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Asgn Eng I II Cls 8 2021

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Class VIII

New Voices: Literature Reader

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i. Maintain two separate copies, one for Literature and one for Grammar & Writing.
ii. Separate the Grammar and Writing portion in your Grammar & Writing copy.
iii. Write the definations and examples first and then do the exercises in your Grammar &
Writing copy. Write the literature question answers in the literature copy.

Chapter 1
No Music Before Mosque
Answer the following questions:
1. Tick the right answer.
Ali’s father was furious during evening prayers because
a. Ali was late for prayers
b. Ali was sleeping during prayers
c. Ali was playing the flute during prayers. ​✔
d. Ali was playing with his friends during prayer/

2. How did Nazo hope to defuse the situation?

Ans​. Nazo suggested that perhaps it was not Ali who played the flute as the last train
from the city had not yet arrived. Ali was supposed to come by that train.

3. Why did Ali play the flute at the time of prayer?

Ans​. Ali did not believe in the regular ritual of Namaaz. Playing the flute was his way
of praying. His admiration of the beauty of nature was the way he thanked Allah.

4. What woke up Nazo from her sleep? What made her realize that the family was in
Ans ​The crowd outside their house talking excitedly woke her up. She heard that her
uncle, Ali, couldn’t be found anywhere.

Grammar ​Chapter -1

What are Determiners?

Determiners are words placed in front of a noun to make it more specific.

Example: ​My ​mother, ​that​ book, ​the​ best student.

Kinds of Determiners​-


A ​and ​An​ are indefinite articles while ​The​ is the definite article.

*​A ​is used​-

With the consonant sound-A European, a platform.

*​An​ is used​-

With the vowel sound-An honest man, An aunt

*​The​ is used-

With the noun to make it specific- The chief guest, The pen.

With the superlative degrees-The highest peak, The best student.

With the common noun when that noun represents the whole class.

Example​- The camel is the ship of the desert.


This​ and ​These​ refer to persons or objects close by.

Example​-This book contains all the information.

Example​-These buildings face danger during an earthquake.

That​ and ​Those​ refer to a person or object or a distance.

Example​- That house belongs to my grandfather.

Example​-Those bags are for sale.


Possessive shows ownership, like My, Our, Your, His, Her.

Example​-My bag your Pen.

4-Distributive​-Either, Neither, Each and Every

Either​ is used when referring to two choices or two possibilities. Ex-You can take either taxi.
Neither​ allows us to make a negative statement about two persons or things at the same
time. Ex-Neither document is needed by us.

Each​ and ​Every​ refers to individual things in a group or a list of two or more things. Ex- Talk
to each child separately.

5-Quantifiers​-Some, Any, Much, Many, Several etc

Quantifiers Indicate how much or how little noun is being discussed.

Some ​and​ any ​can refer to both quantity and number.Ex- Some milk, any news.

Some​ is used with affirmative sentences while ​any​ is used in negative sentences.

Much, Many

Much ​is used before the uncountable-Ex-Much labour, much joy.

Many​ is used in the countable in the plural number- Ex- Many students many lawyers.

Little, A little, The little, Few, A few, The Few

Little, A Little ,The Little ​denote quantity and are used before the uncountables.

Little is used almost in the negative sense.Ex-There was little hope of saving Harish.

A little-Atleast Some. ​Example​- We steal have a little money with us.

The little-The whole quantity, though very little. ​Example​-The little sugar that the
shopkeeper offered me was of an inferior quality.

Few, A Few, The Few-​Denote number and are used before the countables in the plural

Few-Not Many almost none. ​Example​-This Tv channel is not good. It shows a few good

A Few-Some at least. ​Example​-Last evening I went to the city walk mall with a few friends.

The Few-All of them, though very few. ​Example​-The few trees left on the heal side.

6-Interrogative​-What, Which, Whose etc

Interrogative are used to ask questions. ​Example- ​Whose ball, which juice.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary:

1. ________ Ludhiana is ______ important industrial city. It is ________ Manchester of our
2. _______ insect has six legs, but ________ spider has eight. Therefore we cannot describe
________ spider as ________ insect.
3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands is ________ union territory in ________ Bay of Bengal with
Port Blair as ________ capital.
4. _______ stray aniamls have become _______ big nuisance on _______ city roads.
5. _______ octopuses are highly inetlligent animals. _______ Biologists have proved that
_______ octopus can successfully come out of _______ maze and also have problem
solving skills.
6. There was _______ explosion in _______ townhall yesterday. _______ honourable man
was injured and in _______ state of shock. He was carrying _______ stick with him which
blew off when _______ explosion took place.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with either, neither, each or every, in some cases more than one choice is

1. _______ person should respect his country.

2. _______ member of the group was given a driving test.
3. _______ seat in the hall was occupied.
4. _______ time I go to Cannaught Place, I get caught in a traffic jam.
5. You can take _______ cut to reach my house.
6. Trees have been planted on _______ side of the road.
7. You can buy _______ pair of trousers. Both of them are equally good.
8. _______ member wanted the bedroom with an attached bathroom.

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with what, which, whose, how many or how much:

1. _______ bottles of milk will be required for the party?

2. _______ money do you think will be sufficient to meet all the expenses?
3. _______ colours suit you the most?
4. _______train leads to Amritsar? This one or the one at platform 9?
5. _______ pen is lying on my desk? Is it Fatima’s?
6. _______ magazine are you reading these days? Is it a children’s magazine?
7. _______ dress do you like the most? The yellow, the green or the red.
8. _______ performance received the maximum applause? Vineet’s or Krishna’s?

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