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Ch.7-Ungodly Soul Ties

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Chapter 7


I dont know what is wrong with me, Nancy said to the ministry team. Ive only been married for 6 months, and I love my husband. I would not tell him this for anything, but every time we make love I think of Jimmy, a boy I went with 4 years ago when I was 17. I keep seeing his face! It makes me feel dirty and unfaithful. I dont love Jimmy, I dont even like him. He was a bully and a cheater. Why do I think of him at those times? Were you ever intimate with Jimmy? one of the ladies asked. Yes, she admitted, Im sorry to say that I was. I thought I loved him and that we were going to get married. Then I found out that he had two or three other girlfriends that he was engaged to at the same time he was going with me. What a rat! I was so stupid and nave! That was over a long time ago, so why did I start thinking about him after I got married? The team led Nancy to forgive Jimmy for lying and taking advantage of her and to repent for her own sexual sin with him. They led her to say, Lord, by your authority to set the captives free, I renounce and break the ungodly soul-ties between myself and Jimmy and state that I am free of the connections between us, spiritually, emotionally and physically! I renounce any unclean spirits that came into me because of our sexual relationship and command them to leave! She started coughing and felt something she described as evil come up from her stomach and exit through her throat and mouth. The team then prayed for her healing of any trauma connected with that bad experience; they prayed that God would heal her heart and cleanse her mind of all the ugly pictures from the past. She reported later that she had been healed of that shameful problem and thanked them profusely. God created mankind for relationship. Each of us comes into physical existence through the relationship of a father and mother, and we develop as a human through our relationship with a family. In Genesis 2:24, God declares, Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. The Hebrew words in this passage have the connotation of weaving or knitting together, as 2 strands of thread are woven together to make one piece of cloth. The strongest connection between people is called by many a soul-tie because the word flesh includes both the body and the soul (mind, emotions, and will). The Apostle Paul reveals that the bonding of a husband and wife prophetically points to, and is like, the union between Christ and His church. (Ephesians 5:32) Men and women were created equal but very different. Gods purpose that people grow up to maturity is worked out in normal human relationships, as follows: Prenatal growing a working body


Infant Child Adult Parent Elder

growing a working, joyful identity learning to take care of oneself marriage introduces sharing, servant hood, overcoming self centeredness a life of sacrifice, living for others sharing life with others outside ones own family 1

Sexual union in marriage initiates the healthy, God-given bonding between a man and woman, creating a soul-tie or a one flesh relationship, but the Bible reveals that a sinful sexual relationship creates an ungodly soul-tie. A simple definition of a soul-tie is that it is a bonding, good or bad, which holds people in a relationship whether they like it or not. Paul warns the church at Corinth where there was much sexual sin, Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For the two, He says, shall become one flesh.2 In Chapter 6 of 1 Corinthians, Paul says that hunger is a natural appetite, and food satisfies that appetite in a normal way. Man also has a natural sexual appetite. The popular Western worldview says that sexual acts are normal, natural, and healthy in almost any context. Not so! says the Word of God. Food is temporal but sex is different, it is a spiritual matter connected to a persons personality and identity. This is the crux of the matter: a sinful sexual union bonds a couple together spiritually and emotionally. Therefore, Paul goes on to say, Flee sexual immorality . . . Because he that commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.3 I illustrate soul-ties during my teaching by having three glasses set upon a table, one half full of water, one half full of orange juice, and one half full of Coca-Cola. When two people have sex, the normal way to think of that encounter is by lightly touching two of the glasses together. But the Bible says that a sexual encounter initiates a merging of the two personalities like this: I pour the glass of orange juice into the glass of water and then pour half of the mixture back into the empty glass. Now there has been a merging of the souls, the personalities, of the two. This married couple has, in the eyes of God, and in reality, become mixed, woven together. After awhile the husband goes out and has sex with another woman. I pour the Coca-Cola back and forth in the husband's glass until there is a mixture. Then the husband goes home and has sex with his wife. Now I pour his new mixture back and forth in his wifes glass. The soul of the other woman has now become inextricably mixed with that of the husband and his wife. This is true not only spiritually but also physically since the husband might bring home any Sexually Transmitted Diseases his girl friend was carrying. I have ministered to wives who were infected with STDs, including AIDS, because of the unfaithfulness of their husbands. Peter Horrobin, who is broadly recognized as an authority in the area of spiritual and emotional healing, states in one of his books that any kind of sexual abuse creates ungodly soul-ties and opens the door to demonization.4 He lists some 13 types of sexual abuse, including: visual abuse and voyeurism, touching the sexual areas, rape, enforced oral or anal sex, bestiality, incest (sexual contact with a member of ones own family). The consequences of sexual abuse are terrible and can include any of the following: Confusion Regression Repression Fantasy Fracture of trust of identity, of sexuality, of emotions to childhood emotional behavior of memories, denial that anything happened unreal memories; fantasy friends; fantasy enemies inability to trust God or trustworthy people


Rejection Rebellion Food addictions Promiscuity Pedophilia Physical illness Demonization

self-rejection and fear of rejection refusal to cooperate; irrational anger anorexia, bulimia, to mask sexual characteristics from guilt and self hate an overwhelming demon-induced acting out a long-term disability camouflaging the underlying problem

nearly always follows sexual abuse and can be connected with any of the above Teresa was severely anorexic. She could not have weighed more than 100 pounds but insisted that she was fat and would not listen to her parents, teachers, or pastor when they tried to reason with her. Her family was afraid for her because she was continuing to lose weight. Besides that, she had scars on both arms where she had cut herself with razor blades. She admitted to the counselor that she hated herself and that she felt dirty. In fact, she told him, she felt like a whore. That was the word that tormented her over and over: Youre nothing but a whore! The counselor finally got to the root: When Teresa was between 8 and 10 years old her grandfather had lived in their home, and he had molested her many times. He would tell her how much he loved her and that this was their secret, and then he would fondle her. Afterwards, he would tell her to go to his special jar where he kept candy and let her take a handful. Thus, the accusation that came to her mind that she had sold sexual favors to her grandfather. The counselor led her to forgive her grandfather, to repent of judging and hating him, to cut the ungodly soul-ties between her and her grandfather, to repent for blaming God and for blaming and hating herself. Jesus came and spoke to Teresa as they were praying and said to her, Teresa, you were just a little girl. You were not responsible for what your grandfather did. She felt different inside; she felt clean and loved and safe. All forms of sexual relations outside the marriage relation are sin. Each sinful relation creates soul-ties which can lead to innumerable spiritual, emotional and physical problems. In this era when sexual promiscuity is the accepted social norm and when perverted life styles and abortion have become court protected rights, we find many people who are spiritually bound and tormented. As a normal part of my ministry to groups and individuals, I lead them to repent of all sexual sins of the past, to break all ungodly soul-ties which resulted, and to renounce all unclean spirits that may be tormenting them. Also, I exhort them to break all connections with these sins: ungodly friendships and relationships, flirtatious conduct, questionable e-mail and other types of correspondence, pictures, letters, and keepsakes from the past, pornography, and fantasy relationships. The Lord will set us free, but we have to be serious and willing to truly repent and clean up our lives. Allowing oneself to fantasize about sinful relationships is a dangerous game that can lead to destruction. In an interview on The Discovery Channel, an inmate talked about what had led him and his buddy to kidnap and rape a teen-aged girl. He said he had started fantasizing about doing that several years before. Then he had started talking about it, especially with his friend. When the opportunity presented itself on a night when they had been drinking heavily, they had acted without even thinking about it. They had both been sentenced to 40 years in prison. Im trying to be a good Christian, the young woman said, but I cant control my feelings She then told me her situation. Her husband had died 5 years before, leaving her with two little boys. They had been living in another city and belonged to a small church which had been very supportive to her and her

46 children. As time passed she felt herself drawn emotionally to the pastor of their church. He was married and she knew her feelings were wrong, but she had some indication that he also had romantic feelings toward her. Even though she had repented and asked God to help her time and again, her feelings became stronger and stronger. Finally, she uprooted her family and moved to our community to get away from the temptation. She felt very guilty about this secret sin and was still having a struggle getting her imagination under control. I told her she had done the right thing in leaving that situation and that the Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality, not to remain in the situation and try to fight the temptation. I used the example of Joseph and Potiphars wife. Then I led her to renounce and break the ungodly emotional soul-tie between herself and the pastor. She felt a release inside as she did this. Then I instructed her that if these feelings and fantasies returned she should immediately resist them in the name of the Lord and turn to Him for strength. I told her that she had been lonely and vulnerable when her husband had died and that the Lord was very proud of her for choosing to be obedient to Him. Sexual sin is not the only way that people develop soul-ties. Obviously, the first such connection we have is with our parents and family. If parents have a Godly relationship with each other, and in turn establish a Godly relationship with each child, providing each one with a healthy parental bonding and adequate discipline and without unnecessary domination or control, then the child will grow up in the security of a soul-tie that will be liberating for life. On the other hand, an ungodly upbringing results in ungodly soul-ties that can produce deep bondages. Bondage leads to rebellion and to a desire to escape down a number of well-worn paths. Thirty to forty percent of the people in an average congregation will usually confess to having been dominated and controlled in an ungodly way by their fathers or mothers. 5 Having them forgive their parents, and break and renounce the ungodly soul-ties, is important for a healthy foundation for Christian growth. Violation of the free-will of a person through domination or manipulation is closely connected to what the Bible calls witchcraft. That seems to be an extreme statement, so let me explain. Witchcraft is the use of magic (not sleight-of-hand tricks) to summon powers of darkness in order to dominate, control, or destroy another person. When a person exercises control over another, against his free-will, that is the essence of witchcraft, and the use of ceremonies such as incantations, etcetera, is a moot point.6 There are two ways that people control others: through intimidation, i.e., overpowering the other person, and through manipulation, which is control through deceit. Using that definition, these situations have the power of witchcraft:

A husband or wife can dominate and overshadow the other, robbing the victim of self-will and self-determination. Parents can dominate and manipulate their children, fulfilling their own ambitions and living their own lives vicariously through their children.

Penney, a young woman in her early 20s, had been in and out of mental institutions. She would

47 make progress and be sent home, and then she would again become disoriented around her dominating and verbally abusive father, and then have to be institutionalized again. Many people in institutions, hospitals, and jails are there because their families are sick. The counselor told her that she was going to have to protect herself by establishing firm boundaries between herself and her father and encouraged Penney to move out of her home, to limit the time spent with her father, and to terminate any visit immediately when he started to berate her. Of course, she was very afraid to stand up to him in this way, but when she followed this advice, her fathers attitude and treatment of her started to change and she started to improve mentally.7

Harold Dewberry, a missionary originally from Australia who has a counseling center in Rancho Cucamonga, California, tells about counseling a missionary lady in Africa. She had been on the mission field for 32 years and was manic-depressive and had become a homosexual. He listened to her for several sessions, while also listening to the Holy Spirit. Finally she said, My father divorced my mother and was put out of the ministry because of it. He asked her if her father ever had a call to the mission field. Yes. To Africa? Yes. Did he ever fulfill it? No. Did he encourage you to go to the mission field, to Africa? Yes. Did you ever have a call to the mission field? No! She was fulfilling the will and the calling of her father. His personality had entered into her; she was vicariously living the life of her fatherand was sexually drawn to women. He led her to forgive her father and to break the ungodly soul-ties between them. She was set free to return to the U.S. and start living the life that God had called her to live.

Harold also tells about a pastor who said that at times he would look in the mirror and see the face of his mother. At times her face would appear at night in his dreams. He knew all too well that for his entire life his mother had been dominating, controlling, and overshadowing him. That is witchcraft. Harold led the pastor to forgive her and to break the ungodly soul-ties. I renounce her control, the overshadowing of my life and personality by my mother in the name of Jesus. He experienced a new freedom in his life.

Friendships can be healthy and godly (David and Jonathan, Paul and Timothy), or they can evolve into ungodly soul-ties. Think about the bonding or merging of personal identities in gangs and in cliques of close friends, who become copies and clones of one another with similar clothes, hair cuts, and habits such as drugs, sex, crime, and vandalism.

A church or a pastor can encourage the development of soul-ties as a way to control members. Some pastors wont permit their members even to visit another meeting in town. They teach loyalty and faithfulness to their ministry rather than to Christ. I have ministered to the victims of such churches and pastors in the U.S. and in Mexico. These pastors can do terrible damage, even causing divorces and alienation among families and friends. Remember that such control is witchcraft. There is little difference between a legalistic, controlling church and a cult. Both promote control, guilt, fear, confusion and deception. Read Galatians 1:6-9, which starts: I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel. Paul used one of the strongest rebukes in any of his many writings for such a church.


A few other ministry examples: Sicknesses are sometimes passed down through generations and are resistant to healing. Where there has been a dominating parental relation, by cutting the soul-ties, the person is then free to be delivered and healed. A 26-year old man came forward for ministry at the end of a service at a small mission church in the mountains of Mexico. He had just finished a 6-month term in prison for raping a woman, but he insisted that it was consensual sex. He had learned that the same thing happened to three other men. He was the fourth man she had accused of rape, and in each case the man was sent to prison. (I assume she felt tremendous hatred toward men, possibly because of past abuse in her life.) He felt much guilt and heaviness and was unable to resume his normal life. Not until we broke the ungodly soul-ties were we able to bring him deliverance and freedom. A young woman who was a college student had led a pure life but 6 months before she had started having unclean dreams which caused her much torment and guilt. There didnt seem to be any bad root, however she said at that time she had allowed a young man to hypnotize her. Apparently the unclean spirit in him had transferred into her during the time she allowed her spirit to be open to his hypnotism. I had her repent for her involvement in this practice and broke the ungodly soul-ties between her and the young man. She became free!. In the past when people have entered into vows, for instance, as initiation into the Masonic Lodge, or have made blood pacts to become part of a gang or a coven or even between friends, these need to be renounced and broken, together with breaking all soul-ties. I think that some tattoos may involve vows and definitely smack of a blood pact, and I lead people to renounce and break any spiritual connections. I dont condemn tattoos and put guilt on those who have them, but encourage people to use them as a part of their testimony. A Time of Reflection

Now, take some time to look into your own heart. Sit quietly before the Lord and ask, Holy Spirit, reveal any soul-ties that have kept my soul spiritually, emotionally, or physically bound." Ungodly sexual relationships (a) fornication; adultery; homosexuality; pornography and masturbation (b) victimization by sexual abuse in the past: rape, incest, pedophilia, unwanted touching, unwilling exposure to pornography, etc. Spousecontrol, domination, manipulation Parents Controlling your grown children. Repent and release them (c) (d) Friends, gangs, lodgesany blood pacts, vows Church or cultforgive, cut soul ties with the leader, and renounce the false spirit over the

49 church Older or younger brother or sister Employer or employee Fantasy sexual relationships, fantasy vengeance Lord, I renounce and break every ungodly soul-tie. I repent for my sexual sins of the past and for hurting others by those sins. I cut and break every ungodly soul-tie connected to those sins. Lord, terrible sins scarred my life. I have lived with fear, confusion, guilt and shame, and it has even affected my relationship with my spouse. For your sake, Lord, I forgive persons for abusing me, and I repent for judging and hating them. I ask you to have mercy on them. Lord, in Your name, I cut and break every ungodly soul-tie connected to that experiencespiritually, emotionally, and physically! I say that experience will no longer control my life. I renounce spirits of fear, confusion, perversion, homosexuality, guilt and shame, and command them to leave me! I ask you, Holy Spirit, to come and heal my heart of the trauma of that experience, and to heal the brokenness inside of me. Lord, I repent for yielding my will to anyone but God. I withdraw my soul/personality/spirit from every person. Lord, my hearts desire is to be free of all soul-ties. I give up control over my grown children and anyone else. I repent and release them. I renounce all control over me except by the Lord Jesus Christ. Heal my heart of hurts and confusion that came into my life from soul-ties. Lord, I forgive those who hurt me, rejected me, abused me physically, sexually, verbally, and/or spoke destructive words toward me. I break the overshadowing, imaging and imprinting of my mothers personality (fathers, spouses, etc.) or someone who abused, rejected, sexually molested me, where they overshadowed me and took my will away. I take back my mind, will and emotions. I separate my mothers emotions from my emotions. I renounce my mothers personality and take back my personality as God created me to be before I became fragmented. I reject and renounce anger, death, shame, etc. Lord, as I rest quietly before You, please reveal to me anything hidden from my mind that You want to bring to the light and to heal. NOTE: Many times people say that they cannot remember anything from their first years, or that certain years or seasons of life are a complete blank. In many cases, this is because the experiences of those years were too much for the child to cope with, and they were stored away in the subconscious mind and forgotten. We should not forcibly pry into those areas in our own life or the lives of others. God, in His wisdom, will bring memories to the light that need to be healed when we are able to deal with them. Endnotes (1) E. James Wilder, The Red Dragon Cast Down, (5) Ibid., Page 120 Chosen Books, 1999 (6) Ibid., Pages 122, 163 (2) 1 Corinthians 6:16 (7) Dr. David Stoop, Forgiving our Parents, (3) 1 Corinthians 6:18 Forgiving Ourselves, P. 177 (4) Peter Horrobin, Healing Through Deliverance, Part 2

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