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AFCAT 2 2024 MockTest

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Total Time: 2 Hour Total Marks: 300



FULL MOCK 100 300 0 3

Directions: Read the given passage (a) France

and Answer the following questions. (b) China
(c) Korea
Sericulture, or silk farming, is the (d) Armenia
cultivation of silkworms to produce
silk. Although there are several 3. In which archaeological period silk
commercial species of silkworms, was first produced?
Bombyx mori (the caterpillar of the (a) Paleolithic Period
domestic silkmoth) is the most (b) Mesolithic Period
widely used and intensively studied (c) Neolithic Period
silkworm. Silk was believed to have (d) Epipaleolithic Period
first been produced in China as early
as the Neolithic Period. Sericulture Directions: The following sentence
has become an important cottage has been split into four segments.
industry in countries such as Brazil, Identify the segment that contains a
China, France, India, Italy, Japan, grammatical error.
Korea, and Russia. Today, China and
India are the two main producers, 4. Can we go visit a Statue of Liberty
with more than 60% of the world's on our trip to the United States?
annual production. (a) Can we go
(b) visit a Statue of Liberty
1. What is the most widely used (c) on our trip to
silkworm species for commercial (d) the United States?
(a) Muga silkworm 5. I have never / come to / such a kind
(b) Eri Silkworm person / like my friend.
(c) Oak silkworm (a) such a kind person
(d) Bombyx Mori (b) come to
(c) like my friend
2. In which of the following countries, (d) I have never
sericulture is not an important
cottage industry?

6. The university has putting off / the 7. Select the most appropriate option
semester examination / for the to fill in blank 1.
second time now / due to technical (a) On
issues. (b) for
(a) the semester examination (c) in
(b) The university has putting off (d) None of these
(c) for the second time now
(d) due to technical issues 8. Select the most appropriate option
to fill in blank 2.
Direction: In the following passage (a) Conserving
there are blanks, each of which has (b) Conserved
been numbered. These members are (c) has conserve
printed below the passage and (d) conserve
against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the 9. Select the most appropriate option
blank appropriately. Find out the to fill in blank 3.
appropriate words. (a) or also
(b) since also
Water is the single most important (c) but also
resource on the planet that we live (d) and also
______ (1) ______, and that is why it
is essential that we conserve it. Water 10. Select the most appropriate
is the basic necessity for all living option to fill in blank 4.
beings, and it is incredibly important (a) to
to ______ (2) ______ it. It is not only (b) for
important for living and breathing (c) at
things, ______ (3) ______ for many (d) By
inanimate objects that humans
create. For example, to build a house, Direction: Parts of a sentence are
we need concrete, and to make given below in jumbled order. Select
concrete, we need to mix cement the option that arranges the parts in
powder with water. Water constitutes the correct order to form a
more than 70 percent of the Earth’s meaningful sentence.
surface, and yet we do not have
enough water for our needs. It is 11.
essential to conserve and save water A. The other half had been sued at
______ (4) ______ ourselves and the least twice, and Levinson found that
entire planet Earth. just on the basis of those
conversations, she could find clear
differences between the two groups.

B. Recently the medical researcher (d) QPRS

Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds
of conversations between a group of 14. Select the most appropriate
physicians and their patients. ANTONYM of the underlined word.
C. The surgeons who had never been My niece is an amateur artist. I hope
sued spent more than three minutes she becomes famous one day.
longer with each patient than those (a) Boring
who had been sued did. (b) Freelancing
D. Roughly half of the doctors had (c) Expert
never been sued. (d) Decent
(a) BDAC
(b) CABD 15. Select the most appropriate
(c) ABCD ANTONYM of the word ‘Naïve’ from
(d) BCAD the given sentence.
After years of working in politics, she
12. One day Gimme the Ax said to had become cynical and jaded,
himself, ________________ a convinced that all politicians were
wheelbarrow full of goldfish wearing corrupt and that the system was
new jewelry. rigged against the people.
P. Maybe a policeman began laughing (a) Jaded
Q. “Today I will go to the post office (b) Corrupt
and look around. (c) Cynical
R. Maybe I will hear about something (d) Convinced
happening last night when I was
sleeping. 16. Select the most appropriate
S. fell in a cistern and came out with ANTONYM of the given word.
(a) PRQS Confound
(b) QRPS (a) Expire
(c) SPRQ (b) Suppress
(d) RQSP (c) Discern
(d) Assure
13. A poor shoemaker ____________
talented elves. 17. Select the most appropriate
P. to their last piece of leather synonym of the given word.
Q. and his wife are down Voracious
R. when their fortunes (a) Compensated
S. change thanks to help from (b) Quenched
(a) RQPS (c) Appreciate
(b) PQRS (d) Greedy
(c) SPRQ

18. Select the most appropriate 22. Based on the situation in the
synonym of the given word. sentence, select the most appropriate
Dainty idiom for the underlined segment.
(a) Elegant After the Pandemic, his business
(b) Sable crumbled and he is in a difficult
(c) Fine situation.
(d) Vulgar (a) Be in a tight corner
(b) Give a cold shoulder
19. Select the most appropriate (c) Bolt from the blue
synonym of the word in brackets to (d) Pull the last straw
fill in the blank.
Emotional stimulation provides the 23. In the following question, there is
necessary __________ for creative a related pair of words given. Each
imagination. (fecundity) pair is followed by four other pairs of
(a) freedom words. Choose the pair from the
(b) fertility given option the pair of words that
(c) fulcrum best expresses the relationship like
(d) force the original pair.
Resolute : Determined
20. Select the most appropriate (a) Appease : Frighten
meaning of the given idiom. (b) Hinder : Assist
Treading on thin ice (c) Bustle : Motionless
(a) Playing with a sharp icicle (d) Miniature : Small
(b) To be in a dangerous risky
position 24. Underlined word in the sentence
(c) Skating on ice fallen in a is not spelt correctly. Identify the
hailstorm correct spelling from the options
(d) Making a thin ice sculpture given below.
The boys seem irresponsibly
21. Select the most appropriate insaucient about bullying the juniors.
idiom or phrase to fill in the blank in (a) Insouceant
the given sentence. (b) Insuociant
He is rich and famous and expects (c) Insouciant
everyone to _________ on him. (d) Insoucient
(a) tap dance like mad
(b) dead duck 25. Select the most appropriate
(c) give a song and dance option to fill in the blank.
(d) dance attendance She ________ her painting by this
time next week.
(a) finishes

(b) will finish (c) Orchard

(c) will have finished (d) Botanical
(d) finished
30. Select the option that can be used
26. Choose the phrasal verb that as a one-word substitute for the
best fits the blank in the given given group of words.
sentence: Consonance of sounds.
The Royale Gardens is a pleasant (a) Orchestration
place to _______. (b) Woodwinds
(a) walk away (c) Symphony
(b) walk out (d) Troupe
(c) walk around
(d) walk off 31. A shopkeeper offers a 10%
discount on dairy products and still
27. Choose the phrasal verb that best manages to make a 20% profit. What
fits the blank in the given sentence: is the actual cost (in ₹) to the
The sun _________ on the weary shopkeeper of a dairy product
travelers, forcing them to seek the marked ₹420?
shade of a tree. (a) 315
(a) beat against (b) 340
(b) beat up (c) 350
(c) beat down (d) 325
(d) beat back
32. In an election, 95% of the total
28. Select the option that can be used voters cast their votes. In this
as a one-word substitute for the election, there were only two
given group of words. candidates A and B. The winner A, by
Vivacious and enthusiastic obtaining 75% of the total votes,
(a) Introverted defeated his contestant B by 5500
(b) Brazen votes. Find the total number of voters
(c) Rowdy in the election.
(d) Effervescent (a) 11,000
(b) 10,000
29. Select the option that can be used (c) 13,000
as a one-word substitute for the (d) 12,000
given group of words.
Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs 33. There were 120 students who
in pots went for summer camp. 20 students
(a) Bonafide joined them after some time, Due to
(b) Bonsai which the cost of consumption

increased by Rs. 80 per day and the 37. A student scores 40% of marks
average cost of each student and fails by 40 marks in the
decreased by Rs. 5. Find the initial examination and another student
consumption of each student. scores 60% and scores 95 more
(a) Rs. 37 marks. Find the maximum marks for
(b) Rs. 39 the examination.
(c) Rs. 41 (a) 600
(d) Rs. 43 (b) 625
(c) 675
34. A sum becomes double in 4 years (d) 725
at compound interest, in how many
years the sum becomes 8 times of 38. There are three numbers N1, N2
itself. and N3 and their sum of squares is
(a) 8 years 3325. N1 and N2 and N2 and N3 are in
(b) 12 years the ratio 3 : 2. Find the value of N1.
(c) 16 years (a) 30
(d) 20 years (b) 35
(c) 40
35. In a college there are a total 250 (d) 45
students. Average weight of boys is
50 and average weight of girls is 45. 39. Rajan and Rajat can do a work in
Also it is known that the overall 64 days and 48 days, respectively.
average is 48. What is the number of Starting with Rajat, they work on
boys in the college? alternate days. In how many days will
(a) 150 the work be completed?
(b) 100 (a) 55
(c) 125 (b) 55 ¾
(d) 200 (c) 54
(d) 54 ¾
36. 18 workers can complete a piece
of work in 96 days. They start 40. Machine P can print one faith
working together and after 26 days 10 books in 8 hours, machine Q can
more workers join them. In how many print the same number of books in 10
days in all will the work be hours while machine R can print
completed? them in 12 hours. All the machines
(a) 69 are started at 9 A.M. while machine P
(b) 71 is closed at 11 A.M. and the
(c) 72 remaining two machines complete
(d) 70 work. Approximately at what time will

the work (to print one lakh books) be 18 minutes. What time does the clock
finished? show ?
(a) 11:30 A.M. (a) 3 : 12 pm
(b) 12 noon (b) 3 : 27 pm
(c) 12:30 P.M. (c) 3 : 31 pm
(d) 1:00 P.M. (d) 3 : 36 pm

41. The ratio of efficiencies of X and

Y for doing a certain work is 5 ∶ 9.
Working together, they can complete 45. Simplify:
a work in 15 days. X alone will
complete 66 ⅔% of the same work
in? (a) 0.677
(a) 28 days (b) 0.500
(b) 24 days (c) 0.125
(c) 35 days (d) 0.333
(d) 30 days
46. A train 100 metres long, moving
42. At what time between 3 o'clock at a speed of 50 km per hour, crosses
and 4 o'clock, both the hands of a another train 120 metres long coming
clock will coincide with each other? from the opposite direction in 6
(a) 16 2/11 minutes past 3 seconds. What is the speed of the
(b) 16 4/11 minutes past 3 second train?
(c) 15 4/11 minutes past 3 (a) 132 kmph
(d) 15 2/11 minutes past 3 (b) 82 kmph
(c) 60 kmph
43. The salaries of A, B, C are in the (d) 50 kmph
ratio 2 ∶ 3 ∶ 5. If the increments of
15%, 10%, and 20% are allowed 47. The distance between two
respectively in their salaries, then stations A and B is 800 km. A train
what will be the new ratio of their covers the journey from A to B at a
salaries? speed of 90 km/h and returns to A
(a) 3 ∶ 3 ∶ 10 with a uniform speed of 65 km/h. Find
(b) 10 ∶ 11 ∶ 20 the average speed of the train during
(c) 23 ∶ 33 ∶ 60 the whole journey (in km/h)?
(d) 15 ∶ 10 ∶ 20 (a) 82.36
(b) 80.50
44. It is between 3 pm and 4 pm and (c) 70.45
the distance between the hour hand (d) 75.48
and the minute hand of the clock is

48. Vimal can row a certain distance

downstream in 12 h and come back
to the same point in 18 h. If the
stream flows at the rate of 6 km/h,
then find the speed of Kamal instill
(a) 30 km/hr
(b) 40 km/hr
(c) 20 km/hr (a)
(d) 25 km/hr

49. A sum of money amounts to

₹1,200 in 2 years and becomes ₹1,260
in 3 years at compound interest,
when interest is compounded (b)
annually. What is the rate of
compound interest per annum?
(a) 6%
(b) 3%
(c) 5% (c)
(d) 4%

50. At present Vikash is on the 10th

floor and Khushbu is on the 35th
floor. If the speed of lift going upward (d)
is 24 floor/min and going downward
speed is 26 floor/min and both of 52. Select the Venn diagram that best
them start at the same time. Find at illustrates the relationship between
which floor they will meet each other. the following classes.
(a) 20th floor Musical Instrument, Kathak,
(b) 21th floor Xylophone.
(c) 22th floor
(d) 23th floor

51. Identify the figure given in the

options which when put in place of
‘?’ will logically complete the series.

55. In a certain code language, ‘FOX’

is coded as ‘14’ and ‘GOAT’ is coded
as ‘21’. How will ‘TOMMY’ be coded in
(b) that language?
(a) 35
(b) 45
(c) 25
(c) (d) 30

56. Two statements are given,

followed by two conclusions
numbered I and II. Assuming the
(d) statements to be true, even if they
seem to be at variance with
53. What will come in place of the commonly known facts, decide which
question mark (?) in the following of the conclusions logically follow(s)
equation, if ‘+’ and ‘–’ are from the statements.
interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are Statements:
interchanged? All tablets are medicines.
110 × 10 – 175 ÷ 5 + 29 = ? Some medicines are ointments.
(a) 856
(b) 857 Conclusions:
(c) 599 I. Some tablets are ointments.
(d) 589 II. All ointments are medicines.
(a) Neither conclusion I nor II
54. A dice has its faces marked by follows
numbers 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24. Two (b) Both conclusions I and II follow
positions of the same dice are given (c) Only conclusion I follows
below. Which face is opposite to face (d) Only conclusion II follows
57. In a certain code language,
‘FAVORITE’ is written as ‘ETIROVAF’
and ‘MINIMIZE’ is written as
‘EZIMINIM’. How will ‘RESEMBLE’ be
written in that language?
(a) 4 (a) ELBMESER
(b) 8 (b) ELBRESEM
(c) 24 (c) ERESLMBE
(d) 12 (d) ERLBMESR

(c) 3
58. M, N, O, P, Q and R are sitting (d) 4
around a circular table facing the
centre. O is an immediate neighbour
of M. Only two people sit between O 61. What will come at the place of the
and Q. P sits second to the left of R. question mark?
N is an immediate neighbour of P. 8,28,116,584,?
Who is sitting second to the right of (a) 1752
M? (b) 3504
(a) N (c) 3508
(b) Q (d) 3502
(c) R
(d) P 62. From amongst the figures marked
(1), (2), (3) and (4), select the one
59. Which of the following numbers which satisfies the same conditions
will replace the question marks (?) in of placement of the dot/dots as in
the given series? figure (X).
2, ?, ?, 17, 26, 37, 50, 65, 82
(a) 3, 5
(b) 3, 4
(c) 2, 5
(d) 5, 10

60. Select a figure from amongst the

Answer Figures which will continue
the same series as established by the
five Problem Figures.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

63. A sheet of paper is folded along

the dotted line successively along
the directions shown and is then
punched in the last. How would the

(a) 1
(b) 2

paper look when unfolded? 65. Select a figure from amongst the
four alternatives, which when placed
in the blank space of figure (X) would
complete the pattern.


(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

66. From amongst the figures marked
(1), (2), (3) and (4), select the one
which satisfies the same conditions
of placement of the dot/dots as in
(d) figure (X).

64. Select the option that is related

to the fifth letter-cluster in the same
way as the second letter-cluster is
related to the first letter-cluster and
the fourth letter-cluster is related to
the third letter-cluster.
(b) FKMQX (a) 1
(c) FKRQX (b) 2
(d) FKPSX (c) 3
(d) 4

A × B me ‘A is the wife of B’
67. Six students - P, Q, R, S T and U - A ÷ B me ‘A is the father of B’
are sitting around a circular table, Based on the above, how is R related
facing the centre. Q is sitting second to U if ‘U − P × Q ÷ R + S − T’?
to the left of U. T is sitting third to the (a) Daughter
right of P. P is the immediate (b) Sister
neighbour of Q and U. S is not the (c) Sister’s daughter
neighbour of U. Who among the (d) Wife’s sister
following is the neighbour of both U
and T? 70. Kiara starts from Point A, which
(a) Q is 5 km towards the north of Z. From
(b) S Point A, she turns towards the east
(c) R and drives 8 km. She then takes a
(d) P right turn and drives 9 km. Finally,
she takes a right turn, drives for 15
68. Two statements are given, km and stops at Point B. In which
followed by three conclusions direction is Point B with respect to
numbered I, II and III. Assuming the Point Z?
statements to be true, even if they (a) South-West
seem to be at variance with (b) North-East
commonly known facts, decide which (c) North-West
of the conclusions logically follow(s) (d) South
from the statements.
Statements: 71. Which two signs should be
All scanners are printers. interchanged to make the given
Some scanners are copiers. equation correct? 30 + 3 × 990 − 11 ÷
Conclusions: 63 = 237
I. Some printers are copiers. (a) + and −
II. No copier is a printer. (b) ÷ and −
III. Some printers are scanners. (c) − and ×
(a) Only conclusions II and III (d) × and +
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow 72. In a certain code language, ‘bring
(c) All of the conclusions follow the bags’ is written as ‘nd sm pf’ and
(d) Only conclusions I and III ‘bags of gold’ is written as ‘rg tx sm’.
follow How is ‘bags’ written in the given
69. In a certain code language, A+ B (a) sm
me ‘A is the mother of B’ (b) pf
A − B me ‘A is the brother of B’ (c) rg

(d) nd
73. Select the number from among
the given options that can replace the (d)
question mark (?) in the following
series. 76. Recently, at which of the following
53, 62, 77, 98, ? places was the Param Vir Chakra
(a) 122 garden inaugurated?
(b) 125 (a) Chennai
(c) 121 (b) Thiruvananthapuram
(d) 123 (c) Puducherry
(d) Wellington
74. Select the option that represents
the correct order of the given words 77. Which of the following statements
as they would appear in an English about Exercise Shakti are correct?
dictionary. 1. It is an annual exercise.
1. Larkiness 2. It was last held in France in
2. Larcenist 2021.
3. Larceners 3. It includes personnel from the
4. Lariated Indian Navy and Air Force as
5. Laryngeal observers.
6. Largely
(a) 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 3, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5 (c) 2 and 3
(d) 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5 (d) All are correct

75. Select the correct mirror image of 78. Which Article of the Indian
the given figure when the mirror is Constitution deals with the annual
placed at MN as shown below. financial statement of the
Government of India?
(a) Article 120
(b) Article 116
(c) Article 112
(d) Article 110

79. Pulakeshin II belonged to which

(a) of the following dynasties?
(a) Pandya
(b) (b) Chera

(c) Chalukya (b) Ministry of Women and Child

(d) Rashtrakuta Development
(c) Ministry of Rural Development
80. What Article of the Indian (d) Ministry of Agriculture &
Constitution provides that the State Farmers Welfare
Governor has the authority to reserve
a bill for the consideration of the 84. Which among the following
President? qualities of iron ore is best based
(a) Article 181 upon iron content?
(b) Article 200 (a) Magnetite
(c) Article 190 (b) Hematite
(d) Article 267 (c) Limonite
(d) Siderite
81. Consider the following
statements regarding the 7th Hockey 85. In the field of Music, which among
Men’s Asian Champions Trophy: the following state Governments
1. It was organized by the Asian gives the Tana Riri Award every year?
Hockey Federation in Chennai. (a) Rajasthan
2. India won its 4th title by (b) Madhya Pradesh
beating Pakistan in the final. (c) Gujarat
Which of the above statements is/are (d) Maharashtra
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only 86. Which among the following
(c) Both 1 and 2 statements is/are correct?
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. In India, the Himalayas are spread
over five States only.
82. Chapchar Kut festival is 2. The Western Ghats are spread over
celebrated in which state? five States only.
(a) Assam 3. Pulicat Lake is spread over two
(b) Nagaland States only.
(c) Mizoram Choose the correct option from the
(d) Arunachal Pradesh codes given below:
(a) 1 only
83. Poshan Pakhwada, recently seen (b) 3 only
in the news, is organized by which (c) 1 & 2
ministry? (d) 1, 2 & 3
(a) Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment 87. Where on the earth is located the
Sirohi Point?

(a) North Pole Sikkim's Naga and Rangrang villages

(b) Indian Ocean post-GLOF in May 2024?
(c) Caribbean Sea (a) ITBP
(d) Antarctica (b) CRPF
(c) Indian Army
88. Praveen Kumar and Nishad (d) Indian Airforce
Kumar, who were seen in the news,
play which sports? 92. Exercise Samudra Laksamana,
(a) Shooting recently seen in the news, is
(b) High Jump conducted between which two
(c) Golf countries?
(d) Football (a) India & Malaysia
(b) India & Maldives
89. Which of the following statements (c) China & Maldives
are correct in the context of the (d) India & Sri Lanka
Indian Constitution?
1.There are three major organs of the 93. Which of the following pairs of
government, namely Legislature, Personalities and related sports is
Executive and Judiciary. incorrectly matched?
2.A separation of functions rather 1. Dipa Karmakar - Gymnastics
than powers is followed. 2. Aman Sehrawat - Boxing
3.All orangs of the government are
independent. (a) 1 only
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 only
(b) 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 1,2 and 3

90. Which of the following options is 94. With which game is “punter”
NOT correctly matched? associated?
(a) Wular lake - Jammu and (a) Cricket
Kashmir (b) Football( American)
(b) Chilika Lake - Odisha (c) Golf
(c) Sardar Sarovar Lake - (d) Hockey
(d) Vembanad Lake - Kerala 95. Arrange the following battles
fought during the Mughal period in
91. Which organization has launched correct chronological order.
Operation Sadbhavana in North a. Battle of Khanwa
b. First battle of Panipat

c. Battle of Ghaghra
d. Battle of Chausa
(a) b, a, c, d
(b) a, c, b, d
(c) c, a, d, b
(d) d, a, b, c

96. What is the correct way to mix

(a) (i)-c,ii-d,iii-a,iv-b
acid and water?
(b) (i)-c,ii-a,iii-d,iv-b
(a) The water must be added to
(c) (i)-d,ii-a,iii-b,iv-c
the acid.
(d) (i)-b,ii-d,iii-c,iv-a
(b) The water must be heated
before mixing.
100. Who was conferred with the
(c) The acid must be heated
2024 Sangita Kalanidhi award?
before mixing.
(a) T M Krishna
(d) The acid must be slowly added
(b) Aruna Sairam
to the water.
(c) M. Balamuralikrishna
(d) MS Subbulakshmi
97. Recently the terms Fujian,
Lianong, and Shandong were in the
news. They are related to which of
the following?
(a) Submarines
(b) Aircraft carrier
(c) Fighter jets
(d) Space station

98. “Sittwe Port”, recently seen in the

news, is situated in which of the
following countries?
(a) Nepal
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Myanmar

99. Match the following countries

with their capitals:

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