‘Hasty generalization’ is also called ‘converse accident.’
• Don’t go down to River Road. I was down there once and got mugged. They’re all thieves down there. • I am sure their President will be reasonable about the matter. After all, man is a rational animal. 11. Slippery Slope • We should oppose any effort by government to censor obscene books, movies, or other forms of expression, no matter how offensive we may find such material. The reason is that once government has the power to ban obscenity, that precedent will open the door to further controls on speech: banning racist remarks, then speech that the majority finds offensive, then speech that opposes government policies, and so on until no one is free to say anything without government permission. 12. Complex Question • A complex question involves asking a question in such a way as to presuppose the truth of some conclusion buried in that question. • When a question is complex, and all of its presuppositions are to be denied, they must be denied individually. • Why is the private development of resources so much more efficient than any government-owned enterprise? Lawyer: The figures seem to indicate that your sales increased as a result of these misleading advertisements. Is that correct? Witness: They did not! Lawyer: But you do admit, then, that your advertisement was misleading. How long have you been engaging in practices like these? 13. Begging the Question: Petitio Principii • To beg the question is to assume the truth of what one seeks to prove, in the effort to prove it. The premise(s) and the conclusion tend to be identical in such cases. Such arguments are also called circular arguments. •All of us cannot be famous, because all of cannot be well known. --Jesse Jackson, 1984 • To allow every man unbounded freedom of speech must always be, on the whole, advantageous to the state; for it is highly conducive to the interests of the community that each individual should enjoy a liberty, perfectly unlimited, of expressing his sentiments. • To allow every man unbounded freedom of speech must always be, on the whole, advantageous to the state; for it is highly conducive to the interests of the community that each individual should enjoy a liberty, perfectly unlimited, of expressing his sentiments. • “advantageous to the state” = “highly conducive to the interests of the community” • “allow every man unbounded freedom of speech” = “each individual should enjoy a liberty, perfectly unlimited, of expressing his sentiments” 14. Irrelevant Conclusion: Ignoratio Elenchi • The fallacy of ignoratio elenchi is committed when an argument purporting to establish a particular conclusion is instead directed to proving a different conclusion. Also called a diversion or a non sequitur (meaning: ‘it does not follow’). Most fallacies can be grouped under this fallacy to some extent, but the term is used when none of the other fallacies have been committed. • An attorney is always free to consult law books. And a physician often looks up cases in medical texts. Everyone should be allowed a similar freedom of reference. So students should be permitted to use their textbooks during examinations. 15 & 16: Composition and Division • I’m sure this outfit will look great. It’s got leopard print, zebra print, plaid, and polka dots, and I like each of those patterns. • This car is made by Honda. So every part of this car is made by Honda.