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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. describe the changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes and volcanic
b. list ways on what to do before, during, and after an earthquake and volcanic eruptions
c. shows appreciation of the lesson by actively participating in group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Forces that affects changes on the Earth’s Surface (Earthquake and Volcanic Eruptions)


Materials: Power point, marker, manila paper

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
 Prayer
Before we start our lesson,
let us feel the presence of
the Lord. The pupils are expected to stand and pray
Before we start our lesson,
let us feel the presence of
the Lord.
Before we start our lesson, may I request everyone to Good morning teacher Karen. We’re fine
stand for our opening prayer. _______kindly lead the teacher.

 Greetings
Good morning, class? How was your day so far?
None teacher

That’s good to hear.

 Checking of Attendance
May I know who is absent from this class?

Very good no one is absent. Let’s give ourselves a

round of applause for a complete attendance.

 Classroom Rules
Before anything else, I have here classroom rules that
you need to follow:

 Sit properly Yes teacher

 Listen to the teacher carefully
 Raise your right hand if you want to speak or
 Respect each other

Did you understand our classroom rules class?

Very good. I hope that you will going to follow these Our lesson yesterday was all about
rules throughout our lesson for today. vertebrates and invertebrates

 Review
efore we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last Invertebrates are animals that
meeting. lack a backbone or spinal column.
efore we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
meeting. Jellyfish teacher
Before we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
meeting. Vertebrate are animals that possess a
Before we begin the lesson for backbone or spinal column.
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before we proceed to our next topic, who can tell the
class on what was our topic yesterday? Yes Ana?
Frog teacher
Yes, very good. Our topic yesterday was all about
invertebrates and vertebrates.

Who can recall what is an invertebrate? Yes Lani?

Very good, Lani. 123,123, very good 3x

Who can give an example of an invertebrate? Yes


Very good, Wegie.

How about vertebrate? Who can recall what is a

vertebrate? Yes Michelle?

Very good, Michelle.

Who can give me an example of a vertebrate? Yes

Very good, Angelie.

It seems like you really understood our previous topic.

Yes teacher
Let’s give Ana, Lani, Wegie, and Angelie an Aling
Dionisia applause.

B. Awareness
At this moment, we will be going to sing a song. Do you
want to sing a song class?

Rhythm of the Earth Yes teacher

Melody the wheels on the bus

The ground on the Earth goes shake and quake

shake and quake, shake and quake
The ground on the Earth goes shake and quake
Oh, there’s an earthquake

The ground on the Earth goes shake and quake

Up came the lava from volcanoes peak
Down came the ash that covered the town
Oh, there’s an eruption

How was the song class? Did you enjoy singing this
Very good, class. Let’s give ourselves a round of
applause. There is shaking of the ground teacher

C. Activity
Before I begin our discussion for today, I have here two
videos that I will be showing you on the screen. And
what you need to do is to observe the videos because I
will ask questions after. Is it clear class?
0.15-2.14 Volcanic eruption teacher


Class, did you understand the videos?

The province is filled with ashes teacher
Based on the two videos, what do you think it is all

Excellent class! The two videos show the natural

disaster that occur in the Earth’s surface, earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions.

Based on the first video class, what have you notice on

the ground during the earthquake class?

Yes, as you can notice, there is a violent shaking of

the ground, and the things inside the house and in
the convenience store also shake and fall. Earthquakes and volcanic eruption teacher

How about the second video class? What does this

video show us?

Very good. The video shows a volcano erupted in the

province of Albay.

What do you notice on the province of Albay after the

Mayon Volcano eruption?

Very good class. The province of Albay was filled with

ashes and those ashes covered the whole province of

D. Analysis
Based from the activity we had done earlier, what do
you think is our lesson for today? Do you have any
idea? Yes Zairah?

Yes, you have the idea. Our topic for today is all about
Forces that affects changes on the Earth’s Surface
(Earthquake and Volcanic Eruptions)

Today, we are going to embark on an exciting journey to

explore the powerful forces that shape our planet's

There are two forces that affects the changes of the

Earth’s surface:
 Earthquake
 Volcanic eruptions
But before I will discuss the two forces that affects
changes on the Earth’s Surface, do you know what are
the three layers of the Earth?

The Earth has three layers: the crust, the mantle, and
the core. They differ in thickness, temperature, physical
state, and composition.

Crust – The outermost layer where living things exist. It

is made up of basalt and granite rocks.

Mantle – The second layer of the Earth in which the

properties and physical state are not uniform due to the
difference in temperature.
Upper mantle- is stable and mostly solid.
Lower mantle- is liquid (hot molten rocks) because of
extreme heat or very high temperature and pressure.
Core- the third layer, which is divided into two layers, the
outer core and the inner core. The outer core is liquid,
while the inner core is solid.

According to the Plate Tectonic Theory, the Earth’s crust

is broken into separate pieces called tectonic plates.
These plates move relative to each other at a rate of 5
to 10 centimeters per year, and interact along their
boundaries, where they converge, diverge or slip past
one another. Plate boundaries are the sites of many
processes that shape the surface of the Earth, including

What is an earthquake?

Is the vibration or shaking of the Earth’s crust caused by

the sudden movement of plates that release a large
amount of energy. It happens along faults or cracks
when rocks underground break and change in position.
The movement of the breaking rocks underground
release large amount of energy that cause seismic
waves or vibration of the ground.
Fault or crack- Faults are fractures formed on the
crust of the Earth where the cracks have caused
the sides of the rocks to slide past each other.

Focus (Hypocenter)- The point of origin of an

earthquake beneath the surface of the Earth.
Epicenter-The point directly above the focus on the
surface of the Earth.

Seismic waves- vibrations generated by an


When an earthquake occurs, it can cause

dramatic changes to the Earth’s surface.
Here are some of the possible changes:

 Ground rupture-gaps or cracks formed on the

ground caused by push and pull of rocks

 Ground shaking- the vibration of the ground

during an earthquake.

 Landslides- the sliding down of a mass of earth

or rock from a mountain or cliff.

 Land forms- earthquake can form mountains,

hills, trenches, and many more)

Now that you learn more about earthquakes and its

changes on the earth’s surface, here is another reason
that affects the changes on the Earth’s surface.

Volcanic Eruption
What is volcanic eruption?
A volcanic eruption is the release of molten rock
(known as magma when underground and lava when it
reaches the surface), hot rock fragments, and hot gases
through a volcano. This happens when hot materials
from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano.

 The main parts of the volcano are the magma

chamber, conduits, vents, and craters. The
hollow spot within the volcano is the magma
chamber where gases and magma accumulate.
Magma is less dense compared to rocks
making the rise towards the surface of the
Earth. Pressure builds up deep inside the Earth
that causes magma to rise and escape through
the openings called volcanic vent.

 During the eruption, magma shoots up out of

the volcano and flows down the side of the
mountain as hot flowing lava. Magma that
reached the surface becomes lava. The volcano
releases ashes and gases.

For you to fully understand how volcanic eruption occur,

I will show you a video.
None teacher
(the teacher flash the video on the screen)

How does volcanic eruption change the Earth’s surface?

 Volcanic eruptions can change the surface of
the Earth. It creates new land by lava hardening
like mountains and plateaus. It can change the
landscape of a place through the lava that flows
out from the volcanic vent. Earthquakes and volcanic eruption teacher

 Volcanic eruptions can make the soil fertile.

 Volcanic eruptions can also cause volcanic

landslide, lava flow, mud flow, ash deposits and
emit gases that bring changes on the surface of Because of the movement of the plate
the Earth. It can even bury villages. teacher

Do you have questions? Clarifications about our topic

for today class?
The earth’s surface will shake teacher and
E. Abstraction also there will be a ground rupture,
Since I already discuss to you our lesson for today, I will landslides and land form.
ask questions for me to know if you really understand
our lesson for today.

Based from our discussion earlier, what are the two

forces that affects changes on the Earth’s surface? Yes
Ailyn? (pupil’s answer may vary)

Very good. The two forces that affects the changes on

the Earth’s surface are earthquake and volcanic
eruption. Let’s give Ailyn five claps of hand.

Why does earthquake occur? Yes Evern?

Very good Evern, the earthquake occurs because of the
sudden movement of plates. Let’s give Evern five claps When a volcano erupts teacher , it can
of hand. creates new land by lava hardening like
mountains and plateaus, make the soil
fertile, and also can cause volcanic
When an earthquake occurs, can you landslide, lava flow, mud flow, ash deposits
describe the significant changes happens and emit gases that bring changes on the
to the Earth’s surface? Yes James? surface of the Earth.

Very good James. Let’s give James May

Tama Ka applause.

How about volcanic eruption, why does it

occur? Yes Rhea?

Yes, very good Rhea. Let’s give Rhea five

claps of hand.

When a volcano erupts, can you describe

the significant changes happens to the
Earth’s surface? Yes HJ?
Excellent class! I can see that all of you
understand our lesson for today. Let’s
give ourselves a round of applause.

F. Application
Since you already know our lesson for today, we will be
having a group activity. But before we start, I will first
group this class into two. This will be the group 1 and
this will be the group 2. So kindly go to your respective
group silently and form a circle.

Situation for Group 1

Imagine a group of children are in a classroom.
Suddenly, they feel the ground shaking, see books
falling off shelves, hear a rumbling sound, and notice
that hanging objects like lamps are swinging.

1. What natural phenomenon is described in the

2. What is the effect of the earthquake being
mentioned in the situation?
3. If you’re one of the children in a classroom,
what should you do to protect yourself during an
4. After the shaking stops, what are the next steps
you should take?
5. What precautionary measures would you take
before an earthquake?

Situation for Group 2

Imagine living in a small village near the beautiful Mayon

Volcano in the Philippines. One day, you notice that the
volcano starts to rumble and smoke more than usual.
Scientists monitoring the volcano say that this means
magma (molten rock) is rising up inside the volcano.

After a few days of rumbling, Mayon Volcano

erupts! Lava flows out of the top of the volcano, and ash
and gas are blasted into the sky. The lava is so hot that Yes teacher.
it glows red, and it moves down the sides of the volcano,
burning everything in its path. The ash cloud blocks out
the sun, making it as dark as night even in the middle of
the day.

1. What force of the Earth is described in the

2. What is the effect of the earthquake being
mentioned in the situation?
3. As a resident in a small village, what should
you do during a volcanic eruption?
4. What should you do after the volcanic eruption?
5. What precautionary measure would you take
before a volcano erupts?

Are you done answering class?

May I request one representative of each group to

explain your answer here in front.
IV. Assessment
I. Direction: Complete the following statements by choosing a word from the box below. Write your
answers directly on a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. The shaking or vibration of the crust of the Earth is known as_____.
2. The point of origin of an earthquake underground is the ___.
3. The hollow spot within the volcano is called ___.
4. The point directly above the focus on the surface of the Earth is the ___.
5. The flow of molten rock out of an erupting volcano is known as ___.

II. Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

6. Which materials make up the liquid part of the mantle?

a. liquid gasses
b. molten plastics
c. Molten rocks
d. liquid iron and nickel

7. What do you called to the gaps or cracks formed on the ground caused by push and pull of rocks
a. Ground rupture
b. Landslide
c. Ground shaking
d. volcanic eruption

8. Which effect of an earthquake happens on steep slopes due to the movement of a mass of rock
down the slope?
a. tsunami
b. mudflow
c. landslide
d. ground rupture
9. Which of the following is a benefit of volcanic eruptions?
a. attracts tourists
b. prevents flooding
c. controls landslide
d. makes the soil fertile
10. How can volcanic eruption change the landscape of the Earth?
a. It forces people to transfer residence
b. It provides agricultural benefits
c. It turns gases into islands
d. It creates new land by lava hardening like mountains and plateaus

V. Assignment

Study in advance the next lesson.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Karen Mae P. Vidal Serilyn C. Mendez
BEEd-3 Instructor

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