sexually harassed females
duty off and arrived late respectively. Similarity, findings experienced anxiety and 11.43% females experienced
were observed in the study conducted in Kathmandu depression. Similar findings were exposed in the study for
which showed the impact of sexual harassment in public the impact of sexual harassment on depressive symptoms
transport among the female health science students [7]. during the early occupational career in society and mental
Physical and emotional health are closely linked. When health [11,12].
victims of sexual harassment experience mental and
emotional problems, it often leads to physical health
This study shows sexual harassment among the females at
issues, such as loss of appetite, headaches, weight
their workplace in Dhanusha district. Female workers are
fluctuations, and sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances
victimized physically and mentally at their work place,
can in turn lead to other serious health problems, such as
and hence sexual harassment is a prevalent as well as
hormonal imbalance, an increased risk of high blood
problematic issue in the community for female workers in
pressure, and a weakened immune system [8]. According
government and private sectors. Therefore, awareness
to this study, the impact on female’s physical health due to
programme should be conducted from time to time and
sexual harassment was anorexia (22.86%), insomnia (20%),
anti-sexual harassment policy should be implemented at
fatigue (17.14%), high blood pressure (5.71 %), and
headache and body ache (5.71%). Similar study was
Acknowledgements: Authors wish to thank all the children and teachers editing: L.J., S.SG., P.S., P.KY., and V.KK. All authors have contributed
for their supports during this study. equally for the concept and design, statistical analysis, writing of the
Competing Interests: The authors declare no competing interests. manuscript, data collection, revision and editing. All authors have read
Funding: No funding was received for this research. and agreed with the contents of the final manuscript towards publication.
Author Contributions: Concept and design: L.J., S.SG. and P.S; Statistical Data Availability: Data will be available upon request to corresponding
analysis: L.J., S.SG.; Writing of the manuscript: L.J., S.SG., P.S., P.KY., and authors after valid reason
V.KK; Data collection: L.J., S.SG., P.S., P.KY., and V.KK; Revision and

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