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The Role of Perceived Ease of Use in The Adoption of Quizlet For Vocabulary Acquisition in Chinese EFL Contexts

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Role of Perceived Ease of Use in the

Adoption of Quizlet for Vocabulary Acquisition in
Chinese EFL Contexts
Pan Huanting
Rokiah Paee
Roslan Ali
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Sarawak, Malaysia

Abstract:- This study investigates the perceived ease of Digital game-based learning, including platforms like
use of Quizlet among Chinese college English as a Foreign Quizlet, has been recognized for its capacity to engage
Language (EFL) learners, focusing on vocabulary learners and enhance vocabulary acquisition. Research
acquisition. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the highlights that game-based tools can foster increased
research combined quantitative data from a survey (n = motivation, engagement, and autonomy (Ghafar & Noor,
95) and qualitative insights from semi-structured 2017; Janebi & Haghighatpasand, 2019; Son, 2018). These
interviews (n = 24) following an 8-week Quizlet tools offer interactive and enjoyable platforms for learning,
intervention. The quantitative results revealed high which can contribute significantly to effective vocabulary
satisfaction with Quizlet, evidenced by a mean score of acquisition (Rabu & Talib, 2017). However, the perceived
3.96 on a 5-point Likert scale, highlighting its intuitive ease of use of such tools plays a critical role in their successful
interface and multimedia features. Qualitative findings adoption and continued use (Aurangzeeb, 2024).
supported these results, identifying key themes such as
user-friendly navigation, ease of becoming proficient and The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), developed
effective vocabulary learning through interactive modules. by Davis (1989), provides a foundational framework for
The study emphasizes the critical role of user-centered understanding technology adoption. According to TAM,
design in educational technology, suggesting that well- perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are key
designed tools like Quizlet can significantly improve determinants of technology acceptance. Perceived ease of use
vocabulary acquisition and learner engagement. These refers to the degree to which users believe that using a system
insights advance the understanding of digital tool will be free of effort, while perceived usefulness pertains to
adoption in EFL contexts and offer practical the belief that the system will enhance performance. This
recommendations for educators and developers. study specifically focuses on perceived ease of use, as
understanding how easily learners can interact with Quizlet is
Keywords:- EFL, Quizlet, Perceived Ease of Use, Vocabulary crucial for its integration into educational settings.
Acquisition, Technology Acceptance, Educational
Technology Several studies have explored the effectiveness of
digital tools, including Quizlet, for vocabulary learning.
I. INTRODUCTION While effectiveness is a key area of research, this study
narrows its focus to perceived ease of use. Evidence suggests
The integration of digital tools into language education that mobile-assisted learning tools can be more effective than
has profoundly transformed how learners acquire new traditional methods (Lin & Lin, 2019; Mahdi, 2017).
languages. Among these tools, Quizlet, a popular online Additionally, digital flashcards have been recognized for their
learning platform featuring flashcard-based study modes, has efficiency in vocabulary learning (Lei & Reynolds, 2022;
gained notable traction, particularly in the context of English Nakata, 2019). Building on previous research, such as Duarte
as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. Quizlet offers a (2019) and Dizon (2016), which examined Quizlet’s ease of
variety of interactive features designed to enhance vocabulary use, this study provides a context-specific investigation
acquisition, including modes such as "Learn," "Flashcards," within Chinese EFL learners.
"Write," and "Match." These features cater to diverse learning
preferences and have been reported to improve vocabulary The current study aims to fill a gap in the literature by
retention (Chien, 2015; Dizon, 2016). As digital tools become focusing exclusively on the perceptions of ease of use among
increasingly embedded in educational practices, Chinese college EFL learners. Understanding these
understanding learners' perceptions of these tools is essential perceptions is crucial for informing the development of more
for optimizing their effectiveness. effective and user-friendly digital learning tools. The findings
will contribute to the growing body of literature on digital
game-based vocabulary learning and offer insights into how

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

such tools can be better integrated into language learning questionnaire demonstrated high reliability with a Cronbach's
curricula. Alpha of 0.973.

II. METHODOLOGY  Data Collection

Quantitative data were gathered via a web-based survey
 Research Design administered through the 'Wen Juan Xing' platform, selected
This study utilized a mixed methods approach to for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency in data processing
investigate the perceived ease of use of Quizlet among (Cohen et al., 2018). Semi-structured interviews were
college EFL learners. By combining quantitative and conducted using Tencent conferencing software, recorded,
qualitative methods, the study integrated statistical analysis and transcribed. To ensure the validity of the qualitative data,
with in-depth personal insights, providing a holistic member checking was implemented, allowing participants to
understanding of the topic (Creswell, 2014). The intervention review and confirm their transcriptions (Lincoln & Guba,
involved an 8-week period during which participants used 1985). Each interview, lasting between 15 and 25 minutes,
Quizlet as a supplementary tool for vocabulary learning. provided detailed insights into participants' experiences with
Students were encouraged to actively engage with various Quizlet.
features of the platform to enhance their vocabulary
acquisition.  Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics were employed to summarize
 Participants participants' demographic information and their overall
The study included 95 college EFL learners from two perceptions of Quizlet's ease of use. The qualitative data from
intact classes at a private college in Shandong Province, the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis as
China. These learners used Quizlet as a supplementary tool described by Braun and Clarke (2006). This analysis followed
for vocabulary acquisition in their English courses. To gain six steps: familiarization with the data, generating initial
deeper insights into variations in perceptions across codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and
proficiency levels, 24 participants were selected for semi- naming themes, and writing up the findings. This systematic
structured interviews. approach facilitated a thorough exploration of recurring
themes and patterns, providing a comprehensive
 Instruments understanding of participants' experiences with Quizlet.
The survey questionnaire included demographic
questions and items assessing perceived ease of use, adapted III. FINDINGS
from Davis's (1989) TAM. Items were rated on a 5-point
Likert scale from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree.' To A. Quantitative Analysis
ensure clarity and comprehension, the survey was The quantitative analysis demonstrated that Chinese
administered in Chinese (Mackey & Gass, 2021). The college EFL learners generally found Quizlet easy to use.
Detailed descriptive statistics are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Perceived Ease of Use of Quizlet

Item Mean SD Interpretation
1. The Quizlet website and/or mobile app was clear and understandable. 3.97 0.798 Positive
2. For me, it is easy to learn English vocabulary through Quizlet. 3.81 0.802 Positive
3. For me, it is easy to learn English receptive vocabulary knowledge through Quizlet. 3.94 0.816 Positive
4. For me, it is easy to learn English productive vocabulary knowledge through 3.88 0.769 Positive
5. For me, it is easy to become skillful in using Quizlet. 4.15 0.762 Positive
6. For me, it is easy to use Quizlet. 3.97 0.837 Positive
Overall Perceived Ease of Use 3.96 0.653 Positive

The findings reveal that Chinese college EFL learners enhancing English vocabulary skills among this group of
generally perceive Quizlet as an easy-to-use tool for learners.
vocabulary learning, with an overall mean score of 3.96 (SD
= 0.653). The highest ratings were given for the platform's B. Qualitative Data
clarity and understandability (M = 3.97, SD = 0.798) and the The qualitative data, collected through semi-structured
ease of becoming skillful in using it (M = 4.15, SD = 0.762), interviews, provided deeper insights into the quantitative
indicating that learners found Quizlet intuitive and accessible. findings. Thematic analysis identified three main themes
The ease of learning receptive vocabulary knowledge (M = related to Quizlet’s ease of use:
3.94, SD = 0.816) and productive vocabulary knowledge (M
= 3.88, SD = 0.769) were also positively rated, though slightly  User-Friendly Interface
lower. The overall ease of using Quizlet was similarly well- Participants frequently described Quizlet’s interface as
regarded (M = 3.97, SD = 0.837). These results suggest that intuitive and easy to navigate. One participant noted, "The
Quizlet is viewed as a user-friendly and effective platform for interface is straightforward. I quickly figured out how to use
all the features without confusion" (Student 22). Another

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

mentioned, "The instructions were easy to follow, and there In conclusion, the study contributes to the understanding
were no complicated features" (Student 4). This consistent of digital game-based learning tools, like Quizlet, as effective
feedback highlights the importance of a clear and accessible aids in vocabulary acquisition. The positive perception of
interface in enhancing the user experience. Quizlet's ease of use corroborates the TAM's assertion that
ease of use is a critical determinant in technology adoption
 Ease of Becoming Proficient (Davis, 1989). Moreover, the appreciation for Quizlet’s
Learners reported that becoming proficient in using multimedia features aligns with the literature, which suggests
Quizlet was straightforward. A participant stated, "It was a bit that interactive and multisensory learning experiences
challenging at first, but I quickly became skilled with regular enhance vocabulary retention (Chien, 2015; Dizon, 2016).
use" (Student 7). Another shared, "Using Quizlet is quite These insights are crucial for educators and developers
intuitive, especially since we are generally good with mobile aiming to optimize digital learning tools for language
phones" (Student 14). This theme emphasizes the platform’s education.
design, which allows for quick adaptation and skill

 Effective Vocabulary Learning The findings of this study have practical implications for
Participants appreciated Quizlet’s multimedia features, educators and developers of digital learning tools. For
such as visual aids and interactive modules, which facilitated educators, incorporating tools like Quizlet into teaching
vocabulary learning. One participant remarked, "The pictures strategies can provide a more engaging and effective way to
associated with the words help a lot in remembering them learn vocabulary, particularly for EFL learners who may
better" (Student 9). Another highlighted the multi-sensory benefit from visual and interactive content. It is
approach, "Quizlet’s integration of pictures and sounds recommended that educators guide students in the initial
makes learning more effective" (Student 21). The diverse stages of using such tools, as indicated by the participants'
modules, including flashcards, spelling tests, and matching initial learning curve.
games, were particularly valued for offering varied learning
experiences catering to different learning styles. For developers, the study underscores the importance of
a clear and intuitive interface. Ensuring that features are
IV. DISCUSSION easily accessible and user-friendly can significantly enhance
the learning experience. Additionally, incorporating
The findings align with previous research, underscoring multimodal elements such as images, sounds, and interactive
the significance of perceived ease of use in the adoption of exercises can cater to diverse learning preferences and
educational technologies (Davis, 1989; Duarte, 2019). enhance the overall effectiveness of the tool.
Quizlet's user-friendly interface and engaging features were
identified as key factors contributing to its positive reception VI. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
among Chinese college EFL learners. These results suggest
that when digital tools are designed with intuitive navigation This study has limitations that should be addressed in
and engaging content, they can significantly enhance the future research. The sample size and focus on a single
learning experience, making it more effective and enjoyable. institution limit the generalizability of the findings. Future
studies could explore the use of Quizlet across different
The study also highlights the importance of contextual educational contexts and with a more diverse sample.
factors in shaping learners’ perceptions. The participants’ Additionally, a longitudinal study could provide insights into
positive feedback on Quizlet's interface and features may the long-term effects of using Quizlet on vocabulary retention
reflect broader cultural attitudes towards technology and and overall language proficiency. Furthermore, examining
learning. Additionally, the ability to access Quizlet across the impact of Quizlet on different aspects of language
multiple devices aligns with the growing trend of mobile- learning beyond vocabulary, such as grammar or listening
assisted language learning (MALL), supporting findings by skills, could provide a more comprehensive understanding of
Mahdi (2017) that mobile platforms can enhance learning its utility in EFL education.
flexibility and accessibility.
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