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Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Region

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region 3.

3. Traditional Materials like stone and clay - The use of these traditional
Lesson Objectives: materials is still famous in most art communities not only in the Philippines but also
1. Discuss the importance of the choice of local art materials, in the world. Considered as easily crafted and recycled, these materials are also
2. Cite the different local art materials coming from the different localities ecological and economical because no costly processing is applied to them.
and regions of the country, and
3. Infer from the choice of local art materials the creation of a purposeful Other Materials Used for Artworks
artwork. 1. Paint 2. Coffee 3. Resin 4. Metal 5. Used objects like clothes and personal
accessories 6. Charcoal 7. Paper 8. Brass 9. String, Cord and Rope 10. Plastic 11.
In creating a unique and original contemporary artwork, many artists rely on the Fruits and Vegetables 12. Smoke 13. Tube 14. Fiberglass 15. Glass
appropriate and adequate supply of art materials. Local art materials are locally
available materials from the region, province, city or town. The availability and Kinds of Local Art Materials
accessibility of local art materials make them convenient and easy to use in The use of local art materials in creating various types of arts has become the
creating art. Local art materials in combination with the tools and equipment used showcase of Filipino creativity, resourcefulness, and artistry. The following are
to create art are referred to collectively as art media. For example, paint and brush, kinds of local materials that can be found in the different regions and provinces of
paint is the material, and brush is the tool, together they make art media. the country:
1. Abaca, also called manila hemp, is extracted from the leaf sheath around the
Local and Indigenous Art Materials It is important to distinguish the difference trunk of the abaca plant known scientifically as Musa textilis, which is related to the
between indigenous art materials and local art materials. Anything indigenous banana plant. Initially used as material for rope, the abaca found its way in the arts.
naturally comes from the place or locality. It is not introduced to the place or The plant can be found in plantations in the Bicol Region and in the different
imported from somewhere else. Whereas, anything local also comes from the regions of Mindanao.
place or locality but may or may not be originally part of that place or locality. It 2. Coconut Shells or bao, are actually used for wood carving, improvised cooking
could have been introduced to the place or locality by colonists or settlers from utensils and myriads of other uses. Laminated coconut shells are considered as
other places. almost the same as the quality and appearance of turquoise shells or ivory.
Indigenous art materials are materials that are natural or inherent from the place Coconut shells are bountiful anywhere in the country where coconut palm trees,
or locality. It has been there right from the start. All indigenous art materials are scientifically known as Cocos nucifera, are planted. These shells are byproducts
local materials but not all local art materials are indigenous. of coconut fruit processing.
Local art materials could be a mix of indigenous art materials and introduced art 3. Bamboo or kawayan, mistakenly identified as a tree, is actually a kind of grass.
materials. Classified scientifically as a plant of the subfamily Bambusoideae of the grass
Local Materials Indigenous family Poaceae. It is found almost throughout the archipelago. The bamboo stem
In order to emphasize the wonders of In general, this term refers to the has plenty of uses and one of its prominent use is in creating art.
Philippine arts, one must have a movement of protecting the 4. Capiz or kapis shells come from the windowpane oyster, a bivalve marine
glimpse of the potential materials or environment mollusk in the family of Placunidae. They are abundant in the Philippines,
medium used in common products of through creations of indigenous commonly found along the coastal waters. Cleaned and processed capiz shells
Filipino masterpieces. More than the are used for various artistic applications like windows, lanterns, and walling.
artists and communities. Essentially, aesthetic value, arts 5. Rattan is a naturally renewable palm belonging to the subfamily Calamoideae
local materials are used for and crafts created from indigenous of climbing palms. It is widely used as furniture, handicrafts, and building material.
indigenous art materials are supported to promote It is grown in plantations in Western Visayas and Mindanao.
production. These resources are culture and 6. Small or Cowrie shells or sigay, scientifically named Cypraea chinensi,
readily available in bulk or large tradition of the people. This measure about 2 centimeters each. They are often used in shell jewelry and shell
quantity in a movement highlights the works and craft work. They are popular for their vibrant color. They are found on sandy
specific area or locality. Most often, products of local seafloor around the Philippine islands.
local materials are utilized to develop artists who use their creations as 7. Junk, which are old or discarded articles, are considered useless or of little
and direct influence in preserving Mother value but for the creative eyes of an artist they are essential in creating a well-
support indigenous materials and raw Nature. known art form called junk art. The discarded materials stored or hidden away
products. Indigenous materials are Artworks of indigenous people are inside homes or thrown in garbage bins are usually made up of plastic, wood and
naturally also given emphasis by indigenous. metal.
abundant in many places in the For a long 8. Dried leaves falling off from branches of trees and plants are inexhaustible.
country. Timber, bamboo, coconut, time, this movement has pushed local Ranging from pale yellow to dark brown, dried leaves are plentiful throughout the
abaca, rattan, art communities to go further and year. Dried leaves art is already considered a craft of its own. Palm, pandanus, or
and many more are just some beyond in sea grass leaves are used to create artistic mats or banig.
examples of these. In less endowed recreating, experimenting and 9. Plant seeds can be acquired from farms and rural areas. Others can be bought
areas, the producing unique products. commercially like corn, sorghum, mung beans, sunflower and the like. Seed art
number of available local materials can be found in certain localities. They are distinct for their creative and colorful
are based on geographic location designs.
and climate 10.Rocks and sand of various types are abundant. They vary in size and color,
condition. allowing for varied art forms.

Most Common Indigenous Materials Used in Creating Art Local art materials can be classified as traditional and non-traditional.
1. Soft and Hardwoods - Few of the popular woods used in art making are narra, Traditional art materials available locally are those that are usually bought
kamagong and mahogany. These are commonly used in wood carving and from department stores and bookstores. They include crayons, oil pastel,
furniture making. Likewise, the coconut tree is believed to be the most utilized watercolor, colored pencils and other usual materials used in school. Non-
because of its usability from roots to fruits while bamboo is considered the most traditional art materials are materials that are not usually used in creating art
accessible in craft making and sometimes combined with abaca and rattan. Abaca like coffee, plastic bottles and recyclable materials that are similar to those
fiber is used in clothing, basketry, weaving and rope making. used in junk art.
2. Capiz, Seashells, Corals and Pearls - Because the Philippines is an
archipelago, it has abundant marine resources. These treasures from the deep are
incorporated in making jewelry, souvenirs, and house decorations. These
materials are traditionally used in mosaic and religious-themed artworks.
1. Originating from the people of Cordillera, ______ is considered 11. This naturally renewable palm whose wood stem is widely used
one of the as furniture,
most precious forms of Filipino art even up to this day. handicrafts, and building material refers to _____
a. jewelry-making b. pottery c. weaving d. wood carving a. croissant c. rambutan
2. ________ is popular in making carpets, ropes, bags, furniture, b. lakatan d. rattan
and clothing. 12. It is important to distinguish the difference between indigenous
a. abaca b. bamboo c. pineapple leaves d. rattan art materials
3. Through craftsmanship, Filipinos are able to show their and local art materials.
unique__________. Crayons is a fine example of indigenous art material.
a. creativity innovation c. invention d. resourcefulness a. Both statements are FALSE.
4. Indigenous musical instruments are commonly made out of b. Both statements are TRUE.
________ c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
a. animal skin c. seashells b. bamboo d. twigs d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
5. _________ are artworks created by native or traditional people 13. Art materials are rarely found and are difficult to find.
of the land. Oil pastel, watercolor, and colored pencils are the usual art
a. Calligraphy b. Folk Art c. Indigenous Art d. Tapestry materials used
in school.
1. _______ are used for indigenous art production. a. Both statements are FALSE.
a. Common Materials b. Raw Materials c. Local Materials d. b. Both statements are TRUE.
Untreated Forms c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
2. ________ are naturally abundant in particular places in the d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
Philippines. 14. There can be stuff inside your house that can be used to create
a. Available Materials b. Indigenous Materials c. Convenient art.
Materials d. Textile These are things that could have been stored and left unused for
3. ______ refers to the movement of protecting the environment by weeks and
using local months, possibly even years.
materials in creating art. a. Both statements are FALSE.
a. Craftsmanship b. Indigenous c. Culturalism d. Minimalism b. Both statements are TRUE.
4. Local artists’ creations directly influence people to preserve c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
_________. d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
a. culture b. environment c. energy d. resources 15. All local art materials are indigenous.
5. _________ is considered the most utilized tree because of its Anything indigenous are introduced to the place or locality by
usability from colonists or
root to fruit. settlers from other places.
a. Coconut Tree b. Mahogany c. Kamagong d. Narra a. Both statements are FALSE.
6. ________ is used in basketry, weaving, clothing and rope- b. Both statements are TRUE.
making. c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
a. Abaca Fiber b. Pineapple Leaf c. Malatayum Plant d. Rattan d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
7. ________ are used for woodcarving and furniture-making.
a. Brass b. Soft and Hardwood c. Bamboo d. Timber
8. Materials used by a local artist depend on ______ and
abundance of
resources in a locality.
a. accountability b. sustainability c. availability d. viability
9. Through local arts, Philippine ______ is promoted.
a. architecture b. heritage c. culture d. tradition
10. ______ is the artwork created by indigenous people.
a. Concept Art b. Earth Art c. Digital Art d. Indigenous Art

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