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Author Manuscript
Annu Rev Clin Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 December 10.
Published in final edited form as:
Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2011 ; 7: 269–295. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032210-104540.

Personality and Depression: Explanatory Models and Review of

the Evidence

Daniel N. Klein, Roman Kotov, and Sara J. Bufferd

Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, New York 11794-2500
Daniel N. Klein:

Understanding the association between personality and depression has implications for elucidating
etiology and comorbidity, identifying at-risk individuals, and tailoring treatment. We discuss
seven major models that have been proposed to explain the relation between personality and
depression, and we review key methodological issues, including study design, the heterogeneity of
mood disorders, and the assessment of personality. We then selectively review the extensive
empirical literature on the role of personality traits in depression in adults and children. Current

evidence suggests that depression is linked to traits such as neuroticism/negative emotionality,

extraversion/positive emotionality, and conscientiousness. Moreover, personality characteristics
appear to contribute to the onset and course of depression through a variety of pathways.
Implications for prevention and prediction of treatment response are discussed, as well as specific
considerations to guide future research on the relation between personality and depression.

traits; temperament; mood disorders; neuroticism; extraversion


The hypothesis that depression is linked to personality can be traced to antiquity, when
Hippocrates, and later Galen, argued that particular “humors” were responsible for specific
personality types and forms of psychopathology. In this article, we discuss the major
conceptual models that have been proposed to explain the association between personality
and depression, comment on some important methodological issues, and selectively review
the empirical literature. Due to space limitations, we limit our review to nonbipolar forms of

This literature has developed along several distinct lines: (a) early clinical psychiatrists’
descriptions of affective temperaments; (b) research on the structure and neurobiology of
personality; (c) psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral theory and observations; and (d)
developmental psychologists’ work on temperament. In recent years, there has been
substantial convergence between these lines of work, and it is increasingly possible to view
them within a single integrative framework. Understanding the associations between

Copyright © 2011 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the
objectivity of this review.
Klein et al. Page 2

personality and depression has a number of potentially important implications for research
and practice. First, personality traits associated with emotional experience, expression, and
regulation may be intermediate phenotypes that provide more tractable targets for genetic
and neurobiological research than depressive diagnoses (Canli 2008). Second, personality
may be useful in identifying more homogeneous subgroups of depressive disorders that
differ in developmental trajectories and etiological influences (e.g., Beck 1983). Third,
tracing the pathways between personality and depressive disorders can help elucidate more
proximal processes involved in the development of mood disorders (Compas et al. 2004,
Klein et al. 2008a, Lahey 2009). Fourth, personality may be useful in tailoring treatment
(Zinbarg et al. 2008) and predicting treatment response (Quilty et al. 2008a). Fifth,
temperament/personality may provide a means to identify at-risk individuals who could

benefit from prevention and early intervention efforts (Kovacs & Lopez-Duran 2010).
Finally, there is substantial comorbidity between depressive disorders and other forms of
psychopathology. Some personality traits, such as neuroticism, are associated with multiple
psychiatric conditions. Thus, personality could help explain patterns of comorbidity and
point toward more etiologically relevant classification systems (Brown & Barlow 2009,
Kotov et al. 2007, Watson 2009).


Before addressing the relation between personality and depression, several conceptual issues
regarding the construct of personality should be considered. First, personality has
traditionally been conceptualized as having two components: temperament, which refers to
biologically based, early-emerging, stable individual differences in emotion and its

regulation, and character, which refers to individual differences due to socialization.

However, the distinctions between these constructs are questionable, as a large body of
evidence has accumulated indicating that personality traits have all the characteristics of
temperament, including strong genetic and biological bases and substantial stability over the
lifespan (Krueger & Johnson 2008, Watson et al. 2006). Hence, the terms “personality” and
“temperament” are now often used interchangeably (Caspi & Shiner 2006, Clark & Watson
1999). As most research on personality in childhood has been conducted under the
temperament rubric, in this review we refer to this work using the term “temperament” and
reserve the term “personality” for discussing the literature on adolescents and adults.
However, this is intended to reflect traditional usage rather than a conceptually meaningful

Second, a variety of personality classifications have been proposed over the past century, but

in the 1980s they were integrated in a consensus taxonomy, the Five-Factor Model (FFM).
The FFM recognized that personality is ordered hierarchically from a large number of
specific traits to five general characteristics (Digman 1994, Goldberg 1993, Markon et al.
2005). These “Big Five” traits are neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness,
agreeableness, and openness to experience. Importantly, the FFM can be further reduced to
three dimensions of negative emotionality, positive emotionality, and disinhibition versus
constraint that form the next level of the personality hierarchy (Clark & Watson 1999,
Markon et al. 2005). This “Big Three” model is used in studies of temperament as well as
personality, although disinhibition is often labeled as effortful control in the child literature
(Caspi & Shiner 2006, Rothbart & Bates 2006). The Big Five and Big Three schemes are
closely related, with neuroticism being essentially identical to negative emotionality and
extraversion corresponding to positive emotionality (Clark & Watson 1999, Markon et al.
2005); we refer to these two dimensions as neuroticism/negative emotionality (N/NE) and
extraversion/positive emotionality (E/PE), respectively. Disinhibition does not have an exact
counterpart in the FFM but instead reflects a combination of low conscientiousness and low

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agreeableness. Finally, openness to experience is outside the territory covered by the Big

Third, there is increasing recognition that temperament and personality are not a fixed, static
set of characteristics, but rather are dynamic constructs that develop over the lifespan and
change in response to maturation and life circumstances (Fraley & Roberts 2005, Rothbart
& Bates 2006). For example, although the rank-order stability of most personality traits is in
the moderate range, it increases over the course of development (Roberts & DelVecchio
2000). In addition, mean levels of conscientiousness and some facets of E/PE increase, and
levels of N/NE decrease, over time, particularly in young adulthood (Roberts et al. 2006). A
number of processes contribute to stability and change of personality. For example, genes

are a major influence on stability (Krueger & Johnson 2008, Kandler et al. 2010). In
addition, people often select, create, and construe environments in ways that reinforce and
maintain their initial trait dispositions (Caspi & Shiner 2006). However, life stressors and
major shifts in social roles and relationships can contribute to personality change (Fraley &
Roberts 2005, Kandler et al. 2010). We consider the implications of these processes for the
relation between personality and depression below.


Classical Models of Personality-Depression Relations
A variety of models of the relation between personality and mood disorders have been
proposed (e.g., Akiskal et al. 1983, M.H. Klein et al. 1993, Krueger & Tackett 2003). These
proposed relations include: (a) personality and depressive disorders have common causes;

(b) personality and depressive disorders form a continuous spectrum; (c) personality is a
precursor of depressive disorders; (d) personality predisposes to developing depressive
disorders; (e) personality has pathoplastic effects on depression; (f) personality features are
state-dependent concomitants of depressive episodes; and (g) personality features are
consequences (or scars) of depressive episodes. The distinctions between some of these
accounts are subtle (cf. Kendler & Neale 2010), and other models, as well as combinations
of these scenarios, are plausible. However, these seven models provide a useful conceptual
framework for approaching the issue.

These models can be divided into three groups. The first three models (common cause,
continuum/spectrum, and precursor) view personality and depression as having similar
causal influences but do not see one as having a causal influence on the other. The fourth

and fifth models (predisposition and pathoplasticity) hold that personality has causal effects
on the onset or maintenance of depression. Finally, the sixth and seventh models
(concomitants and consequences) view depression as having a causal influence on
personality. These models, and their unique predictions, are summarized in Table 1.

The common cause model views personality and depressive disorders as distinct entities that
arise from the same, or at least an overlapping, set of etiological processes. From this
perspective, personality and depression are not directly related; rather, the association is due
to a shared third variable. The common cause model would be supported by evidence that
personality traits and depression have shared etiological influences.

The continuum/spectrum model emphasizes the conceptual overlap between depressive

disorders and certain personality traits and argues for a fundamental continuity between
them. A depressive diagnosis is thought to simply identify individuals who have the most
extreme scores on a relevant trait. Like the common cause model, the continuum/spectrum
model assumes that personality and depression arise from a similar, if not identical, set of
causal factors. However, the continuum/spectrum model goes further in positing that the

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association between the trait and disorder should be fairly specific because they are on the
same continuum.1 Moreover, this association is expected to be nonlinear, so that almost
nobody below the definitional threshold on the trait has the diagnosis but nearly everyone
above the threshold meets the criteria. Thus, the continuum/spectrum model would be
supported by evidence that the trait and depression are associated with the same etiological
influences and that the trait-disorder relationship is fairly specific and nonlinear.

The precursor model views personality as an early manifestation or “forme fruste” of

depressive disorder. Like the common cause and continuum/spectrum accounts, the
precursor model posits that personality and depressive disorders are caused by similar
etiologic factors. Also like the continuum/spectrum account, it implies considerable

phenomenologic similarity between the relevant trait and depression. However, the
precursor model differs from both of these other models in that it assumes a particular
developmental sequence, with the personality traits being evident prior to the onset of
depressive disorder. In other words, both the common cause and continuum/spectrum
models assume a fixed clinical expression as traits or disorder, whereas the precursor model
implies escalation from traits to disorder within individuals over time. Support for the
precursor model would come from evidence that the trait and depression are associated with
the same etiological influences and that individuals with high levels of the trait are at
increased risk for developing the disorder over time.2

The common cause, continuum/spectrum, and precursor models do not posit causal relations
between personality and depression. In contrast, the predisposition model holds that
personality plays a causal role in the onset of depression. However, the predisposition model

overlaps with the precursor model in that both propose that the relevant traits are evident
prior to the onset of depressive disorder. The major difference between these two accounts is
that the precursor model assumes that personality and depression derive from the same set of
etiological processes, but the predisposition model posits that the processes that underlie
personality differ from those that lead to depression. Thus, the predisposition account
implies a complex interplay among risk factors involving moderation and/or mediation, and
this is what distinguishes it from the precursor model.3 The most common example—the
diathesis-stress model—conceptualizes personality as the diathesis and stress as a moderator
that precipitates the onset of depressive disorder. Alternatively, stress may be a mediator, so
that personality vulnerability leads to negative experiences (e.g., interpersonal rejection, job
loss), which in turn increase the probability of a depressive episode. A second difference
between these models is that the predisposition model does not assume any

phenomenological links between personality traits and depressive symptoms. Consequently,

the predisposing trait may not have any phenotypic similarity to depression. Thus, the two
most critical sources of support for the predisposition model would involve demonstrating
that individuals with the trait are at increased risk for subsequently developing depression,
and that other variables play a role in mediating or moderating this transition.

1There may not be complete specificity owing to diagnostic heterogeneity. As discussed below, depression is a heterogeneous
disorder with multiple etiological pathways (equifinality). A personality trait may be part of only one of the pathways. In contrast,
multifinality, in which the trait is associated with multiple disorders, is less consistent with the continuum/spectrum view.
2Application of the continuum/spectrum and precursor models to depressive disorders is not straightforward. Personality traits are
relatively stable, whereas depression is often episodic. Existing formulations of the continuum/spectrum model have not explained
how stable trait characteristics manifest as an episodic illness. Similarly, the precursor model does not account for why a stable trait
would subsequently develop into a nonstable depressive state. Thus, the continuum/spectrum and precursor models may provide a
better explanation for chronic than episodic forms of depression.
3Although moderating and mediating variables play an explicit and central role in the predisposition model, it should be
acknowledged that they are not incompatible with the precursor account. That is, the escalation from personality traits to depressive
disorders in the precursor model implies that additional variables (e.g., maturational or environmental factors) must be involved to
precipitate the change.

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The pathoplasticity model is similar to the predisposition model in that it also views
personality as having a causal influence on depressive disorder. However, rather than
contributing to the onset of depression, the pathoplasticity model posits that personality
influences the expression of the disorder after onset. This influence can include the severity
or pattern of symptomatology, course, and response to treatment. The pathoplasticity model
would be supported by evidence that personality explains variation among depressed
individuals in their clinical presentation or outcome.

The final two models also assume that there is a causal relation between personality and
depression. However, these models reverse the direction of causality. In the concomitants
(or state-dependent) model, assessments of personality are colored, or distorted, by the

individual’s mood state. This model implies that personality returns to its baseline form after
recovery from the episode. In contrast, the consequences (or scar) model holds that
depressive episodes have an enduring effect on personality, such that changes in personality
persist after recovery. These models would be supported by evidence that depression alters
levels of personality traits, either concurrently (concomitants model) or over the longer-term
(consequences model).

Dynamic Models of Personality-Depression Relations

The models above consider traits to be perfectly stable. As noted earlier, there is now
extensive evidence indicating that personality shows plasticity in childhood, with long-term
test-retest correlations of r ≈ 0.35, and continues to change across the lifespan, although
personality consistency gradually increases up to r ≈ 0.75 after the age of 50 (Roberts &

DelVecchio 2000). Models of personality-psychopathology relations can be expanded to

recognize the malleability of traits (e.g., Ormel et al. 2001). For example, one can posit a
dynamic precursor model4 in which early temperament defines the baseline level of risk but
subsequent experiences modify personality liability to depression. This model explains
variability in disorder onset as a function of the initial level of risk and steepness of the trait
trajectory over time. Given the evidence on patterns of personality continuity and change
(Roberts & DelVecchio 2000), it appears likely that trait vulnerability is more malleable
early in life, but significant life events can alter its trajectory even in old age. A depressive
disorder is thought to emerge when personality liability crosses the threshold. Thus,
individuals who are born with an elevated personality liability or those with a rapidly
increasing trait trajectory would have a childhood onset of the disorder, whereas those with a
more slowly increasing trait trajectory would not cross the threshold until much later, if
ever. Moreover, a pathological trait trajectory may be checked or reversed by positive

experiences (Ormel & de Jong 1999). In fact, personality generally tends to change in a
more adaptive direction with age (Roberts et al. 2006), although this pattern is not universal
(Johnson et al. 2007). This may help to explain why the probability of first-episode
depression peaks in adolescence, as trait deviance is more common at that age.

Similarly, the predisposition model can be expanded to recognize personality change. This
dynamic predisposition model (Ormel & de Jong, 1999, Ormel et al. 2001) acknowledges
transactions between personality and the environment and integrates them with the
environmental moderation and mediation mechanisms of the classic predisposition model. In
the environmental moderation version of this account, negative life experiences influence
not only depression onset but also levels of trait vulnerability (Middledorp et al. 2008). This
increase in personality liability may then lead to additional life stress. If this vicious cycle is
perpetuated unchecked, personality liability would continue to increase, and at some point, a

4This could also be called the dynamic continuum model because once the dynamic element is introduced, it becomes virtually
impossible to distinguish the continuum/spectrum and precursor models.

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negative life event could overwhelm coping capabilities and elicit a depressive disorder.
Importantly, and in contrast to the dynamic precursor model, in this account maladaptive
traits alone are not sufficient to cause depression, and an environmental trigger is necessary.

The vicious cycle of increasing trait vulnerability and stress exposure does not necessarily
indicate that personality per se influences depression onset. Indeed, certain traits may
increase stress exposure but have no effect on depression otherwise (e.g., it is possible that
low conscientiousness does not cause depression directly but leads to depressogenic
experiences, such as academic difficulties, job loss, and relationship problems; Roberts et al.
2007), consistent with the environmental-mediation pathway.

Dynamic models offer richer and more complete accounts of the role of personality in the
onset of depression. Moreover, it is important to recognize that depressive disorders have
been linked to multiple traits (as reviewed below), and it is likely that different personality
characteristics contribute through different pathways.

A number of methodological issues must be considered in evaluating the relation between
personality and mood disorders, including (a) study design, (b) heterogeneity of depressive
disorders, and (c) assessment of personality.

Study Design
A number of research designs can be useful in studying the relation between personality and

depressive disorders. The common cause, continuum/spectrum, precursor, and

predisposition models would all be supported by family studies demonstrating personality
differences between nonaffected relatives of probands with and without a history of
depression. The common cause, continuum/spectrum, and precursor models would be
supported by twin and genetic association studies demonstrating that the same genes
predispose to both personality and depressive disorders. The precursor and predisposition
models posit that personality abnormalities are trait markers and hence should be present
prior to the onset, and after recovery from, depressive episodes. Hence, these models can be
tested by comparing individuals with a history of depression that is currently in remission to
persons with no history of depression on relevant personality traits. An even stronger
approach to testing the precursor and predisposition models is to use prospective
longitudinal studies of persons with no prior history of mood disorder to determine whether

particular personality traits predict the later onset of depressive disorder. Although no single
design can distinguish among these four models, the combination of designs can bolster the
case for particular accounts. For example, finding substantial common genetic variance in
twin studies, but no evidence of developmental sequencing in longitudinal studies, would
support the common cause and continuum/spectrum models. In turn, these two models could
be compared by examining the specificity of the association between trait and disorder and
whether there is a nonlinear relation between trait level and probability of disorder. On the
other hand, if there were evidence of developmental sequencing in longitudinal studies as
well as substantial common genetic variance in twin studies (or overlap of other etiological
factors in other designs), it would support the precursor model (particularly if the trait was
also phenomenologically similar to depression). In contrast, developmental sequencing but
less shared genetic (or other etiological) variance would support the predisposition model.
Also crucial for the predisposition model is evidence from longitudinal studies
demonstrating that other variables (e.g., life stress) moderate or mediate the association
between personality and subsequent depression.

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The pathoplasticity model can be evaluated in longitudinal studies of persons with

depressive disorders by examining the associations among personality traits and clinical
features, course, and treatment response. Specifically, the pathoplasticity model posits that
the trait would predict these outcomes even after controlling for initial illness severity and
other prognostic factors. Of note, an alternative explanation of such results is that the
personality trait is a marker for a more severe, chronic, or etiologically distinct subgroup,
rather than having a causal influence on the expression of the disorder. A multiwave follow-
up of individuals with a depressive disorder could be helpful in ruling out this possibility. If
the trait influences the disorder course directly, rather than because it is an indicator of a
latent disorder class, changes in personality scores should predict subsequent changes in

The concomitants model can be tested through cross-sectional studies comparing persons
who are currently depressed, persons who have recovered from depressive episodes, and
healthy controls. An even better approach is to conduct longitudinal studies assessing
individuals when they are in a depressive episode and again after they have recovered. If
personality measures are abnormal during depressive episodes but not after recovery, it
would suggest that they are concomitants of the depressed state. Multilevel analyses can also
be used to separate personality variance into trait and state components and to test whether
state variance is associated with concurrent measures of depression (e.g., Duncan-Jones et
al. 1990).

The consequences (or scar) hypothesis can be evaluated by assessing persons before and
after a first depressive episode. If personality deviance is much greater after the episode has

remitted, it would suggest that scarring has occurred.

Testing dynamic theories requires longitudinal data with at least three assessment points.
These assessments should measure relevant contextual factors (e.g., life stress) in addition to
depression and personality to allow the examination of dynamic and transactional effects.
Multilevel modeling and structural equation modeling offer powerful approaches to
evaluating such effects with longitudinal data.

Heterogeneity of Depressive Disorders

The depressive disorders are almost certainly etiologically heterogeneous, reflecting the
convergence of multiple developmental pathways. Hence, it is likely that the role of
personality factors and, as suggested above, the applicability of different models of the

relation between personality and depression differ for different forms of depression. The
current classification system for depressive disorders is based on clinical features and is a
poor approximation of etiological distinctions. Nonetheless, it is important to consider
whether the role of personality varies as a function of the specific depressive diagnosis (e.g.,
major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder), subtype (e.g., psychotic, melancholic,
atypical), and clinical characteristics such as age of onset, recurrence, and chronicity. Failure
to take heterogeneity into account may obscure important personality-depression
associations. Conversely, personality may provide a basis for identifying more
homogeneous subgroups within the depressive disorders. Unfortunately, few studies of
personality and depressive disorders have attempted to take this heterogeneity into account.

It is important to note, however, that associations between personality and specific subtypes
and clinical characteristics do not necessarily indicate etiological heterogeneity. Instead,
they could reflect pathoplasticity, in which personality influences symptom presentation
and/or course, but the primary etiological process is the same, or they could reflect
differential severity of subtypes that results in quantitative differences in their trait profiles.

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Finally, a significant source of heterogeneity in depression is comorbidity with other forms

of psychopathology. Given the high rates of comorbidity, particularly with the anxiety
disorders, associations between personality and depressive disorders may actually reflect the
relation of personality with a co-occurring nonmood disorder. Indeed, personality may be a
third variable that explains broad patterns of comorbidity among many disorders. For
example, recent hierarchical models of classification posit that trait dispositions such as N/
NE account for much of the comorbidity between depression and other disorders (Griffith et
al. 2010, Kotov et al. 2007). Thus, it is important for researchers to consider whether traits
have specific relations with depression over and above more general associations with the
broader group of internalizing disorders.

Temperament/personality can be assessed using a variety of methods, including self-report
inventories, semistructured interviews, informants’ reports, and observations in naturalistic
settings and the laboratory. Unfortunately, most of the literature examining the association
between personality and depressive disorders has assessed personality via self-report. This is
potentially problematic because self-reports of personality can be complicated by current
mood state, limited insight, response styles, and the difficulty of distinguishing traits from
the effects of stable environmental contexts (Chmielewski & Watson 2009). In addition,
when the same individual provides information on both personality and depression, as has
been the case in almost all studies in this area, common method variance can inflate
associations. Hence, there is a need for greater use of informant report and observational

A second issue concerns the overlap between some personality constructs and
psychopathology (Lahey 2004). For example, many items on N/NE scales are similar to
depressive symptoms (Ormel et al. 2004b). This can inflate associations between measures
of personality and depression. On the other hand, personality and symptom assessments
usually have different time frames, with trait scales reflecting long-standing patterns and
depression measures tapping more recent experiences (e.g., past week, past month). This
trait versus state distinction parallels that between personality and other related constructs.
For example, measures of N/NE and negative affect have nearly identical content but are
distinguished by their time frames (Watson 2000). Thus, the degree to which this content
overlap threatens the validity of personality-psychopathology research depends, at least in
part, on the duration/chronicity of the disorders of interest. The extent to which this is a
concern also depends on one’s model of personality-depression relations. From the

continuum/spectrum perspective, personality and depression are variants of the same

phenomenon, so the two constructs should overlap. In contrast, the predisposition model
views personality and depression as distinct domains, so from this perspective it is important
to define and assess these sets of constructs as independently as possible and to judiciously
delineate their time frames.

The classical European descriptive psychopathologists in the late-nineteenth and early-
twentieth centuries observed that many patients with mood disorders, as well as their
relatives, exhibited particular patterns of premorbid personalities that appeared to be
attenuated versions of their illnesses. For example, Kraepelin (1921) described four patterns
of personality that he considered the “fundamental states” underlying manic-depressive
illness: depressive, manic, irritable, and cyclothymic temperament. He believed that these
were precursors or “rudimentary forms” of the major mood disorders. Schneider (1958)
described similar types; however, he viewed them as personality disorders that were not
necessarily related to the mood disorders. Two variants of these types, cyclothymic disorder

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and dysthymic disorder, are included as mood disorder diagnoses in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; Am. Psychiatr. Assoc.
1994). However, these disorders are defined as fairly severe conditions, with the criteria
emphasizing symptomatology rather than personality traits. As a result, these categories
appear to be limited to the more severe, symptomatic manifestations of the affective
temperaments described by Kraepelin and Schneider (Akiskal 1989).

On the basis of Kraepelin’s and Schneider’s descriptions, Akiskal (1989) proposed formal
criteria for the affective temperament types, and he and his colleagues developed interview
and self-report measures of these constructs that have been applied in a number of settings
and cultures (e.g., Akiskal et al. 2005). Akiskal’s work also provided the basis for including

depressive temperament as a personality disorder in the DSM-IV appendix. Of the four

affective temperament types, depressive temperament has been the most systematically
studied in relation to nonbipolar depressive disorders. The terms “depressive temperament,”
“depressive personality,” and “depressive personality disorder” have been used
interchangeably in the literature to refer to the following constellation of traits: introversion,
passivity, and nonassertiveness; gloominess, cheerlessness, and joylessness; self-reproach
and self-criticism; pessimism, guilt, and remorse; being critical and judgmental of others;
conscientiousness and self-discipline; brooding and given to worry; and feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Data on the nature of the relation between depressive personality and depressive disorders
are consistent with most of the causal models described above, illustrating the complexity of
the associations between personality and depression. The strongest support for the common

cause and continuum/spectrum models derives from twin and family studies. In a large twin
study, Ørstavik et al. (2007) found that depressive personality and major depressive disorder
(MDD) shared substantial genetic variance, although there was evidence for unique genetic
factors as well. Family studies indicate that individuals with depressive personality have an
increased rate of mood disorders in their first-degree relatives (e.g., Klein & Miller 1993). In
addition, patients with MDD, particularly those with chronic forms of depression, have
elevated levels of depressive personality traits in their first-degree relatives (Klein 1999).

Consistent with Kraepelin’s (1921) retrospective observations, prospective longitudinal data

indicate that depressive personality traits precede the onset of depressive disorders. Kwon et
al. (2000) found that young women with depressive personality and no comorbid Axis I and
II disorders had a significantly increased risk of developing dysthymic disorder (but not
MDD) over the course of a three-year follow-up. Taken together with the twin and family

studies, these findings provide compelling support for the precursor model. In addition, in
light of the conceptual issue regarding traits and states raised above for the continuum/
spectrum and precursor models, it is noteworthy that depressive personality is most closely
associated with chronic forms of depression at both the family and individual levels.

Evidence also supports the predisposition, pathoplasticity, and consequences models.

Rudolph & Klein (2009) reported that youth with elevated levels of depressive personality
traits experienced a significant increase in depressive symptoms 12 months later. While
consistent with the precursor model, it is noteworthy that this association was moderated by
pubertal status and timing. Thus, youth with elevated levels of depressive personality traits
and more advanced pubertal status and earlier pubertal timing experienced the greatest
increase in depressive symptoms. This supports the predisposition model, suggesting that
depressive personality traits confer vulnerability to depression in the presence of other
maturational and psychosocial processes.

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Depressive personality also appears to have a pathoplastic effect on the course of depressive
disorders, predicting poorer outcomes and response to treatment (Laptook et al. 2006, Ryder
et al. 2010). Moreover, Rudolph & Klein (2009) recently reported preliminary support for
the consequences model, at least in youth. They found that in a sample of early adolescents,
higher levels of depressive symptoms predicted an increase in depressive personality traits
12 months later. Finally, the limited evidence available suggests that semi-structured
interview assessments of depressive personality traits are not influenced by a depressive
episode (Klein 1990), arguing against the concomitants model.

Although the work on affective temperaments is important in understanding the

development of depressive disorders, it is unlikely that these types actually reflect basic

temperamental processes that originate in early childhood, as their defining features include
a number of developmentally complex cognitive and interpersonal characteristics. Instead,
these temperament types are more likely to be intermediate outcomes that reflect the
interaction of more basic temperament traits that are elaborated over development in
conjunction with early socialization and other environment influences.

In recent years, considerable evidence has accumulated indicating that depressive

personality is associated with several of the basic personality trait dimensions discussed
below, particularly high N/NE and low E/PE and a number of their facets (e.g., Huprich
2003, Vachon et al. 2009).



The affective temperaments are conceptualized within a categorical framework. In contrast,

most of the other work on personality and depression views personality in dimensional
terms. In this section, we focus on the FFM, but we also briefly consider Gray’s (1994) and
Cloninger and colleagues’ (1993) psychobiological models and several additional traits from
the clinical literature (e.g., self-criticism, dependency, and rumination). This section focuses
primarily on studies of adults and adolescents using self-report measures of personality.
Studies of younger children using observational measures of temperament are reviewed in a
later section.

The Five-Factor Model

Cross-sectional associations—In their influential theory of personality and depression,
Clark & Watson (1999, Clark et al. 1994) posited that depressive disorders are characterized

by high levels of N/NE and low levels of E/PE. A large number of cross-sectional studies
have evaluated these relations as well as the links between depression and the other FFM
dimensions. Kotov et al. (2010) recently conducted a meta-analysis of this literature, which
revealed that MDD is associated with very high N/NE (Cohen’s d =1.33) and low
conscientiousness (d =−0.90). The link to low E/PE was more modest (d =−0.62) and
inconsistent, with some studies finding positive effects. The associations with the other two
traits were weak and unremarkable. The N/NE finding is consistent with expectations, but
the effect for E/PE was smaller and that for conscientiousness was larger than anticipated.
Dysthymic disorder exhibited a more extreme profile with remarkably strong and consistent
links to E/PE (d =−1.47), N/NE (d =1.93), and conscientiousness (d =−1.24). This is not
surprising as dysthymic disorder is thought to be more trait-like than MDD, and a greater
contribution from personality might be expected.

To determine whether the observed personality links are specific to depression, Kotov et al.
(2010) also examined personality profiles of anxiety disorders. They found that with the
exception of specific phobia, which had relatively weak associations with all five traits, all
anxiety disorders showed stronger effects on N/NE, E/PE, and conscientiousness (average d

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=1.91, −1.05, −1.02, respectively) than did MDD. Several also scored above dysthymic
disorder on N/NE. Dysthymia had stronger associations than anxiety disorders on the other
two traits, but the differences were slight.

It is conceivable that more specific associations were not evident because these analyses
focused on broad personality dimensions. Narrow traits that comprise the general
dimensions may have stronger associations with depressive disorders. Indeed, self-harm—a
component of N/NE that reflects propensity to self-deprecation and self-injury—was found
to contribute to depression even after controlling for the broad traits, and this effect was
specific relative to other common mental disorders (Watson et al. 2006). With regard to E/
PE, evidence is emerging that the positive affectivity facet, but not the sociability/

extraversion facet, is related to depression (Durbin et al. 2005, Naragon-Gainey et al. 2009).
This may explain the surprisingly modest association between MDD and E/PE, if this
general trait includes much variance not relevant to depression. Thus, facet-level research
promises to yield stronger and more specific evidence of personality-depression links.

Evidence bearing on causal models—Because most attempts to tease apart

explanatory models of the association between depression and personality have focused on
N/NE and E/PE, we consider only these two traits in this section. The section is organized
by the type of research design used to address the models.

Personality during and after a depressive episode: Studies of personality and

psychopathology may be complicated by the influence of participants’ mood states on
reports of their personalities (the concomitants model). For example, many studies have

found that individuals with MDD report higher levels of N/NE when they are depressed than
when they are not depressed (Hirschfeld et al. 1983b, Kendler et al. 1993, Ormel et al.
2004a). In contrast, the evidence for mood state effects on E/PE is weaker and less
consistent (de Fruyt et al. 2006, Kendler et al. 1993, Morey et al. 2010). However, the
influence of mood state on personality should not be overstated. Even though levels of N/NE
decline significantly after remission from a depressive episode (i.e., absolute stability),
individuals’ relative positions with respect to levels of N/NE (i.e., rank-order stability) tend
to be moderately well preserved (de Fruyt et al. 2006, Morey et al. 2010). Moreover, clinical
trials suggest that changes in depressive symptoms are not necessarily accompanied by
changes in personality (Quilty et al. 2008b, Tang et al. 2009).

Cross-sectional comparisons of remitted patients and controls: A number of early


studies used remission designs, comparing patients who had recovered from a depressive
episode to never-depressed controls or population norms on self-rated personality traits.
These studies found that E/PE is significantly lower in formerly depressed patients than in
healthy controls (Hirschfeld et al. 1983a, Reich et al. 1987), arguing against the
concomitants model and in favor of the precursor, predisposition, and/or consequences
models. However, the results for N/NE were less consistent (Hirschfeld et al. 1983a, Reich
et al. 1987). This inconsistency may be due to a number of factors, including insufficiently
stringent criteria for recovery, thereby possibly confounding personality and residual
symptoms; using normative data collected by other investigators, which may introduce
demographic and sociocultural differences between the formerly depressed and comparison
samples; and selection effects, as N/NE is associated with a poorer course (discussed below)
and thus samples of remitted depressives may include a disproportionate number with low
levels of this trait.

Personality before and after a depressive episode: Several studies have tested the
consequences (or scar) hypothesis by comparing personality measures in depressed
individuals before and after a MDD episode. The results of these studies have been

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inconsistent. Kendler and colleagues reported increases in N/NE (but not E/PE) after a
depressive episode in two separate samples (Fanous et al. 2007, Kendler et al. 1993);
however, other studies have found that N/NE and E/PE do not change from before to after a
MDD episode (e.g., Ormel et al. 2004a, Shea et al. 1996). Importantly, the studies reporting
scarring used less stringent criteria for recovery and shorter follow-ups, suggesting that the
findings may be due to residual symptoms and/or that the scars dissipate over time.

Personality in relatives of depressed individuals: A number of studies have tested the

common cause, continuum/spectrum, precursor, and predisposition models by comparing
personality traits in the never-depressed relatives of patients with mood disorders and never-
depressed controls (e.g., Farmer et al. 2002, Hecht et al. 1998, Ouimette et al. 1996). The

results have been mixed, with some studies reporting higher N/NE and/or lower E/PE in the
never-depressed relatives of probands with mood disorders, and other studies reporting no
differences. However, interpretation of these studies is complicated by two factors. First,
personality traits may not play the same role in risk for depression among familial as
nonfamilial forms of depression. Second, there may be selection biases in samples using
well relatives who are already partly through the risk period for mood disorder. Thus, those
relatives with the strongest personality vulnerabilities may have already developed the
disorder and be excluded from the study.

Twin studies: As discussed above, a valuable approach to testing the common cause,
continuum/spectrum, and precursor models is through twin studies. These studies indicate
that there are substantial associations between the liabilities for N/NE and MDD, but only

weak associations between the genetic liabilities for E/PE and MDD (Fanous et al. 2007;
Kendler et al. 1993, 2006).

Prospective longitudinal studies: The most direct approach to testing the precursor and
predisposition models is to conduct prospective studies of personality in never-depressed
participants to determine whether personality characteristics predict the subsequent onset of
depressive disorders. Several studies using large community samples have reported that
higher levels of N/NE predict the onset of first lifetime MDD episodes (de Graaf et al. 2002;
Fanous et al. 2007; Kendler et al. 1993, 2006; Ormel et al. 2004a). In addition, several
studies using measures of other traits that overlap with N/NE or its facets have reported
similar findings (Hirschfeld et al. 1989, Rorsman et al. 1993). Although there is some
evidence that E/PE predicts the first onset of MDD (Kendler et al. 2006, Rorsman et al.
1993), it is much weaker, and several studies have failed to find an association (Fanous et al.

2007, Hirschfeld et al. 1989, Kendler et al. 1993).

Personality and the subsequent course of depression: Finally, there is evidence that both
N/NE and E/PE have pathoplastic influences on the course of depression after the onset of
the disorder. For example, many studies have reported that higher N/NE and lower E/PE
predict a poorer course and response to treatment, although the findings regarding E/PE are
slightly less consistent (de Fruyt et al. 2006, Duggan et al. 1990, Morris et al. 2009, Quilty et
al. 2008a, Tang et al. 2009). As noted above, however, these findings are also consistent
with diagnostic heterogeneity, such that personality dysfunction is a marker for a more
severe or etiologically distinct group. Indeed, there is evidence that the nonmelancholic
subtype is characterized by more vulnerable personality styles than is melancholia and that
chronic depressions are associated with higher N/NE and lower E/PE than is nonchronic
MDD (Klein 2008, Kotov et al. 2010).

Evidence relevant to dynamic models—Transactions between N/NE and

environmental contexts have received the most attention in the literature (Ormel & de Jong

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1999, van Os & Jones 1999). N/NE shows reciprocal relations with a range of significant
life experiences, such as initiation and break-up of a committed relationship, relationship
quality, occupational attainment, and financial security (Neyer & Lehnart 2007, Roberts et
al. 2003, Scollon & Diener 2006). Furthermore, N/NE has been repeatedly implicated in the
generation of stressful life events (Kercher et al. 2009, Lahey 2009, Middeldorp et al. 2008),
which suggests an environmentally mediated relationship between this trait and depression.
The environmentally moderated mechanism has also received support, as several studies
found that N/NE interacts with stressful life events to predict first onset of major depression
(Kendler et al. 2004, Ormel et al. 2001, van Os & Jones 1999).

E/PE has demonstrated bidirectional effects with many significant social and occupational

experiences (Neyer & Lehnart 2007, Roberts et al. 2003, Scollon & Diener 2006). In
addition, a decrease in E/PE over time was found to predict future internalizing problems
(Van den Akker et al. 2010). However, little attention has been given to mechanisms
underlying the association between this trait and depression. Support for an environmentally
mediated effect is limited and mixed (Middeldorp et al. 2008, Wetter & Hankin 2009), and
the environmental moderation model is largely untested, although there is some evidence
that positive affect moderates the effects of daily stressors on depressive symptoms
(Wichers et al. 2007).

Finally, conscientiousness may play an important role in dynamic models of personality-

depression relations. It has reciprocal associations with family support, divorce,
occupational attainment, and job involvement (Roberts et al. 2003, Roberts & Bogg 2004).
Conscientiousness is hypothesized to influence depression by increasing exposure to

negative life events (Anderson & McLean 1997, Compas et al. 2004), but mediation and
moderation effects have not been tested.

Interactions between temperament dimensions—Finally, personality-depression

relations may be multivariate, rather than bivariate, with multiple traits interacting to
influence depression. Indeed, in their influential model of personality and depression, Clark
& Watson (1999, Clark et al. 1994) hypothesized that depression is characterized by high N/
NE and low E/PE, raising the possibility that it is the combination of the two traits that is
particularly important in depressive disorders. A growing number of studies have reported
that the interaction of high N/NE and low E/PE predicts subsequent depressive symptoms or
disorders in adults and youth (Gershuny & Sher 1998, Joiner & Lonigan 2000, Wetter &
Hankin 2009), although several studies have not found such an interaction (Jorm et al. 2000,

Kendler et al. 2006, Verstraeten et al. 2009). The interaction between N/NE and
conscientiousness is also of interest, as the latter construct includes aspects of self-regulation
and effortful control (Rothbart & Bates 2006) and may therefore reflect the ability to
modulate one’s affective reactivity. Indeed, there is cross-sectional evidence that effortful
control moderates the association between N/NE and depressive symptoms in adolescents
(Verstraeten et al. 2009).

Summary and discussion—Cross-sectional studies have documented strong links of

depressive disorders to N/NE, conscientiousness, and E/PE, although the latter effect is
substantial in dysthymic disorder but only moderate in MDD. In fact, personality generally
appears to play a greater role in dysthymia. None of these relations are specific, however, as
anxiety disorders have very similar trait profiles. This observation argues against the
continuum/spectrum model at least with regard to these broad dimensions. It may be
possible to find traits that are specific to depression by targeting lower-order personality
dimensions. Narrower traits may also explain the surprisingly modest link between E/PE and
MDD, as some, but not other, facets of this general dimension are relevant to depression.

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The nature of relations between these personality traits and depression is complex, and our
understanding is still limited. N/NE, the most widely studied personality trait in depression,
raises challenging conceptual and methodological issues due to the overlap between some of
its features and depressive symptoms (Ormel et al. 2004b). Nonetheless, this cannot
completely explain the association between these constructs (Tang et al. 2009). N/NE is
moderately influenced by clinical state (the concomitants model), shares common etiological
influences with MDD (common cause, continuum/spectrum, and precursor models), predicts
the subsequent onset of MDD (precursor and predisposition models), and influences the
course of depression (pathoplasticity model). In addition, N/NE appears to contribute to
subsequent stress and adversity and increases the risk of depression in the face of negative
life events (predisposition model). Finally, it may also be changed by experience of MDD

episodes (consequences model), but the evidence for this is weaker and less consistent.

The role played by E/PE in depression is less clear. Its cross-sectional association with
dysthymia is substantial, but its relation to MDD is more modest. E/PE is not influenced by
clinical state or changed by the experience of depressive episodes. It appears to be
abnormally low even during remission, which is consistent with the continuation of trait
deviance from the pre-morbid stage (precursor or predisposition accounts). Moreover, low
E/PE tends to predict a poorer course of depression. However, the degree of shared
etiological influences between E/PE and MDD is low, and the evidence that E/PE predicts
the onset of MDD in prospective longitudinal studies is weak. As noted above, three
possible reasons for the weaker and less consistent findings regarding E/PE are (a)it plays a
greater role in some forms of depression than others (e.g., chronic depressions); (b) only
some facets of the broader trait (e.g., low positive affective and approach motivation) are

related to depression; and (c) E/PE may make a greater contribution to depression by
moderating N/NE than as a main effect (Olino et al. 2010).

Finally, there appears to be a strong negative association between conscientiousness and

depression, at least in cross-sectional studies. This may appear surprising in light of the
positive associations discussed below between depression and a number of other constructs
that are thought to be related to conscientiousness, such as behavioral inhibition system
sensitivity, harm avoidance, perfectionism, and temperamental behavioral inhibition. It is
important to note, however, that these latter constructs are more strongly associated with
high N/NE, and in some cases, low E/PE, than with conscientiousness (de Fruyt et al. 2000,
Muris et al. 2009a, Smits & Boeck 2006). Hence, it is likely that their positive correlations
with depression are driven by their shared variance with high N/NE. Unfortunately, few

studies testing causal models of personality and depression have considered

conscientiousness. However, evidence indicating that this trait may moderate the effects of
N/NE on depression and that it increases the likelihood of subsequent adversity that could
then, in turn, produce depression suggests that further research on the role of
conscientiousness is warranted.

Psychobiological Models
Gray’s model—Gray’s (e.g., Gray 1994) influential theory proposes that there are two
major neurobehavioral systems that underlie behavior: the behavioral activation system
(BAS), which responds to signals of reward, and the behavioral inhibition system (BIS),
which is sensitive to cues for punishment. Although BAS and BIS differ conceptually and
empirically from E/PE and N/NE, their relations with depression are thought to be similar.
Thus, it has been hypothesized that depression is associated with reduced BAS and/or
heightened BIS sensitivity (Depue & Iacono 1989, Gray 1994). Although much of this work
has focused on bipolar disorder (e.g., Alloy et al. 2008, Johnson et al. 2008), several recent
studies have examined self-report measures of BAS and BIS sensitivity in MDD. Consistent

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with Gray’s model, compared with healthy controls, currently depressed patients report
lower levels of BAS and higher levels of BIS, and patients with a past history of MDD
report lower levels of BAS (Pinto-Meza et al. 2006). In addition, lower BAS sensitivity, but
not higher BIS sensitivity, is associated with a poorer course of MDD (e.g., Kasch et al.
2002, McFarland et al. 2006), suggesting that BAS may have a pathoplastic effect on

Cloninger’s model—Cloninger (e.g., Cloninger et al. 1993) has proposed a model of

personality that includes four temperament and three character dimensions. The
temperament dimensions include novelty seeking (an appetitive/approach system), harm
avoidance (an inhibition/avoidance system), reward dependency (a system that is responsive

to signals of social approval and attachment), and persistence. The character dimensions are
self-directedness (responsible, goal-directed), cooperativeness (helpful, empathic versus
hostile and alienated), and self-transcendence (imaginative, unconventional). Harm
avoidance is conceptually and empirically associated with BIS, and novelty seeking and
persistence are associated with BAS. Similarly, harm avoidance is positively correlated with
N/NE and negatively associated with E/PE, self-directedness is negatively correlated with
N/NE, and novelty seeking and persistence are associated with E/PE (e.g., de Fruyt et al.

A number of studies have reported that patients with MDD report higher levels of harm
avoidance and lower levels of self-directedness than do healthy controls (e.g., Celikel et al.
2009). Most of the traits in Cloninger’s system are influenced by the respondent’s mood
state (e.g., Farmer et al. 2003); however, abnormal levels of harm avoidance and self-

directedness are present even after remission (e.g., Smith et al. 2005). Increased harm
avoidance and lower self-directedness are also characteristic of most anxiety disorders,
indicating that these effects are not specific to MDD (Öngür et al. 2005).

Few studies have explicitly tested the common cause, precursor, predisposition, and
consequences hypotheses for Cloninger’s model. Farmer et al. (2003) found that the never-
depressed siblings of patients with MDD reported significantly greater harm avoidance and
less self-directedness than did the never-depressed siblings of healthy controls. In addition,
Cloninger et al. (2006) reported that in a large community sample, high harm avoidance and
persistence and low self-directedness predicted an increase in self-reported depressive
symptoms 12 months later. A larger number of studies have addressed the pathoplasticity
hypothesis, albeit with mixed results. Low harm avoidance, self-directedness, and reward

dependency have predicted a poorer response to treatment in some, but not all, studies; the
other dimensions have generally not been associated with course and treatment outcome
(Joyce et al. 2007, Kennedy et al. 2005, Morris et al. 2009).

Clinical Traits
Independent of the traditional personality field, clinical researchers have developed a
number of trait-like constructs to describe dispositions to depression. These clinical traits are
similar in scope to personality facets, and their stability is comparable to that of a typical
personality dimension (e.g., Kasch et al. 2001, Zuroff et al. 2004). Also, factor analytic
studies have shown that most of these clinical traits can be successfully incorporated in the
personality taxonomy as components of neuroticism (Watson et al. 2006). Next, we briefly
discuss three of the most studied constructs: ruminative response style, self-criticism, and

Ruminative response style, a tendency to dwell on sad mood and thoughts (Nolen-Hoeksema
1991), is correlated with concurrent depressive symptoms and predicts future symptoms as
well as increases in symptoms over time (Rood et al. 2009). Also, one study reported that

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ruminative response style prospectively predicts onset of MDD (Nolen-Hoeksema 2000).

The trait has also been linked to anxiety disorders, but the association with depression is
appreciably stronger (Cox et al. 2001, Nolen-Hoeksema et al. 2008).

Blatt’s (1974, 1991) theory of depression focuses on two trait vulnerabilities: self-criticism
(an inclination to feelings of guilt and failure stemming from unrealistically high
expectations for oneself) and dependency (a disposition to feelings of helplessness and fears
of abandonment resulting from a preoccupation with relationships). These constructs are
similar, although not identical, to Beck’s (1983) constructs of autonomy and sociotropy.
Studies indicate that the link between dependency and depressive disorders is relatively
weak and nonspecific, whereas self-criticism has been established as an important and

specific factor in these conditions (Zuroff et al. 2004). Both traits have been conceptualized
as dynamic predispositions to depressive disorders, and there is some support for this view,
including evidence of transactions with life stress as well as environmental mediation and
moderation of personality effects (Zuroff et al. 2004). Self-criticism, and to a lesser extent
dependency, have also been found to predict future increases in depressive symptoms. In
addition, there is evidence that dependency predicts the subsequent onset of major
depression in older, but not younger, individuals (Hirschfeld et al. 1989, Rohde et al. 1990).
The concomitants and pathoplasty models have also received empirical support (Zuroff et al.
2004). Finally, there is some research indicating that dependency may increase as a function
of depressive episodes (consequences model) in youth but not adults (Rohde et al. 1990,
1994; Shea et al. 1996).

As noted above, all of these constructs are strongly linked to N/NE (Cox et al. 2001, Kasch

et al. 2001), and some (particularly rumination and self-criticism) can be considered facets
of this broader trait (Watson et al. 2006). Lower-order facets can account for variance over
and above that of higher-order traits (Paunonen & Ashton 2001), and several cross-sectional
studies have supported the incremental validity of ruminative response style and self-
criticism (Cox et al. 2004, Muris et al. 2009b) in associations with depressive symptoms.
However, this issue requires more research, particularly using longitudinal designs.

Most of the literature on personality and depression has focused on adolescents and adults.
Research that is grounded in the child temperament literature in developmental psychology
has the potential to extend existing work on personality in depression by (a) providing the
strongest test of the precursor and predisposition models; (b) more precisely delineating the

behavioral manifestations of temperamental vulnerabilities to mood disorders in young

children; (c) tracing the development and continuity of trait vulnerabilities across the
lifespan; and (d) examining the neurobiological, cognitive, and interpersonal processes that
may mediate the association between early temperament traits and the subsequent
development of depressive disorder (Compas et al. 2004, Klein et al. 2008a, Kovacs &
Lopez-Duran 2010).

The early childhood temperament dimensions that have received the greatest attention with
respect to depression are N/NE, E/PE, and behavioral inhibition (BI). BI refers to wariness,
fear, and low exploration in novel situations (Kagan et al. 1987). It combines aspects of N/
NE (fear and anxiety), E/PE (low approach), and conscientiousness (constraint/ effortful
control) that do not have a direct analog in most models of adult personality.

Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of older children and adolescents using self-report
measures have generally reported associations of low E/PE and high N/NE with depression
similar to those in the adult literature (e.g., Lonigan et al. 2003).5 Observational studies of
younger children of depressed mothers also indicate that these traits may be associated with

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risk for depression (Kovacs & Lopez-Duran 2010). For example, in a community sample of
100 three-year-olds, Durbin et al. (2005) reported that children of mothers with a history of
mood disorder exhibited low PE in emotion-eliciting laboratory tasks. Importantly, this
effect was limited to the affective (positive affect) and motivational (approach/engagement),
rather than the interpersonal (sociability), components of PE. Furthermore, low PE at age 3
predicted depressotypic cognition and memory biases at age 7 (Hayden et al. 2006) and
parent-reported depressive symptoms at age 10 (Dougherty et al. 2010).

Subsequently, using a larger community sample (N = 543), Olino et al. (2010) found that
preschool-aged children of parents with a history of depression had higher levels of NE and
BI. However, both main effects were qualified by interactions with child PE. At high and

moderate (but not low) levels of child PE, higher levels of NE and BI were each associated
with higher rates of parental depression. Conversely, at low (but not high and moderate)
levels of child NE, low PE was associated with higher rates of parental depression. Taken
together, these results suggest that children of depressed parents may exhibit diminished PE
or elevated NE and BI. In this latter sample, low PE was also associated with elevated levels
of cortisol shortly after awakening, an index of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
dysregulation that has been shown to predict MDD in adolescents and adults (Dougherty et
al. 2009).

In both the Durbin et al. (2005) and Olino et al. (2010) studies, the child temperament–
parental psychopathology associations were specific to depression. However, other work
suggests that children of parents with anxiety disorders may also exhibit elevated BI. For
example, Rosenbaum et al. (2000) assessed BI using laboratory measures in 2-to 6-year-old

children of parents with a history of MDD and/or panic disorder and parents with no history
of mood or anxiety disorders. Children of patients with both MDD and panic disorder
exhibited significantly greater BI than did children of parents with no history of mood or
anxiety disorder. Children of parents with panic disorder alone and children of parents with
MDD alone had intermediate levels of BI that did not differ significantly from children of
parents in the comorbid and no-psychopathology groups.

Finally, there is some direct evidence that personality traits assessed in childhood predict the
development of depressive disorders in adults. Caspi et al. (1996) reported that children who
were rated as socially reticent, inhibited, and easily upset at age 3 had elevated rates of
depressive (but not anxiety or substance use) disorders at age 21. Moreover, van Os et al.
(1997) found that physicians’ ratings of behavioral apathy at ages 6, 7, and 11 were
predictive of both adolescent mood disorder and chronic depression in middle adulthood.

However, BI appears to predict the development of anxiety disorders at least as strongly as

depression (Hirshfeld-Becker et al. 2008).

Personality research has important implications for the prevention of depression. Meta-
analytic evidence indicates that existing preventive interventions can reduce the incidence of
depressive disorders by 25% (Cuijpers et al. 2008). However, the available strategies are a
mix of universal (intervention is administered to the entire population), selective (to a well-
defined at-risk group), and indicated (to those with subthreshold disorder) approaches.
Universal interventions are costly, lack a personalized focus, and require very large samples
to yield detectable effects, whereas indicated interventions may be better described as

5Few studies have examined the association of conscientiousness/effortful control with depression in youth, but analogous to the adult
literature, there is cross-sectional evidence that effortful control is negatively correlated with depression (Verstraeten et al. 2009).

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treatment than prevention (Muñoz et al. 2010). In contrast, selective interventions are true
preventive measures that are cost effective and can be tailored to a specific mechanism of
risk. However, implementation of selective strategies requires knowledge of risk factors and
causal processes that lead from the vulnerability to the disorder.

The majority of established risk factors for depressive disorders are either immutable (e.g.,
demographic characteristics, family history) or predict onset only in the short term (e.g.,
stressful life events). In contrast, personality is at least somewhat malleable, especially in
youth, but may forecast the onset of depression years in advance, which makes traits a
potentially attractive means of identifying individuals at risk and informing selection of
interventions. Different trait-disorder pathways would point to different preventive

strategies; hence, further research on the nature of personality-depression relations can

significantly facilitate development of preventive interventions. Another advantage of traits
is that they can be assessed relatively easily and efficiently and thus are ideal for screening.

Treatment Response
Personality also can inform treatment of depressive disorders post onset. In particular, traits
can predict response to treatment. Substantial evidence has accumulated that individuals
with lower N/NE have better treatment outcomes across modalities (Kennedy et al. 2005,
Mulder 2002, Tang et al. 2009). Other Big Five traits have been studied less and their role is
not yet certain. However, a recent large investigation of a combination intervention
(medication plus psychotherapy) found that low N/NE and high conscientiousness predicted
who would respond to treatment, and although high E/PE did not contribute directly, it

amplified the effect of high conscientiousness (Quilty et al. 2008a). As discussed above,
investigations of Cloninger’s traits have produced inconsistent results (Joyce et al. 2007,
Kennedy et al. 2005, Mulder 2002). Few studies have examined personality facets, but
preliminary evidence suggests that lower-order traits can add substantially to the prediction
of treatment response (Bagby et al. 2008). Among clinical traits, self-criticism, but not
dependency, was found to forecast poor treatment outcomes (Blatt et al. 1995). Furthermore,
personality may be useful in matching patients to interventions. For instance, Bagby et al.
(2008) reported that patients high on N/NE or low on some agreeableness facets respond
better to antidepressant medication than to psychotherapy.

The processes underlying these predictive associations are not entirely clear. One hypothesis
is that personality change mediates the effect of treatment on depression. Indeed, there is a
fair amount of evidence that depression treatment reduces N/NE and increases E/PE

(Zinbarg et al. 2008) and that this effect is not due to confounding by the depressive state
(Tang et al. 2009). Quilty et al. (2008b) tested a mediation model and found direct support
for this hypothesis. Other possibilities need to be ruled out, however, particularly the
hypotheses that traits predict poorer response because they indicate a more severe form of
depression or that they interfere with treatment compliance and the therapeutic relationship,
thus reducing the efficacy of the intervention.


The literature on the relation between personality and depression is large, but it has many
gaps and inconsistent findings. Nonetheless, it is possible to draw a number of conclusions.
First, there are moderate-to-large cross-sectional associations between depression and three
general personality traits—N/NE, E/PE, and conscientiousness—as well as with a variety of
related traits (e.g., harm avoidance, rumination, and self-criticism) and personality types
(depressive personality). Second, most of the personality traits associated with depression
also are related to other forms of psychopathology, particularly anxiety disorders. This may
reflect the phenomenon of multifinality, in which variables early in the causal chain lead to

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multiple outcomes depending on subsequent events in the causal pathway. On the other
hand, many of the disorders that are currently classified as distinct conditions are closely
related; hence, research on personality-psychopathology associations can provide important
information for revising our nosological system. Third, reports of some traits (e.g., N/NE
and harm avoidance) are influenced by clinical state, whereas other traits (e.g., E/PE) appear
to be independent of mood state. However, state effects cannot fully account for the
associations between personality and depression. Fourth, shared etiological factors (e.g.,
genes) account for a portion of the association between N/NE and depression. Fifth,
depressive personality and some traits, particularly N/NE, predict the subsequent onset of
depressive disorders. However, it is unclear at this point whether they are best
conceptualized as precursors or predispositions, as it is difficult to tease these models apart,

and there is evidence supporting both accounts. In either case, there is growing evidence that
temperamental risk factors are evident at an early age, suggesting a promising approach to
identifying young children at risk for depression. Sixth, there is evidence suggesting that
other traits, such as low E/PE and low conscientiousness/effortful control, may moderate the
relationship between N/NE and depression. Seventh, it appears unlikely that depressive
episodes produce enduring changes in most personality traits. Finally, personality traits
predict, and may in fact influence, the course and treatment response of depression.

To make further progress in elucidating the relation between personality and mood
disorders, future studies should be guided by six broad considerations. First, most of the
literature on personality and depression has focused on the broad traits of N/NE and E/PE.
There is a need for further work on conscientiousness and on lower levels in the trait
hierarchy (i.e., facets). It is important to determine whether a more specific level of analysis

will yield more powerful effects and increase the specificity of associations between
personality constructs and particular forms of psychopathology. Clinical traits, such as
ruminative response style and self-criticism, need to be included in these studies and
evaluated jointly with traditional personality dimensions. Finally, it is important to continue
to explore interactions between traits.

Second, there is a critical need for prospective, longitudinal studies. Most existing
longitudinal studies have begun in late adolescence or adulthood. However, a substantial
proportion of mood disorders have already developed by mid-adolescence. Therefore, in
order to further test the precursor and predisposition models, and to trace the developmental
pathways between personality and depression, it is necessary to conduct longitudinal studies
that start as early as possible in order to obtain a sufficient number of first-onset cases and

avoid selection biases caused by excluding participants who already have a history of mood
disorder at initial assessment.

Third, depression researchers have treated personality as static. However, personality

changes over the course of development. Future work must begin to consider the complex
personality-environment transactions that can strengthen or attenuate personality trajectories
and predispositions for depressive disorder. In addition, as understanding of epigenetics
increases, it will be important to explore epigenetic influences on personality change and
their relation to depression.

Fourth, if personality is a precursor of, or predisposes to, the development of depressive

disorders, it is critical to identify the moderating factors and mediating processes involved in
these pathways. There is some evidence suggesting that moderators may include gender,
early adversity, and life stress, and mediators may include interpersonal deficits,
depressotypic cognitions, maladaptive coping, and behavioral and neurobiological stress
reactivity (Klein et al. 2008a). There is a need for more systematic research examining these
moderators and mediators in a longitudinal framework.

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Fifth, self-reports have borne the brunt of most research in this area and have made
important contributions. However, like all methods, they have limitations and cannot be
applied in all contexts (e.g., young children). Thus, there is a need for further work using
complementary methods such as informant reports and observations in naturalistic and
laboratory settings.

Finally, the role of personality/temperament may differ for different forms of depressive
disorder. Personality appears to play an especially important role in early-onset, chronic, and
recurrent depressive conditions (e.g., Klein 2008, Kotov et al. 2010, van Os et al. 1997).
Focusing on broad diagnostic categories such as MDD may obscure important associations
with particular forms of depression; hence, future studies need to give greater consideration

to the heterogeneity of depressive disorders.


Temperament generally used to describe personality in childhood; largely

interchangeable with the term “personality”
Neuroticism a tendency to cope poorly with stress and to experience
feelings of sadness, anxiety, and anger
Five-Factor Model hierarchical personality taxonomy with five general traits at
(FFM) its apex, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness,
agreeableness, and openness to experience

Extraversion a tendency to engage the environment and other people with

vigor and enthusiasm
Conscientiousness a tendency to approach tasks in a planful and deliberate
manner and to be reliable and self-disciplined
N/NE neuroticism/negative emotionality
E/PE extraversion/positive emotionality
Precursor model considers personality an early manifestation of the disorder
Predisposition model posits that personality is distinct from psychopathology and
plays a causal role in its development
Pathoplasticity model posits that personality influences the expression of the

disorder after onset

Dysthymic disorder a condition defined by chronic but relatively mild feelings of
depression lasting at least two years
DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition
Major depressive a condition characterized by episodes of depressed mood or
disorder (MDD) loss of interest or pleasure lasting at least two weeks
BAS behavioral activation system
BIS behavioral inhibition system
BI behavioral inhibition

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1. There are moderate-to-large cross-sectional associations between depression and
three general personality traits—N/NE, E/PE, and conscientiousness—as well as
with a variety of related traits (e.g., harm avoidance, rumination, and self-
criticism) and personality types (e.g., depressive personality).
2. Most of the personality traits associated with depression also are related to other
forms of psychopathology, particularly anxiety disorders. This may reflect the
phenomenon of multifinality, in which variables early in the causal chain lead to
multiple outcomes depending on subsequent events in the causal pathway. On

the other hand, many of the disorders that are currently classified as distinct
conditions are closely related; hence, research on personality-psychopathology
associations can also provide important information for revising our nosological
3. Reports of some traits (e.g., N/NE and harm avoidance) are influenced by
clinical state, whereas other traits (e.g., E/PE) appear to be independent of mood
state. However, state effects cannot fully account for the associations between
personality and depression.
4. Shared etiological factors (e.g., genes) account for a portion of the association
between N/NE and depression.
5. Depressive personality and some traits, particularly N/NE, predict the

subsequent onset of depressive disorders. However, it is unclear at this point

whether they are best conceptualized as precursors or predispositions, as it is
difficult to tease these models apart, and there is evidence supporting both
accounts. In either case, there is growing evidence that temperamental risk
factors are evident at an early age, suggesting a promising approach to
identifying young children at risk for depression.
6. There is evidence suggesting that other traits, such as low E/PE and low
conscientiousness/effortful control, may moderate the relationship between N/
NE and depression.
7. It appears unlikely that depressive episodes produce enduring changes in most
personality traits.
8. Personality traits predict, and may in fact influence, the course and treatment

response of depression.

Annu Rev Clin Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 December 10.
Klein et al. Page 29

Table 1
Summary of key predictions of the classic models

Model Predictions about a target trait and its relation to depression

Common cause Shared etiology accounts for the observed association

Continuum/spectrum Similar etiology; association is fairly specific and nonlinear

Precursor Similar etiology; predicts depression onset

Predisposition Predicts depression onset; other variables mediate or moderate this link

Pathoplasticity Predicts variation in presentation or outcome of depression above and beyond other baseline characteristics

Concomitants Is altered during a depressive episode but returns to premorbid level after

Consequences/scars Is altered during and after a depressive episode


Annu Rev Clin Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 December 10.

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