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Let Us Go Up

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Some of the key takeaways are that God wants believers to exercise power and authority over the earth, live an ascended life with Christ, and go to higher levels. It also encourages burying the old man and being baptized.

The message is encouraging believers to live an 'ascended life' where they are above the problems of the world through being in Christ. It discusses living holy and above sins like lust, greed, hatred etc. It also talks about confessing who you are in Christ each day.

Some of the feasts mentioned are Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Pentecost represents the harvest and first fruits, and a time when the heavens are open for new revelation and anointing. The feasts generally represent deliverance and enlargement for God's people.


By Apostle John Eckhardt

In order to ascend you must go up. God is calling you to another level. Jesus was crucified. Your
old man was crucified. Jesus was buried. Your old man was buried. Jesus arose. You arose with
Christ. Jesus ascended. You ascended with Christ. Jesus wants his church to exercise his power,
domination and authority over the earth now. If you’re letting that old man tell you what to do
you need to be water baptized. Bury that old man and let us go up.

Well, I have something powerful to share. I have learned that if something is not anointed, you
cannot be fooled. Crusaders are experienced saints. They all know the anointing. I had a
preacher who came one time and I gave them the master because no one wanted to buy the
CD. The message was not anointed.

Ephesians 1:20 Which you are in Christ which he raised from the dead, and sat them at his
own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and powers in every name in
every name. You are living an ascended life in Christ Jesus. Let’s Go Up!

What I am going to share with you today and the next several weeks on Sunday is a series of
messages you must hear. I flew home Friday for my anniversary. This came to me while I was in
the Bronx with Apostle John Tetsola. I had a chance to meet with others apostles who I
occasionally meet with when I travel around the world. This is the message I preached at the
conference that Thursday's night. I preached this message and Kelly Varner was sitting in the
front row. He said you preached everything in my book and it is a brand new book. He handled
me the book and it was entitled “Secrets of the Ascended Life.” He said while you were
preaching you were all over my book.

It was amazing what was in the book. A lot of what I said that night was in the book. When I
read this book, the Lord gave me the other side of this message I did not see. The Lord gave me
a revelation that I never saw. I read almost the entire book while flying home from New York. I
took my time and read it very carefully. I move very quickly as I read. I underline words. I saw
things in this book I had never seen before. I am releasing a book today with a chapter on
praying for Revelation.

Pentecost a Memorial Feast

1. 2nd feast ordinance for Israel

2. Represents first fruits
3. Represents harvest
4. Heavens being open
5. New Anointing

6. New Revelations
7. 50 days Israel left Egypt
8. God called Moses to Mount Sian
9. Moses given the laws

Pentecost is the second feast God ordain for Israel after Passover. Pentecost represents first
fruits. It also represents harvest and praying for the first fruit. It is a feast that represents the
heavens being open. It’s a feast where new anointing and new revelation comes upon your life.
The feast of Pentecost was a memorial feast. It was 50 day after Israel came out of Egypt after
Passover. It was a memorial feast after Moses came down from Mt. Sian. God called Moses
unto the mountain and begin to give him his Laws. He called Moses to give him his heart and
revelations. The Jews celebrated Pentecost as a first fruits feast for the harvest. It was a
memorial feast for Moses receiving the law on Mount Sinai.

It is a picture of the heavens being open and God calling you up to a higher place. God is calling
you to show you things. He is showing you things you have never seen before. During the
Pentecost season I encourage you to really open up your heart. Open up your hearts and allow
God to give you more revelation. God told them to keep the feasts. We don’t keep them
legalistic. We keep them in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the fulfillment of every feast. For God is the
Passover. God is the Pentecost and He is the tabernacle. It is all in Jesus.

 God is the Passover

 God is the Pentecost
 God is the Tabernacle

Feast Types of Pictures of Deliverances and Enlargements

God told Israel if you will keep these feasts, I will cast out the nations before you and enlarge
your borders. The feasts are not just times to come together. The feasts are types and pictures
of deliverance and enlargements.

1. Every year God has his people go through a cycle.

2. Every year you spiritual need to go through a cycle of deliverance and enlargement.
3. Every year you need to experience more deliverance in your life.

Vice Demons vs. Assignment Demons

I am not talking about the demons you got delivered from when you first got saved. Most of us
got deliverance from vice demons, smoking crack, coke, drinking Old Fritz Gerald, or what ever
else you were drinking. It might have been Old Foresters or Old Taylor. It might have been
smoking. Those are the demons you tend to attack when you first got delivered. These are the
demons you were delivered from (10) ten or (15) fifteen years ago. If you say you are delivered
and you are still smoking crack then I question your salvation.

 I am talking about a deliverance that will set you free.
 I am not talking about drugs and alcohol.
 I am talking about a deliverance that will set you free from fear, rejection, people,
limitation, bondage, blockages and obstructions.
 I am not talking about demons that have you living in sin.
 I am talking about devils that are assigned to you. There are devils assigned to your life
that say you are not advancing to the next level.

Deliverance Cycles Enlarges Your Borders

 From Glory to Glory

 Faith to Faith
 Strength to Strength
 More Revelation

When God cast out the nations before you, he enlarges your borders. Ever time you go through
the cycle of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles you get free. Each year you are freed more.
You get more enlarge and go from glory to glory. You go from faith to faith and from strength to
strength. You get more revelation. I am seeing things in the Word of God that I have never seen
before. It is more exciting then ever before. I have been serving God now for 28 years of
salvation. This is my 27th year of preaching the Gospel.

God Is Releasing New Revelation

The bible is not a boring book to me. In the Word of God there are things we have never seen
before. God is opening up our eyes to show us things. When you get this new revelation new
excitement comes into your heart. Not just because you learned something new.

1. God is giving you new insights.

2. God is unveiling his mysteries to you.
3. When you get something new from God he does something new in your life. A new zeal
comes in your heart.
4. When God does something new in your life it’s a new zeal. It is a new zeal.
5. When He does something it’s a new fire.
6. It’s a new passion.
7. It’s a new excitement.

Which means you should never become a tired, bored saint. You should never faint. There is
nothing worse than a tired, bored preacher. That tired preacher who prays like this, “Lets see.
Pray for me. Turn to Joel, chapter 2. Pray for me, I am a little tired. I am tired like Jeremiah.”

As a believer there shall be a fire in your life. His Words shall be like fire shut up in your bones,
not some song “Fire, shut up in your bones. Like Jeremiah”. No. It should be real. I feel a fire.
This is what I am going to share with you. Isaiah chapter 2.

Isaiah 2:1-4. Let’s read it together. The word that Isaiah the son of Amos saw considering
Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days. The mountain of the Lord
house shall be exhorted in the top of the mountain. And shall be lifted up above the hill and
all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall come ye and let us go up in the mountain
to of the God of Jacob and he shall teach us his ways and he may walk in his path. For out of
Zion shall go the law and the word of God from Jerusalem. And he shall judge us amongst the
nations. And they decide disputes for so many people. And shall beat the swords into the
plowshares and take hooks and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up
swords against nation. Neither shall they love war anymore.

Now let me (1) help you understand these verses. (2) Many people put these verses into the
future commonly know as the millennium. They say this will not take place until Jesus comes
again. They say he has to sets up his throne in Jerusalem. He has to sit as King of the earth. And
finally brings peace over the earth.

Notice in verse 2. It shall come to pass in the last days. This verse talks about the last days. It
talked about the days we are living in now. You must be very careful not to put all the prophets’
promises sayings in the future. Most bible prophecy teachers put all of these verses in the

 They don’t have an understanding of the kingdom

 They don’t understand the meaning of last days
 They put these verses into the future.

I do believe in a literal second coming of Jesus back from heaven to the earth. I believe:

1. Jesus is ruling and reigning now through his church.

2. He is reigning and ruling from his Father throne David in heaven today.
3. He sent back the Holy Spirit to the earth.

Acts 2:3. When the spirit of the Lord came, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like
as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. The prophet told them this was the fulfillment
concerning the last days. The Holy Spirit came. The people were confused about the Holy Spirit.
This is the fulfillment of the last days. The apostles told them it was a fulfillment of Joel
prophesy’s. They said Jesus has ascended into heaven. He has been raised and taken a seat at
the right hand of his Father. He has shed for this which you have now seen and heard.

When you see and hear someone speaking in tongues or someone gets baptized in the Holy
Spirit; this is proof and a fact that Jesus is no longer in the grave. These are fulfillments.

1. When He rose again on the 3rd day.

2. When He ascended to heaven.
3. When He sat down on the right hand on the throne of His Father David.

Jesus Is Lord Now

Other words he took his place as ruler. He took his palace on the throne. Jesus is Lord now.

 You need to understand that Jesus is ruling now.

 You need to understand that Jesus is the Head of a Body.

Christ the Anointed One

When you look at the term Christ which means the Anointed One, it is not referring to an

1. It is referring to a corporate expression of Christ.

2. We are the body of Christ.
3. The church is the corporate expression of Christ in the earth.
4. You can not separate the head from the body.
5. When Paul was persecuting the Church, Jesus said why are you persecuting me?
6. When you persecute the church you are persecuting Jesus.

This is referring to the corporation of Jesus. You can not separate the body and the head from
each other. We are the corporate expression of Jesus. We are the fulfillment of Christ. We are
the manifestation of Jesus on the earth. Jesus rules and reign on the earth through us. He reigns
through the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants his church to exercise his dominion, power and authority
over the earth.

Corporation of Jesus

 Jesus is the Head of the Church

1. He rules now.
2. He is Lord now.
3. He sat on the throne now.

 The Church is the Body

1. Corporation expression of Christ on Earth

2. Church is the fulfillment of Christ
3. Jesus reigns through the Holy Spirit

 We are the Body

1. The Holy Spirits reigns in you.

2. Jesus manifests through the Holy Spirit in you.
3. You ascended with Christ

4. You sat on the throne with Christ
5. You are the fulfillment of Christ.
6. You exercise God's dominion, power and authority.

This prophecy talks about a day when God would exhort his house. Now this is where the bible
prophesies teachers really vex my spirit. There are so many people looking for a re-build temple
in Jerusalem. They say the Jews are going to rebuild the temple. Then we have all these
teachings about the anti-Christ coming into the temple. They say he will come in the middle of
the tribulations period.

I had many discussions with some of you about this. I have done a teaching on the 70 weeks of
Daniel where it talks about the Prince. Jesus comes to establish a covenant. Many people apply
that to the anti-Christ. This is really a prophetic word that is applicable to Jesus. I don’t have
time to go into Daniel 70 weeks that were fulfilled. It was fulfilled during the last week of Jesus
life on earth. He was on the earth 3 and one half years. Three (3) and one (1) half years after he
left he came and did something to the Jewish people. Many of the people are looking for a
rebuild natural temple.

God Does Not Live in Man-made Temples

I don’t care how many temples they build. The bible says God does not live in temples made
with hands. This is why Steven was stoned to death. They said he made accusations about the
temple. Steven was stone because he made a reference to the temple. He said every stone of
this temple is coming down. We are the Temple of God. We are the House of God. God is not
looking for a rebuilt temple of bricks and mortar. We are the Temple of God. It does not matter
what nation you are in when God people come together. We become the House of God. God
does not build his house with dead stones. He built it with living stones. You need to
understand this. You need to get this revelation.

 We are the Temple of God

 We are the House of God
 God Use Living Stones
 God’s House Not Complete Without You
 God’s House a Place of Promise
 God’s House is Elevated
 God’s House a Place of Promise
 God’s House Established Top of Mountain
 God’s House Can’t Be Hid

If you are a living stone, God uses you to build his house. God's House can’t be completed
properly without you. The House of the Lord will be established on the top of the mountain.
This means God’s house has been elevated to a place of promise. When something is at the top
of the mountain it can not be hidden.

Many people shall say, “Come and let us go up.” God is raising a house you can not get to
unless you go up. The house that Solomon built was on a high place. There are fifteen (15)
Psalms in the Bible. They are called songs of degree or songs of ascend. Pilgrims going to
Jerusalem would sing these fifteen (15) songs. They sung them when they were ascending up to
the House of the Lord. When Solomon built the temple, Queen of Sheba came and saw his
wisdom. She saw the order of his house and the apparel of his attendants. When she saw him
ascend there was no more spirit in her.

When Solomon built the temple he built it so you would have to go up a level of stairs. You had
to go up stairs to ascend. This lets us know in order to get to the house of the Lord you must go
up. You have to ascend to get to the house of the Lord. You have to go to a higher place. What
God is saying prophetically is that I am going to elevate My House. I am going to elevate my
house in such a way that when the nations see it they will want to come up. The house is not a
physical building. You are the house. This means if God is going to rise up his house, he has got
to rise you up. You have got to be raised. Many people will say come lets us go to the house of
the Lord; to the House of Jacob and he will teach us his ways. For out of Zion shall go forth the
Law and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

The Nations Will Come to Zion

Notice this. It means it is coming a day when the nations will come. Let me give you this
example. It will give you a better understanding. When you had problems and you were
confused, sick and broke you came to the House of the Lord. When you were messed up and
you were poor, you came to the house to get answers.

When you came to the Lord’s house you got answers, remember? Now, if God can solve your
individual problems because you came to his house, he can solve the world problems.

1. It did not get solved because you came into a building.

2. You got saved because you heard the Word of God.
3. God was able to teach you something because of his apostles and prophets.
4. His other (5) five fold ministries gifts were able to teach you something.
5. Your life changed because you begin to get healed.
6. Your life changed and you begin to prosper.
7. You begin to get delivered.
8. If you as an individual can be changed then a nation can be changed.
9. If the leaders of a nation ascend unto Zion and hear the word of the Lord, change will
10. God can give them the solutions or the problems of that nation.

I believe it will be like this. The world will have more crises. The nations will be caught up in
confusion. The politics will become more corrupt. Their economy will become confused.
Poverty, crime, sickness and diseases will be on the increase. The society will continue to be
messed up. They will become sick, confused and won't know what to do. In the midst of all of

this, God is raising up His church. He is taking it to the top of the mountain. He wants the nation
to see, this is my house. He says if you will go up to it, I will give you My Laws. I will give you My
Word. He says I will give you a solution to your problems.

Now I want to talk about the part you must play to bring the House of the Lord to a higher
place. The word I want you to hear is ascend. A S C E N D, the word ascends means to go up.
Ascend means to climb up.

Another word you need to get in your spirit is ascended. The bible tells us, that Jesus ascended
up on high. He led captives capture and he gave gifts unto men. He first descended into the
lower part of the earth, so that he might fulfill all things. Jesus was crucified. Jesus was buried.
Jesus died. Jesus was raised again. He ascended to Heaven and Jesus sat down.


Now, you must have a revelation of what it means to be in Christ. What I am finding out people
there is no victory outside of Jesus. I don’t care how much you pray, fight what ever. It is all in
Jesus. You must have a revelation of who you are in Christ. I have taught this before but let me
say it again.

 When Christ was crucified you were crucified wit him.

 Your old man was nail to the cross.
 Your old man has no right to dictate your life today.
 If you are you are letting a crucified man tell you what to do, you need to be baptized.
No only were you crucified in Christ you died in Christ.
 You were buried in Christ.
 That is why you must be watered baptized.
 When you get water baptized you are baring the old man.

Galatians 3:27 for many of you as were baptized into Christ has put on Christ. Figuratively
speaking, you are saying the old me that used to cheat and be depressed is dead. The old me
that was anger and hateful, that person is dead and buried. Your old man has no right to try to
come back into your life and tell you what to do. When the old man comes and tries to tell you
what you should do, you tell him that you have been crucified with Christ. You tell him that you
have been buried and crucified and he has no right to try to control my life.

You were crucified in Christ. You were buried in Christ. You are burying the old man. That
person has died and been buried. The old man will try to tempt you to do things you used to do.
You tell that old man it has no right to in your life. 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Therefore if any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are new.

This is a fact that happens over 2000 years ago before you were born. This is something you
don't do. This is something Jesus did. There is a difference. This is something you have legally in

Christ and what you have spiritual in Christ. You can have something legally in the spiritual
realm. You can have something and you are not experiencing it.

 How many know that you are healed by his strips 2000 years ago?
 How many know that this is already done?

But there are still many believers that are struggling with sickness. Why? You must by faith
appropriate what Jesus did. The devil will still try to put curses on your life.

1. Unless you rise up in the name of Jesus and say devil I break this curse.
2. Unless you say devil you have no legal right to put a generation curse on my life.

My curse was taken by Jesus. You can have something legally yours. The devil has no legal right
to take something of yours. He has no legal right to put sickness on your body unless you sin. By
his strips you are healed. There is a difference between experiencing what Jesus did and having
it legally. Legally you can have a million dollars that somebody left you. But unless you go get it
and claim it you will never experience it. You have to go get it and claim it. You must
understand this revelation. What I want to show you is:

1. Jesus was crucified.

2. Your old man was crucified
3. Jesus was buried.
4. Your old man was buried.
5. Jesus was raised up again.
6. You were raised up with him.
7. Jesus ascended.
8. You ascended with him.

Ephesians chapter 2:5-6. And hath raised us up together and has made us sat together in high
places. Jesus ascended. We are like Michael Pitts. It might take me a little while but we are
going somewhere. I don’t like to listen to preachers who don’t know where they are going.

Ephesians 2:4-6. 4. For God who is rich in mercy has great love. He loved us even when we
were dead in sin. 5. Even when we were death in sin, hath quickly us together with Christ. Say
he has quickened up with Christ. Look at verse 6. He has raised us together. 6. And has raised
us up together and has made us sat together in high places in Christ Jesus.

I have been quickening with Christ. When Jesus was raised you were raised. When Jesus
ascended, you ascended. Look at Ephesians Chapter 1:20. Paul is praying for the Ephesian
church. Which you are in Christ which he raised from the dead, and sat them at his own right
hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and powers in every name in every
name. Is cancer a name? Is diabetics a name? Is poverty a name?


Listen very carefully. You must get this revelation and you must experience it. You can live in a
nation where there are principalities and powers. You can live where demons are controlling
that nation. Even though you physically live under it, you do not have to live under its control.
You have ascended above it. I don’t care what is controlling that nation. Physical you are on the
earth but spiritually you are in heaven. When you get a revelation of the ascended life of Jesus
spiritually you are seated in heaven. You are sating spiritual in heavenly places.

I believe we have taught that before with authority. You have authority over demons. I want
you to see something here. The Lord is showing me the life of Jesus is the Ascended Life. When
you get connected to Jesus you live the ascended life while you are on earth. Your lifestyle is
above everything this world has to offer. Your lifestyle is above sin. Your lifestyle is above
rebellion. It is above It is above pride. It is above lust. I am telling you people of God you must
get a revelation of this. Many believers know this in their mind. But they don’t experience the
ascended life. They know that Jesus ascended. They don’t put this into practice in their lifestyle
as a result they don’t live in that high place.

Remember the nations are coming when they see us at the top of the mountain. The reason the
nations have not been coming as we would want them to come is because we have not been
living an ascended life. We have not been living the ascended life. They see the way we act.
They see the way we live. They see the way we act and talk. It is nothing they desire. You are
living the same level they are living on.

God is saying he wants us to ascend with Him. He wants us in Christ to ascend with him. We
have heard this over and over again. That they are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly
good. Don’t let folks bring you down to their carnality. They are not spiritual and they don’t
think on heavenly things. They won’t to pull you down and have you think something is wrong
with you. They do not live an ascended lifestyle. They think you are a weirdo or some crack pot.
No. You live in a higher place brother. They have not been coming because they see your life
style. I am in Christ. I am not living my life by the testaments and the elements of this world.
Don’t let them bring you down because they are not living an ascended life style. I am in Christ.
I live in a higher level of Christ.

What attracts the nation is when they see us living at the top of the mountain. It says let us go
up. What attracts people when they see you living at the top of the mountain? What attracts
people when they see you living an ascended life? When they see you living about poverty what
attracts them? You live above sickness. When they see you, you are living above lust. Let me
say that again. You live above lust. You live above pride. You live above fornication. You live
above adultery. You live above lying. You live above stealing. You live above gossip. You live
back biting and strife. You live above all these things. You live above doubt and you live above
fear. You don’t allow this world to bring you down. You live in Christ. You have ascended and
have sat down with Christ. You don’t allow the world to make you live on its level. It is not some
doctrine. It affects the way you live.

One thing that burns me up is people that have theology and no experience. This is no theology
doctrine. “Yea brother I believe in the death and resurrection and the ascendance of Jesus
Christ. It is a part of our doctrine statement”. If you lifestyle is not one of death and ascendance
then all you have is a doctrine with ceremonious stuff printed on a piece of paper. All you have
is a doctrine of something you printed on a page. You have stuck it on the door of your church
and say this is what you believe. If it doesn’t affect your life, it is something printed on a page.

We all believe that Jesus rose. We don’t just live like it. The Amen is going to stop coming out.
We all believed that he died. We just don’t live like it. We believe he arose. We don’t live like it.
He sat down on the right hand of God. We just don’t live like it. There lifestyle is crucified. All
churches believed that.

Their lifestyle had no burial. Their lifestyle had no sating down in heaven. Their lifestyle has no
death. Their lifestyle has no resurrection. Their lifestyle have no ascended. They are living their
lifestyle just like everyone else. We believe it. We just don’t live it. They live their uncruified
lifestyle very much alive.

1. They are alive to anger.

2. They are alive to fear.
3. They are alive to hatred.
4. They are alive to bite butting.
5. They are alive to slander.

They do not live a resurrection ascended life. It is something that they confess. It is something
they believe. It really does not affect the way they live. That is the reason the church is being
held down because we have not lived what we preach and believe.

Romans 6:4-6, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ
was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in
newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be
also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him,
that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin."

When we begin to live it is when the nations will come up. They are going to see where you are.

 They are going to see you live in the top of the mountain.
 They will see you don’t live in the gutter.
 They will see you don’t live in the valley.
 They will see you don’t live in the low place.
 They will see you walk in love.
 They will see your walk in the spirit.
 They will see you walk in wisdom.
 They will see you walk in an understanding.

Your family should be in order. Your children should be in order. Your marriage is an order. You
are not sick. You walk in a higher order. You live above the other mess.

They will say come let us go up. Let us go up. We have to come up higher. They come into a
place where the worship is higher. It is higher worship. We have ascended worship. Amen.
When they come into the church they see our love. They see the way we live. There see the
way we walk. It is not on the world's level. They see the way we worship. There is something
different about these people. They pray different and they talk different. They sing different.
They worship different. They are on a different level. Let us go up.

Which means the House of the Lord can not come up unless you come up. A lot of people are
holding the church down. When you refuse to live in the power of the ascending life of Jesus,
you hold the church back. You are holding the church back.

I don’t live under Leviathan control. I don’t walk in pride. I walk in humility. I don’t live under
Jezebel control. I don’t walk in witchcraft. I walk in the obedience to the word of God. I live
above principalities powers and dominions. I m Are you living your lifestyle like you have
ascended? I live above this. I may live in a messed up city or I may live in a messed up country.
Amen. I am ascended with Christ. I am above all the poverty, the sickness and the lack. I am
above the hatred, the jealous, the bitterness and the lust. I don’t live that low life style. I live
above that stuff. That stuff doesn’t even bother me. I am above it. Do you want to live an
ascended life?

When people come into our midst and see our lifestyle has ascended, something in them says
how can I come up? Something in them will say how can I live this lifestyle? The only answer is
through Jesus. You can not be apart from Jesus in the ascended life. If you are not saved you
can’t live an ascended live. If you are not in Christ you can not live this lifestyle. The first thing
people want is Jesus. You can not go up without Jesus. Jesus was crucified. He was buried and
he died. You can not get into the realm of living of prosperity and blessing. You have to tell
them about Jesus. He rose again and he ascended. You can’t ascend without Jesus. You must
get in Jesus. It is not us it is all about Jesus. Turn to someone and say it is all about Jesus.

I am learning people it is all about Jesus. You can not ascend on your own. You can not even get
4feet off the ground without gravity pulling you back down. It was supernatural when Jesus
ascended unto the father. Jesus was caught up by the power of God. You can not ascend
without God's power. You can not do unless you are in Jesus power. Amen. As long as you are
outside of Jesus you will remain on the level of the world. Amen. You will be bound by lust. You
will be bound by lust, depression and sickness. Listen some of you need to ascend over
depression. Amen. You let depression always hold you down. If you are apart from Jesus you
will always be bound. Amen. You need to get above depression. And you need to get above
fear. You need to get above failure. Get above those family curses in your bloodlines.

You need to ascend above that junk and say I am not going to live in that mess anymore I have
ascended with Christ. Devil I refuse to let you hold me down. Tell the devil you refuse to live like

that. I don’t care what you life looks like now. This is by faith. I don’t care what is going on
around you. You need to get up every morning and say, “In Christ I have ascended”. I don’t care
if it looks like you are 10 feet below. I don’t care if it looks like you are 6 feet under. When you
get up by faith say, In Christ I have ascended. I am above my trials. I am above my tests. I am
above this mess that the devil is trying to bring down in my life. I have ascended with Christ.
Confess it until it becomes a reality. Amen. I don’t care if you fall down 10 times get back up. I
am above this mess and I am above this. And confess it until you ascend. The bible says I have
been raised up with Jesus. You need to think God right now. You have ascended with Jesus.
Some of you are not getting it.

Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who
raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who
dwells in you.”

Somebody shout halleluiah. I need you to sit down for a moment people.

Physically I walk the earth. Physically my feet get dirty. Physically I get tired. But spiritual I am
above all this mess, all of this garbage. I have ascended with Christ. This is not theology this is
reality. When the nations see us walking and living an ascended life that is when they will come.
The nations will come and say let us go up. They will say I want to learn what you know. They
want to know about this type of lifestyle. They will say, "I want them to teach me their law.'
They will say I want to know how to live like this.

Most people in the world don’t want to live the way they living. Most people don't want to live
the way they are. Most people don't want poverty. I have the demon of poverty. How many
hate this demon? I hate it. Most people don’t want to be sick. Most people do not want to be
discouraged. Most people don't want to live under a principality that beats them down. They
have no way of getting from beneath it. If they don’t know Jesus they can't ascend.

1. Whey they see us living above it.

2. When they see us living an ascended life system they will want it.
3. They will say," I want to follow what you follow.
4. I want to know what you know. “
5. They will want to live above it.
6. That is when they will want to be taught what we are taught.
7. This is when you preach Jesus.
8. This is when you tell them about Jesus. You tell them it is no about me, it’s about Christ.

It’s all above Christ. I am in Christ. The world needs to hear about the Jesus. Not some religious
Jesus. They need to hear about Jesus. The one, who heals, saves, raises up, exhorts, promotes
and set free. That is the Jesus they need to hear about.

I ascend with Christ. I sat down with Christ in heavenly places. With Christ I will live an ascended
lifestyle. I will not allow any principalities, any power, and any ruler to hold me down. By faith I

am in Christ. I have ascended with Christ. I am far above all principality, all power, all might all
dominion. That is my position In Jesus Christ. I will live the ascended life. The House of the Lord
is rising up and going higher. We are going higher and higher into the mountain. I will live an
ascended. That is my position in Christ. That is my position. The House of the Lord is raising and
going higher. We are the House and all nations shall say. “Let us go up to the top of the
mountain.” Let us go higher into the top of the mountain. Corinthians 3:18, we are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory.

If you are a religious person who just wants to belong to a church and you don't want to live an
ascended life you need to leave that church. You need to get out because you are holding the
church down. If you want to walk in strife, unforgiveness, lust, fortification and adultery you
need to leave. If you don’t want to live above this mess of this world go. If you just want to be a
carnal Christian just go. Please do the church a favor by leaving so that church can go up.

I am tired of low level Christians. They don’t know how to walk in love. If you live the ascend life
you are above this. When you live the ascended life you live a love life. You are above all the
petty mess. You refuse to let them pull you into their mess. You are above that. You are above
gossip and strife. You’re above fighting. You are above stress. You are above that low level. You
know that love is the higher life. Living the ascended life you don't care what people say and try
to do to you. When you live the ascending life you are above that. You can still love and bless
them. This shows you are above that lifestyle.

You can’t live that life unless you are in Christ Jesus. When you get in Christ you are about what
people say about you. You don’t let it discredit you. You do not let it discourage you. You don’t
let it get you all bitter and bound up. You live above this mess. There is nothing you can do to
me, which will make me bitter and show hatred toward you. I live above it.

Confession of an Ascend Life

I want you to confess it until it becomes a reality in your life.

In Christ I have ascended. I live above the lust of the world. I live above the hatred, the
bitterness and the jealous of this world. I live above the greed, the selfishness and poverty. I
live above the sickness and the death of the world. I have ascended with Christ.

The ascended lifestyle is a holy lifestyle. It is a love lifestyle. You live holy. You can get
deliverance from the lie you can’t live holy. Get delivered from the lie you might fornicate now
and then. Especially females who listen to women or men that tell them will never get a
husband if you don’t sleep with them. What kind of life style is that? If he says that, he is not
good enough for you to marry. You don’t want marry anyone like him.

Some women let people tell you that. If you don’t have a mate you have to compromise
sometimes to get one. This is not true. What kind of carnal hypocritical saint would tell some
one that? The devil is a liar. You do not have to compromise your life. You are above this. What

kind of lame saint would tell another saint this? I didn’t kiss my wife until the day we go
married. I didn’t have my hands all over her. And I didn’t rub her down with oil. You have to live
about that junk.

The world says that homosexuality is okay. No it is not. You have to live above that lie. The
world says that fornication is okay. No it is not. Some say, “Brother how can you not live with
out it?” You live about the lust of this world. The world is always trying to pull us down to their
level. We are going higher. It is Christ in you. It is Jesus in you. There are two whole pages of
confessions of who you are in Christ. You need to confess who you are each day. This is your
day for your miracle. This is the day for your life to change. This is a day for your life to be
forgiven. This is a day for you to get in Christ. This is a day to ascend. Let us go up.


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