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SAT Suite Question Bank - Results (Medium)

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Question ID a38c0182

Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: a38c0182
Fans of science fiction will ______ multiple references to classic sci-fi stories in Janelle Monáe’s song lyrics, including her
recurring nods to the plot of the 1927 sci-fi film Metropolis.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. appreciate the

B. appreciate. The

C. appreciate, the

D. appreciate: the

ID: a38c0182 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested here is punctuation between a verb and object. No punctuation is
needed between the verb ("appreciate") and its object ("the multiple references..."). The object helps complete the idea of the
verb—in this case, it explains what fans of science fiction will appreciate—and any punctuation between the two results in an
ungrammatical sentence.

Choice B is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the verb and its object. Choice C is incorrect because no
punctuation is needed between the verb and its object. Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the
verb and its object.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 91d28dac
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 91d28dac
After the printing press was introduced in 1440, handwritten manuscripts from Europe’s medieval period were often
destroyed and the paper used for other purposes. In one instance, pages ______ a collection of Norse tales dating to 1270
were discovered lining a bishop’s miter (hat).

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. from:

B. from,

C. from

D. from—

ID: 91d28dac Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The word “from” introduces a prepositional phrase that modifies the noun “pages” and provides
essential information about their origin. No additional punctuation is needed after “from” in this context.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice results in a punctuation error, illogically separating the preposition “from” from the rest of
the prepositional phrase with a colon. Also, a colon can only follow an independent clause, but what comes before the blank
could not stand on its own as a complete sentence. Choice B is incorrect. This choice results in a punctuation error,
illogically separating the preposition “from” from the rest of the prepositional phrase with a comma. Choice D is incorrect.
This choice results in a punctuation error, illogically separating the preposition “from” from the rest of the prepositional
phrase with a dash.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 62e13c74
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 62e13c74
In the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo is a leader of Umuofia (a fictional Nigerian clan) and takes pride in
his culture’s traditions. However, when the arrival of European missionaries brings changes to Umuofia, the novel asks a
central question: How ______

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Umuofia’s traditions will be affected.

B. will Umuofia’s traditions be affected.

C. Umuofia’s traditions will be affected?

D. will Umuofia’s traditions be affected?

ID: 62e13c74 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The clause before the colon tells us that the novel “asks a question,” so the clause after the
colon should be in the conventional form of a question: with the verb before the subject, and a question mark at the end.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice ends the sentence with a period, which isn’t right. The clause before the colon tells us that
the novel “asks a question,” so the clause after the colon should be that question. Choice B is incorrect. This choice ends the
sentence with a period, which isn’t right. The clause before the colon tells us that the novel “asks a question,” so the clause
after the colon should be that question. In Standard English, questions place the verb before the subject and end with a
question mark. Choice C is incorrect. This choice doesn’t conform to the conventions of Standard English. In Standard
English, questions place the verb before the subject.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 5e5fb74a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 5e5fb74a
Emperor Ashoka ruled the Maurya Empire in South Asia from roughly 270 to 232 BCE. He is known for enforcing a moral
code called the Law of Piety, which established the sanctity of animal ______ the just treatment of the elderly, and the
abolition of the slave trade.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. life

B. life;

C. life:

D. life,

ID: 5e5fb74a Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. Notice that "the sanctity of animal life" is the first item in a list of three things. We must use a
comma to separate the first two items in the list, just as a comma is used to separate "the just treatment of the elderly" and
"the abolition of the slave trade."

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error. Notice that "the sanctity of animal life" is the first item in a list
of three things. To appropriately format the list, we need punctuation to separate each item. Choice B is incorrect. This
choice creates a punctuation error. Notice that "the sanctity of animal life" is the first item in a list of three things. While
semicolons are sometimes used to separate list items, this list uses commas to separate the other list items, and lists must
use the same punctuation throughout. Choice C is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error. Notice that "the
sanctity of animal life" is the first item in a list of three things. While colons can be used to introduce lists, they can’t be used
to separate items within a list.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 89fc8507
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 89fc8507
In 1976, the Inuit rock group Sikumiut recorded the album People of the Ice. Though only their first record, it shows a band
already skilled at the difficult task of making music that sounds easy and fun. On songs like “Utirumavunga,” Lucassie
Koperqualuk’s guitar riffs effortlessly ______ Charlie Adams’s delightfully catchy vocal melodies.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. blend, with

B. blend. With

C. blend; with

D. blend with

ID: 89fc8507 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a verb and a prepositional phrase. No
punctuation is needed between the verb “blend” and the prepositional phrase “with Charlie Adams’s delightfully catchy vocal
melodies.” The prepositional phrase completes the idea of the sentence, explaining with what Koperqualuk’s guitar riffs

Choice A is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the verb and the prepositional phrase. Choice B is
incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the verb and the prepositional phrase. Choice C is incorrect because
no punctuation is needed between the verb and the prepositional phrase.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 3269925f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 3269925f
About 70,000 meteorites have been found on Earth. Although most meteorites are fragments of ______ hundred have been
identified as being from the Moon or Mars.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. asteroids. Several

B. asteroids, several

C. asteroids; several

D. asteroids: several

ID: 3269925f Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. This choice uses a comma to correctly separate the dependent clause "although…asteroids"
from the independent clause "several hundred have been…Mars."

Choice A is incorrect. This choice results in a sentence fragment. "Although…asteroids" is a dependent clause. It can’t stand
on its own as a sentence, which means it can’t end in a period. Choice C is incorrect. This choice results in a punctuation
error. "Although…asteroids" is a dependent clause and can’t be joined to the independent clause "several hundred have been…
Mars" with a semicolon. A semicolon can only join two independent clauses. Choice D is incorrect. This choice creates a
punctuation error. A colon can only come after an independent clause, but "although…asteroids" is a dependent clause.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID aaea2af8
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: aaea2af8
Obsidian is a kind of volcanic glass formed when lava cools so quickly that the atoms inside it cannot arrange themselves in
a crystalline structure. You ______ more about obsidian’s structure, which is classified as amorphous, in a later chapter.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. had learned

B. had been learning

C. will learn

D. have learned

ID: aaea2af8 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the future tense verb “will learn,” used in conjunction with the phrase “in a later chapter,” correctly indicates that “you” (the
reader) are going to learn about obsidian’s structure at some point in the future.

Choice A is incorrect because the past perfect verb “had learned” doesn’t indicate that the subject is going to learn about
obsidian’s structure in the future. Choice B is incorrect because the past perfect progressive verb “had been learning” doesn’t
indicate that the subject is going to learn about obsidian’s structure in the future. Choice D is incorrect because the present
perfect verb “have learned” doesn’t indicate that the subject is going to learn about obsidian’s structure in the future.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID efb9b6d4
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: efb9b6d4
American poet Emily Dickinson wrote many of her poems on scraps of paper, but she also took steps to collect these works.
From 1858 to around 1864, for example, she copied more than 800 of ______ into forty homemade booklets (known as

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. them

B. this

C. that

D. it

ID: efb9b6d4 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The pronoun "them" agrees with the plural antecedents "poems" and "works."

Choice B is incorrect. "This" is a singular pronoun, but its antecedents, "poems" and "works," are plural. Choice C is incorrect.
"That" is a singular pronoun, but its antecedents, "poems" and "works," are plural. Choice D is incorrect. "It" is a singular
pronoun, but its antecedents, "poems" and "works," are plural.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 8de2ee41
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 8de2ee41
In 1990, California native and researcher Ellen Ochoa left her position as chief of the Intelligent Systems Technology Branch
at a NASA research center ______ the space agency’s astronaut training program.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. to join

B. is joining

C. joined

D. joins

ID: 8de2ee41 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of nonfinite verb forms in a sentence. The nonfinite to-
infinitive verb "to join" is correctly used to form a subordinate clause that expresses why Ochoa left her position (to join the
training program).

Choice B is incorrect because the finite verb "is joining" can’t be used in this way to indicate Ochoa’s action of joining the
training program. A conjunction such as "and" would be needed to coordinate "is joining" with the previous finite verb, "left."
Choice C is incorrect because the finite verb "joined" can’t be used in this way to indicate Ochoa’s action of joining the
training program. A conjunction such as "and" would be needed to coordinate "joined" with the previous finite verb, "left."
Choice D is incorrect because the finite verb "joins" can’t be used in this way to indicate Ochoa’s action of joining the training
program. A conjunction such as "and" would be needed to coordinate "joins" with the previous finite verb, "left."

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 019f372c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 019f372c
Dr. Rocío Paola Caballero-Gill is a paleoceanographer. This means that Dr. Caballero-Gill doesn’t just study oceans as they
are today. She uses chemistry and fossil evidence ______ oceans as they were in the past.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. has studied

B. to study

C. studied

D. studies

ID: 019f372c Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verb forms within a sentence. The nonfinite to-
infinitive verb “to study” is correctly used to form a subordinate clause that indicates what Dr. Caballero-Gill uses chemistry
and fossil evidence for (to study oceans as they were in the past).

Choice A is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical sentence. The finite verb “has studied” can’t be used in this way
to form a subordinate clause that indicates what Dr. Caballero-Gill uses the evidence for. Choice C is incorrect because it
results in an ungrammatical sentence. The finite verb “studied” can’t be used in this way to form a subordinate clause that
indicates what Dr. Caballero-Gill uses the evidence for. Choice D is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical
sentence. The finite verb “studies” can’t be used in this way to form a subordinate clause that indicates what Dr. Caballero-
Gill uses the evidence for.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 8eff0fdc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 8eff0fdc
If you try on one of artist Nick Cave’s signature Soundsuits, you can expect to swish, rustle, or clang every time you move.
Cave makes his suits out of found objects, everything from ceramic birds to broken record players. He carefully considers
the sound an object makes before using ______ in a suit.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. this

B. that

C. these

D. it

ID: 8eff0fdc Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested here is pronoun-antecedent agreement. The singular pronoun "it"
agrees in number with the singular antecedent "object."

Choice A is incorrect. The singular pronoun "this" is used to refer to a specific thing, but here there is no specific object being
referred to. Instead, the sentence is referring back to a hypothetical object that Cave might use in a Soundsuit. Choice B is
incorrect. The singular pronoun "that" is used to refer to a specific thing, but here there is no specific object being referred to.
Instead, the sentence is referring back to a hypothetical object that Cave might use in a Soundsuit. Choice C is incorrect
because the plural pronoun "these" doesn’t agree in number with the singular antecedent "object."

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 78cef1d4
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 78cef1d4
Wanda Diaz-Merced is an astrophysicist who lost her sight when she was young. Diaz-Merced’s condition inspired her to
develop software that can translate scientific data into sound. Sound-based tools ______ scientists to detect subtle patterns
in data. Such patterns may not be evident in traditional graphs.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. has enabled

B. enable

C. is enabling

D. enables

ID: 78cef1d4 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The plural verb "enable" agrees in
number with the plural subject "sound-based tools."

Choice A is incorrect because the singular verb "has enabled" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject "sound-based
tools." Choice C is incorrect because the singular verb "is enabling" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject "sound-
based tools." Choice D is incorrect because the singular verb "enables" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject
"sound-based tools."

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 0ba4e697
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 0ba4e697
Why are Rome’s famous concrete structures, such as the Colosseum, still standing after 2,000-plus years, when modern
concrete may not even last for fifty? Scientists ______ that the secret to Roman concrete’s durability was its unique blend of
ingredients, which included volcanic ash and seawater.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. explain

B. having explained

C. explaining

D. to explain

ID: 0ba4e697 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verb forms within a sentence. The main clause of a
sentence requires a finite (tensed) verb, and this choice supplies the finite present tense verb “explain” to indicate what the
scientists do.

Choice B is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical sentence. The nonfinite participle “having explained” doesn’t
supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice C is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical sentence. The
nonfinite participle “explaining” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice D is incorrect because it results in
an ungrammatical sentence. The nonfinite to-infinitive “to explain” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 69556476
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 69556476
In recent years, economists around the world have created new tools that quantify the overall well-being of a country’s
citizens. Economists in India, for example, use an Ease of Living Index. This tool ______ economic potential, sustainability,
and citizens’ quality of life.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. measures

B. had measured

C. would have measured

D. will have been measuring

ID: 69556476 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The previous sentence tells us how economists in India "use" a certain tool, while this sentence
describes general facts about that tool. To express general facts (and also to match the simple present tense of "use"), we
should use the simple present tense form "measures."

Choice B is incorrect. This choice uses the past perfect tense, but the previous sentence tells us that the tool is currently
used to measure things, so the past tense doesn’t make sense for this verb. Choice C is incorrect. This choice uses the
future perfect conditional tense, but the previous sentence tells us that the tool is currently used to measure things, so the
future tense doesn’t make sense for this verb. Choice D is incorrect. This choice uses the future perfect continuous tense,
but the previous sentence tells us that the tool is currently used to measure things, so the future tense doesn’t make sense
for this verb.

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 88331141
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 88331141
With its towering, six-spired exterior of granitelike quartz monzonite, the Salt Lake Temple is one of the most instantly
recognizable structures in the state of Utah. However, many people do not know that ______ built over the course of forty
years, with construction beginning in 1853 and ending in 1893.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. it was

B. one was

C. they were

D. both were

ID: 88331141 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is pronoun-antecedent agreement. The singular pronoun "it" agrees
in number with the singular antecedent "the Salt Lake Temple."

Choice B is incorrect because the singular pronoun "one" is ambiguous in this context; the resulting sentence leaves unclear
whether there is only one Salt Lake temple or multiple. Choice C is incorrect because the plural pronoun "they" doesn’t agree
in number with the singular antecedent "the Salt Lake Temple." Choice D is incorrect because the plural pronoun "both"
doesn’t agree in number with the singular antecedent "the Salt Lake Temple."

Question Difficulty: Easy

Question ID 1bbe752d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 1bbe752d
The classic children’s board game Chutes and Ladders is a version of an ancient Nepalese game, Paramapada Sopanapata.
In both games, players encounter “good” or “bad” spaces while traveling along a path; landing on one of the good spaces
______ a player to skip ahead and arrive closer to the end goal.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. allows

B. are allowing

C. have allowed

D. allow

ID: 1bbe752d Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject–verb agreement. The singular verb “allows” agrees in
number with the singular subject “landing.”

Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb “are allowing” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “landing.”
Choice C is incorrect because the plural verb “have allowed” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “landing.”
Choice D is incorrect because the plural verb “allow” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “landing.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 374b0d60
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 374b0d60
Former First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt and Indian activist and educator Hansa Mehta were instrumental in
drafting the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that ______ the basic freedoms to which all
people are entitled.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. have outlined

B. were outlining

C. outlines

D. outline

ID: 374b0d60 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb “outlines” agrees in
number with the singular subject “document.”

Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb “have outlined” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”
Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb “were outlining” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”
Choice D is incorrect because the plural verb “outline” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 50e9ae29
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 50e9ae29
In the 2011 documentary The Barber of Birmingham, civil rights activist James Armstrong recounts how his barbershop in
Birmingham, Alabama, ______ as a political hub for members of the Black community during the 1950s.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. serving

B. having served

C. served

D. to serve

ID: 50e9ae29 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verb forms within a sentence. Relative clauses, such
as the one beginning with "how," require a finite (tensed) verb, a verb that can function as the main verb of a clause. This
choice correctly supplies the clause with the finite past tense verb "served."

Choice A is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical sentence. The nonfinite participle "serving" doesn’t supply the
clause with a finite verb. Choice B is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical sentence. The nonfinite participle
"having served" doesn’t supply the clause with a finite verb. Choice D is incorrect because it results in an ungrammatical
sentence. The nonfinite to-infinitive "to serve" doesn’t supply the clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 41726afa
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 41726afa
Food and the sensation of taste are central to Monique Truong’s novels. In The Book of Salt, for example, the exiled character
of Bình connects to his native Saigon through the food he prepares, while in Bitter in the Mouth, the character of Linda ______
a form of synesthesia whereby the words she hears evoke tastes.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. experienced

B. had experienced

C. experiences

D. will be experiencing

ID: 41726afa Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the present
tense verb “experiences” is consistent with the other present tense verbs (e.g., “connects” and “prepares”) used to describe
the events in Truong’s novels. Furthermore, it’s conventional to use the present tense when discussing a literary work.

Choice A is incorrect because the past tense verb “experienced” isn’t consistent with the other present tense verbs used to
describe the events in Truong’s novels. Choice B is incorrect because the past perfect tense verb “had experienced” isn’t
consistent with the other present tense verbs used to describe the events in Truong’s novels. Choice D is incorrect because
the future progressive tense verb “will be experiencing” isn’t consistent with the other present tense verbs used to describe
the events in Truong’s novels.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 7c30c345
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 7c30c345
In 2000, Nora de Hoyos Comstock, herself an owner of a successful consulting firm, sought to increase Latina
representation in corporate ______ founded Las Comadres para las Americas, an international community that for over two
decades has served as a resource and information network for Latina business professionals.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. settings she

B. settings, she

C. settings and she

D. settings. She

ID: 7c30c345 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. It appropriately uses a period to mark the end of one independent clause ("In 2000…settings")
and the start of another ("She founded…professionals").

Choice A is incorrect. This choice results in a run-on sentence error. Both the clause before the blank ("In 2000…settings")
and the clause after the blank ("she…professionals") are independent clauses, so they need to be separated by punctuation.
Choice B is incorrect. This choice results in a comma splice error. It incorrectly joins two independent clauses with just a
comma. Linking two independent clauses with a comma also requires the use of a coordinating conjunction (like for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, or so). Choice C is incorrect. This choice results in a run-on sentence, an error caused when two independent
clauses are joined without punctuation or appropriate conjunctions. Since both the clause before the blank ("In 2000…
settings") and the clause after the blank ("she…professionals") are independent, a comma would be required in addition to
the coordinating conjunction "and."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID d62ccc3c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: d62ccc3c
The alga species Chlorella vulgaris is very efficient at making oxygen. For this reason, scientists are currently exploring ways
to use this species in space. C. vulgaris might be used, for example, to build future biological air exchange systems that
______ oxygen for astronauts.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. are producing

B. produced

C. produce

D. have produced

ID: d62ccc3c Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. Simple present tense verbs
can be used to describe actions that tend to occur, including in a hypothetical or future scenario. In this case, the simple
present tense verb “produce” indicates what the air exchange systems might be able to do in the future (produce oxygen for

Choice A is incorrect. The present progressive tense verb “are producing” suggests that the oxygen is currently being
produced, not that it might be produced in the future. Choice B is incorrect because the past tense verb “produced” suggests
that the oxygen was produced in the past, not that it might be produced in the future. Choice D is incorrect because the
present perfect tense verb “have produced” suggests that the oxygen has been produced from a point in the past up to the
present, not that it might be produced in the future.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 02c22816
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 02c22816
Earth is not a perfect sphere. Due to the ______ gravitational pull, Earth bulges out on the sides closest to and farthest from
the Moon. This distorting pull is known as a tidal force, and it is responsible for the changes in water levels that are called
high and low tides.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Moon’s

B. Moons

C. Moons’

D. Moon

ID: 02c22816 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of possessive nouns. The singular possessive noun
"Moon’s" correctly indicates that there is only one Moon, and it has a gravitational pull.

Choice B is incorrect because the context requires the singular possessive noun "Moon’s," not the plural noun "Moons."
Choice C is incorrect because the context requires the singular possessive noun "Moon’s," not the plural possessive noun
"Moons’." Choice D is incorrect because the context requires the singular possessive noun "Moon’s," not the singular noun

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 798e44ec
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 798e44ec
Smaller than poppy seeds, tardigrades are tiny, but they are tough. These minuscule animals can survive for thirty years
without food or water, and ______ can withstand extreme temperatures as low as minus 328 degrees and as high as 304
degrees Fahrenheit.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. that

B. it

C. they

D. he

ID: 798e44ec Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is pronoun-antecedent agreement. The plural pronoun "they"
agrees in number with the plural antecedent "animals," which refers to tardigrades.

Choice A is incorrect because the singular pronoun "that" doesn’t agree in number with the plural antecedent "animals."
Choice B is incorrect because the singular pronoun "it" doesn’t agree in number with the plural antecedent "animals." Choice
D is incorrect because the singular pronoun "he" doesn’t agree in number with the plural antecedent "animals."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 7e989974
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 7e989974
Robin Wall Kimmerer of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation is a bryologist, a plant scientist who specializes in mosses. To
Kimmerer, mosses are Earth’s most adaptable plants: they can clone ______ enter a dormant state in times of drought, and
grow in areas that don’t have soil.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. themselves;

B. themselves,

C. themselves. And

D. themselves

ID: 7e989974 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of items in a series. The comma after
“themselves” is used conventionally to separate the first item (“they can clone themselves”) and the second item (“enter a
dormant state in times of drought”) in the series of things mosses can do.

Choice A is incorrect because a semicolon can’t be used in this way to separate items in a simple series such as this. Choice
C is incorrect because it results in a rhetorically unacceptable sentence fragment beginning with “And enter.” Choice D is
incorrect because it fails to use appropriate punctuation to separate the first and second items in the series.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID e04b3edf
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: e04b3edf
Mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz used the metaphor of the “butterfly effect” to explain how seemingly minor
events can have major impacts on future weather. According to Lorenz’s metaphor, the wind from a butterfly flapping ______
in Brazil might eventually grow into a storm elsewhere across the globe.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. its wings

B. its wings’

C. it’s wing’s

D. it’s wings’

ID: e04b3edf Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The conventions being tested are the use of possessive determiners and plural nouns. The
singular possessive determiner "its" and the plural noun "wings" correctly indicate that the butterfly has multiple wings.

Choice B is incorrect because the context requires the plural noun "wings," not the plural possessive noun "wings’." Choice C
is incorrect because the context requires the singular possessive determiner "its" and the plural noun "wings," not the
contraction "it’s" and the singular possessive noun "wing’s." Choice D is incorrect because the context requires the singular
possessive determiner "its" and the plural noun "wings," not the contraction "it’s" and the plural possessive noun "wings’."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f5f6b97d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f5f6b97d
Emperor penguins don’t waddle out of the ocean. They launch themselves at such a high speed that they travel up to two
meters before landing. How ______ A layer of microbubbles on their plumage reduces friction as the penguins speed to the

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. they are able to move so fast!

B. are they able to move so fast.

C. they are able to move so fast.

D. are they able to move so fast?

ID: f5f6b97d Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is end-of-sentence punctuation. This choice correctly uses a
question mark to punctuate the interrogative sentence “how are they able to move so fast?” The interrogative sentence asks
a direct question, and the next sentence answers it.

Choice A is incorrect because the context requires an interrogative sentence. The exclamative sentence “how they are able
to move so fast!” emphasizes the penguin’s high rate of speed, but it doesn’t set up the next sentence’s explanation of how
the penguins achieve such speeds. Choice B is incorrect because a period can’t be used in this way to punctuate an
interrogative sentence. Choice C is incorrect because the context requires an interrogative sentence. The exclamative
sentence “how they are able to move so fast” emphasizes the penguin’s high rate of speed, but it doesn’t set up the next
sentence’s explanation of how the penguins achieve such speeds.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID cc0dcd9a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: cc0dcd9a
While exploring Nevada’s Gypsum Cave in 1930, Seneca and Abenaki archaeologist Bertha Parker made her most famous
discovery: the skull of a now-extinct ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastensis) alongside human-made tools. Parker’s crucial
finding was the first ______ humans in North America as far back as 10,000 years ago.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. places

B. placed

C. place

D. to place

ID: cc0dcd9a Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The object for the verb "was" is "first," and "to place" is acting as a modifier for "first." What was
the finding? It was "the first." The first to do what? The first "to place humans in North America" 10,000 years ago. When a
verb serves as a modifier within a noun phrase, it must be nonfinite (i.e., not conjugated to a specific subject). The infinitive
form "to place" is the only nonfinite option among the choices that makes sense in context.

Choice A is incorrect. The object for the verb "was" is "first," and "places" is acting as a modifier for "first." What was the thing
that Parker’s finding did? What was it the first to do? Place humans in North America 10,000 years ago. When a verb acts as
a modifier, it must be nonfinite (i.e., not conjugated to a specific subject), but "places" is a finite form of the verb. Choice B is
incorrect. The object for the verb "was" is "first," and "placed" is acting to modify "first." What was it that Parker’s finding was
the first to do? Place humans in North America 10,000 years ago. When a verb acts as a modifier, it must be nonfinite (i.e.,
not conjugated to a specific subject), but "placed" is a finite form. "Placed" can also be a past participle, but that wouldn’t
make sense here because the meaning of "the first placed humans" would be unclear. Choice C is incorrect. The object for
the verb "was" is "first," and "place" is modifying "first." What was the thing that Parker’s finding did? What was it the first to
do? Place humans in North America. When a verb acts as a modifier, it must be nonfinite (i.e., not conjugated to a specific
subject), but "place" is a finite form of the verb. Additionally, "place" can’t serve as a noun here, because it results in an
illogical sentence (the "finding" wasn’t "the first place").

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 6bebb309
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 6bebb309
In the early twentieth century, Joseph Kekuku and other Hawaiian ______ in the mainland United States to the bright and
lilting sound of the kīkā kila, or Hawaiian steel guitar. The instrument soon became a fixture in American blues and country

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. musicians introduced audiences

B. musicians’ introduced audiences’

C. musician’s introduced audience’s

D. musicians’ introduced audiences

ID: 6bebb309 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of plural nouns. The plural nouns "musicians" and
"audiences" correctly indicate that there were multiple musicians introducing the music to multiple audiences.

Choice B is incorrect because the context requires the plural nouns "musicians" and "audiences," not the plural possessive
nouns "musicians’" and "audiences’." Choice C is incorrect because the context requires the plural nouns "musicians" and
"audiences," not the singular possessive nouns "musician’s" and "audience’s." Choice D is incorrect because the context
requires the plural noun "musicians," not the plural possessive noun "musicians’."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 3560c093
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 3560c093
In his 1963 exhibition Exposition of Music—Electronic Television, Korean American artist Nam June Paik showed how
television images could be manipulated to express an artist’s perspective. Today, Paik ______ considered the first video artist.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. will be

B. had been

C. was

D. is

ID: 3560c093 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the present
tense verb “is,” used in conjunction with the word “today,” correctly indicates that Paik is currently considered the first video

Choice A is incorrect because the future-indicating verb “will be” doesn’t indicate that Paik is currently considered the first
video artist. Choice B is incorrect because the past perfect tense verb “had been” doesn’t indicate that Paik is currently
considered the first video artist. Choice C is incorrect because the past tense verb “was” doesn’t indicate that Paik is
currently considered the first video artist.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 4e5c1a5a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 4e5c1a5a
After the United Kingdom began rolling out taxes equivalent to a few cents on single-use plastic grocery bags in 2011,
plastic-bag consumption decreased by up to ninety ______ taxes are subject to what economists call the “rebound effect”: as
the change became normalized, plastic-bag use started to creep back up.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. percent, such

B. percent and such

C. percent. Such

D. percent such

ID: 4e5c1a5a Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation use between sentences. In this choice, the period
after “percent” is used correctly to mark the boundary between one sentence (“After…percent”) and another (“Such…up”).

Choice A is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. A comma can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary
between sentences. Choice B is incorrect. Without a comma preceding it, the conjunction “and” can’t be used in this way to
join sentences. Choice D is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. The sentences (“After…percent” and “Such…up”)
are fused without punctuation and/or a conjunction.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 18e8756d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 18e8756d
Formed in 1967 to foster political and economic stability within the Asia-Pacific region, the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations was originally made up of five members: Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. By the end of
the 1990s, the organization ______ its initial membership.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. has doubled

B. had doubled

C. doubles

D. will double

ID: 18e8756d Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the past perfect
verb “had doubled” properly indicates that the doubling of the organization’s initial membership occurred during a specific
period before the present (between the organization’s founding in 1967 and the end of the 1990s).

Choice A is incorrect because the present perfect verb “has doubled” doesn’t indicate that the organization’s doubling of its
initial membership occurred during a specific period in the past. Choice C is incorrect because the present tense verb
“doubles” doesn’t indicate that the organization’s doubling of its initial membership occurred during a specific period in the
past. Choice D is incorrect because the future tense verb “will double” doesn’t indicate that the organization’s doubling of its
initial membership occurred during a specific period in the past.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID dc712bbf
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: dc712bbf
In winter, the diets of Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, are influenced more by food availability than by
food preference. Although the monkeys prefer to eat vegetation and land-dwelling invertebrates, those food sources may
become unavailable because of extensive snow and ice cover, ______ the monkeys to hunt for marine animals in any streams
that have not frozen over.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. forces

B. to force

C. forcing

D. forced

ID: dc712bbf Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The
nonfinite present participle “forcing” is correctly used to form a participial phrase that supplements the main clause
“those...cover,” describing the effects on monkeys of the lack of food sources.

Choice A is incorrect because the finite present tense verb “forces” can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause
(“those...cover”). Choice B is incorrect. While the nonfinite to-infinitive “to force” could be used to form a subordinate clause
that supplements the main clause (“those...cover”), to-infinitives conventionally express purpose, and nothing in the
sentence suggests that the food sources become unavailable for the purpose of forcing monkeys to hunt marine animals.
Choice D is incorrect because the finite past tense verb “forced” can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 87b8696b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 87b8696b
In her book The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, author Maxine Hong Kingston examines themes
______ childhood, womanhood, and Chinese American identity by intertwining autobiography and mythology.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. of:

B. of

C. of—

D. of,

ID: 87b8696b Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. “Themes of childhood” is one noun phrase, with “themes of” implicitly carrying over to the other
items on the list (“themes of childhood, [themes of] womanhood, and [themes of] Chinese American identity”).

Choice A is incorrect. This choice inappropriately breaks up the introduction of a list. Also, “In her book…themes of” is not an
independent clause, thanks to the dangling “of” at the end, so it can’t precede a colon. Choice C is incorrect. This choice
inappropriately breaks up the introduction of a list. Also, “In her book…themes of” is not an independent clause, thanks to the
dangling “of” at the end, so it can’t precede a single dash. Choice D is incorrect. This choice inappropriately breaks up the
introduction of a list. “Themes of” implicitly carries over to each item on the list (“themes of childhood, [themes of]
womanhood, and [themes of] Chinese American identity”), so we don’t want to use a comma to separate it.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 4df19561
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 4df19561
The US Geological Survey wants to map every human-made structure in the United States, and it is asking volunteers to help.
Cassie Tammy Wang and Ashish D’Souza are just two of the many volunteer map editors who ______ to the project since it
began in 2012.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. contribute

B. will contribute

C. have contributed

D. will be contributing

ID: 4df19561 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the present perfect tense verb “have contributed,” used in conjunction with the phrase “since it began in 2012,” correctly
indicates that map editors have contributed in the past and continue to do so in the present.

Choice A is incorrect because the present tense verb “contribute” is inconsistent with the phrase “since it began in 2012,”
which suggests that the contributions occurred in the past and continue into the present. Choice B is incorrect because the
future tense verb “will contribute” is inconsistent with the phrase “since it began in 2012,” which suggests that the
contributions occurred in the past and continue into the present. Choice D is incorrect because the future tense verb “will be
contributing” is inconsistent with the phrase “since it began in 2012,” which suggests that the contributions occurred in the
past and continue into the present.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 970e66de
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 970e66de
Public-awareness campaigns about the need to reduce single-use plastics can be successful, says researcher Kim Borg of
Monash University in Australia, when these campaigns give consumers a choice: for example, Japan achieved a 40 percent
reduction in plastic-bag use after cashiers were instructed to ask customers whether ______ wanted a bag.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. they

B. one

C. you

D. it

ID: 970e66de Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is pronoun–antecedent agreement. The plural pronoun “they”
agrees in number with the plural antecedent “customers.”

Choice B is incorrect because the singular pronoun “one” doesn’t agree in number with the plural antecedent “customers.”
Choice C is incorrect because the second person pronoun “you” isn’t conventional as a substitute for “customers.” It
suggests that the audience (“you”) is the customer. Choice D is incorrect because the singular pronoun “it” doesn’t agree in
number with the plural antecedent “customers.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 6b2a1288
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 6b2a1288
In 1899, Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius developed an equation to answer a long-standing question: why do chemical
reactions speed up at higher temperatures? The Arrhenius equation, named for its creator, ______ an important concept in
modern chemistry.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. have remained

B. remain

C. remains

D. are remaining

ID: 6b2a1288 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. This choice uses the singular verb "remains" to match the singular subject "equation."

Choice A is incorrect. The singular noun "equation" doesn’t match with the plural verb conjugation "have remained." Choice B
is incorrect. The singular noun "equation" doesn’t match with the plural verb conjugation "remain." Choice D is incorrect. The
singular noun "equation" doesn’t match with the plural verb conjugation "are remaining."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 96beb3e2
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 96beb3e2
A standard Argo float, a type of autonomous robot, measures temperature and salinity in the upper regions of ice-free
oceans. More advanced floats can measure a wider range of ______ and monitor seasonal ice zones.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. variables: travel to greater depths

B. variables, travel to greater depths,

C. variables travel to greater depths,

D. variables, travel to greater depths;

ID: 96beb3e2 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of items in a series. The comma after
“variables” is used conventionally to separate the first and second items in the series, and the comma after “depths” is used
conventionally to separate the second and third items.

Choice A is incorrect because a colon can’t be used in this way to separate items in a simple series. Choice C is incorrect
because a comma is needed after “variables” to separate the first and second items in the series. Choice D is incorrect
because a semicolon can’t be used in this way to separate items in a simple series.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 351084bd
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 351084bd
Richard Spikes was a prolific African American inventor known for his contributions to automotive engineering. Between
1907 and 1946, he patented many inventions, ______ an automobile turn signal, a safety brake, and—most famously—the first
automatic gearshift.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. included

B. includes

C. including

D. will include

ID: 351084bd Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The nonfinite
present participle "including" is correctly used to form a participial phrase that supplements the main clause "he patented
many inventions," listing several of Spikes’s patented inventions.

Choice A is incorrect because the finite past tense verb "included" can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause
"he patented many inventions." Choice B is incorrect because the finite present tense verb "includes" can’t be used in this
way to supplement the main clause "he patented many inventions." Choice D is incorrect because the finite future tense verb
"will include" can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause "he patented many inventions."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 08fc9838
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 08fc9838
In 1903, environmentalist John Muir guided President Theodore Roosevelt on a scenic, sprawling trip through California’s
Yosemite Valley. Upon returning from the three-day excursion, Roosevelt ______ to conserve the nation’s wilderness areas, a
vow he upheld for his remaining six years in office.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. is vowing

B. vowed

C. will vow

D. vows

ID: 08fc9838 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the past tense verb “vowed” is consistent with the other past tense verbs (“guided” and “upheld”) used to narrate the events
surrounding President Roosevelt’s decision to conserve the nation’s wilderness areas.

Choice A is incorrect because the present progressive tense verb “is vowing” isn’t consistent with the past tense verbs used
to narrate the events surrounding President Roosevelt’s decision to conserve the nation’s wilderness areas. Choice C is
incorrect because the future tense verb “will vow” isn’t consistent with the past tense verbs used to narrate the events
surrounding President Roosevelt’s decision to conserve the nation’s wilderness areas. Choice D is incorrect because the
simple present tense verb “vows” isn’t consistent with the past tense verbs used to narrate the events surrounding President
Roosevelt’s decision to conserve the nation’s wilderness areas.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 7eff0d8b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 7eff0d8b
Polyphenols are organic compounds ______ among their many roles, provide pigment that helps protect plants against
ultraviolet radiation from sunlight.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. that—

B. that;

C. that,

D. that:

ID: 7eff0d8b Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of a supplementary element within a sentence.
The comma after “that” pairs with the comma after “roles” to separate the supplementary element “among their many roles”
from the rest of the sentence. This supplementary element functions to clarify that polyphenols have many roles, and the
pair of commas indicates that this element could be removed without affecting the grammatical coherence of the sentence.

Choice A is incorrect because a dash can’t be paired with a comma to separate the supplementary element from the rest of
the sentence. Choice B is incorrect because a semicolon can’t be paired with a comma to separate the supplementary
element from the rest of the sentence. Choice D is incorrect because a colon can’t be paired with a comma to separate the
supplementary element from the rest of the sentence.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID eadf69b2
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: eadf69b2
Literary agents estimate that more than half of all nonfiction books credited to a celebrity or other public figure are in fact
written by ghostwriters, professional authors who are paid to write other ______ but whose names never appear on book

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. people’s stories

B. peoples story’s

C. peoples stories

D. people’s story’s

ID: eadf69b2 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of plural and possessive nouns. The plural possessive
noun “people’s” and the plural noun “stories” correctly indicate that there are multiple stories from multiple people.

Choice B is incorrect because the context requires the plural possessive noun “people’s” and the plural noun “stories,” not the
plural noun “peoples” and the singular possessive noun “story’s.” Choice C is incorrect because the context requires the
plural possessive noun “people’s,” not the plural noun “peoples.” Choice D is incorrect because the context requires the plural
noun “stories,” not the singular possessive noun “story’s.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 9ab0c766
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 9ab0c766
Occupying a significant part of modern-day Nigeria, the Kingdom of Benin was one of the major powers in West Africa
between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries. It ______ ruled by Oba Ewuare I from 1440 to 1473.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. is

B. will be

C. has been

D. was

ID: 9ab0c766 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the past tense verb “was ruled” correctly indicates that Oba Ewuare I ruled the Kingdom of Benin in the distant past (from
1440 to 1473). This past tense verb choice is consistent with the other past tense verb (“was”) used to describe the Kingdom
of Benin.

Choice A is incorrect because the present tense verb “is ruled” doesn’t indicate that Oba Ewuare I ruled the Kingdom of Benin
in the distant past. Choice B is incorrect because the future tense verb “will be ruled” doesn’t indicate that Oba Ewuare I ruled
the Kingdom of Benin in the distant past. Choice C is incorrect because the present perfect tense verb “has been ruled”
doesn’t indicate that Oba Ewuare I ruled the Kingdom of Benin in the distant past.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID c789ca4e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: c789ca4e
The Alvarez theory, developed in 1980 by physicist Luis Walter Alvarez and his geologist son Walter Alvarez, maintained that
the secondary effects of an asteroid impact caused many dinosaurs and other animals to die ______ it left unexplored the
question of whether unrelated volcanic activity might have also contributed to the mass extinctions.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. out but

B. out, but

C. out

D. out,

ID: c789ca4e Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the coordination of main clauses within a sentence. This choice
correctly uses a comma and the coordinating conjunction “but” to join the first main clause (“the Alvarez…out”) and the
second main clause (“it left…extinctions”).

Choice A is incorrect because when coordinating two longer main clauses such as these, it’s conventional to use a comma
before the coordinating conjunction. Choice C is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. The two main clauses are
fused without punctuation and/or a conjunction. Choice D is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. Without a
conjunction following it, a comma can’t be used in this way to join two main clauses.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 9976b8b0
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 9976b8b0
For thousands of years, people in the Americas ______ the bottle gourd, a large bitter fruit with a thick rind, to make bottles,
other types of containers, and even musical instruments. Oddly, there is no evidence that any type of bottle gourd is native to
the Western Hemisphere; either the fruit or its seeds must have somehow been carried from Asia or Africa.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. to use

B. have used

C. having used

D. using

ID: 9976b8b0 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. A main clause
requires a finite verb to perform the action of the subject (in this case, “people in the Americas”), and this choice supplies the
finite past perfect tense verb “have used” to indicate what people in the Americas used the gourd for.

Choice A is incorrect because the nonfinite to-infinitive “to use” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice C is
incorrect because the nonfinite participle “having used” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice D is
incorrect because the nonfinite participle “using” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f2af7072
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f2af7072
While one requires oxygen and one does ______ and anaerobic respiration are both forms of cellular respiration—that is, they
are processes by which cells break down glucose to use as energy.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. not aerobic

B. not. Aerobic

C. not, aerobic

D. not; aerobic

ID: f2af7072 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. A comma is the appropriate way to link the dependent clause “While...not” and the independent
clause that follows.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a run-on sentence error. “While...not” is a dependent clause, which must be
separated from the independent clause that follows with some sort of punctuation. Choice B is incorrect. This choice
creates a sentence fragment. “While one requires oxygen and one does not” isn’t an independent clause, so it can’t stand
alone as a complete sentence. Choice D is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error. “While one requires oxygen and
one does not” isn’t an independent clause, so it can’t be linked to the clause that follows with a semicolon.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 81000f32
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 81000f32
The African Games Co-production Market, one of over 180 annual international conferences supporting video game
development, ______ the growth of the African gaming industry by helping start-up studios in Africa find partners.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. promote

B. are promoting

C. promotes

D. have promoted

ID: 81000f32 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The subject of the sentence is “The African Games Co-production Market.” That’s one market,
so it’s a singular noun, which means it needs a singular verb. “Promotes” is the only singular verb among the choices.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a subject-verb agreement error. The subject “The African Games Co-production
Market” is singular, but the verb “promote” is plural. Choice B is incorrect. This choice creates a subject-verb agreement error.
The subject “The African Games Co-production Market” is singular, but the verb “are promoting” is plural. Choice D is
incorrect. This choice creates a subject-verb agreement error. The subject “The African Games Co-production Market” is
singular, but the verb “have promoted” is plural.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 020b4b59
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 020b4b59
The radiation that ______ during the decay of radioactive atomic nuclei is known as gamma radiation.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. occurs

B. have occurred

C. occur

D. are occurring

ID: 020b4b59 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb "occurs" agrees in
number with the singular subject "radiation."

Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb "have occurred" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "radiation."
Choice C is incorrect because the plural verb "occur" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "radiation." Choice D
is incorrect because the plural verb "are occurring" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "radiation."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID ec600740
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: ec600740
The fine, powdery substance that covers the Moon’s surface is called regolith. Because regolith is both readily available and
high in oxygen ______ scientists have wondered whether it could be used as a potential source of oxygen for future lunar

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. content and

B. content,

C. content

D. content, and

ID: ec600740 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a subordinate clause and a main clause.
This choice correctly uses a comma to mark the boundary between the subordinate clause (“Because...content”) and the
main clause (“scientists...settlements”).

Choice A is incorrect. Joining the subordinate clause (“Because...content”) and the clause that follows
(“scientists...settlements”) with the conjunction “and” results in an ungrammatical sentence that lacks a main clause. Choice
C is incorrect because it fails to mark the boundary between the subordinate clause and the main clause with appropriate
punctuation. Choice D is incorrect. Joining the subordinate clause (“Because...content”) and the clause that follows
(“scientists...settlements”) with a comma and the conjunction “and” results in an ungrammatical sentence that lacks a main

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 48209a24
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 48209a24
In his groundbreaking book Bengali Harlem and the Lost Histories of South Asian America, Vivek Bald uses newspaper
articles, census records, ships’ logs, and memoirs to tell the ______ who made New York City their home in the early twentieth

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. story’s of the South Asian immigrants

B. story’s of the South Asian immigrants’

C. stories of the South Asian immigrants

D. stories’ of the South Asian immigrant’s

ID: 48209a24 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of plural and possessive nouns. The plural nouns
“stories” and “immigrants” correctly indicate that the memoir tells multiple stories of multiple immigrants.

Choice A is incorrect because the context requires the plural noun “stories,” not the singular possessive noun “story’s.”
Choice B is incorrect because the context requires the plural nouns “stories” and “immigrants,” not the singular possessive
noun “story’s” and the plural possessive noun “immigrants’.” Choice D is incorrect because the context requires the plural
nouns “stories” and “immigrants,” not the plural possessive noun “stories’” and the singular possessive noun “immigrant’s.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 566fac8d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 566fac8d
Winding through the ice atop Norway’s Jotunheim Mountains is the Lendbreen pass, an ancient route that was used by
hunters, farmers, traders, and travelers in the Middle Ages before eventually falling into disuse. Recently, archeologists have
______ knives, horseshoes, wool tunics, and thousands of other artifacts from the icy pass.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. unearthed:

B. unearthed,

C. unearthed—

D. unearthed

ID: 566fac8d Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. No punctuation should separate the verb "unearthed" and its objects (i.e, what was
"unearthed"): "knives, horseshoes, wool tunics, and thousands of other artifacts."

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error, separating the verb "unearthed" from its objects (i.e, what was
"unearthed") with a colon. Choice B is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error, separating the verb "unearthed"
from its objects (i.e, what was "unearthed") with a comma. Choice C is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error,
separating the verb "unearthed" from its objects (i.e, what was "unearthed") with a dash.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID d5458b37
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: d5458b37
Like other amphibians, the wood frog (Rana sylvatica) is unable to generate its own heat, so during periods of subfreezing
temperatures, it ______ by producing large amounts of glucose, a sugar that helps prevent damaging ice from forming inside
its cells.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. had survived

B. survived

C. would survive

D. survives

ID: d5458b37 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the present
tense verb “survives” correctly indicates that the wood frog regularly survives subfreezing temperatures by producing large
amounts of glucose.

Choice A is incorrect because the past perfect verb “had survived” doesn’t indicate that the wood frog regularly survives
subfreezing temperatures by producing large amounts of glucose. Choice B is incorrect because the past tense verb
“survived” doesn’t indicate that the wood frog regularly survives subfreezing temperatures by producing large amounts of
glucose. Choice C is incorrect because the conditional verb “would survive” doesn’t indicate that the wood frog regularly
survives subfreezing temperatures by producing large amounts of glucose.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 59f8e37f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 59f8e37f
In her two major series “Memory Test” and “Autobiography,” painter Howardena Pindell explored themes ______ healing, self-
discovery, and memory by cutting and sewing back together pieces of canvas and inserting personal artifacts, such as
postcards, into some of the paintings.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. of

B. of,

C. of—

D. of:

ID: 59f8e37f Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a preposition and its complement. No
punctuation is needed between the preposition “of” and its complement, the noun phrase “healing, self-discovery, and

Choice B is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between a preposition and its complement. Choice C is incorrect
because no punctuation is needed between a preposition and its complement. Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation
is needed between a preposition and its complement.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 35541d09
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 35541d09
Typically, underlines, scribbles, and notes left in the margins by a former owner lower a book’s ______ when the former owner
is a famous poet like Walt Whitman, such markings, known as marginalia, can be a gold mine to literary scholars.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. value, but

B. value

C. value,

D. value but

ID: 35541d09 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the coordination of independent clauses within a sentence. An
independent clause is a phrase containing a subject and a verb that can stand on its own as a sentence. This choice uses a
comma and the coordinating conjunction “but” to join the first independent clause (“underlines…lower a book’s value”) and
the second independent clause (“such markings…can be a gold mine to scholars”) to create a compound sentence.

Choice B is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. The two independent clauses are fused without punctuation
and/or a conjunction. Choice C is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. A comma can’t be used in this way to mark
the boundary between two independent clauses. Choice D is incorrect because a comma is needed to mark the boundary
between two coordinated independent clauses.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f281f151
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f281f151
Human-made (synthetic) fibers used in clothes and many other consumer products are more durable than most natural plant
______ the manufacture of synthetic fibers requires toxic chemical solvents that can pollute air and water.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. fibers,

B. fibers but

C. fibers

D. fibers, but

ID: f281f151 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the coordination of main clauses within a sentence. This choice
correctly uses a comma and the coordinating conjunction “but” to join the first main clause (“Human-made...fibers”) and the
second main clause (“the manufacture...water”).

Choice A is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. Without a conjunction following it, a comma can’t be used in this
way to join two main clauses. Choice B is incorrect because when coordinating two longer main clauses such as these, it’s
conventional to use a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Choice C is incorrect because it results in a run-on
sentence. The two main clauses are fused without punctuation and/or a conjunction.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 2e070d96
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 2e070d96
Both Sona Charaipotra, an Indian American, and Dhonielle Clayton, an African American, grew up frustrated by the lack of
diverse characters in books for young people. In 2011, these two writers joined forces to found CAKE Literary, a book
packaging ______ specializes in the creation and promotion of stories told from diverse perspectives for children and young

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. company,

B. company that

C. company

D. company, that

ID: 2e070d96 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use and punctuation of an integrated relative clause. This
choice correctly uses the relative pronoun “that” and no punctuation to create an integrated relative clause that provides
essential information about the noun phrase (“a book packaging company”) that it modifies.

Choice A is incorrect because it doesn’t use a relative pronoun to link the verb phrase beginning with “specializes” to the
noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”). Choice C is incorrect because it doesn’t use a relative pronoun
to link the verb phrase beginning with “specializes” to the noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”).
Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the integrated relative clause beginning with “that
specializes” and the noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”).

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f7de86cd
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: f7de86cd
Atoms in a synchrotron, a type of circular particle accelerator, travel faster and faster until they ______ a desired energy level,
at which point they are diverted to collide with a target, smashing the atoms.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. will reach

B. reach

C. had reached

D. are reaching

ID: f7de86cd Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the present tense verb “reach” is consistent with the present tense verbs “travel” and “are diverted” used to describe how
atoms move through the synchrotron.

Choice A is incorrect because the future tense verb “will reach” is inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe
how atoms move through the synchrotron. Though the atoms’ movement is a recurring action and “will reach” can also be
used to indicate a habitual or recurring action, it creates a logical inconsistency in this sentence when paired with the
present tense verbs “travel” and “are diverted.” Choice C is incorrect because the past perfect tense verb “had reached” is
inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe how atoms move through the synchrotron. Choice D is incorrect
because the present progressive tense verb “are reaching” is inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe how
atoms move through the synchrotron. While both verbs occur in the present, the present progressive tense suggests that the
action is currently in progress. This creates a logical inconsistency when paired with the present tense verbs “travel” and “are
diverted,” which offer a general description of the tendencies of the atoms’ movement, rather than a description of an action
that is currently in progress.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID a6afde86
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: a6afde86
Before the Erie Canal was completed in 1825, transporting goods by wagon between New York City and the Midwest took up
to forty-five days and cost one hundred dollars per ton. By linking the Hudson River to Lake ______ canal reduced transport
time to nine days and cut costs to six dollars per ton.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Erie; the

B. Erie (the

C. Erie, the

D. Erie: the

ID: a6afde86 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a supplementary phrase and a main
clause. This choice correctly uses a comma to mark the boundary between the introductory supplementary phrase (“By
linking the Hudson River to Lake Erie”), which identifies how the canal reduced transport time, and the main clause (“the
canal reduced transport time to nine days and cut costs to six dollars per ton”).

Choice A is incorrect because a semicolon can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary between a supplementary phrase
(“By…Erie”) and the main clause (“the canal...ton”). Choice B is incorrect because an open parenthesis can’t be used in this
way to mark the boundary between a supplementary phrase (“By…Erie”) and the main clause (“the canal...ton”). Choice D is
incorrect because a colon can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary between an introductory supplementary phrase
(“By…Erie”) and the main clause (“the canal...ton”).

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 8dd8848c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 8dd8848c
Each year in the fall, when the weather starts to cool in the northern hemisphere, millions of North American monarch
butterflies journey south. Searching for food and warmer habitats, they ______ thousands of miles—from as far north as
Canada all the way down to Mexico—on this annual migration.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. flew

B. were flying

C. had flown

D. fly

ID: 8dd8848c Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the present
tense verb “fly” is consistent with the other present tense verb ( “journey”) used to describe the butterflies’ yearly migration.
Together, these simple present tense verbs correctly indicate that the migration is a current, yearly occurrence.

Choice A is incorrect. The simple past tense verb “flew” isn’t consistent with the other present tense verb used to describe
the butterflies’ yearly migration. Choice B is incorrect. The past progressive tense verb “were flying” isn’t consistent with the
other present tense verb used to describe the butterflies’ yearly migration. Choice C is incorrect. The past perfect tense verb
“had flown” isn’t consistent with the other present tense verb used to describe the butterflies’ yearly migration.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f09186ab
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: f09186ab
Photographer Ansel Adams’s landscape portraits are iconic pieces of American art. However, many of the ______ of
landscapes were intended not as art but as marketing; a concessions company at Yosemite National Park had hired Adams
to take pictures of the park for restaurant menus and brochures.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. photographer’s early photo’s

B. photographers early photo’s

C. photographer’s early photos

D. photographers early photos

ID: f09186ab Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. There’s only one photographer (Adams), and the photos are his, so the singular possessive
"photographer’s" is correct. There’s more than one photo, and nothing belongs to the photos, so the simple plural "photos" is

Choice A is incorrect. This choice uses the singular possessive "photo’s," which isn’t correct. There’s more than one photo,
and they don’t possess anything, so the noun should be the simple plural "photos." Choice B is incorrect. This choice uses
the simple plural "photographers" and the singular possessive "photo’s," which aren’t correct. There’s only one photographer
(Adams) and there’s more than one photo. Choice D is incorrect. This choice uses the simple plural "photographers," which
isn’t correct. There’s only one photographer (Adams).

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 7cee7673
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 7cee7673
When writing The Other Black Girl (2021), novelist Zakiya Dalila Harris drew on her own experiences working at a publishing
office. The award-winning book is Harris’s first novel, but her writing ______ honored before. At the age of twelve, she entered
a contest to have a story published in American Girl magazine—and won.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. were

B. have been

C. has been

D. are

ID: 7cee7673 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb “has been” agrees in
number with the singular subject “writing.”

Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb “were” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “writing.” Choice B is
incorrect because the plural verb “have been” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “writing.” Choice D is
incorrect because the plural verb “are” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “writing.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 6b85b7e0
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 6b85b7e0
Midway through her 1968 jazz album A Monastic Trio, Alice Coltrane switches instruments, swapping the piano for the harp.
With the same fluid style that Coltrane was famous for on piano, she ______ her fingers across the harp strings and creates a
radiant sound.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. sweep

B. are sweeping

C. were sweeping

D. sweeps

ID: 6b85b7e0 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb "sweeps" agrees in
number with the singular subject "she," which refers to Alice Coltrane.

Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb "sweep" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "she." Choice B is
incorrect because the plural verb "are sweeping" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "she." Choice C is
incorrect because the plural verb "were sweeping" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "she."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 40a27108
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 40a27108
Farouk El-Baz, a geologist and space scientist, ______ part of the team that selected the lunar landing sites for the Apollo
program during the 1960s and 1970s.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. are

B. was

C. have been

D. were

ID: 40a27108 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb "was" agrees in
number with the singular subject "Farouk El-Baz."

Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb "are" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "Farouk El-Baz." Choice
C is incorrect because the plural verb "have been" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "Farouk El-Baz." Choice D
is incorrect because the plural verb "were" doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject "Farouk El-Baz."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 9c958b1d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 9c958b1d
A member of the Cherokee Nation, Mary Golda Ross is renowned for her contributions to NASA’s Planetary Flight Handbook,
which ______ detailed mathematical guidance for missions to Mars and Venus.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. provided

B. having provided

C. to provide

D. providing

ID: 9c958b1d Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite verbs in a relative clause. Relative clauses, such
as the one beginning with “which,” require a finite verb, a verb that can function as the main verb of a clause. This choice
correctly supplies the clause with the finite past tense verb “provided.”

Choice B is incorrect because the non-finite participle “having provided” doesn’t supply the clause with a finite verb. Choice C
is incorrect because the non-finite to-infinitive “to provide” doesn’t supply the clause with a finite verb. Choice D is incorrect
because the non-finite participle “providing” doesn’t supply the clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 0cdbfd0f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 0cdbfd0f
In the late 1960s, inspired in part by the sight of laundry hanging on a clothesline, African American abstract painter Sam
Gilliam began to create his iconic “Drape” paintings. He applied bold, saturated hues to large canvases and ______ them from
ceilings or walls, causing the drooping fabric to cascade in dramatic loops and curves.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. to have suspended

B. suspending

C. to suspend

D. suspended

ID: 0cdbfd0f Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The past tense of "suspended" matches the past tense of "applied," which has the same subject
("he") and takes place in the same context: "He applied…and [he] suspended."

Choice A is incorrect. The perfect infinitive "to have suspended" doesn’t match the past tense of "applied," and it can’t serve
as a verb on its own. These are both verbs with the same subject and in the same context, so there’s no need to shift tenses.
Choice B is incorrect. The present participle "suspending" doesn’t match the past tense of "applied," and it can’t serve as a
verb on its own. These are both verbs with the same subject and in the same context, so there’s no need to shift tenses.
Choice C is incorrect. The infinitive "to suspend" doesn’t match the past tense of "applied," and it can’t serve as a verb on its
own. These are both verbs with the same subject and in the same context, so there’s no need to shift tenses.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 2ce70cd2
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 2ce70cd2
In the historical novel The Surrender Tree, Cuban American author Margarita Engle uses poetry rather than prose ______ the
true story of Cuban folk hero Rosa La Bayamesa.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. tells

B. told

C. is telling

D. to tell

ID: 2ce70cd2 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The
nonfinite to-infinitive “to tell” is correctly used to form a nonfinite (infinitive) clause that explains the reason Engle uses
poetry in her novel.

Choice A is incorrect because the finite present tense verb “tells” can’t be used in this way to explain the reason that Engle
uses poetry in her novel. Choice B is incorrect because the finite past tense verb “told” can’t be used in this way to explain
the reason that Engle uses poetry in her novel. Choice C is incorrect because the finite present progressive tense verb “is
telling” can’t be used in this way to explain the reason that Engle uses poetry in her novel.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 5a4e7f5f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 5a4e7f5f
In 1959, the film industry debuted Smell-O-Vision. Theaters were fitted with specialized vents that emitted odors at specific
points in a ______ as the scent of roses when roses appeared in a scene. Smell-O-Vision failed to impress, however, with one
reviewer declaring it “briefly weird and not very interesting.”

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. movie such

B. movie; such

C. movie. Such

D. movie, such

ID: 5a4e7f5f Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The comma appropriately separates the nonessential descriptive aside "such as…scene" from
the independent clause "Theaters were…movie." Since the descriptive example of roses isn’t necessary for the sentence to
function, it needs to be set off with punctuation.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice results in a run-on sentence. Since the example of roses isn’t necessary for the sentence
to function, the descriptive aside "such as…scene" needs to be separated from the preceding independent clause with some
sort of punctuation. Choice B is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error. A semicolon can only be used to separate
two independent clauses, but "such…scene" is not an independent clause and couldn’t stand on its own as a sentence.
Choice C is incorrect. This choice results in a sentence fragment. The descriptive aside "Such…scene" is not an independent
clause and can’t stand on its own as a sentence.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID ce694afe
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: ce694afe
Psychophysicist Howard Moskowitz was hired by a soda company to determine how much artificial sweetener ______ After
conducting consumer taste tests, he found that no such ideal existed: participants expressed a wide range of preferences
for different blends of sweetener, carbonization, and flavoring.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. do most people prefer in a diet drink?

B. do most people prefer in a diet drink.

C. most people prefer in a diet drink?

D. most people prefer in a diet drink.

ID: ce694afe Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. This sentence is a statement: “Moskowitz was hired by a soda company to determine how
much artificial sweetener most people prefer in a diet drink.” So a period is the most appropriate punctuation mark.

Choice A is incorrect. This doesn’t complete the text in a way that conforms to the conventions of Standard English. This
sentence is not a question—it’s a statement. So a question mark is not the appropriate punctuation. Choice B is incorrect.
This doesn’t complete the text in a way that conforms to the conventions of Standard English. We already have the verbs
“was hired…to determine” in this sentence. The verb “do” is not needed and results in a confusing, ungrammatical
sentence. Choice C is incorrect. This doesn’t complete the text in a way that conforms to the conventions of Standard
English. This sentence is not a question—it’s a statement. So a question mark is not the appropriate punctuation.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID e32abb06
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: e32abb06
To survive when water is scarce, embryos inside African turquoise killifish eggs ______ a dormant state known as diapause.
In this state, embryonic development is paused for as long as two years—longer than the life span of an adult killifish.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. enter

B. to enter

C. having entered

D. entering

ID: e32abb06 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. A main clause
requires a finite verb to perform the action of the subject (in this case, “embryos”), and this choice supplies the clause with
the finite present tense verb “enter” to indicate how the embryos achieve diapause.

Choice B is incorrect because the nonfinite to-infinitive “to enter” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice C
is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “having entered” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice D is
incorrect because the nonfinite participle “entering” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID e1e9e391
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: e1e9e391
Led by Syrian American astronomer Shadia Habbal, the Solar Wind Sherpas are an intrepid team of scientists who travel the
globe to study solar winds, the streams of particles emanating from the Sun that are only visible from certain locations
during a total solar eclipse. When such an eclipse is imminent, the Sherpas pack up their telescopes and ______ ready.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. get

B. had gotten

C. got

D. were getting

ID: e1e9e391 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice,
the present tense verb “get” is consistent with the other present tense verbs (“are,” “travel,” and “pack”) used to describe the
Sherpas and their activities.

Choice B is incorrect. The past perfect verb “had gotten” isn’t consistent with the other present tense verbs used to describe
the Sherpas and their activities. Choice C is incorrect. The past tense verb “got” isn’t consistent with the other present tense
verbs used to describe the Sherpas and their activities. Choice D is incorrect. The past progressive verb “were getting” isn’t
consistent with the other present tense verbs used to describe the Sherpas and their activities.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID edbbeca3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: edbbeca3
In 1881, French chemist Camille Faure redesigned the rechargeable lead-acid battery. Faure’s design greatly increased the
amount of electricity that the original battery, which the French physicist Gaston Planté ______ fifteen years earlier, could

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. is inventing

B. will invent

C. invents

D. had invented

ID: edbbeca3 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. Faure redesigned the battery in 1881, and the original battery was invented “fifteen years
earlier.” Notice that this is the only choice in the past tense. To indicate that a past occurrence took place before another
past occurrence, we need to use “had” + the past tense form of the verb. This is called the “past perfect” tense.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a tense error. Planté invented the original battery in the past, so we shouldn’t use
the present tense “is inventing.” Choice B is incorrect. This choice creates a tense error. Planté invented the original battery in
the past, so we shouldn’t use the future tense “will invent.” Choice C is incorrect. This choice creates a tense error. Planté
invented the original battery in the past, so we shouldn’t use the present tense “invents.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f747b6e3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: f747b6e3
Objects ranging from the Kikkoman soy sauce bottle to the Yamaha VMAX motorcycle to the Komachi bullet train ______
designed by twentieth-century industrial designer Kenji Ekuan.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. was

B. is

C. has been

D. were

ID: f747b6e3 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The plural verb "were" agrees in number
with the plural subject "objects."

Choice A is incorrect because the singular verb "was" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject "objects." Choice B is
incorrect because the singular verb "is" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject "objects." Choice C is incorrect
because the singular verb "has been" doesn’t agree in number with the plural subject "objects."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 5d2fa0fc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 5d2fa0fc
At eight paragraphs long, the preamble to the constitution of ______ country in Western Asia—is much longer than the one-
paragraph preamble to the United States Constitution.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Bahrain—a

B. Bahrain, a

C. Bahrain a

D. Bahrain: a

ID: 5d2fa0fc Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of a supplementary element within a sentence.
The dash after “Bahrain” pairs with the dash after “Asia” to separate the supplementary element “a country in Western Asia”
from the rest of the sentence.

Choice B is incorrect because a comma can’t be paired with a dash in this way to separate the supplementary element from
the rest of the sentence. Choice C is incorrect because it fails to use appropriate punctuation to separate the supplementary
element from the rest of the sentence. Choice D is incorrect because a colon can’t be paired with a dash in this way to
separate the supplementary element from the rest of the sentence.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID a9fffded
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: a9fffded
British scientists James Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize in part for their 1953 paper announcing the double
helix structure of DNA, but it is misleading to say that Watson and Crick discovered the double helix. ______ findings were
based on a famous X-ray image of DNA fibers, “Photo 51,” developed by X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin and her
graduate student Raymond Gosling.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. They’re

B. It’s

C. Their

D. Its

ID: a9fffded Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of possessive determiners. The plural possessive
determiner “their” agrees in number with the plural conjoined noun phrase “Watson and Crick” and thus indicates that the
findings were those of Watson and Crick.

Choice A is incorrect because “they’re” is the contraction for “they are,” not a possessive determiner. Choice B is incorrect
because “it’s” is the contraction for “it is” or “it has,” not a possessive determiner. Choice D is incorrect because the singular
possessive determiner “its” doesn’t agree in number with the plural conjoined noun phrase “Watson and Crick.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f7331561
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f7331561
The life spans of rockfish vary greatly by species. For instance, the colorful calico rockfish (Sebastes dalli) can survive for a
little over a ______ the rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) boasts a maximum life span of about two centuries.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. decade: while

B. decade. While

C. decade; while

D. decade, while

ID: f7331561 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a main clause and a subordinate clause.
This choice correctly uses a comma to mark the boundary between the main clause (“the colorful…decade”) and the
subordinate clause (“while…centuries”) that provides contrasting information about the life span of rougheye rockfish.

Choice A is incorrect because a colon can’t be used in this way to join a main clause and a subordinate clause. Choice B is
incorrect because it results in a rhetorically unacceptable sentence fragment beginning with “while.” Choice C is incorrect
because a semicolon can’t be used in this way to join a main clause and a subordinate clause.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 0178c7ea
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 0178c7ea
Award-winning cinematographer James Wong Howe was known for his innovative filming techniques. While filming a boxing
match for the movie Body and Soul ______ Howe had a handheld camera operator wear roller skates. This allowed the
operator to move smoothly around actors in a boxing ring, creating an immersive experience for viewers.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. (1947), and

B. (1947),

C. (1947) and

D. (1947)

ID: 0178c7ea Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a supplementary element and a main
clause. This choice correctly uses a comma to mark the boundary between the supplementary phrase (“While...1947”), which
indicates when the action occurred, and the main clause (“Howe had a handheld camera operator wear roller skates”).

Choice A is incorrect because a comma paired with the conjunction “and” can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary
between the supplementary element (“While…1947”) and the main clause (“Howe…skates”). Choice C is incorrect because
the conjunction “and” can’t be used in this way to join the supplementary element (“While…1947”) and the main clause
(“Howe…skates”). Choice D is incorrect because it fails to mark the boundary between the supplementary element and the
main clause with appropriate punctuation.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f0124561
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f0124561
A subseasonal weather forecast attempts to predict weather conditions three to four weeks in ______ its predictions are
therefore more short-term than those of the seasonal forecast, which attempts to predict the weather more than a month in

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. advance,

B. advance

C. advance;

D. advance and

ID: f0124561 Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The clause “A subseasonal…advance” and the clause “its predictions…forecast” are both
independent clauses, so using a semicolon to separate them is grammatically correct.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice creates a run-on sentence error. The clause “A subseasonal…advance” and the clause “its
predictions…forecast” are both independent clauses, so a comma is not enough to separate them. Choice B is incorrect. This
choice creates a run-on sentence error. The clause “A subseasonal…advance” and the clause “its predictions…forecast” are
both independent clauses, so they need to be separated with specific punctuation (a period, a semi-colon, a colon, a dash, or
a comma + a coordinating conjunction). Choice D is incorrect. This choice creates a run-on sentence error. The clause “A
subseasonal…advance” and the clause “its predictions…forecast” are both independent clauses, so the word “and” by itself is
not enough to separate them. There would need to be a comma before “and” for this choice to work.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 5bf1ebee
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 5bf1ebee
While many video game creators strive to make their graphics ever more ______ others look to the past, developing titles with
visuals inspired by the “8-bit” games of the 1980s and 1990s. (The term “8-bit” refers to a console whose processor could
only handle eight bits of data at once.)

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. lifelike but

B. lifelike

C. lifelike,

D. lifelike, but

ID: 5bf1ebee Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a subordinate clause and a main clause.
This choice correctly uses a comma to mark the boundary between the subordinate clause (“While…lifelike”) and the main
clause (“others look to the past”).

Choice A is incorrect because it results in an incomplete sentence with no main clause. Choice B is incorrect because it fails
to mark the boundary between the subordinate clause (“While…lifelike”) and the main clause (“others…past”). Choice D is
incorrect because it results in an incomplete sentence with no main clause.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 491a17a7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 491a17a7
Botanists recognize over fifty different species of sunflower. One species, the silverleaf sunflower, ______ both an early-
flowering ecotype that tends to grow in coastal areas and a late-flowering ecotype that grows inland.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. having included

B. including

C. to include

D. includes

ID: 491a17a7 Answer

Correct Answer: D

Choice D is the best answer. This verb needs to function as the main verb in the sentence, with the subject “one species,” so
it needs to be conjugated. This choice gives us the singular present tense “includes,” which is the only conjugated form of
the verb among the choices.

Choice A is incorrect. This doesn’t complete the text in a way that conforms to the conventions of Standard English. This
verb needs to function as the main verb in the sentence, with the subject “one species,” so it needs to be conjugated. “Having
included” is a participle form of the verb: it’s not conjugated and doesn’t function like a normal verb. Choice B is incorrect.
This doesn’t complete the text in a way that conforms to the conventions of Standard English. This verb needs to function as
the main verb in the sentence, with the subject “one species,” so it needs to be conjugated. “Including” is the gerund form of
the verb: it’s not conjugated and doesn’t function like a normal verb. Choice C is incorrect. This doesn’t complete the text in a
way that conforms to the conventions of Standard English. This verb needs to function as the main verb in the sentence, with
the subject “one species,” so it needs to be conjugated. “To include” is the infinitive form of the verb: it’s not conjugated.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 111c3cbf
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 111c3cbf
Generations of mystery and horror ______ have been influenced by the dark, gothic stories of celebrated American author
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849).

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. writers

B. writers,

C. writers—

D. writers;

ID: 111c3cbf Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation between a subject and a verb. When, as in this case,
a subject (“Generations of mystery and horror writers”) is immediately followed by a verb (“have been influenced”), no
punctuation is needed.

Choice B is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the subject and the verb. Choice C is incorrect because no
punctuation is needed between the subject and the verb. Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between
the subject and the verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 8b7904d0
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 8b7904d0
Scientists believe that, unlike most other species of barnacle, turtle barnacles (Chelonibia testudinari) can dissolve the
cement-like secretions they use to attach ______ to a sea turtle shell, enabling the barnacles to move short distances across
the shell’s surface.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. it

B. themselves

C. them

D. itself

ID: 8b7904d0 Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is pronoun-antecedent agreement. The plural reflexive pronoun
“themselves” agrees in number with the plural antecedent “turtle barnacles,” correctly indicating what is attached to a sea
turtle shell.

Choice A is incorrect because the singular pronoun “it” doesn’t agree in number with the plural antecedent “turtle barnacles.”
Choice C is incorrect because it results in an unclear and confusing sentence. In this context, it’s unclear what the plural
pronoun “them” refers to. Choice D is incorrect because the singular reflexive pronoun “itself” doesn’t agree in number with
the plural antecedent “turtle barnacles.”

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 312bfabb
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: 312bfabb
When particles are suspended in liquid (like pollen in a water glass), they will zigzag randomly through the liquid and collide
with one another in perpetuity. This type of random, continuous ______ is known as Brownian motion, can be observed
throughout the natural world.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. movement: which

B. movement, which

C. movement which

D. movement. Which

ID: 312bfabb Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. This choice correctly uses commas to set off the nonessential relative clause "which is known
as Brownian motion" that provides extra information about the "random, continuous movement" that isn’t necessary for the
function of the sentence.

Choice A is incorrect. This choice results in a punctuation error. The relative clause "which is known as Brownian motion" is a
nonessential supplement. Nonessential supplements need to be set apart from the rest of the sentence with a pair of
commas, dashes, or parentheses, so we can’t use a colon here. Also, notice that colons can only come after an independent
clause, which isn’t the case here. Choice C is incorrect. This choice results in a punctuation error. The relative clause "which
is known as Brownian motion" is a nonessential supplement, so it should be separated from the rest of the sentence by a
pair of matching punctuation marks. We already have a comma after "motion," so we need to add a comma before "which."
This choice is missing that comma. Choice D is incorrect. This choice results in a sentence fragment. "This type of random,
continuous movement" is not an independent clause and can’t stand alone as a full sentence, so we can’t put a period here.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID f60f2482
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Boundaries


ID: f60f2482
In 1959, marine biologist Dr. Albert Jones founded the Underwater Adventure Seekers, a scuba diving ______ that is the
oldest club for Black divers in the United States and that has helped thousands of diving enthusiasts become certified in the

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. club

B. club,

C. club—

D. club, and

ID: f60f2482 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. “That is…field” is an essential supplement, so we should not use punctuation to separate it from
“scuba diving club.” .

Choice B is incorrect. This choice creates a punctuation error. “That is…field” is an essential supplement, so we should not
use a comma (or any kind of punctuation) to separate it from “scuba diving club.” . Choice C is incorrect. This choice creates
a punctuation error. “That is…field” is an essential supplement, so we should not use a dash (or any kind of punctuation) to
separate it from “scuba diving club.” . Choice D is incorrect. This choice creates a run-on sentence. It makes “that is…United
States” into an awkward independent clause, but it also makes “that has…field” into its own awkward independent clause
without the correct punctuation separating it.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 392848bf
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 392848bf
The sun never sets during the Arctic summer in the Far North. In response, reindeer in this region must change their sleep
habits. Instead of resting when it gets dark, they rest when they need ______ their food.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. digest

B. will digest

C. to digest

D. digesting

ID: 392848bf Answer

Correct Answer: C

Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. Working
together with the finite verb "need," the nonfinite to-infinitive verb "to digest" is correctly used to form a subordinate clause
that describes what the reindeer need.

Choice A is incorrect because the verb "digest" (in either its finite or nonfinite form) can’t be used in this way with the finite
verb "need." Choice B is incorrect because the finite verb "will digest" can’t be used in this way with the finite verb "need."
Choice D is incorrect because the nonfinite participle "digesting" can’t be used in this way with the finite verb "need."

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 2b146272
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 2b146272
Even though bats prefer very sweet nectar, the plants that attract them have evolved to produce nectar that is only
moderately sweet. A recent study ______ why: making sugar is energy-intensive, and it is more advantageous for plants to
make a large amount of low-sugar nectar than a small amount of high-sugar nectar.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. explains

B. explaining

C. having explained

D. to explain

ID: 2b146272 Answer

Correct Answer: A

Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. A
main clause requires a finite verb to perform the action of the subject (in this case, “a recent study”), and this choice supplies
the finite present tense verb “explains” to indicate that the study explains why plants that attract bats have evolved to
produce moderately sweet nectar.

Choice B is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “explaining” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice C
is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “having explained” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice D is
incorrect because the nonfinite to-infinitive “to explain” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

Question ID 0bcf9a4d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

PSAT 8/9 Reading and Writing Standard English Form, Structure,

Conventions and Sense

ID: 0bcf9a4d
In 1637, the price of tulips skyrocketed in Amsterdam, with single bulbs of rare varieties selling for up to the equivalent of
$200,000 in today’s US dollars. Some historians ______ that this “tulip mania” was the first historical instance of an asset
bubble, which occurs when investors drive prices to highs not supported by actual demand.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. claiming

B. claim

C. having claimed

D. to claim

ID: 0bcf9a4d Answer

Correct Answer: B

Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. A
main clause requires a finite verb to perform the action of the subject (in this case, “some historians”), and this choice
supplies the finite present tense verb “claim” to indicate what some historians do.

Choice A is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “claiming” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice C is
incorrect because the nonfinite participle “having claimed” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb. Choice D is
incorrect because the nonfinite to-infinitive “to claim” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.

Question Difficulty: Medium

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