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This section presents the Approach and Methodology envisaged for the project of Preparation of
Revised Development Plan 2025 for BHADA area under the statutory provision of GTP&UD Act 1976.

1A Approach & Methodology Overview


The aim of the project is to prepare Revised Development Plan for BHADA area. The preparation of plan
should be in conformity to the urban and economic growth along with adequate infrastructure
development in the BHADA Region. The Plan shall aim to conserve and improve the environmentally
sensitive areas, as well as to bring about orderly and planned development in the region.

The main objectives of the project are clubbed in two groups- Task Oriented and Approach
Task Oriented Objectives:
Updating Cadastral Map through Re-survey (ground survey by DGPS only), and Preparing a
Base Map

Preparing Existing Land Use Map and assessments of existing land use and land development

Undertaking Study and Assessment of Existing Situation Assessments

Consultations through Stakeholders Workshops and Focus Group Discussions

Developing Growth Scenario and Program Brief

Conceptual DDP Proposals and Preparing DDP proposals for Submission to State Government
under Section 9 of GTP&UD Act, 1976

Preparation and Publication of the DDP under Section 13 of GTP&UD Act, 1976

Reviewing objections/suggestions and modifications to the DP under Section 14 of GTP&UD

Act, 1976

Publication of Draft Development Plan and submission under Section 15 of GTP&UD Act, 1976

Preparation of Draft Development Plan for Submission to State Government for Sanctioning
under Section 16 of GTP&UD Act, 1976The approach while undertaking the project and
carrying out the various tasks shall focus on attaining a comprehensive and integrated output.
The overall approach throughout the course of project shall be such that following objectives are
met with.

Approach Oriented Objectives:

Enhancing the potential of the area by promoting the urban and economic growth of the region.

Improving efficiency and the prospects for further development by means of scientific and
analytical approach.

Improving the quality of natural environs, built environ and living standards of inhabitants across
the project region.
Consuptualise the Infrastructure Development plan and Capital Investment Plan to channelize the
spatial and economic growth.

Prepare development control regulation framework to regulate and promote development in an

orderly manner.

Preparing strategies that generate revenues for successful implementation of the Plan.

The broad structure of methodology and main activities shall be as presented below.
The consultancy services for the project will broadly include:
Primary and secondary surveys related to urban planning,

Preparation of detailed base maps by adopting GIS and other modern techniques,

Carrying out existing land use survey and preparation of existing land use map,

Analysis of existing situation,

Assessments required for the identification of environmentally sensitive areas, high potential
areas, underutilized areas etc.,

Preparation of Draft Proposed Land Use Plans,

Broad Land Use Regulations and preliminary urban design guidelines where relevant,

Detailed strategies for implementation of the Master Plan by adopting suitable land development

Assessing financial requirements, phasing development and organizational structure required for
plan implementation process.


The detail methodology proposed to be adopted and activities to be performed for various envisaged
tasks/stages are presented below.

Project Initiation and Reconnaissance Survey

This stage involves the understanding & conceptualization of project area in consultation with the
concerned authority and also mobilization of team which includes the allocation of roles and functions of
team member on the basis of their expertise. This stage would involve the following:

Mobilization of project team

Reconnaissance Survey of Project Area and surroundings

Finalization of Methodology and Work Plan to be adopted, in consultation with the Authority

Knowing various relevant Govt. departments/agencies and their roles


Task 1: Overview of Project Area and Preliminary Maps

The task shall involve a broad overview of the Project Area and its surrounding. The study area shall be
reviewed considering the major roads, rail lines, urban centers, major natural features, economic nodes,
and administrative units. Based on the study of the said aspects, a preliminary Map of the study area
shall be prepared.

The Map shall incorporate and demarcate following features.

Administrative Features: Boundaries of State, Districts, Talukas, Villages and wards

Transportation Network: National and State Highways, other major roads, railway lines.

Natural Features: Rivers, major streams, forests, hilly and sandy terrain.
Task 2: Updating the Base Map of Project Area
The purpose of preparation of base map shall be to delineate the existing administrative boundaries,
and clearly demarcate the natural and physical features of the Project Area. The updated Base Map
shall also demarcate the spatial spread of built-up, vacant land, scrub land, vegetation cover, land
under agriculture use, forests, rivers, and other water bodies based on the aerial imagery and relevant
secondary data. The details of trunk network of water supply, main power transmission lines shall also
be mapped by studying relevant secondary information.

The preparation of Base Map shall be based on application of GIS. This task shall contain following
activities as represented in table below.
Table: Base Map Preparation
1 Procuring Topo Sheets, Satellite Image, Cadastral Maps, and other relevant maps

2 Applying long-lat and UTM projection to Land Sat Image for geometrical accuracy, Correlating
and Geo-referencing the Topo Sheets and Satellite Image

4 Extracting key features- Administrative boundaries, Natural features like rivers, ponds and
Major Transportation Linkages- from the relevant Maps and Army land

5 Digitization, Mosaicing and correlation of Cadastral Maps with the Image, Updating and
classifying Natural Features- rivers, ponds and Transportation Linkages- roads, railway etc.

6 Digitizing the built-up profile based on Satellite Image

7 Digitizing & classifying land cover features- agriculture land, scrub land, vacant land.

8 Generating contours from SRTM (DEM- 3 arc sec)

Reference Example of past work done:

Geo-reference Cadastral Map Mosaicing of Cadastral Maps Digitization of Cadastral Maps

Task 3: Data Collection

This stage will include the collection of Secondary information from various departments and agencies
for the project area. Identified Data to be collected under this activity is listed in following table.
Table: List of Data to be collected
1 Data related to demographic, socio-economic parameters, industrial development and
economic activities

Data related to land use, built form and open and green spaces
Data related to status of physical & social infrastructure services and amenities

Data related to housing scenario and slums

Data on traffic- regional traffic on highways, traffic in fringe areas, urban areas

Data pertaining environmental quality

Data related to heritage areas/precincts related to architectural, natural or cultural significance

Data on Government lands, Army land, lands under process of acquisition, lands given on

Data on land values as per Ready Reckoner Rates and market prices

Details of sanctioned Master Plan and Development Control Regulations presently in force in
and around Project Area, along with modifications if any.

The proposals related to regional transportation network and trunk infrastructure

Proposals of significant and large-scale development by various Government departments and

private agencies in and around Project Area

Data related to institutional framework, financial arrangements of the Authority

Relevant Acts, policy documents

Apart from collecting data from various secondary sources moreover, following activities shall also be
undertaken to have a refined understanding and assessment of existing situation.
1. Photo Documentation
The Project Team will conduct a photographic documentation at various critical points such as major
developed zones, degraded drains and water bodies, major bottleneck areas, traffic congestion areas,
intersections, commercial areas, and unplanned development within the project area.
2. Focus Group Discussions
The Project Team shall carry out focus group discussions in the project area. These discussions will be
conducted with local residents, planning authority executives and other stakeholders with an aim to take
stock of the status and availability of services in the area.
3. Think tank meetings with officials
A series of consultation meetings are proposed to be held with the officials of BHADA, CTP, DILR,
various NGOs, respective Taluka/Village level agencies, and other concerned planning authorities
regarding the Development Plan, to identify and solve the technical gaps in the plan and implementation

Task 4: Existing Land Use Survey and Map

Existing land use map will be prepared by undertaking combination of scientific and digital analysis of
Satellite Images, primary field survey, and data from relevant sources. The satellite images shall be
processed digitally through Image Enhancement techniques like image classification, image rationing,

There are major four features to be identified and adopted in the land use preparation of the study area.
These are- Physical Features, Natural features, Land cover and Land use. These features are further
subdivided into number of layers and categories. Following is the list of each one of this and the
classification adopted for land use preparation.
Table: Land Use Classification Categories
1. Physical Features - NH, SH, Major roads, Bridges, Railway, Canals, Dams, Tanks

2. Natural Features - Rivers, Streams, Nallas, Lake, Pond, Forests, Hills

3. Land Cover - Agriculture- sawn area, Fallow land, Scrub open, Wetland, tree cover

4. BUILT LAND USE - Residential, Commercial, Mix/ Multiple use, Industrial, Vacant areas, Parks/
Gardens, Hotels, Recreational, Public Amenities, Govt. establishments, Educational & Health
Facilities, Socio-cultural and Civic facilities, Public Utilities, Transportation Facilities.

Reference Example:

Existing Land Use Maps for various pockets (to be compiled together to prepare the map for the whole
project area)


Task 5: Existing Situation Assessment

Existing status of various parameters and their relation to other parameter will be studied, and stress
areas and issues of concern will be identified. The major focus of this particular task is to identify the
growth trends, development index, land suitability and potential analysis, SWOT analysis of the study

1. Analysis of Demographic and Socio-economic Profile

The major focus of this activity is analyzing demographic parameters, growth rate, and literacy rate,
social status of the Project Area

Population Density Decadal Growth Rate

2. Analysis of Land Use Pattern and Spatial Growth
This Analysis will help us evaluate the direction and extent of spatial expansion of major urban centers
within and around the project area. Based on the Existing Land Use map, various kind of land use
analysis shall also be done.

3. Analysis of Physical Infrastructure

This involves the analysis of physical infrastructure to understand level and status of infrastructure; to
carry out the demand supply scenario; and to identify gaps, issues and stress areas/components.

Various components of physical infrastructure to be studied and analyzed are: Road, Railways, Water
supply, Solid Waste management, Sewerage & Sanitation, Strom Water Drainage Transportation and
Power supply.

4. Analysis of Social Infrastructure

All existing and upcoming schemes/ proposals related to health and education infrastructure shall be
reviewed. In addition, the other social infrastructure like socio-cultural facilities, recreational open spaces
shall also be studied to assess its spatial distribution, adequacy of provision, and qualitative measures.

5. Analysis of Housing Stock

This activity involves the analysis related to the housing status, demand-supply, present stock, role of
Authority and other public agencies in housing supply. Assessment of slums shall be very important
component herein.

6. Analysis of Traffic and Public Transportation

Through digital modeling techniques, the roads shall be classified in various level of integration index.
The integration index presents the significance of the particular road in the overall network. Thus, this
analysis shall identify the traffic load on all important roads and identify existing/ future/ possible
bottlenecks, important links and critical junctions.

7. Analysis of Urban Environment

The comprehensive environmental threshold analysis shall be carried out to identify the status of
environment. Study of quality of air, water; noise pollution shall be carried out. At the end of this,
environmental issues of concern will be highlighted and the environmentally sensitive areas will be
spatially demarcated on the map.

8. Analysis of Land Development, Land Ownership and Land Values

The activity shall study the type and pattern of land development during recent past. It shall focus on
documenting non-agriculture conversion and development permissions of significant scale, issued by
relevant concerned authorities. The details of lands owned by various public agencies shall be reviewed
and appropriate maps shall be generated. Moreover, the land values as per the rates fixed by Govt.
and as per the market rates shall also be mapped and assessed.

9. Environmental Suitability Analysis & Land Potential Analysis

Environmental Land Suitability Analysis: The suitability analysis will guide the identification and
demarcation of environmentally sensitive areas, so that proposals/strategies could be framed to protect
the natural environs of the area. The parameters to be considered for the analysis are: Forests, Sandy
regions, Vegetation, Water body, Soil type, Slope, Land cover, Hazard prone areas, etc.

Land Potential Analysis: The Land Potential Analysis will be executed in order to identify the
potential areas for development under different land uses. The Parameters considered for evaluation of
the project area would be: connectivity (major/minor road analysis), proximity to existing urban centers
and village sites, proximity to existing industrial areas, land/property values etc.

10. SWOT Analysis

Based on all the study and assessment done for different components, the SWOT analysis would be
done for outlining the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for the project area.

All these assessments and findings will form very significant basis for developing the vision statement,
strategies, and proposals of the Master Plan.


Task 6: Draft Master Plan/ Land use Plan and Draft Development Control
Regulations Section 9 of GTU&PDA Act 1976
1. Visioning Exercise
The visioning exercise will be carried out, in consultation with the Authority, in order to identify the
triggers and future scope for development of the area. Based on this, the proposal will be framed for the
formulation of the Draft Development Plan.
2. Future Projections and Growth Scenarios
The Future Projections in terms of population, employment, migration etc will be done for the horizon
year, based on the past trends and similar cases or models. For projecting the population, apart from
conventional methods, Share & Shift/Ratio Method shall also be adopted.
3. Program Brief
Based on the visioning exercise and the future projections, a program brief will be prepared for the
project area. This will identify amount of area to be promoted for development, envisage allowable
density levels, and clearly define the area to be demarcated under various specific land uses.


In this stage, the formulation of Draft Master Plan shall be carried out. The draft Plan for project area
shall be prepared based on the various assessments done under earlier stages, filling the gaps and with
the aim of developing the area in an integrated and comprehensive way. The preparation of draft Plan
shall be in coherence with the proposals of plans/projects in surrounding area as well as regional level
proposals from State/Central Govt. agencies.

Proposal will be formulated to provide adequate infrastructure in term of proper connectivity and
efficient public amenities to the existing settlements, and new development areas proposed within the
project area. The draft master plan will also outline the proposals for land utilization based on land

Land use zoning will also be done for the project area. The Development Control Regulations for each
such land use zones shall also be formulated. Important aspects of DCR like Uses permitted/restricted,
FAR/FSI, and building height shall be defined for each land use zone.
This task shall focus on following activities:

Evolution of the program brief by incorporating the findings of the Existing Situation Analysis
and population projections and the existing land utilization.

Preparation of proposed transportation network maps with major & minor road networks,
pedestrian systems, routes for mass-transit, etc.

Defining areas proposed for urbanization and sprawl, peri-urban areas, conservation zone,
restricted development zone, to control differential development across the project area.

Demarcating residential, commercial, public/semipublic zones, work & activity nodes, within the
urban areas, and areas proposed for urbanization and satellite towns.

Detailed designation of land for various public purposes like schools, health institutions, cultural
institutions, open spaces, playgrounds, areas for water harvesting etc, sites for services
industries, mining & quarrying, industrial estates, communication networks etc.

Zoning & Development Control Regulations

Proposals of various infrastructure networks (water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage,
transport etc.) by integrating Master Plans prepared by sectoral functional agencies and line

Strategy for housing development/ slum improvement, integration of informal sector

Identifying Special Nodes, and preparing Urban Design Guidelines, if relevant


Task 7. Preparation and Publication of the DDP under Section 13 of

GTP&UD Act, 1976
The DDP proposals, as developed in the preceding stage, shall be compiled, submitted and published as
per the provisions of Section 13 of GTP&UD Act, 1976. It shall include:

Existing land use map (1:8000) in format appropriate for publication

Proposed land use map (1:8000) in format appropriate for publication

Draft Development Plan Report (covering outcome of all previous tasks)

Draft Development Control Regulations

Task 8: Reviewing objections/suggestions and modifications to the DP

under Section 14 of GTP&UD Act, 1976
Assisting BHADA in collecting, documenting and reviewing the objections and suggestions
received under section 14

Assisting BHADA in finalizing the modification to DP as an outcome of the objections and

Task 9: Publication of Draft Development Plan and submission under
Section 15 of GTP&UD Act, 1976
Preparation of reply to all the objections / suggestions received during publication u/s 13 of
GTP&UD Act, 1976

Incorporating the modifications finalized in consultation with the Authority u/s 14 of GTP&UD
Act 1976

Pre p a ra tion of d ra wing s a nd d ocume nts for 2 nd Pub lica tion a s p e r p rovisions of Se ction 1 5 of
GTP&UD Act 1976 in consultation with Appointed Town Planning Officer of Planning Authority

Task 10: Preparation of Draft Development Plan for Submission to State

Government for Sanctioning under Section 16 of GTP&UD Act,
The task shall start with presenting the interim Draft Master Plan and other outputs of Task 9 to Authority
pertaining to development of the area. The same shall be then presented to various Stakeholders for
objections and suggestion (to be identified by the Authority). The points discussed/commented, issues of
concern highlighted by various officials, Stakeholders shall be summarized and discussed with the

In addition to Plan and DCR, an efficient land development mechanism is very important to bring such
Master Plan proposals to the level of implementation. Innovative strategies/mechanism shall be
suggested to make the Authority earn revenues to meet part or whole of the costs to be incurred while
implementation of the Plan.

The Master Plan shall also be accompanied by phasing plan and for implementation purpose. This will
help in optimizing missing infrastructure, and enable the implementing authority to carry out the
implementation of the Master Plan in an effective manner.
Lastly, the Final Development Plan (Proposed Land Use), DCR, Report, and other required documents
shall be framed in form of Statutory Maps/Documents, in consultation with the Authority, as required
under the relevant law/Act.


Final Development Plan with DCR, Infrastructure Estimates, Institutional Setup, Revenue Generation
Models and Project Implementation Strategies
Activity Description 1Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 Project Initiation & Resource Mobilisation

2 Finalisation of Data Collection Check List


4 Initiation of Data Collection

5 Procurement of Village Cadastral Maps

6 Finalisation of checklist for field survey

7 Preliminary assessment of Aerial Image provided by BHADA

8 Initiation of Field survey for existing land use and other relevant information

9 Image processing & extract key features

10 Verification of GCP for base map finalisation

11 Rectification of base map based on GCP


13 Submission of Draft Field survey report

14 submission of preliminary data collection report

15 Submission of other data analysis report

17 Rectification of Draft Existing land use map

18 Submission of case studies report and visioning exercise

19 submission of revised population projection and programme brief

Various other projections includes employment, industrial, physical & social

infrastructure requirement
Incorporating planning committee suggestions and Stakeholder workshops
outcome on Interim Report along with concept and vision

Proposal on physical and social infrastructure, projection on economy,


24 Proposed Land use zoning with designated land for public purpose and DCR


Incorporating planning committee suggestions and stakeholder workshops
outcome on draft master plan.

27 Final estimation on infrastructure and capital investment plan

28 Final Zoning Plan with public purpose land designation

29 Final DCR, phasing, implementation and funding mechanism

Activity Description 1Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
31 Existing land use map (1:8000) in format appropriate for publication

32 Proposed land use map (1:8000) in format appropriate for publication

33 Draft Development Plan Report (covering outcome of all previous tasks)

34 Draft Development Control Regulations

Assisting BHADA in collecting, documenting and reviewing the objections
and suggestions received under section 14
Assisting BHADA in finalizing the modification to DP as an outcome of the
objections and suggestions
Preparation of reply to all the objections / suggestions received during
publication u/s 13 of GTP&UD Act, 1976
Incorporating the modifications finalized in consultation with the Authority
u/s 14 of GTP&UD Act 1976
Preparation of drawings and documents for 2nd Publication as per
41 provisions of Section 15 of GTP&UD Act 1976 in consultation with
Appointed Town Planning Officer of Planning Authority
DCR Section 16


Bhuj city is the administrative headquarter of Kachchh District, the largest district of Gujarat in terms of
geographical area. It is located in north-west part of Gujarat at a distance of around 400 Km from
Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, the state capital. Being centrally situated in the district, and second
largest city of Kachchh, Bhuj is of strategic importance for development of the region. Bhuj is well
connected with other cities of Kachchh and Gujarat by road and rail. It serves as an important centre for
trade and commerce for the region.

The coastline of Gulf of Kachchh has been recognized as an important geography for international trade.
Several ports having high significance at regional and national level are located here, and the shoreline
still offers huge potential for further such developments of port and port-led economic activities. Kachchh,
recently, is also being explored and established as a unique tourism experience through initiatives of
Gujarat Tourism. There are huge investments made and under way towards development of industrial and
regional infrastructure, both from public and private sector. Thus, the city of Bhuj shall witness plethora of
opportunities and challenges in coming times.

The city is administered by a Municipal body, while the planning and development is regulated by Bhuj
Area Development Authority (BHADA) which was established by Govt. of Gujarat following the
devastating earthquake in 2001. The municipal body spreads over an area of around 19.60 and
accommodate a population of around 1.47 lacs as per Census 2011. The jurisdiction of BHADA
admeasures around 56 (including the Municipal area), and have a population of around 1.87
lacs (including the population residing in Municipcal area) as per Census 2011.

BHADA consists of area under Bhuj Municipality, Mirzapar village, part of Madhapar village and part of
Bhuj village. The central areas in and around the Walled City are intensively developed compared to
other areas. The Walled City Area, Bhujiyo hill with fortress looking down the city, and several lakes
including Hamirsar Lake in the central part of the city are some characteristics features of Bhuj.

Bhuj is a picturesque and historic city dotted by palaces, lakes, havelis in addition to the walled city and
fortress built on a hill. While the areas around the Municipal area have witnessed development in recent
past, there are vast areas towards periphery not developed for urban activities yet.

The first Development Plan for Bhuj was prepared in 1976 by the Town Planning and Valuation
Department, which covered an area of around 13.58 There were no planning exercises carried
out after that till 2001. In 2001, following the devastating earthquake of unprecedented intensity, Govt.
of Gujarat notified Bhuj Area Development Authority (BHADA) under the Gujarat

Town Planning and Urban Development Act (GTP&UD Act), 1976. The jurisdiction of BHADA spread over
an area of 56 The Draft Development Plan-2011 was prepared for the area under BHADA, and
submitted to State Govt. as per the provisions of GTP&UD Act, 1976 in 2001.

As per the Gujarat Town Planning and Urban Development Act (GTP&UD Act) 1976, Bhuj Area
Development Authority (BHADA) is entrusted preparation, implementation and revision of the Development
Plan of area under BHADA. It is now required to revise the Development Plan-2011 as per the provisions
of GTP&UD Act, 1976.

BHADA is now expediting the process of Preparing the Revised Development Plan for BHADA- 2025, and
wish to appoint technical consultant to avail professional services for the same.

Residential Development

Maintain a range of residential lifestyle options. This is done through:

1. Protect important environmental and economic resources from residential encroachment.

2. Encourage development in areas where public capital expenditures, service costs and environmental
constraints are minimal.

3. Encourage the provision of a variety of housing types.

4. Establish land use criteria that will minimize conflicts between residential lifestyle options and land
intensive employment opportunities.

5. Identify areas with the least environmental constraints and most favorable infrastructure capability as
growth centers over the next 20 years.

6. Improve roadways & other access; promote public/social services & compatible commercial

7. Establish the availability of adequate transportation, utility, recreation and public services infrastructure
as criteria for all changes in land use.
8. Utilize existing infrastructure more efficiently by encouraging subdivisions to locate in identified growth

10. Encourage open space and natural area provisions within subdivisions.

Public Facilities, Transportation and Services

Assure the provision of adequate infrastructure (water, sanitation, roads) and services (police, fire,
parks, schools, cultural) to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the local residents.

Environmental & Heritage Conservation

Maintain the beauty and integrity of the natural environment and heritage buildings.

Economic Development
Combine and optimize the objectives of providing for economic opportunity, maximizing the use of
existing infrastructure, protecting the environment

Support employment choices with the potential for increasing the per capita income of regions local

Identify appropriate sites for the development of local and regional commercial centers

Self-Financing Development Mechanism

Innovative land development mechanism within the available Civilian use land parcels to generate
financial resources for entire project area.


The Master Plan for the BHADA is proposed to be formulated in coherence with the existing physical and
environmental determinants.

The Physical Determinants governing the concept and layout are:

1. Linkages & Connectivity - within the region and outside to its environs
2. Proposed Land use Zones - as per the Hyderabad Metropolitan Master Plan

3. Existing Developments Coherence between historic areas, old town and new town

4. Urban centers around the area -

The Environmental Determinants to be considered in the preparation of the Development Plan are:

1. Existing Water bodies/ river channels/ canals etc in and around the region

2. Existing Reserved Greens - forests / urban greens/ Sandy areas etc

Any more environmentally sensitive areas identified during the surveys and site analysis will be added
consequently. Adequate buffers are proposed to be kept to protect the environmentally sensitive areas.
The Proposed Conceptual Layout is formulated in coherence with the other regional proposals.


The synthesis of site studies, land suitability analysis and population/ employment projections is seen in
the form of the proposed Conceptual Development Plan for the Project Area. Certain principles have been
the guiding factors in the Conceptual Development Plan formulated here. These Design Principals, have
been laid down with a view to achieving the vision of self-sustaining integrated development for the
Project Area. These are briefly stated below.

Sustainable and Integrated Development are defined as the key word for the development of the Project
Area. Simultaneously ecological sustainability would also be considered as a major design criteria. The
development also implies good education, health, and provision of adequate and good infrastructure and
civic amenities to the residents of Bhuj City. The sub-section ahead would elaborate the guiding factors/
principles in the course of designing the Conceptual Development Plan for the Project Area in order to
achieve the above stated vision.

Self-Sustaining / Integrated Development

Appropriate City Form responding natural environs

Balance between Resource Conservation & Quality Of Life

Mobility, Accessibility and Connectivity

High intensity development supported by mass transit system

Walk to Work

High Class Infrastructure

An equitable environment


Based on the programme brief and with the design principles in perspective, the concept plan has been
made to test the workability and feasibility of achieving the project objectives. The concept plan has
helped arrive at some physical manifestations of the vision and programme brief proposed for the project
area. The main goal of the concept plan has been to create a logical and efficient road network and
integrate the natural features.
Low Rise Medium Density Development

The project Area is already growing due to its strategic location of

the State Highways and the alignment of railway corridor. The
Master Plan aims to organize this growth pattern and develops a
ring Radial city along the transport corridors. The central theme of
the concept plan was developing a linear design along the major
road cutting across the project area. This road would be the central
spine of the plan, housing major commercial activities, corporate
sectors and other activity centers. The concept is to develop the
central spine as the main commercial/ offices spine, with high
density development.

Grid-Iron Pattern

Another important tool was the creation

of a grid (of varying sizes) crisscrossing
the site, deforming locally due to Modular Development

topography and water bodies. This grid

forms the structure for the region, with
major roads along the grid, connecting
to the existing major roads and

Modular Development

Development of independent and self-sustainable modules of

residential areas along with the required set of amenities, green
spaces and commercial activities. These modules are independent and yet related with each other.

Open Space Network

The Open Green area network provided along major roads weaves
through the proposed built form to be approachable by all residents
of the region. These Open spaces network acts as breathers to the
high activity and density zones, especially along the central spine.
Activity Zones

The envisioned major activity belt (central spine) will serve as the
main artery, supported with the cross axis of commercial/ retail and
office blocks. The commercial spine will also have a wide green belt
in the middle, forming a linear park along the entire stretch of the

The Central Spine: High Rise Buildings

Built Form

The Built form of the project area is proposed with overall medium
density at town level and high rise high density structures along the
central spine and low rise low density around the open space. The
buildings facing this green belt are envisaged to be of lesser density
than the road facing commercial/ office buildings. The green facing
buildings might be of institutional nature, like art galleries, convention halls or museums.
The Central Spine: Commercial Development

The idea is to create a dynamic open space belt in the middle with
various recreational and leisure activities. The entire spine is
envisaged to form the core of the region, with large public spaces
supported by shopping malls, theatres, libraries and other
institutional buildings.

Amenities weaved with the open space

network & Public private partnership

Also the amenities are proposed to be placed

close to the green spaces, finely woven into the
whole site, in an attempt to make these open
spaces a part of the regular public usages and
not backyards of buildings.

Green Spaces weaved with the Built Form

Slum/EWS Redevelopment through Cluster Development Approach

Encouraging private sector led investment for slum

redevelopment and EWS Development through
provision of higher FSI by mode of cluster

This approach can help in mitigating the land tenure

and ownership issue along with harmonious built
development with proper civic facilities and
transportation system.

Slum Redevelopment through Cluster Approach

Proposed Master Plan Financing Mechanisms through Land Development
A) Town Planning Scheme model and Land Acquisition model
S.P. Ring Road, Ahmedabad
Ring Road Development Financed through TPS Mechanism


Acquisition Financial Legal

Complete High High High


Partial Acquisition Medium Medium Low


Complete TPS Medium Medium Low

Private Sector led Nil Low Medium


B) Transit Oriented Development FSI linked with Plot Size, Margin and Proposed
COV. (%)

1.0 30-50 2-3 6-9 M

1.25 30-40 3-5 9-15 M

1.5 25-30 4-6 12-18 M


1.75 20-30 6-9 18-27 M

3.0 20-30 10-15 30-45 M

3.5 15-25 14-24 42-72 M

4.0 18-25 16-40 48-120 M

F Cyberabad: Proposed FSI Variations

C) Various methods of Plan Financing across the world

System Being Used At Main Benefit Problem

Town Planning Scheme Maharastra, Gujarat For Providing No apparent problem


Land Pooling Japan, South Korea, For Amenities and Cumbersome Lengthy
Taiwan, Western Public Buildings Procedure

Guiding Urban Tamilnadu For Peripheral Area Infrastructure Provision

Development Development Requires Investment

Purchase through Maharastra, Takes Less Time Difficult to Apply for Large
Negotiation Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Project
Jammu and Kashmir

Private Participation Haryana Fast Implementation Government Sanction is

Without Investment Essential

Accommodation Mumbai Fast Development and Succeed Only Where the

Reservation Progress Land Prices are Higher
than Construction Cost

Transfer of Development Mumbai, New Jersy, Win Win Situation for Depends Upon the Real
Rights Chicago, Virginia, All Estate Market for Success

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