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Imperialism- a term often used interchangeably with colonialism,

expansionism and militarism, when marxists talk about

imperialism, we’re referring to something else, now that something
else will generally include colonialism, expansionism and
militarism, but these are only secondary aspects of it.

We’re talking primarily about an economic mechanism. Now this

may necessitate war , or it may take peacefully. It may utilize
colonialism or expansionism or may find alternative, more efficient
way of being carried out.

To delineate this marxist conception of imperialism from earlier

forms of imperialism, we can refer to this phenomenon as

Talking about which it refers to stage of capitalism which occurs

after industrial capitalism which emerged at beginning of the 20th
century and continues to this day.

At this stage-
• Free competition among capitalist has led to a concentration of
production and capital which has given ways to monopolies which
now plays a decisive role.
• Industrial capital becomes merged with bank capital, creating
what known as FINANCE CAPITAL, those who wield this
controlling both industry and banks merge with the bourgeois
govt. and come to form a FINANCIAL OLIGARCHY.
• Rather than just commodities being exported, now capital itself is
exported around the world. This export of capital, as opposed to
export of commodities, makes less developed countries dependent on
the imperialist powers.
• International monopolist capitalist association is formed to divvy
up the loot globally. And finally,
• Territorial division of the entire world b/w the great capitalist power
has been completed.
Monopolies are inevitable outgrowth of capitalism. Consequently
capital becomes concentrated into fewer and fewer hands as a large
number of small businesses becomes small number of large
businesses, which later on forms cartels, syndicates and trusts with
one another in order to reduce outside competition and maximize
profit. They divide the market amongst themselves, fix the quantity
of goods and services to be produced, fix prices & divvy up the loot.

Point being - at a certain point in the development of capitalism, the

free market and its open competition becomes its polar opposite -
OLIGOPOLY. A close network of 147 companies controls over 40% of
total corporate assets globally.

However, industrial capitalist wouldn’t get far without banks, as

capitalism develops the capital of industry and banks grow more
intertwined, eventually becoming indistinguishable. This merging
of monopoly industrial capital and monopoly banking capital
becomes what known as “finance capital” . Welding monopolized
industry in one hand and monopolized banking in other the
financial oligarchy comes to dominate all areas of society at highest
stage of capitalism.

Now the domination of finance capital isn’t confined to just

national boundaries. This is not simply the export of commodities-
thats typical old capitalism , typical of the latest stage , when
monopolize rule, is the export of capital. As opposed to basic
international trade, export of capital would instead include
endeavors like giving out loans and making money from interest;
setting up companies in countries where labour power could be
purchased cheaply facilitating exploitation of labour and
corresponding super profit, and a whole range of other FDIs, which
develops relations of dependence internationally upon the imperialist
powers. So through these ways and more the financial oligarchy
continues to loot.
Now similar to cartels and syndicates set up to manage affairs
locally, at the stage of imperialism we also see development of
International monopolist capitalist associations to manage affairs
at global level. Prominent examples would include- UN, world bank,
IMF & the WTO. While most country are the part of these associations
, imperialist powers like the united states and united kingdom
monopolies these through various means. Generally, by contributing
the most financially and having the largest holding, they hold the
largest share of voting rights which they can then use to force their
preferred policies upon the oppressed nations. We see this concretely
with IMF and world bank wherein the US alone holds over 17% of
voting rights for each.

Lastly the stage of monopoly capitalism is characterized by the

completion of territorial division. When Lenin was writing
Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism in 1916, this referred
primarily to literal territorial divisions- colonialism. World just
witnessed scramble for Africa of late 19th century , whereas western
European power carved up and dished out almost the entire African
continent amongst themselves, locking down their spheres of

However the direct political control of colonialism would often

provoke armed rebellion against the imperialists, so….over the course
of 20th century, the imperialist powers instead moved towards
embracing Neo-colonialism. With this countries could be nominally
independent politically, but economically these countries would
continue to be dominated by and dependent upon imperialist powers.
So taking about territorial division we’re referring to the spheres of
influence that are maintained with neo-colonialism.

Unlike with the direct colonialism , where a colony would be

dominated by just one imperialist power, neo-colonialism allows
multiple powers to exploit simultaneously , with each of these power
working together to super exploit the semi-colony and parasitically
funnel wealth and resources back to their imperialist core.
imperialism is considered the last stage of capitalism because it
represents the pinnacle of capitalist exploitation and domination of
the world economy.

Concentration & centralization of capital that leads to monopolies ,

refer to Ch-25, section 2- Karl Marx’s capital vol.1

Lenin - capitalism grows in a country till all the best markets have
been utilized, monopolies exploit the home market to full extent,
eventually competition at home ceases. They turn their attention to
underdeveloped countries. Trade becomes global and so does the
competition between nations for world markets.

Capitalistic age by Marx - when capitalism at its peak , capital class

will exploit working class (bourgeoise exploring proletariat) then
would come a revolutionary crises, they will revolt, dictatorship,
classless society, socialism & communism. But nothing of this sort
happened cause Marx failed to observe imperialistic stage. Lenin
observed capitalist nations have avoided this crisis by expanding the
pool of worker they exploited & by introducing welfare programs.

As capitalist economies mature, as capital accumulates…& profit rate

falls in one’s home territory, the capitalist economies are compelled to
seize colonies and create dependencies to serve as markets.

so with little relief of welfare programs , the revolution is being

halted at home territory. And, the colonies (underdeveloped nations)
are in no position to revolt as they are made dependent for their

“The acquisition of colonies had enabled the capitalist economies to

dispose of their unconsumed goods, to acquire cheap resources and to
vent their surplus capital.”
For Lenin, profit seeking capitalists could not be expected to use
surplus capital to improve the living standard to proletariat, so that
capitalist societies/class would remain unevenly the developed ones,
with some class prospering, so in poverty.

So had they been using welfare programs in own nation time to

time, this gap of class would have filled, which was not acceptable. So
at first this unevenness was within a nation and among classes, but
soon it went global. The imperial phase of capitalism transferred this
duality of wealth and poverty onto the world stage. It could be the
introduction to third world countries, one developed country, one
underdeveloped and other being the capitalist country.

The same forces that drive the bourgeoise to exploit the proletariat
ultimately drive the capitalist core nations to dominate and exploit
less developed countries.

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