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Written Assignment 1

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Written Assignment # 1 – Word Analysis

1. Identifying the parts of a medical term

For each of the following 15 terms, complete these steps:
 Identify each part of the terms.
 Use slashes to separate the parts of the terms.
 Provide the meaning for each of the parts of the term.
 Provide a general meaning for the term.
Gastroenteritis ---> gastro (stomach)/enter(intestines)/itis(inflammation)
Meaning: Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
1. Allogeneic
• Parts: allo/gen/eic
• Meanings: allo (other)/gen (origin)/eic (pertaining to)
• General Meaning: Pertaining to cells or tissues from a genetically different
individual of the same species.
2. Dermal
• Parts: derm/al
• Meanings: derm (skin)/al (pertaining to)
• General Meaning: Pertaining to the skin.
3. Cytology
• Parts: cyto/logy
• Meanings: cyto (cell)/logy (study of)
• General Meaning: The study of cells.
4. Cephalic
• Parts: cephal/ic
• Meanings: cephal (head)/ic (pertaining to)
• General Meaning: Pertaining to the head.
5. Dysentery
• Parts: dys/enter/y
• Meanings: dys (bad, difficult)/enter (intestines)/y (condition)

• General Meaning: A condition of painful or difficult digestion in the intestines,

often causing diarrhea.
6. Electroencephalogram
• Parts: electro/encephalo/gram
• Meanings: electro (electric)/encephalo (brain)/gram (record)
• General Meaning: A record of the electrical activity of the brain.
7. Erythrocyte
• Parts: erythro/cyte
• Meanings: erythro (red)/cyte (cell)
• General Meaning: A red blood cell.
8. Hemoglobin
• Parts: hemo/globin
• Meanings: hemo (blood)/globin (protein)
• General Meaning: A protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
9. Hyperglycemia
• Parts: hyper/glyc/emia
• Meanings: hyper (excessive)/glyc (sugar)/emia (blood condition)
• General Meaning: A condition of excessive sugar in the blood.
10. Mesenchymal
• Parts: meso/chym/al
• Meanings: meso (middle)/chym (tissue)/al (pertaining to)
• General Meaning: Pertaining to the embryonic connective tissue.
11. Nephrectomy
• Parts: nephr/ectomy
• Meanings: nephr (kidney)/ectomy (surgical removal)
• General Meaning: Surgical removal of a kidney.
12. Ophthalmoscope
• Parts: ophthalm/o/scope
• Meanings: ophthalm (eye)/o/scope (instrument for viewing)
• General Meaning: An instrument for examining the eye.

13. Oncologist
• Parts: onco/logist
• Meanings: onco (tumor)/logist (specialist)
• General Meaning: A specialist in the study and treatment of tumors.
14. Thrombocyte
• Parts: thrombo/cyte
• Meanings: thrombo (clot)/cyte (cell)
• General Meaning: A blood platelet involved in clotting.
15. Vasculitis
• Parts: vascul/itis
• Meanings: vascul (blood vessel)/itis (inflammation)
• General Meaning: Inflammation of blood vessels.
2. For each of the following roots, prefixes and suffixes, provide two words that contain
-emia ---> Anemia, Uremia

Prefix, Root or Suffix Word 1 Word 2

Arthr(o)- Arthritis Arthrophaty
Carcin(o)- Carcinogenic Carcinoma
Crin(o)- Exocrine Endocrine
Gnos(o)- Prognosis Diagnosis
Hepat(o)- Hepatomegaly Hepatitis
Brady- Bradypnea Bradycardia
Echo Echolalia Echocardiogram
Endo- Endocrinology Endoscopy
Micro- Microbiology Microscope
Trans- Transdermal Transfusion
- algia Myalgia Neuralgia
- ectomy Appendectomy Mastectomy
- ia Insomnia Anemi
- scopy Arthroscopy Colonoscopy
- tomy Tracheotomy Lobotomy

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