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Multiple Choice: Read and Understand Questions Before Answering. Encircle The Letter of Your Answer

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Multiple Choice: Read and understand questions before answering.

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1. Which law states that the direction can induced current is such that its own magnetic field
opposes the original change in magnetic flux that induced the current?
A. Law of conservation of energy C. Lenz’s Law
B. Faraday’s Law D. Huygen’s Law
2. If the magnetic flux through an area bounded by a closed conducting loop changes with time, a
current and an emf are produced in the loop. What do you call the process described?
A. Induction B. Intensity C. Current D. EMF
3. Which vector quantity is defined as the dot product of the magnetic field and the area vector?
A. Electric Field C. Induction
B. Magnetic Flux D. Induced EMF
4. Which of the following is a nonconservative field where it does network in moving a charge over
a closed path?
A. Magnetic field C. Induced emf
B. Electrostatic electric field D. Induced Electric field.
5. A magnetic field B= 0.6T is directed upward through a circular loop of diameter 7 cm and 500
turns. The loop is initially horizontal, so it is perpendicular to the magnetic field. It rotates through a
horizontal axis so that the plane of the loop is at 74° with the horizontal axis within 1 second. What
is the magnitude of the induced emf?
A. -15.3 V B. 17.6 V C. 16.4 V D. -18.18 V
For # 6-7. A circular coil 50 cm in diameter is rotating in a magnetic field directed upward with a
magnitude of 65 mT.

6. Calculate the magnetic flux through the coil at figure A.

A. 10.0 T∙m2 B. 0.10 Wb C. 1.00 T∙m2 D.-0.01 Wb
7. Calculate the magnetic flux through the coil at figure B.
A. 5.00 Wb B. 50.0 T∙m2 C. 0.05 Wb D. 0.50 T∙m2
8. Which law states that the direction can induced current is such that its own magnetic field
opposes the original change in magnetic flux that induced the current?
A. Law of conservation of energy C. Lenz’s Law
B. Faraday’s Law D. Huygen’s Law

9. A strong permanent magnet is plunged into a coil and left in the coil. What is the effect
produced on the coil after a short time?
A. The coil winding becomes hot. C. A high voltage is induced.
B. The insulation of the coil burns out. D. There is no effect.
10. What is the charge of AC produced by a generator?
A. positive or negative C. negative and positive
B. positive and neutral D. negative and negative
11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about DC current flow?
A. DC current flows from negative to positive.
B. DC current flows at a constant rate.
C. Battery operated items are examples of DC power.
D. All DC powered items need to be plugged in.
For #12 – 20, identify or fill in the information needed on the paragraph. Choose your answers on
the choices below.
Transverse Spectrum Electricity
Permeability Magnetism Wavelength
Mechanical Vacuum Relativity
Frequency Energy Permittivity

Electromagnetic waves are (12.) ______________ waves with a wide range of properties and uses.
EM waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through (13.) ____________
of space. Electromagnetic waves can be separated into seven distinct groups in the
(14.)______________. The behavior of an electromagnetic wave in a substance depends on its
(15.)_____________ or (16.)_____________. Maxwell's calculation of the speed of an
electromagnetic wave included two important constants: the (17.)_______________ and
(18.)_______________ of free space. The speed of an electromagnetic wave comes directly from
a fundamental consideration of (19.)______________ and (20.)________________.
21. Which law states that when a light ray is transmitted into a new medium, the relationship between
the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction is given by the following equation ni•sine(Θi) = nr
• sine(Θr)
A. Snell’s Law C. Malus’ Law
B. Law of Reflection D. Law of Diffraction
22. Which property of waves involves the bending of the path of a light wave upon crossing a
boundary and entering a new medium.
A. Diffraction B. Reflection C. Refraction D. Dispersion
23. Three polarized are placed such that, the first and the third are mutually perpendicular to each
other. Unpolarized light of intensity Io is incident or first polarized. The intensity of light emerging
from the third polaroid’s is (1/16) of the intensity of incident light. Find the angle between first the
angle between first and second polaroid.
A. α= 24.5o B. α= 25.6o C α= 30.5o D. α= 31.5o
24. A polarized light of intensity I0 is passed through another polarizer whose pass axis makes an
angle of 60 degrees with the pass axis of the former. What is the intensity of emergent polarized
light from second polarizer?
A. 0.25 Io B. 0.26 Io C. 0.27 Io D. 0.28 Io
25. What angle is needed between the direction of polarized light and the axis of a polarizing filter
to reduce its intensity by 90.0%?
A. 74.1o B. 73.1o C. 71.6o D. 72.6o
26. Light traveling through an optical fiber (n=1.44) reaches the end of the fiber and exits into air. If
the angle of incidence on the end of the fiber is 30o, what is the angle of refraction outside the
A. 46o B. 64o C. 40o D. 72o
27. Which is always drawn perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence?
A. Normal Line C. Reflected Ray
B. Incident Ray D. Refracted Ray
28. What is the point where the incident ray strikes the boundary?
A. Incidence Point C. Reflected Point
B. Normal Point D. Refracted Point
29. What mirror has a curved reflecting surface is called?
A. Plane Mirror C. Simple Mirror
B. Spherical Mirror D. Complex Mirror
30. What type of image will be formed by a convex lens If the object is placed between the focal
point and the lens?
A. Larger and upside-down C. Larger and right side up
B. Smaller and upside-down D. Smaller and right side up
31. Some yellow objects absorb yellow light but reflect red and green light. If we shine yellow light
on such a yellow object, what color will appear to our eyes?
A. Yellow B. Green C. Red D. Black
32. What happens to the light rays when they pass from a less dense medium to a denser medium?
A. It bends towards the normal line.
B. It bends away from the normal line.
C. The light rays bounce back to the original medium.
D. The light rays create critical angles.
33. When a person is in front of a left-right reversal mirror, what happens to the image at the mirror
when the person raises his right hand?
A. The image raises what would seem to be right hand of the person.
B. The image raises what would seem to be left hand of the person.
C. The image of the person will be inverted.
D. The image of the person will be duplicated.
34. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror can be positive or negative. What does it mean to
have a negative radius of curvature of a convex mirror?
A. The radius of curvature for a convex mirror is defined to be negative.
B. The radius of curvature for a concave mirror is defined to be negative.
C. The radius of curvature for a concave mirror is defined to be positive.
D. The radius of curvature for a convex mirror is defined to be positive.
35. What is a monochromatic wave?
A. A wave of a single frequency C. A wave of half frequency
B. A wave of double frequency D. A wave of ¾ frequency
36. What are the two types of interference wave?
A. Diffraction and Construction C. Constructive and Destructive
B. Construction and Diffuser D. Destructive and Diffraction
37. Which of the following describes Huygen's Principle?
A. Every point on a wavefront act as a source of lots of secondary spherical
wavelets, which can therefore interfere with each other.
B. A wave can produce an interference pattern.
C. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
D. The speed of light is constant in every direction.
38. From the double-slit, it is important for these quantities to be measured except for?
A. Slit separation. C. Fringe separation
B. Slit-to-screen separation D. Lens separation
39. This phenomenon of light is commonly defined as the bending of light around corners such
that it spreads out and illuminates’ areas where a shadow is expected.
A. Diffraction C. Destructive Diffraction
B. Interference D. Constructive Interference
40.What refers to the interference pattern of light and dark bands on the screen?
A. Graphical pattern B. light spectrum C. Line spectrum D. fringes
41. Which of the following is NOT a postulate of the special theory of relativity?
A. Force Postulate C. Energy Postulate
B. speed of light postulate D. Mass postulate
42. Which of the following physical properties does NOT change when speed of objects
approaches the speed of light?
A. length B. mass C. time D. Inertia
43. Who were the two American scientists who tried to detect the existence of ether
A. Michelson and Newton C. Michelson and Einstein
B. Michelson and Morley D. Michelson and Graham
44. What happens to the mass of an object at rest when it moves closer to the speed of light?
A. The mass of an object increases.
B. The mass of an object decreases.
C. The mass of an object stays the same.
D. The object is impossible to travel in the speed of light.
45. What happens to the length of an object when it moves closer to the speed of light?
A. The length parallel to its direction of motion will be observed to be longer.
B. The length parallel to its direction of motion will be observed to be shorter.
C. The length perpendicular to its direction of motion will be observed to be shorter.
D. The length perpendicular to its direction of motion will be observed to be longer.
46. What is the property of matter or an object to remain at rest when it is at rest and constantly
moving in a straight line unless there is an external force that will affect its state.
A. Malleability C. Inertia
B. Viscosity D. Density
47. What is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to
another observer.
A. Time Dilation C. Time Warping
B. Space Dilation D. Time Shortening
48. What is the phenomenon that a moving object’s length is measured to be shorter than its
proper length, which is the length as measured in the object’s own rest frame.
A. Mass Contraction C. Length Contraction
B. Dimension Contraction D. Velocity Contraction
49. What is the mass of the electron traveling at half the speed of light? (Mass of an electron at
rest is 9.11 x 10-31 kg.)
A. 1.05 𝑥 10−30 kg C. 1.05 𝑥 10−32 kg
B. 1.05 𝑥 10−31 kg D. 1.05 𝑥 10−33 kg
50. How much work must be done to a proton to accelerate it from rest to 0.998c? (Mass of a
proton is 1.67 x 10-27kg)
A. 5 𝑥 10−18 J C. 5 𝑥 10−20 J
B. 5 𝑥 10−19 J D. 5 𝑥 10−21 J
51. During Einstein’s Photoelectric Experiment, what changes are observed when the frequency of
the incident radiation is increased?
A. The value of saturation current increases C. The value of stopping potential increases
B. The value of stopping potential decreases D. No effect
52. How does the intensity affect the photoelectric current?
A. As intensity increases, the photoelectric effect increases.
B. As the intensity increases, the photoelectric effect decreases.
C. As the intensity decreases, the photoelectric effect becomes twice.
D. No effect
53. On which part of the photoelectric cell does the radiation strikes?
A. Cathode B. Anode C. Ammeter D. Radiation does not strike photoelectric cell.
54. Which of the following explains photoelectric emission?
A. Wave nature of light C. Particle nature of light
B. Dual nature of light D. Quantum nature
55. Who is responsible for the model of the atom where electrons travel in specific paths or orbits
around the nucleus?
A. Einstein B. Bohr C. Planck D. Dalton
56. What is atomic emission spectroscopy?
A. The measurement of intensity of emitted light at a particular wavelength from the atoms
that are discharged thermally.
B. The measurement of absorbance of emitted light at a particular wavelength from the
atoms that are discharged thermally.
C. The measurement of intensity of emitted light at a particular wavelength from the atoms
that are discharged by monochromatic light.
D. The measurement of intensity of absorbed light at a particular wavelength from the
atoms that are discharged thermally.
57. What causes the emission of radiant energy that produces characteristic spectral lines?
A. gamma ray emission from the nucleus
B. return of electrons to lower energy levels
C. neutron absorption by the nucleus
D. movement of electrons to higher energy levels
58. A radioactive source has a half-life of 80 s. How long will it take for 7/8 of the source to decay?
A. 10 s B. 70 s C. 240 s D. 640 s
59. What is the percentage of a 200g sample of Nitrogen-16 that decays to 12.5g in 21.6sec?
A. 12.5% B. 6.25% C. 25% D. 100%
60. Thallium-208 has a half-life of 3.053min. How long does it take for 120g to decay to 7.50?
A. 21.12min B. 6.106min C. 48.84min D. 12.21min

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