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Conceptualization of Dark Triad Traits of Juvenile Delinquents2

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Pakistan Journal of Criminology

Vol.13, Issue 01, January 2021 & Vol.13, Issue02, April 2021(29-47)

Conceptualization of Dark Triad Traits of Juvenile Delinquents

Kiran Akbar Khan1, Fizza Noor2 & Rabia Noor3
The contemporary study intended to examine the relation between Dark
Triad traits and delinquent behaviour in juveniles. A Qualitative Methodology was
chosen in order to undertake a more in-depth analysis, for which two juvenile
delinquents were interviewed. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis was used for
the analysis of the interviews (Smith, 2008). The results indicated that Dark Triad
traits (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy) having an impact on the youth
for showing delinquent behaviour. The analysis showed that certain factors like
antisocial tendencies, lack of remorse, conflicted familial relationships, mistrust
towards outer world, manipulative behaviour are seen in the juvenile delinquents.
The implications of the study help us to understand in terms of how youth develop
the traits that leads them to criminal conduct.

Keywords: Dark Triad Traits (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy),

Juvenile Delinquents and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

The dark personality attribute have acquired most pragmatic consideration
during the past years are the Dark Triad, which specifically is an assortment of
disposition traits that consisted of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
(Paulhus et al., 2002). The traits have been connected to the relations with others
and at community level due to the disagreeable acts (LeBreton et al., 2006). Values
are stimulating in nature and they are helpful in conceptualizing the causes and
ramification of Dark Triad (Roshan, 2000; Maslow, 1954). Values are responsible
to give information about the traits that what are driving them. Recent researches
showed that the dark traits are linked with ambitious, offensive, self-indulgent
values (Birkas., 2015) and also the compromises of ethical principles. The current
chapter defines the description, and impression of the three personality dark traits,
narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. It likewise comprises study’s
background, and previous researches. Rationale and objectives of the current study
is also explained at the end of the chapter.

The author is a lecturer at Government Coleslaw University Lahore. Also a clinical psychologist at
Pukaar Community. She can be reached at
The author did her MS in Clinical Psychology from GCU Lahore. She can be reached
The author is a Clinical Psychologist and did her MS in Clinical Psychology from GCU Lahore. She
can be reached at
30 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

1.1 Machiavellianism
A Machiavellian is a manipulative person who is lacking of conventional
moral values, distrust in others and self-seeker (Christie &Geis, 1970). The
Machiavellianism is varied from other traits in the sense that it is not named based
on the clinical or personality disorder specifically (Furnham et al., 2013).
Machiavellianism was titled after Nicoolo Machiavelli, who stood the well-known
conciliatory oldest official in Florentine Republic who was the writer of book
Principle II which was about the ways that how one can be an effective leader no
matter what the circumstances are and at what cost. A person having Machiavellian
trait should be well-regulated and methodical leader who is proficient to manage his
possessions and advantages despite of what the situation is, so, this kind of ruler
needs to be empirical, diplomatic, calculated and planned but also shrewd,
contemptuous and wicked (Jones & Paulhus, 2008). The framework of
Machiavellianism is ambiguous up to some extent and the following features are
usually secerned: pessimistic view of the world, diplomatic strategies, lack of
morality, and apathy, impulses like controlling his/her actions, destiny, actions etc
and amplification of the person (Fehr et al., 1992). Gu et al., (2017) recommended
that merely wish for empowerment can be expressively varied since worldwide
Machiavellianism. Rauthmann and Will (2011) merged the current information and
anticipated a multilateral hypothetical conceptualization. People with this trait
showed the self-absorption, agentic manipulations and self-restraint.
The thinking patterns of the people having this trait viewed world in a
negative way as doubtful view and other people are suspicious. A Machiavellian
may showed low level of regret or guilt and they showed consistent patterns of
emotional disconnectedness. The major fragment is Machiavellian performance,
which possibly will be distinguished as follows: offensive propensities,
multidimensional strategies, self-favorable and aggressive conduct,
disconnectedness, taking advantage from others and manipulation of others.
Falsification is unique fundamental component of a cunning character, and can be
additional examined into further certain actions, such as strategic manipulation,
pliable version, dishonest and dishonesty, protection (motive, state-run or
personality-related), besides precise Machiavellian tactics like expressive
manipulation, ingratiation, persuading, entreaty, bullying, power and authority, or
self-reveal. Diverse Machiavellianism conceptualization highlighted the framework
of Machiavellianism remains composite but then again it notifies that its difficulty
is on a same certain classified degree that could be inflexible to distinguish
(Rauthmann & Will, 2011).
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 31

1.2 Narcissism
The first part of the Dark Triad is narcissism that includes the amplified
feelings of magniloquence or grandiosity, self-obsession, egocentrism, and
entitlement (Morf et al., 2001). The word Narcissism comes from the Greek
knowledge, the personality of Narcissus, who drenched after falling in love with his
own impression in a pond of water. Narcissism tends to obstruct with different form
of interpersonal system because others primarily become fatigued of the self-
centered, victimized and grandiose impulses of the narcissists (Dawood at el.,
Narcissism was primarily hypothesized as one-dimensional idea but the
current proposals postulates that it is a multidimensional (Raskin& Hall, 1979).
Two different models of Narcissism exist that are: a three dimensional prototypical
recommended by Ackerman et al. (2010) besides two-dimensional template
suggested by Back et al. (2013). Ackerman et al., (2010) prototypical undertakes
presence of adaptive (Headship/Expert–self-perceived headship capabilities) and
maladjusted (Magnificent Self display – egocentricity, narcissism and indecent
exposure of oneself; and Prerogative – authorized views and scheming actions)
traits of self-love (narcissism). Inside maladjusted narcissism, it is the
Power/Exploitiveness that is the mutually harmful surface, though Magnificent
Exhibitionism has equally adverse and certain affirmative sides (Ackerman et al.
2011). As this classic was developed on the basis of Narcissistic Personality
Inventory (NPI) was the major drawback, a survey form aimed by Raskin and Hall
(1979), which was intended to mirror the DSM-III(APA, 1980) diagnostic criteria
of narcissistic personality disorder. Besides, NPI is concentrated on the magnificent
and emphatic features of narcissism, although the hostile and aggressive
characteristics of self-admiration are understated. This reaction was overwhelmed
by Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Concept (NARC; Back et al., 2013) and
presented a novel hypothetical model of narcissism. According to the assumption of
NARC model, the essential objective of the narcissist is to uphold the impressive
self that can remain accomplished over two policies: self-reinforcing gratitude and
self-protection enmity. Modules of appreciation might be distributed keen on
struggling aimed at individuality (emotional-encouraging), fixation through
magnificent imaginations (cognitive) and amiable conduct (behavioural part),
whereas enmity may be distributed into struggling for sovereignty (affective-
motivational), depreciation of other individuals (thinking), besides hostile actions
(interactive feature). Though appreciation exemplifies openly optimistic style and
keenness indicates the publicly terrific tactic, equally keep on surely associated
(Back et al., 2013; Rogoza et al., 2016).
32 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

1.3 Psychopathy
Psychopathy states to impulsivity, apathy, cold-heartedness and inner
manipulation (Cleckley, 1976). People having psychopathic traits generally have no
concern related to other people, ethical principles and customs. They often
manipulate others in order to get benefit from them. They mostly don’t act to
reduce other people’s pain, seems like they don’t bother others suffering (Boyle et
al., 2012).
Initially, the term psychopathy was referred to a clinical disorder, but
nowadays recent studies considered as a character attribute (Hare, 1991; Levenson
et al., 1995). Neumann and Hare (2008) proposed the four proportions of
psychopathy: relational (apparent attraction, splendid self-confidence, unreasonable
dishonesty, and devious), emotional (Absence of repentance and compassion,
superficial emotional impact), rebellious behaviour (poor behavioural mechanism,
illegal adaptability, and young wrongdoing), and way of life (pursuing for
stimulation, impulsivity, and negligence). Even though, initially this
conceptualization was developed for clinical objectives, and it was successfully
made part of personality evaluation communal samples (Neal & Sellbom, 2012). It
was also authenticated in diverse cultural settings (Chegeni& Atari, 2016).
These attributes of psychopathy can be distinguished into two dynamics but
both are interconnected (Hare, 2003). First one is primary psychopathy which
consists of cold-heartedness (mercilessness) and manipulative traits, and other one
is secondary psychopathy that is linked with disruptive or belligerent behavioural
trends (Maran & Rauthman, 2017).
Basically narcissism and psychopathy are different from each other as
psychopathyis dysfunctional impulsivity because in it there is a presence of
continuous gambling culminating into monetary problem while narcissism is related
to functional impulsivity (Jones & Paulhus, 2011). Moreover, psychopaths harm
others in destructive way (Figueredo & Jones, 2013; Harms & Grijalva, 2014).
Baughman and colleagues (2012) studied that bullying behaviour is strongly
correlated to psychopathy in the Dark Triad elements. Therefore, psychopathy
appears as the gloomiest trait of the Dark Triad because it is the most seasick, and
somewhat dysfunctional (Maran, 2017).

1.4 Literature review

1.4.1 Machiavellianism and Juvenile Delinquency
Sejourn et al., (2009) conducted a study to examine the psychopathic,
narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic traits juvenile delinquent behaviours. The
participants were 615 high-school students who submitted self-report forms.
Psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic traits were moderately
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 33

correlated and overlapped but in different paradigms. Graded multiple regression

analyses were conducted to identify other socio-familial or psychopathological risk
factors. Psychopathic and sadistic traits were autonomous indicators of delinquent
behaviours in boys only. These findings highlight the importance and significance
of studying the role of sadistic traits in juvenile delinquency.
Moreover, Cheiffetz, (2017) conducted study to examine the influence of
the distinct factors ranging from psychopathy, domains of narcissism,
Machiavellianism to antisocial behaviours in undergraduates. The Psychopathic
Personality Inventory-Revised, Pathological Narcissism Inventory, and Mach-IV
were administered to assess the Dark Triad traits. In order to measure scores of
antisocial behaviours of self-report, Comprehensive Misconduct Inventory was
implemented and for academic cheating, an anagram cheating was implemented.
Sample comprised of 100 participants aged 18-38 years. Results of the study
revealed strong correlations amid both features of psychopathy and areas of
narcissism, also several areas of antisocial behaviour. However, once the
intersection amid the dark triad variables was examined, bullying/harassing was
strongly anticipated by Factor 1, while overall predicted was antisocial behaviour.
Soft drug abuse was anticipated by Factor 2. However, hard drug abuse was
predicted by Machiavellianism and anti-authority misconduct was predicted by
grandiose narcissism.
A study was conducted by Land and Birkas (2015) to explore the relationship
between Machiavellianism and parental attachment in adolescents and likely sex
differences grounded on life history theory. Sample size of adolescents comprised
of N=376. Results of the study revealed that a strong sex differences occurred in the
relationship between Machiavellianism and attachment to parents. However,
maternal alienation for girls was the solitary significant predictor of
Machiavellianism. While low intensity and quality of verbal communication for
boys with the farther figure anticipated higher levels of Machiavellianism.

1.4.2 Narcissism and Juvenile Delinquency

To explore the relationship between grandiose narcissistic traits and
juvenile delinquency is intervened by self-esteem and shame regulation approaches
a study was conducted by Schalkwijk et al., (2014). Sample comprised of diverse
ethnicity and mixed gender size of 59 delinquents and 275 non-delinquent
adolescents between age range of 13-18. While the tools administered were the
(CNS) Childhood Narcissism Scale, (RSS) Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and (CSS)
Compass of Shame Scale. Weak positive correlation between self-esteem and
externalizing shame regulation was shown by Narcissism. However, strongly
negative correlation with internalizing shame regulation and shame proneness was
34 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

shown by self-esteem. While high SES was negatively correlated with delinquency
as shown by the results of logistic regression analysis. Relationship between
narcissism and delinquency was moderated by self-esteem which revealed that high
self-esteem increases the chance of narcissism leading to delinquency.
Another study conducted by Pechorro et al., (2015) on female juvenile
delinquents to explore narcissism among them. Sample comprised of 377 female
adolescents from Portugal, 103 among them were selected from forensic setting
while 274 were selected from school settings). The three-factor structure model of
narcissism was supported by the results, after removal of one item due to its low
factor loading. Promising results were shown by the internal consistency,
discriminant validity and convergent validity. While major associations were
explored in terms of criterion-related validity, with criterion-related variables like
age of criminal onset, conduct disorder, crime severity, violent crimes, drug use and

1.4.3 Psychopathic traits and Juvenile Delinquency

Pechorro et al., (2014) conducted the study to analyze that what was the
role of psychopathic traits in juvenile delinquency? He used a sample of 543 young
males from the Juvenile Detention Centers of the Portuguese Ministry of Justice
and from schools in the Lisbon region. Resultantly, a group of highly psychopathic
traits (n = 281) and other group of low psychopathic traits (n = 262) were
respectively found on the Portuguese version of Antisocial Process Screening
Device (APSD). The results unveiled that youth with high psychopathic traits start
engaging in criminal activities earlier in life, and consequently they come into
contact with the justice system earlier in life than others. Moreover, they also have
higher levels of conduct disorder, behaviour problems, and delinquency as well as
declining self-esteem.
A study was conducted to explore either psychopathy was related with
delinquency and reoffending in juveniles (Eveline et al., 2011). Sample comprised
of meta-analysis studies k=53, contained non-overlapping 60 sample and 10, 073
participants. Results revealed that psychopathy was reasonably related with
recidivism (violent/general) and delinquency. While concluding the study it has
been revealed that early detection of psychopathy is very significant, as delinquent
behaviour and recidivism could be expected from psychopathy as initial as the
evolution from middle youthful to adolescence.

1.5 Rationale
Many researchers over the previous several years have explored intrusion
approaches and plan models that decreases delinquency and endorse pro-social
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 35

development. According to Greenwood, averting delinquency not only defends

beginning lives from being unexploited but also averts the establishment of the
adult felonious careers (Greenwood, 2008). Children born with or without carrying
such traits that leads them to engage in offensive activities. Present study focuses
on traits of Dark Triad, Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy that played
a role in delinquent behaviour of juveniles. This study aims to examine how dark
triad can affect developmental and behavioural personalities, what is the part of
Dark Triad trait in the delinquent behaviours of recent generations (Tyler, 2007).
1.6 Objectives
The objectives of the current study were:
 To conceptualize the dark triad traits of juveniles delinquents.
 To qualitatively investigate how dark triad traits affect juvenile
delinquents’ personalities.

1.7 Research question

 How dark triad traits of juveniles can be conceptualized?
 How dark triad traits do affect juvenile delinquents’ personalities?

Research Methodology
2.1 Research Design
The current study project focuses on the qualitatively analyzing the data.
Qualitative research analysis is highly encouraged to study the behaviour of
participants for particular experience product, as natural settings allows the
respondents to express their ideas more freely, as they are not restricted to a
particular narrow domain. Moreover, the field researchers are provided to study the
complex human behaviour, as it is in the case of qualitative research (Newman &
Ramlo, 2010).
Qualitative research is used to study the complex emotional behaviours of the
masses. Researchers are required to get subjectively immersed in the topic being
dissected upon. Only measurable and quantifiable data is collected and analyzed in
quantitative analysis techniques. Qualitative research is less standardized. It is
usually inductive in nature. The data collected in this from is then analyzed in
subjective and interpretive manner by using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological
The presenting of data in qualitative techniques uses objects, words or images, At
most the graphical technique can be applied here to make the analysis more
coherent. The primary aim of qualitative analysis is to give complete and detailed
description of the topic. It has a more exploratory nature. In qualitative approach,
there is a fusion of theory and data and they are controlled situationally.
36 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

2.2 Demographic Information

Following table showed the Age, Gender, Qualification, Birth order of the
Participants AgeGender Qualification No.of Birth Duration of Residence

Siblings Order Imprisonment

Case 1 17 Male Primary 3 2nd 8 months Urban

Case 2 14 Male Illiterate 7 4th 1.7 years Rural

2.3 Sampling Strategy and sample

Purposive sample of the study consisted of two juvenile offenders who
were imprisoned in Central District Jail, Gujranwala and they were released
recently. The age range of the participants was 14-17 years. Purposive sampling
was done in order to novice those contributors who can offer in-depth and detailed
facts concerning the phenomenon below examination. Both the teenagers who
were interviewed were boys. These two boys were approached and interviewed
because they met the inclusion criteria like age range, juveniles and also they
vocalized all the details which were mentioned on the interview protocol. Face to
face interview was conducted with each boy.

2.4 Research Instrument

Semi structured interview was prepared in order to obtain information.
Semi structured interviews permit the investigators to progress a intense considerate
of the area of attention required for emerging appropriate and significant semi-
structured inquiries. The protocol questions were prepared from the literature
review, books and articles relevant to the investigated topic, once the questions
were finalized by the researcher, they were then peer reviewed and expert reviewed
from the researchers who have been working in the field related to this study.
Finally, interview questions were carefully designed under proper expert
supervision. Open ended questions were asked form the participants so that a
detailed answer shall be received.

2.5 Procedure
Semi-structured interview was conducted keeping in view the previous
literature. Prior to data collection, informed consent was taken from the
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 37

participants. One to one semi structured interview was conducted with the juvenile
offenders. Both the participants were cooperative. Initially the participants were
reluctant but then with little probing they responded very well. Confidentiality of
the data was ensured. The note taking technique was used for recording the data.
On a scheduled timing, one to one semi-structured interview was conducted with
each candidate.

2.6 Analysis
After obtaining the data, its analysis has been done by applying IPA
(Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). IPA comprised of a number of steps to
investigate the data. Open ended questions were asked from the participants
consisting of two questions with probes. Once the data collection was completed as
a result of successful interviews, it was then analyzed and initial themes were
generated. However, detailed analysis resulted in constructing major themes which
have covered all the key areas of the study like the relationship between dark triad
traits and delinquent behaviour in juveniles. Lastly, comprehensive discussion was
constructed to assist in thoughtful connection of themes with the candidate’s dark
triad trait

2.7 Ethical Considerations

Several ethical considerations were kept in mind while conducting the
current study. Participant’s written consent was taken and briefly explained the
nature of the study before administration of the interview protocol. While
explaining the rules to the participants, it was elaborated to them that they can
withdraw from the study at any stage if they wish to do so. Furthermore,
participants were informed that the information assimilated from them would be
kept confidential and used merely for research commitments.

3.1.1 Coding Table (Participant 1)
Table Showing the Coding and Page no. and Line no. of the participant 1
Coding Page no., Line no.

Hang out with friends Pg: 1, line: 1

Father was beating to mother Pg: 1, line: 2

Resolving attitude towards fight Pg: 1, line: 3

38 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

Father’s aggression towards me Pg: 1, line: 4

Feeling of Anger Pg: 1, line: 5

Intended to kill the father Pg: 1, line: 6

Planning with peers Pg: 1, line: 7

Low level of guilt Pg: 1, line: 8

Justifiable act of crime Pg: 1, line: 9

Disagreed with other people Pg: 1, line: 10

Blame to father Pg: 1, line: 11

Self-view as a leader Pg: 1, line: 14

Admiration from others Pg: 1, line: 13

Dissatisfied with others Pg: 1, line: 12

Lack of shame Pg: 1, line: 15

Blaming others for the act Pg: 1, line: 15

Affection towards mother Pg: 2, line: 16

Violent with others Pg: 2, line: 17

Rule-breaking is fair Pg:2 , line: 18

Pakistan Journal of Criminology 39

Feeling of rage Pg: 2, line: 19

To Punish others Pg: 2, line: 20

3.1.2 Coding Table (Participant 2)

Table Showing the Coding and Page no. and Line no. of the participant 2
Coding Page no., Line no.

Working in a factory Pg: 1, line: 1

No money Pg: 1, line: 2

Bad peer company Pg: 1, line: 3

Selling of drugs Pg: 1, line: 4

Arrested by Police Pg: 1, line: 5

Low level of regret Pg: 1, line: 6

Need of money Pg: 1, line: 7

Defensible act Pg: 1, line: 8

Conflict with family Pg: 1, line: 9

People are mean Pg: 1, line: 10

Misuse of others for own
benefit Pg: 1, line: 11

Love for self Pg: 1, line: 12

Admiration from others Pg: 1, line: 13

Self- praise Pg: 1, line: 14

Shame due to mistake Pg: 1, line: 15

40 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

Refusal of accusation Pg: 1, line: 16

Need for rights Pg: 2, line: 17

Possible effort for self-benefit Pg: 2, line: 18

Respect for rules Pg: 2, line: 19

Other people also do wrong Pg: 2, line: 20

Feeling of anger Pg: 2, line: 22

Breaking things in anger Pg: 2, line: 23

To harm others Pg: 2, line: 24

3.2 Super-ordinate Theme

Table Showing the Super-ordinate Themes, Sub-ordinate Themes and Coding
Super-ordinate Themes Sub-ordinate Themes Coding

Insidious trend  Lack of Remorse  No regret

Low level of guilt

 Absence of shame

 Oppositional tendencies  Disagree with everyone

Other people are wrong

 All people are mean

Schematic approach  Intended to kill father
Planning with friends to
 harm others

Manipulative behavior  Misuse of others for
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 41

 Personal benefit

Self-Centered approach  Self-Defensive behavior

 Blaming others for his own bad actions

 Father is responsible
 External Attribution of mistake
 Defensible act
 Refusal of accusation
 Enhancement of self

 Admiration from others

 Rule-breaking behaviour  Breaking rule is fair

Anti-social tendencies  Aggressive behaviour  Feeling of rage and anger

 Breaking things in anger

 Leadership  Responsible self

 Self-view as a leader
(dominating personality)
Sometimes feels affection
Conflicted Familial  Affection  towards mother
Sometimes feels affection
Relationships  towards brother

 Family conflict  Dissatisfied with family

Clash with family

 Admiration to Self

 Admiration from others

42 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

Breaking rule is fair in

 Rule-breaking behaviour  every situation almost

Anti-social tendencies  Aggressive behaviour  Feeling of rage and anger

 Breaking things in anger

 Leadership  Responsible self

 Self-view as a leader

Conflicted Familial  Affection  Affection towards mother

Relationships  Affection towards brother

 Family conflict  Dissatisfied with family

 Clash with family

The present research was designed to conceptualize role of Dark Triad
traits in the delinquent behaviour of the young offenders. The study intended to
have a detailed understanding about the Dark Triad traits which mainly comprised
of Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. To measure the different
personality traits, an interview protocol was administered.
The study was carried out on the sample of two participants and analysis
was done by applying IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). To
investigate the effect of Dark Triad traits on personalities of young offenders was
objective of the study.
The demographics of the juvenile showed that he was the second born and
it was supported by the present literature. A study conducted by Breining et al.,
(2017) revealed that delinquent behaviours are more likely to occur in second born
boys as compared to their older siblings. In Denmark higher rates of juvenile crime
mainly severe violent crime and imprisonment is more common in second born as
compared to their older siblings.
The juveniles showed the presence of the self-centered approach that
showed the narcissistic tendencies of the participants. Schalkwijk et al., (2016)
reported that delinquents exhibited slightly higher levels of narcissism which
indicated that narcissism was positively weakly related with delinquency. Imposing
Pakistan Journal of Criminology 43

self-admiration, with an exaggerated sense of dignity is categorized by a

comparative shortage of embarrassment.
Pechorro et al. (2014) investigated that early life criminal activities, get in touch
with the justice system, behavioural problems, higher level of conduct problems
and down self-esteem are common in youths with high psychopathic traits. The
preceding literature is reliable with the existing discoveries as the participants
clearly showed the anti-social propensities.
The qualitative interpretation showed the trend of insidious personalities in both the
participants. As Lau and Marsee (2013) investigated that narcissistic traits
displayed the toughest exclusive relations with obvious hostility, interpersonal
aggression, interactive deregulation, and sensitive deregulation. They also described
that Machiavellian personalities had a solid exclusive connotation with emotional
deregulation, nevertheless were not exclusively linked with externalizing conduct
problems. These findings have suggestions for intervention with hostile and
rebellious youth.

4.1 Conclusion
The current qualitative study scrutinized the Dark Triad character traits and
their relations in young delinquents. Results showed that Narcissism, Psychopathy
and Machiavellianism were related with indicators of violence and felony. This
additionally emphasizes the standing of these Dark Triad traits in the pathogenesis
of trouble some conduct difficulties in early generation.

4.2 Recommendations
 As this research is based on qualitative research model, it has more capacity to
research about. Juveniles from other parts of the country can be interviewed
and later studied.
 The sample number can be increased to uncover more and more aspects of
personality related to juveniles.
 Forthcoming researches might work on longitudinal research project to
investigate the growth of juveniles scoring high and low on dark triad traits
with the passage of time.
4.3 Limitations
 Each researcher has its own way of interpreting the data obtained from an
interview, so the result can be interpreted in a number of other way.

44 Kiran Akbar Khan, Fizza Noor & Rabia Noor

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