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Conarts Local Materials Used in Creating Art

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- Buri is extracted from matured leaves of buri plant. The
- Philippines is very rich in natural resources. We can fiber is durable and resistant to moisture.
maximize the use of natural resources even in creating - Buri Palm is one of the most important palms, next to
arts. Arts express the artistic feelings towards any coconut, in terms of economic and industrial relevance.
aspect of life. - Products: bags, boxes, baskets, hats, and perfume
- Filipinos are proven to be one of the most creative and trays
colorful people in the world. The types of arts that are
produced in different regions, each regions has its 5. Capiz Shell
unique specialties or product to take pride. - Capiz Shell or window pane oyster is a highly
- asymmetrical bivalve with a characteristically thin,
o LOCAL - Mean belonging to or connected with a particular translucent shell often used in handicraft. This can be
place or area that you are taking about or with the place used also as wall art, decor, and even lighting fixtures.
where you live. - Capiz Shells have been used for thousands of years as
o METERIAL - Refers to physical or solid substance that a glass substitute because of their durability and
things can be made from. translucence.
o LOCAL MATERIAL - Products: chandeliers, candle holder, and plates
- The resources that can be found readily in large
quantity at a particular location or area at a certain 6. Coconut Shell
time. - Coconut Shells or ‘bao’ are the hard outer layer of husk
- Materials that can be used to fabricate a finished of a mature coconut fruit. They are typically brown and
element. It could be abundant in some area but are not have woody texture.
available in another - Coconut Shells became canvasses for the majestic
depiction of Philippine culture particularly its
1. Abaca indigenous people.
- belongs to the banana family. Its fiber has a natural - Products: boxes, lamps, cleaning tools, tabletops, and
luster with colors ranging from pure white to ivory and chairs
dark brown.
- Abaca initially used as material for rope. Furniture 7. Coconut Coir
makers and designers choose this material for their - Coconut Coir also called as coconut fibre, is a natural
works because of its durability and availability. fibre extracted from the outer husk of coconut.
- Products: rope, slipper, displays, and frame - It is considered as a natural waste product of the
coconut growing industry and is perhaps the most
2. Bamboo versatile of all organic mediums
- is in fact a type of fast growing and giant grass. - Products: carpets, utensils, doorrmat, and wall
Bamboo is unique, it has wood-like trunk, grow much covering
faster, and are much more sustainable than hardwood
trees. 8. Narra Wood
- Bamboo is used as row material in creating many - Narra is a large deciduous reddish hardwood tree that
products. It is used in construction, textile, musical is native to most Asian countries particularly in the
instruments, weapons, and many more. Philippines. Its strong hardwoord is used to make
- Aside from being used in different pieces of furniture, it furniture, flooring, and decorative items.
is also sturdy and can give a home laid-back tropical - Products: billiard tables, sculptures, and furnitures
vibe, as a bonus, it can last a lifetime too.
- Products: kubing, cutlery, and towels 9. Nito
- Nito vine or ‘lygodium circinatum’ is a plant belonging
3. Buntal to fern family that grows abundantly in some parts of
- Buntal is a fine Philippine fibre from the stalks of the the country.
unopened leaves of the Talipot Palm and is commonly - Clinging to trees and rocks, nito is commonly found in
used in making hats. open areas, disturbed secondary forest at low to
- Buntal is a cylindrically shaped fibers. The supple ivory medium elevation.
white strands are quite durable, and have good dyeing - Products: food trays, coin purse, and baskets
- Products: hats, lampshade, shoes, file trays, wallets, 10. Pandan
mats, and accessories - Pandan is a tropical plant recognized by the distinctive
scent of its leaves. It has a slender stem with long thin
leaves and have small spines along the edges and o The painter uses pigments such as watercolor, oil,
under the mid-rib. tempera, textile paint, acrylic, ink on a usually flat ground
- They grow in thickets along seashores throughout the such as wood, canvas, paper, stone wall like cave
country, as well as in various habitats, from sandy paintings.
beaches, mangroves, and primary forests. o The printmaker uses ink printed or transferred on a surface
- Products: basket/bayong, mats, hats, and planters such as wood, metal, plates, or silk screen that is in
keeping with a duplicating o reproducing process. While
11. Santol Wood paintings are unique and one of a kind, prints can be
- Quite common among Filipino backyards and farms, reproduced in several predetermined editions.
santol is mostly known for its fruit that is popularly o Musician uses sound and instruments including the
consumed and used as an ingredient. human voice. A T’boli chanter sings creation stories in a
- Little did we know that it has more to offer - while it is way that is different from a classical singer or pop singer
less dense than narra or molave, it is way easier to influenced by the Western music scale.
work with and polish. It is also highly resistant to wood o A dancer uses body and its movements. Dance is often
borers (bukbok) which makes it ideal for skeletal accompanied by music, but there are dances that do not
framework. rely on musical accompaniment to be realized. Dance can
- Products: furniture, chess table, and chopping board tell stories, but at other times, they convey abstract ideas
that do not rely on a narrative.
12. Raffia o A theater artist integrates all the arts and uses stage,
- The raffia palm is made of long leaves that can attain production design, performance elements and script to
60 feet, each palm branch is made of nearly 100 enable the visual, musical, dance, and other aspects to
leaflets. come together as a whole work.
- The raffia fiber is obtained from the raffia palm tree, o A photographer and film maker use the camera to record
which grows in tropical regions and in wet soil in the the outside world. A film maker uses cinematographic
Philippines. camera to record and put together production design,
- Products: shoes, bags, placemats, and slippers sound engineering, performance, and screenplay.
o In digital photography, a photographer can assimilate the
13. Rattan images into the computer, thus eliminating the need for
- Rattan is a naturally renewable vine-like palm that celluloid or negatives, processing chemicals or print.
grows in the tropical regions or forests particularly in o A writer of a novel, poetry, nonfiction and fiction uses
the Philippines. It is commonly used for weaving. words.
- Products: chairs, mats, baskets, and bags o The designer, performance artist, and the installation
artist combine use of the range of different materials.

14. Tikiw - It possesses the dimensions of length and width but
- Tikiw is a large, erect, and aquatic or marshy herb plant. does not possess depth.
It is found in Central Luzon to Mindanao. It abounds in
fresh water swamp, and in newly opened rice land at o PAPER
low tides. - Paper is the most popular surface used for 2D artwork.
- Products: hampers, carpet, jars, and bags It is an organic material from the pulp of wood or other
fibrous substances.
15. Tikog - It is manufactured in sheets of various sizes, thickness,
- Tikog is a special reed grass which grows in swampy textures, and colors. There are different types of paper
areas along ricefields and has solid, jointless, and for drawing and painting.
usually triangular stems.
- It belongs to sea grasses. It is a native reed plant used o CANVAS
as raw material for mat weaving. - It is a firm closely woven cloth usually of linen, hemp,
- Products: wallets, pillow, and bags or cotton backed or framed as a surface of painting.
o In sculpture, the sculptor uses metal, wood, stone, clay, - This support is known as hardboard which is a board or
and glass. panel that is made from wood. It offers a more rigid
o The architect uses wood, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete, surface that results in less cracking in the paint.
and various building materials.
- It is an organic drawing material made from burnt
wood. There are two (2) types of charcoals used in e. Kamagong - It is a tall tree that reaches from about
drawing that is available in the market: vine charcoal 25-32 meters high. Locally known as Mabolo tree, its
and compressed charcoal. dark wood is highly suitable for carvings and is in
- Vine Charcoals come in sticks and are easy to blend demand for furniture, cabinets, tool handles, violins,
and erase. Compressed Charcoal is made up of lose and drawing instruments.
charcoal pressed into a stick. It creates much darker
black than vine charcoal and comes in square sticks or f. Bamboo - It is a giant, fast-growing grass that
in pencil form has woody stems. The use of bamboo is particularly
dependent on its age: a 6 to 9 month-old bamboo is
o PIGMENTS AND BINDERS ideal for making baskets; 2 to 3 years is for making
- Pigment refers to any of a group of compounds that are baskets, and the 3 to 6 year-old bamboo is best for
intensely colored and are used to color other materials. construction.
It may be organic (plants), natural (vegetables, insects,
minerals, clay), inorganic (rocks, metallic oxides), and
synthetic (derived from coal tars and petrochemicals). o METAL - Metals are lustrous, malleable, ductile, good
- Binder is the material that holds together the grains of conductors of heat and electricity.
pigment and allows it to stick to the painting surface.
Egg yolks mixed with water, linseed oil, and wax, are a. Steel - It is an alloy of iron and 1% carbon. Inox steel
some examples of it. or A. Steel commonly “stainless steel” is popular in
contemporary art works because it is corrosion
resistant and doesn’t rust or stain in water.
b. Bronze - It is an alloy consisting primarily of copper
- Unlike 2D media, it occupies greater physical space with about 12% tin and often with the addition of
and can be viewed and interpreted from all sides and other metals such as aluminum, manganese, nickel,
angles. It display an additional quantity that appeals or zinc.
to the sense of touch – that is, a tactual quality.
- Occupies space defined through the dimensions of
height, width, and depth. It includes sculpture,
c. Brass - It is an alloy made of copper and zinc. It is
installation and performance art, decorative art, and
more malleable than bronze and has a lower melting
product design.
o WOOD - A hard substance that forms the branches and
trunks of trees and can be used as a building material, for
making things. o STONE - A stone is a piece of rock or a nonmetallic mineral
which can be used as a building material.
a. Molave - It is a medium-size tree that is classified as a
hardwood. Aside from its wood, Molave has medicinal a. Marble - It is a hard, crystalline, metamorphic form of
purpose. Being one of the hardest of Philippine woods, limestone with color that is capable of being polished.
it is resistant to fungal, termite, and beetle attacks. The Romblon province is stone in that place.

b. Acacia - It is a hardwood found in abundance in the b. Alabaster - It is a fine-grained, translucent form of

Philippines. Its dense and durable wood that has a gypsum, used for carving beautiful artworks. The
high oil content is resistant to the elements, rotting, Alabaster is generally white and delicately shaded
and insects. and translucent

c. Langka Wood - It is a hardwood from the jackfruit tree. o CLAY - It is an earthly material that is composed of
It is found locally and is best known for its fruit. minerals rich in alumina, silica, and water. A type of it, the
terracotta clay, is normally used for sculpture, and pots,
d. Ipil - It is a fast-growing hardwood that grows up to six and is unique for its brownish orange color.
(6) meters high. Its shiny black brown colored wood is
durable for furniture and other architectural o CEMENT - It is a powdery substance made with calcite lime
construction. and clay. It is mixed with water to form mortar or mixed
with sand, gravel, and water to make concrete. Sculptures
using cement can be made using more than one technique
or a combination of carving.

o SHELL- It refers to hard exoskeleton of marine mollusks

that can be use to create artworks and products.
a. Capiz - It is a whitish, translucent shell found in the
coastal waters of the Philippines. Once harvested, the
shells are processed through cleaning, polishing, and
cutting into shapes. It is made into wind chimes, tiles,
lamp shades, picture frames, jewelry boxes, and
Christmas lanterns.

b. Pukka - It came from cone shells that have been

tossed, tumbled in the surf and sand over time until
all that remains is the cupped top. The natural color
ranges from white to beige and tan.

c. Paua - It comes from a large abalone whose shell is

used to make jewelry.

o GLASS - It is a hard brittle substance that is transparent

and translucent. Glass is made by fusing sand, soda lime,
and other ingredients and then slowly cooled

o FIBER - It is used for making textiles or fabrics. In the

Philippines, fibers for making textile usually comes from
plants such as pinya, abaca, banana, cotton, and buri. In
basket, bag, or hat weaving, pandan (screw pine), nito,
coconut, and burai leaves are used.

o SAND - It is composed of very tine, loose particles of rock

that cover beaches, deserts, etc., and is used in mortar,
glass, abrasive, foundry molds and sand sculptures

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