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Is 13015

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(Reaffirmed 2014)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to NEPPTUNE METALLURGICAL LABORATORIES -
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(Reaffirmed 2013)

IS 13015 :1991

(Reaffirmed 2012)
Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2018)


(Reaffirmed 2011)

(Reaffirmed 2010)

UDC 669.14.015 : 620*183*255

(Reaffirmed 2009)

(Reaffirmed 2008)

(Reaffirmed 2007)

(Reaffirmed 2006)

(Reaffirmed 2005)

@ BIS 1991
NEW DELHI 110002

Decetnber 1991 Price Group 4

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to NEPPTUNE METALLURGICAL LABORATORIES -
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Metallography and Heat Treatment Sectional Committee, MTD 22

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Metallography and Heat Treatment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical
Engineering Division Council.
This standard has been prepared with a view to guide the industry for evaluation of steel products by
In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from ASTM E-381 ‘Standard methods
of macroetch testing, inspection and rating, steel products, comprising bars, billets, blooms and
forgings and JIS G 0553 : 1983 ‘Macrostructure detecting method for steels’.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
fial value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding of numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of signi-
ficant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this
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IS 13015 : 1991

. Indian Standard
1 SCOPE c) the type, size, number, location and orienta-
tion of heterogeneities that are considered
1.1 Thib specification deals with the evaluation injurious.
of steel products such as bars, billets, blooms
and forgings by macroetching. NOTE-When note specified the procedure of the test
may beselected by the manufacture to satisfy the
2 GENERAL USES relevant requirements.

2.1 Significance 3.2 Selection of Samples

The data obtained from macro examination of By macroetching appropriately selected samples/
steel provides important indications regarding sections at an early stage of manufacture, defec-
heterogeneity of a material and consequently tive material may be detected early thereby avoid-
determine its serviceability. Macroetch test ing wasteful end product. Sampling may be
method is used as an evaluating technique for done after ingot breakdown and after most chances
revealing : of bursts and flakes occurring have passed. While
stages of examination shall depend on agreement
a) variations in structure, such as grain size, between manufacturers and purchasers, it is usually
flow lines, columnar structure, dendrites, carried out at semi-finished and/or finished stage.
etc: , Sampling may be done systematically or on a
b) variations in chemical composition as evi- random basis.
denced coring, etc; and
by segregation,
3.3 Billets, Blooms and Hot-Rolled Products
c) presence of discontinuities and voids pro-
duced during manufacture such as seams, Discs are usually cut from these products near
laps, porosity, flakes. bursts, rupture cracks, the ends covering entire cross section of the
etc. product.
2.2 Applications 3.4 Forgings
Macroetching is done by etching a suitably pre- Discs may be cut transverse to the long dimension
pared specimen by an appropriate reagent. This to reveal defects like cracks, bursts, flakes, etc.
test is used extensively for quality control in steel For revealing flowlines, forgings should be cut
industry, and to determine the ‘tone’ of a heat parallel to the long dimension.
in billets with respect to inclusions, segregation
and structure. Steels react differently to etching NOTE -The discs cut from hot-rolled products
reagents because of variations in chemical compo- or forgings should not be too large to handle, usually
12 to 25 mm thickness and maximum 75 cm2 in cross
sition, method of manufacture, heat-treatment section will do.
and many other variables. Therefore, the estab-
lishment of general standards for acceptance or 4 PREPARATION OF SAMPLE
rejection must be considered relative to the part
the indication occurs in. 4.0 Sampling preparation need not be elaborate.
Any method for preparing a smooth surface with
3 SAMPLING a minimum amount of cold work will be satis-
3.1 Sampling Plan
4.1 For hot mill products such as bars, billets,
When in accordance with the requirements of etc, the disc cut with parting tool is prepared by
the enquiry or contract, forgings, billets, blooms, facing on a lathe or by grinding. But the speci-
etc, are subjected to macroetch testing and inspec- men must be kept sufficiently cool to prevent
tion, the sampling plan shall be made as per the heating the surface to an excessively high tempe-
agreement between the manufacturer and the rature .
purchaser and shall include the following:
4.2 For inspection purpose, finishing on 120 grit
a) the stage of manufacture at which the test grinding wheel or on No. 00 or No. 000 emery
shall be carried out; papers should be done, when maximum amount
b) location and number of specimen per test of detail careful preparation may be necessary
to be examined ; to provide a smooth surface with a minimum
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IS 13015: 1991

amount of cold work. This is achieved by polish- the etching reagent. The progress of etching
ing the spe-jmen with a series of metallographic should be closely watched and etching stopped
papers to obtain the desired smooth polished when desired structural details are revealed. Gene-
surface,. rally a light etch is better than a heavy. Over-
etching can often lead to misinterpretation. The
It should be ensured that the polished surface of standard etching time and temperature is best
the specimen remains free from contamination determined by trial.
with dirt, oil grease, etc.
6.1.4 When etching is completed, the specimen
is removed from the container and washed in
Selection of macroetchants for steel depend on the warm or running water. During rinsing, all the
purpose of examination and types of alloy grades traces of smut are removed by careful brushing
(see Table 1). The reagents should be of good quality of the etched surface. The specimen is then
but need not be of analytical grade. The solution neutralized in a suitable solution, washed in run-
should be clean, clear, free from suspended parti- ning water once again and then dried in a blast
cles, scum, etc. Maximum precautions are to of hot air from an ordinary hair drier. Rinsing
be taken while handling, mixing or heating the of the etched surface with alcohol prior to the
chemicals. hot air blast shall provide superior and effective
drying. The surface is to be examined immedia-
6 TESTING METHOD tely after drying and observations are to be noted.
Macroetched surfaces may be preserved by coating
6.1 Acid Etch the surface with a thin layer of clear lacquer.
6.1.1 Dilute industrial hydrochloric acid by 6.1.5 In case of a large specimen, swabbing
, equal quantity of water (add acid slowly to water) may be the only practical method of macroetching.
to make an etching reagent and use after heating A web of cotton held in stainless steel or nickel
it to 75 to 85’C in a corrosion resistant container, tongs is saturated with the etchant and swept
preferably under a fumehood. Sufficient quantity over the surface of the specimen. After initial
of the etching reagent should be used to prevent wetting, the swab should be kept saturated with
any appreciable change in density on the etched the etchant and sweeping over the surface of the
surface. specimen be done frequently to renew the solution.
6.1.2 The test piece shall be placed in the con- When the desired structure is suitably developed,
tainer on some non-reactive support with surface the specimen will be rinsed by pouring water over
to be tested turned upwards or held vertically the specimen and should be swabbed by alcohol.
avoiding contact with between individual test The specimen will be inspected immediately after
pieces and maintaining, as far as possible reagent drying.
temperature constant. Test pieces may be pre- 6.2 Etching in Ammonium Persuiphate Solution
heated in hot water before immersion in the macro-
etchant. The standard preheating temperature A freshly prepared 10 to 20 percent solution in
should be between 75 to 85°C. water is necessary. The solution is swabbed on
the finished surface of the specimen at room tern-
6.1.3 The time of etching shall depend on deve- perature. Swabbing is to be continued till desired
lopment of desired structure which varies with surface structure is developed (i.e. ghost lines,
composition and condition of the metal. (Nor- flow lines, segregation, etc; are revealed). Inspec-
malised, hardended, etc) and the temperature of tion should be done while wet.

Table 1 Section of Maeroetcbants a

SI Et&ant Composition Temperature Alloy Types Applicable

i) Hydrochloric acid 70-85’C General purpose
FJcA(conc)5050 mlml
ii) Nitric acid HkJ, (cone) 5 ml Room High alloy steel (for large
Ha0 95 ml temperature surfaces)
iii) Mixed acid HCl (cone) 38 ml Plain & alloy steel cutlery
ziO4 (cone) 12 ml 7045°C (12% Cr) steel
* 50 ml 1
iv) Ammonium persulphate ;HJWS 10-20 g Room Grain size weldment of plain
100 ml temperature & low alloy steels
v) Humfrey’s reagent (Copper- &H4CI 120 g Room Produces strong relief effect
ammonium chloride) 50 ml temperature to reveal segregation
H,O 1000 ml
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IS 13015 : 1991

6.3 Etching in Ammonium Copper Chloride Solution persulphate etchant), the macrostructure shall be
. examined carefully.‘. A series of photographs of
This method is used for detecting segregation etched specimens are presented in two groups.
and other defects. Particularlv for material with
comparatively large section, 106 to 350 g of indus- 7.1.1 plate 1
trial ammonium copper chloride is added to 1 000
ml of water to make an etching reagent. Etching Grades series for three conditions:
shall be effected at room temperature and a suffi-
cient quantity of the etching reagent shall be used a) Sub-surface conditions,
to prevent any appreciable change in density on b) Random conditions, and
the etched surface. A fresh solution should be
used, as a rule, for each test. c) Centre segregation.
The specimen, carefully prepared to a finely polish-
ed etching surfaces by polishing through succes- 7.1.2 Plate I1
sive grades of metallographic emery papers, is Consists of a group of photographs showing
to be placed in the etching reagent with the surface various other conditions like pattern, flute, crack,
to be tested turned upwards or held vertically gassy, butt tears, splash, flakes.
immersed therein in such a manner that a sufhcient
amount of etching reagent will remain on its While examining, the macroetched specimens,
surface. the appearance of the specimen is compared to
As etching progresses there will be a precipitation the photographs in Plate I and the photograph
of copper on the surface. The copper which is number most nearly representing the appearance
allowed to deposit undisturbed for about 5 minutes in each of the series is reported.
shall be removed with a brush or a sheet of cloth. The specimen will also be compared against
The process is repeated till the desired condition Plate II, and the presence of any of the conditions
is attained. in Plate II will be reported.
After etching, the test piece is washed in running
water. All the traces of corrosive products are It may be noted that the presence of ingot
brushed off from the surface. After neutralizing pattern is acceptable in any degree, but defects
and washing in warm/running water, the test like flute cracks, gassy, butt tears, flakes are not
piece is dried quickly in a jet of hot air to make acceptable in any degree.
immediate careful visual examination. 7.1.3 The general standard of acceptance will
7 EXAMINATION OF SPECIMENS be relative to end use considerations. The
acceptability rating shall be decided between the
7.1 After drying (except when using ammonium purchaser and the producer.
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As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank

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PLATE I (continued)
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1661: SLOE1 SI
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Bmeau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the cop&&t of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any from without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type of grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any, rue
issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in ossession of
the latest amendments or edition. Commentr on this Indian Standard may be sent in BPS giving the
foil owing reference :

Dot : No. MTD 22 ( 3481)

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