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Drug Study

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GENERIC NAME: Beta-adrenergic blocking  Management of mild  Hypertensive  Assessment and monitoring
Metoprolol beta agent with to severe therapeutic of vital signs specially Blood
preferential effect on beta hypertension rash, Pressure.
BRAND NAME: adrenoreceptors located (monotherapy or in hypersensitivity  Reinforce the expectation on
Lopressor primarily on cardiac combination with a (erythematous maximal effect on BP after 1
Metoprolol Tartrate muscle. At higher doses, thiazide or vasodilator rash) week of therapy.
metoprolol also inhibits or both)  fever,  Monitor Input and output
CLASSIFICATION: beta receptors located  Long term treatment  headache, and daily weight for any
Autonomic Nervous chiefly on bronchial and of angina pectoris and  muscle aches, drastic changes.
System Agent, Beta- musculature. prophylactic  sore throat,  Encourage and teach
adrenergic antagonist Antihypertensive action management of stable  laryngospasm, significant other on taking
(sympatholytic), maybe due to competitive angina pectoris  respiratory and monitoring radial pulse
Antihypertensive antagonism of reduced the risk of distress before each dose.
catecholamine’s at cardiac mortality after an MI.  Report to the physician if the
adrenergic neuron sites, pulse is slower than the base
drug-induced reduction of rate or becomes non
sympathetic outflow to nomenon, intermittent
the periphery, and to claudication, angina pectoris,
suppression of renin complete heart block, cardiac
activity. arrest.
 Watch out for: heartburn,
nausea, gastric pain, diarrhea
or constipation, flatulence.
GENERIC NAME: These medications block  Chest pain (angina) occurs  Side effects of  Monitor BP for therapeutic
Amlodipine the transport of calcium because of insufficient amlodipine are effectiveness.
into the smooth muscle oxygen delivered to the generally mild  Monitor for S&S of dose-
BRAND NAME: cells lining the coronary heart muscles. Insufficient and reversible. related peripheral or facial
Norvasc arteries and other oxygen may be a result of  Headache edema.
arteries of the body. coronary artery blockage  Edema
Since calcium is or spasm, or because of  Dizziness
CLASSIFICATION: important in muscle physical exertion which  Flushing  Monitor BP with postural
Cardiovascular agent, contraction, blocking increases heart oxygen  Fatigue changes. Report postural
Calcium channel calcium transport relaxes demand in a patient with  Nausea hypotension.
blocker, artery muscles and coronary artery  Palpitations  Report significant swelling of
Antihypertensive dilates coronary arteries narrowing.  Abdominal Pain
agent. and other arteries of the  Amlodipine is Shortness of Breath face or extremities.
body. By relaxing used for the treatment  Take care to have support
coronary, amlodipine is and prevention of angina
when standing & walking due
useful in preventing resulting from coronary
chest pain (angina) spasm. Amlodipine is also to possible dose-related
resulting from coronary used in the treatment of lightheadedness/dizziness.
artery spasm. Relaxing high blood pressure
 Report shortness of breath,
the muscles lining the
arteries of the rest of the palpitations, irregular
body lowers the blood heartbeat, nausea, or
pressure, which reduces
constipation to physician.
the burden on the heart
as it pumps blood to the

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