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Chapter 1 Group 4 Final

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Teaching Techniques and Learning Process among

Selected Teachers and Students

Ylyza Joy V. Loyola

Ryza Maria Lei O. Japsay

Prescious Marie A. Joaquin

Jennylyn P. Losala

Ysha Fennelah J. Huraño

Von Yency V. Jumbas

Romel D. Murgia

Arjay P. Geronimo

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

This chapter is comprised of the following parts: (1)

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2)

Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis, (3)

Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of Terms, and (5)

Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Rationale of the Study,

presents the rationale for selecting the present research

and the study’s frame of reference that strengthens the

reason for investigation.


Part Two, Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis,

states the general and specific problems addressed in the

study and the Hypotheses to be tested.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, discusses the

benefits each end–user may derive from and how they can

gain from the results.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, defines the key terms

and variables used in the study, both conceptually and


Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, specifies the

limits as well as the boundaries of the research in terms

of the variables, materials, and statistical tools used in

the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

Teaching is an act of imparting or providing knowledge

or skills to another. Thus, the act, occupation, or

profession of a teacher. It encompasses both instruction in

procedures, a process to guide students to the information

they will need, and challenging them to engage in thinking

about concepts they construct in their minds. Biesta (2015)

states that in education, students acquire knowledge,

character, morals, and skills. Rapid changes in the modern

world have caused the Education System to face a great


variety of challenges. Therefore, training more eager,

thoughtful individuals in interdisciplinary fields is

required. Thus, research and exploration to figure out

useful and effective teaching techniques and learning

processes are one of the most important necessities of

educational systems.

Teaching techniques are the unique ways of carrying

out a particular task, in the teaching and learning

process. Thus, it’s the individual teachers’ unique way of

applying a strategy. Teaching becomes more effective when

it is performed in a quicker response to the needs of the

learner so that blending various techniques to deliver

knowledge and ideas becomes necessary. In a typical college

classroom, this presents as a teacher lecturing at the

front of the room while students feverishly take notes.

However, it is probably more likely that most instructors

do not solely teach in this passive fashion but also have

engaging or interactive classroom moments or situations.

Perhaps this is because many recent studies (Michel, et

al., 2019) suggest that the passive method may not be the

most effective way for students to learn.

Rather, current research advocates for teaching

techniques that encourage students to actively engage in

the material because classroom engagement has been found to


promote deeper levels of thinking and better facilitate

encoding, storage, and retrieval than traditional lecture

(Levine, 2016). Techniques help learners participate,

connect, and add excitement to the content being delivered.

As students become familiar with the various techniques

teachers use, some can even apply those techniques

independently as they learn new material. Effective

teaching strategies are the methods, procedures, or various

processes that an educator uses during classroom


These strategies are the vehicle to which teachers

drive their instruction to meet standards and reach their

students’ educational needs. Every student in a classroom

is unique, therefore teachers need to use different

teaching methodologies or to find a method that can reach

all students effectively. Other reasons to look for new

techniques of teaching are the advancement in communication

technology; information technology and in particular

education technology, these have changed the minds of

current generations.

Learning processes are defined as a set of approaches

that learners use to acquire information and knowledge,

such as taking notes, organizing information, summarizing,

and coding (Muelas & Navarro, 2015). Teachers must know,


that all students do not learn in the same way at the same

time. Students in the class have a variety of levels in any

particular subject.

Learning can be considered as change that is

permanent in nature because change is brought into students

by a teacher through techniques like developing specific

skills, changing some attitudes, or understanding specific

scientific laws operating behind a learning environment.

Moreover, students also want their instructor to be

cooperative and humorous teach clearly, and usually use

relevant examples so that the course material being taught

becomes easy to understand (Becker et al, 2019).

Motivation for learning can be positively or

negatively stimulated through different reinforcements,

which constitute a pleasant or unpleasant consequence

during the development of a certain activity. The student

motivation during the study process positively influences

the learning outcome. Moreover, studying is related to both

the quantitative issue of time for studying and the

qualitative issue of how the students study or what they do

during their studies.

This study is anchored on Smith’s theory of teaching

(Smith, 1969). The theory of teaching answers three

questions: how do teachers behave, why do they behave as


they perform, and with what effect? Smith defines the

theory of teaching. The teacher who is not theoretically

trained will interpret events and objects in terms of

comminutions concepts that have come from the experience of

the race permeated without model ideas about human

behavior. It explains, predicts, and controls how the

teacher's behaviors affect the learning of students.

Another theory is Albert Bandura’s Social Learning

Theory (SLT) (Bandura, 1977). Social learning proposes that

individuals learn through the observation of “models,” such

as friends and family members, movie and television

characters, or — most significantly for educators — their

teachers and other authority figures at school. According

to Social Learning Theory, observers process and think

about what they witness being modeled, which — combined

with environmental factors — results in the assimilation

and imitation of positive or negative behaviors.

The main purpose of this paper is to discuss and

compare the effects of teaching techniques on the learning

process of students.

The conceptual framework of the study is shown in the

Figure 1. As can be seen in the figure, the independent

variable is the Teaching Techniques while the dependent

variable is the Learning Process of teachers and students.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Teaching Learning
Techniques Process

Figure 1. Learning Process as Influenced by the Teaching


Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis

This survey-correlational study attempted to determine

the teaching techniques and learning process among selected

teachers and students of Vicente Andaya Sr. National High

School for the school year 2023-2024.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following


1. What is the level of teaching techniques of the


2. What is the level of the learning process of the


3. Is there a significant relationship between

teaching techniques and the learning process of the

teachers and students?


Based on the preceding problems, the hypothesis below is


1. There is no significant relationship between

teaching techniques and the learning process of the

teachers and students.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will be of great help to the

following: students, teachers, school administrators, and

other researchers.

Students. The result of this will be beneficial for

students. They may acquire knowledge about the impact of

different teaching techniques on their learning process.

They would also better understand what kind of teaching

techniques suit them best.

Teachers. The result of this study will provide them

with more knowledge about students’ Learning Processes

through which they may plan their lessons to match or adapt

their teaching and to provide the most appropriate and

knowledgeable activities or tasks to suit the student’s

learning process. This could be one of the basis for their

teaching methods. Through this also they would know if

their teaching techniques are outstanding or needs more


Parents. They too, may profit from the findings by

making use of the results of this study as a guide to

follow up their children at home about their school work

and be true partners of the school in their children’s

education. They would also be able to tell if their

children’s learning process is excellent or poor.

School administrators. They may encourage their

teachers to adapt to the different learning processes of

their students. Since they play an important role in the

improvement of learning situations in their schools, they

may have newer insights on how they could improve teachers’

instructional efficiency.

Future researchers. This study would be able to assist

them in the future and the result of this study can be one

of their basis or reference in making new studies.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms were

defined conceptually and operationally:

Teaching Techniques -- refers to the methods and

strategies used by teachers to deliver knowledge and

facilitate learning. (

teaching-technique-3vsju180c1: ret. 2/10/2024).


In this study, referred to the different teaching

techniques of teachers in Vicente Andaya Sr. National High

School. It also referred to the responses of students on

14-item adopted Teaching Techniques Questionnaire based on

Murcia, Belando, and Silveria’s Teaching Techniques (2015).

It was responded as 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3

= Uncertain, 4 = Agree, 5= Strongly Agree and was

interpreted as Outstanding (4.21 –5.00), Very Satisfactory

(3.41 –4.20), Satisfactory (2.61 –3.40), Fairly

Satisfactory (1.81 –2.60), and Needs Improvement (1.00 –


Learning Process – refers to the process that people

pass through to acquire new knowledge and skills and

ultimately influence their attitudes, decisions, and

actions. (


ret. 2/10/2024).

In this study, referred to the different learning

styles of the students. It also referred to the responses

of the students on a 15-item adopted Learning Process

Questionnaire based on Biggs Learning Process (1987). It

was responded as 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 =

Uncertain, 4 = Agree, 5= Strongly Agree and was interpreted

as Excellent (4.21 –5.0), Very Good (3.41 –4.20), Good


(2.61 –3.40), Poor (1.81 –2.60), and Very Poor (1.00 –


Delimitation of the Study

This survey-correlational study attempted to determine

the teaching techniques and learning process among selected

teachers and students of Vicente Andaya Sr. National High

School, Sigma, Capiz for the school year 2023-2024. The

data needed were gathered using the 14-item adopted

Teaching Techniques Questionnaire based on Murcia, Belando,

and Silveria’s Teaching Techniques (2015) and another 15-

item adopted Learning Process Questionnaire based on Biggs

Learning Process (1987). The study involved 30 students and

30 teachers from Vicente Andaya Sr. High School for the

school year 2023-2024. Purposive sampling was used in

identifying the sample participants. In order to interpret

the data, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard

deviation were used. The inferential statistic employed was

the Pearson r which was set at .05 alpha.

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