PCL Barcode Manual
PCL Barcode Manual
PCL Barcode Manual
Version 4.2.5
e-bizco.com GmbH Includes Information for usage with the SAP R/3 System
Version November 03, 2011
SAP, ABAP and SAPscript are registered trademarks of the SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA Laserjet and PCL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Corporation USA Other product or company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 Smart Barcoding ..............................................................................................................3 Installation Quick Guide .................................................................................................4 Windows Quick Guide with SAP........................................................................................4 Linux Quick Guide with SAP ..............................................................................................4 Barcode Overview ...........................................................................................................5 Installation ........................................................................................................................6 Windows version ...............................................................................................................6 System Requirements .......................................................................................................6 PCL Barcode Server ..........................................................................................................6 Licensed Version .............................................................................................................. 6 Demo Version ................................................................................................................... 6 Upgrade from demo to a licensed Version ....................................................................... 7 Upgrade from "1D Classic" to "2D Plus" ........................................................................... 7 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license .................... 8 4.1.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server .....................................................................................8 Running as service ........................................................................................................... 8 Running as user program ................................................................................................. 8 Logfile ............................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 Installation ( Linux version ) ...............................................................................................9 System Requirements .......................................................................................................9 PCL Barcode Server ..........................................................................................................9 Licensed Version .............................................................................................................. 9 Demo Version ................................................................................................................... 9 Installing a license ............................................................................................................ 9 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license .................... 9 Linux Print Command ..................................................................................................... 10 4.2.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server (Linux) .......................................................................10 Running as service ......................................................................................................... 10 Starting from inetd .......................................................................................................... 10 Running as user program ............................................................................................... 10 Logfile ............................................................................................................................. 11 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 Installation ( AIX version ) ................................................................................................12 System Requirements .....................................................................................................12 PCL Barcode Server ........................................................................................................12 Licensed Version ............................................................................................................ 12 Demo Version ................................................................................................................. 12 Installing a license .......................................................................................................... 12 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license .................. 12 AIX Print Command ........................................................................................................ 13 4.3.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server (AIX) ..........................................................................13 Running as service ......................................................................................................... 13 Starting from inetd .......................................................................................................... 13 Running as user program ............................................................................................... 14 Logfile ............................................................................................................................. 14 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Installation ( SunOS / Solaris version, HPUX ) ................................................................15 System Requirements .....................................................................................................15 PCL Barcode Server ........................................................................................................15 Licensed Version ............................................................................................................ 15 Demo Version ................................................................................................................. 15 Installing a license .......................................................................................................... 15 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license .................. 16 Solaris /HPUX Print Command....................................................................................... 16 4.4.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server ( SunOS /Solaris, HPUX ) .........................................16 Running as service ......................................................................................................... 16 Starting from inetd .......................................................................................................... 16 Running as user program ............................................................................................... 17 Logfile ............................................................................................................................. 17 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 Installation (SAP) .............................................................................................................18 Device type ......................................................................................................................18 Setup your printer with transaction SPAD .......................................................................19 Printing barcodes from the SAP system .....................................................................20 PCL Barcode format ........................................................................................................20 General Commands for all Barcodes ..............................................................................21 T Select barcode ...........................................................................................................21 P Annotation ..................................................................................................................22 B Bar Width ...................................................................................................................23 S Gap Width ..................................................................................................................23 V Bar Height ..................................................................................................................23 Horizontal and vertical Position .......................................................................................23 EAN 128 / Code 128 Parameters ....................................................................................23 QR Code Parameters ......................................................................................................24
5.1.10 PDF 417 Parameters .......................................................................................................25 5.1.11 Barcode termination ........................................................................................................25 5.1.12 Rotation ...........................................................................................................................25 5.1.13 Embedded control characters..........................................................................................26 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 6.2.1 Defining Barcodes in SAPscript and SmartForms .....................................................27 Create your own device type ...........................................................................................27 Create System Barcode ..................................................................................................27 Create Printer Barcode ....................................................................................................28 Create a simple Barcode Test with SmartForms.............................................................32 Used Barcode ..................................................................................................................32
6.2.2 6.3 7 8 9 10 11 12
Used Style .......................................................................................................................32 Create your form ..............................................................................................................35 Version History ..............................................................................................................37 More Information / Contact ...........................................................................................37 Appendix Hex Table ......................................................................................................38 Barcode Specifications .................................................................................................39 QR Code data capacity .................................................................................................44 ISO 3166 Codes (Country Codes) ................................................................................49
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1 Smart Barcoding
Our Software PCL Barcode Server dramatically reduces your costs to print barcodes. You do not need any hardware extension for your printer. You can replace broken printers with another PCL printer and dont have to worry how to replace it with the same model or how to get a compatible barcode module. You do not need to buy any barcode hardware for each printer. Our PCL Barcode Server is supported by SAP R/3: Easy plug-and-play using the device types HPLJ4 HPLJ5 HPLJ5SI HPLJ1100 HPLJ4000 HPLJ8000 HPLJIIID LEXUTF8
You can use our PCL Barcode Server to print almost any widely used barcode type including: Code 128 / EAN 128 Code 39 Code 93 QR Code PDF 417 Data Matrix 2 of 5 family
For a complete list of barcodes and required license, please refer to section 5.1.2 Almost any barcode allows you to specify parameters and options. Our PCL Barcode Server allows you to define The size of the printed barcode. Rotation of barcodes. Rows and columns for 2D Barcodes Error correction mode, redundancy. Structured data for Data Matrix.
For a complete list, please refer to section 5.1.1 This combination of support by SAP R/3 and customizing makes our PCL Barcode Server really unique. Our online and always up to date trouble shooting section on our web site will help you in case of problems: http://www.e-bizco.com/english/support.phtml . You are also welcome to contact us at techsupport2@e-bizco.com for free support.
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3 Barcode Overview
The use of usage of bar codes on mass products is widely known. They can be found on nearly all articles in the local supermarket. They are used for automatic product recognition. Therefore it is not necessary to recognize any individual items. So all identical products share the same barcode. But bar codes can also be used to distinguish individual articles or documents. This requires the production of individual bar codes on demand as part of the printing process. As many documents are printed from within windows it is a requirement for many users to print barcodes from their windows application. Windows printing is always done through a device driver that is supplied from the printer vendor. This driver has uniform interface to the windows side. The principle advantage of this interface causes problems, as barcodes are not part of the interface. Neither the interface definition nor windows do take care about barcodes. So even if the printer could print barcodes by itself, the windows interface does not allow requesting them. You can buy programs, which produce barcodes by printing graphics. But they do not allow you to integrate these barcodes automatically into your document. You have to do some (electronic or mechanical) clipping for each document. You can also buy barcode fonts. But they are limited to simple barcodes and you have to compute the checksum in your application, which is often not possible at all. Without checksums barcodes are rather risky to use. You can also not adapt the printing process to your physical output device. This is often required to produce optimal barcodes as every printing system has is own characteristics. What is the solution? Our PCL Barcode Server is the perfect solution for applications, which are aware of barcodes. The application has just to insert the barcode print command with the data and the PCL Barcode Server will integrate the barcode into the current document. The PCL Barcode Server does also generate checksum and caption automatically on demand. You can specify the size of the barcode and even the individual relationship of bars and gaps. SAP System R/3 supports our PCL Barcode Server since version 3.0. It allows you to print barcodes on all printers which are supported by the SAP device types HPLJ4 and HP5MI. The PCL Barcode Server is available on Linux, HPUX, AIX and Windows 95/98/2000/NT. The configuration of the PCL Barcode Server is done from within the SAP system. e-bizco.com GmbH supplies two PCL Barcode Server: The 1D Classic version supports all one-dimensional barcodes like code 39 and 2 of 5 interleaved. The 2D Plus version also supports two-dimensional barcodes like Data Matrix, PDF 417 or Code16K. If you want to print barcodes on any windows printer: We also offer the Barcode DLL for SAP that prints bar codes on any windows printer.
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4 Installation
4.1 Windows version 4.1.1 System Requirements
SAP Release 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and newer versions using Unix, Windows, OS/400 Operating System: Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2 / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 2000 / XP
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To install a licensed version, the license disk should be inserted to your diskette drive or the file LICENCE.KEY has to be just beside of the installation set. If this file is found at the start of SETUP.EXE, the license string is read form this file. If you have received the license key by fax, you may enter this string manually into the field license key.
To install a licensed version, the license disk should be inserted to your diskette drive or the file LICENCE.KEY has to be just beside of the installation set. If this file is found at the start of SETUP.EXE, the license string is read form this file. If you have received the license key by fax, you may enter this string manually into the field license key.
Page 8 Page 8 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license
Any license obtained from e-bizco.com GmbH entitles you to use newer versions of the PCL Barcode Server released up to six month after the issue date of the license. To use this update feature, please download the newer version of barcode demo from http://www.e-bizco.com and proceed as described under upgrading from demo to licensed version. To be eligible for upgrading, the new PCL Barcode Server MUST be released within six month after the issue date of your license or you will get an error message when installing a version that was released after that date. If you have purchased a license for PCL Barcode Server with maintenance contract, you may install any covered newer version of the PCL Barcode Server. Logfile
For trouble shooting, the logfile feature can be turned on. Please add these lines to the file C:\Windows\Barcode.ini: [LPD] LogEnabled=9 LogFile=C:\bclpd.log You can create this file using notepad if it does not exist. Please make sure that no .txt is added by windows to the file name.
Page 9 Page 9 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license
Any license obtained from e-bizco.com GmbH entitles you to use newer versions of the PCL Barcode Server released up to six month after the issue date of the license. To use this update feature, please download the newer version of barcode demo from http://www.e-bizco.com and proceed as described under upgrading from demo to licensed version. To be eligible for upgrading, the new PCL Barcode Server MUST be released within
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six month after the issue date of your license or you will get an error message when installing a version that was released after that date. If you have purchased a license for PCL Barcode Server with maintenance contract, you may install any covered newer version of the PCL Barcode Server.
These command can be modified in the /etc/barcode.ini file (Version 3.6.3 or newer): [LPD] lpr=lpr -P '%P' -T '%T' -U '%U' -#%N lpstat=lpq P%P lpstat_long=lpq L P%P lpstat_job=lpq P%P %I lpstat_job_long=lpq L P%P %I If your linux distribution has lpr-cups instead of lpr, you can either create a symbolic link for lpr or modify the barcode.ini.
4.2.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server (Linux) Running as service
The PCL Barcode Server can be started at boot time using the usual /etc/rc config scripts. No parameters are required. The r xxxx can be used to change the control port from 1515 to xxxx.
To change the control port, change the 1515 to the desired port number. Please remember to restart inetd to activate the change. ( kill HUP )
Page 11 Page 11 Logfile
For trouble shooting, the logfile feature can be turned on. Please add these lines to the file /etc/barcode.ini: [LPD] LogEnabled=9 LogFile=/tmp/bcserver.log
Page 12 Page 12 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license
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Any license obtained from e-bizco.com GmbH entitles you to use newer versions of the PCL Barcode Server released up to six month after the issue date of the license. To use this update feature, please download the newer version of barcode demo from http://www.e-bizco.com and proceed as described under upgrading from demo to licensed version. To be eligible for upgrading, the new PCL Barcode Server MUST be released within six month after the issue date of your license or you will get an error message when installing a version that was released after that date. If you have purchased a license for PCL Barcode Server with maintenance contract, you may install any covered newer version of the PCL Barcode Server.
These command can be modified in the /etc/barcode.ini file (Version 3.6.3 or newer): [LPD] lpr= lpr -P'%P' -T'%T' -#%N -h lpstat=qchk P %P lpstat_long=qchk -L P %P lpstat_job=qchk P %P -# %I lpstat_job_long=qchk -L P %P -# %I
4.3.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server (AIX) Running as service
The PCL Barcode Server can be started at boot time using the usual /etc/rc config scripts. No parameters are required. The r xxxx can be used to change the control port from 1515 to xxxx.
To change the control port, change the 1515 to the desired port number.
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If you change the /etc/inetd.conf file, run the refresh -s inetd or kill - 1 InetdPID command to inform the inetd daemon of the changes to its configuration file. Logfile
For trouble shooting, the logfile feature can be turned on. Please add these lines to the file /etc/barcode.ini: [LPD] LogEnabled=9 LogFile=/tmp/bcserver.log
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Page 16 Page 16 Installing a newer version of PCL Barcode Server covered by your license
Any license obtained from e-bizco.com GmbH entitles you to use newer versions of the PCL Barcode Server released up to six month after the issue date of the license. To use this update feature, please download the newer version of barcode demo from http://www.e-bizco.com and proceed as described under upgrading from demo to licensed version. To be eligible for upgrading, the new PCL Barcode Server MUST be released within six month after the issue date of your license or you will get an error message when installing a version that was released after that date. If you have purchased a license for PCL Barcode Server with maintenance contract, you may install any covered newer version of the PCL Barcode Server.
These command can be modified in the /etc/barcode.ini file (Version 3.6.3 or newer): [LPD] lpr= lpr -P'%P' -T'%T' -#%N -h lpstat= lpstat -p%P lpstat_long= lpstat -p%P lpstat_job= lpstat -p%P -o %I lpstat_job_long= lpstat -p%P -o %I
4.4.3 Running the PCL Barcode Server ( SunOS /Solaris, HPUX ) Running as service
The PCL Barcode Server can be started at boot time using the usual /etc/rc config scripts. No parameters are required. The r xxxx can be used to change the control port from 1515 to xxxx.
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stream tcp
nowait root
/usr/local/bin/pcl_barcode_server pcl_barcode_server i
To change the control port, change the 1515 to the desired port number. If you change the /etc/inetd.conf file, run the refresh -s inetd or kill -1 InetdPID command to inform the inetd daemon of the changes to its configuration file. Logfile
For trouble shooting, the logfile feature can be turned on. Please add these lines to the file /etc/barcode.ini: [LPD] LogEnabled=9 LogFile=/tmp/bcserver.log
e-bizco.com GmbH e-bizco.com GmbH Copyright 2002-2011 Copyright 2002-2011 4.5 Installation (SAP) 4.5.1 Device type
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The device type describes the capabilities of a printer type and how to interact with it. The PCL Barcode Server is designed to insert barcodes into the data stream of a laserjet compatible page printer. Current SAP versions are aware of our PCL Barcode Server. SAP added PCL Barcodes to the following device types: HPLJ4 HPLJ5 HPLJ5SI HPLJ1100 HPLJ4000 HPLJ8000 HPLJIIID LEXUTF8
You can use these unmodified device types. Please note, that the PCL Barcode Server 2D PLUS does support a lot more barcodes than the predefined SAP bar codes. If you do modify the barcode related print controls or add new barcodes, please copy the device type before doing any modifications. Use a name like ZHPLJ4 for your version.
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Parameters are numeric, commands are represented by a letter. Uppercase letters terminate a printer command sequence, lowercase letters indicates another parameter and command will follow: Command <ESC>(s1p24670T Result Select barcode Code 39 with no annotation, (s is the command group. 1p is the first command, 24670 the second command. Select barcode Code 39 with no annotation. The small bar is 5 pixel wide, the thicker bar is 10 pixel.
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5.1.3 P Annotation
The bar code annotation can be controlled by the P command. Legal values are:
Value 1 2 3 4 5
Command Off Inside the lower edge of the barcode. Partly inside the lower edge of the barcode. Below the barcode. Above the barcode.
This code is licensed separately. This code is licensed separately. This code is licensed separately.
e-bizco.com GmbH e-bizco.com GmbH Copyright 2002-2011 Copyright 2002-2011 5.1.4 B Bar Width
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Barcodes are composed of bars with different width. You can specify the width of the smallest bar as the first parameter to the B command. The width of the next wider bar can be specified as the second parameter. If the barcode has more than two barcode width, the next values are computed automatically. Example: <ESC>(s6,12B will set the bar width to 6 and 12 pixels.
e-bizco.com GmbH e-bizco.com GmbH Copyright 2002-2011 Copyright 2002-2011 5.1.9 QR Code Parameters
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The QR Code will use the P command [ Esc(s#P ] to specify the security level, FNC1 mode and barcode size: Value 0 1 2 3 4 Security level for error correction: M ( about 15 % redundancy ) L ( about 7% redundancy ) M ( about 15 % redundancy ) Q ( about 25 % redundancy ) H ( about 30 % redundancy )
Value 0 10
FNC1 mode: No FNC1 implied FNC1 implied before data, use % for addtl FNC1s
Security level for error correction: Find optimal size Format 1: 21 x 21 modules Format 2: 25 x 25 modules Format 3: 29 x 29 modules Format 40: 177 x 177 modules
These values can be added to specify more than one QR Code parameter. The S parameter [ Esc(s#S ] is used to change the encoding: Value 0 1 2 3 4 Encoding: Find optimal encoding Numeric ( digits only, highly compressed ) Alphanumeric only ( 0-9 A-Z + - * / % . : ) Byte values ( 0x00 0xff ), encodes double byte characters without optimization Kanji ( optimized encoding for Japanese double byte characters )
The B Parameter [ Esc(s#B ] specifies the module size ( dot size ) in 1/600 inch.
e-bizco.com GmbH e-bizco.com GmbH Copyright 2002-2011 Copyright 2002-2011 5.1.10 PDF 417 Parameters
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The code PDF417 will use the P command to specify the security: Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of bytes added for security and error correction: 2 4 8 (Default) 16 32 64 128 256 512
Values of 1000 to 1400 indicate a relative security of 0 to 400 % of the data. The exact security level will be computed automatically. The B parameter [ Esc(s#1,#2,#3,#4B ] specifies the maximum number of row and columns for the PDF 417 code. # 1 2 3 4 Usage Row count Column count =0: row and column count are maximum values (default) =1: row and column count are the desired row and column counts. =0: Standard PDF 417 (default ) =1: Truncated PDF 417
5.1.12 Rotation
The barcode can be rotated using the regular PCL rotation command: <ESC>&a#P with # = 0,90,180 and 270.
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Press Create.
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Some versions of SAP have two barcode technologies implemented. SAPScript always requires the so called "old" technology. This dialog does not show up on all releases.
Fill the Popup with your chosen values. This example creates the new System Barcode ZPDF417.
Press Execute. If you get a popup asking for a Workbench job: Select an appropriate job or cancel for local testing.
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Start Transaction SE73. Select Printer Bar Codes, press Change, double click on your device type.
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Choose a free prefix and suffix from the list, e.g. SBP98 and SBS98. For some device types a common suffix SBS01 is used for all SBPxx. That one will usually work for your print control too. Press Create.
Select your newly created system barcode (ZPDF417) and fill the prefix and suffix fields. The prefix and suffix will be the names of the used print controls to create the barcode. Press Execute.
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Select New Entry and continue. Now we need to fill the new print control:
Select your prefix ( e.g. SBP98) and press Maint. Print Control.
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Turn off the Hex switch ( fill with blank). If you get Variant 1, you need to start the Control Char. Seq with \e(s , Variant 5 starts with (s only. If you don't use the common suffix SBS01, you often can copy the value of SBS01 to your new suffix SBS98:
6.2 Create a simple Barcode Test with SmartForms 6.2.1 Used Barcode
To include a barcode type into SmartForm, you need to make sure that this is a defined System Barcode ( Transaction SE73 ) and that a correct print control is defined for each target device types.
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Right click on Character Formats and choose Create Node. Select a short name for the format, e.g. BA, B1 or DM (this example).
Choose the System Barcode in the lower section (ZDATAMTX) and fill the description field. Save and ACTIVATE. You now have a style where you can use your new barcode.
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Make sure to use your new style (here Z_TEST1 ). Insert your text into the form. Highlight the test data (or the SAPScript variable), that should be printed as barcode. Please make sure not to highlight anything else! No leading or trailing blanks or line wraps are allowed to be highlighted here!
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Select your new character format ( DM in this example ). Save and activate. To print the form: Hit F8 three times, then select print:
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7 Version History
4.2.5 4.2.3 4.2 4.1.4 Bugfix: PCL macros parsing error Bugfix: Data Matrix code generation error with encoding C40 Support for Windows 7 (Windows version). Include checksum in the annotation if barcode ITF-14. Additional diagnostic information for trouble shooting (Windows version) Server licensing is based on hostname now (Windows version). New Barcode: ITF-14, a 2 of 5 interleave variant, id 24649 Bugfix: Datamatrix encoding in automode used occasionally the wrong switch sequence between different encoding modes. Bugfix: PDF417 on HPUX and AIX had an encoding error.
4.1.3 4.1.2
Please contact us at e-bizco.com GmbH Up'n Hoff 1 D-22927 Grohansdorf Germany Web: http://www.e-bizco.com EMail: Info2@e-bizco.com Phone: ++49 4102 69 190 49 Fax: ++49 4102 69 190 47
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10 Barcode Specifications
Data Matrix
Character set: Complete ASCII or numeric information Intergrated high quality error correction C=DM Barcode Plus
High Density (about 15 times higher than linear barcodes). Encodes up to 2334 ASCII characters ( 7bit), 1558 ASCII characters ( 8 bit) or 3116 digits. Requires special optical readers. Can be read from any direction. Implemented ECC200 error correction allows reading of highly damaged codes.
PDF 417
Character set: Complete ASCII or numeric information Intergrated high quality error correction C=PDF417
Required licence:
Barcode Plus
High density barcode, encodes up to 1850 ASCII characters or 2710 digits. Requires special optical readers. Can be read from any direction. The degree of possible error correction can be selected but uses additional space on the print out.
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Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: 0-9A-Z Yes C=MAXI Maxicode
Code 16K
Character set: Complete ASCII or numeric information Yes C=C16K Barcode Plus
Code 49
Character set: Complete ASCII or numeric information Yes C=C49 Barcode Plus
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Code 128
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: 7 Bit ASCII Yes C=128 Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Complete 7 Bit ASCII character set, high density, low error resistance.
Code 39
Character set: A-Z 0-9 - . $ / + % and space Optional C=39 Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Robust code, low density for upper case letters and digits.
Code 39 extended
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: Full 7 Bit ASCII Optional C=39X Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Very low density code, most characters are encodes by two code 39 characters.
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Code 93
Character set: A-Z 0-9 - . * $ / + % and space Optional C=93 Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Robust code, low density for upper case letters and digits.
Code 93 extended
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: Full 7 Bit ASCII Optional C=93X Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Code 2 of 5 Industrial
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: Digits only Optional C=25I Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
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Code 2 of 5 Interleaved
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: Digits only Optional C=25L Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
Robust code for digits ONLY. Requires even number of digits without checksum or odd number of digits plus checksum. A 0 digit will otherwise be placed in front of the data. Higher density than 2 of 5 Industrial and 2 of 5 Matrix.
Code 2 of 5 Matrix
Character set: Checksum: ID: Required licence: Digits only Optional C=25M Barcode Classic or Barcode Plus
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293 207 154 461 365 259 202 552 432 312 235 652 513 364 288 772 604 427 331 883 691 489 374 1022 796 580 427 1101 871 621
178 125 93 279 221 157 122 335 262 189 143 395 311 221 174 468 366 259 200 535 419 296 227 619 483 352 259 667 528 376 230 180 130 98 271 213 151 119 321 251 177 137 367 287 203 155 425 331 241 177 458 362 258
122 86 64 192 152 108 84 141 111 80 60 167 131 93 74 198 155 109 85 226 177 125 96 262 204 149 109 282 223 159
75 53 39 118 93 66 52
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H L 15 M Q H L 16 M Q H 17 L M Q H 18 L M Q H 19 L M Q H 20 L M Q H 21 L M Q H 22 L
468 1250 991 703 530 1408 1082 775 602 1548 1212 876 674 1725 1346 948 746 1903 1500 1063 813 2061 1600 1159 919 2232 1708 1224 969 2409
283 758 600 426 321 854 656 470 365 938 734 531 408 1046 816 574 452 1153 909 644 493 1249 970 702 557 1352 1035 742 587 1460
194 520 412 292 220 586 450 322 250 644 504 364 280 718 560 394 310 792 624 442 338 858 666 482 382 929 711 509 403 1003
120 320 254 180 136 361 277 198 154 397 310 224 173 442 345 243 191 488 384 272 208 528 410 297 235 572 438 314 248 618
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M Q H 23 L M Q H 24 L M Q H 25 L M Q H 26 L M Q H 27 L M Q H 28 L M Q H 29 L M Q
1872 1358 1056 2620 2059 1468 1108 2812 2188 1588 1228 3057 2395 1718 1286 3283 2544 1804 1425 3517 2701 1933 1501 3669 2857 2085 1581 3909 3035 2181
1134 823 640 1588 1248 890 672 1704 1326 963 744 1853 1451 1041 779 1990 1542 1094 864 2132 1637 1172 910 2223 1732 1263 958 2369 1839 1322
779 565 439 1091 857 611 461 1171 911 661 511 1273 997 715 535 1367 1059 751 593 1465 1125 805 625 1528 1190 868 658 1628 1264 908
480 348 270 672 528 376 284 721 561 407 315 784 614 440 330 842 652 462 365 902 692 496 385 940 732 534 405 1002 778 559
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H 30 L M Q H 31 L M Q H 32 L M Q H 33 L M Q H 34 L M Q H 35 L M Q H 36 L M Q H 37 L
1677 4158 3289 2358 1782 4417 3486 2473 1897 4686 3693 2670 2022 4965 3909 2805 2157 5253 4134 2949 2301 5529 4343 3081 2361 5836 4588 3244 2524 6153
1016 2520 1994 1429 1080 2677 2113 1499 1150 2840 2238 1618 1226 3009 2369 1700 1307 3183 2506 1787 1394 3351 2632 1867 1431 3537 2780 1966 1530 3729
698 1732 1370 982 742 1840 1452 1030 790 1952 1538 1112 842 2068 1628 1168 898 2188 1722 1228 958 2303 1809 1283 983 2431 1911 1351 1051 2563
430 1066 843 604 457 1132 894 634 486 1201 947 684 518 1273 1002 719 553 1347 1060 756 590 1417 1113 790 605 1496 1176 832 647 1577
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M Q H 38 L M Q H 39 L M Q H 40 L M Q H
4775 3417 2625 6479 5039 3599 2735 6743 5313 3791 2927 7089 5596 3993 3057
2894 2071 1591 3927 3054 2181 1658 4087 3220 2298 1774 4296 3391 2420 1852
1989 1423 1093 2699 2099 1499 1139 2809 2213 1579 1219 2953 2331 1663 1273
1224 876 673 1661 1292 923 701 1729 1362 972 750 1817 1435 1024 784
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Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of Korea, Republic Of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States Of Moldova, Republic Of
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South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands Spain Sri Lanka St. Helena St. Pierre And Miquelon Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic Of Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands
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