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Basemap and Location

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2 Base map Preparation of shebaleey town

1.2.1 Introduction
It is the most common kind of base map which is a detailed and accurate two-dimensional
representation of natural and man-made features (roads, buildings, quarries, lakes, streams,
river and vegetation and other land use coverage) on the Earth's surface.
Base maps are the building blocks of cartography, serving as the foundation upon which other
thematic maps are built. They typically display the physical features of a geographic area,
including topography, land cover, infrastructure, landmarks and transportation networks,
and provide a reference point for adding additional layers of data.
1.2.2 Base Map Preparation Methodology
In the pursuit of creating a precise and up-to-date base map for the Shabeelay town, an
incorporation of satellite imagery and meticulous ground surveying techniques forms the
foundation of our methodology. This comprehensive approach ensures the accuracy and
reliability of the base map, rendering it an invaluable asset for various applications, including
urban planning, land-use management, and disaster preparedness.
Thus, the base map has been prepared by using ground survey and satellite imagery (SAS planet)
and DEM.
The complete survey process is being done the following surveying procedure
 Identify the availability of EMA points for the reference point as per standards (15-50
 Select the possible location that enable take reading or TP for further points;
 Preparing and installing 5 concrete in selected area;
 Taking 5 hour reading form Jigjiga EMA point (the result is annexed)
 Confirm the surveyed data as per standard
 Survey work were started. (geo-referencing points, other natural and man-made futures)
The satellite image is checked that it is recent (7/22/2024), Imagerectified and properly geo-
referenced before the digitization had been started. The image is with 15 cm by 15cm pixel size.
The image has 7688 -hectare area coverage. Other input data are DEM, a recent data and the
DEM file is with 12 cm by 12 cm pixel size, this precise input data make the base map and other
planning process enhances its reliability and accuracy.
First, all the natural and man-made features visible on the image are downloaded saved on
personal computer and Cell phone, it has helped to verify those natural and manmade features
during field visit. As a result, the features that were not visible on the image have been surveyed
by ground survey and the data was incorporated in to the base map database.
1.2.3 GIS Integration and Database Development:
The result of our efforts occurs within the realm of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
technology. We have used ArcGIS 10.8 version for this purpose. Important spatial data collected
from the aforementioned techniques is harmoniously integrated into a geo-database. This
database is an organized repository of data theme layers, each precisely geo-located. It
encompasses diverse geographic features, represented in various forms: points, lines, polygons,
or raster data, each paired with relevant tabular attributes. This integration extends to the careful
organization of data into datasets such as feature classes, attributes, and raster datasets.
Moreover, the base map's integrity is fortified through spatial and database elements, including
topologies, networks, and raster catalogues.

1.2.4 Components of the Base Map

In the base map study, the following base map features are incorporated.
1. Infrastructure: - this base map feature consists of infrastructure that exist in the town,
such as power lines, three phase spot, water lines, water points and tele tower.
2. Hypsography or control points: this futures of base map can be containing contour line,
GCPs, bench marks and georeferenced points that used for a bases for future
development and it can determine over all spatial aspect of the plan.
3. Hydrography: - it consists of river, streams, water reservoir, water tank, water towers,
and water holes;
4. Building and blocks: - one of the major man made feature in the base map components
are the hard space of the plan called building and block. In this base map study all
buildings and blocks that exist in the built up area are included.
5. Boundary: - one of the determinant factor that define the existing built-up area, the
administrative boundary, and the base map boundary are incorporated. Features.
6. Transportation: - this also one of the key elements of base map that shows over all
skeleton of the town. In this study all road infrastructure is included.
7. Land Use Land Cover: - this categories of the features are consisting the overall
topographic feature of the town such as forest, bush land, gorge, valley, agriculture land,
settlement etc. all this urban feature is included in the base map.
Figure: Features of the Base Map
A. Base Map boundary
The base map boundary is delineated by the discussion of the planning team members by
incorporating the existing settlements and potential expansion areas within the given
administration boundary. The area extends from Bete to chinaksen, Aro-Aska to Beledka rural
area and includes Urban Agriculture and industry zone which needs integration by the proposal
planning. The base map boundary was like a leapfrog type, that were mainlywithin the newly
incorporated city administration boundary but the base map information was focused in current
existing built-up area, the newly gebeta- lehager project and along fafaam town industry zone
area.On the other hand, the base map incorporates other boundary like existing town boundary.
This boundary helps to define the extent in which the base map incorporates. Then, all the
natural and manmade features within this boundary have been included in the base map database.
The base map includes features seen as layers on the table of content of the arch GIS window
shown in the above image.
B. Ground Control Points (GCPs)
For the sake of current consumption, there are 5 single GCPs distributed throughout the base
map boundary that used for surveying for base map preparation by using DGPS.
For future plan implementation and for other land administration, GCPs are distributed installed
fairly and having an average of 500m distance with in inner built-up area and 1 km within
selected expansion area of the future planning boundary.
The installed4 GCPs are located in Existing built up area and 1 TP is located near to gebeta-
lehager project. The coordinates of the GCPs has been read using deferential GPS and referenced
to the national grid through the first generation GCP found in Jigjiga city, the GCP located in
Jigjigahas been found convenient. In fact, the GCP located in mount karamara, is the nearest but
it is difficult to access because of high wind pressure.
C. Contours
Contours are imaginary lines that connect locations of similar height or elevation of the land
above sea level. Contours make it possible to represent the height of mountains and steepness of
slopes on a two-dimensional map surface.
The contours of the Shabeelay town base map have been prepared by taking spot points through
ground survey. The contours have been categorized as minor and major contours. The contours
have 2-meter interval. The elevations of the contours have ranged from 1397 to 1765 meters
above sea level with an elevation difference of 368 meters.
D. Infrastructures
The base map has incorporated available infrastructures including electric pole, three phase
electric line. water reservoir, Bono water station, medium tension line, tele tower, canal, road
network and transformer. The location of these infrastructures have been surveyed and
incorporated in the base map during the field visit.
E. Existing buildings
Existing buildings are elements of the base map. It shows that the hard part of the city in existing
boundary. In Sabeelay town, buildings are located mainly in the settlement areas of main city
center of shebaleey - 960, in Beledka- 101, in Dudumo-As- 129 and in Aro-Aska- 684 near to
fafaam town. Totally there are 1874 Building are existing in existing town boundary.
F. Existing blocks
Existing blocks are also elements of the base map. Like that of the buildings, the block elements
of the base map in Shabeelay town are located only in the settlement areas of main city center
and near to fafaam.
G. Other Elements of the Base Map
From the existing land use and land covers, some of which are thought to be important land
marks and land covers having implications for the proposal are shown particularly on the base
map. These include: Electric Sub Station, Forests (Scattered trees), Bush, farm land, marsh land,
hills, gorges, gully and the quarry sites.
H. The Overall Base Map
In the realm of spatial-based development, the creation of a precisely detailed base map for
Shabeelay town stands as a paramount task. It serves not merely as an inoffensive recording of
geographic features but rather as indispensable foundation upon which planners, policymakers,
and stakeholders can craft and decipher the town's present and future narratives. This base map,
in essence, becomes a dynamic canvas that captures the very essence of the town's landscape,
presenting invaluable context to its users
In general the base map of the town show all basic components of base map, this base map, in essence,
becomes a dynamic canvas that captures the very essence of the town's landscape, presenting
invaluable context to its users.

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