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Building Web-Based Game Online

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Building Web-based Game Online

To cite this article: E S Soegoto and Y Afriatna 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 407 012188

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

Building Web-based Game Online

E S Soegoto1* and Y Afriatna2

Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to investigate the design of a website-based online store
with the game content. Therefore, this website will be designed specifically for gaming
enthusiasts. The website will be divided into two views, the first view for the admin and the
second display for consumers. In view of the admin page can only be accessed by the web admin.
While the consumer display can be accessed by the admin and the consumer. The data analysis
was conducted on the website from both admin and consumer. The result indicated that the
successful of game online is highly affected by its website design. In the future, the design of
website itself should be analyzed and studied further by more specific application to make the
data more comprehensive.

1. Introduction
The online store business that is from a business model that offers a multitude of different goods and
services digitally with global reach is not just limited to the same area with other words that are infinite
or very broad. It can even participate in the growth of small-medium enterprises nationwide [1]. The
presence of positive and significant impact implications for greatly improving economic welfare also
greatly increases the rate of economic growth. Having a significant competitiveness is one element of
the online store business, because it is easy to adjust to the target market conditions. Online business
stores are also easy to establish cooperative relationships between business partners in procurement and
direct distribution of goods and services without intermediaries. This fact will obviously lower operating
costs and increase business margins [2]. Such a time should be utilized every level of society in including
offering services and goods through business ownership of online business store. Just by giving a photo
of the merchandise to describe the details of the goods or services, then customer can easily recognize
or understand the product to be sold or offered. That is one of the business utilization in the era of
digitalization. The Internet has changed the transactional paradigm in which business-to-business
marketers operate. Business to business marketers who take advantage of operational efficiencies and
the effectiveness that comes from exploiting the Internet in transactions outperform companies that use
traditional transactional processes [3].
Sales is the company's main activity in generating revenue, both for large companies and
small companies. Sales is the ultimate goal of marketing activity, because in this section there
are pricing, negotiation and acceptance agreements, as well as agreements on payment methods
agreed upon by both parties, to reach the point of satisfaction [4]. One way to sell is to use web-
based [5]. Web-sales can increase profits [6]. Running an online store business can build customer
relationships with customers so that getting closer, combative and service becomes more interrelated

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

[7]. Electronic commerce applications such as online store business are the most common business
models. The creation of an online store has no effect on consumer purchase decisions, which have
transactional support that can attract the attention of traditional customers with various conveniences
such as maintaining customer loyalty [8]. Although online stores have become business channels in
developed countries, such as America, and other European countries. However, for a developing country
sedan is still at the stage of innovation and is a very promising banner [9].
The existence of online store business can provide assurance to customers in an interactive
and intensive manner, so as to increase the customer, in this case, the values of satisfaction. It
is true that the online store business has a very high level of competence, even some research
done, and it is true. The smooth and mechanical ease with which transactions in the online store
business can provide an opportunity to grow global market goals [10]. The purpose of this study
is to investigate the design of a website-based online store with the game content. Therefore,
this website will be designed specifically for gaming enthusiasts.

2. Methods
Data analysis method is a series of activities, systematic grouping, interpretation and verification of data
to become a phenomenon with social, academic, and scientific value.
The purpose of the use of data analysis tools is to translate data into a form that is easier to read and
understand in accordance with established research objectives at the outset. The next step is to determine
the flow of website design of this online store first, so that the final results of this design can be in
accordance with what has been planned from the beginning. And the point is here researchers take the
general concept or standard concept on the website that has often been used by web developers that is
by using the method "Waterfall"(Figure 1) Consisting of :
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Verification
 Maintenance

Figure 1. Waterfall
In general, this waterfall method consists of various aspects or stages, but here researchers only use
the aspects as in the picture above. This is accrued the writing of this scientific paper is still in the theme

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

of his website design course. So here I do not explain or describe the source code of the program used.
Here are the steps in the waterfall method that will be used in the design of this website:

2.1. Analysis
At this stage I have to perform data analysis from start of consumer or customer data to market strategy
data. In the process of designing the website of this online store the process of analysis is done gradually,
starting from the process of collecting materials to process the needs of this online store website. Then
we analyze the marketing system in today's era, so we can align our online store with other online stores.
The design of this online store is made as simple as possible with the aim that consumers or customers
can use this online store website easily. And of course I also see advances in information technology
today so this online store will not be outdated, because using a method that can be quite modern. So I
can conclude that this research is done by qualitative method with aim to give experience designing or
designing an online store website with purpose to expand marketing.

2.2. Design
At this design stage has several modeling such as design model and physical design. For model design
I will use system modeling as:

2.2.1. Design
 Flow Chart
 Context Diagram
 Data Flow Diagram

These three models will be a contributing factor to this design process, and the modeling will be
described or drawn from the end of this description. And the second is:

2.2.2. Physical design

 Design Technology. This stage I as the author will mebuat or design a technology design that
will be adopted or used by this online store website that includes computer technology that
diantranya composed of software, hardware, user and computer network technology or internet
 Website Design. This stage is the process of making a layout of a website, the process of making
the layout of this online gaming gear store will be explained at a glance on the implementation
process. Only the picture will be explained.
And for the next is about a simple but classy design pattern. Why is that, because the author wants to
make a website-based online store without a large enough cost. With sufficient costs we can utilize these
cost estimates to design an online store website with the concept of modernization business. Additional
methods to design this website using flowchart, context diagram and last DFD. These three methods of
analysis will assist in the process of depiction of this website system. However, in this study I just make
the framework or website design course, it aims to add knowledge and creativity in online business.
Therefore I do not describe how the process of making this website, but only drawing a series of its
design process only. Here is the process than the website design of this online store will be depicted
with 3 analytical tools that is Flow Chart, Context Diagram, DFD. Picture flow diagram showing the
flow of a report and form in an algorithm that states the direction of the program flow. Here is the
flowchart of this website design process (Figure 2).

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

Figure 2. Flow Chart

2.3. Context Diagram

Context diagram is a diagram that describes a scope of the system. Context diagram is the highest level
or initial level of Data Flow Diagram (DFD) which describes the overall input and output of a system.
Here is a context diagram of this website creation (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Context Diagram

2.4. Data Flow Diagram ( DFD )

Data Flow Diagram is one graphical description which is where its use to show the flow or flow of data
of a system with the aim to be more easily understood logically, tersetruktur and clear. Below is an
overview of the Data Flow Diagram diagram in this website-based online shop design (Figure 4).

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram Level 0

2.5. Implementation
In the implementation phase of this website is done by using layout design that has been created by the
author with the aim to be able to explain what the contents of this website and what the content contained
in this website solely and not as a whole. In this part of the implementation will be divided into 2 page
views of this website, the first initial view for administrators / admin and the second view for consumers
or user users. Here is the layout view of this website based gaming gear shop (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Admin Page Layout

Here we explain first about the description of the layout. For admin form when the website is
accessed or opened then the view that will appear first is the display login form for admin. There is a
Username and Password field where the admin / owner of this website already has a special account to
login. And the second is the display for consumers or customers, the following layout design of the
display form for consumers / customers (Figure 6).

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

Figure 6. Consumer's Page Layout

It may look like different page layout for consumers, which where when the website is accessed then
he will directly display the main form of this gaming gear website without having to login first. In this
view there is a button or menu that can be accessed, sure menu Home, Home, Category. The third menu
button we will design it using an additional style from css to display the buttons of the menu is
interesting. And not only that button here I designed the search feature also with the aim to make it
easier for consumers when looking for items needed.
To process goods transactions or purchases of goods on this Gear Online Gaming Store, consumers
are required to have a google account, because for me google account is a simple and easy way to register
an online store account. But here I have not added a feature for the automatic registration of this google
account. Maybe if the website is really beanr built then it could be a consideration or a new idea to
increase the quality of the website that I designed this. The logo should be logged to google account is
not like that, but I make it just for the picture only.

2.6. Verification
This verification stage is done to make the system in accordance with what is determined, so the need
for a verification stage in the process of designing this website. With the verification of possible
deficiencies that can occur can be fixed. Verification is done not only on the data side alone, but on the
design or layout of this website based gaming gear shop.
The purpose of this verification is as one of the prevention or backups when there is a system is still
not running normally or the system has problems. In order for the efforts of the design of online stores
based on this website can be realized in a real and feasible to use. Prior to the development process, at
the verification stage I added a little process of managing this website in order to more clearly the
purpose of manufacture as well as any software needed.
This step is divided into two types:
2.6.1. Content Web Managing. In arranging a content rather than a website then done in 2 ways,
namely documentation and observation of other online stores. From the above way in can be some data
collected are:
 Info amount, the goal to know the number of stock items that are still available and already sold.
 Info consumer data, to know the consumer data that will order goods, and to maintain
talisilaturahmi with consumers.
 Info specification, to enable consumers to know the specifications of goods they will buy.
 Info pricing, very clear purpose to know the amount of price of goods they will buy and they

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

 Costumer service information, the goal is to facilitate the customer if there is a problem in the
transaction process, or the process of returning goods that are damaged technically.
 Payment information, to tell how the payment process is done on this online gaming gear shop.

2.6.2. Application Web Managing

At this stage of the process a data or application used in mebangun website this online store, stored in a
folder, to facilitate the process of making this website, need to prepare the needs below:
 Xammp, apache web server software is available and support php programming.
 Sublime Text, is a text editor for creating programs.
 Microsoft Word, used to design the layout of the website to be designed.

2.6.3. Development
Development stage is the most important stage. This is because every system must have a gap or there
leak, so it is highly recommended if the development or maintenance phase is done on a scheduled basis.
In order to minimize system leaks that will occur. This development is done not only to solve the
problems that exist, but this development is done to increase the performance or features of an online
store system is to look more cool and the same as the competitors of other online stores.
Tight competition between online stores in the current era, it is necessary to note any changes that
occur in the online market. Various kinds of problems will surely come to the online stores, starting
from customer complaints, damaged goods purchased, old orders to dll. So we have to prepare
everything that will happen to this online store.

3. Results and Discussion

In terms of the process of designing the website of this online shop the author only makes the design of
the system only, then translated into the diagrams, layouts and images of the system that will be used
later. The design is done in stages and detailed, with the aim to mature the results later. And for
additional software or module we will design it by using some software also as mentioned in summary
above. And the making of this website takes a long time, it is diakrenakan limited time and cost.The
design of website-based gaming gear shop aims to increase the experience and also become one of the
final task of the course that I am taking. Certainly there are many shortcomings that occur in this design
But I hope this online store website can be a competitor of other online stores in the online business
world.Display of this website will have 2 pieces of view, the display for the form admin and display for
the form of consumers or customers. With a little extra from css make this online store website to look
more attractive views. And for the transaction process on this website can only be done by consumers
who have created an account only, therefore if you want to buy goods, then please first register using
google account. For me google account one of the easiest things to register as a member of an online
The contents or content contained in the online gaming gear shop is only the tools or can be said
part-part for gaming only, and sold officially and warranty. And for the payment process we provide a
bank transfer method where almost as young as a bank can transfer. And for the process of delivery of
goods using some goods delivery services, such as JNE, J & T, POS INDONESIA, and other
couriers.Please note that we do not have an official office yet. So just a storefront, or a workshop with
additional features of the process of selling goods via the website.

4. Conclusions
From the results of research conducted, mengahasilkan an online gaming gear store application with the
main target of supporting and greatly expand the marketing area in growing the competitiveness of
global markets. Reintroducing the online gaming gear itself by having a navigation feature that makes
it easy for users on websites that have been built. By leveraging the opportunities of the online age that
will make efficiency in terms of marketing, not only will be seen by local consumers but also by

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 407 (2018) 012188 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/407/1/012188

consumers globally. Using developments alone is not enough, we have also explained the mechanism
of how this online store-based implementation will work, this mechanism will make the existing system
will continue to run optimally so that it will get the right consumer targets and profits with potential that
can be maximized by paying attention periodic renewal due to rapid change of time requires adaptation
of rapid system changes, thus the system will continue to evolve and not only develop but also survive
in order not to be destroyed by the times.

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