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Policy Anti Harassment 028

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Student Anti-Harassment Policy

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Any unwelcome conduct, verbal and/or physical, towards a student because of his / her age,
level, marital status, national / ethnic origin, sex, creed, caste, colour, religion, disability,
gender identity, sexual orientation or any other reason when such conduct creates an
intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment. Targeting student(s) because of
being physically or mentally challenged shall also constitute an act of harassment, examples
of which may include but are not in any way limited to:

 Ridicule, derogatory comments, inappropriate jokes and insults

 Unwarranted behaviour that is shown towards a student that has the impact of
making that student feel that her / his respect and dignity has been violated
 Display or circulation of materials and / or pictures, physically or electronically
(e.g., via email, SMS, social media, etc.) which are degrading, sexually
promiscuous and intimidating
 Shouting at a student, using insulting and abusive language, humiliating or
publicly condemning / criticizing her / his competence
 Quid pro quo - "something for something" (demanding a favour, act or service,
that the recipient states they will repay in some way)

4.1 Sexual Harassment

4.1.1 Elaboratively, sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual advance, request
for sexual favours by verbal, written or other means of communication, physical
conduct of a sexual nature or a sexually demeaning attitude that interferes with the
victim’s work/ academic performance; or creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive
work/study/learning environment in which continuation of a course of study is
conditional to compliance and refusal results in punitive action 1.
4.1.2 Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate gazing at a person’s
body, unsolicited physical contact including but not limited to touching, patting or

 Verbal conduct of a sexual nature may include but not limited to:

o Unwelcome verbal advances, sexually oriented comments about physical

appearance, requests for sexual favours and continued suggestions for private
social activity after it has been made clear that such requests and suggestions
are unwelcome.

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 Offensive verbal conduct could also include jokes of a sexual nature, offensive
flirtation or lewd remarks of a sexual nature, such as expressions of sexual
interest that are addressed directly to the student.
 Invasion of personal space (standing too close)
 Non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature may include the display of or forced to see
sexually suggestive pictures, objects or written material, or sexually suggestive
gestures. Verbal or non-verbal conduct that creates a sexually offensive learning
environment also constitutes sexual harassment.
 Demanding sexual favours or sexually directed remarks / behaviour constitutes
sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of such conduct is made,
explicitly or implicitly, a basis for an academic decision.

4.2 Bullying / Ragging / Hazing

 Bullying means offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of

power and/or unfair punitive sanctions which makes the student feel upset,
threatened, humiliated and /or vulnerable, which undermines the student’s self-
confidence and/or reduces the student’s feelings of self-esteem and self-worth,
and which may cause the student to suffer stress.
 Ragging and /or hazing means the practice of using rituals and any other acts,
conduct or practices by which the dominant power of senior students, former
students or alumni, is brought to bear on students who are in any way
considered junior by other students. Ragging and /or hazing includes individual or
collective acts or practices which include, but are not limited to:

o Involvement in physical or psychological assault or threat or use of force or

wrongful confinement or restraint
o Violating the status, dignity and honour of such students
o Exposing students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem
o Verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behaviour

 Breaching the confidentiality of any information related to the student (e.g.

grades, health issues, fee etc.)

4.3 Cyber-bullying

 Cyber-stalking is the use of the internet and mobile technology such as email,
SMS text, social media or other electronic communications, to stalk and generally
refers to a pattern of threatening or malicious behaviours, including
communicating a credible threat of harm.
 Cyber-harassment usually pertains to unconsented conduct such as threatening
or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to social media and blog
entries or websites dedicated solely to torment an individual. Cyber- harassment
differs from cyber-stalking in that it is generally defined as not involving a
credible threat.


5.1 Government Degree College Khairabad Mardan encourages the reporting of all
incidents of harassment, regardless of who the alleged offender may be. The College
assures that all complaints that are reported
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will be taken seriously, will be investigated thoroughly and expeditiously and that all
parties will be treated with respect.

5.2 As harassment usually occurs when individuals are alone, it is often difficult to produce
evidence. It is strongly recommended that members of the University community
report any offensive behaviour immediately to, or someone they trust, or seek
guidance / help.

5.3 Students, who either believe that they have become the victim of harassment or have
witnessed harassment, should immediately report their concerns through any of the
following routes:

 Report to the Principal Government Degree College Khairabad Mardan.

 Report to the Chairman anti-harassment committee.
 Any member of the anti-harassment committee.


6.1 Informal Resolution

Informal resolution is aimed at bringing together the parties to discuss and resolve the
complaint. A student who believes that she/he has been harassed may choose to discuss the
matter with the person who has engaged in the behaviour and / or request that a member of
his / her academic entity act as a liaison for an informal discussion with the involved student or
member of faculty so as to resolve the matter.

6.2 Formal Resolution

Where a student does not wish to pursue the informal resolution procedure or where the
informal resolution procedure is unsuccessful, the formal resolution procedures should be
undertaken. Students could lodge a formal complaint with any of the following offices:
Principal Government Degree College Khairabad Mardan, Chairman anti-harassment committee
or any member of the anti-harassment committee.

 If a member of faculty or staff receives repeated allegations of offenses against

the same individual, but each student making the allegation is unwilling to file a
written complaint or appear as a complainant, that member of the College
community shall inform the Safe disclosure office.
 The Student Anti-Harassment Policy Review and Investigation procedures shall be
used in cases where a student charges another student with harassment or
where a student charges a member of faculty with harassment.
 The Human Resources “Harassment Policy” shall be used in cases where a
student charges a member of staff with harassment.

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7.1 The procedures noted in this section of the policy deal with formal inquiries where the
harassment has taken place between students or where the harassment has taken
place between a student and a member of faculty or staff.

7.2 All matters related to the review and investigation of any charge of harassment will be
undertaken in strict confidence. Also refer to the Safe Disclosure Policy for a description
of procedures to ensure confidentiality.

7.3 Reports /complaints of harassment from students must be made in writing and signed
by the person preparing the complaint within 10 working days of the incident. It should
include a factual description of the incident, including quotations of any offending
language used. The complaint should then be submitted to any of the following offices:
Principal Government Degree College Khairabad Mardan, anti-harassment committee.

7.4 The office receiving the complaint, in coordination with the respective academic entity
head, will review the information provided by the student.

7.5 Once it has been determined that all of the relevant information has been provided, the
Safe Disclosure office, the Principal Government Degree College Khairabad Mardan will
convene an Investigating Committee to consider the case.

7.6 In cases where the student is charging another student with harassment, the student
members of the Committee must be selected from another academic entity. In cases
where the student is charging a member of faculty, the faculty members of the
Committee must be selected from another academic entity.

7.7 Wherever possible, within five working days, from the day the charge is communicated,
the respondent shall be requested to appear before the Investigating Committee for an
interview, or submit a written defence. On her / his failure to appear before the
Committee or to submit a written defence, without a reasonable cause, the Committee
shall proceed ex-parte.

7.8 The Investigating Committee may request the attendance of appropriate individuals to
appear before the Committee in order to provide information pertinent to the case.

7.9 Both parties, the complainant and the individual who has been charged with
harassment, shall have the right to be accompanied by a colleague/friend from within
the institution.

7.10 The Investigating Committee shall give its findings and recommendations in writing with
appropriate reasons within 10 working days of the initiation of inquiry.

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7.11 In cases where a student has been found guilty of harassment, the regulations noted in
the University’s Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures shall provide the
penalty (penalties) that may be assessed and the manner by which appeals are heard.

7.12 In cases where a member of faculty has been found guilty of harassment, the
Investigating Committee shall inform and provide its recommendation to the faculty
member’s Dean and the regional Vice Provost and the Vice President, Human
Resources. The Dean in consultation with the regional consultation with the regional
vice provost and Vice-President, Human Resources or her /his representative regarding
sanctions that may be imposed.


8.1 The Dean of Students or the Vice Provost & University Registrar, as applicable, in
cooperation and coordination with the University’s academic entity heads, shall be
responsible for wide dissemination of this policy.

8.2 The Student Anti-Harassment Policy will be available on the Office of the Registrar

9.0 Support and First Line of Contact

9.1 In the unlikely situation(s) in which students who are victims of an attack (sexual or
otherwise) should be able to seek help from the Emergency Department in Aga Khan
University Hospitals (in the case of Karachi, Nairobi and Tanzania). Designated
emergency helpline numbers should be provided to the students and also displayed in
public spaces.

9.2 In the unlikely situation(s) in which students who are victims of an attack (sexual or
otherwise) should be able to seek help from the Safety and Security Department in Aga
Khan University. Designated helpline numbers should be provided to the students and
also displayed in public spaces.

9.3 Hostel Manager/coordinator/supervisors: For students in AKU residence the hostel

office should be open 24/7 for students to make a first contact in case of need.


10.1 Student counseling service must be available to students/victims of harassment.

11.0 Safe Disclosure Details

11.1 To report on harassment students could resort to the AKU Safe Disclosure Policy and
Process as noted in the link below.

Intranet Portal Page link:

Policy Link:

Expolink Reporting Weblink:

Student Anti-Harassment Policy

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Postal Address: Safe Disclosure Officer
Internal Audit Department
Transition Office Building
Aga Khan University
Stadium Road, Karachi 74800


Country Number Comments

Reverse charge facility for all 0044 1249 661 808 Dial your country operator
countries, including and ask for an international
Afghanistan collect call or reverse charge
to +44 1249 661 808
Pakistan 00800 900 44181 Free phone number
Kenya 0800 723 132 Free phone number
Tanzania 0411200059 Local rate number, TTCL
Landlines only
Uganda 0206300056 Local rate number, UTL
Landlines only
United Kingdom 0800 374199 Free phone number


1. “Protection Against Harassment at Workplace Act, 2010” and “Code of Conduct” available at
Federal Ombudsman Secretariat For Protection Against Harassment of Women at Work
Place - code-conduct.php. See also: The Punjab Commission on
the Status of Women -

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