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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)



GIÁM THỊ 1: ………………………………………………

GIÁM THỊ 2: ………………………………………………

Họ và tên học sinh: ……………………....................
(Do giám thị (Do Chủ tịch
Ngày sinh: ………………………..….…..................
ghi) HĐ chấm ghi)
Nơi sinh:…………………………..Nam/nữ..............
Học sinh Trường ….…............................……..…….
Huyện/Thành phố:..………………..................……..
Hội đồng thi: Trường .................................................

Chú ý:
- Thí sinh hoàn thành các thông tin cá nhân vào phần trên nhưng không được làm bài vào
phần dưới của trang giấy này vì đây là phần phách.
- Bài thi không được viết bằng mực đỏ, bút chì, không viết bằng hai thứ mực.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì trong khi làm bài.
- Trái với các quy định trên, thí sinh sẽ bị loại. | Trang 1


PART 1: Questions 1 – 6.
You will hear a guide at an outdoor Sculpture Park talking to a group of visitors. Choose
the correct letter A, B or C. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.2 pt)
You will hear the recording TWICE.
1. The land where the Sculpture Park is located was previously …………………
A. completely covered by forest.
B. the site of a private house
C. occupied by a factory
2. What is unusual about the Anglia Sculpture Park?
A. Artists have made sculptures especially for it.
B. Some of its sculptures were donated by the artists.
C. It only shows contemporary sculptures.
3. What is the theme of Joe Tremain’s ‘burnt’ sculptures?
A. The contrast between nature and urban life
B. The effect of man on the environment
C. The violence of nature
4. The path by the Lower Lake …………………
A. is rather wet in some places.
B. has recently been repaired.
C. is difficult to walk on.
5. What does the speaker say about the Visitor Centre?
A. It is being enlarged at present.
B. It has received an international award.
C. It was designed by a Canadian architect.
6. Today, visitors can buy snacks and sandwiches …………………….
A. at the kiosk
B. in the Terrace Room
C. at the Lower Lake Café

PART 2: Questions 7 - 10.

You will hear Sarah Brown talking about her work as a television weather forecaster.
Choose the correct letter A, B or C. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (0.8 pt)
You will hear the conversation TWICE.
7. What does Sarah say about her job? | Trang 2
A. She works ten or twelve hours a day.
B. She enjoys getting up early.
C. She sometimes has to work at night.
8. When Sarah does a weather forecast, ………………………..
A. she sometimes forgets her words.
B. she prepares it in advance.
C. she worries about making a mistake.
9. Sarah's husband …………………..
A. wants to move nearer his work. .
B. works on the same days each week.
C. spends a lot of time travelling
10. A man in India wanted ………………………
A. to receive a letter from Sarah.
B. a photo of Sarah.
C. to meet Sarah's family.


Questions 11- 40. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
11. An easy way to perform your banking _____________ is via e-banking.
A. exchanges B. commissions C. expenses D. transactions
12. ________ really worried me was how little students knew about the food they were
A. What B. It C. This D. Something
13. On the ____________, I believe that Mr. Norris is the most suitable person for this post.
A. large B. all C. entire D. whole
14. I found the training exhausting as the coach always pushed us to the ______________.
A. border B. limit C. frontier D. restriction
15. She explained that her poor exam results ______________no relation to her true potential.
A. bore B. held C. yielded D. offered
16. You look tired. Why don’t you go to that new health farm? I’m sure you’d find it
A. beneficial B. valuable C. essential D. profitable
17. I could tell at a ______________that Sue and Kate had argued.
A. blink B. glance C. glimpse D. wink
18. I've never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they're not really my
A. biscuit B. chip off the old block C. cup of tea D. piece of cake | Trang 3
19. After the disaster _____________, appeals for aid met with an amazingly generous response
from the general ____________.
A. took place ................public B. happened .............. people
C. struck............ people D. struck............ public
20. I think I should have ____________ your mother when I was passing.
A. come up with B. run into C. got on with D. dropped in on
21. He______________have gone this way; there's no other way to cross the river.
A. should B. could C. must D. might
22. When studying for the university entrance exams, I got very little sleep, the ___________ of
which were severe headaches and nausea.
A. purposes B. side effects C. parts D. ends
23. We had such a ______________schedule for our trip to Paris that we didn't see all the sights.
A. tight B. pressed C. squeezed D. cramped
24. There is a lower incidence ___________heart disease in most Mediterranean countries, and
this can be attributed ___________diet.
A. with ……….of B. of ……….with C. of ……….to D. for ……….to
25. I'm _______________ my brother is.
A. nowhere near as ambitious as B. nothing as ambitious as
C. nowhere like so ambitious as D. nothing near as ambitious as
26. Where's that ______________dress that your grandma gave you?
A. lovely, long, pink, silk B. long, pink, lovely, silk
C. pink, lovely, long, silk D. lovely, silk, pink, long
27. You must pay an admission fee ____________ you are under the age of ten.
A. even if B. if C. unless D. otherwise
28. She was so frightened that she was shaking like ______________.
A. jelly B. a flag C. the wind D. a leaf
29. The increase in carbon dioxide __________ from short haul flights is one of the causes of
global ___________.
A. pollution ............... heating B. emmisions ............... warming
C. gases ............... warming D. emmisions ............... heating
30. ____________English are known for the amount of ____________tea they drink.
A. The ……… Ø B. Ø ............... Ø C. The ……… a D. The ……… the
31. Our weightlifting champion didn't win because he was ____________ heavier than his
A. less B. too C. rather D. slightly
32. She can't be interested in the course, ______________that she never does any work.
A. seeing B. viewing C. noting D. judging | Trang 4
33. Mary wants to be a career woman; she doesn't want to be a housewife, _________ does she
want to be a mother.
A. no B. none C. nor D. either
34. Almost ______________person I've asked says they're going on the anti-war demonstration
next Saturday.
A. each B. all the C. every D. the entire
35. I ______________when Colin asked me to make him a cup of tea.
A. had sat down hardly B. had hard sat down C. had sat hard down D. had hardly sat down
36. The information he can provide will hopefully _____________ more light on this difficult
A. direct B. shed C. reflect D. shine
37. While I ____________ to find my Oyster card, a stranger bumped into me and after that I
couldn't find my wallet either! I think he was a pickpocket.
A. was trying B. had tried C. tried D. had been trying
38. I was taken ______________when I heard the news.
A. aback B. about C. aside D. apart
39. He bought three shirts; one for him and ______________for his children.
A. the other B. the others C. another D. others
40. I was all set to take a job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I ______________and decided to
stay in Britain.
A. got cold feet B. held my horses C. pulled my finger out D. called it a day


PART 1: Questions 41 - 50, read the text below and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each of the numbered gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Some research which was recently (41) ………………. out in Britain has confirmed what
many ordinary shoppers have suspected for quite a long time. Having a wide selection of goods to
choose from is not (42) ………………. a benefit to consumers. The average supermarket in
Britain has around 40,000 different products on sale at any one time and if you’re (43)
………………. of buying a car, then there are actually around 1,600 different models on the
In one sense, choice is a good thing because it (44) ………………. us to buy those
products which best suit our needs. But choice can also (45) ………………. something of a
problem. With over 400 brands of shampoo on the market, how does the consumer (46)
………………. hold of the information necessary to choose between them?
For some people the solution is to buy only well-known brands, whilst others are happy to
be (47) ………………. by advertising. There is evidence, (48) ………………., that for some | Trang 5
people the amount of choice available to them in Britain’s consumer society is actually a source
of anxiety and stress. One man interviewed by the researchers admitted that he had (49)
………………. to buy his girlfriend a mobile phone for her birthday, but was so confused by the
number of different types on offer in the shop that he gave up and decided to buy her a ( 50)
………………. of flowers instead.

41. A. carried B. held C. done D. worked

42. A. necessary B. necessarily C. necessity D. necessities
43. A. considering B. thinking C. planning D. hoping
44. A. allows B. lets C. makes D. leaves
45. A. report B. respect C. review D. represent
46. A. get B. come C. have D. take
47. A. suggested B. persuaded C. proposed D. recommended
48. A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. whether
49. A. set out B. looked for C. made up D. gone after
50. A. heap B. handful C. bundle D. bunch

PART 2. Questions 51-60, read the text below and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best fits
each of the numbered gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)

Holly Sinclair arrives at the north London restaurant where she and I are to have lunch
without coat or bag, in jeans and trainers. She looks exactly what she is: a 21-year-old who,
thanks to three number-one hit songs, a millionaire husband and blossoming acting career, is
having the time of her life. Once she opens her mouth, however, you realise that the person inside
her body is actually a middle-aged woman.

She has recently acted in three quite different roles, and received cautious praise for this. What
the three roles have in common is that they truly caught Sinclair’s butterfly-like imagination. Her
three number-one hits have brought her a big, fat measure of artistic freedom, and she intends to
make full use of it. "I don't have to do things for the sake of them. It means I can wait a while,
find the right things. I've got the time to go out and find out about life, observe people and
dynamic situations that help me in my work. Ultimately, I'm only ever going to do the things that
interest me, that I feel I can do something with. Even if I'm offered a blockbuster, it may not be
right at the time, or benefit me."

Naturally, Holly Sinclair knew what she wanted in life from an unusually early age — and
that, whether she cares to admit it or not, was fame and fortune. At 12, she left Swindon, where
her father worked as a builder, and moved to London. Once there, she boarded with a great aunt | Trang 6
and uncle while attending the Oldham Theatre School. Three years later, her debut single, "Like
Me" became the first of her three consecutive number-one hits (she holds the record for being the
youngest singer to achieve such a feat).

It was not, she says, very hard to leave her parents and three young brothers. She wasn't
even particularly homesick. "I wanted to study and I didn't want to stay where I was. I wanted
more, I was just very ambitious. I don't know where it came from." After she became famous,
most of the time she was rather alone. Her schedule left little time for the business of being a
teenager. “You’ve got to be on time, make sense, be logical, take care of yourself, make sure you
get enough sleep.”

Then she met her pop-star husband, Freddy Frinton. After their first date, Freddy sent her a
silver Ferrari full of roses, in spite of the fact that Holly couldn't drive (the car has since been
sold, because Sinclair prefers to drive herself around in a small family car). Then, in May 2003,
they got married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel, with no family and no rings.

She spends her money on CDs and DVDs and going out. The only thing she really wants is
a fast car. But then, she wonders whether she can't get another year or two out of her old car first.
"Money's never been a big part of my life. Freddy and I never have conversations about money.
Maybe we would if we were very poor."

She still looks as composed as a waxwork model. Does she feel young or old for her age?
“Not old exactly, but when I get together with friends, I see a difference in our personalities.
Sometimes I get angry with myself that I've done too much, that I haven't saved anything. I mean,
what could possibly make me excited?” Holly is smiling brightly, but it sounds as sad and as
empty as anything I have ever heard.

51. Why does the writer describe Holly as a “middle-aged woman” in the first paragraph?

A. Holly’s physical condition is that of an older woman.

B. Holly dresses like a middle-aged woman.

C. Holly behaves like an older and more sensible person.

D. Holly has much more money than most young people.

52. In what sense does Holly have “artistic freedom” as mentioned in the second paragraph?

A. She has the freedom to choose which acting parts she wants. | Trang 7
B. She is free to express herself artistically.

C. She can choose a different art form.

D. She can sing in different artistic styles.

53. The word "blockbuster" means......................

A. A very successful film

B. A tool used to remove an obstacle

C. An outlet that rents DVDs

D. A role requiring physical effort and skill

54. What is implied by saying that Holly wanted fame and fortune from early age “whether she
cares to admit it or not”?

A. She is proud of her success.

B. She might be embarrassed to say this openly.

C. She cares a lot about her childhood.

D. She never talks about her childhood years.

55. Holly says that ……………………

A. she left Swindon to get away from her parents and brothers.

B. she wanted to be free to work in London.

C. she moved because she couldn’t do what she wanted in Swindon.

D. she was encouraged to study by her parents.

56. Why wasn’t it hard for Holly to leave her parents and family?
A. She wanted to stay where she was.
B. She could drive herself.
C. She was ambitious and wanted more from life
D. She didn’t know where she came from. | Trang 8
57. We are told that when Holly became famous, …………………

A. she had little time for business. B. she felt very lonely.

C. she had to stick to a very difficult schedule. D. she had to act responsibly.

58. Why does Holly drive a small family car?

A. She can no longer drive a Ferrari.

B. Her husband sent her this small car as a present.

C. She couldn’t afford another Ferrari.

D. She likes the convenience of driving a small car.

59. What is Holly’s attitude towards money?

A. She hates to discuss it.

B. She and her husband disagree about money.

C. She now finds money unimportant.

D. She doesn't think money is a priority in life.

60. What does the writer find sad about the last words of Holly that are quoted?

A. the fact that Holly has no exciting things left to experience.

B. the fact that Holly hasn’t saved any money.

C. the fact that Holly feels young for her age.

D. the fact that Holly feels old for her age.

PART 3. Questions 61 - 70, read the text below and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each of the numbered gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Everyone, whatever their age, can share in the joy and fulfillment of learning, as June Weatherall
found out.

When I first retired, I thought I'd love spending more time on the gardening, needlework,
and other creative activities I'd found so relaxing after my demanding job. But it didn't turn out
that way. I found that I didn't want, or need, that kind of relaxation anymore, I wanted to
stimulate my mind instead. Also, they’re all solitary activities and I missed the company and
interests of my old work companions.

So, with a couple of friends, I went along to an art appreciation evening class at our local
regional college. It was wonderful, but only lasted a year. At the end, I asked my tutor, “What
next?” He suggested I attend his history of art access course. "Whatever's that?” I asked. The
college had an open evening coming up, so I went along to find out.

A full-time access course takes one year and gives you access to university if, like me, you
left school without any qualifications, and it's free if you do it full-time. I only wanted to do the
art history bit, but even so with my pensioner's discount, it would cost a mere £30 per term.

Lyn, who organises the courses for the college, was enthusiastic. "Why don't you do the
whole course? You could start in the spring term with art history, do another module in the
summer, then go full-time in the autumn and do all the subjects." It sounded wonderful, but wasn't
I a bit old, at 63, to start being a student? A definite “no”. One of the students that year was 82.
That clinched it. It must be worth having a go.

The art history part of the course, which I've just completed, was stimulating and involved
a trip to the Louvre museum in Paris- which was wonderful. The tutors are enthusiasts and infect
us all with their enjoyment of the subjects they teach. “Lively” would be the word to describe the
classes. My fellow students, who are also doing subjects like psychology, maths, biology, etc., are
good company. They're mainly people in their thirties with children, taking a second bite at the
educational cherry. There’s a crèche to help those with toddlers and an excellent library. They
are kind enough to say they find the older students offer a lot in experience- they certainly give a
lot to us in newer ways of looking at things. One, a nurse, is changing direction and has a place at
Anglia University to do a degree course in art history. Another has been accepted to do English.

We have homework and have to do an essay each term for each subject, and sit exams. For
art history, I opted to write about Bauhaus- a college for all the arts set up in Germany in the early
twentieth century. The last essay I’d written had been a lifetime ago - so I was a bit apprehensive,
but I managed fine. We also had to produce a journal about all the painters we'd learnt about —
which was fun, but rather time-consuming. Occasionally, I envy the more typical mature students, | Trang 10
who just do courses for pleasure and don't have to do exams or essays as I do, but really I'm a
very happy lady. There are drawbacks, however. The main one is you have to make a
commitment. During term time, you can't just drop everything and go out for the day if the sun
shines — one of the supposed joys of retirement.

Will I go on to university if I am successful? I’ll see how next year goes. Meanwhile,
exercising my brain cells is working well for me. I feel alive. The garden’s getting a bit out of
control, but that’s the least of my worries!

61. What did June discover when she first retired?

A. She had more free time than she expected.

B. She had not really been very happy in her job.

C. She needed activities she could do on her own.

D. She no longer found her old hobbies satisfying.

62. What first attracted June to the “access course”?

A. Some of her friends were doing it.

B. She knew somebody who taught on it.

C. She’d decided she wanted to study full-time.

D. Pensioners who did it were offered a discount.

63. The word "clinched" means

A. made up my mind for me. B. put me under pressure to decide.

C. made me reconsider my decision. D. left me unsure what to do next.

64. What does June say about the teachers on the access course?

A. They are very patient with the more mature students.

B. They need to know a lot about a wide range of subjects.

C. They appear to be genuinely interested in what they teach. | Trang 11
D. They have problems dealing with such a variety of students.

65. What does "taking a second bite at the educational cherry" mean?
A. Eating a fruit B. Having a second serve of a stone fruit
C. Studying fruit D. Returning to education for a second time

66. What does "one" refer to?

A. a subject June has to study B. a student on the course June is doing

C. a new way of approaching art history D. an experience June can share with others

67. Why was June apprehensive about writing an essay?

A. She didn’t have the skills and knowledge to do the writing.
B. The last essay she’d written had been years ago.
C. It would take a long time to complete.
D. She couldn’t read or speak German.
68. When June had to write an essay, …………………..
A. she wrote about a college she had once attended.B. she rewrote one she had written years
C. she wasn’t allowed to choose the subject. D. she found it easier than she had
69. What disadvantage of the access course does June mention?

A. It tends to limit her freedom in some ways.

B. It attracts students who are not really committed.

C. It involves keeping a journal which is rather boring.

D. It doesn’t give her the opportunity to take exams.

70. From the last paragraph, we understand that June is ………………..

A. anxious about her garden. B. determined to take a degree.

C. enjoying what she’s currently doing. D. unsure whether studying is really for her.

SECTION IV: WRITING (2.0 pts) | Trang 12
PART 1: Questions 71-80, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You must
use between TWO AND FIVE words. DO NOT CHANGE the word given. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
0. The pond isn't big enough to swim in. (TOO)
 The pond is too small to swim in.
71. She went out after finishing the housework. (UNTIL)

She didn’t go out …………………………………………………………… the housework.

72. John feels he doesn’t share many interests with his new penfriend. (LITTLE)

John feels he ……………………………………………………………… his new penfriend.

73. How long have you been living in your new house? (MOVED)

How long is it ………………………………………………………….. your new house?

74. People expect her to establish her own business soon. (SET)

She ……………………………………………………………….. her own business soon.

75. If I were you, I wouldn't stay in the sun without sunscreen. (HAD)

You ……………………………………………………………. in the sun without sunscreen.

76. Perhaps Julie thought that you would check the report. (IMPRESSION)

Julie may …………………………………………………….that you would check the report.

77. I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s novels and there were only a couple that I didn’t enjoy. (MOST)

I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s novels, …………………………………………. I enjoyed.

78. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. (RESULTED)

The landslides are ………………………………………………………… recent floods.

79. He is proud of his work, but he is not arrogant. (PRIDE)

Even though……………………………………………………, he is not arrogant.

80. Here’s the house where I lived as a child. (IN)

Here’s the house ……………………………………………………………….. as a child. | Trang 13
PART 2: Questions 81-90, combine the given sentences, using the clues in brackets to make
meaningful ones. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in the
Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
0. The film was very boring. I fell asleep. (use “SO…THAT”)
 The film was so boring that I fell asleep.
81. He’s taking his camera on holiday. He might want to take some photos of the wildlife.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
82. She tries her best. She wants to stand out in her field. (AS)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
83. However much you complain, they won’t give you a refund. (HOW)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
84. She sings like an opera star. She isn’t a star though. (AS IF)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
85. It was a hard job. We were exhausted by the time we had finished. (SUCH…THAT)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
86. He had forgotten to bring the report with him. He had to go home and get it. (BECAUSE)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
87. You could leave now. You could wait and ride with us. (EITHER…OR)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
88. This is Emma Thompson. Her husband is an Oscar nominee. (WHOSE)

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
89. She has been having French lessons for years. She doesn’t speak French very well.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
90. He is not a very good tennis player. He practices all the time. (CONSIDERING)

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… | Trang 14
---------The End---------
NĂM 2021
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)



PART 1: Questions 1 – 6. (1.2 pt)

You will hear a guide at an outdoor Sculpture Park talking to a group of visitors. Choose
the correct letter A, B or C. You will hear the recording TWICE.
(6Qs x 0.2pt)
1B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6A

PART 2: Questions 7 - 10. (0.8 pt)

You will hear Sarah Brown talking about her work as a television weather forecaster.
Choose the correct letter A, B or C. You will hear the conversation TWICE.
(4Qs x 0.2pt)
7C 8B 9C 10B


Questions 11 – 40, mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
(30Qs x 0.1pt)
Your answer
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
D A C C D B A A B A | Trang 15

READING (3.0 pts)

PART 1: Questions 41 - 50, read the text below and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each of the numbered gaps. (1.0 pt)
(10 Qs x 0.1pt)
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

PART 2. Questions 51-60, read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, or D
best fits each of the questions. (1.0 pt)
(10 Qs x 0.1 pt)

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

PART 3. Questions 61 - 70, read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, or D
best fits each of the questions. (1.0 pt)
(10 Qs x 0.1 pt)

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


PART 1: Questions 71-80, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You must
use between TWO AND FIVE words. DO NOT CHANGE the word given. (1pts)
(10 Qs x 0.1pt)

71. She went out after finishing the housework. (UNTIL)

She didn’t go out …………………………………………………………… the housework.
until she (had) finished
72. John feels he doesn’t share many interests with his new penfriend. (LITTLE)
John feels he ……………………………………………………………… his new penfriend.
has little in common with
73. How long have you been living in your new house? (MOVED)
How long is it ………………………………………………………….. your new house? | Trang 16
since you moved into
74. People expect her to establish her own business soon. (SET)
She ……………………………………………………………….. her own business soon.
is expected to set up
75. If I were you, I wouldn't stay in the sun without sunscreen. (HAD)
You ……………………………………………………………. in the sun without sunscreen.
had better not stay
76. Perhaps Julie thought that you would check the report. (IMPRESSION)
Julie may …………………………………………………….that you would check the report.
have been under the impression
77. I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s novels and there were only a couple that I didn’t enjoy. (MOST)
I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s novels, …………………………………………. I enjoyed.
most of which
78. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. (RESULTED)
The landslides are ………………………………………………………… recent floods.
believed to have resulted from
79. He is proud of his work, but he is not arrogant. (PRIDE)
Even though………………………………………………….. his work, he is not arrogant.
he takes pride in
80. Here’s the house where I lived as a child. (IN)
Here’s the house ……………………………………………………………….. as a child.
in which I lived/ which I lived in

PART 2: Questions 81-90, combine the given sentences, using the clues in brackets to make
meaningful ones. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in the
Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
(10 Qs x 0.1pt)
81. He’s taking his camera on holiday. He might want to take some photos of the wildlife.
He’s taking his camera on holiday in case he wants to take some photos of the wildlife.
In case he wants to take some photos of the wildlife, he’s taking his camera on holiday.
82. She tries her best. She wants to stand out in her field. (AS) | Trang 17
She tries her best so as to stand out in her field.
So as to stand out in her field, she tries her best
83. However much you complain, they won’t give you a refund. (HOW)
No matter how much you complain, they won’t give you a refund.
They won’t give you a refund no matter how much you complain.
84. She sings like an opera star. She isn’t a star though. (AS IF)
She sings as if she were/was an opera star.
85. It was a hard job. We were exhausted by the time we had finished. (SUCH…THAT)
It was such a hard job that we were exhausted by the time we had finished.
Such a hard job was it that we were exhausted by the time we had finished.
86. He had forgotten to bring the report with him. He had to go home and get it. (BECAUSE)
Because he had forgotten to bring the report with him, he had to go home and get it.
He had to go home and get the report because he had forgotten to bring it with him.
87. You could leave now. You could wait and ride with us. (EITHER…OR)
You could either leave now or wait and ride with us.
88. This is Emma Thompson. Her husband is an Oscar nominee. (WHOSE)
This is Emma Thompson, whose husband is an Oscar nominee.
89. She has been having French lessons for years. She doesn’t speak French very well.
Although she has been having French lessons for years, she doesn’t speak French very well.
She doesn’t speak French very well although she has been having French lessons for years.
90. He is not a very good tennis player. He practices all the time. (CONSIDERING)
He is not a very good tennis player considering (that) he practices all the time.
Considering (that) he practices all the time, he is not a very good tennis player.

Thank you for your cooperation! | Trang 18

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