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Exploring Grade 10 and STEM Students’ Perceptions

Towards Extracurricular Activities in Liloy National High School

Jellyn A. Belocura

Glyzha Mharyz H. Abela

Threcia Mae D. Pabes

Darius Joseph C. Maribijoc

Flordarother M. Daarol

Vince Nichol O. Ban-as

Submitted to:

Charelyn T. Bagasina
Practical Research I Teacher

Liloy National High School

Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte

June, 2023

Extracurricular activities (ECA) refers to students’ additional individual and group

activities that take place outside the regular school or faculty curriculum. These activities, when

practiced on a regular basis, contribute to the growth and enhancement of various aspects of

students' personalities. They promote the development of social intelligence as well as the

acquisition of concrete skills, which may or may not be directly associated with school-related

activities (Extracurricular Activities, 2021).

According to the International Institute for Educational Planning (UNESCO),

extracurricular activities are a variety of organized endeavors that take place outside the regular

school day, curriculum, or coursework. These activities are designed to cater to the interests of

learners, encouraging their active involvement in the school or community. It include athletics,

sports, arts, voluntary work, photography, drama, music, and more options. By participating in

extracurricular activities, learners have the opportunity to develop social skills, as well as

promote their overall well-being. It is also referred to as "co-curricular activities." in some other


Different types of extracurricular activities have differential social skill benefits. Group

activities build teamwork skills, communication skills, and relationship skills, but individual

activities build independence and stimulate motivation (Metsapelto & Pulkkinen, 2012).
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) education to prepare students for the demands of an increasingly

technology-driven world. Grade 10, a critical transitional year for students, serves as a

foundation for their future academic pursuits. As Liloy National High School is known for its

active involvement in providing a range of extracurricular activities, it recognizes the importance

of these activities as a cater to students' interests and talents, empowers students to pursue their

passion, develop social competencies, and cultivate leadership abilities.

Participating in extracurricular activities helps students develop social skills, teamwork,

and a sense of belonging, which contribute to their success in school. While the benefits of these

activities are well-known, it's important to understand how students perceive and engage with

them in their specific educational settings.

This research aims to delve into the perceptions of Grade 10 and STEM students towards

extracurricular activities in Liloy National High School. By studying how Grade 10 students and

STEM students think about extracurricular activities, we can learn more about what they like,

what benefits they see, what challenges they face, and how satisfied they are.

Extracurricular activities are activities that take place outside of the regular academic

curriculum and are designed to enhance students' skills and knowledge, as well as their academic

achievement, social skills, and overall well-being. Examples include artistic pursuits, sports,

music, voluntary work, and engaging in student government. These activities are not assessed

with grades and do not have a direct impact on a student's academic marks, unless the teacher

provides extra credit for participation.

Globally, extracurricular activities (ECAs) like sports, theater, debates, volunteering, and

academic clubs have become increasingly significant in students' school experiences that has led

many institutions to put significant effort into providing ECAs for their students. (Straw et al.,

2011; Mtika and Payne, 2014; Seow and Pan, 2014).

A few studies have explored students' perceptions towards extracurricular activities.

Several studies stated that participating in extracurricular activities can have numerous benefits

for students, including improved academic performance, increased social skills, and enhanced

self-esteem. Students who actively participated in extracurricular activities also improved their

attendance records and are less prone to engaging in risky behaviors.

One such study by Zhao, Y., & Jiang, C. (2018). The influence of extracurricular

activities on high school students' academic achievement: A systematic review. Journal of

Educational Research, 111(4), 431-444. The authors conducted a systematic review of 31 studies
with the aim of exploring the correlation between extracurricular activities and academic

performance in high school students. The findings revealed a positive association between

participation in extracurricular activities and academic achievement, regardless of the type of


Similarly to a study conducted by Kuo and colleagues (2017), they explored the

perceptions of high school students towards extracurricular activities. The study involved 1,200

students from 12 high schools in Taiwan. The results showed that students who participated in

extracurricular activities had higher academic achievement, better social skills, and higher self-

esteem than those who did not participate in any extracurricular activities. The study also found

that students who participated in extracurricular activities had a more positive attitude towards

school and were more likely to attend school regularly.

In a study conducted by Pitkänen et al. (2014), it was found that students perceived

extracurricular activities as a way to make friends, develop skills, and have fun. Similarly, a

study by Vittersø (2013) reported that students saw extracurricular activities as a way to pursue

personal interests and hobbies, learn new things, and have positive emotional experiences.

Youth who participate in activities can learn important skills, such as teamwork or

leadership skills, and these skills may help them in other parts of their lives. When furthering

their education, those who participated in activities are more likely to make friends easily, adjust

to a new environment, and show leadership based on prior experience in extracurricular activities

(Brown, n.d.).
Overall, these studies show that extracurricular activities have become a significant part

of students' school lives, that satisfy students' needs and institutional supports to manage

comprehensive extracurricular programs. These activities offer students opportunities for

socialising, recreation, study, and personal development. Moreover, extracurricular activities are

believed to enhance the academic performance of students.

This qualitative study explores students' perspectives towards extracurricular activities

and the attitudes, motivations, and challenges faces by them in relation to extracurricular


This chapter deals with the research methodologies employed in conducting the study on

exploring Grade 10 & STEM students' perceptions towards extracurricular activities in Liloy

National High School. It presents the description of the research design, targeted respondents,

procedures, research instruments, data collection and analysis techniques utilized to address the

research questions and achieve the study's objectives.

Research Design

The study adopts a qualitative research design to explore the perceptions of Grade 10 and

STEM students in Liloy National High School. The goal of qualitative research studies data

using in depth and unstructured interviews to gather rich data of the students. This design is well-

suited to capture the complex and aspects of exploring grade 10 and STEM students

Extracurricular Activities' lives, enabling the exploration of their challenges.

This study focuses on the perceptions of grade 10 and STEM students towards

extracurricular activities in Liloy National High School . The research approach is non-

experimental, exploratory-descriptive, and contextual.


This survey was conducted in cooperation with the Grade 10 and STEM students that are

currently enrolled in Liloy National High School.


To ensure a targeted and focused examination of the research topic, this paper will adopt

a purposive sampling strategy. The selection criteria will aim to include students with diverse

backgrounds, interests, and levels of involvement in extracurricular activities, ensuring a

comprehensive exploration of their perceptions in relation to this study and enriching the depth

and quality of the findings.

The researchers will be selecting 4 students from Grade 10, 3 STEM students from Grade

11, and 3 STEM students from Grade 12 curriculum.

Data Collection Procedures

In this study, the researchers will use interviews and questionnaires as a way of data

collection. Interview is a method of collecting data through verbal communication between a

respondent and a researcher. In-depth interview and unstructured interview will be conducted

with the selected Grade 10 and STEM students. The aim was to get factual information on

what are the perceptions of grade 10 and STEM students towards extracurricular activities in

Liloy National High School. This interview will provide an opportunity for participants to share

their experiences and challenges related to the extracurricular activities they entered and allow

them to communicate much more freely and to provide more detailed descriptions.

The data for this study could be collected using a self-administered questionnaire where

the researchers will ask the respondents some questions from the questionnaire and write their

answers in a piece of paper. Interviews will also be audio-recorded with respondents' consent and
later transcribed for analysis in order to gather the data, clearly and accurately. The questionnaire

includes closed-ended and open-ended questions and it was designed to collect data on the

following areas:

1. Participation in extracurricular activities: The survey asked students whether they

participated in extracurricular activities and, if so, which activities they participated in.

2. Reasons for participation or non-participation: The survey asked students to identify the

reasons why they did or did not participate in extracurricular activities.

3. Perceptions of the benefits of extracurricular activities: The survey asked students to identify

the benefits they perceived from participating in extracurricular activities.

4. Perceptions of barriers to participation: The survey asked students to identify any barriers

that prevented them from participating in extracurricular activities.

Ethical Considerations

The protection of the participants in the study and informed consent were prioritized

(Miles et al., 2014). Each participant is provided with consent letter outlining the purpose of the

study and their role as participants. Participants should be informed about the purpose of the

study, their right to withdraw from the study at any time, and how their data will be treated with

the utmost confidentiality.


The purpose of this study was to examine students’ perceptions towards extracurricular

activities based upon the experiences they had. The qualitative data in this study comprises

interviews and open-ended questions in the questionnaire. This chapter will provide discussion

and examples of some of the positive effects in youth development based on participating in

extracurricular activities. In addition, this chapter will also highlight some of the negative effects.

Lastly, this chapter will describe how extracurricular activities can effect personal, social and

academic development of a student in a positive manner.

The findings of this study provide the different types of extracurricular activities that

appealed most to Grade 10 and STEM students. Quiz Bee, research competitions, and journalism

are the activities that most students participated in. Some artistic activities such as dancing and

painting; leadership activity such as student government are also being participated by the


While researcher asked the participants about their reasons of participation, most

common statement from students was to have an additional grade. However, they added that they

are also interested to the particular activity they have participated in.

The findings of this study highlighted the perceived benefits from participating in

extracurricular activities. These benefits included increase of grades, improve areas of time-

management, and boost social confidence. They have also developed essential life skills such as
teamwork, communication, and leadership. For students who participated artistic activities like

dancing and painting, these activities enhanced their physical fitness, improved their mental

well-being and developed their art skills.

A further crucial finding from the study relates to the adverse impact of participating in

extracurricular activities that takes place from being over-involved which can lead to students

being over-scheduled, possibly causing them stress. Respondents clearly recognized the potential

conflict and tension between extracurricular activities and academic endeavor in terms of

academic performance and commitment to studies. Most respondents stated that their main

opponent in juggling academic responsibilities and participating in extracurricular activities is

time. Some respondents added that, sometimes, they were left behind academically in result of

participating extracurricular activities. Nonetheless, the respondents emphasized the importance

of finding a balance and managing their responsibilities.

This study also highlights some concerns about finances and transportation issues

prohibiting students' participation that cause them to miss out any opportunities that could

enhance their self-development. In addition, a respondent also stated that the school

administration failed to give proper recognition for students who participated in extracurricular

activities. The respondent also added that it is way better for the school to at least acknowledge

their achievements, whether they make it to the top or not.

Aside from those benefits and adverse impacts in participating extracurricular activities,

some respondents suggested that Liloy National High School should implement high school
clubs including robotic club, dance club, art history club, photography club, and film club. This

school clubs will contribute to students' personal growth, social development, skill enhancement,

and community engagement. It offer a supportive and inclusive environment where students can

explore their interests, develop leadership abilities, and build lifelong connections.


The purpose of this study was to explore and to gain understandings of grade 10 and

STEM students' perceptions towards extracurricular activities in Liloy National High School.

This chapter will review the study.

Engaging in extracurricular activities has shown to be beneficial for students' overall

educational journey. While participating extracurricular activities, the participants gained both

positive and negative experiences, although their experiences tended to be more positive.

In summary, this study examined students' perceptions of extracurricular activities and

found that participation in such activities offers several benefits. These include improved grades,

enhanced time-management skills, increased social confidence, and the development of essential

life skills. However, students also acknowledged the potential negative impact of over-

involvement, such as over scheduling that causes stress. Financial and transportation barriers, as

well as a lack of recognition, were identified as concerns. It is suggested that high school clubs

must be implemented to foster personal growth, skill enhancement, and community engagement

among students in Liloy National High School.


After reviewing the study, a few recommendations were made. It is to encourage

additional research, discussion, and concrete steps towards progress, hoping that this will inspire

further exploration and actionable measures for relevant and meaningful development.

The school administration should acknowledge and appreciate students' participation and

achievements in extracurricular activities. This recognition can motivate students and create a

supportive environment that values their efforts and contributions, regardless of their placement

or success in competitions.

Schools should address financial constraints that hinder students' participation in

extracurricular activities and consider providing transportation options or assistance for students

who face transportation challenges, enabling them to participate in extracurricular activities

without logistical obstacles.

Schools should provide a diverse range of extracurricular activities to cater to the varied

interests and talents of students, including high school clubs. Offering a wide selection of

activities can ensure that students can find activities that resonate with their passions and help

them thrive.
This study provides information about the perspectives of high school students. To

enhance the data, future research should include a wider range of students beyond just those in

junior and senior high school.

By implementing these recommendations, schools can create an environment that

supports students' participation in extracurricular activities while maintaining a focus on

academic success and holistic development.

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