MaterialData ss316
MaterialData ss316
MaterialData ss316
Categories: Metal; Ferrous Metal; Stainless Steel; T 300 Series Stainless Steel
Material Molybdenum content increases resistance to marine environments. High creep strength at elevated temperatures and good heat resistance. Biocompatible.
Notes: Fabrication characteristics similar to Types 302 and 304.
Applications: food and pharmaceutical processing equipment, marine exterior trim, surgical implants, and industrial equipment that handles the corrosive
process chemicals used to produce inks, rayons, photographic chemicals, paper, textiles, bleaches, and rubber.
Corrosion Resistance: better corrosion resistance than 302 and 304; resists sodium and calcium brines; hypochlorite solutions, phosphoric acid; and the sulfite
liquors and sulfurous acids used in the paper pulp industry.
Key Words: UNS S31600, SS316, 316SS, AISI 316, DIN 1.4401, DIN 1.4408, DIN X5CrNiMo17122, TGL 39672 X5CrNiMo1911, TGL 7143X5CrNiMo1811, ISO 2604-1 F62,
ISO 2604-2 TS60, ISO 2604-2 TS61, ISO 2604-4 P60, ISO 2604-4 P61, ISO 4954 X5CrNiMo17122E, ISO 683/13 20, ISO 683/13 20a, ISO 6931 X5CrNiMo17122,
Vendors: Click here to view all available suppliers for this material.
Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material.
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