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Feb 16 Pharm

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Drug /dose Indications Route Time Action and Pharmacokinetics Common Interaction Nursing Implications
Generic Name [*indicate which -Onset relevant side potential -Pre/Post Assessments
Family/Classification one pertains to -Half Life, Peak, Duration effects (specific to -Safe Dose Range
your patient] -Action/ Teaching Statements patient situation) -Administration Information
-Teaching Considerations
Amlodipine Chronic PO 0900 Inhibits calcium ion influx across Headache Grapefruit CV assessment, monitor for angina,
5mg PO OD stable cell membrane during cardiac Dizziness juice peripheral edema
Antianginal, angina depolarization; produces Peripheral Safe dose range: 5-10mg/day
antihypertensive pectoris relaxation of vascular smooth edema Administration: Take without regard to
calcium channel (effort- muscle; dilates coronary vascular Angina meals. Do not skip/double dose
blocker associated arteries; increases myocardial O2 Polyuria Notify prescriber of irregular heartbeat;
Dihydropyridine angina), delivery Nocturia SOB; swelling of feet, face, hands; severe
(calcium hypertension Peak 6–12 hr; half-life 30–50 hr; dizziness; constipation; nausea;
antagonist) ; may increased in older persons, hypotension; angina/chest pain; muscle
coadminister hepatic disease; metabolized by stiffness, muscle spasms
with other liver; excreted in urine
antihyperten Teaching: This med helps lower
sives, your blood pressure by relaxing
antianginals the muscles and arteries that carry
Apixaban 2.5mg Deep venous PO 0900 Inhibits factor Xa and indirectly Rash Assess for bleeding (gums, nasal, GI,
PO BID thrombosis inhibits platelet aggregation Hypotension melena, hematuria)
Anticoagulant (DVT) after induced by thrombin; by blocking Nausea Assess neuro status (monitor for
Factor Xa hip or knee factor Xa, thrombin generation is Severe impairment, numbness, paresthesia,
inhibitor replacement decreased and thrombus bleeding/ GI weakness, confusion, back pain,
HIGH ALERT prevent development is prevented bleed bowel/bladder impairment)
stroke and Peak 3–4 hr, half-life 12 hr Safe dose range: 2.5-10mg/day
embolism in Teaching: This med will lower Do not discontinue abruptly
atrial your risk of unwanted blood clots Avoid OTC medications that have not been
fibrillation, by reducing clotting agents in prescribed
treatment of your blood
olic events
Bisoprolol Mild to PO 0900 Competitively blocks stimulation Vertigo Increased Assess BP, respiratory status, baseline
2.5mg PO OD moderate of β1-adrenergic receptors within Headache myocardial renal and hepatic studies, weight changes,
Antihypertensiv hypertension cardiac muscle, slows conduction Dry eyes depression, skin dryness/dehydration

T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024

e ; may be of AV node; decreases renin- Postural antihypertens Safe dose range: 5-20mg/day
β1-Selective used alone angiotensin-aldosterone system hypotension ive effect Administration: Do not crush/chew, reduce
blocker or in Peak 2 to 4 hr; half-life 9 to 12 hr; Arthralgia with calcium dosage with renal/hepatic dysfunction
combination 50% excreted unchanged in urine Thrombocyto channel Teaching: Do not take OTC meds such as
with other Teaching: This med will lower penia blocker decongestants. Report bradycardia,
antihyperten your blood pressure by decreasing amlodipine dizziness, confusion, depression, fever
sives agents the mechanism that absorbs salt Avoid alcohol, smoking, excess sodium
and water into your body
Calcium Dietary PO With Neutralizes gastric acidity Constipation Decreased Assess calcium levels (serum, urine)
carbonate supplement meals One-third of dose absorbed by Nausea levels of weekly, serum phosphate
1250mg PO TID GERD 0800 small intestine, excreted in feces Vomiting calcium Monitor for constipation
Antacid, Hypocalcem 1200 and urine, crosses placenta, must channel Hypercalcemia: headache, nausea,
calcium ia secondary 1700 have adequate vitamin D for blockers- vomiting, confusion; Hypocalcemia:
supplement to absorption amlodipine paresthesia
anticonvulsa Teaching: This med will Safe dose range: 210-1500mg/day
nt or diuretic supplement your calcium needs as Administration: Take in divided doses with
therapy you are on dialysis food. Avoid taking with milk as this
decreases calcium absorption
Increase water intake to 2L/day unless

Cinacalcet 30mg Hypercalce PO 1700 Directly lowers PTH levels by Dizziness Assess for hypocalcemia: cramping,
PO OD mia with Do not With increasing sensitivity of calcium- Depression seizures, tetany, myalgia, paresthesia
Calcium parathyroid crush supper sensing receptors to extracellular Hypertension Assess calcium, phosphorous levels q1-
receptor agonist carcinoma, calcium Hypocalcemi 4wks
Polypeptide secondary 93–97% bound to plasma; a Safe dose range: 30-180mg/day
hormone hyperparath half-life 30–40 hr; renal excretion Administration: Take whole with food or
(calcimimetic) yroidism of metabolites, 15% in feces) shortly after a meal
with chronic Teaching: This will suppress May be used with vitamin D/phosphate
kidney secretion of parathyroid hormone binders
disease for that has been elevated by the
patient on dialysis

T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024

Clopidogrel Secondary PO 0900 Inhibits adenosine diphosphate Rash Assess for thrombotic thrombocytic
75mg PO OD prevention (ADP)-induced platelet Purpura purpura (TTP), fever, thrombocytopenia,
Platelet of aggregation Bleeding neurolytic anemia, bleeding-increased risk
aggregation atherothrom Rapidly absorbed; metabolized by Diarrhea with ASA
inhibitor botic events liver; excreted in urine, feces; GI Hepatic and blood studies
Thienopyridine (MI, stroke, half-life 6 hr; plasma protein discomfort Safe dose range: maintenance- 75mg/day
derivative vascular binding 95%; effect on platelets UTI Teach pt to report any unusual bruising,
death) after 3–7 days bleeding; that it may take longer to stop
Teaching: This med helps reduce bleeding; report diarrhea, skin rashes,
clotting agents subcutaneous bleeding, chills, fever, sore
Gabapentin Adjunctive PO 0600 Mechanism is unknown; may Drowsiness Decreased Monitor for seizure activity, pain
capsule 100mg therapy for 1400 increase seizure threshold; Confusion gabapentin Assess mental status, eye problems, WBC
PO Q8H management 2200 structurally similar to GABA Dizziness levels with count
Anticonvulsant of patients Elimination half-life 5–7 hr; Anxiety antacids, Safe dose range: 300-1800mg/day
GABA analogue with immediate release peak 2 hr Diplopia, sevelamer Administration: Give 2 hrs apart from
epilepsy Teaching: This medication Nystagmus antacids, initial dose in evening to prevent
reduces seizure activity when Rhinitis daytime drowsiness
conventional therapy did not work Nausea Increase fluid intake to prevent
Vomiting constipation
Constipation Do not stop med abruptly- may cause
Peripheral seizures
Hydromorphone Relief of PO 0800 Inhibits ascending pain pathways Drowsiness, Increased Respiratory, CV, pain, abdominal
0.75mg PO QID moderate- 1300 in the CNS, increases pain Dizziness CNS assessments before/during treatment
while awake severe pain 1800 threshold, alters pain perception Confusion depression Safe dose range: 0.5-4mg q4-6h
Opiate analgesic Onset 15–30 min, peak ½–1 hr, Sedation with SNRIs Administration: Give with milk for GI
duration 4–5 hr, metabolized by Euphoria symptoms
liver, excreted by kidneys Nausea Teaching: Avoid driving due to
Vomiting drowsiness, prolonged use may cause
Constipation dependence/tolerance
Multivitamin Vitamin PO 0900 Provide supplement B vitamins Nausea Take with food if GI upset occurs
(Replavite, supplement (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, Abdominal Take with a glass of water to prevent
Jamplavite) 1 for patients B12, folic acid), vitamin C, cramps crystallization
tablet PO OD with kidney vitamin E, and zinc. Constipation
Perindopril 8mg Hypertensio PO 0900 Selectively suppresses the renin– Insomnia Increased VS-BP
PO OD n angiotensin–aldosterone system Dizziness risk of severe Monitor for hypotension
Antihypertensiv Heart failure (RAAS); inhibits ACE; prevents Headache hypotension Monitor electrolytes, renal and hepatic
T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024
e CV event conversion of angiotensin I to Tinnitus with baselines, skin integ/turgor, angioedema
Angiotensin- prophylaxis angiotensin II and dilation of Dry cough bisoprolol, (mouth sores, sore throat, fever, swelling of
converting arterial and venous vessels Hypotension amlodipine hands or feet, irregular heartbeat, chest
enzyme (ACE) Bioavailability 75%; peak 1 hr; Hyperkalemi (antihyperten pains)
inhibitor metabolized by liver; half-life a sives) Safe dose range: 2-4mg/day (dialysis)
0.8–10 hr; excreted in urine Angioedema Administer: Give in one dose or 2 divided
Adhere to regimen, even if feeling better,
do not take OTC meds w/o prescription
Rosuvastatin Primary PO 1700 Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase Headache Dose should Assess diet; obtain diet history including
5mg PO OD hypercholest With enzyme, which reduces Dizziness not exceed fat, cholesterol in diet
Antilipemic erolemia supper cholesterol synthesis Rash 20mg/day Abdominal, cardiovascular assessments
HMG-CoA Mixed Peak 3–5 hr, half-life 19hr, Nausea when taken Fasting cholesterol, liver and renal function
reductase dyslipidemia minimal liver metabolism, 88% Constipation with Monitor for rhabdomyolysis: muscle pain,
inhibitor Elevated protein bound, excreted primarily Abdominal clopidogrel tenderness
serum in feces (90%) pain Safe dose range: 5–20 mg daily; initial
triglycerides Teaching: This med reduces your Dyspepsia dose 10 mg daily, reanalyze lipid levels at
Slowing of cholesterol by inhibiting the Heartburn 2–4 wk.
atherosclero enzyme that makes cholesterol in Kidney/ Administration: May be taken at any time
sis the body Liver of day, with/without food
CV disease dysfunction Store in a cool environment in an airtight,
prophylaxis Muscle light-resistant container
MI cramps
Stroke Myalgia
prophylaxis Kidney
Sevelamer Control of PO 0800 Prevents hyperphosphatemia by Headache May decrease Abdominal assessment, GI symptoms
carbonate hyperphosph Do not 1700 binding to dietary phosphate in Nausea or delay Assess for signs of infection
800mg PO BID atemia in crush With the gut, preventing its absorption Constipation absorption of Safe dose range: 200-800mg/day
Electrolyte patients with breakf and thus decreasing serum Limb pain other oral Administration: Do not chew/crush tabs-
modifier end-stage ast and parathyroid hormone levels medications swallow whole with water
(phosphate renal disease supper Onset 5 days, peak 2 wk Take with food as drug binds to ingested
binder) (ESRD) Teaching: This med will reduce phosphate
undergoing the amount of phosphates you Other medications should be taken either 1
dialysis absorb by binding to it in the hr before or 3 hr after sevelamer
(sevelamer digestive tract
Venlafaxine XR Symptomati PO 0800 Potent inhibitor of neuronal Dysphagia Increased Assess mental status, VS, blood, renal,
Extended c relief of Do not serotonin and norepinephrine Eructation CNS hepatic studies
release 300mg major crush uptake, weak inhibitor of Nausea depression Serotonin syndrome: Tachycardia,
T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024
PO OD depression dopamine Anorexia with opiates shivering, sweating, dilated pupils,
Antidepressant General Well absorbed; extensively Constipation tremors, high BP, hyperthermia, headache,
—serotonin- anxiety metabolized in liver Dry mouth confusion
norepinephrine disorder Half-life 5-11 hr (active Impaired Safe dose range: 37.5-225mg/day (reduce
reuptake Panic metabolite) urination by 25% in renal disease)
inhibitor (SNRI) disorder Teaching: This med is to help Asthenia Administration: Take whole with milk to
Social with your mood reduce GI symptoms
anxiety Take scheduled dose, do not double dose
Acetaminophen Mild to PO TID May block pain impulses Rash Assess hepatic, renal, blood studies
1000mg PO TID moderate with peripherally that occur in Headache Pain assessment
Nonopioid pain or meals response to inhibition of Nausea I+O
analgesic fever, prostaglandin synthesis; does not Vomiting Evaluate therapeutic effects
Antipyretic arthralgia, possess anti-inflammatory Neutropenia Safe dose range: 325-4000mg/day
headache, properties Hemolytic Give with full glass of water
myalgia, Onset 10–30 min, peak 1/2–2 hr, anemia (long- If necessary, give with food or milk to
osteoarthriti half-life 1-4hr, duration 4–6 hr, term use) decrease gastric symptoms
s well absorbed hepatotoxicit
Aluminum/ Indigestion PO Q4H
magnesium PRN
Suspension 15-
30ml PO Q4H
Artificial tears Dry eyes Both Q2H
eye drops 1-2 eyes PRN
drops both eyes for dry
Q2H PRN eyes
Bisacodyl rectal Constipation Rectall OD
suppository level 4 if no y PRN
10mg OD PRN stool in constip
rectum ation
level 4
Clonazepam Anxiety PO OD
0.5mg PO OD PRN
PRN Anxiet
Dimenhydrinate Nausea PO Q4H
tablet (gravol) Vomiting PRN
T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024
25-50mg PO nausea
Q4H PRN /vomiti
Glycerin rectal Constipation Rectall OD
suppository OD level 4 if no y PRN
PRN stool in Consti
rectum pation
Hydromorphone Moderate to PO Q4H
1mg PO Q4H severe pain PRN
PRN Pain

Lactulose liquid Constipation PO 1-2

30ml PO 1-2 level 2: times/
times/day PRN Daily, level day
3: Daily, PRN
level 4: Consti
Daily if no pation
stool in
Lozenge 1 Throat pain PO Q4H
lozenge PO PRN
Q4H PRN max
Melatonin 3mg Insomnia PO At HS

Mineral oil Constipation Rectall Once

enema 130ml level 4, y PRN
rectally once before
PRN and/or after
Polyethylene/ Dry nares Each Q2H
propylene glycol nostril PRN
Nasal gel per
each nare Q2H
Polyethylene Constipation PO 1-2
glycol 3350 times/
powder (LAX- day
A-DAY) 17g PRN
T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024
PO 1-2
times/day stirred
into 125-250mls
of liquid
Saliva substitute Dry mouth PO Q2H
spray 1 PRN
application PO
Sennosides A Constipation PO OD at
and B tablet PO level 2, 3, 4 HS-
BID PRN daily level 1
2, 3, 4
Zoplicone Sedation PO OD at
7.5mg PO OD at HS

T:/Pharmacology Table CCM.doc 4 REVISED Feb 2024

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