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Amaranth Hat Wool Pop Rev021921

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Amaranth Hat

Designed by Rachel Brockman


Adult Medium

Brim Circumference: 18¼”
Stretches to approx. 22”
Length: 9”

Universal Yarn Wool Pop (50% bamboo,
35% superwash wool, 15% polyamide;
100 g/284 yds)
• 612 True Red – 1 skein
Needle: US Size 6 (4 mm) 16” circular
and set of DPNs (or your preferred
needle for knitting small circumferences)
or size needed to obtain gauge
US Size 5 (3.75 mm) 16” circular
Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch
markers, cable needle (cn)

26 sts x 29 rnds = 4" in Cable patt
Save time, check your gauge.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2021 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
PATTERN NOTES Set-up Rnds 1-2: * P2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k8; rep from
The Amaranth Hat is a textural beauty. The * to end.
stretchy brim pattern shifts seamlessly into the Set-up Rnds 3-4: * P2, [k1, p1] 2 times, k1, p2, k8;
cable pattern. The stitch definition of Wool Pop rep from * to end.
makes the cables in this pattern – well, pop! The Rnd 1: Work Rnd 1 of Cable patt to end. Patt will
mix of fibers in Wool Pop make this hat both cool be repeated 7 times across each rnd.
and cozy, perfect for early Spring into chilly Rnd 2: Work Rnd 2 of Cable patt to end.
Autumn days. Cont as est’d through Rnd 12 of patt, then rep
Rnds 1-12 of patt, 1 more time, then rep Rnds 1-
This hat is knit in the round from the bottom up. 10 of patt, 1 more time.

STITCH GUIDE Crown Shaping

2x2 Left Cross (LC) Note 1: Change to DPNs or your preferred ndl for
Slip 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k2 from left ndl, knitting small circumferences when there are too
k2 from cn. few sts to fit comfortably on 16” circ.
2x2 Right Cross (RC) Note 2: This section is also charted for your
Slip 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k2 from left ndl, convenience.
k2 from cn. Rnd 1: * P2, k2tog, p1, ssk, p2, 2x2 LC, 2x2 RC;
rep from * to end – 14 sts dec’d, 105 sts rem.
Cable Rnd 2: * P2, k1, p1, k1, p2, k8; rep from * to end.
(multiple of 17 sts) Rnd 3: * P2, S2KP2, p2, k8; rep from * to end – 14
Rnd 1: * P2, k2, p1, k2, p2, 2x2 LC, 2x2 RC; rep sts dec’d, 91 sts rem.
from * to end. Rnd 4: * P2, k1, p2, k8; rep from * to end.
Rnd 2: * P2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k8; rep from * to end. Rnd 5: * P1, S2KP2, p1, 2x2 LC, 2x2 RC; rep from *
Rnds 3-4: * P2, [k1, p1] 2 times, k1, p2, k8; rep to end – 14 sts dec’d, 77 sts rem.
from * to end. Rnd 6: * P1, k1, p1, k8; rep from * to end.
Rnds 5-6: Rep Rnds 1-2. Rnd 7: * P1, k1, p1, ssk, k4, k2tog; rep from * to
Rnds 7-8: Rep Rnds 3-4. end – 14 sts dec’d, 63 sts rem.
Rnds 9-10: Rep Rnd 2. Rnd 8: * P1, k1, p1, k6; rep from * to end.
Rnds 11-12: Rep Rnds 3-4. Rnd 9: * P1, k1, p1, ssk, k2, k2tog; rep from * to
Rep Rnds 1-12 for patt. end – 14 sts dec’d, 49 sts rem.
Rnd 10: * P1, k1, p1, k4; rep from * to end.
HAT Rnd 11: * P1, k1, p1, ssk, k2tog; rep from * to end
Brim – 14 sts dec’d, 35 sts rem.
Note: This section is also charted for your Rnd 12: * P1, k1, p1, k2; rep from * to end.
convenience. Rnd 13: * S2KP2, k2; rep from * to end – 14 sts
With smaller ndl, cast on 119 sts. PM and join to dec’d, 21 sts rem.
knit in the rnd, being careful not to twist. Rnd 14: Knit.
Rnds 1-2: * P2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2; Rnd 15: * K1, k2tog; rep from * to end – 7 sts
rep from * to end. dec’d, 14 sts rem. Break yarn leaving approx. 8”
Rnds 3-4: * P2, [k1, p1] 2 times, k1, p2, k2, [p1, tail. Thread yarn through rem live sts and pull
k2] 2 times; rep from * to end. taut to close.
Rep Rnds 1-4, 2 more times. Change to larger ndl.
Hat Body Gently wash and block to finished
Note: You may wish to place markers between measurements. Weave in ends.
each pattern repeat to help you stay on track.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2021 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
circ circular
cn cable needle
cont continue
dec('d) decrease(d)
dpn(s) double pointed needle(s)
est’d established
k knit
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (1 st
LC left cross
m marker
ndl needle
p purl
patt pattern
pm place marker
RC right cross
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
rnd round
S2KP2 slip 2 stitches as if to knit 2
together, knit 1, pass 2 slipped
stitches over knit stitch; centered
double decreases
ssk slip next 2 sts individually
knitwise, slip them back to left
needle in this position, knit them
together through the back loops
(1 st dec'd)
st(s) stitch(es)

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2021 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.

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