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Instruction Manual
Schlafhorst AC 5 / AC 338

Loepfe Brothers Ltd.
Kastellstrasse 10
P. O. Box 582
CH-8623 Wetzikon/Switzerland

Phone +41 43 488 11 11

Fax +41 43 488 11 00
E-Mail service @

YarnMaster ® is a registered trademark of Loepfe Brothers

Ltd. for Switzerland and other countries.

All further company and product names are trading names or

registered trademarks of the relative companies.

The content of this Operating Instruction is protected by copy-

right. All rights reserved. No part of this may be repro­duced in
whatever form (by printing, photocopying, microfilm or other)
without a written grant of Loepfe Brothers Ltd., nor may it be
processed or distributed by any electronic mean.

Copyright © 2010 Loepfe Brothers Ltd., Switzerland

10. 2010 / Version ≥ 7.18



Table of Contents
Safety Instructions 7
Norms and Regulations 7
Instruction Manual 7
Liability 7
Operational Notes 8

Yarn Clearing (General) 9

Definition of Yarn Faults 9
Yarn Fault Classification 11
Yarn Clearing 12
Foreign Matter (F) 15
Synthetic Foreign Matter (P) 15
Variable CV Channel (VCV) 15
Imperfections 16
Surface Index SFI 16

YarnMaster Zenit 17
Functional Range 17

Main Menu 18
Clearer Group Parameters (Lot Parameters) 19

Base Settings 20
Installation 21
Monitoring Configuration 22
Fine Adjust, Cone Startup Setting 23
Special Settings 25
F Startup 26

Channel Settings 27
Menu Description 27
Modify Settings 27
Printout of Settings AC 5 27
Printout of Settings AC 338 27
Channel 28
Splice 28
Yarn Count 30
Short Count 31
Adjust 32

Cluster Settings (Short, Long, Thin) 35 Maintenance (Diagnosis) 59

Cluster Short / Long / Thin 35 Restore Password Protection 59
AWE 800 Status 59
Setting Examples (Standard Values) 37
Options 59

Class Settings 38 MillMaster 59

Display Channel 39 LOEPFE BUS DATA 60

Display Cluster 40 Testmode 61

Display Splice 41 Diameter Base 64

Service Settings 65
F Settings 42 Message Journal 66
F-Setting / Cluster 43 Message Boxes 68
P Setting 44
Checks and Maintenance 70
SFI/D-VCV-Setting (Option) 45 General 70
SFI/D 45 Daily 70
VCV (Variable CV Channel) 46 Weekly 70
Cleaning the Optic 71
Monitoring Data 47
Exchanging AWE and / or TK 71
Group 48
Spindle 49 Sensing Head YM Zenit 72
TK YM Zenit C 72
Class Clearing Data 50
Sensing Head Display (7-Segment Display) 73
Last Cut 53
Mounting of P-Sensors 73
F Clearing Data 54
Technical Data (Changes Reserved) 74
Splice Clearing Data 56

Lab-Data 57
Imperfections IPI (Option) 57
VCV (Option) 58
Surface Index SFI (Option) 58

Safety Instructions

Norms and Regulations

The LOEPFE YarnMaster ® Zenit yarn clearing system is a
product which has been inspected for technical safety. It
complies with the following directives:

2006 / 42 / EC Machinery Directive

2006 / 95 / EC Low Voltage Directive
2004 / 108 / EC Electromagnetic Compatibility

Instruction Manual
To prevent faults and operating errors, we recommend to
carefully read this Instruction Manual and to carefully follow
the instructions given.

Indicates warnings which, if not properly observed,
could harm your health, impair the functioning of
the equipment or the security of your data.

Note: The screen representations in this manual serve as illus-

tration only. They should not be used as setting examples!

A copy of this Instruction Manual must be kept easily acces-

sible near the machine.

The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by:

ƒƒ Noncompliance with the safety, operating and mainte-

nance instructions contained in this Manual.

ƒƒ The use of spare parts / non-OEM parts / conversion parts

not supplied by us.

ƒƒ Unauthorized conversion and modification of the yarn


ƒƒ Normal wear.


Operational Notes
This yarn clearing equipment may only be installed, initiated
and operated by trained personnel.
Improper operation of the equipment could cause hazards.

In accordance with 2006 / 42 / EC, 2006 / 95 / EC, 2004 / 108 /

EC this yarn clearing installation should only be operated with
the covers closed (cooling, fire protection, contamination,
spark interference etc.)

The knives at the sensing heads are automatically activated.

Beware of touching the knives, you could be injured.

Electronic components and assemblies (printed circuit

boards) are endangered by electrostatic charges! Be-
ware of touching the soldered connectors, pin contacts, print-
ed circuits or electronic components before they have been
discharged statically. Hold the units at the periphery only.


Yarn Clearing (General)

Definition of Yarn Faults
The spinning process supplies a relatively uniform yarn. How-
ever, differences in yarn diameter cannot be completely avoid-
ed. Thus, it is first necessary to distinguish between normal
yarn irregularities and actual yarn faults.

Yarn faults may be defined as yarn irregularities which can

lead to difficulties in subsequent production stages or to
faults in the end product. Yarn clearing is defined as the de-
tection and elimination of yarn faults. This task is per­formed
during the winding process. Yarn clearer are, there­fore, part
of a winder.

To eliminate a fault it is necessary to interrupt the winding

process. The spindle must be stopped, the fault eliminated
and the ends of the yarn joined together again. Obviously
this interruption results in a loss of production. Yarn clear-
ing is, therefore, always a compromise between quality and
produc­tion, i.e. between the maximum possible number of
yarn faults which could be removed and the least acceptable
production loss. This compromise results in a distinction be-

ƒƒ objectionable yarn faults, namely those which are

tolera­ted for sake of machine efficiency, and

ƒƒ non objectionable yarn faults (faults that cannot be


Yarn Faults

Based on the average yarn diameter (basic diameter), the fol-

lowing yarn faults can be detected and cleared: Neps

ƒƒ Thick and thin places are defined, depending on whether Short Faults
there is an increase or a decrease in diameter.

Within the thick places further distinctions are made: Long Faults

–– Neps, as extremely short (up to a few mm) and extre­mely

Thin Places
thick faults (several times the base diameter)
–– Short faults, as faults of limited length (of about 0.5 to
10 cm) but of considerable thickness (1.1 to 4.0 times the Splices
base diameter)
–– Long faults and double ends, as faults of con­si­derab­le Yarn Count
length (from 5 to 200 cm) but of limited thick­ness (1.04 to
2.0 times the base diameter).
Short Count

ƒƒ Faulty splices
ƒƒ Yarn count deviation (positive / negative)
ƒƒ Yarn count deviation (positive / negative)
in the short count range (1–32 m)


Accumulations of Faults (Clusters)

ƒƒ Periodic clusters (moiré)

ƒƒ Non-periodic clusters Periodic

in the short, long or thin fault range which repeat them-

selves several times within a short distance. Non-periodic

Off-standard Bobbins (SFI / D)

Irregularities of the surface structure such as:
ƒƒ Hairiness
ƒƒ Neppiness
ƒƒ Irregularity Irregularity

ƒƒ Imperfections (IPI)

Yarn Irregularities (VCV)

Disturbing diameter variations or sporadic irregularities, for

example: Neppiness

ƒƒ Neppiness Irregularity
ƒƒ Irregularity (CV)
ƒƒ Imperfections (IPI) Imperfections
Check length adjustable between 1–50 m

Foreign Matter (F)

Foreign matter with a color that is different from the base

color of the yarn:

ƒƒ Bright foreign matter in the dyed yarn

ƒƒ Dark foreign matter in the raw-white yarn
Even the smallest contrast differences are reliably detected
in colored yarns. In dyed or colored yarn In raw-white yarn

Synthetic Foreign Matter (P)

Synthetic foreign matter (e.g. polypropylene)

ƒƒ Irrespective of the color of the yarn and the foreign mat- Synthetic foreign matter in raw-white yarn
ter, for example, white and transparent polypropylene in
raw-white yarn


Yarn Fault Classification Figure 1

Yarn faults are defined in terms of a transverse dimension

Diameter Y
and a longitudinal dimension. The transverse dimension is ex­
pressed as a multiple of the base diameter and the longitudi-
nal dimension in centimeters.
The definition of yarn faults in terms of length and thickness
suggests the representation of yarn faults in a Cartesian sys-
tem of coordinates. Thereby the length is plotted in the hori-
zontal direction (X-axis), and the thickness in the vertical di-
rection (Y-axis). Each yarn fault can, thus, be plotted as a point
in the plane of the coordinates. Furthermore, the plane of the
coordinates can be divided into individual fields (classes) in
order to summarize (classify) similar yarn irregularities into
groups and to count them. This takes into account another
extremely important point of view, namely the frequency of Length X
similar faults (see figure 1) Frequency distribution of yarn faults in the coordinate grid

Figure 2


The choice of the class limits is largely random. Short

2 2 2 4 2 4 2 8

7.00 N4 A4 B4 C4 D4 Figure 3
faults are most frequently divided into 16 thickness class-
1 1 1 3 1 3 1 7
5.00 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 6

3.90 N3 A3 B3 C3 D3
es (see figure 2). 3.20
1 1 1 3 1 3 1 5
2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4

2.70 N2 A2 B2 C2 D2
1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3

The classification scheme can be extended to include ad- 2.30

2 2

2 4 2 4 2 2

N1 B1 C1 D1 E

ditional classes for long faults and thin places. The Yarn- 1.80
1 1 1 3 1
3 6 9 3 6

Master System uses the following classification (see fig- 1.60

2 C0 2 D0 5 2 F 5 8 2 G 5
ure 3). 1.30 1 1 4 1 4 7 1 4

1 C00 1 D00 2 1 F00 2 3 1 G00 2


1 -C0 1 -D0 2 3 1 H0 2 1 I0 2
1 1 3 5 1 3 1 3
0.80 -C1 -D1 H1 I1
0.75 2 2 4 6 2 4 2 4

1 -C2 1 -D2 2 3 1 H2 2 1 I2 2

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 12.0 20.0 32.0 70.0


Figure 4
Thick places / Short faults
As already mentioned, various types of yarn faults are distin-
guished according to their form. In the plane of coor­dinates it
is possible to distinguish areas which relate to the following
types of faults (see figure 4).
Long faults and
Double ends

Thin places

Yarn Clearing
Base Curve Figure 5

The distinction between yarn faults which are to be cut out


and those which are to be left in the yarn (unacceptable and

acceptable yarn faults), which is made in the interest of win­
der efficiency, has already been pointed out. This di­stinction
can be represented graphically on the plane of coordinates as
a line which separates the acceptable faults (below) from the
unacceptable ones (above). This line repre­sents the theo­re­
tically-desirable base curve (RG). A concave base curve
(see figure 5) normally corresponds to the requirements in
The concave shape arises from the textile evaluation, where-
by the greater the deviation in diameter that is tolerated, the
smaller the length deviation that appears acceptable. Fur­
thermore, the base curve, thus, passes through fields of sim-
ilar fault frequencies, which meets the requirement of high

A distinction must be made between the theoretically-desir­

able base curve and the practically-achievable base curve,
which depends on the one hand on the clearing characteristic
typical of a clearer type, and, on the other hand, on its set-
ting flexi­bility.


Clearer Characteristics

Clearer characteristics are the basic pattern of the base curve,

this pattern being typical of a particular clearer type. Impor-
tant factors in assessing a clearer are the shape of this base
curve on the one hand, and the possibility of changing this
curve on the other hand.

The corresponding clearer setting:

N = 6.0 Diameter limit for neps

DS = 2.40 Diameter limit for short faults
LS = 1.3 Limit for short fault length
DL = 1.25 Diameter limit for long faults and double ends
LL = 40 Limit for long fault length
-D = -20% Limit of the diameter decrease for thin places
-L = 60 Limit for thin place length

All diameters limits refer to the reference yarn diameter


Graphic presentation of clearing curve

Clearing According to Classes

Yarn Faults

Clearing according to classes allows for the creation of com-

pletely optional clearer characteristics. This is advantageous,
especially for fancy yarns.

The use of class clearing in combination with conventional

clearing often achieves better results when short and long
faults occur at the same time.


Clearing according to splice classes allows for the creation of

completely optional splice detection. An advantage for fancy
yarn, core-spun yarn etc.


Short Fault and Long Fault Combined

Characterized as short when cleared
Exact inspection of a yarn fault shows that it changes along according to channels
the longitudinal dimension. A thick place is made up of a com-
bination of different thickenings.

For classification, this fault is only characterized after it has

completely run through the measuring field of the sensing Base curve set
head. with respect to short

The different cross dimensions of the long fault are cal­culated

as a mean value. The average thickening is then lower relative
to the largest cross-dimension of the yarn fault. Therefore the
yarn fault is assigned to the long fault class.

Depending on the yarn and the selected setting it is therefore

possible that, at simultaneous short and long faults, the sum
Characterized as long during classification
of the cut short and long faults in menu Monitoring Data and
the sum of the cut short and long faults in menus Class clear-
ing data show differences.

For simultaneous short and long faults it is recommended to

apply the class clearing in combination with the conventional
clearing. Better results can thus be achieved.


Foreign Matter (F)

The classification of foreign fibres is based on the evaluation 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
of differences in contrast. 1
DS4 3 1
DI4 3 1
DR4 3 1
DO4 3 4
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
Foreign matters are classified as follows: The length class- DS3 DI3 DR3 DO3 3 3
1 3 1 3 1 3 1
es on the horizontal axis are divided into S–I–R–O, the dark- Dark 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
DS2 DI2 DR2 DO2 3 2
ness levels on the vertical axis into 1–2–3–4. In addition, each 1 3 1 3 1 3 1
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
class is divided into four subclasses. (= total 128 classes). 1
DS1 3 1
DI1 3 1
DR1 3 1
DO1 3 1

1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
The darkness scale is divided into a positive area (darker color 2
BS1 4 2
BI1 4 2
BR1 4 2
BO1 4
positions) and a negative area (for brighter color positions). 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
BS2 4 2
BI2 4 2
BR2 4 2
BO2 4
Bright 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
BS3 4 2
BI3 4 2
BR3 4 2
BO3 4
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
BS4 BI4 BR4 BO4 4
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4



Synthetic Foreign Matter (P) TriboelecTric SerieS


The detection of synthetic foreign matter as polypropylene, Dry Human Hands, Skin
polyamide (nylon) etc. is based on triboelectricity. The differ- Leather Acquires a more
Rabbit Fur positive charge

ent electrical charging of materials (e.g. cotton and polypro- Glass
Human Hair
pylene) caused by the winding process is evaluated.
Nylon (Polyamid)
Triboelectric Effect Silk
The triboelectric effect is an electrical phenomenon cotton
where certain materials become electrically charged after Steel
coming into contact with another, different, material. Amber
Hard Rubber
Nickel, Copper
The polarity and strength of the charges produced differ
Brass, Silver
according to material and surface smoothness.

Gold, Platinum
Saran Wrap
That means: Polyacrylic
The further the materials lie off each other in the series, Polyurethane Acquires a more
the more definitely they can be detected.
Polyethylene (scotch tape) negative charge

Triboelectric Series

Variable CV Channel (VCV)

Disturbing diameter variations caused by draft faults, soiled The clearer calculates continuously the VCV values from the
cylinders or sporadically occurring irregularities can be de- yarn pieces with the set check length and compares these
tected. with its floating mean value.

As opposed to laboratory practice where check lengths of Note: These values cannot be compared with the optical CV
400 or 1000 m are normally used for CV determination, the values of the STATISTICS or the data collected in the labora-
check length of the VCV can be varied continuously between tory because the check lengths as well as the cutting lengths
1 and 50 m. This allows for the specific detection of diameter for calculation are different.
varia-tions in this length range.


0.5 1 2 4 8 cm
Frequent yarn faults are described as Imperfections in the
language of the textile industry. It is generally acknowledged D 5.00
that the shorter the fault length, or the smaller the diameter
D 3.20
deviation respectively, the more frequent the event.
D 2.30
The source of these faults is found in the raw material or in a
D 1.81
non-perfect spinning process. The raw material, card wires,
eccentric top rollers/bottom rollers, defective aprons, rings
D 1.28
and ring travellers have a significant influence on the imper­ D 1.11
fections. D 1.00
D 0.89
D 0.75
With a reliable analysis of the Imperfections it is not only pos-
sible to optimize the production process but also con­clusions
20 70 cm
can be drawn concerning the quality of the used fibre mate-
Frequent events Neps
Thick Places
Thin Places

Very frequent events Small

Surface Index SFI

The monitoring and evaluation of the surface structure of a
yarn (e.g. hairiness), is a further important criterion for qual-
ity assurance.

In order to predict yarn behavior during processing in weav-

ing or knitting, it is not sufficient to simply consider individual
quality characteristics (e.g. yarn irregularity) to assess a yarn.
Only a combination of different quality criteria (e.g. hairiness
and irregularity) supports making a definite conclusion.

These quality characteristics are combined in the surface in-

dex SFI enabling the user to monitor the quality level easily
and efficiently.


YarnMaster Zenit
Functional Range

P clearing
–– Clearing of Synthetic Foreign
Matters PP PE etc.

F clearing
–– Foreign Matter Class Clearing dark
and bright
–– Foreign Matter Cluster Clearing

LabPack (Option)
–– Imperfections IPI
–– Surface Index SFI
–– Off-Standard Bobbin Detection SFI/D
–– Variable CV Channel VCV

Quality Pack
–– Channel Clearing
N Neps
S Short Faults
L Long Faults
T Thin Places
–– Yarn Count Channel
–– Short Count Channel
–– Cluster Channel Long / Short / Thin
–– Class Clearing
–– Classification of Yarn Faults
–– Splice Channel
–– Classification of Splice Faults




Main Menu
The Loepfe yarn clearer is operated via the Informator user Base settings
interface. Structure and operation thereof is extensively de- Basic settings for installation, monitoring etc.
scribed in the Schlafhorst Operating Manual under Chapter Monitoring data
‹Informator›. Summary of all cut yarn faults and events
Touching the info, box switches between Class clearing data
Schlafhorst machine operation and Loepfe Classification data on cut and uncut yarn faults and
clearer operation. data about yarn quality
F clearing data
Touching the menu items opens the corresponding clearer Classification data on cut and uncut foreign matters
menus: Splice clearing data
Classification data on cut and uncut foreign matters
Channel settings Lab-Data
Settings of clearer channels Data of Imperfections and Surface Index
Class settings Maintenance
Settings for clearing by classes Service functions, messages , options
F settings
Settings for clearing by foreign matter classes Note: Some menues are active only, when the cor-
SFI/D-VCV settings responding group is in production. Not activated keys
Settings for monitoring of the surface structure and appear dimmed.
the diameter variations
Cluster settings
Settings for cluster acquisition monitoring


Clearer Group Parameters (Lot Parameters)

Within the main menu, the individual clearer groups can be Assigned parameters
accessed and their assigned parameters viewed.
The display panels inform about some assigned parameters
and conditions:
Selecting individual groups
4 Lot name: i.e. type of fiber stock for this lot
• Touching button 3 displays a menu listing the 30
(AC 338 = 6) possible groups. Select corresponding group 5 Lot number: i.e. yarn count for this lot
and confirm with O.K. button.
• Alternatively, the groups can also be selected by scrolling 6 Status: Group status PRODUCTION,
+/– buttons. DEFINED or LOT CHANGE

7 Working range: Number of assigned winding units

for this lot

By touching this button you can return to the main menu from any program position.


Base Settings
At initial system startup and after changes concerning the Assign / Cancel Settings
physical group configuration, the clearer has to be configured
in menu Base settings. Once settings have been modified Push appears on but-
ton Assign to group. The settings must now be assigned to a
Password Protection group:

Prior to altering any parameters the password protection • Touch button Assign to group
must be cancelled: • Scroll with +/– buttons until the desired group is displayed
on the button Assign to group to which the setting is going
• Touch button Assign to group to be assigned.
• Enter the foreman code and confirm password with O.K. • Confirm settings with O.K. button
button • Cancel settings with button Display Grp

Is the menu left without assignment with return button, the

Enter / Alter Settings message Settings have not been assigned yet appears.

• Touch button Display and scroll with +/– buttons until • Assign or cancel the changes.
desired group is displayed.

• Touch button (i.e. PilotSpd). Whenever settings i.e. in group 1 are being modified
• Scroll with +/– buttons until the desired setting is and subsequently re-assigned to other groups, the
displayed on the respective button. settings are assigned only to group 1.
• For numerical entries a numeric button board can be
accessed with button 3. Confirm entries with O.K. button
(Cancel with button Base settings).


TK (sensing head type) F Mode

TK Zenit C without foreign matter detection The display area of the foreign matter class window can be
TK Zenit F C with foreign matter detection selected:
TK Zenit FP C with foreign matter detection and with
synthetic foreign matter detection Dark / Bright: The “dark” and the “bright” area of the class

window will be displayed (classification of all foreign mat-
When exchanging a sensing head it must be en- Dark: The “dark” area of the class window will be displayed
sured that an identical sensing head is used! (classification of dark foreign matter in the bright yarn).
Do not mix different Zenit versions within one
PilotSpd (pilot spindles)
No other sensing head type can be allotted to groups in status Define approx. 10% of the number of winding units per group
PRODUCTION. The sensing head type can be changed only as pilot spindles. For groups of 10 spindles or less at least 2
if the group is in status Defined. pilot spindles should be defined.


Monitoring Configuration
Mode WLength

By means of button Mode settings LAST, FIRST or CONE can With button WLength the window length can be selected be-
be selected. tween 10 to 1000 km.

ƒ Setting LAST displays the actual group or spindle data

covering the last, i.e. 100 km (WLength) of yarn. Restart Yes / No

ƒ With the FIRST setting, the detection of monitoring and Selecting Yes on button Restart resets all classification data
classification data of the current production is stopped at to zero.
e.g. 100 km (WLength selectable). Considering a group
of 50 winding units this would mean that the first 2 km
wound on each unit would be shown together. At a wind-
ing speed of 1000 m / min, 100 km are reached in 2 min-

ƒ With the CONE setting, the data of each individual cone

will be shown in the Monitoring data, Class clearing data
and F clearing data menus, in the Spindle view and auto-
matically deleted after changing. In the Group view, the
data are shown as in the LAST setting.


Fine Adjust, Cone Startup Setting

Reduction Reduction at Cone Change

Following an initial start or after an Adjust, very sensitive set- At a cone change the boundary values for the long fault
tings in the yarn count channel resp. fault cluster channel length (LL) and thin place length (-L) are set to 2 m. The
could lead to too many cuts. In order to avoid such cuts, the diameter limits for long faults (DL) and diameter decrease
sensitivity can be temporarily reduced. (-D) become less sensitive according to the set reduction
With button Reduc. a reduction between 0% and 250% can
be selected or can be set to OFF. Is the reduction turned off (OFF), the long fault channel as well
as the thin place channel are not active for the first 12 m.
0% = no sensitivity change
AUS = yarn count channel and fault cluster channel are Note: At each cone change the yarn count channel and the
deactivated during winding of the first approx. foreign matter clearing are not active for the first 10 m, regard-
12 km of yarn less of the set reduction (Reduc.)

This setting is based on the diameter surplus and is auto-

matically cancelled on each winding unit after winding ap-
prox. 12 km of yarn.

When performing a Spindle Adjust on a winding unit, this sen-

sitivity change is also activated for approx.12 km.




After a lot change the yarn reference value is measured by

a number of pilot spindles. Derived from this, the reference
value is formed and sent to every other spindle of the group.
Thereafter the individual mean value is determined for ap-
prox. 6 bobbins and adjusted, if necessary.


With Continuous Fine Adjust the above procedure is no lon-

ger completed. The measured yarn value is continuously
compared to the calculated mean value. Non-textile changes,
such as climate, yarn tension, humidity etc. which influence
the yarn diameter, are being compensated. Larger deviations
from the measured value (even over a long period of time)
trigger an alarm


Special Settings
Knife (Knife Inspection) Loepfe-side

After a clearer cut the dynamic yarn signal (DFS) must have • Base settings > Special settings
disappeared within 10 m. A second cut is initiated, if the DFS • Knife ON
fails to disappear.

Should it be impossible to cut the yarn properly, the wind- UpY (Upper Yarn static detection of upper yarn)
ing unit is stopped and blocked. Subsequently the max. fault
length (80 m) is sucked off the package. Activation or deactivation of the upper yarn function.

To activate the knife the following step must be done:

Schlafhorst-side AC 5

• Nominal values > Lot > Carrier > Clearer

• Knife monitoring ON

Schlafhorst-side AC 338

• Lot > Preparation > Quality control > Clearer cuts

• Knife monitoring ON


F Startup
Repeated foreign matter (F) cuts within 10 meters after wind-
ing unit start-up are monitored. It must be defined how often
the exceeding of the limiting value is tolerated. If the limiting
value is exceeded, the spindle is blocked after the set num-
ber of repetitions.

Offlimit ON / OFF

ƒ With Offlimit activated, the winding unit is stopped and

blocked once the preselected number of repetitions is ex-
ceeded. (Winding unit shows yellow / red light status; re-
move bobbin and restart winding unit on yellow button).
ƒ With Offlimit deactivated, no alarm is triggered.


Channel Settings
Menu Description Modify Settings
After initial system startup and at lot change, the parameters See chapter Base Settings
for conventional channel clearing must be entered in menu
Channel settings.
Printout of Settings AC 5
Parameters for clearer channels The clearer settings can be copied via an external storage
medium (USB or CompactFlash card) to a PC. There, the files
Splice can be viewed and printed.
Parameters for splice check

Yarn Count / Short Count Printout of Settings AC 338

Settings to monitor the yarn count deviation
The clearer settings of the groups can be printed on the In-
UpY formator:
Static detection of upper yarn (Upper Yarn)
• Select group.
• Touch button print to start the printout.


Channel Splice
By means of the channel settings the yarn clearing limits These setting values are active during the initial 35 cm of
(clearing curve) are defined: wound yarn, consequently within the range the splice passes
the measuring head.
N = Diameter limit for neps
DS = Diameter limit for short faults
CheckL (Check Length)
LS = Limit for short fault length
DL = Diameter limit for long faults and double ends The check length (CheckL) is automatically set to 35 cm. If re-
LL = Limit for long fault length quired this length can be adjusted to 0 –120 cm.
-D = Limit of the diameter decrease for thin places
-L = Limit for thin place length
In order to disable the splice monitoring, the check length
(CheckL) has to be set to 0 cm.

All diameter limits refer to the reference yarn diameter

(base). UpY (Static Detection of Upper Yarn)

In order to securely detect a upper double end, Upper Yarn

Rep (Cuts at spindle start in NSLT channel) should be set not higher than 1.35 (35% excessive diameter).
At yarn change this setting should be double-checked, and
With these settings, the bobbins with frequent faults can be changed if required.
detected. If frequent startup cuts in the NSLT channel, the
spindle will be blocked after the number of repetitions (0–9)


Coarse Yarn Limitation

For coarse yarns, the Adjust process can determine a diame- Note: If the neps channel was switched off, it will be acti-
ter base larger than 0.868 V. This has the effect that the com- vated and set to the diameter limit value which was reduced
plete measuring range is no longer available. accordingly. If the yarn cannot be cleared in this manner, the
neps channel has to be switched off manually.
Accordingly, the diameter limit value for neps is automatical-
ly reduced for the channel settings and splice settings. The
changed settings are marked red.

The following alarm message is displayed:


Yarn Count
By means of this button group, wrong bobbins or yarn with Coarse / Fine
considerable count deviation can be identified.
According to the diameter difference the yarn count deviation
is indicated on buttons Coarse and Fine.
+DiaDiff / -DiaDiff
Alternatively, the exact yarn count range to be monitored can
A diameter difference of ±3% to ±44% (deviation from base be entered on buttons Coarse and Fine. Accordingly the diam-
value) can be selected, depending on quality or irregularity of eter difference (DiaDiff) is automatically recalculated.
the yarn. Thereby, the permitted diameter difference can be
set independently for plus and minus deviation.
Rep (Repetitions)

CntLen (Reference Length) Once the selected diameter deviation limits are exceeded,
the winding unit is stopped and blocked after completion of
The reference length from which the average yarn diameter the preselected number of repeater cycles. The 7-segment
deviation is determined, is adjustable between 10 and 50 m. display at the sensing head blinks continuously. The reason
This serves to optimize monitoring of bobbin mix-ups and for spindle blocking is displayed on the sensing head (see
yarn count deviations. 7-Segment Display). The spindle is stopped with yellow/red
light. Remove cops and restart spindle with yellow button.
Through continuous communication between evaluation unit
and winding unit computer, the respective fault length (max.
80 m) is automatically sucked off the package in between
each repeater cycle.


Short Count
The short count channel offers the possibility to detect yarn Diameter Difference
with a larger count deviation separately over a length of less
than 10 m. Indicates the actual diameter deviation of the yarn signal of
the last started spindle compared to the base.
This allows to optimize the detection of cops mix-ups and
yarn count variations.
Yarn Count

CntLen (Reference Length) Indicates the wound yarn count of the last chosen group.

The reference length determining the average yarn count de-

viation can be set between 1 and 32 m.


Initial Startup / Change of Software Start-up / Lot Change
To compensate for the deviations of the individual spindles, When putting the system into operation and for every lot
an automatic Spindle Adjust on all spindles is performed dur- change, it must be defined how the yarn to be wound is to be
ing the first adjustment after the startup of the equipment or cleared, i.e. which quality is to be guaranteed by the clearer:
after a software change.
1. The clearer channel setting must define the clearer limit.
The following message box is displayed: Setup Adjust has start-
ed on group xx. 2. The actual yarn count or yarn structure is stored when
carrying out an Adjust.
If all sensing heads are replaced on a machine, a manual
Spindle Adjust has to be carried out on all spindles (Mainte-
nance > Diameter base menu).

! During the automatic Spindle Adjust, the first 80 m of

yarn on all spindles are not cleared.


Lot Start

Prior to each lot start it has to be made sure, that the cor- If the clearer settings are modified while the indication on the
rect clearer settings have been assigned to the correspond- Adjust button shows Adjust active, the display changes to Ad-
ing group. just canceled. Restart the Adjust.

Once a lot is started, the following message box pops up: Note: For groups which are not in status PRODUCTION the
Check clearer settings on group x! Start adjust! Adjust cannot be activated. The Adjust button appears dimmed
and cannot be operated. On the Adjust button is displayed Ad-
After a lot start Adjust has not been done is displayed on the just not possible (Status DEFINED or Status LOT CHANGE).
Adjust button. The Adjust has to be done manually as per in-


Adjust Procedure Possible commands during Adjust:

The Adjust procedure adapts the clearer to the ƒƒ Start Adjust
yarn to be wound. This must be done with utmost ƒƒ Stop Adjust
care, as it is absolutely crucial to the overall clear-
ing performance. Start Adjust
ƒƒ Touch Adjust button again, the previous display can be re-
Example ƒƒ By touching the O.K. button the display changes to Adjust
active. The pilot spindle(s) may now be started.
On production group 1 the yarn lot has to be changed, whe­
reby the new yarn to be wound should result in identical yarn Stop Adjust
quality (same clearer setting). ƒƒ By touching the Adjust button the display switches from
Adjust active to Stop Adjust.
•• All spindles of group 1 must be stopped! ƒƒ When touching the O.K. button the indication changes to
Adjust canceled.
•• Check all clearer settings of group 1.
•• Prior to the activation of the Adjust mode, make sure Possible states during the Adjust
group 1 is selected. To select group 1, press button Dis-
play Grp and choose group 1 with +/– buttons. ƒƒ Adjust has not been done
ƒƒ Adjust active
•• Activate Adjust mode: Press Adjust button. Start Adjust ap- ƒƒ Adjust complete
pears on the button. Confirm with O.K. button . Adjust ac- ƒƒ Adjust completed with x pilotspindle(s)
tive is now displayed on the Adjust button. ƒƒ Adjust canceled
ƒƒ Adjust not possible
•• Start as many pilot spindle(s) as defined in the Base Set- ƒƒ Adjust active with x pilotspindle(s)
ting menu. To assure proper drumstart conditions an initial
cut is re­leased after 10 m. After another 120 m of wound Adjust has not been done
yarn the Adjust cut is carried out. This length is required ƒƒ Appears after a lot start. Spindles cannot be started. Clea­
to establish the yarn count or the yarn structure respec- rer settings at max. sensibility.
Adjust active
•• After successful completion of the Adjust procedure Ad- ƒƒ The Adjust can be carried out. Start the pilot spindle(s).
just complete is displayed on the Adjust button. ƒƒ Are parameters modified and assigned, the indication
changes to Adjust canceled.
•• If not all predefined pilot spindle(s) could successfully
complete, Adjust completed with x pilotspindle(s) appears. X Adjust complete
refers to the number of successful pilot spindle(s). In such ƒƒ The Adjust procedure was successfully terminated.
case it is recommended to repeat the Adjust procedure. ƒƒ If the Adjust button is pushed, the display changes to Start
•• To confirm a proper Adjust, release a cut on the selected
pilot spindle(s) and restart the spindle(s). Observe the Adjust completed with x pilotspindle(s)
DiaDiff% value on display DiaDiff; it should oscillate be- ƒƒ Repeat Adjust.
tween + and -. (The magnitude of the deviation depends
on the evenness of the yarn.) Adjust canceled
ƒƒ If the Adjust button is pushed, the display changes to Start

The remaining winding units must be started
only, once the Adjust procedure is completed Adjust not possible
and the indication on the Adjust button shows ƒƒ This indication appears, if the lot is stopped in the states
Adjust comp­lete. Adjust active, Adjust canceled or Adjust complete.

The initially wound yarn (80 m) could still con- Adjust active with 1 pilot spindle
tain faults, since clearing is not active during ƒƒ The number of selected pilot spindles is visible on Adjust
the Adjust period. button.


Cluster Settings (Short, Long, Thin)

Serves to record clusters whose individual faults are normally Reference length setting range
tolerated because they are below the clearer curve. When
these faults occur repeatedly over a short distance, they can Short (LS) 1.0 cm – 10 cm
still have a negative effect. Long (LL) 6.0 cm – 200 cm
Thin (-L) 2.0 cm – 200 cm
Cluster Short / Long / Thin
To detect periodic faults a lower curve each in the short, long Faults / Length / Rep
and thin place range are defined. Faults exceeding these
curves are added to the cluster. These settings define the limits of the accumulation density
to the length unit for the faults which are above the cluster
Yarn diameter setting range curve.

Short (DS) 1.10 – 4.00 When the set number of Faults is exceeded within the set
Long (DL) 1.04 – 2.00 observation Length, the spindle is blocked after the set num-
Thin (-D) -6%– -60% ber of repetitions (Rep). The 7-segment display at the sensing
head blinks continuously. The reason for spindle blocking is
The setting range refers to the normal yarn diameter. Is e.g. the displayed on the sensing head (see 7-Segment Display). The
same setting chosen as for the channel setting (DS / DL / -D), spindle is stopped with yellow/red light. Remove cops and
it corresponds to the set normal clearing curve. 1.0 would cor- restart spindle with yellow button. In between each repeater
respond to the base, viz. the normal yarn diameter. cycle the respective fault length (max. 80 m) is automatically
sucked off the package.


Act. Faults

All events above the cluster curve are continuously count-

ed and related to the preset window length (Menu Base set-
tings / Monitoring configuration / WLength). This figure is then re-
calculated and related to the monitoring length (Length) and
displayed as setting aid act. Faults.

The set number of faults must be significantly
higher than the displayed events /act. Faults.

If the number of counted events is 10% higher

than the set number of faults, cluster cuts can
occur more frequently. (If necessary, increase
the DS / DL / -D value).


Setting Examples (Standard Values)

Cotton and blended yarns short-staple
Insensitive setting N=6, DS=2.6, LS=1.6, DL=1.32, LL=60, -D=29%, -L=70
Sensitive setting N=5.5, DS=2.2, LS=1.4, DL=1.26, LL=50, -D=22%, -L=50
Very sensitive setting N=4.5, DS=2.1, LS=1.3, DL=1.20, LL=40, -D=17%, -L=32

Long-staple yarns
Insensitive setting N=6, DS=2.6, LS=2.3, DL=1.30, LL=60, -D=30%, -L=70
Sensitive setting N=6, DS=2.2, LS=2.0, DL=1.22, LL=50, -D=23%, -L=60
Very sensitive setting N=5.5, DS=1.9, LS=2.5, DL=1.19, LL=45, -D=18%, -L=60

Sensitive setting N=OFF, DS=2.2, LS=1.6, DL=1.30, LL=12, -D=OFF, -L=70,
Check Len =35 cm

Very sensitive setting N=OFF, DS=2.2, LS=1.3, DL=1.25, LL=12, -D=20%, -L=70,
Check Len =35 cm

Insensitive setting Limit +/– 30%
Sensitive setting Limit +/– 25%
Very sensitive setting Limit +/– 20%

Insensitive setting Limit +/– 30% Length 50 m
Sensitive setting Limit +/– 25% Length 20 m
Very sensitive setting Limit +/– 20% Length 10 m

Cluster Short / Long / Thin

Possible setting Short Long Thin
Diameter DS 1.34 DL 1.12 -D -8%
Reference Length LS 1.60 cm LL 16 cm -L 16 cm
Length (Obs. Length) 20 m 12 m 12 m
Faults 55 25 25

If, at the Observation Length of 20 m, the number of Faults is exceeding 55,

the respective spindle will be blocked.

Setting for detection of a defective top roller:

Diameter DS 1.33
Reference Length LS 1.30
Length (Obs. Length) 20 m
Faults 170

Class Settings
YarnMaster Zenit offers, in addition to conventional clearing
by channels, clearing by classes. This allows the user to de-
fine virtually any desired clearing characteristic. (Very conve- Coarse Yarn Limitation
nient when processing fancy yarn).
If a diameter base greater than 0.868 V is determined during
It is indeed recommended to combine class clearing with adjustment, the class settings are tightened to the next class
conventional clearing. Thus better clearing results will be below the rough yarn boundary line, if required and if already
achieved in cases of simultaneous long and short faults. switched on.
If the yarn cannot be cleared in this manner, the classes have
The dark shaded class fields indicate in which areas the clear- to be switched off completely in the respective area.
er will cut.
Note: The clearing within the blue marked area is not deter-
Above display shows the class clearing defined for group 1. mined.
In order to review the settings of other groups, touch button
Display Grp and scroll with +/– buttons.


Display Channel
Enter / Modify Settings When touching button Display Channel on screen Class Set-
tings, the clearing curve will be projected into the classifica-
ƒ Touch button 3. The class setting input is unlocked. tion window. Display is for information only.
ƒ Touch the respective class fields. The selected fields be- Here the clearer Channel Settings are displayed, but they can
come shaded. not be modified in this menu.
These settings define the displayed clearing curve. Yarn faults
Once settings have been modified Push appears on button As- situated inside of this curve are cut, while faults outside the
sign to group. The settings must now be assigned to a group: curve remain in the yarn.

ƒ Touch button Assign to group. During clearing according to classes, specific faults can also
ƒ Scroll with +/- buttons until the desired group is displayed be cut outside the clearing curve (select the desired fields).
on the button Assign to group to which the setting is going
to be assigned.
ƒ Confirm settings with O.K. button.
ƒ Cancel settings with button Display.


Display Cluster
When touching button Display Cluster on screen Class settings,
in addition to the clearing curve the Short, Long and Thin
Cluster curves will be projected into the classification win-
dow. Display is for information only.
Here the Cluster settings are displayed, but they can not be
changed in this menu.

Faults above or, on the thin cluster, below these curves, are
included in the cluster. Once the preselected number of yarn
faults within the defined monitoring length is exceeded, the
winding unit is stopped and blocked after the preselected
number of repetitions (Rep) are completed.


Display Splice
When touching button Display Splice on screen Class settings, Coarse Yarn Limitation
the splice curve will be projected into the classification win-
dow. Display is for information only. If a diameter base greater than 0.868 V is determined during
Here the splice settings are displayed, but they can not be adjustment, the splice class settings are tightened to the next
changed in this menu. splice class below the rough yarn boundary line, if required
and if already switched on.
During clearing according to classes, specific splice faults If the yarn cannot be cleared in this manner, the splice classes
can also be cut outside the splice curve (select the desired have to be switched off completely in the respective area.

The value set as inspection length (CheckL.) indicates the yarn

length during which clearing is performed according to the
splice curve and the splice classes. The splice setting is ac-
tive during this length after each winding unit start.

Note: Only the splice settings are active during the splice


F Settings
Foreign matter can be cleared only by classes. Enter / Modify Settings

• Touch button F.
Sensing Head • Touch the respective class fields. The selected fields be-
come shaded. Yarn contamination within the range of the
The foreign matter detection requires the use of the sensing shaded area are cut while those situated below are only
heads TK YM Zenit F or YM Zenit FP. counted.

The foreign matter clearing is active

Display of Foreign Matter Classification

The display mode can be selected in F mode in the Base Set- Once settings will be modified, it has to be determined to
tings menu: which group the altered settings have to be assigned to:

Dark & Bright • Touch button Assign to group and select group by means
The “dark” and the “bright” area of the class window will be of +/- buttons.
displayed = classification and clearing of all foreign matter. • Confirm settings with O.K. button.
• Cancel settings with button Display Grp.
The “dark” area of the class window will be displayed = clas-
sification and clearing of all foreign matter in bright yarn


F-Setting / Cluster
YarnMaster Zenit F offers the possibility to clear foreign mat- Faults / Length / Rep
ter clusters.
• Enter the number of repetitions (0– 9) by means of button
With the foreign matter cluster setting fault clusters can be Rep.
detected which, as single faults, are usually not considered • The monitoring length from 0.1 to 80 m and the number
disturbing. If, however, the faults are repeated multiple times of faults from 1 to 9999 can be selected separately for the
within a short distance, they are disturbing. detection of the dark and bright foreign matter. These two
settings determine the fault accumulation limit within the
The F cluster setting can, e.g., be selected in classes which monitored classes in relation to the observation length.
can be cleared only with increased step numbers, e.g. oil-
soiled bobbins. Once the selected diameter deviation limits are exceeded,
the winding unit is stopped and blocked after completion of
the preselected number of repeater cycles. The 7-segment
Enter / Modify Settings display at the sensing head blinks continuously. The reason
for spindle blocking is displayed on the sensing head (see
• Touch button F Cluster. 7-Segment Display). The spindle is stopped with yellow/red
• Touch the respective class fields. The selected fields are light. Remove cops and restart spindle with yellow button.
activated. Through continuous communication between evaluation unit
and winding unit computer, the respective fault length (max.
The foreign matter cluster clearing is active 80 m) is automatically sucked off the package inbetween
each repeater cycle.


} P-Setting

P Setting
With the TK Zenit FP sensing head, it is possible to detect Ref.-Length FP C (0.5– 4.0 cm) / FP2 C (1– 8 cm)
synthetic foreign matter, e.g. polypropylene, polyamide (ny-
lon). The reference length is used to set the fault length of the for-
eign matter to be detected.

! To ensure the function of the P Sensor, the yarn to be

wound must not be wet. Setting example (Guide Values)

Note: Existing YarnMaster Zenit F equipment can be retrofit- Insensitive setting P-Limit FP C: 3.0, Length: 2.5
ted by mounting the P sensor on the sensing head. P-Limit FP2 C: 8.0, Length: 2.0
Sensitive setting P-Limit FP C: 2.0, Length: 2.0
P-Limit (0.5–9.5) P-Limit FP2 C: 4.0, Length: 4.0

The limit determines the sensitivity of P clearing. The setting

must be adapted according to type and characteristics of the
yarn to be processed.

! During the splice check, the P Sensor is switched to



SFI/D-VCV-Setting (Option)
SFI/D Limit +/– (%)

The principle of SFI/D setting: Relative to the SFI/D mean val- When the set limit values (±5% to ±40%) are exceeded, i.e.
ue of the yarn (reference) an upper and a lower limit are cho- as soon as the SFI/D value differs from the SFI/D reference,
sen. Once the current SFI/D value is exceeding these limits, a cut is made or the spindle is blocked with a corresponding
the clearer cuts and the faulty yarn subsequently is sucked suction length (80 m).
off the package.

Reference Repetitions (Rep)

It can be chosen between two settings. Is the limit value exceeded, the spindle is locked after the
preset number of repetitions. Subsequently the bobbin is re-
constant moved and 80 m sucked off the package. The number of rep-
Is the SFI/D of a yarn known, a reference value between 5 etitions is selectable from 0 to 9.
and 25 can be entered. This guarantees a constant SFI/D val-
ue within the selected limit range.
SFI/D-Difference (%)
With this setting the SFI/D reference value adapts itself to This indication shows the deviation of the last communicated
the overall surface structure of a yarn. The SFI/D mean value value of the respective group, related to the preset SFI/D ref-
is thereby being approximated over a sufficiently large yarn erence. Based on this deviation the setting values for the yarn
length. In such a way one can prevent, that i.e. climatical sur- clearing can be optimized.
face structure variations do not entail excessive numbers of Note: A first-time display is provided immediately for a con-
cuts. However, once a bobbin shows a too large mean value stant reference, for a floating reference, after 5 km.
deviation, it is detected.
Extensive investigations have shown, that the Surface Index
SFI/D clearing is only active, once the asterisk next to the within a bobbin (base / top) can vary by approx. 10%. This
number displayed at Fl. Ref. SFI/D disappears. is mainly due to tension differences during the spinning pro-
cess. When setting the limit values, this coherence should

! After an adjustment, the floating reference is created

anew and is valid only after a length of 5 km!
be taken into consideration, since such variations do normally
not significantly affect the quality


VCV (Variable CV Channel) VCV-Difference (%)

The clearer calculates continuously the VCV values from the The deviation of the VCV value transmitted last in the current
yarn pieces with the set check length and compares these group, relative to the mean value, is displayed. This allows for
with its floating mean value. optimizing the limit values.

Note: These values cannot be compared with the optical CV

values of the statistics or the data collected in the laboratory Length
because the check lengths as well as the cutting lengths for
calculation are different. The check length can be set between 1 m and 50 m.

Limit +/– (%)

When the set limit values are exceeded (± 5% to ± 100%),

i. e. as soon as the VCV value deviates accordingly from the
mean value, a cut or a spindle blockage takes place with the
respective extraction length (1 to 50 m).

Note: A first-time display of the deviation is performed after

5 km of wound yarn as from an adjustment.


Monitoring Data
Monitoring data are indicated of groups only which are in pro- Current Shift / 100 km
duction (Schlafhorst: status PRODUCTION).
Indication of monitoring and class clearing data of the current
Indication Mode shift referred to 100 km.

The indication mode can be selected: Old Shift / 100 km

Production Indication of monitoring and class clearing data of the current

shift referred to 100 km.
Display of the data of the current production over, e.g., the
last 100 km. The mode of the data recording and length of the
classification window are displayed under Base Settings / Moni- Print AC 5
toring Configuration.
The current monitoring data, class clearing data and lab-data
Current Shift of all groups and spindles can be copied to a PC via an exter-
nal storage medium (USB or CompactFlash card). There, the
Indication of monitoring and class clearing data of the current files can be viewed and printed.
shift with the totally wound length.

Old Shift Print AC 338

Indication of monitoring and class clearing data of the last The current monitoring data, class clearing data and lab-data of
shift with the totally wound length. all groups and spindles can be printed out at the Informator.


Representation of the sum of all cut faults, or events of the Splice cuts Cut splices
groups respectively. Bunch cuts Cuts due to yarn leaps caused by
bunches or similar disturbances
To review the monitoring data of the various other groups DBunch cuts Delayed cuts due to yarn leaps
scroll with +/– buttons. caused by bunches or similar distur-
Touching button Spindle switches from display of group data
to display of winding unit data. Bobbins Number of changed bobbins
Splices Total of all splices wound
Above display shows the monitoring data of group 1 (spindles Splice repetitions Caused by splice cuts, up yarn cuts,
1–30). uncompleted splices
VCV cuts Cut resulting from a deviation of the
Total yarn cuts Total textile cuts VCV value from the mean value
Short off count cuts Yarn count offlimit cuts in the short
count range When comparing the total number of cuts of channels Nep
Off count cuts Yarn count offlimit cuts cuts, Short cuts, Long cuts and Thin cuts to the summarized
F cuts Foreign matter cuts Yarn cuts in the corresponding classification data, certain dif-
F cluster cuts Foreign matter cluster cuts ferences could be observed. This is due to the fact, depen-
SFI / D cuts Surface index cuts ding on actual clearer settings, cuts could also take place out-
P cuts Synthetic foreign matter cuts: PP, side of the displayed classes.
PE etc.)
Short cluster cuts Short fault cluster cuts
Long cluster cuts Long fault cluster cuts Alarms
Thin cluster cuts Thin place cluster cuts
Up yarn cuts Cut caused by double yarn of the Number of blockages after exceeding the set number of rep-
cone etitions.


Summarized presentation of all cut yarn faults and/or
events by spindles. Last cut indicates the cause of last cut
event / spindle stop.

Above display shows the monitoring data of spindle 12.

To review the monitoring data of the various spindles scroll

with +/– buttons.

When touching button 3, a numeric buttonboard appears.

Herewith the desired winding unit number can be directly en-
tered. Confirm the entered number with O.K. button, subse-
quently the data of the respective unit will be displayed.

Touching button Group switches from display of winding unit

data to display of group data.


Class Clearing Data

YarnMaster Zenit classifies all yarn faults occurring on each Coarse Yarn Limitation
group and each winding unit. The fault occurrences within
the cleared yarn are thereby assigned to cer tain fault classes If the rough yarn boundary has been activated, cuts and clas-
depending on fault length and fault diameter. sifications above the blue rough yarn boundary line are added
to the respective classes below this line.
This detailed information concerning number of faults as well
as length and thickness there of allows a swift optimizing of
the relevant clearing parameters.

Due to the software of conventional clearing and the clas-

sification, which functions entirely independent, it is possi-
ble that faults corresponding to short or long faults are docu-
mented as having been cut below the clearing curve.

Classification data is displayed only for groups, which are cur-

rently in production (Schlafhorst: Status PRODUCTION).


Overview (coarse classification in 23 classes) Indication Mode

In Overview mode, the cuts and events are shown in the same The indication mode can be selected:
view. The number of cut faults is marked with > < while the
‹faults› that remained in the yarn are counted but remain un- ƒ Production
marked. ƒ Current Shift
ƒ Old Shift
ƒ Current Shift / 100 km
Cuts (fine classification in 128 classes) ƒ Old Shift / 100 km

In Cuts mode, only the cuts (cut faults) are displayed.

Events (fine classification in 128 classes)

In Events mode, only the events (remaining faults) are dis-



Group Spindle

The numbers displayed in the class fields show the sum- During classification per spindle, the last cut fault in the re-
marized faults, thereby separating cut and uncut faults and spective class is additionally displayed and the exact cutting
relating them to the indicated yarn length. While cut faults position marked (  ). This indication is revised at the next
are marked with > <, uncut faults are shown without any spindle stop.
Last cut indicates the cause of last cut event / spindle stop.
Yarn cuts indicates the total number of cuts within all classifi- (i.e. CL:S)
cation fields.

Last refers to the classified yarn length (window length).


Last Cut

Cause Indication

Splice cut SP : N / S / L / T* (Neps, Short, Long, Thin)

Channel cut CH : N / S / L / T* (Neps, Short, Long, Thin)
Non-classified channel cut [CH] : N / S / L / T* (Neps, Short, Long, Thin)
Classification cut CL : N / S / L / T* (Neps, Short, Long, Thin)
Cut outside of indicated class fields (CL) : N / S / L / T* (Neps, Short, Long, Thin)
Foreign matter cut dark / bright F : D/B (Dark, Bright)
Foreign matter cut during splice check SPF : D / B (Dark, Bright)
Foreign matter cluster cut dark / bright FCL : D / B (Dark, Bright)
Foreign matter cut PP, PE etc. P-Sensor
Short count cut SCnt
Yarn count offlimit cut OffCnt
Fault cluster cut Short Clust : S
Fault cluster cut Long Clust : L
Fault cluster cut Thin Clust : T
Surface index cut 10 m SFI / D 10 m
Surface index cut 80 m SFI / D 80 m
Surface index cut SFI / D Cut
VCV cut VCV+/ VCV-
Base calibration cut Adjust
Upper yarn cut UpYarn
Yarn leap cut Bunch
Delayed yarn leap cut DBunch
Machine cut / TK test button AddCut
Run-out with yarn fault Cut
Run-out without yarn fault YARN-BREAK
End of Bobine KopsW
Drumwrap cut Drum
System, test button, befor Adjust System

* Cause of last cut



F Clearing Data
YarnMaster Zenit classifies all yarn faults occurring on each Group
group and each winding unit. The fault occurrences within
the cleared yarn are thereby assigned to certain fault classes The numbers displayed in the class fields show the sum-
depending on fault length and fault diameter. marized faults, thereby separating cut and uncut faults and
relating them to the indicated yarn length. While cut faults
Classification data is displayed only for groups, which are cur- are marked with > <, uncut faults are shown without any
rently in production (Schlafhorst: status PRODUCTION). marking.

No classification data are shown in the BS1 class. Yarn cuts indicates the total number of cuts within all classifi-
cation fields.

Indication Mode Last refers to the classified yarn length (window length).

The indication mode can be selected:

ƒ Production
ƒ Current Shift
ƒ Old Shift
ƒ Current Shift / 100 km
ƒ Old Shift / 100 km



During classification per spindle, the last cut fault in the re-
spective class is additionally displayed and the exact cutting
position marked ( ). This indication is revised at the next spin-
dle stop.

Last cut indicates the cause of last cut event / spindle stop.
(i.e. F:D)


Splice Clearing Data

Classification data is displayed only for groups, which are cur- Coarse Yarn Limitation
rently in production (Schlafhorst: status PRODUCTION).
See the Class Clearing Data Chapter (page 50)
The splices are depicted in a classification grid, which is posi-
tioned also outside the normal classification range.
Indication Mode
Last cut indicates the cause of last cut event/spindle stop.
Yarn cuts indicates the total number of cut faults within all See the Class Clearing Data Chapter (page 51)
classification fields. Length refers to the classified yarn length
(window length).

Within the initial 0 –120 cm (CheckL in menu Channel settings),

during which the splice passes through the sensing head, the
splices (up to max. 255) of each individual group are displayed
in its respective classification field.

If required, splice clearing settings can be modified in menu

Channel settings / Splice.


Imperfections IPI (Option)
Lab-Data only becomes visible, once this option has been Diameter – related Imperfections
loaded and unlocked.
In addition to the frequent yarn faults (Neps, Thick, Thin) Yarn-
The classical yarn clearing during the winding process focus- Master Zenit also classifies the very frequent events, called
es on the detection of thick and thin places in the yarn, which Imperfections Small. These small Imperfections determine
are defined according to the relative fault classes. the regularity of the inspected yarn.

Yarn fault classification distinguishes between rare and fre-

quent yarn faults. The general rules say, the shorter the fault Length – related Imperfections
length and/or the less significant the diameter variation, the
more frequent the events. In textile terms, such frequent yarn Aside from diameter-related Imperfections, also length-
faults are called Imperfections. related Imperfections (of 2– 4 cm, 4 – 8 cm, 8 – 20 cm and
20 –70 cm) are classified.
Raw material, card clothing, eccentric top rollers / draw box
coils, defective aprons, rings and ring travellers etc. have a
significant influence on these Imperfections.

Imperfection monitoring is to be considered a further in depth

level of online quality control in the winding process.


VCV (Option)

The clearer calculates continuously the VCV values from the The SFI/D is the sum signal of the fibers protruding from the
yarn pieces with the set check length and compares these yarn core diameter. This diameter is taken as 100%, whereas
with its floating mean value. SFI/D is therefore relating to 100.

The surface index SFI allows to detect off-standard bobbins

Surface Index SFI (Option) (sporadic thin or thick places which normally do not disturb,
but have a negative effect on the fabric appearance when too
The Surface Index SFI is a universally applicable quality para- many occur) and, if necessary, remove the yarn with faults
meter and enables to draw conclusions regarding neppiness, during the winding process.
hairiness and irregularities.

The evenness of the yarn dimension (yarn fineness) and in SFI

particular its hairiness are fundamental characteristics of
spun fiber yarns. Irregularities of the yarn fineness are in most The SFI is the sum signal of the fibers protruding from a yarn
cases directly related to drafting errors or problems of spe- over a measured length of 1 cm.
cific drafting elements.


Maintenance (Diagnosis)
Restore Password Protection Store Fineadjust Data

! Always reestablish password protection after com-

pleting the entries.
The Fine Adjust Values of each AWE are stored in the Infor-
mator. Before a program change, it is advisable to copy the
values to an external storage medium.

AWE 800 Status Restore Fineadjust Data

The informations of the menu AWE 800 status are intended After the programme change the Fine Adjust Values can be
exclusively for service engineers or particularly trained per- restored.
Store Clearer Settings on PC Card
The clearer settings can be copied to an external storage me-
With button Options the additionally acquired options can be dium.
loaded. (Trained personnel only)
Store Clearer Data on PC Card
The clearer data can be copied to an external storage me-
This information serves exclusively to trained personnel and dium.
users with MillMaster system.
Store Software Version Info on PC Card

The software version info can be copied to an external stor-

age medium.


Spindle TK-Typ

Spindle number Sensing head type

State time

online / offline Time of the last telegram from the respective AWE

COM-Version MMO

Communication processor software version slave / protocol MMO = Mastermodule

version AWE-Link Slave online / offline
Software version master / protocol ZE Link Master

Current AWE software version
Informator software version from Loepfe | Major.Minor.Build


Testmode Cut type

YarnMaster Zenit has a testmode for CSys System cut

CN N cut
ƒ Cut type CS S cut
ƒ D-Class Class cuts CL L cut
ƒ F-Class Foreign matter class cuts CT T cut
CSCnt+ Short count cut+
Should a yarn fault be examined, select the corresponding cut CSCnt- Short count cut-
type or the corresponding number of the class field (D class / F CYCnt+ Count cut+
class). CYCnt- Count cut-
CSSFI+ Short SFI / D cut+
If such a fault is cut, the spindle remains idle. CSSFI- Short SFI / D cut-
CSFI+ SFI / D-cut+
CSFI- SFI / D-cut-
Cut type CFD F cut dark
CFB F cut bright
Depending on the cut type to be examined, select the corre- CP P cut
sponding button. CBu Delayed and regular bunch cut
CCIS Short cluster cut
CCIL Long cluster cut
CCIT Thin cluster cut
CCIFD F cluster cut dark
CCIFB F cluster cut bright
CSp Splice cut N S L T
CUpY Upper Yarn cut
VCV+ Variable CV cut+
VCV- Variable CV cut-
CDW Drum wrap cut


D-Class / F-Class (On / Off)

Depending on the yarn fault to be examined, enter the num-

ber of the corresponding class as per number code table.
(128 classes are available)

7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63
7.0 9.0
5.0 6.0
3.9 4.0
3.2 3.0
2.7 Class 110 2.0
2.3 1.5
2.1 1.0
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
1.8 0.7
71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127
1.60 -0.7 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127
1.45 -1.0
1.30 -1.5
1.20 -2.0
0.75 -4.0
0.65 -6.0
64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 -9.0
0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 20 32 70 cm 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 8.0 cm

Number code table D Class Number code table F Class


Display TK

With the Display TK settings it is determined what the sen- Standard settings 7-segment indication
sing head should display after a cut/spindle start (see 7-seg-
ment indication cleaner components and function). *CutType
Several textile yarn cuts and corresponding ALARM CUTS.
Default settings are marked with an asterisk (*).
Note: If required, these settings should be altered by instruct- System Info
ed personnel only! Adjust active, Doffing (cone change), Start signal standby
(during power on), Parameter standby (during startUp)

Alternating light indicates TECHNICAL ALARM

A / 1 alternating: knife short-circuit

A / 3 alternating: NTP line break
A / 4 alternating: knife blocking
A / 5 alternating: transfer alarm

*Cnt 5%
Count difference between +/- 5%


Diameter Base
Spindle Adjust Diameter Base Group / Spindle

When replacing an evaluation unit (AWE) or a sensing head At Diameter base after an Adjust the calculated value is dis-
(TK), a reset must be performed on the AWE. Additionally, played automatically. This value normally corresponds to the
a Spindle Adjust must always be performed on this winding mean F. Signal of the group or spindle.
unit. The yarn reference value of the first 80 m yarn is mea-
sured and stored.
! This value should be changed manually only if re-

The initially wound yarn (80 m) could still contain
faults, since clearing is not active during the Adjust
period. Fine Adjust Difference

Deviation in percent of the yarn diameter averaged over all

spindles from the basic value (adjustment value).

! A continuous deviation of this indication means a

yarn count deviation!


Service Settings
Configuration Code A / B / C / D P-Limit-Mult., P-Bit-Offset / Special Settings

The configuration code can be altered only af-
ter consultation with LOEPFE. ! These settings must be altered by instructed person-
nel only.

Incorrect setting of the configuration code can Qdata

have adverse effects on the clearer function!
Interval of the update of the clearer data to the informator.

Password protection of the Configuration code can only be can- NTP-Len

celled via service/engineer button.
For evaluation of the yarn fault length, the clearer receives the
After a cold start or a software updating the settings in Con- unfiltered drum pulse signal (NTP signal) from the machine
figuration code have to be checked and possibly adjusted as with a medium yarn transport length per period (“NTP-Len”)
per old settings. of 9.2 mm for the “Drum” configuration and of 5.0 mm for the
“NO drum” configuration (i.e. PreciFX).
Note: Print out and safe all basic settings and clearer settings
of all groups previous to a cold start or a software update. DfsDelta

Setting of the yarn noise in percentage in order to activate the

dynamic yarn signal (DFS).


Message Journal
Touch button Message journal in menu Maintenance. A maxi-
mum of 100 messages is stored, or displayed, resp., in this
menu. They concern yarn-related spindle blockages, or pro-
cess-related or system-related occurrences (see following

Message Explanation Cause Possible Remedy

Remove bobbin / Reset spindle alarm and

Cluster alarm Fault cluster alarm Excessive fault accumulation restart spindle / Faulty yarn is automatically
removed from the package (max. 80 m)

Sensing head sensitivity Optic dirty Clean optic / activate Spindle Adjust / Ex-
Fine Adjust alarm
outside of tolerance TK sensitivity not correct change TK

Technical alarm
Reset AWE
AWE locked 7-segment indication: Internal AWE error
Exchange / Replace AWE

Remove bobbin / Reset spindle alarm and

Yarn count alarm Yarn count offlimit Excessive yarn count deviation restart spindle / Faulty yarn is automatically
removed from the package (max. 80 m)


Message Explanation Cause Possible Remedy

Clean optic
Optic dirty / Preselected num­ber
F alarm Foreign matter alarm Remove bobbin
of F startup cuts is ex­ceeded
Reset spindle alarm

Remove bobbin / Reset spindle alarm and

Foreign matter cluster Preselected number of F Cluster
F-Cluster alarm restart spindle / Faulty yarn is auto­matically
alarm de­fects is exceeded
removed from the package (max. 80 m)

Preselected number of PP / PE
Foreign matter alarm Clean sensor / Remove bobbin /
P alarm foreign matter cuts during start-
(synth. fibers PP, PE etc.) Reset spindle alarm and restart spindle
up is exceeded.

Remove bobbin / Reset spindle alarm and

Preselected number of SFI / D
SFI / D alarm Surface Index alarm restart spindle / Faulty yarn is auto­matically
cuts is exceeded
removed from the package (max. 80 m)

Remove bobbin / Reset spindle alarm and

Deviation from determi- Preselected number of VCV cuts
VCV alarm restart spindle / Faulty yarn is auto­matically
ned VCV value. is exceeded
removed from the package (max. 50 m)

Electrical interference Reset AWE

AWE system error Communication error
Defec­tive AWE Exchange / Replace AWE

Clean optic / Repeat adjust

Optic dirty / Incorrect zeroing
Check yarn count
IR Adjust error Infrared adjust error Yarn count outside of sensing
Change bobbins
head range
Use different spindle for adjust

Clean optic / Start spindle briefly

Infrared light modula­tor Optic dirty
IR sensing light Exchange / Replace TK
outside of tolerance Sensing head de­fective
Exchange / Replace AWE

More than 100 entries

Message journal Fault in installation / Incorrect set- Analyze entries (procedure according to
in the Message Journal
overflow ting / Interferences etc. table)

Drum signals lacking Start spindle briefly

Cable break Replace AWE
No speed information No speed signal
puls wheel or spin­dle computer Replace puls wheel or spin­dle comput-
defective er / Check connector

Knife jammed due to fiber ac­ Clean sensing head

Technical alarm
cumulation / Knife dull / Sen­sing Replace knife
No yarn break 7-segment indication:
head coil ruptured / Knife power Replace TK or knife assembly
supply lacking Check knife power supply

Optic for foreign matter detec-

tion dirty / Incorrect zeroing / Clean optic / Repeat adjust
Foreign matter adjust Yarn count or yarn color outside Check yarn count or color respectively
F Adjust Error
error of sensing head range / Large Change bobbins
number of foreign fibers suc- Use different spindle for adjust
ceeding one another

Setting of incident- and / Clean optic / Start spindle briefly

Optic dirty / Incorrect setting /
F sensing light or backlight regu­lator not Reset AWE
Sensing head defective
possible Exchange / Replace TK


Message Boxes

O.K./Confirm entry

Abort entry

Confirm message

Message Cause Remedy

Assign modified settings with O.K key to the

Settings have not been assigned yet!
Settings have been modified current group.
 
Assign ( ) or cancel ( ) the changes.
Touching key Abort entry = no assignment

Settings could not be transmitted to No communication between Reset AWE

AWE spindle x Informator and AWE Exchange / Replace AWE

Copy back the settings from external memory

Set clearer data after INITIAL START Message after cold start, e.g. program change
or enter all parameters again

No AWE-version found on group xx AWEs have not yet logged on with Informator Power Off / Power On machine

Use AWE with same or higher software version.

AWE with lowever version installed in group in If this message is ignored and subsequent-
Invalid AWE-Version found on spindle
PRODUCTION. AWE is not serviced, does not ly the lot is stopped and newly started, it is
xx group xx
receive parameters possible that certain auxiliary functions get

Attention: Clearer function on group xx

Message upon start of the lot. Clearer function
has been reduced! Check clearer settings
has been reduced!
Check clearer settings!

Attention: Clearer function on group xx

Message upon start of the lot. Clearer function
has been extended! Check and correct clearer settings
has been extended!
Check clearer settings!

Clearer data has been copied from Mill- MillMaster has written clearer settings to
Check clearer settings
Master to group xx group xx

Check clearer settings on group xx!

Message upon start of the lot Check clearer settings and activate adjustment
Start Adjust!

Writing of data to external memory was not

MC Read / Write Error Group xx Error yy Re-format external memory

Trial code has expired, only the enabled (fixed)

Trial time has expired! Check clearer settings
options are active

Emergency code has expired, only the enabled

Emergency time has expired! Check clearer settings
(fixed) options are active


Message Cause Remedy

Options have been temporarily enabled after

Emergency timeout has been started! Emergency code has been started informator restart.
Power off / Power on

Options have been temporarily enabled after

Trial timeout has been started!
Trial code has been started informator restart.
Active after restart of Informator!
Power off / Power on

Adjust is active on group xx, therefore Spindle adjustment is not possible when group Terminate group adjustment first, then start
Spindle adjust not possible! adjustment has not been terminated spindle adjustment

Clean knife area / check knife /

Cutting knife blockage on spindle xx Knife blockage
replace TK / RESET AWE / replace AWE

Cutting knife blockage on spindle xx, Clean knife area / check knife /
Mechanical knife blockage
mechanical reason replace TK / RESET AWE

Cutting knife blockage on spindle xx, Clean knife area / check knife /
Electrical knife blockage
electrical reason replace TK / RESET AWE / replace AWE

Clearer data could not be copied on Error when copying clearer data to external
Reformat external memory
Card. Error No xx memory

Informator must be restarted

Options changed – active after restart
New options have been enabled for new options to be enabled /
of Informator!
Power off / Power on

During machine startup and first adjustment

Setup Adjust has been started on group Perform adjustment on each spindle /
on the group, spindle adjustment is performed
xx! Start spindle
on all spindles of the group

Run spindle briefly

No speed information on spindle xx! Hardware error Replace AWE / replace rotor or spindle
computer / check plug

Display when clearer data are copied to exter-

Clearer data is copied to CF-Card Wait until copying is finished
nal memory

Opening of file on external memory not possi-

Printer-file could not be opened (xx) Reformat external memory


Print-out not yet complete Wait for end of printing

Error during card access in drive. Error during access to external memory Insert or reformat external memory

Card in drive is not suitable for data It is attempted to store data on the program
Use a different card, must be formatted
storage. card. Not allowed!!!

Message during lot start when different TKs

Inconsistent TK on group xx Equip group with identical TKs
are available on the group

New installed TK on spindle xx is different to

Invalid TK on spindle xx, TK group the other TKs of the group. AWE is not ser-
Equip group with identical TKs
ZENIT yy, TK spindle ZENIT zz viced, does not receive parameters and does
not start

NTP length was automatically changed, e.g.

Attention: Check NTP-Length! Check NTP length
during change from PreciFX to drum

MasterModul has logged off from informator, Check MasterModul informator connection /
MasterModul turned offline
no more connection with AWEs Power off / Power on

MasterModul turned online MasterModul has logged on with informator Check whether all AWEs are online


Checks and Maintenance

General Weekly
The yarn clearing installation YarnMaster ZENIT hardly re- Sensing Heads
quires any maintenance. Regular checks of the yarn clearing
installation are vital, not only to examine the correct settings •• Initiate a cut by pressing the test button on every sensing
but also to assure its proper function. head. Thereby the knife must react and cut the yarn.
•• Subsequently the knife must return to its initial position.
Moreover, it is recommended to have a yearly clearer check •• In case the knife body remains visible, open the sensing
carried out by an authorized Service Station. head housing and clean the knife mechanism.
•• If necessary, replace the knife according to the illustra-
! Only authorized and trained personnel is allowed to
perform maintenance.

Daily T8 T10

•• Check the required settings.

•• Check the Adjust value.
•• With a correct setting, the indication DiaDiff should not
show more than 10% variation after each spindle stop
(menu Channel settings).
•• Call up the menu Maintenance > Message journal.
•• Aside from yarn-related spindle locks, general process-
and system-related events are also displayed (see table

Sensing Heads

•• Check the 7-segment display. When the base is set cor-

rectly, the horizontal bar of the 7-segment display must Yarn guide
be in the middle while the yarn is running. (Bar at the top
or bottom indicates yarn deviations of > +/- 5%. To ensure that the yarn faults are detected, the thread must
run on the bottom of both yarn guides.

•• Check the yarn guides for defects (cracks, indentations by

•• If necessary, replace the thread guide in the yarn guide
plate (figure 1) or the sensing head cover with the perma-
nently mounted yarn guide plate (figure 2).

Yarn guide plate Yarn guide plate



Thread guide

Figure 1 Figure 2


Cleaning the Optic Exchanging AWE and / or TK

In cases of substantial dirt accumulation the cleaning of the When replacing an AWE or a sensing head, it
optic field by means of cotton buds is indicated. must be ensured that an identical AWE or an
identical sensing head is used! Do not mix dif-
ferent Zenit versions within one machine!

An invalid TK or AWE causes an error message!

When exchanging an AWE and / or a TK, a Reset must be per-

! Under no circumstances should any hard/sharp ob-

jects be used for cleaning! Risk of damage!
formed on the AWE. Depress test button on TK for five sec-

Additionally, an Spindle Adjust must always be performed on

! If marking paint, Paraffin or antistatic oils are used,

the optic has to be cleaned in shorter intervals.
this winding unit. (Menu Maintenance > Diameter base > Spin-

Take note that the wound yarn (80 m) could still
Light contamination like dust can be removed using our prov- have faults because the clearing is not active dur-
en agent TK-Clean (Part No. 014359.900) ing the Adjust mode.

Heavy contamination (i.e. paraffin) can be removed using one Should, after a Spindle Adjust unjustified yarn count or cluster
of the following agents: alarms occur, the reduction setting (Reduc) in menu Base set-
tings > Fine adjust, cone startup setting has to be increased.
ƒƒ Lighter fluid „Zippo Premium Lighter Fluid“
ƒƒ Lighter fluid „Ronsonol Lighter Fluid“
ƒƒ Medical grade benzine (Do not use Benzene, see Prohi­
bited Solvents!)
ƒƒ n-Heptane (C7 H16)
ƒƒ Cypar7, Cycloaliphat (C7), a SHELL product
Note: These solvents are highly inflammable, hazardous goods
and excluded from normal air and surface trans­portation. They
have to be procured locally. We recom­mend the use of lighter

Prohibited solvents!

Loepfe strictly declines any responsibility for dam-
age claims resulting from the use of un­ suitable
cleaning substances!

The substances listed below must be avoided by all means,

as their use will destroy the optical system!

ƒƒ Aromatic hydrocarbons e.g. Benzene, Benzol, Toluol

ƒƒ All kind of alcohol e.g. Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol
ƒƒ Spirit
ƒƒ Acetone
ƒƒ Car and Aviation Gasoline


Sensing Head YM Zenit

TK YM Zenit Sensing head without foreign matter detection
TK YM Zenit F Sensing head with foreign matter detection
TK YM Zenit FP Sensing head with foreign matter detection with synthetic foreign matter detection, PP, PE, etc.

1. Optical element for scanning the yarn diameter

1 2. Optical element for scanning for foreign matters
2 3. Cutting device (knife)
4. P-Sensor
3 5. Yarn hold-back device
4 6. Test button
5 7. 7-Segment Display

6 7

TK YM Zenit C
The Zenit C sensing head is marked as follows

ƒƒ The housing is marked with a “C”.

ƒƒ After parameter transmission or after a reset, a small “c” (Zenit C) is shown for a short time on the sensing head,
followed by information about the software version.

Sensing Head (TK) – Yarn Count Range (Optical Scanning Principle)

TK-Typ Limit range coarse Limit range fine
TK YM Zenit C Nm 4.0 – 10.0 Nec 2.4 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320
TK YM Zenit F C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320
TK YM Zenit FP C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320
TK YM Zenit FP2 C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320



Sensing Head Display (7-Segment Display) MASTERS IN TEXTILE QUALITY CONTROL

Sensing head YarnMaster ZENIT

System Additional Yarn runs - Diameter difference < +/- 5%

Nep (Channel) Nep (Class) Yarn runs - Diameter difference > + 5%

Short (Channel) Short (Class) Yarn runs - Diameter difference > - 5%

Long (Channel) Long (Class)

Thin (Channel) Thin (Class) System Info
Short Count plus Short Count minus Adjust is running

OffCount plus OffCount minus Doffing (cone change)

SFI/D plus SFI/D minus Start signal standby (during power on)

F (Foreign matter) dark F bright Parameter standby (during StartUp)

P (Synthetics)
alternating light indicates TECHNICAL ALARM
Bunch DBunch
VCV plus
Cluster short Cluster long or thin User defined Display
See “Display TK” at central unit.
F Cluster dark F Cluster bright
Joint (Splice) S or N Joint (Splice) L or T Initial Setting
Upper Yarn All display information on this code table correspond to initial manufacturing settings

flashing light indicates ALARM CUT TYPE

only (default values are marked with an asterisk )


Mounting of P-Sensors
Existing YarnMaster Zenit F equipment can be retrofitted
Tastkopf alle Sprachen 93x137.indd 1 6.10.2009 • After retrofitting to P, the supplied label must be stuck
10:21:21 Uhr
by mounting the P-Sensor onto the sensing head! over the article number.
Tastkopf alle Sprachen 93x137.indd 2 6.10.2009 10:21:21 Uhr


Without P-Sensor

• Replace cover with yarn guide plate 130156 0011 0410
130156 0011 0410
by cover with P sensor. +P 045661.020
045661.030 045601.030

Caution: Do not attach labels to the marked area!


With P-Sensor


Technical Data (Changes Reserved)

Concept Modularly integrated in winding machine / components individually replaceable / power supply by winding
Central unit No separate hardware. The software is integrated into the Informator.
Operation Setting of clearer parameters via Informator user interface
Operat. Temperature + 5°C to + 50°C
Humidity Up to max. 95% relative humidity not condensing
Evaluation unit 1 AWE (evaluation unit) per spindle
Sensing head 1 TK (sensing head) per Spindle (Optical Scanning Principle)
Range of application For staple-spun yarns of natural, synthetic or metal fibers
Capacity of installation Up to 60 yarn clearers can be connected
Basic condition In order to guarantee proper functioning the yarn must run smoothly through the sensing head and the base
of its measuring slot.


AWE AWE YM Zenit AC5 / 338 with microprocessor on each spindle * * *

Winding speed Up to 2000 m / min * * *
Max. power consump. 4 Watt *
5 Watt * *

Sensing Head (TK) – Yarn Count Range (Optical Scanning Principle) ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

TK-type Limit range coarse Limit range fine

TK YM Zenit C Nm 4.0 – 10.0 Nec 2.4 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320 *
TK YM Zenit F C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320 *
TK YM Zenit FP C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320 *
TK YM Zenit FP2 C Nm 7.0 – 10.0 Nec 4.1 – 5.9 Nm 430 – 540 Nec 255 – 320 *
All sensing heads are also available as wet-splice versions

Conventional Cleaning According to Channels ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Channel / Splice Channel

N Diameter limit for neps 1.5 to 7.0 * * *
DS Diameter limit for short faults 1.1 to 4.0 * * *
LS Limit for short fault length 1.0 to 10 cm * * *
DL Diameter limit for long faults 1.04 to 2.0 * * *
LL Limit for long fault length 6.0 to 200 cm * * *
–D Limit of diameter decrease -6% to - 60 % * * *
–L Limit for thin place length 2.0 to 200 cm * * *

Splice Control
Splice Limits for splices, all channels freely selectable * * *

Upper Yarn
UpY Diameter limit for upper yarn detection 1.04 to 2.0 * * *


Clearing According to Classes ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Thick places 96 thick-place classes * * *

Diameter limit 1.20 to >7.0 * * *
Limit for fault length <0.5 to >70.0 cm * * *
Thin places 32 thin-place classes * * *
Diameter decrease <- 35% to -17 % * * *
Limit for fault length 2.0 to >70.0 cm * * *
Splice 128 Splice classes for short, long and thin faults * * *
Foreign matter 64 foreign matter classes each dark and bright * *
Darkness scale dark 0.7 to >9.0 * *
Darkness scale bright -0.7 to <-9.0 * *
Limit for fault length <0.5 to >8.0 cm * *

Classifying According to Diameter, Darkness and Length ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Thick places 19 thick-place classes * * *

Diameter limit 1.3 to >5.0 * * *
Limit for fault length 0.5 to >32.0 cm * * *
Thin places 4 thin-place classes * * *
Diameter decrease <- 35% to - 20% * * *
Limit for fault length 12.0 to >32.0 cm * * *
Splices 26 splice classes (coarse classification) for shorts, longs and thins
128 splice classes (fine classification) for shorts, longs and thins * * *

Foreign matter 64 foreign matter classes each dark and bright * *

Darkness scale dark 0.7 to >9.0 * *
Darkness scale bright -0.7 to <-9.0 * *
Limit for fault length <0.5 to >8.0 cm * *

Online Fault Classification

Per spindle and group with indication of cut and remaining faults of each class * * *

Monitoring Configuration
Mode FIRST: Classification window stops at selected length * * *
Mode LAST: Floating window of the selected length * * *
Mode CONE, Group View: Floating window of the selected length * * *
Mode CONE, Spindle View: The data are cleared when the length is reached * * *

Clearing of Synthetic Foreign Matter ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Foreign matters PP PE etc. Limit for electrical charge (sensitivity) 0.5 to 9.5 *
Reference length FP 0.5 cm to 4.0 cm *
Reference length FP2 1.0 cm to 8.0 cm *



Yarn Count Channel

Diameter deviation ±3 % to ± 44 % * * *
Reference length 10 m to 50 m * * *

Short Count Channel

Diameter deviation ±3 % to ± 44 % * * *
Reference length 1m to 32 m * * *

Cluster (fault accumulations)

Diameter Cluster Short 1.10 to 4.00 * * *
Cluster Long 1.04 to 2.00 * * *
Cluster Thin - 6% to - 60% * * *
Length Cluster Short 1.0 cm to 10 cm * * *
Cluster Long 6.0 cm to 200 cm * * *
Cluster Thin 2.0 cm to 200 cm * * *
Observation length 0.1 m to 80 m * * *
Maximum fault number relative to the set observation length 1 to 9999 * * *

F-Cluster (accumulations of foreign matter)

Detection according to 64 foreign matter classes each dark and bright * *
Observation length 0.1 m to 300 m * *
Maximum fault number relative to the set observation length 1 to 9999 * *

Number of repetitions 0 to 9 * * *
Number of repetitions F-Startup 0 to 9 * *

Automatic locking when reaching the limits of yarn fault cuts during start-up * * *
Automatic spindle locking when exceeding set number of yarn count cuts * * *
Automatic spindle locking when exceeding set number of fault cluster cut * * *
Automatic locking when reaching the set limits of foreign matter cuts during start-up * *
Automatic locking when reaching the set limits of foreign matter cluster cuts * *



Surface Index (SFI) (Option)

Online quality data monitoring per spindle and group * * *

Surface Index Channel (SFI / D) (Option)

Floating or constant reference 5.0 to 25.0 * * *
Limits +/- (maximum deviation from reference value) ±5% to ±40% * * *
Check length 80 m * * *
Automatic spindle locking when exceeding set number of Surface Index (SFI/D) channel cuts * * *
and repetitions respectively

Variable CV Channel (VCV) (Option)

Limits +/- (maximum deviation from mean value) ±5% to ±100% * * *
Check length 50 m * * *
Automatic spindle locking when exceeding set number of Variable CV Channel (VCV) channel * * *
cuts and repetitions respectively

Imperfections (Option)

Number of frequent yarn faults according to diameter limit per 1000 m

Neps Diameter limit >1.80 * * *
Thick Diameter limit >1.30 to <1.80 * * *
Thin Diameter limit <0.75 * * *

Number per meter

Small Positive deviation: Diameter limit 1.20 to 1.30 * * *
Negative deviation: Diameter limit 0.80 to 0.75 * * *

Number of frequent yarn faults according to length limit per 1000 m

4 yarn fault classes length-referred in the range of 2 cm to 70 cm * * *
Positive and negative deviations with diameter limits >1.20 to <0.80 * * *

Installation Monitoring ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Automatic alarm in case of incorrect functions on the Informator * * *
Automatic alarm in case of faultive or not correctly functioning AWE and TK * * *

Central Data Collection ZENIT ZENIT F ZENIT FP

Data Collection with Loepfe MillMaster

Central units can be linked with Ethernet * * *
Remote control of clearer parameter * * *
Central collection of quality data up to spindle level * * *
Central collection of production data up to spindle level * * *


X3 X4





-10V A-GND


+5V R 36 +5V
47E 11


4 D2A
10K 13
5 330E
R 37 74HC14
6 330E

8 330E
8 9
10K 12
9 330E

R127 +10V 74HC126

10 330E

10K 11

-10V R144 D5A



13 330E



TXD1 R32 +5V
15 3K3

RXD1 R30
16 3K3



RXD0 R 118

17 10K

R130 RxD0
12 11
1K 3
TXD0 R137
18 10K D5D

FSIG 74HC126

20 3K3
8 9
R 116 TxD0
1K 2
21 3K3

22 4
+5V +5V
23 5
24 47K +12V





Loepfe Brothers Ltd.

CH-8623 Wetzikon/Switzerland
Phone +41 43 488 11 11
Fax +41 43 488 11 00

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