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Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology: Differential

Effects of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Gender and Age

Adesina, Olusola .J., Ph.D, and Adesina, Abiodun. E., Ph.D

Department of Educational Psychology

Department of General Studies Education, School of Education, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo
*Corresponding author: e-mail:

The efficacy of flipped methodology is adequately reported, there is dart of evidence on the pre-service science
teachers’ perception of the novel pedagogy. Therefore, the study investigated perception of flipped instructional
methodology the differential effects of pre-service science teachers’ gender and age in Emmanuel Alayande College
of Education, Oyo. Two research questions and three hypotheses guided the study, adopting mixed method, both
qualitative and quantitative approaches (concurrent triangulation) to the research. 476 pre-service science teachers
were randomly selected for the study. Two instruments; Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology
Questionnaire (PFIMQ, R=.73) and Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology Interview (PFIMI, IRR=.81)
were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation.
T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the set hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings
showed that majority of the pre-service science teachers preferred flipped methodology to conventional lecture
method There is a significant pre-service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped methodology (N = 476, =
34.60; SD = 7.39; df = 475, t = 35.71, p < .05). The perception of flipped methodology was not differed by gender
and respondents’ age. It was therefore recommended that tertiary Institutions’ lecturers should adopt flipped
methodology to interact with their students and that tertiary institutions’ management to organise seminars, symposia,
lectures and workshops on the strategies to implement effectively the flipped methodology by the lecturers.

Keywords: Flipped instructional methodology, Pre-service science teachers’ gender, Pre-service science teachers’

Introduction form of media then the in-class interaction time is

There have been advocacy for more effective spent to apply the content through problems solving,
instructional methodology at the tertiary level of deeper coverage and interactions with peers. The
education. Guided inquiry (Olagunju & Ige, 2013); convention of flipped pedagogy has the underlying
technologically-aided instructions (Okebukola, fact of reversing or inverting the traditional teaching
2013; Olagunju & Adesina, 2017), practical and and learning approach from the dominance of the
pragmatic instruction, augmented-blended (Ige & lecturers linear transmission of contacts of
Oke, 2019; Adebiyi, 2019; Adesina, 2019; Kannan, instruction to the passive learners into an
Kuromiya; Gouripeddi; Majumdari; warriem & arrangement in which lecture materials can be
Ogata, 2020) had been recommended as active accessed at home in advance of the class interaction
learning strategies and many more techniques for and the in class time to focus on questioning and
efficient and effective teaching learning in tertiary answers, advance conceptual knowledge as well as
institutions. engaged peer-centred learning activities.
None of these focused on students’ attainment of the Jang and Kim (2020) identified flipped methodology
content knowledge outside the classroom setting. as an innovative instructional model which is gaining
However, flipped methodology seems to focus on popularity in higher education as it provides active
this paradigm shift. Flipped methodology according and students centered learning which enhances
to Toh; Tengah; Shahrill; Tan and Leong (2017) is students’ learning outcomes both the attitudinal and
that kind of instructional methodology in which there academic achievement. Unlike the traditional lecture
is a shift to students attainment of the content method, flipped pedagogy prompts the learners to
knowledge outside of the class or before class in any study instructional contents before class interaction,
IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
synchronously or asynchronously offline and interactive learning experiences that
instructions, the application of such independent development the learners’ complex reasoning,
personal learning to be done in in-class activities. metacognitive thinking, speaking, written
Jang and Kim (2020) posited that flipped communication skills and critical thinking skills.
methodology engages, enhances, enriches and Hew; Jia; Gonda and Bai (2020) gave the five phases
empowers both the lecturers and the students for framework of flipped methodology; These are:
mutual interchange of ideas in a more an Engage phase; Explore phase; Explain phase;
hypothetico-deductive model; they affirmed that Elaborate phase and the evaluate phase.
such arrangement provides students with engaging

Engage Re-Engage
Explore Elaborate
Explain Evaluation

Fig. I: Conceptual Framework of Flipped Methodology

(Source: Hew; Jia; Gonda & Bai, 2020)
have been learnt and summative at the end of the
instruction, questions and tests, quizzes are posed to
Figure I, the first three phases started at pre-class, enhance mastery of the content knowledge.
within the learners’ control and management. At the The study is premised on the Constructivists’
engage phase, the learner engages with the contents theories of human perception. Constructivist theories
of instruction through videos, lecture-notes, journal assume that the process of perception is a highly
articles, magazines, etc. Questions are asked to active process of extracting sensory stimuli, their
prompt students to brainstorming or critical thinking evaluation, interpretation and backward organization
which connect the new contents of instruction to of sensory stimulus. Perception is the end product of
their entry behaviour (previous knowledge). This the interaction between stimulus and internal
leads to the second phase, explore, here the questions hypotheses, expectations and knowledge of the
raised in the engage phase give the learners observer, while motivation and emotions play an
opportunities for exploration of the contents in order important role in this process. Perception is thus
to construct their own understanding of the topic at influenced by a wide range of individual factors that
hand. From the 2nd phase, having made succinct can lead to an inadequate interpretation. (Eysenck &
exploration, the students construct their knowledge Keane, 2008). While behaviorist background is
which form the basis for their explanation of the typical for the theory of direct perception,
topic(s) in consideration. The in-class phase, the constructivists accepted Helmholz’s principle of
lecturer whose task is instructional facilitator re- sensory data processing by means of unconscious
engage the learners with the content of instruction, inference (inference of colour (constancy). They also
using real world scenarios, poses problems or took into account the knowledge of Gestalt
question to be answered them enhance their active Psychology, which enabled them to look for
and constructive interactive instruction. At the fifth unconscious patterns of perception as well as to
phase, the lecturer provides more lucid information study the influence of conscious experience on
about the subject content of instruction using the irreversibility or reversibility of perceived shape.
lecture note or any other instructional materials, the
learners are prompt to class discussion, application Among the constructivist theories of perception
of the explored contents and the lecturer moderates proponents are Gregory and Gibson who integrated
or facilitates the interaction with prompting the phylogenetic flow of time (the influence of
feedback. The last phase, evaluation phase, is solely evolution on cognitive apparatus) into the process of
meant for integrated formative assessments right perception, Gregory used also the flow of
from the beginning of the flipped methodology for ontogenetic time. They emphasized the importance
continuous monitoring and revision of what ought to of our previous experience and that data have the

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
past and the future which can change themselves and using 123 students from the Faculty of Educational
they influence each other. They have some hidden Sciences of the University of Malaga (Spain) found
aspects that emerge only if influenced by various that the students perceived flipped pedagogy as
conditions. (Gregory, 1990). This is applicable to the effective in promoting learning that has a positive
present study as pre-service science NCE teachers’ effects on the students’ performance.
perception of flipped instructional methodology
would have impacts on their acceptability or not of Joseph, Roach, Natarajan, Karkada and Cayaban
the novel pedagogy which invariable would (2021) discovered that flipped classroom improves
influence their learning outcomes and efficiency via Omani nursing students performance and
the methodology. satisfaction in anatomy and physiology. They found
that the results of a survey showed that nursing
Blair, Maharaj and Primus (2015) analysed students were satisfied with the flipped classroom
performance and perception in the flipped classroom method. Overall, 68 to 78% of students agreed or
of the undergraduate Material Technology course at strongly agreed that the flipped classroom method
The University of the West Indies, the qualitative improved their learning and increased their interest
data shows that the flipped format led to a slight in the course. Nasera Putri and Purwaningsih (2021)
improvement in how students perceived the course examined students’ view of flipped classroom in
and the lecturer’s reflection shows that they are keen physics’ class. The new instructional strategy was
to continue with the flipped format as it allowed found to be more acceptable by the students in
more time for them to work with students at an teaching and learning of Physics.
individual level It was therefore recommended that
practitioners who intend to flip their classroom pay Birgili, Seggie and Oğuz (2021) investigated the
as much attention to student performance as they do trends and outcomes of flipped learning research
to students’ perception. between 2012 and 2018 using a descriptive content
analysis. The results indicate that most of the studies
Aljaraideh (2019) investigated students’ perception are conducted with students as the most frequent
of flipped classroom for private universities in study group and with a mixed-method research
Jordan. The results showed that the students’ design in the subject areas of education and
perceptions of flipped classroom in the Jordanian medicine. The fipped learning approach is mostly
private universities were high. This study conducted in higher education. As a region, Asia has
recommended the necessity of using flipped learning taken the lead in flipped learning studies. Finally, the
technique at universities in Jordan due to its outcomes of flipped learning indicate an increase in
efficiency in developing students’ understanding of student performance and positive influence on
the curriculum and in motivating them to become cognitive, affective, and soft skills.
active rather than passive participants in the
classroom. Onojah, Olumorin, Adegbija and Al-Husban and Alshorman (2020) studied
Babalola (2019) evaluated the perception of perceptions of Syrian student refugees towards
undergraduate students on the utilization of flipped blended learning, the implications for higher
classroom for learning in South-West Nigeria education institutions. Sampled 93 syrian refugees
established the invaluableness in the perception of and collected data using questionnaire, data were
undergraduate students of flipped pedagogy as analysed using frequencies, percentages, means,
useful and easy to use for learning. standard deviations and t-test. Results revealed that
the Syrian refugees have positive perceptions of the
Rathner and Schier (2020) assessed the impact of blended learning approach with which they are
flipped classroom andragogy on student assessment satisfied. Also, there was no significant difference in
performance and perception of learning experience participants’ perceptions of blended learning
in two advanced physiology subjects found that attributed to gender but age had a significant
students’ perception of their learning experience influence. As at 2020, Yeboah, Ampadu, Ahwireng
remained at or above the university benchmarks with and Okrah (2020) reported that the flipped
flipped classroom andragogy. Colomo-Magana, methodology has not been conceptualized into the
Solo-Varela, Ruiz-Palmero and Gomez-Garcia Ghanaian classroom and that majority of the teachers
(2020) surveyed university students’ perception of were not familiar with the model of flipped
the usefulness of the flipped classroom methodology pedagogy. The case in Nigeria is not so different as
IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
the researchers’ personal enquiring on the flipped experimental method (Raimi, Bolaji and Adesina,
pedagogy from their professional colleagues 2013; Wonu & Anakwe, 2014). Yu (2021) findings
revealed their low understanding of the regarding gender differences in online learning
methodology. Adesina (2021) experimented the outcomes tend to be inconsistent and even
flipped pedagogy with 300 level pre-service NCE paradoxicals regards online learning perseverance
teachers in GSE 323, Service and Technology in the and engagement. A similar finding was reported by
society adopting pre-text, proof-text quazi- Lu (2021) that students' perceptions of a blended
experimental design, found that there were learning environment to promote critical thinking
significant improvement in the student has inconsistent gender effects. This engenders need
innovativeness and metacognitive skills. Therefore, for further clarification on gender impacts on flipped
the present study investigates the views of the pre- methodology preferences. Therefore, this study
service science NCE teachers on the adoption of examines the gender difference in pre-service NCE
flipped methodology. teachers’ view of flipped instructional methodology.
Age is another variable that can easily differentiate
Asad, Ali, Churi and Moreno-Guerrero (2022) individual(s) behaviour or perception of a
studied the impact of flipped classroom approach on methodology (Gonzalez, Famirez & Viadel, 2015;
students’ learning in post-pandemic: a survey Afolabi, Afolabi & Adesina, 2018; Fleming; Mason
research on public sector schools reported that the & Paxton, 2018; Staddon, 2020). Ma, Chan and The
flipped classroom is a practical learning approach (2020) found, from a generational perspective, the
that enhanced student engagement, performance, older adult behaviour model more effective than the
and learning in the class. Torres-Martín, Acal, El- young behaviour model in increasing self-efficacy to
Homrani, and Mingorance-Estrada (2022). ICT methodology. Similar result was reported by
investigated implementation of the flipped Gomez-Garcia et al (2020) that age differentiated
classroom and its longitudinal impact on improving mathematics teachers on ICT training and use
academic performance in a quasi-experimental type perceptions.
of non-equivalent groups, with a longitudinal trend
design found that there is statistically significant Statement of the Problem
differences in the improvement of academic Evidence in research reveals that the novel flipped
performance with the flipped classroom instructional methodology improves students
methodology. Gopalan, Daughrity, and Hackmann learning outcomes both the attitudinal and the
(2022) in the past, the present, and the future of academic achievement. The views of the students
flipped teaching found a high trending of flipped stand a strong factor for the efficacy of the pedagogy.
pedagogy during the COVID-19 pandemic and the This has not been ascertained in Colleges of
future higher rise in the adoption of the methodology Education in Oyo township. Whenever the students
in the prospective post-pandemic era. Martín- have a negative perception of an instructional
Gutiérrez, and Hervás-Gómez (2022) in the flipped strategy, it affects their disposition, acceptability as
classroom and the development of competences: a well as their productivity through the methodology.
teaching innovation experience in higher education This study thus investigates the flipped instructional
in a qualitative and quantitative approaches (mixed methodology, the view of pre-service teachers in
methods), through a pre-experimental design Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo.
reported that there were significant differences in the
acquisition of knowledge after the application of the Objective of the Study
flipped pedagogy and that there was a significant The main thrust of the research is to examine the
impact on the students’ competence levels with a perception of pre-service science NCE teachers on
high levels of satisfaction in different concepts flipped instructional methodology.
The specific objectives of the study are:
Among the factors that moderate peoples view of an
issue; component or methodology is gender. Pre- i.To investigate the perception of pre-service science
service science NCE teachers’ position of being male NCE teachers on the flipped instructional
and female did influence their performance in methodology.
schools (Ndirika, 2013; Bamidele, 2018), the reverse
is the effect of gender on students’ perception of

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
ii.To assess whether there is gender difference in the Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo
pre-service science NCE teachers’ perception of were purposively sampled for the study (they were
flipped instructional methodology. already exposed to flipped instruction in GSE 323,
iii.To evaluate the effect of age difference in the pre- Science and Technology in Society). Altogether,
service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped there are 492 that responded to the questionnaire and
instructional methodology. the focused group interview.
Two instruments; Perception of Flipped
Research Questions Instructional Methodology Questionnaire (PFIMQ)
The following questions were answered in the study: and Perception of Flipped Instructional
i.What is the perception of the pre-service science Methodology Interview (PFIMI). PFIMQ was a
NCE teachers on the flipped instructional fifteen item instrument adopted from Onithin and
methodology? Adetodun (2018) Perception of Flipped Pedagogy
ii.Do the pre-service source NCE teachers prefer Scale. The 30-item instrum ent was a four- likert
flipped instructional methodology to the regular scale type with responses of Str ongly Agree, Agree,
conventional lecture method? Disagree, and Strongly Disagree, scored in 4,3,2,1
respectively for the items. The PFIMQ was trial-
Hypotheses tested at another College of Education in Oyo
The following hypotheses were tested at 0.05 township, the collated data were subjected to
level of significance: Cronbach’s Alpha reliability which yielded the value
Ho1: There is no significant perception of flipped of 0.73. PFIMI was a self-constructed tool with 10
instructional methodology of pre-service science items. The research instrument was given to experts
NCE teachers in Emmanuel Alayande Collede of in Test and Measurement as well as those in
Education, Oyo. psychometrics, their critiques and comments
Ho2: There is no significant gender difference of pre- enhance the face, content and construct validity of
service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped PFIMI. The scale was reduced to five items, the
instrumental methodology. items were trial tested with individuals outside the
Ho3: There is no significant age difference of pre- scope of the study, their collated responses were
service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped subjected to inter-rater reliability of FleisKappa
instructional methodology. which yielded a value of 0.81. The researchers
administered the validated instruments on the sample
Methodology of the study, on the spot collection was made to
The research adopted the mixed method of ensure hundred percent retrieval. The collated
qualitative and quantitative approach (concurrent interview was analysed thematically, the
triangulation). Qualitatively the sample of the study demographic variables of the respondents were
were interviewed, their responses were thematically represented in tables of frequency counts and
analysed to answer the research questions. percentages, mean and standard deviation were used
Quantitatively, questionnaire was administered on to answer the research questions, t-test and analysis
the sample in a likert-scale type of descriptive survey of variance (ANOVA) were used to test the set
design and the collated data were subjected to hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.
inferential statistics for hypotheses testing. The
300level pre-service science NCE teachers of

Table 1: Socio-demographic attributes of the Respondents
Variable Frequency Percentage (%)
Male 159 33.40

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
Female 317 66.60
Total 476 100.0
Age Group
18 - 21yrs 124 26.05
21 – 24yrs 217 45.59
25yrs & above 135 28.36
Total 476 100.0
Table 1 revealed that there are 159 (33.40%) male, 317 (66.60%) female. 124 (26.05%) 18 – 21 years, 217
(45.59%) 21 – 24 years and 135 (28.36%) respondents in the distribution.
Research Question 1: What is the perception of the
Answers to Research Questions pre-service science NCE teachers on the
flipped instructional methodology?

Table 2: Pre-service Science NCE Teachers’ Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology

S/N Items SA A D SD SD
1. I like flipped methodology of Freq. 279 115 25 57 3.27 1.21
teaching science. (%) 58.61 24.16 5.25 11.97
2. Flipped methodology lecture note are Freq. 253 156 28 39 3.09 2.47
easy to understand. (%) 53.15 32.77 5.88 8.19
3. Flipping methodology helps science Freq. 310 126 11 29 3.41 0.97
contents mastery. (%) 65.13 26.47 2.31 6.09
4. Flipped methodology has videos that Freq. 307 122 18 29 3.27 1.15
add meaning to lectures. (%) 64.50 25.63 3.78 6.09
5. Science contents are easy to learn Freq. 296 126 21 33 2.89 1.53
with flipped methodology. (%) 62.18 26.47 4.41 6.93
6. Flipped methodology makes students Freq. 311 118 11 36 3.29 0.75
more active in science classroom. (%) 65.34 24.79 2.31 7.56
7. Flipped methodology encourages Freq. 309 116 19 32 3.74 0.36
interactions with peers and lecturers. (%) 64.29 24.40 3.99 6.72
8. Flipped methodology enhances my Freq. 286 138 17 35 3.05 1.73
mind-on and hands-on in science (%) 60.08 28.99 3.57 6.93
9. Flipping science instruction enables Freq. 325 101 19 31 3.32 0.83
quick objectives attainment. (%) 68.27 21.22 3.99 6.51

10. Flipped methodology helps science Freq. 299 126 13 38 3.19 0.57
effective lesson evaluation. (%) 62.82 26.47 2.73 7.98

Grand Mean 3.46

methodology helps science contents mastery while

From table 2, majority of the pre-service science the remaining 40 (8.40%) disagreed with the
NCE teachers agreed that they like flipped statement. 429 (90.13%) agreed that flipped
methodology of instruction (394, 82.77%) while methodology have videos that add meaning to
minority of 82(17.23%) disagreed with the lectures while 47 (9.87%) disagreed that flipped
statement. 409 (85.92%) agreed that the flipped methodology gave videos that add meaning to
methodology lecture note are easy to understand lectures. 422 (88.66%) agreed that science contents
while the minority of 67 (14.08%) disagreed with the are easy to learn with flipped methodology whereas
assertion. 436 (91.60%) agreed that flipping 54 (11.34%) disagreed with the statement. 429

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
(90.13%) agreed that flipped methodology makes methodology to the regular conventional lecture
them more active in science classroom while 47 method?
(9.87%) disagreed with the assertion. 425 (89.29%)
agreed that flipped methodology encourages From the interview conducted, the majority of the
interactions with peers and lecturers, whereas 51 pre-service science NCE teachers preferred the
(10.71%) disagreed with the statement. 424 flipped methodology to the regular conventional
(89.08%) agreed that flipped methodology enhances lecture method. They averred to the fact that the
their minds and hand-on in science instruction flipped methodology makes the contents of
whereas 52 (10.92%) disagreed that flipped instruction down to earth; it enhances their active
methodology enhances their minds and hands-on in participation in the class, it exposes them to the nitty-
science instruction. 426 (89.50%) agreed that gritty of the course and thus encourage maximum
flipping science instruction enables quick objectives understanding of the course contents.
attainment while 50 (10.50%) disagreed with the
assertion. 425 (89.29%) agreed that flipped Hypotheses Testing
methodology helps science lesson effective Ho1: “There is no significant perception of flipped
evaluation whereas 51 (10.71%) disagreed with the instructional methodology of pre-service science
statement. NCE teachers in Emmanuel Alayande Collede of
Education, Oyo”
Research Question 2: Do the pre-service source
NCE teachers prefer flipped instructional

Table 3: T-test Analysis of Pre-service Science NCE Teachers’ Perception of Flipped Methodology
Flipped Methodology Perception N Mean SD df t Sig. R
Pre-service science NCE teachers 476 34.60 7.39 475 35.71 .001 *S

Table 3 reveals that there is significant pre- service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped
service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped methodology
methodology in Emmanuel Alayande College of Ho2: “There is no significant gender difference of
Education, Oyo (N = 492, = 34.60; SD = 7.39; df pre-service science NCE teachers’ perception of
flipped instructional methodology”
= 475, t = 35.71, p < .05). Therefore, the null
hypothesis that says there is no significant pre-

Table 4: T-test Analysis of Gender Difference in Pre-service Science NCE Teachers Perception
of flipped methodology
Flipped Methodology Perception N Mean SD df t Sig. R
Male 159 35.26
7.39 474 1.75 .051 NS
Female 317 34.89

Table 4 indicates that the t-test analysis of gender teachers’ perception of flipped methodology is
difference in pre-service science NCE teachers accepted.
perception of flipped methodology in Emmanuel Ho3: “There is no significant age difference in pre-
Alayande College of Education, Oyo is not service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped
significant (t = 1.75, df = 474; p > .05). Therefore, instructional methodology”
the null hypothesis that says there is no significant
gender difference in the pre-service science NCE

Table 5: Analysis of Variance of Age Difference in Pre-service Science NCE Teachers’ Perception of Flipped
Source of Variation Sum of Square df Mean F Sig. Remark
Treatment 628854.00 473 1328.501 2,071 .500 NS

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
Between 1282.793 2 641.397
Total 630136.793 475

Table 5 revealed that the analysis of variance of age effect on pre-service teachers’ perception of flipped
difference in the pre-service science NCE teachers’ instructional methodology.
perception of flipped methodology is not significant Furthermore, the pre-service science NCE teachers’
(F(473,2)=2.071, p>.05). Therefore, the null perception of flipped methodology was not
hypothesis that says there is no significant age beclonded by age differences. This is owing to the
difference in pre-service science NCE teachers’ fact that the novel methodology flipped pedagogy is
perception of flipped pedagogy was accepted. both acceptable to the adult and youths alike. This
finding is converse to the report of Ma, Chan and Teh
Discussion (2020) that generational perspective of the older
From the answered research question, it was persons was better than the younger ones. Also, the
identified that the pre-services science NCE teachers results contrast the findings of Gomez-Garcia et al
preferred the flipped methodology to the regular (2020) that age differentiated mathematician
conventional lecture method. This is because the teachers’ perspective on ICT training and utilization.
methodology, flipped strategy is novel, learners’
centered heuristic and interactive mode of Conclusion
instruction. The reasons for this result is found in From the answered research question and tested
Asad, Ali, Churi and Moreno-Guerrero (2022) that hypotheses, it can be sincerity concluded that:
the flipped classroom is a practical learning approach 1. Pre-service science NCE teachers’ prefer flipped
that enhances student engagement, performance, and methodology than (to) the regular conventional
learning in the class. This finding finds supports in lecture method.
Blair, Maharaj and Primus (2015), Aljaraideh 2. The preference of flipped methodology by the
(2019), Nasera Putrl and Purwaningsih (2021) that pre-service science NCE teachers’ was not
majority of the learners’ perceived flipped pedagogy beclouded by gender and age.
better than the conventional instructional strategy. It
equally corroborate the findings of Martín-Gutiérrez, Recommendations
and Hervás-Gómez (2022) that there were From the conclusion reached in the study: the
differences in the acquisition of knowledge after the following are recommended:
application of the flipped pedagogy and that there 1. Tertiary Institutions’ lecturer should adopt
was a high impact on the students’ competence flipped methodology to interact with their students
levels and satisfaction in different concepts. as it is widely preferred by the majority of the
From the tested hypothesis, it was found that there is students compared to the conventional lecture mode.
significant pre-service science NCE teachers’ 2. The tertiary institutional management to organize
perception of flipped pedagogy. This results seminars, symposia, lectures and workshops on the
corroborate the findings of Birgili Seggie and Ogniz strategies to implement effectively the flipped
(2021), Rashner and Schier (2020) that flipped methodology by the lectures.
methodology raised students’ perception of their
leaning experiences above the minority benchmarks.
Additionally, from the tested hypothesis, it was
identified that the pre-service science NCE teachers’
perception of flipped methodology was not
influenced by gender. This finding agrees with the
reports of Raimi, Bolaji and Adesina (2013), Wonu
and Anakwe (2014) that gender did not influence
students’ perception of methodology efficiency. The
inconsistencies in gender effects on students’
perceptions of instructional methodology by Lu
(2021) and Yu (2021) were equally clarified by the
finding that indicated that gender had no significant

IJELICT Vol. 1 No. 1
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