At this stage-
• Free competition among capitalist has led to a concentration of
production and capital which has given ways to monopolies which
now plays a decisive role.
• Industrial capital becomes merged with bank capital, creating
what known as FINANCE CAPITAL, those who wield this
controlling both industry and banks merge with the bourgeois
govt. and come to form a FINANCIAL OLIGARCHY.
• Rather than just commodities being exported, now capital itself is
exported around the world. This export of capital, as opposed to
export of commodities, makes less developed countries dependent on
the imperialist powers.
• International monopolist capitalist association is formed to divvy
up the loot globally. And finally,
• Territorial division of the entire world b/w the great capitalist power
has been completed.
Monopolies are inevitable outgrowth of capitalism. Consequently
capital becomes concentrated into fewer and fewer hands as a large
number of small businesses becomes small number of large
businesses, which later on forms cartels, syndicates and trusts with
one another in order to reduce outside competition and maximize
profit. They divide the market amongst themselves, fix the quantity
of goods and services to be produced, fix prices & divvy up the loot.
Lenin - capitalism grows in a country till all the best markets have
been utilized, monopolies exploit the home market to full extent,
eventually competition at home ceases. They turn their attention to
underdeveloped countries. Trade becomes global and so does the
competition between nations for world markets.
The same forces that drive the bourgeoise to exploit the proletariat
ultimately drive the capitalist core nations to dominate and exploit
less developed countries.