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Lesson Plan For Conjunction

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Teacher EDGAR LARA JR. Learning Areas English
Time and Quarter


A. Content Standards The Learners should be able to demonstrate an

understanding of coordinating conjunctions, their purpose,
and how they are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses
of equal grammatical rank in sentences.
B. Performance Standards The Learners should be able to construct complex and
compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions
accurately and effectively in both written and oral
communication, enhancing the clarity and coherence of their
C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives Write the LC Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be
code for each able to:
1. Define coordinating conjunctions and their function when
used in different sentences; EN8G-IIh-8.3
2. Construct a sentence using coordinating conjunctions
3. Value the importance of coordinating conjunctions in our
daily lives EN8G-IIj-8.4
II. Content

A. Subject Matter Coordinating Conjunctions

B. Integration:
III. Learning Resources

A. References
 English 8 Quarter 3, Module 5

1. Teachers Guide 

2. Learners Material pages 

3. Textbook pages 

4. Additional Materials from

learning Resources (LK)  Instructional Materials, and Pictures.

B. Other Learning Resources  ENGLISH 8 Books

IV. Procedures Teachers Activities Learner’s Expected
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting
the new lesson Good morning students. May I
request everyone to please stand.
For those catholic will having a sign Students follow
of the cross, but for those non
catholic please just bow your heads.

Checking the attendance

Akira, is there anyone absent from None sir.

class today?

Very good. Let’s clap our hands

together for a perfect attendance.

Classroom Rules:

Students pay close attention to our

classroom rules, which you will

Rule 1: Pay close attention when

the teacher is speaking. When the
teacher is still talking, no
conversing with your seatmates or

2: If you have a question or need

clarification on something your
teacher has said, raise your hand so
that you can be properly answered.

Rule 3: I want everyone to work

together as a team; no one will stand
on the side-lines; all will cooperate.

Be considerate of others, including Indicator- 5 Manages
your peers. Use appropriate words. student’s behavior
Follow all my instructions, are we
clear class? Yes, sir.

Review the Past lesson:

Let us have a quick recap about

Our topic last meeting. What did
We talk about last meeting?
Our last topic was all about
subordinating conjunctions
Very good! Our last topic was all sir.
about Subordinating conjunctions.

Again, what is subordinating

A Subordinating
Conjunctions a type of
conjunction that connects a
dependent clause
That’s right! Now I want you to (subordinate clause) to an
answer this one. independent clause.

1. Which subordinating
conjunction is used to show
a cause or a reason?
2. Identify the subordinating
conjunction in the following
sentence “I will go for a
walk if it stops raining.”
3. Choose the correct 1. Because
subordinating conjunction 2. If
to complete the sentence: 3. After
“She will cook dinner___ I 4. Although
finish my homework” 5. After
a. Because
b. Unless
c. Before
d. After
4. Which subordinating
conjunction is used to show
contrast or unexpected
5. Identify the subordinating
conjunction in the following
sentence: “After we eat
dinner, we will watch a

Do you have any questions

regarding to our past lesson class?
None sir.
B. Establishing a
purpose for the :showing a jumbled sentence Indicator 1- Applies
lesson knowledge of content
Before we dive into our lesson within across curriculum
for today, we’ll be going to play
a mini game to keep our brains
started. Our game for today is
called the “Unjumbling Fun”. Is
anyone familiar with this game
We haven't heard of that
Or have you heard of it?
All right.

The mechanics of this game are

quite simple.
For the instruction of the game.
I want the class to listen
properly because I will only
repeat the instruction twice. Are we
Yes sir.
I will flash a sentences with
Jumbled words on the board. I
will give the class a minute to
arrange the words to form the
correct sentence.
(Repeat twice)

Am I clear? Are there any

None sir.
Okay let us begin.

1. She wanted to go to the

beach, but forgot to bring
her swimsuit.
 She wanted to go to
the beach, but she
2. And the sun set, we sat by forgot to bring her
the fire and talked until late. swimsuit.

3. But he tried to lift the heavy  We sat by the fire

box, it wouldn't budge. and talked until late,
and the sun set.

Good job class!  He tried to lift the

heavy box, but it
wouldn't budge.
The Lost Puppy
One afternoon, Mia heard a soft Indicator 2: uses a range of
whimper in the bushes, and she teaching strategies that
found a lost puppy. The puppy was enhance learner
scared, so Mia gently picked it up achievement in literacy and
and took it home. She bathed and numeracy.
fed the puppy, and soon it wagged
its tail in gratitude.
Mia and her mother put up posters
to find the owner, but no one
claimed the puppy. Mia secretly
hoped they wouldn’t find the owner,
for she had grown attached. After a
few days, Mia’s mother said they
could keep the puppy, and Mia was
overjoyed. She named him Buddy,
and they became inseparable,
playing together every day and
never feeling lonely again.

1. What is the dialogue all about?

The dialogue describes how
Mia finds a lost puppy,
takes care of it, and
2. Have you seen the underlined eventually decides to keep
words written in the text or it.
And, so, but, and for sir.

3. What are the conjunctions used

in the dialogue?
The conjunctions used in the
text are:
1. And - "One
afternoon, Mia
heard a soft
whimper in the
bushes, and she
found a lost puppy."
2. So - "The puppy
was scared, so Mia
gently picked it up
and took it home."
3. And - "She bathed
and fed the puppy,
and soon it wagged
its tail in gratitude."
4. But - "Mia and her
mother put up
posters to find the
owner, but no one
That’s correct! So, this time let us claimed the puppy."
read the paragraph that I prepare.

C. Presenting
examples/instance 1. Let us Read the
s of the new paragraph.
lesson Indicator 2: uses a range of
The Mysterious Garden teaching strategies that
One summer day, Alex discovered enhance learner
an old, hidden garden behind his achievement in literacy and
house. The garden was overgrown numeracy.
with weeds, but Alex noticed a
rusty gate and a path leading
through it. Excited, he decided to
explore, and he found an array of
beautiful, colorful flowers and a
small, sparkling pond.
Alex wanted to clean up the garden,
so he gathered tools from the garage
and started working. His friend
Sam joined him, and they spent the
whole afternoon weeding and
planting new flowers. They worked
hard, but they had fun and made
the garden look fantastic.
By evening, the garden was
transformed into a lovely retreat,
and Alex and Sam sat by the pond
to admire their work. They were
happy with their efforts, and they
planned to visit the garden every
weekend. They also thought about
inviting their friends to share the
beauty of their new secret spot.

From the underlined words, what do

you think our topic is today?

Brilliant answer! Then, what do you

I think our topic for today is
Coordinating conjunctions

A coordinating
conjunction is a type of
conjunction that connects
words, phrases, or clauses
that are of equal
grammatical rank.
2. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new A Conjunction is defined as words
skills #1 that are used to connect words,
phrases, sentences, or clauses



1. Subordinating Conjunction
2. Coordinating Conjunction
3. Adverbial Conjunction
4. Correlative Conjunction

But in our discussion for today,

we will only focus on
Coordinating Conjunctions.

What is the definition of

Coordinating Conjunction? These are words used to
Please read the definition. connect or join two or more
words, phrases, or
clauses which are similar in
There are seven coordinating
conjunctions and we will easily
remember them using the
Acronym, FANBOYS.

First one is the For.

It is used to introduce a reason
or a cause.


1. I bought flowers for

my mom.
2. She ran to catch the
bus for she didn’t
want to be late.

Who can give me another example?

Anyone from the class? He smiled for he was happy
to see his friends.

Yes, he smiles because he is happy

so there’s a reason why he smiles
and that is? Because he sees his friends

Next one is And.

It is used to join two or more
similar ideas, or to show an
additional idea.

1. I like apples and bananas.
2. Nina and Calli are best

Nina and Calli are words

that are nouns which are
connected by the conjunction
“and” that use to express an

Another example? Yes, Jino please She read a book and drank
stand up. coffee to relax.

Very good!

Another one is Nor.

It is used to present another
negative idea to an already
stated negative idea. When we
say negative statement it is a
sentence that states something
is not true, or something not
happening. It usually uses the
word not or never to turn the
sentence into a negative


1. I don’t like pizza nor pasta

because I prefer

In this sentence, the speaker does

not enjoy pizza or pasta, stating a
preference for sandwiches instead.

Next conjunction is But.

Used to show contrast. When
we say contrast, it is something
opposing ideas.

Here there are two sentences,

and they are connected using
the conjunction “but” to show
contrast or opposing ideas.


1. I wanted to go outside but

it was raining.

In this sentence, it seems like she is

saying she wants to go out but
because it’s raining outside.
However, she stayed indoors so she
wouldn’t get rained on.

Give me at least two examples. He is tall but she is short.

She is tired but she will
Another conjunction is Or. finish he work.
It is used to join two contrasting
ideas, together, or to show
choices or options.


1. Would you like ice cream

or cake for dessert?
2. You can play soccer or
basketball depending on
your preference.

The conjunction “or” is used to

present two options for dessert. The
speaker is asking the listener to
choose between having a cake or ice
cream as the sweet treat after the

By using “or” the sentence indicates

that the listener can select either
cake or ice cream, emphasizing the
choice between the two dessert

Next one is Yet.

It is used to present an
exemption to the first
statement. Also shows contrast.


1. She was tired yet she kept

The last one is the So.
It is used to introduce a result or
an effect. In other words so
introduce a consequence/s.
In this case, the conjunction

“so” connects the two

independent clauses.


1. It was hot so they went

swimming to cool off.

How many are the coordinating

conjunctions? Seven sir.

Okay that’s all for FANBOYS.

Do you have any questions?
Clarifications? None sir.

3. Developing Activity time!

mastery (leads to Indicator 3: applied a range
Formative A dice containing the different of teaching strategies to
Assessment) coordinating conjunctions written develop critical thinking
on each side will be shown to the
class. The Teacher will call
someone to roll the dice. Students follow

Whatever coordinating conjunction

will be chosen, the students will
have to make a sentence using the
coordinating conjunction.
3. Finding practical
application of Let's start the activity.
concepts and skill Here’s what you need to do:
in daily living 1. I’ll divide the class into
three groups.
2. Count off from 1 to 3 to
determine your group.
3. Sit with your group
members quietly as you
move to your new seats.

Are all groups seated? Yes sir


Here are the rules for the

1. Listen carefully and follow
2. Work together as a group.
3. Stay on task and be

1. Minimize your voice

2. No roaming around. Stick
your group mates.
3. Participate in your group.
Failure to follow the given
rules will have a
deduction to their

Group1. Indicator 2: uses a range of

Directions: Constructs seven teaching strategies that
sentences using coordinating enhance learner
conjunctions. achievement in literacy and
Directions: Make your own
short stories, make sure that
you use the coordinating
Conjunctions we tackled today.
In presenting your story, there
should be a narrator/s and the
rest of the members will be the
Actors or props men.

Directions: Create a song (chorus
part) using coordinating
For the fun part.
You will be graded according to
these criteria. Your classmates
will be the ones to give you

M.E Fair Poor
use of
of voice

Meets expectation 20
Fair 10
Poor 5

4. Making
generalizations and What have you learned from today's
abstraction the lesson? I have learned about A
lesson coordinating conjunction is
a word that connects words,
phrases, or clauses that are
similar in structure and of
equal importance within a
Again, what is compound word?
Another hand? Yes, Jamaica. Coordinating conjunctions
is a word that connects
Yes, that’s right.

What are the coordinating

conjunctions mentioned
earlier? For, And, So, Yet, But, Nor,
and Or sir.
What is the importance of
coordinating conjunctions in the
Sentence structure? For connecting ideas,
building complexity, and
adding clarity sir.

Now, who can tell me the

importance of coordinating
conjunctions in our lives? Coordinating conjunctions
play a crucial role in our
daily communication and
writing. They are simple
words like "and," "but,"
"or," "nor," "for," "yet," and
"so," but they have a
significant impact on how
we connect and express
ideas. Understanding their
importance can improve
how we interact with others
and how we convey our
5. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Complete the sentences
with the correct conjunction.

1. She stayed up late studying, ___

she wanted to do well on the exam.
2. We bought apples, oranges, Answers:
___bananas from the market.
3. He doesn’t like to swim, ___ does
he enjoy running. 1. For
4. The new restaurant is expensive, 2. And
___ the food is delicious. 3. Nor
5. You can have tea, ___ you can 4. But
choose coffee for breakfast. 5. Or
6. The book was difficult to read, 6. Yet
___ it was incredibly interesting 7.

For Yet

But Nor So

Or And

6. Additional activities
for application or Directions: Study the Adverbial
remediation Conjunction and Identify each of
its function.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

a. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
c. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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