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12th English Public Exam Official Model Question Paper 2018 2019 Download

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Duration: 2.30 Hrs. Marks -90

Section- A

I) Answer all the questions 20x1 =20

Choose the correct options given below:-

1. Choose the correct expansion of OPAC.

a) Online Public Action Catalogue

b) Online Public Access Centre
c) Online Private Access Catalogue
d) Online Public Access Catalogue
2. Choose the synonym of the underlined word in the following sentence.
I had been rudely awakened several times.

www.Padasalai.Net (a) slept (b) roused (c) bored

3. Choose the antonym of the underlined word in the following sentence.

It shall be found that much is omitted.
(d) disturbed

(a) added (b) removed (c) excluded (d) avoided.

4.Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘Whitewash’.
(a) Adjective + Noun (b) Noun + Noun
(c) Adverb + Noun (d) Adjective + Verb
5.Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘heliport’.
(a) heli + port (b) helicopter + airport
(c) helicop+ portal (d) helicopters + portals
6.Choose the clipped word for ‘suitcase’.
(a) suit (b) case (c) suite (d) suits
7.Choose the meaning of the foreign word in the sentence :
All ‘bonafide’ cases of hardship will receive help.
(a) uncertified (b) bonded labour (c) genuine (d) fake.

8.Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom found in the following sentence :
In spite of being seventy-five, my grandmother is in the pink of health.
(a) severely bad (b) in a happy mood
(c) weak and thin (d) extremely healthy, in perfect condition

9. Choose the most accurate one of the four given words opposite to the
underlined word:
I found our speech copious without order.
(a)meagre (b)original
(c)monotonous (d)complete
10. Choose the correct format of an e-mail id.

a ) b) c)


11. Complete the following sentence with the suitable answer.

A phrase or a word too often used to the point of monotony is called……..

a) Euphemism b) eponym c) cliché d) idiom

12. Choose the appropriate synonym of the underlined word.

Rockets which struck unheralded by sound or sight............... .
(a) unannounced (b) unprepared
(c) unheard (d) followed
Complete the sentence choosing the correct modal verb
Vinoth _________speak seven languages.

www.Padasalai.Neta) Might b) ought to c) can d) shall

13. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘anglophobia’.
(a) Fear of meeting strangers
(c) Fear of using English
(b) Fear of drinking alcohol
(d) Fear of playing outdoor
14. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the root word ‘radical’.
(a) ---ment (b) ---ish (c) ---ly (d) ---ous
15.Choose the correct plural form of ' radius'.
a) Radii b) radi c) radiuses d ) radio
16. Identify the correct sentence pattern of the following.
Indian won the match.
a) SVC b) SVO c) SVA d) ASV
17. Choose the tri-syllabic word.
(a) unleashing (b) futility (c) mushroom (d) battered
18. Choose the singular form of “ media”
a) Medium b) medius c) med d) median
19. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CCTV
(a) Charged Channel Television (b) Closed Channel Television
(c) Closed-Circuit Television (d) Checked – Circuit Television

Section – B

II. Answer any seven of the following : 7x2=14

i) Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four (4) of the following:

(4× 2 = 8)

21. "And looked around like a god, unseeing, into the air,
And slowly turned his head,"
(a) Why is the snake compared with God?
(b) Mention the figure of speech.
22. "A NOISELESS, patient spider,
I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,"
(a) What does spider symbolise?
(b) Mention the figure of speech in the first line.
23. "Tell me not in mournful numbers
Life is but an empty dream"
(a) What are mournful numbers?
(b) Is life a dream?
24. “O tongues of fire! You came devouring
Forestes of nightshade, creepers that enmesh”.
(a) What is referred to as ‘tongues of fire’

(b) Mention the figure of speech used in the first line.
25. “As humble plants by country hedgerows growing,
That treasure up the rain,”
(a) What grows by the country hedgerows?
(b) Write out the words in alliteration.
26. “And I thought of the Albatross
And I wished he would come back, my snake”
(a) What did the poet wish for?
(b) What is the allusion here?
ii) Do as directed ( Any three ) 3x2=6

27. Report the following dialogue :

Vijay : Why are you late today?
Ajay : I missed the school bus.
28. Rewrite using 'if '
Were I a bird, I would fly.
29. Combine into a single sentence using a relative pronoun.
Brindha is a teacher. She teaches English.
30. The bag is too heavy to lift. (Transform into a compound sentence)

Section – C

III. Answer any seven of the following 7x3=21


i) Explain any two (2) of the following with reference to the context: (2 × 3 = 6)
31. Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,
seeking the spheres to connect them,
32. Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave
33. We should have sat us down to wet
Right many a nipperkin!

ii) Answer any two (2) of the following briefly. (2x3=6)

34. What are the remains of the deserted village of Milam?

35. How does Mark Antony win the public of Rome over to his side?
36. Why does the author refer to the bombing as ‘an unearthly evil’?

www.Padasalai.Net Part- III

iii) Answer any three of the following ( 3x3=9)
37. Guide Mrs. Devi to reach the park. Write three instructions using the following road

38. Write slogans for the following products.

a) Hair Oil b) Bi-cycle c) Laptop.

39. Expand the following news headlines :

a. Hima wins Gold for India.

b. New Scheme for Women announced by the Ministry.

c. Temperature falls down by 1 degree this summer.

40. Match the proverbs with their meanings:

Proverbs Meanings
i. Manners maketh a Man a. Try to read as much as possible.
ii. Reading makes a man perfect b. Never rush up .
iii. Haste makes waste c. Be perfect and respect others

Section- D

IV) Answer the following : 7x5=35

41. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following:
a. ‘Gandhi was no advocate of blind adherence to tradition’ - Explain.
b. Gunga Ram’s regard for snakes.

42. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following :

a. Bring out the message of the poem ‘A Psalm of Life’.

b. V.K. Gokak’s address to English words.

43. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints:

Giant’s lovely garden – children play happily – Giant returns from friend’s house gets
angry – puts up a notice-board – “Trespassers will be prosecuted” – winter stays
permanently – Children enter – bring spring along – winter in one corner – giant helps
the little boy – realizes his selfishness – wait for the boy – grows old and feeble – finds
him one day – journey to paradise.
The refugees flooded the new capital – land owners turned beggars – natives annoyed –
labourers affected – the pathetic old man – a sympathetic passer-by – offer of silver and
a copper coin – bought noodles for his grandson – saved the silver for seeds.

44. Write a summary or Make notes of the following passage .

Guyana is a small country situated in the northern coast of South America, on the
Atlantic Ocean. People of Indian ancestry form nearly 50% of its population, the rest are
local Amerindians, and people of European and Chinese descent.
Christopher Columbus is believed to have discovered Guyana in 1498. The Dutch
Landed there in the Late 16th century and the local Amerindians welcomed them as
trading Partners. But the Dutch became permanent settlers and began ruling the country.

Britain took over the country in 1796, and ceded the country with Great Britain and
named it British Guyana in 1831. In 1834, slavery was abolished, and thousands of
indentured labourers were brought from India, Portugal and China to replace the slaves
working in sugarcane plantations. Two ships from Calcutta carried the Indians.
The Whitby sailed with 249 people on 13th January 1838 and arrived in Guyana on
5th May. The Hesperus left 6 days later with 165 passengers and arrived in Guyana late
on the night of 5th May. Today the country’s population is nearly 8,00,000 in an area of
214969 The average population density for Guyana is less than Four Persons per

45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a resume/bio-data/CV considering

yourself fulfilling the conditions specified:

[Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address]

Female Receptionist - graduate with computer knowledge, fluency in English and good
communication skills, Minimum 2 Years Experience.
Apply to : Post Box No : 2756
C/o. The Hindu

Chennai - 02.

Write a paragraph on “ The role of Computers in the modern word” or “ My Hobby”.
46. Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them :
a. He is one hour late.

b. Ramesh plays throwball good.

c. The little boy wore a red colour shirt.

d. Afsar is an artist. Doesn’t he?

e. The match was called of.


Fill in the blanks appropriately.

a. He had no ________. It gave him a _______ of advice. (Piece / Peace) (2)

b. Vani _______go to temple on Fridays , when she was young ( Semi-modal) (1)
c. __________rain, they continued to play the match. ( Linker/ phrase) (1)
d. The milkman _______(knock) the door at the moment( Use the verb in the correct

47. Identify each of the following sentences with the field in the list given below, by
understanding the word or words serving as the clue.
a The Central Processing Unit is not functioning properly.
b. ISRO has successfully launched Mangalyaan to Space.
c. The flights have been cancelled due to fog in Jammu.
d. Sindhu clinched the championship title at the Asian Open.
e. Peace Talks between the two nations is held at Russia.
[Weather, Space, Sports, Politics, Computer]
Read the following passage and answer in your own words
The earth is losing its forests. Presently, trees cover about 30 percent of the earth’s
surface, but they are being destroyed at an alarming rate, especially in the tropics.
Timber harvesting is a major reason for the destruction of the forests. Trees are used for
building houses, making furniture, and providing pulp for paper products, such as
newspapers and magazines. At least 40 hectares of rainforest are being felled every
minute, mostly in order to extract the valuable timber.

Another way that man is destroying the world’s forests is by burning them down. In
the Amazon, for example, rainforests are bring burnt down at a rate of 20 hectares a
minutes. The main reason of burning down the rainforests is to clear the land for
farming. Farmers in rainforests countries are often poor and cannot afford to buy land.
Instead, these farmers clear rainforest land to raise their animals or grow their crops.
Because tropical rainforest soil is so poor in nutrients, farmers cannot reuse the same
land year after year. In the following years, farmers just clear more land, destroying the
forest piece by piece. Already more than 30 tropical countries have reached a critical
level of forest destruction and one-time exporters of timber such as Nigeria and Thailand
now have to import timber for their domestic needs.

a. What is the major reason for the destruction of forests?
b. Mention any two uses of trees.
c. Why do some people burn down the rainforests?
d. How many tropical countries have reached a critical level of forest destruction?
e. From where do Nigeria and Thailand get timber for their domestic needs?




Duration: 2.30 Hrs. Marks -90

Section- A

I) Answer all the questions 20x1 =20

Choose the correct options given below:-

1. Choose the most accurate of the four given words which equates with that of the italicized
lexical item in the following sentence

And dip their napkins in his sacred blood

a)impure b)sacrifice c)holy d)secret

2. Choose the appropriate syllabification for the word - Communication

a)com-mu-ni-ca-tion b)com-mu-ni-cat-ion

c)com-mu-n-ic-ation d)com-mu-nic-a-tion

3. Choose the most accurate of the four given words which equates with that of the italicized
lexical item in the following sentence

There was perplexity to be disentangled

a)excitement b)sick c)complication d)several

4. Choose the most accurate of the four given words which is opposite to the usage of the
italicized word in the following sentence

We saw the highest abandoned village in the world

a)adapted b)unrestrained c)deserted d)inhabited

5. Choose the tetra-syllabic word

a)geographical b)organization c)fantastic d)comprehensive

6. Choose the most accurate of the four given words which is opposite to the usage of the
italicized word in the following sentence

The teacher pretended to be indifferent

a)similar b)happy c)interested d)sad

7. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym of LAN

a) Local Area Network b) Locality Area Network

c) Local Area Net d) Local Area Networking

8. Choose the correct combination for the compound word “ birth place”

a) Noun+ Verb b) Noun + Adjective c) Noun + Noun d) Noun + Adverb

9. Choose the correct combination for the blended word ‘ Pixel”

a) Picture + element b) picture + Electricity c) Picture + electronics d) Pix + Element

10. Choose the meaning of the foreign word in the sentence :

Rangarajan alias sujatha has written thrilling novels

a)also known as b)differently known as c)secretly called d)signed as

11.Choose the right definition for the given term ‘theophobia’.

(a) Fear of food (b) Fear of dreams
(c) Fear of God (d) Fear of home
12.Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom found in the following sentence

The leader’s death came like a bolt from the blue

a)unexpected event b)expected happening

c)sudden happening d)serious accident

13.Replace the underlined phrasal verb into single word

You must go by the rules of the institution

a)follow b)avoid c)check d)watch

14.Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word- practice

a) mal___ b) pre___ c) post___ d) tri___

15.Identify the sentence pattern of the following

We call Gandhiji, Mahatma


16.Fill in the blank choosing the correct preposition.

He ran _____ the street

a)in b)at c)into d)to

17.Choose the clipped form of the word internet

a)intern b)net c)network d) tern

18.Replace the underlined word with a euphemistic expression

My mother is a housewife

a)homekeeper b)housekeeper c)homemaker d)housemaker

19.Choose the correct meaning of the cliché .

' Kith and Kin'

a)kitbag b)bat and ball c)friends and relatives d)ladies and gentlemen

20.Fill in with a relative pronoun.

Umar _____ father is an engineer, constructed this building

a)who b)whose c)which d)whom

Section – B

II. Answer any seven of the following : 7x2=14

i) Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four (4) of the following: (4× 2 = 8)

21. “ So let us unobtrusive and unnoticed,

But happy none the less”
a. What is meant by unobtrusive?
b. Who are happy none the less ?
22. O winged seeds! You crossed the furrowed seas,
To nestle in the warm and silent earth.
a. Mention the figure of speech in the given lines
b. Why did they cross the furrowed seas.
23. In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life

a. What do you mean by bivouac?

b. Pick out the words in alliteration.

24. The voice of education said to me

He must be killed.

a. Who must be killed?

b. Why did his voice say so?

25. Yes : quaint and curious war is !!

a. What do you mean by “ Quaint” ?

b. Why is war quaint and curious ?

26. Ceaseless musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them.

a) Who is musing continuously?

b) What do you mean by “ Venturing” ?

ii) Do as directed ( Any three ) 3x2=6

27. Report the following dialogue :

Sundar : I lost my wallet on the way.
Saira : Did you have money ?
Sundar : I had fifty rupees and my ID card in it.
28. The sun was bright. The pictures came out well. ( Combine using if )

29. Rewrite the sentence making an inversion in the conditional clause.

If you should be late once again, you will lose your job.
30. Venkat shared his lunch with the boy. He had only one sandwich. (form a
complex sentence using ‘though’)

Section – C

III. Answer any seven of the following ; 7x3=21


i) Explain any two (2) of the following with reference to the context: (2 × 3 = 6)

31. To die, and not a heart that does not love us

Know where we’re laid.

32. The spoils of ages, global merchandise

Mingling in your strains!
33. But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face,


ii) Answer any two (2) of the following briefly. (2x3=6)

34.What is a writer of dictionaries doomed to do?

35. Which were the countries that were involved in the bombing of Hiroshima?

36. Give reasons as to why it is difficult to keep warm in the Tibetan mountain range.

Part -III

iii) Answer any three of the following ( 3x3=9)

37. Study the pie-chart given and answer the questions that follow :

Sales for the Month of June at a Drug Store

www.Padasalai.Net Antibiotics 40%

Vitamins 10%
Analgesics 20%
Antipyretics 15%
Sedatives 5%
Cosmetics 10%

Questions :
(a) Name the drug which has the least sale record in the store?
(b) How many types of drugs are being sold at this store?
(c) Which drug is twice the sale of analgesics?

38. Write a dialogue between a tourist and a guide. ( Minimum of three exchanges)

39. Describe the process of binding a book .

40. Complete the proverbs using the words given below:

a) All that glitters is not _________.

b) Make _______while the sun shines.
c) Barking _______seldom bites.
( Hay, Dog, Gold)

Section- D

IV) Answer the following : 7x5=35

41. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following:
a) Gandhiji’s views on women.
b) Gunga Ram and his superstitious beliefs.

42. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following
a) What is the message of the poem ‘A Psalm Of Life”
b) D.H. Lawrence’s “Snake”.

43. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints:
In the beginning of the world-all animals worked for man -except camel-animals
complained to man –man asked him to work double time-animals angry-complained to
Djinn-Djinn talked to the camel-camel merely said.”Humph”-Djinn created the humph
for the camel-camel could never get rid of that humph.
Mr.Nuttel came to visit Mrs.Sappleton-met Vera-narrated tragedy-three years ago-
Mrs.Sappleton’s husband and two younger brothers went for shooting –didn’t return-
Window wide open-Mrs.Sappleton entered –soon the three arrived with the spaniel-
Framton Nuttel rushed out-Vera said-he was once hunted by a pack of dogs-her
speciality-Romance at short notice.

44. Write a summary or Make notes of the following passage

The Cacti, a native in American deserts, adapts to the dry surroundings by having unique
body structures. The plant has swollen stems to help store water that carries it through
months. By having sharp pines instead of leaves, water loss through respiration is minimized.
Besides, these pointed pines also help the plant ward off grazing animals, thus enhancing its
survival period.

Besides plants, there are also animals with distinct surviving tactics in deserts too. For
instance, Skinks ( desert lizards ) metabolize stored fats in their bulbous tails, producing
water to supplement their needs, just like what camels do with the stored food in their humps

during long journeys through deserts. Antelopes like the addax, have very low water needs
and hence are able to tolerate the conditions in deserts, extracting moisture from the food they

Finally, there are the sandgrouses ( desert birds ) which do not have special features to
overcome the drought-like nature in deserts. Hence, to survive in these hot, dry deserts, they
need to spend a large part of their time flying in search of waterholes.

45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a resume/bio-data/CV considering

yourself fulfilling the conditions specified:

[Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address]

Situation Vacant
Post Graduate Teacher ( English) Specialized in extra – curricular activities (NSS,NCC,etc),
Minimum : 3Years of Experience. Salary Negotiable.
Apply to : Post Box No : 1307
C/o. The Hindu
Chennai - 02.


Write a paragraph on “ A village festival” or “ Punctuality”

46. i) Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them :

a. Neither of the boys are guilty.

b. Balaji is junior than me.

c. He is a honourable man.

d. Slow and steady win the race.

e. The news are very good.


ii) Fill in the blanks appropriately

a. Vandana’s _________daughter_______to the new situation well. ( Adopted/ adapted)

b. Daniel ________play the piano. ( Fill in with a modal verb)
c. He ________read many books during his school days( Fill in with a semi-modal)
d. _______you have an entry pass, you can get in ( Use a suitable link word)

47. Identify each of the following sentences with the fields given below:

a) Shakespeare’s plays are read by many people.

b) The yield of wheat has increased.

c) Fastfood is a growing health hazard.

d) My brother is planning to go to the US.

e) Dhoni was declared the Man of the Series.

( Sports, Nutrition and Dietetics, Travel, Literature, Agriculture)

( Or)

Read the following passage and answer in your own words.

The first flags were probably in China. People flew flags in China over 4,000 years ago. Each
part of the army had its own flag so the soldiers could see their leaders. Early flags were
sticks of wood. They had pictures cut into the wood. Iran had metal flags about 3,000 years
ago. Old Greek coins show pictures of flags. People in Rome also used flags over 2,000 years
ago. People first made flags of cloth about 2,000 years ago. Those flags looked like today’s

flags. Flags are important at sea. Most ships fly their own country’s flag and the flag of the
country they are visiting. When a ship flies only its own flag, it is ready to fight. Every
country now has a flag. Every U.S. state has a flag. Clubs, teams, and schools have flags. The
Olympics has a flag. The Olympics flag has five rings of five colours. Each ring stands for, or
represents, a continent. It means that people from five continents – Africa, Asia, Europe,
North America, and South America – come to play. Railway lines also use flags. Railway
flags tell the trains what to do. For example, a red flag tells the train to stop, just like a stop
sign. A blue, white, or green flag tells the train that it can go. A blue flag on the side of a train
means someone is working on the train. It means nobody can move the train.

a. How many flags do most ships fly?

b. What were the first flags made of ?
c. Does every country have a flag?
d. Mention the role of a railway flag.
e. Describe the Olympic flag.




Duration: 2.30 Hrs. Marks -90

Section- A

I) Answer all the questions 20x1 =20

Choose the correct options given below:-

1. Choose the synonym of the underlined word in the following sentence.

Due to the rain the ground was teeming with life.
(a) full of (b) meeting (c) looked (d) suffer
2.Choose the clipped form of the word ‘fanatic’.
(a) fant (b) fan (c) natic (d) fanat
3.Choose the meaning of the foreign word in the sentence :
We must have a good rapport with the officials.
(a)close relationship (b)agreement (c)settlement (d) talk
4.Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘fort night’.

www.Padasalai.Net(a) fourteen + nights

(c) fort + nights
(b) forty + nights
(d) fourteen + nite
5.Replace the underlined word with the appropriate phrasal verb:
I can’t tolerate his behaviour anymore.
(a) put up with (b) put down
(c) put off (d) put out
6.Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘Kitchen garden’.
(a) Adverb + Noun (b) Noun + Noun
(c) Preposition + Verb (d) Noun + Adjective

7. Choose the most accurate one of the four given words opposite to the
underlined word:
It is heartening to meet Laxmi.
(a) lighning (b)motivating
(c) discouraging (d) pleasing
8. Replace the underlined word with a euphemistic expression:
The lavatory is in the ground floor.

a ) toilet b)bathroom c) restroom d) urinal

9. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the root word “perform”

a)ic b)ion c)ance d) ence

10. Choose the appropriate synonym of the underlined word.

With the tin, we clambered into the school bus.
(a) moved (b) climbed
(c) chased (d) crawled

11. Complete the sentence choosing the correct quasi- modal

Children _________ to develop patriotism.
a) dare b) ought c) need d) used
12. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘regicide’
(a) killing a member of a society (b) killing a member of a gang
(c) killing a member of a community (d) killing a member of a royal family
13.Choose the correct plural form of “ alumnus”
a)alumne b) alumni c) alumna d ) alums
14. Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom found in the following sentence.
I feel honour bound to help him because I promised I would.
a)required to do something as a moral duty b) admired
c) neglected d) refused
15. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word ‘existence’.
(a) out--- (b) non--- (c) inter--- (d) out---
16. Choose the tetra-syllabic word.

(a) geographical (b) organisation
17. Choose the singular form of “ larvae”
a) Larvum b) larvus c) larvam d) larva
(c) fantastic (d) comprehensive

18. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym SALT

(a) Strategy Arms Limited Treaty (b) Strategic Automatic Limitation Treaty.
(c) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (d) Strategy Arms Limitation Treary

19. Choose the antonym of the underlined word in the following sentence.
He not only followed it but inspired millions of people.
(a) controlled (b) preceded (c) inspired (d) attracted
20 . Identify the sentence pattern of the following.
Hari is an NSS volunteer.
a) SVC b) SVO c) SVA d) ASV

Section – B

II. Answer any seven of the following : 7x2=14

i) Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four (4) of the following: (4× 2 = 8)

21. “I shot at him as he at me,

And killed him in his place
a) Who killed whom?
b) What is the place referred to here ?

22. “Still, like muffled drums are beating

Funeral marches to the grave”
(a) What are beating like ‘muffled drums’?
(b) Mention the figure of speech used in the above lines.
23. “You cannot rob us of the rights we cherish,
Nor turn our thoughts away”
(a) Who do you think this line is addressed to?
(b) Identify the two sets of alliterated words.
24. “It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.”
(a) What produces the filament?

(b) Write out the words in alliteration.
“Like a golden swarm of fireflies you came.”
(a) Explain the comparison.
(b) Mention the figure of speech used in the line.
26. “Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld”
(a) Who was the king in exile?
(b) Mention the figure of speech used in this line.
ii) Do as directed ( Any three ) 3x2=6
27. Combine the following using a relative pronoun.

They were a set of four brothers. They were known for their toughness.

28. If I had seen Malar at the bus stop, I would have told her to wait. ( Begin with Had)

29. Change the reported form to direct speech.

Vinodh told that he had studied all the lessons the previous day.

30. Unless Children are vaccinated, they will fall ill. ( Transform into a compound sentence)

Section – C

III. Answer any seven of the following : 7x3=21


i) Explain any two (2) of the following with reference to the context: (2 × 3 = 6)
31. “And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.”
32. “We claim to dwell, in quiet and seclusion,
Beneath the household roof.”
33. “And I thought of the albatross,
And I wished he would come back, my snake.”


ii) Answer any two (2) of the following briefly. (2x3=6)

34. What do our ancient books say about women?

35. Whom or what did Johnson say he has ‘devoted’ his book to ?
36. Where was the cruel bomb dropped?

www.Padasalai.Net Part- III

iii) Answer any three of the following ( 3x3=9)
37. Study the following table which gives information about the classification of foreign
tourists from three countries according to their mode of travel to India in 2012. Write
three sentences on your inference about the data.

Country or Arrivals Proportion to the total (%)

Nationality (in Numbers) Air Sea Land
America 59709 94.7 1.1 4.2
Japan 29374 94.3 0.1 5.6
Spain 50743 97.6 0.6 1.8

38. Describe the process of making a cup of tea.

39. Write a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. ( minimum of three exchanges)

40. Complete the proverbs using the words given below:

a) A stitch in time saves _____________.
b) A bird in hand is worth ___________in a bush.
c) A picture is worth a ____________words.
( thousand, nine, two )

Section- D

IV) Answer the following : 7x5=35

41. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following:

a. How did Mark Antony win the public of Rome to his side?
b. Describe the trekking experiences of Deshpande.
42. Answer in a paragraph (of about 150 words) any one (1) of the following :
a. Bring out the message of the poem ‘The Man He Killed”.
b. Walt Whitman’s comparison of the spider to the human soul.

43. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints:

Paris besieged – Morrisot and sauvage – two friends- fond of fishing- got
password – French Colonel- crossed the checkpost- started fishing- caught by Prussians-
chief demanded password- shot dead ( or)

Ivan Dmitritch – middle class man- satisfied- wife – bought a lottery ticket- Ivan -
newspaper result- series 9499- dreams- winning number 46 not 26- hatred.

44. Write a summary or Make notes of the following passage .

Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not eat, except when hungry. It does not drink,

unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has had enough. A dog also
sets a perfect example of adaptability. If it is moved to a strange place, it is able to adapt itself
to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a murmur of complaint. It is able to
learn and adapt to a new family's ways and customs. It is quick and ready to please. Man,
being accustomed to comfort and wealth will be lost if suddenly stripped of all he is
accustomed to. A dog also teaches us a thing or two about, unselfish love. When a dog knows
death is approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die,
in order to burden its owners no more.A dog does things with all vigour. However, when
there is nothing to do, it lies down and rests. It does not waste its strength and energy
needlessly. Many working people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer nervous
breakdowns due to stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does. A dog above all
is truly man's best friend.

45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a resume/bio-data/CV considering

yourself fulfilling the conditions specified:

[Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address]

Technician – Diploma holder with computer knowledge, fluency in English and good communication
skills, Minimum 3 Years Experience.
Apply to : Post Box No : 1998
C/o. The Hindu
Chennai - 02.


Write a paragraph on “ Deforestation” or “ Information Technology”

46. Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them :
a. I saw an one rupee note on the road.

b. Catherin bought half litre of milk

c. It has been raining since five hours.

d. The cat jumped on the wall.

e. One of his brother is in Srilanka.


Fill in the blanks appropriately.

a) Our _________is a man of ______________. ( Principle/ principal) (2)

b) The sun ________(rise) in the east. ( Correct Tense form ) (1)
c) Prizes were given at the end of the event. This is an example of __________passive

form. (1)
d) He continued to bowl _______his shoulder injury ( Use a suitable

47. Identify each of the following sentences with the field in the list given below, by
understanding the word or words serving as the clue.
a. It was thrilling win for Roger Federer
b. Palestenians have decided to go to pools.
c. A new software is adopted to make operations easier
d. This oil massage will refresh you a lot.
e. Britney Spears will release a new album next month
[Music , Computer , Politics , Sports , Health]
Read the following passage and answer in your own words
The origins of the English Dictionary are found in the late 16th century when people became
aware of the two levels of English (‘learned’, ‘literacy’ distinct from‘spoken’, ‘popular’) to
an extent that made it desirable to gloss one’s level in theother’s terms. Cawdrey’s ‘Table
Alphabetical of Hard Words’ (1604) containing about3000 words might be called the first
English dictionary but it is ‘The Dictionary of the English Language’ brought out in 1755 by

Dr. Samuel Johnson that stands as one of the two great landmarks in English lexicographical
Johnson’s objective was to produce “a dictionary by which the pronunciation of our language
may be fixed, and its attainment facilitated; by which its purity may be preserved, its use
ascertained, and its duration lengthened.” He wrote the definitions, some playfully, of over
40,000 words illustrating them with about 114,000 quotations drawn from every field of
learning and literature from the 16th century onwards.
The work, though scanty in etymological knowledge remained without rival until the creation
of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) (1884-1926) edited by a group of lexicographers.
The OED attempts to give a full history of the development of all English words since the
12th century with full illustrative quotations, ordered according to the principal distinct sense
of the word. It has been updated by a series of supplements through the centuries. The
possibility of one organized on synchronic, rather than historical, principles was
brought close when in 1984 the OED files began to be converted into a computerized

a. When was the first English dictionary compiled?

b. Why was it compiled?
c. What are the features of Johnson’s dictionary?
d. Of the two landmarks of English lexicographical history which is more in use today?
e. What dictionary do you use and how often do you use it?


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