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College Algebra
Tenth Edition

Michael Sullivan
Chicago State University

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The student edition of this text has been cataloged as follows:

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sullivan, Michael, 1942-
College algebra / Michael Sullivan, Chicago State University. -- Tenth edition.
pages cm.
ISBN 978-0-321-97947-6
1. Algebra--Textbooks. 2. Algebra--
Study and teaching (Higher) I. Title.
QA154.3.S763 2016
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ISBN-10: 0-321-97947-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-321-97947-6
Three Distinct Series xvi

The Contemporary Series xvii

Preface to the Instructor xviii

Resources for Success xxii

Applications Index xxv

R Review 1
R.1 Real Numbers 2
Work with Sets • Classify Numbers • Evaluate Numerical Expressions
• Work with Properties of Real Numbers

R.2 Algebra Essentials 17

Graph Inequalities •Find Distance on the Real Number Line • Evaluate
Algebraic Expressions • Determine the Domain of a Variable • Use the
Laws of Exponents • Evaluate Square Roots • Use a Calculator to Evaluate
Exponents • Use Scientific Notation

R.3 Geometry Essentials 30

Use the Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse • Know Geometry
Formulas • Understand Congruent Triangles and Similar Triangles

R.4 Polynomials 39
Recognize Monomials • Recognize Polynomials • Add and Subtract
Polynomials • Multiply Polynomials • Know Formulas for Special Products
• Divide Polynomials Using Long Division • Work with Polynomials in Two

R.5 Factoring Polynomials 49

Factor the Difference of Two Squares and the Sum and Difference of Two
Cubes • Factor Perfect Squares • Factor a Second-Degree
Polynomial: x2 + Bx + C • Factor by Grouping • Factor a Second-Degree
Polynomial: Ax2 + Bx + C, A ≠ 1 • Complete the Square

R.6 Synthetic Division 58

Divide Polynomials Using Synthetic Division

R.7 Rational Expressions 62

Reduce a Rational Expression to Lowest Terms • Multiply and Divide
Rational Expressions • Add and Subtract Rational Expressions • Use the
Least Common Multiple Method • Simplify Complex Rational Expressions

R.8 nth Roots; Rational Exponents 73

Work with nth Roots • Simplify Radicals • Rationalize Denominators
• Simplify Expressions with Rational Exponents

1 Equations and Inequalities 81

1.1 Linear Equations 82
Solve a Linear Equation • Solve Equations That Lead to Linear Equations
• Solve Problems That Can Be Modeled by Linear Equations

1.2 Quadratic Equations 92

Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring • Solve a Quadratic Equation by
Completing the Square • Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic
Formula • Solve Problems That Can Be Modeled by Quadratic Equations
viii Contents

1.3 Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations in the Complex

Number System 104
Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Complex Numbers
• Solve Quadratic Equations in the Complex Number System

1.4 Radical Equations; Equations Quadratic in Form;

Factorable Equations 113
Solve Radical Equations • Solve Equations Quadratic in Form • Solve
Equations by Factoring

1.5 Solving Inequalities 119

Use Interval Notation • Use Properties of Inequalities • Solve
Inequalities • Solve Combined Inequalities

1.6 Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value 130

Solve Equations Involving Absolute Value • Solve Inequalities Involving
Absolute Value

1.7 Problem Solving: Interest, Mixture, Uniform Motion,

Constant Rate Job Applications 134
Translate Verbal Descriptions into Mathematical Expressions • Solve
Interest Problems • Solve Mixture Problems • Solve Uniform Motion
Problems • Solve Constant Rate Job Problems

Chapter Review 143

Chapter Test 147
Chapter Projects 147

2 Graphs 149
2.1 The Distance and Midpoint Formulas 150
Use the Distance Formula • Use the Midpoint Formula

2.2 Graphs of Equations in Two Variables; Intercepts; Symmetry 157

Graph Equations by Plotting Points • Find Intercepts from a Graph • Find
Intercepts from an Equation • Test an Equation for Symmetry with Respect
to the x-Axis, the y-Axis, and the Origin • Know How to Graph Key Equations

2.3 Lines 167

Calculate and Interpret the Slope of a Line • Graph Lines Given a Point and
the Slope •
Find the Equation of a Vertical Line • Use the Point–Slope Form of a Line;
Identify Horizontal Lines • Find the Equation of a Line Given Two Points •
Write the Equation of a Line in Slope–Intercept Form •
Identify the Slope and y-Intercept of a Line from Its Equation • Graph Lines
Written in General Form Using Intercepts • Find Equations of Parallel Lines
• Find Equations of Perpendicular Lines

2.4 Circles 182

Write the Standard Form of the Equation of a Circle • Graph a Circle•
Work with the General Form of the Equation of a Circle

2.5 Variation 188

Construct a Model Using Direct Variation • Construct a Model Using
Inverse Variation • Construct a Model Using Joint Variation or Combined

Chapter Review 194

Chapter Test 196
Cumulative Review 196
Chapter Project 197
Contents ix

3 Functions and Their Graphs 198

3.1 Functions 199
Determine Whether a Relation Represents a Function • Find the Value of a
Function • Find the Difference Quotient of a Function • Find the Domain
of a Function Defined by an Equation • Form the Sum, Difference, Product,
and Quotient of Two Functions

3.2 The Graph of a Function 214

Identify the Graph of a Function • Obtain Information from or about the
Graph of a Function

3.3 Properties of Functions 223

Determine Even and Odd Functions from a Graph • Identify Even and Odd
Functions from an Equation •
Use a Graph to Determine Where a
Function Is Increasing, Decreasing, or Constant • Use a Graph to Locate
Local Maxima and Local Minima • Use a Graph to Locate the Absolute
Maximum and the Absolute Minimum • Use a Graphing Utility to
Approximate Local Maxima and Local Minima and to Determine Where a
Function Is Increasing or Decreasing • Find the Average Rate of Change
of a Function

3.4 Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions 237

Graph the Functions Listed in the Library of Functions • Graph
Piecewise-defined Functions

3.5 Graphing Techniques: Transformations 247

Graph Functions Using Vertical and Horizontal Shifts • Graph Functions
Using Compressions and Stretches • Graph Functions Using Reflections
about the x-Axis and the y-Axis

3.6 Mathematical Models: Building Functions 260

Build and Analyze Functions

Chapter Review 266

Chapter Test 270
Cumulative Review 271
Chapter Projects 271

4 Linear and Quadratic Functions 273

4.1 Properties of Linear Functions and Linear Models 274
Graph Linear Functions • Use Average Rate of Change to Identify Linear
Functions • Determine Whether a Linear Function Is Increasing, Decreasing,
or Constant • Build Linear Models from Verbal Descriptions

4.2 Building Linear Models from Data 284

Draw and Interpret Scatter Diagrams • Distinguish between Linear
and Nonlinear Relations • Use a Graphing Utility to Find the Line
of Best Fit

4.3 Quadratic Functions and Their Properties 290

Graph a Quadratic Function Using Transformations • Identify the Vertex
and Axis of Symmetry of a Quadratic Function • Graph a Quadratic
Function Using Its Vertex, Axis, and Intercepts • Find a Quadratic Function
Given Its Vertex and One Other Point • Find the Maximum or Minimum
Value of a Quadratic Function

4.4 Build Quadratic Models from Verbal Descriptions and from Data 302
Build Quadratic Models from Verbal Descriptions • Build Quadratic Models
from Data
x Contents

4.5 Inequalities Involving Quadratic Functions 312

Solve Inequalities Involving a Quadratic Function

Chapter Review 315

Chapter Test 318
Cumulative Review 319
Chapter Projects 320

5 Polynomial and Rational Functions 321

5.1 Polynomial Functions and Models 322
Identify Polynomial Functions and Their Degree • Graph Polynomial
Functions Using Transformations • Identify the Real Zeros of a Polynomial
Function and Their Multiplicity • Analyze the Graph of a Polynomial
Function • Build Cubic Models from Data

5.2 Properties of Rational Functions 343

Find the Domain of a Rational Function • Find the Vertical Asymptotes
of a Rational Function • Find the Horizontal or Oblique Asymptote of a
Rational Function

5.3 The Graph of a Rational Function 353

Analyze the Graph of a Rational Function • Solve Applied Problems
Involving Rational Functions

5.4 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities 368

Solve Polynomial Inequalities • Solve Rational Inequalities

5.5 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function 375

Use the Remainder and Factor Theorems • Use Descartes’ Rule of Signs to
Determine the Number of Positive and the Number of Negative Real Zeros
of a Polynomial Function • Use the Rational Zeros Theorem to List the
Potential Rational Zeros of a Polynomial Function • Find the Real Zeros of
a Polynomial Function • Solve Polynomial Equations • Use the Theorem for
Bounds on Zeros • Use the Intermediate Value Theorem

5.6 Complex Zeros; Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 390

Use the Conjugate Pairs Theorem • Find a Polynomial Function with
Specified Zeros • Find the Complex Zeros of a Polynomial Function

Chapter Review 396

Chapter Test 399
Cumulative Review 399
Chapter Projects 400

6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 402

6.1 Composite Functions 403
Form a Composite Function • Find the Domain of a Composite Function

6.2 One-to-One Functions; Inverse Functions 411

Determine Whether a Function Is One-to-One • Determine the Inverse of a
Function Defined by a Map or a Set of Ordered Pairs • Obtain the Graph of
the Inverse Function from the Graph of the Function • Find the Inverse of a
Function Defined by an Equation

6.3 Exponential Functions 423

Evaluate Exponential Functions • Graph Exponential Functions • Define
the Number e • Solve Exponential Equations
Contents xi

6.4 Logarithmic Functions 440

Change Exponential Statements to Logarithmic Statements and
Logarithmic Statements to Exponential Statements • Evaluate Logarithmic
Expressions • Determine the Domain of a Logarithmic Function • Graph
Logarithmic Functions • Solve Logarithmic Equations

6.5 Properties of Logarithms 452

Work with the Properties of Logarithms • Write a Logarithmic
Expression as a Sum or Difference of Logarithms • Write a Logarithmic
Expression as a Single Logarithm • Evaluate Logarithms Whose Base Is
Neither 10 Nor e

6.6 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations 461

Solve Logarithmic Equations • Solve Exponential Equations • Solve
Logarithmic and Exponential Equations Using a Graphing Utility

6.7 Financial Models 468

Determine the Future Value of a Lump Sum of Money • Calculate
Effective Rates of Return • Determine the Present Value of a Lump
Sum of Money • Determine the Rate of Interest or the Time Required to
Double a Lump Sum of Money

6.8 Exponential Growth and Decay Models; Newton’s Law;

Logistic Growth and Decay Models 478
Find Equations of Populations That Obey the Law of Uninhibited Growth
• Find Equations of Populations That Obey the Law of Decay • Use Newton’s
Law of Cooling • Use Logistic Models

6.9 Building Exponential, Logarithmic, and Logistic

Models from Data 489
Build an Exponential Model from Data • Build a Logarithmic Model from
Data • Build a Logistic Model from Data

Chapter Review 497

Chapter Test 502
Cumulative Review 502
Chapter Projects 503

7 Analytic Geometry 506

7.1 Conics 507
Know the Names of the Conics

7.2 The Parabola 508

Analyze Parabolas with Vertex at the Origin • Analyze Parabolas with
Vertex at (h, k) • Solve Applied Problems Involving Parabolas

7.3 The Ellipse 517

Analyze Ellipses with Center at the Origin • Analyze Ellipses with
Center at (h, k) • Solve Applied Problems Involving Ellipses

7.4 The Hyperbola 527

Analyze Hyperbolas with Center at the Origin • Find the Asymptotes of
a Hyperbola • Analyze Hyperbolas with Center at (h, k) • Solve Applied
Problems Involving Hyperbolas

Chapter Review 540

Chapter Test 541
Cumulative Review 541
Chapter Projects 542
xii Contents

8 Systems of Equations and Inequalities 543

8.1 Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination 544
Solve Systems of Equations by Substitution • Solve Systems of Equations
by Elimination • Identify Inconsistent Systems of Equations Containing
Two Variables • Express the Solution of a System of Dependent Equations
Containing Two Variables • Solve Systems of Three Equations Containing
Three Variables • Identify Inconsistent Systems of Equations Containing
Three Variables • Express the Solution of a System of Dependent Equations
Containing Three Variables

8.2 Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices 559

Write the Augmented Matrix of a System of Linear Equations • Write the
System of Equations from the Augmented Matrix • Perform Row Operations
on a Matrix • Solve a System of Linear Equations Using Matrices

8.3 Systems of Linear Equations: Determinants 574

Evaluate 2 by 2 Determinants • Use Cramer’s Rule to Solve a System of
Two Equations Containing Two Variables • Evaluate 3 by 3 Determinants
• Use Cramer’s Rule to Solve a System of Three Equations Containing Three
Variables • Know Properties of Determinants

8.4 Matrix Algebra 584

Find the Sum and Difference of Two Matrices • Find Scalar Multiples of a
Matrix • Find the Product of Two Matrices • Find the Inverse of a Matrix
Solve a System of Linear Equations Using an Inverse Matrix

8.5 Partial Fraction Decomposition 601

Decompose Where Q Has Only Nonrepeated Linear Factors
• Decompose Where Q Has Repeated Linear Factors • Decompose
Where Q Has a Nonrepeated Irreducible Quadratic Factor • Decompose
Where Q Has a Repeated Irreducible Quadratic Factor

8.6 Systems of Nonlinear Equations 609

Solve a System of Nonlinear Equations Using Substitution • Solve a
System of Nonlinear Equations Using Elimination

8.7 Systems of Inequalities 618

Graph an Inequality • Graph a System of Inequalities

8.8 Linear Programming 625

Set Up a Linear Programming Problem • Solve a Linear Programming

Chapter Review 632

Chapter Test 636
Cumulative Review 637
Chapter Projects 637
Contents xiii

9 Sequences; Induction; the Binomial Theorem 639

9.1 Sequences 640
Write the First Several Terms of a Sequence • Write the Terms of a
Sequence Defined by a Recursive Formula • Use Summation Notation
• Find the Sum of a Sequence

9.2 Arithmetic Sequences 650

Determine Whether a Sequence Is Arithmetic • Find a Formula for an
Arithmetic Sequence • Find the Sum of an Arithmetic Sequence

9.3 Geometric Sequences; Geometric Series 656

Determine Whether a Sequence Is Geometric • Find a Formula for a
Geometric Sequence • Find the Sum of a Geometric Sequence
• Determine Whether a Geometric Series Converges or Diverges • Solve
Annuity Problems

9.4 Mathematical Induction 667

Prove Statements Using Mathematical Induction

9.5 The Binomial Theorem 671

Evaluate a b • Use the Binomial Theorem

Chapter Review 677

Chapter Test 680
Cumulative Review 680
Chapter Projects 681

10 Counting and Probability 682

10.1 Counting 683
Find All the Subsets of a Set • Count the Number of Elements in a Set
• Solve Counting Problems Using the Multiplication Principle

10.2 Permutations and Combinations 688

Solve Counting Problems Using Permutations Involving n Distinct
Objects • Solve Counting Problems Using Combinations • Solve Counting
Problems Using Permutations Involving n Nondistinct Objects

10.3 Probability 697

Construct Probability Models • Compute Probabilities of Equally Likely
Outcomes • Find Probabilities of the Union of Two Events • Use the
Complement Rule to Find Probabilities

Chapter Review 707

Chapter Test 709
Cumulative Review 710
Chapter Projects 710
xiv Contents

Appendix Graphing Utilities A1

A.1 The Viewing Rectangle A1
A.2 Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Equations A3
A.3 Using a Graphing Utility to Locate Intercepts and Check for
Symmetry A5
A.4 Using a Graphing Utility to Solve Equations A6
A.5 Square Screens A8
A.6 Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Inequalities A9
A.7 Using a Graphing Utility to Solve Systems of Linear Equations A9

Answers AN1

Credits C1

Index I1
Dedicated to the Memory of Mary
Three Distinct Series
Students have different goals, learning styles, and levels of preparation. Instructors
have different teaching philosophies, styles, and techniques. Rather than write one
series to fit all, the Sullivans have written three distinct series. All share the same
goal—to develop a high level of mathematical understanding and an appreciation
for the way mathematics can describe the world around us. The manner of reaching
that goal, however, differs from series to series.

Contemporary Series, Tenth Edition

The Contemporary Series is the most traditional in approach yet modern in its
treatment of precalculus mathematics. Graphing utility coverage is optional and can
be included or excluded at the discretion of the instructor: College Algebra, Algebra
& Trigonometry, Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach, Precalculus.

Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Series,

Sixth Edition
This series provides a thorough integration of graphing utilities into topics, allowing
students to explore mathematical concepts and encounter ideas usually studied in
later courses. Using technology, the approach to solving certain problems differs
from the Contemporary Series, while the emphasis on understanding concepts and
building strong skills does not: College Algebra, Algebra & Trigonometry, Precalculus.

Concepts through Functions Series,

Third Edition
This series differs from the others, utilizing a functions approach that serves as the
organizing principle tying concepts together. Functions are introduced early in
various formats. This approach supports the Rule of Four, which states that functions
are represented symbolically, numerically, graphically, and verbally. Each chapter
introduces a new type of function and then develops all concepts pertaining to that
particular function. The solutions of equations and inequalities, instead of being
developed as stand-alone topics, are developed in the context of the underlying
functions. Graphing utility coverage is optional and can be included or excluded
at the discretion of the instructor: College Algebra; Precalculus, with a Unit Circle
Approach to Trigonometry; Precalculus, with a Right Triangle Approach to

The Contemporary Series
College Algebra, Tenth Edition
This text provides a contemporary approach to college algebra, with three chapters
of review material preceding the chapters on functions. Graphing calculator usage
is provided, but is optional. After completing this book, a student will be adequately
prepared for trigonometry, finite mathematics, and business calculus.

Algebra & Trigonometry, Tenth Edition

This text contains all the material in College Algebra, but also develops the
trigonometric functions using a right triangle approach and showing how it
relates to the unit circle approach. Graphing techniques are emphasized, including a
thorough discussion of polar coordinates, parametric equations, and conics using
polar coordinates. Graphing calculator usage is provided, but is optional. After
completing this book, a student will be adequately prepared for finite mathematics,
business calculus, and engineering calculus.

Precalculus, Tenth Edition

This text contains one review chapter before covering the traditional precalculus
topic of functions and their graphs, polynomial and rational functions, and
exponential and logarithmic functions. The trigonometric functions are introduced
using a unit circle approach and showing how it relates to the right triangle
approach. Graphing techniques are emphasized, including a thorough discussion of
polar coordinates, parametric equations, and conics using polar coordinates. Graphing
calculator usage is provided, but is optional. The final chapter provides an
introduction to calculus, with a discussion of the limit, the derivative, and the
integral of a function. After completing this book, a student will be adequately
prepared for finite mathematics, business calculus, and engineering calculus.

Trigonometry: a Unit Circle Approach, Tenth Edition

This text, designed for stand-alone courses in trigonometry, develops the trigonometric
functions using a unit circle approach and showing how it relates to the right
triangle approach. Graphing techniques are emphasized, including a thorough
discussion of polar coordinates, parametric equations, and conics using polar
coordinates. Graphing calculator usage is provided, but is optional. After completing
this book, a student will be adequately prepared for finite mathematics, business
calculus, and engineering calculus.

Preface to the Instructor
s a professor of mathematics at an urban public property.Therefore, many sections will have an exploration
university for 35 years, I understand the varied needs activity to motivate student learning. These explorations
of College Algebra students. Students range from introduce the topic and/or connect it to either a real-world
being underprepared, with little mathematical background application or a previous section. For example, when the
and a fear of mathematics, to being highly prepared vertical-line test is discussed in Section 3.2, after the
and motivated. For some, this is their final course in theorem statement, the notes ask the students to explain
mathematics. For others, it is preparation for future why the vertical-line test works by using the definition
mathematics courses. I have written this text with both of a function. This challenge helps students process the
groups in mind. information at a higher level of understanding.
A tremendous benefit of authoring a successful series is • Illustrations Many of the figures now have captions to
the broad-based feedback I receive from teachers and students help connect the illustrations to the explanations in the
who have used previous editions. I am sincerely grateful for body of the text.
their support. Virtually every change to this edition is the
• TI Screen Shots In this edition all the screen shots from
result of their thoughtful comments and suggestions. I hope
the ninth edition have been replaced with screen shots
that I have been able to take their ideas and, building upon a
using a TI-84Plus C. These updated screen shots help
successful foundation of the ninth edition, make this series an
students visualize concepts clearly and help make stronger
even better learning and teaching tool for students and teachers.
connections between equations, data, and graphs in full
Features in the Tenth Edition • Chapter Projects, which apply the concepts of each
A descriptive list of the many special features of chapter to a real-world situation, have been enhanced
College Algebra can be found on the endpapers in the front to give students an up-to-the-minute experience. Many
of this text. projects are new and Internet-based, requiring the student
This list places the features in their proper context, as to research information online in order to solve problems.
building blocks of an overall learning system that has been • Exercise Sets All the exercises in the text have been
carefully crafted over the years to help students get the most reviewed and analyzed for this edition, some have been
out of the time they put into studying. Please take the time to removed, and new ones have been added. All time-sensitive
review this and to discuss it with your students at the beginning problems have been updated to the most recent information
of your course. My experience has been that when students available. The problem sets remain classified according
utilize these features, they are more successful in the course. to purpose.
The ‘Are You Prepared?’ problems have been
New to the Tenth Edition improved to better serve their purpose as a just-in-time
review of concepts that the student will need to apply in
• Retain Your Knowledge This new category of problems the upcoming section.
in the exercise set are based on the article “To Retain The Concepts and Vocabulary problems have been
New Learning, Do the Math” published in the Edurati expanded and now include multiple-choice exercises.
Review. In this article, Kevin Washburn suggests that “the Together with the fill-in-the-blank and True/False
more students are required to recall new content or skills, problems, these exercises have been written to serve as
the better their memory will be.” It is frustrating when reading quizzes.
students cannot recall skills learned earlier in the course. Skill Building problems develop the student’s
To alleviate this recall problem, we have created “Retain computational skills with a large selection of exercises
Your Knowledge” problems. These are problems considered that are directly related to the objectives of the section.
to be “final exam material” that students can use to maintain Mixed Practice problems offer a comprehensive assessment
their skills. All the answers to these problems appear in the of skills that relate to more than one objective. Often
back of the text, and all are programmed in MyMathLab. these require skills learned earlier in the course.
• Guided Lecture Notes Ideal for online, emporium/ Applications and Extensions problems have been
redesign courses, inverted classrooms, or traditional updated. Further, many new application-type exercises
lecture classrooms. These lecture notes help students have been added, especially ones involving information
take thorough, organized, and understandable notes and data drawn from sources the student will recognize,
as they watch the Author in Action videos. They ask to improve relevance and timeliness.
students to complete definitions, procedures, and The Explaining Concepts: Discussion and Writing
examples based on the content of the videos and text. exercises have been improved and expanded to provide
In addition, experience suggests that students learn by more opportunity for classroom discussion and group
doing and understanding the why/how of the concept or projects.
Preface xix

New to this edition, Retain Your Knowledge exercises the content is required. Specific references to this chapter
consist of a collection of four problems in each exercise set occur throughout the text to assist in the review process.
that are based on material learned earlier in the course.
They serve to keep information that has already been Chapter 1 Equations and Inequalities
learned “fresh” in the mind of the student. Answers to all Primarily a review of Intermediate Algebra topics, this
these problems appear in the Student Edition. material is a prerequisite for later topics. The coverage of
The Review Exercises in the Chapter Review have complex numbers and quadratic equations with a negative
been streamlined, but they remain tied to the clearly discriminant is optional and may be postponed or skipped
expressed objectives of the chapter. Answers to all these entirely without loss of continuity.
problems appear in the Student Edition. Chapter 2 Graphs
• Annotated Instructor’s Edition As a guide, the author’s This chapter lays the foundation for functions. Section 2.5
suggestions for homework assignments are indicated by is optional.
a blue underscore below the problem number. These
problems are assignable in the MyMathLab as part of a Chapter 3 Functions and Their Graphs
“Ready-to-Go” course. Perhaps the most important chapter. Section 3.6 is optional.

Chapter 4 Linear and Quadratic Functions

Content Changes in the Tenth Edition Topic selection depends on your syllabus. Sections 4.2
and 4.4 may be omitted without loss of continuity.
• Section 3.1 The objective Find the Difference Quotient
of a Function has been added. Chapter 5 Polynomial and Rational Functions
• Section 5.1 The subsection Behavior of the Graph of a Topic selection depends on your syllabus.
Polynomial Function Near a Zero has been removed. Chapter 6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
• Section 5.3 A subsection has been added that discusses Sections 6.1–6.6 follow in sequence. Sections 6.7, 6.8,
the role of multiplicity of the zeros of the denominator and 6.9 are optional.
of a rational function as it relates to the graph near a
vertical asymptote. Chapter 7 Analytic Geometry
Sections 7.1–7.4 follow in sequence.
• Section 5.5 The objective Use Descartes’ Rule of Signs
has been included. Chapter 8 Systems of Equations and Inequalities
• Section 5.5 The theorem Bounds on the Zeros of a Sections 8.2–8.7 may be covered in any order, but each
Polynomial Function is now based on the traditional requires Section 8.1. Section 8.8 requires Section 8.7.
method of using synthetic division.
Chapter 9 Sequences; Induction; The Binomial
Using the Tenth Edition Effectively There are three independent parts: Sections 9.1–9.3;
with Your Syllabus Section 9.4; and Section 9.5.
To meet the varied needs of diverse syllabi, this text Chapter 10 Counting and Probability
contains more content than is likely to be covered in a College The sections follow in sequence.
Algebra course. As the chart illustrates, this text has been
organized with flexibility of use in mind. Within a given
chapter, certain sections are optional (see the details that Acknowledgments
follow the figure below) and can be omitted without loss Textbooks are written by authors, but evolve from an idea
of continuity. to final form through the efforts of many people. It was
Don Dellen who first suggested this text and series to me.
R 1 Don is remembered for his extensive contributions to
publishing and mathematics.
Thanks are due to the following people for their
assistance and encouragement to the preparation of this
3 7.17.4 8 10
• From Pearson Education: Anne Kelly for her substantial
4 5 6 9 contributions, ideas, and enthusiasm; Dawn Murrin,
for her unmatched talent at getting the details right;
Joseph Colella for always getting the reviews and pages
to me on time; Peggy McMahon for directing the always
Chapter R Review difficult production process; Rose Kernan for handling
This chapter consists of review material. It may be used as the liaison between the compositor and author; Peggy
first part of the course or later as a just-in-time review when Lucas for her genuine interest in marketing this text;
xx Preface

Chris Hoag for her continued support and genuine attention to detail is amazing; Timothy Britt, for creating
interest; Greg Tobin for his leadership and commitment the Solutions Manuals and accuracy checking
to excellence; and the Pearson Math and Science Sales answers.
team, for their continued confidence and personal Finally, I offer my grateful thanks to the dedicated
support of my texts. users and reviewers of my texts, whose collective
• Accuracy checkers: C. Brad Davis, who read the entire insights form the backbone of each textbook revision.
manuscript and accuracy checked answers. His

James Africh, College of DuPage Duane E. Deal, Ball State University Julia Hassett, DeVry Institute, Dupage
Steve Agronsky, Cal Poly State University Jerry DeGroot, Purdue North Central Christopher Hay-Jahans, University of South
Gererdo Aladro, Florida International Timothy Deis, University of Wisconsin- Dakota
University Platteville Michah Heibel, Lincoln Public Schools
Grant Alexander, Joliet Junior College Joanna DelMonaco, Middlesex Community LaRae Helliwell, San Jose City College
Dave Anderson, South Suburban College College Celeste Hernandez, Richland College
Richard Andrews, Florida A&M University Vivian Dennis, Eastfield College Gloria P. Hernandez, Louisiana State
Joby Milo Anthony, University of Central Deborah Dillon, R. L. Turner High School University at Eunice
Florida Guesna Dohrman, Tallahassee Community Brother Herron, Brother Rice High School
James E. Arnold, University of College Robert Hoburg, Western Connecticut State
Wisconsin-Milwaukee Cheryl Doolittle, Iowa State University University
Adel Arshaghi, Center for Educational Merit Karen R. Dougan, University of Florida Lynda Hollingsworth, Northwest Missouri
Carolyn Autray, University of West Georgia Jerrett Dumouchel, Florida Community State University
Agnes Azzolino, Middlesex County College College at Jacksonville Deltrye Holt, Augusta State University
Wilson P. Banks, Illinois State University Louise Dyson, Clark College Charla Holzbog, Denison High School
Sudeshna Basu, Howard University Paul D. East, Lexington Community College Lee Hruby, Naperville North High School
Dale R. Bedgood, East Texas State University Don Edmondson, University of Texas-Austin Miles Hubbard, St. Cloud State University
Beth Beno, South Suburban College Erica Egizio, Joliet Junior College Kim Hughes, California State College-San
Carolyn Bernath, Tallahassee Community Jason Eltrevoog, Joliet Junior College Bernardino
College Christopher Ennis, University of Minnesota Stanislav, Jabuka, University of Nevada, Reno
Rebecca Berthiaume, Edison State College Kathy Eppler, Salt Lake Community College Ron Jamison, Brigham Young University
William H. Beyer, University of Akron Ralph Esparza, Jr., Richland College Richard A. Jensen, Manatee Community
Annette Blackwelder, Florida State University Garret J. Etgen, University of Houston College
Richelle Blair, Lakeland Community College Scott Fallstrom, Shoreline Community College Glenn Johnson, Middlesex Community College
Kevin Bodden, Lewis and Clark College Pete Falzone, Pensacola Junior College Sandra G. Johnson, St. Cloud State University
Jeffrey Boerner, University of Wisconsin-Stout Arash Farahmand, Skyline College Tuesday Johnson, New Mexico State
Barry Booten, Florida Atlantic University W.A. Ferguson, University of Illinois-Urbana/ University
Larry Bouldin, Roane State Community Champaign Susitha Karunaratne, Purdue University North
College Iris B. Fetta, Clemson University Central
Bob Bradshaw, Ohlone College Mason Flake, student at Edison Community Moana H. Karsteter, Tallahassee Community
Trudy Bratten, Grossmont College College College
Tim Bremer, Broome Community College Timothy W. Flood, Pittsburg State University Donna Katula, Joliet Junior College
Tim Britt, Jackson State Community College Robert Frank, Westmoreland County Arthur Kaufman, College of Staten Island
Michael Brook, University of Delaware Community College Thomas Kearns, North Kentucky University
Joanne Brunner, Joliet Junior College Merle Friel, Humboldt State University Jack Keating, Massasoit Community College
Warren Burch, Brevard Community College Richard A. Fritz, Moraine Valley Shelia Kellenbarger, Lincoln Public Schools
Mary Butler, Lincoln Public Schools Community College Rachael Kenney, North Carolina State
Melanie Butler, West Virginia University Dewey Furness, Ricks College University
Jim Butterbach, Joliet Junior College Mary Jule Gabiou, North Idaho College John B. Klassen, North Idaho College
William J. Cable, University of Randy Gallaher, Lewis and Clark College Debra Kopcso, Louisiana State University
Wisconsin-Stevens Point Tina Garn, University of Arizona Lynne Kowski, Raritan Valley Community
Lois Calamia, Brookdale Community College Dawit Getachew, Chicago State University College
Jim Campbell, Lincoln Public Schools Wayne Gibson, Rancho Santiago College Yelena Kravchuk, University of Alabama at
Roger Carlsen, Moraine Valley Community Loran W. Gierhart, University of Texas at San Birmingham
College Antonio and Palo Alto College Ray S. Kuan, Skyline College
Elena Catoiu, Joliet Junior College Robert Gill, University of Minnesota Duluth Keith Kuchar, Manatee Community College
Mathews Chakkanakuzhi, Palomar College Nina Girard, University of Pittsburgh at Tor Kwembe, Chicago State University
Tim Chappell, Penn Valley Community College Johnstown Linda J. Kyle, Tarrant Country Jr. College
John Collado, South Suburban College Sudhir Kumar Goel, Valdosta State University H.E. Lacey, Texas A & M University
Alicia Collins, Mesa Community College Adrienne Goldstein, Miami Dade College, Harriet Lamm, Coastal Bend College
Nelson Collins, Joliet Junior College Kendall Campus James Lapp, Fort Lewis College
Rebecca Connell, Troy University Joan Goliday, Sante Fe Community College Matt Larson, Lincoln Public Schools
Jim Cooper, Joliet Junior College Lourdes Gonzalez, Miami Dade College, Christopher Lattin, Oakton Community College
Denise Corbett, East Carolina University Kendall Campus Julia Ledet, Lousiana State University
Carlos C. Corona, San Antonio College Frederic Gooding, Goucher College Adele LeGere, Oakton Community College
Theodore C. Coskey, South Seattle Donald Goral, Northern Virginia Community Kevin Leith, University of Houston
Community College College JoAnn Lewin, Edison College
Rebecca Connell, Troy University Sue Graupner, Lincoln Public Schools Jeff Lewis, Johnson County Community College
Donna Costello, Plano Senior High School Mary Beth Grayson, Liberty University Janice C. Lyon, Tallahassee Community College
Paul Crittenden, University of Nebraska at Jennifer L. Grimsley, University of Charleston Jean McArthur, Joliet Junior College
Lincoln Ken Gurganus, University of North Carolina Virginia McCarthy, Iowa State University
John Davenport, East Texas State University James E. Hall, University of Wisconsin-Madison Karla McCavit, Albion College
Faye Dang, Joliet Junior College Judy Hall, West Virginia University Michael McClendon, University of Central
Antonio David, Del Mar College Edward R. Hancock, DeVry Institute of Oklahoma
Stephanie Deacon, Liberty University Technology Tom McCollow, DeVry Institute of Technology
Preface xxi
Marilyn McCollum, North Carolina State Sanja Pantic, University of Illinois at Chicago Katrina Staley, North Carolina Agricultural
University E. James Peake, Iowa State University and Technical State University
Jill McGowan, Howard University Kelly Pearson, Murray State University Becky Stamper, Western Kentucky
Will McGowant, Howard University Dashamir Petrela, Florida Atlantic University University
Angela McNulty, Joliet Junior College Philip Pina, Florida Atlantic University Judy Staver, Florida Community
Laurence Maher, North Texas State University Charlotte Pisors, Baylor University College-South
Jay A. Malmstrom, Oklahoma City Community Michael Prophet, University of Northern Iowa Robin Steinberg, Pima Community College
College Laura Pyzdrowski, West Virginia University Neil Stephens, Hinsdale South High School
Rebecca Mann, Apollo High School Carrie Quesnell, Weber State University Sonya Stephens, Florida A&M Univeristy
Lynn Marecek, Santa Ana College Neal C. Raber, University of Akron Patrick Stevens, Joliet Junior College
Sherry Martina, Naperville North High School Thomas Radin, San Joaquin Delta College John Sumner, University of Tampa
Alec Matheson, Lamar University Aibeng Serene Radulovic, Florida Atlantic Matthew TenHuisen, University of North
Nancy Matthews, University of Oklahoma University Carolina, Wilmington
James Maxwell, Oklahoma State Ken A. Rager, Metropolitan State College Christopher Terry, Augusta State University
University-Stillwater Kenneth D. Reeves, San Antonio College Diane Tesar, South Suburban College
Marsha May, Midwestern State University Elsi Reinhardt, Truckee Meadows Community Tommy Thompson, Brookhaven College
James McLaughlin, West Chester University College Martha K. Tietze, Shawnee Mission Northwest
Judy Meckley, Joliet Junior College Jose Remesar, Miami Dade College, Wolfson High School
David Meel, Bowling Green State University Campus Richard J. Tondra, Iowa State University
Carolyn Meitler, Concordia University Jane Ringwald, Iowa State University Florentina Tone, University of West Florida
Samia Metwali, Erie Community College Douglas F. Robertson, University of Suzanne Topp, Salt Lake Community College
Rich Meyers, Joliet Junior College Minnesota, MPLS Marilyn Toscano, University of Wisconsin,
Eldon Miller, University of Mississippi Stephen Rodi, Austin Community College Superior
James Miller, West Virginia University William Rogge, Lincoln Northeast High Marvel Townsend, University of Florida
Michael Miller, Iowa State University School Jim Trudnowski, Carroll College
Kathleen Miranda, SUNY at Old Westbury Howard L. Rolf, Baylor University Robert Tuskey, Joliet Junior College
Chris Mirbaha, The Community College of Mike Rosenthal, Florida International Mihaela Vajiac, Chapman University-Orange
Baltimore County University Julia Varbalow, Thomas Nelson Community
Val Mohanakumar, Hillsborough Community Phoebe Rouse, Lousiana State University College-Leesville
College Edward Rozema, University of Tennessee at Richard G. Vinson, University of South
Thomas Monaghan, Naperville North High Chattanooga Alabama
School Dennis C. Runde, Manatee Community College Jorge Viola-Prioli, Florida Atlantic University
Miguel Montanez, Miami Dade College, Alan Saleski, Loyola University of Chicago Mary Voxman, University of Idaho
Wolfson Campus Susan Sandmeyer, Jamestown Community Jennifer Walsh, Daytona Beach Community
Maria Montoya, Our Lady of the Lake College College
University Brenda Santistevan, Salt Lake Community Donna Wandke, Naperville North High School
Susan Moosai, Florida Atlantic University College Timothy L.Warkentin, Cloud County
Craig Morse, Naperville North High School Linda Schmidt, Greenville Technical College Community College
Samad Mortabit, Metropolitan State University Ingrid Scott, Montgomery College Melissa J. Watts, Virginia State University
Pat Mower, Washburn University A.K. Shamma, University of West Florida Hayat Weiss, Middlesex Community College
Tammy Muhs, University of Central Florida Zachery Sharon, University of Texas at San Kathryn Wetzel, Amarillo College
A. Muhundan, Manatee Community College Antonio Darlene Whitkenack, Northern Illinois
Jane Murphy, Middlesex Community College Martin Sherry, Lower Columbia College University
Richard Nadel, Florida International University Carmen Shershin, Florida International Suzanne Williams, Central Piedmont
Gabriel Nagy, Kansas State University University Community College
Bill Naegele, South Suburban College Tatrana Shubin, San Jose State University Larissa Williamson, University of Florida
Karla Neal, Lousiana State University Anita Sikes, Delgado Community College Christine Wilson, West Virginia University
Lawrence E. Newman, Holyoke Community Timothy Sipka, Alma College Brad Wind, Florida International University
College Charlotte Smedberg, University of Tampa Anna Wiodarczyk, Florida International
Dwight Newsome, Pasco-Hernando Lori Smellegar, Manatee Community College University
Community College Gayle Smith, Loyola Blakefield Mary Wolyniak, Broome Community
Denise Nunley, Maricopa Community Colleges Cindy Soderstrom, Salt Lake Community College
James Nymann, University of Texas-El Paso College Canton Woods, Auburn University
Mark Omodt, Anoka-Ramsey Community Leslie Soltis, Mercyhurst College Tamara S. Worner, Wayne State College
College John Spellman, Southwest Texas State Terri Wright, New Hampshire Community
Seth F. Oppenheimer, Mississippi State University Technical College, Manchester
University Karen Spike, University of North Carolina Aletheia Zambesi, University of West Florida
Leticia Oropesa, University of Miami Rajalakshmi Sriram, Okaloosa-Walton George Zazi, Chicago State University
Linda Padilla, Joliet Junior College Community College Steve Zuro, Joliet Junior College

Chicago State University

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
List of Documents for Use in the
Smaller Libraries

Compiled by
Economics Division, New York Public Library

Accidents and accident prevention in machine
building. Lucian W. Chaney. (U.S. Labor statistics
bureau. Bul. 256) 123p pa ’20
Industrial accidents and their prevention. Ralph R.
Ray. (U.S. Federal board for vocational education.
Bul. 47) 66p pa ’19

Advertising methods in Argentina, Uruguay and
Brazil. J. W. Sanger. (U.S. Foreign & domestic
commerce bureau. Special agents series 190) 119p
pa ’20

Agricultural census
Number of farms, by states and counties: 1920,
1910 and 1900. (U.S. Census bur.) 29p pa ’20

Agricultural cooperation
Farmers’ cooperative gins in Texas. H. M. Eliot.
(Texas. Agricultural experiment station. Special
circular) 23p pa ’20 Agricultural experiment
station, College station, Brazos county, Texas
Fundamental principles of cooperation in
agriculture. G. Harold Powell. (California.
Agricultural experiment station. Circular 222) 24p
pa ’20 University of California, Berkeley, Cal.

Agricultural education
Development of agricultural instruction in
secondary schools. H. P. Barrows. (U.S. Education
bur. Bul. 1919, no. 85) 108p pa ’20
Lessons in animal production for southern schools.
E. H. Shinn. (U.S. Federal board for vocational
education. Bul. 56) 136p pa ’20

Agricultural extension
Cooperative extension work in agriculture and
home economics, 1918. (U.S. States relations
service) 157p pa ’19
Books for a farmer’s library. L. O. Lantis. (Ohio.
State university. Agricultural extension service.
Bul. v. 15 no. 20) 32p pa ’20 Ohio state university,
Columbus, Ohio

Status and results; county agent work: northern
and western states. W. A. Lloyd. (U.S. Agriculture
dept. Department circular 106) 19p pa ’20

American expeditionary forces

Final report of Gen. John J. Pershing, commander
in chief, American expeditionary forces. (U.S. War
dept.) 95p 16 folded maps pa ’19

Community Americanization; a handbook for
workers. Fred Clayton Butler. (U.S. Education
bureau. Bul. 1919, no. 76) 82p pa ’20
State Americanization; the part of the state in the
education and assimilation of the immigrant. Fred
Clayton Butler. (U.S. Education bureau. Bul. 1919,
no. 77) 26p pa ’20
Training teachers for Americanization; a course of
study for normal schools and teachers’ institutes,
by John J. Mahoney; with a chapter on Industrial
classes, by Frances K. Wetmore, and on Home and
neighborhood classes, by Helen Winkler and Elsa
Alsberg. (U.S. Education bur. Bul. 1920, no. 12)
62p pa ’20

Animal breeding
Essentials of animal breeding. George M. Rommel.
(U.S. Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 1167) 38p pa

Apple powdery mildew

Control of apple powdery mildew. D. F. Fisher.
(U.S. Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 1120) 14p pa
Common insects and diseases of the apple. W. W.
Chase. (Georgia. State board of entomology. Bul.
54) 51p pa ’19 Atlanta, Ga.

Economic position of Argentina during the war. L.
Brewster Smith, Harry T. Collins, Elizabeth
Murphey. (U.S. Foreign & domestic commerce
bureau. Miscellaneous series, 98) 140p pa ’20

Automobile repair
Course of study for automobile maintenance and
repair. (New Mexico. State board for vocational
education. Bul. no. 3) 43p pa ’19 Santa Fé, N. Mex.

Baking in the home. Hannah L. Wessling. (U. S.
Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 1136) 40p pa ’20

Beef production
Growing beef on the farm. F. W. Farley. (U.S. Agric.
dept. Farmers’ bul. 1073) 23p pa ’19
Beekeeping for beginners. H. B. Parks. (Texas.
Agricultural experiment station Bulletin 255) 25p
pa ’19 College Station, Brazos county, Texas

Directions for collecting flowering plants and ferns.
S. F. Blake. (U.S. Agriculture dept. Department
circular 76) 8p pa ’20

Bovine tuberculosis
The problem of tuberculosis in cattle. Veranus A.
Moore. (New York State. College of agriculture.
Cornell reading course for the farm. Lesson 146)
12p pa ’19 Ithaca, N.Y.

Boys’ and girls’ clubs

Bean club demonstrations. R. G. Foster. (New
Mexico. Agricultural extension service. Extension
circular 63) 14p pa ’20 New Mexico college of
agriculture and mechanic arts, State college, New
Brazil, a study of economic conditions since 1913.
Arthur H. Redfield and Helen Watkins. (U.S.
Foreign and domestic commerce bureau.
Miscellaneous ser. 86) 99p pa ’20

Proceedings of the Brest-Litovsk peace conference:
the peace negotiations between Russia and the
Central powers. November 21, 1917–March 3,
1918. (U.S. State dept.) 187p pa ’18

Home canning and food thrift. O. H. Benson. (New
York [State] Farms and markets dept. Agricultural
bul. 130) 61p pa ’20 Albany, N.Y.

Breeds of dairy cattle. H. P. Davis. (U.S. Agriculture
dept. Farmers’ bul. 893) 35p pa ’20

Cheese industry
Trend of the cheese industry in the United States
and other countries, simple charts with
interpretations. T. R. Pirtle. (U.S. Agric. dept.
Department circular 71) 24p pa ’19

Chelan national forest

The land of beautiful water. (U. S. Agriculture dept.
Department circular 91) 16p pa ’20

Industrial instability of child workers; a study of
employment certificate records in Connecticut.
Robert Morse Woodbury. (U.S. Children’s bur.
Publication 74) 86p pa ’20

Care and hygiene
Child-welfare programs; study outlines for the use
of clubs and classes. (U.S. Children’s bur. Bur.
pub. no. 73) 35p pa ’20
Child-welfare special; a suggested method of
reaching rural communities. (U.S. Children’s bur.
Bur. pub. no. 69) 18p pa ’20
Eyesight of school children; defective vision as
related to school environment, and methods of
prevention and correction. J. H. Berkowitz. (U.S.
Education bur. Bul. 1919, no. 65) 128p pa ’20
Instructions for the use of child hygiene survey
cards. (U.S. Public health service. Miscellaneous
pub. 23) 30p pa ’20
Joy and health through play; the new age-grade-
height-weight athletic standard. George E.
Schlafer. (U. S. Education bur.) 19p pa ’20

Commercial handbook of China. Julean Arnold. v 1.
(U.S. Foreign and domestic commerce bureau.
Miscellaneous ser. 84) 630p 2 maps pa ’19
Commercial handbook of China. Julean Arnold. v 2.
(U.S. Foreign and domestic commerce bureau.
Miscellaneous ser. 84) 470p pa ’20

Population of cities having 25,000 inhabitants or
more, 1920, 1910 and 1900. (U.S. Census bur. 14th
census) 8p pa ’20
Civics and patriotism: syllabus for elementary
schools. University of the State of New York. Bul.
704) 91p pa ’20 State library, Albany, N.Y.
Civic training through service. A. W. Dunn. (U.S.
Education bur. Teachers’ leaflet no. 8) 13p pa ’20
Lessons in civics for the six elementary grades of
city schools. Hannah Margaret Harris. (U.S.
Education bur. Bul. 1920, no. 18) 110p pa ’20
Visualizing citizenship. Ina Clement. (New York
city. Municipal reference library. Special report
no. 4) 32p pa ’20 15c Municipal reference library,
New York city

Citrus industry
Citrus—fruit growing in the gulf states. E. D.
Vosbury. (U.S. Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul.
1122) 46p pa ’20

Clearing of land
TNT as a blasting explosive. Charles E. Munroe &
Spencer P. Howell. (U.S. Agriculture dept.
Department circular 94) 24p pa ’20
Selection and care of clothing. Laura I. Baldt. (U.S.
Agric. dept. Farmers’ bul. 1089) 32p pa ’20

Safe storage of coal. H. H. Stock. (U.S. Mines bur.
Technical paper 225) 10p pa ’20

Coal-mine gases
Coal-mine gases. (U.S. Federal board for vocational
education. Bul. 39) 35p pa ’20

Coal mines
Award and recommendations of the United States
bituminous coal commission accepted by the
President, 1920. U.S. Bituminous coal comm.
120p pa ’20

Comfort stations
Wisconsin public comfort station code and rest
room suggestions. (Wisconsin. State board of
health) 62p pa ’20 Madison, Wis.
Trade of the United States with the world, 1918–
1919. Part 1—Imports. (U.S. Bur. of foreign and
domestic commerce. Miscellaneous ser. 106) 103p
pa ’20

Commercial organizations
Commercial and industrial organizations of the
United States; rev. to Nov. 1, 1919. (U.S. Foreign
and domestic commerce bureau. Miscellaneous
ser. 99) 121p pa ’20

Community buildings
Rural community buildings in the United States. W.
C. Nason, and C. W. Thompson. (U.S. Agric. dept.
Farmer’s bul. 825) 36p pa ’20

Community centers
The community center: list of lantern slides with
notes on the community schoolhouse. Walton S.
Bittner. (Indiana university. Extension division.
Bul. v. 5, no. 8) 30p pa ’20 Extension division,
Indiana university, Bloomington, Ind.
Constitutions of the state at war, 1914–1918; ed. by
Herbert F. Wright. (U.S. State dept.) 679p pa ’19

Continuation schools
Compulsory continuation schools; a circular of
information on the Boston compulsory
continuation school. (Mass. Education
department. Bul. 1920, no. 2) 185p pa ’20 Dept. of
education, Boston, Mass.
Organization and administration of part-time
schools. (N.Y. State university. Bul. 697) 42p pa
’20 University of the state of New York, Albany,

Farmers’ cooperation in Minnesota, 1913–1917.
John D. Black, and Frank Robotka. (Minnesota
agric. experiment station. Bul. 184) 62p pa ’19 St
Paul, Minn.
The Russian cooperative movement. Frederic E.
Lee. (U.S. Foreign and domestic commerce bur.
Miscellaneous ser. 101) 83p pa ’20
Cooperative marketing
Cooperation applied to marketing by Kansas
farmers. Theodore Macklin. (Kansas. Agricultural
experiment station. Bul. 224) 61p pa ’20 Kansas
State agricultural college, Manhattan, Kansas
Cooperative marketing of horticultural products. J.
W. Lloyd. (Illinois. Agricultural experiment
station. Circular 244) 15p pa ’20 University of
Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

Better seed corn. C. P. Hartley. (U.S. Agriculture
dept. Farmers’ bul. 1175) 14p pa ’20

Corn oil
Production and utilization of corn oil in the United
States. A. F. Sivers. (U.S. Agriculture dept.
Department bul. 904) 23p pa ’20

Cost of producing cotton (842 records—1918) L. A.
Moorhouse and M. R. Cooper. (U.S. Agriculture
dept. Department bul. 896) 59p pa ’20
Cotton variety tests 1918. A. C. Lewis, C. A.
McLendon. (Georgia. State board of entomology.
Bul. 52) 40p pa ’19 Atlanta, Ga.
Growing cotton in Arizona. G. E. Thompson and C.
J. Wood. (Arizona. Agricultural experiment
station. Bulletin 90) 12p pa ’19 Tucson, Arizona

Cotton boll weevil

Dusting machinery for cotton boll weevil control.
Elmer Johnson, and B. R. Coad. (U.S. Agric. dept.
Farmers’ bul. 1098) 31p pa ’20

Cotton warehouses
Construction and fire protection of cotton
warehouses. J. M. Workman. (U.S. Dept. of
agriculture. Bul. 801) 79p pa ’19

Cotton yarn
Cotton yarn; import and export trade in relation to
the tariff. (U.S. Tariff commission. Tariff
information ser. 12) 320p pa ’20

Cowpeas: culture and varieties. W. J. Morse. (U.S.
Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 1148) 26p pa ’20

The crow in its relation to agriculture. E. R.
Kalmbach. (U.S. Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul.
1102) 20p pa ’20

Dairy cows
Rules for testing dairy cows for advanced
registration. J. B. Fitch and F. W. Atkeson.
(Kansas. Agricultural experiment station. Circular
82) 12p pa ’20 Manhattan. Kans.

Government exhibit at the 1920 National dairy
show. (U.S. Agriculture dept. Department circular
139) 17p pa ’20

Danube river
The Danube. Joseph P. Chamberlain. (U.S. State
dept.) 122p pa ’18
Published in 1918 as a confidential document.
Diabetic foods
Report of the Connecticut agricultural experiment
station on food products and drugs, 1919: part 2.—
diabetic foods. (Bul. 220) 82p pa ’20 Agricultural
experiment station, New Haven, Conn.

One-act play in colleges and high schools, with
bibliographies and a list of one-act plays for study
and production. B. Roland Lewis. (Utah.
University-Bul. v. 10, no. 16) 25p pa ’20 Salt Lake
City, Utah

Drug Industry
Crude botanical drug industry. (U.S. Tariff
commission. Tariff information ser. no. 19) 69p pa

Drug plants under cultivation. W. W. Stockberger.
(U.S. Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 663) 50p pa
Dry farming
Sixteen years of dry farm experiments in Utah. F. S.
Harris, A. F. Bracken and I. J. Jensen. (Utah.
Agricultural experiment station. Bul. 175) 43p pa
’20 Utah agricultural college, Logan, Utah

National crisis in education: an appeal to the
people. William T. Bawden. (U.S. Education bur.
Bul. 1920, no. 29) 191p pa ’20
Report of the Proceedings of the National citizens
conference on education called by the U.S.
Commissioner of education and held at the
Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C., May 19, 20,
21, 1920.
Statistical survey of education, 1917–18. H. R.
Bonner. (U.S. Education bur. Bul. 1920, no. 31)
48p pa ’20
Advance sheets from the Biennial survey of
education, in the United States, 1916–1918.
Statistics of state school systems, 1917–18; prepared
by the Statistical division of the Bureau of
education under the supervision of H. R. Bonner.
(U.S. Education bur. Bul. 1920, no. 11) 155p pa ’20
Survey of education in Hawaii. (U.S. Education bur.
Bul. 1920, no. 16) 171p pa ’20

Education, Adult
Adult working-class education in Great Britain and
the United States: a study of recent developments.
Charles Patrick Sweeney. (U.S. Labor statistics
bur. Bul. 271) 101p pa ’20

Preserving eggs. Joseph William Kinghorne. (U.S.
Agriculture dept. Farmers’ bul. 1109) 8p pa ’20

Electrical Industry
Electrical goods in Spain. Philip S. Smith. (U.S. Bur.
of foreign and domestic commerce. Special agents
ser. 197) 178p

Employment management
Bibliography of employment management. Edward
D. Jones. (U. S. Federal board for vocational
education. Bul. 51) 119p pa ’20
Job specifications. Franklyn Meine. (U.S. Federal
board for vocational education) 63p pa ’20
The labor audit, a method of industrial
investigation. Ordway Tead. (U.S. Federal board
for vocational education. Bul. 32) 47p pa ’20

English for foreigners

Teaching English to the foreign born; a teacher’s
handbook. Henry H. Goldberger. (U.S. Education
bureau. Bulletin, 1919, no. 80) 46p pa ’20

European war, 1914–1919

Neutrality proclamations, 1914–1918. (U.S. State
dept.) 64p pa ’19

Export trade
Foreign trade promotion work. Letter from the
chief of the Bureau of efficiency transmitting a
report on the federal government’s activities in the
promotion of foreign commerce. (U.S. Congress,
66:2. House document no. 650) 88p pa ’20 Apply
to congressman

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