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Q1 G5 English Law 3

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Activity 1

Directions: Underline the subject and then encircle the correct verb from the choices
in the parentheses.

1. The bond paper in those boxes (is, are) for the photocopy machine.

2. Her laptop including her mobile phone (was, were) left in her car.

3. Each entry within the guidelines (receives, receive) a thorough reading.

4. This batch of cute, little puppies (is, are) ready to be sold.

5. The artwork, in addition to the jewelry, (are, is) to be auctioned off in May.

6. Linda, one of my good friends, (visits, visit) Cebu every year.

7. The doctor, together with his nurses, (is, are) attending a conference.

8. An acre of trees and meadows (surrounds, surround) the house.

9. Those who drive to work always (complain, complains) about traffic.

10. The light from the new post lamps (brighten, brightens) the sidewalk.

Activity 2
Directions: Complete the sentence by writing the correct form of the verb.

1. I ____ going to the library in the afternoon.

2. Those cars _____ for sale.

3. Mario _____ many toys to play with.

4. Birds _____ in the sky.

5. Have Mary called her uncle to _______ him the good news?

Activity 3
Directions: Encircle the subject in each sentence, then underline the correct verb
that should be used.
Example: The mirror, framed with white seashells, (is, are) everyone’s favorite.

1. The librarians (do, does) not like too much noise in the library.

2. The theme of the celebration (is, are) Health Watch.

3. Nick, along with his friends, (is, are) joining the fun run today.

4. Those left behind by the teacher (was, were) asked to stay in the lab.

5. The nurse, together with them, (has, have) to bring the first aid kit.
Activity 4
Directions: Analyze how the collective noun is used as a subject in each sentence.
Then, underline the correct verb that agrees with it.

1. The crew of the shop (was, were) acting as one to rescue all the passengers.

2. The crew (was were) positioned in the different parts of the ship.

3. The family (is, are) preparing for the trip.

4. The family (stay, stays) together in watching the noon time TV show.

5. The group of hikers (is, are) taking different trails to find out which is the
shortest one.

Activity 5
Directions: Encircle the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each of the
following sentences.

1. Several mayors, excluding the vice mayors, (give, gives) support to the

2. Lenie, along with her staff, (go, goes) to the rural areas.

3. Many soldiers, together with foreign journalist, (go, goes) beyond the call of

4. The sun, not the moon, (is, are) quite visible.

5. The Filipinos, not other nationalities, (own, owns) the reef.

6. The herd of carabao (walk, walks) slowly across the field.

7. The barangay council (has, have) plants to expand the area of the barangay
daycare center.

8. Their band (has, have) been trying their luck in various competitions around
the region.

9. The new volleyball team (is, are) open for try-outs this weekend.

10. The stage committee (is, are) busy planning the design and set up for the

Activity 6
Directions: Use the following words in a sentence with the appropriate subject verb

1. Mouse


2. Crisis

Sentence: _______________________________________________________
3. Geese

Sentence: _______________________________________________________
4. Man

Sentence: ______________________________________________________

5. thieves

Sentence _______________________________________________________

Activity 7
Directions: Cross out the form of the verb that does NOT go with subject of the
sentence. An example is given below.

Down that dark path (sit, sits) the haunted house.

1. Here ( is, are) the book you wanted to read.

2. Here ( is, are) your medical records from your doctor.
3. Untouched ( was, were) the tranquil garden.
4. From the bank the thief ( steal, steals) the money.
5. ( Has, Have) anyone seen shirt that goes with these white pants?
6. Here at the Academy of Arts ( develops, develop) the creative minds of
7. There ( was, were) a big fire here last year.
8. Attached (is, are) a copy of the file.
9. Next to the shimmering pond (waddles, waddle) a fat duck and her yellow
10. In her hand (is, are) two roses.

Activity 8
Directions: Complete the sentences using the verbs that agree with the underlined
collective nouns. Encircle your answer.
1. The army (defend, defends) the country against its enemies.
2. The orchestra (is, are) performing magically well.
3. The class (was, were) allowed to write their individual decision.
4. A flock of birds (is, are) migrating southward.
5. The class (disagree, disagrees) with one another about the answers.

Activity 9
Directions: Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.

1. The weather on the coast (appear, appears) to be good this weekend.

2. The women in the pool (swim, swims) well.
3. The red-haired lady in the fur hat (live, lives) across the street.
4. The center of the basketball team (bounce, bounces) the ball too high.
5. Everybody (was, were) asked to remain quiet.

Activity 10
Directions: Write Descriptive, Demonstrative, or Numeral for the underlined
adjective in the sentence.

________1. The eager children had a heated debate on the effects of the campaign.

________2.The interesting activity was held in that open space.

________3. Two lively moderators were there to give clear directions.

________4.Only four observers from the big crowd were allowed to share their opinion.

________5. The exciting event lasted for one hour.

________6.There are several pictures in this book.

________7. The foolish crew opened his mouth to sing.

________8. We did not receive sufficient rain this year.

________9. There are several apples in the fridge.

________10. Who is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature?

Activity 11
Directions: Rearrange the given adjectives in correct order and rewrite the sentence
in the space provided.

Example: Pass me the ( plastic, big, blue) cups.

1. The (boring, old) movie is putting me to sleep.

2. The group of (Cuban, young, talented) musicians just emerged from the plane.

3. They want (small, two, wood, flat) boxes for their project.

4. I have found ( a, little, coffee, nice) shop.

5. I showed Marla (huge, my, new, swimming) pool.

Activity 12
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives in the

1. The watermelon juice is _______________(sweet) than the mango juice.

2. This sum is _______________( difficult) than the one I did yesterday.

3. The ostrich is the _____________( large) bird on earth.

4. Mrs. Jundez likes to bake. She can bake ______________ (best) than a pastry chef.

5. Today is the _________________ (happy) day of my life!

6. A holiday by the sea is (good) ________________ than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a soda is (expensive) _______________ than a beer.

8. The weather this summer is even (bad) _____________ than last summer.

9. Non-smokers usually live (long)_______________ than smokers.

10. He was the (clever) ________________ thief of all.

Activity 13
Directions: Underline the adjective/s in each of the following sentences and circle
the nouns they describe.

Example: Ancient precious coins are exhibited in the museum.

1. Students will give a written report on the vanishing rainforest and endangered
2. Many parents need more money to pay the tuition fees of their grade 5 children.
3. The bank members sang their sad farewell song.
4. Some teachers are very cautious with their challenging assignment.
5. Several honest politicians encourage the bright scholars to be effective leaders.
6. The good president promised several women leaders to expect help from his
7. The dynamic principal gave a short but meaningful advice to the students.

8. The people in the biggest barangay refused to follow the difficult proposal of the
barangay captain.
9. Many children followed the advice of the kind guidance counselor.
10. A thousand people gathered for noble cause.

Activity 14
Directions: Arrange the adjectives that is used to describe the noun in the
parenthesis then used it in a sentence. Write on the lines provided.

1. Amazing, ancient, cup, little (saucer)



2. Tall, young, thin, black-haired beautiful, (Filipina)



3. Fat, big, black, furry (dog)



4. Old, Indian, interesting (rug)



5. Silk, polka-dotted, yellow (skirt)



6. many, comfortable, blue (sofa)



7. small, round, metal, one (table)


8. old, funny, four (men)


9. red, small, elegant (purse)


10. black, private, beautiful (car)



Cajili, R. A. (2019). English Edge. Quezon City: ABIVA Publishing House, Inc.

Padin, M. A. (2020). English Encouters: Reading. Mania: Rex Book Store.

Tarrajo, M. J. (2018). Get E ngaged in ENGLISH. Makati City: SC Mardison Corp.

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