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Ma. Krisselda R. Guerra

BME 101-102

Exercise # 1: Discussion (10pts each)

1. Explain the difference between management as an art and management as a science.

 Management is both an art and a science. Management combines features of both science
as well as art. It is called an art because managing requires certain skills which are personal
possessions of managers. Science provides the knowledge & art deals with the application of
knowledge and skills.
2. Why is it that managers are required to perform and observed social responsibility?
3. Why is interpersonal role of manager important?
 Interpersonal roles cover the relationships that a manager has to have with others. The third
interpersonal role, that of liaison, deals with the horizontal relationships which work-activity
studies have shown to be important for a manager. A manager has to maintain a network of
relationships outside the organisation.
4. Give at least two differences between Manager and Leader, Explain?
 The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow
them while managers have people who work for them. And a manager is someone whose
primary responsibility is to carry out the management process, while a business leader is
someone who motivates a group of people in order to achieve a common goal in a company.
5. In your own self-assessment, which do you prefer to become? A manager or leader?

Exercise # 2: Define the following:

1. Global economy
 The interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place between multiple
2. Firs-level managers
 Supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees. The majority of their work is
direct supervision of the work of their subordinates.
3. Middle managers
 Are the largest group of managers in most companies. They primarily take the goals and
strategies designed by top managers and put them into effect.
4. Top managers
 control the organization by setting its goals, Overall strategy, Operating policies. These
managers make important decisions about which activities the organization should be
involved in, such as acquisitions, research and development, and expanding capacity.
5. Management function
 Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Each of these functions plays a
critical role in helping organizations achieve efficiently and effectively.

6. Planning
 Planning means setting an organization's goals and deciding how best to achieve them.
7. Social responsibility
 Individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and
society as a whole.
8. Role
 Positions that have certain sets of responsibilities.
9. Technical
 The ability to understand and carry out a specific task, or series of tasks, in the workplace.
10. Concept
 Are defined as ordinary ideas or general notions that occur in the mind, in speech, or in
thought. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks of the concept behind
principles, thoughts and beliefs. They play an important role in all aspects of cognition.
11. Laissez-faire
 An economic system in which transactions between private groups of people are free from
or almost free from any form of economic interventionism such as regulation and subsidies.
12. Society
 Is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group
sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority
and dominant cultural expectations.
13. Efficiency
 Means using resources wisely and without unnecessary waste.
14. Effectiveness
 Means doing the right things successfully.
15. Teamwork
 The collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the
most effective and efficient way.

Exercise # 3: Enumeration

1. What are the steps in developing managers into leaders?

1. Understand the Difference Between Managers and Leaders
2. Shift in Mindset
3. Provide Inspiration
4. Leverage Talent
5. Trust the Team
2. Give the four (4) important managerial skills
a.) Technical skills
b.) Human or Interpersonal skills
c.) Conceptual skills
d.) Diagnostic and analytic skills
3. What are the three (3) main divisions of managerial roles?
a.) Interpersonal roles
b.) Informational roles
c.) Decisional(Decision making) roles
4. What are the five different areas of management?
1. Marketing managers .
2. Financial managers
3. Operations managers
4. Human resource managers
5. Administrative managers
5. State at least two (2) definitions of Management.
 Is the art of getting things done through people.
 Is the attainment of the goals of the organization through the cooperative efforts of its

Ma. Krisselda R. Guerra

BME 101-102

Exercise # 1: Discussion (10pts each)

1. What is wrong with the scientific management theory of Taylor?

 Taylor's Scientific Management put unnecessary pressures on the employees to perform the
work faster. Importance was given to productivity and profitability. This resulted in
exploitation of the employees. Therefore, many employees joined trade unions.
2. Who is Henry Gantt? What is his most prominent contribution to scientific management
 Henry Gantt was an American mechanical engineer and management consultant who is best
known for his work in the development of scientific management. He is probably best
known for two key contributions to classical management theory: the Gantt chart and the
task and bonus system. The Gantt chart is a tool that provides a visual (graphic)
representation of what occurs over the course of a project.
3. Briefly explain Fayol’s administrative management theory.
 Fayol's Administrative Management Theory. The administrative theory of management is
focused on principles that could be used by managers to coordinate the internal activities of
organizations. He believed that organizational managerial practices are important for driving
predictability and efficiency in organizations.
4. Why is studying Behavioral Science Approach in management important?
 The Behavioral science is of great importance to a business management, as it deals with
science studying behavior. It is the study of sociology and psychology. It is very much
concerned with the ways in which people behave. While on the other hand, anthropology
which is also included in behavioral sciences involves the study of mankind relating to all
aspects. Especially, it deals with human culture and human development. The concept that
a non-discriminatory understanding may be established in order to appraise the factors
motivating managers and the employees as well as the desired results may be attained, is
closely linked with this phenomenon. Since it address the human dimension of work, the
behavioral management theory is often called the human relations movement. Thus,
behavioral science is of great importance to a business management.
5. Explain the Human Relation Approach in management.
 An approach to management based on the idea that employees are motivated not only by
financial reward but also by a range of social factors.
6. What is the importance of Quantitative Management Theory.
 The quantitative techniques help in decision making process in the way that identify the
factors which influence the decisions and quantify them. It becomes easier to resolve the
complexity of the decision making. Some of the quantitative techniques such as decision
theory and simulation work best in complex decisions.
7. Discuss briefly the three branches of Quantitative Management
(a) Management Science,
 is an approach that aims at increasing decision effectiveness through the use of
sophisticated mathematical models and statistical methods.
(b) Operations Management
 is the function, or field of expertise, that is primarily responsible for managing the
production and delivery of an organization’s products and services.
(c) Management Information Systems
 is the field of management that focuses on designing and implementing computer-based
information systems for use by management.
8. How does management science approach work?
 is an approach that aims at increasing decision effectiveness through the use of
sophisticated mathematical models and statistical methods.
9. Why is behavioral school important?
 It promotes student engagement and cooperative learning. And it develops the social-
emotional aspects of learning that are crucial to the school classroom. Students know when
they have a school teacher with whom they can make disruptions.
10. Explain the basic concept of bureaucracy theory of management.
 A bureaucracy typically refers to an organization that is complex with multilayered systems
and processes. These systems and procedures are designed to maintain uniformity and control
within an organization. A bureaucracy describes the established methods in large
organizations or governments.

Exercise # 2: Define the following:

1. Esprit de corps
 the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion,
and strong regard for the honor of the group.
2. Scalar chain
 a chain of all supervisors from the top management to the person working in the lowest
3. Centralization
 the process in which activities involving planning and decision-making within an
organization. Depending on a company's goals and the industry are concentrated to a
specific leader.
4. Division of Work
 the course of tasks assigned to, and completed by, a group of workers in order to increase
efficiency. Division of work, which is also known as division of labor, is the breaking down of
a job so as to have a number of different tasks that make up the whole.
5. Classical
 means something traditionally accepted or long-established. It does not mean that classical
views are static and time bound that must be dispensed with.
6. Behavior
 the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
7. Collaborative environment
 designed for distributed teams which can be defined as groups of people that interact
through interdependent tasks guided by common purpose, and work across space, time,
and organizational boundaries primarily through electronic means.
8. Theory
 a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been
constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and
9. Concept
 Are defined as ordinary ideas or general notions that occur in the mind, in speech, or in
thought. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks of the concept behind
principles, thoughts and beliefs. They play an important role in all aspects of cognition.
10. Gantt Chart
 is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, named after its inventor, Henry
Gantt, who designed such a chart around the years 1910–1915. Modern Gantt charts also
show the dependency relationships between activities and the current schedule status.

Exercise # 3: Enumeration

1. The three(3) main streams developed for classical management theory.

 Bureaucracy (Weber)
 Theory (Fayol)
 Scientific Management (Taylor).
2. Give at least five (5) principles of bureaucracy theory.
• formal hierarchy structure,
• formal rules and norms,
• specialization,
• recruitment based on abilities and qualification,
•“up-focused” or “in-focused” mission and systematic filling
3. 6 business operation activities as classified by Henry Fayol.
• Technical – production of goods;
• Commercial – purchase of raw materials and sale of finished products;
• Financial – acquisition and use of funds;
• Security – protection of employees and properties
• Accounting – recording of financial conditions
• Management – operations of the business
4. Give at least 5 known behavioral scientists.
• Robert Owen
• Mary Parker Follet
• Elton Mayo
• Douglas McGregor
• Abraham Maslow
5. The branches of quantitative management.
 Management Science, Operations Management, Management Information Systems

Ma. Krisselda R. Guerra

BME 101-102

Exercise # 1: Discussion (10pts each)

1. Communication is two-way process. Why?

 Communication is a two-way process to exchange ideas. We communicate in order to elicit
some type of response. Some examples of a response could be more knowledge, a specific
action, or some type of emotion.
2. Promoting a consumer product in the rural area requires different approach of
communication form that of urban sales promotion. Why?
3. As a manager, how would you communicate with your unschooled factory worker?
 Soliciting honest feedback from employees without the fear of retribution for negative
comments is a powerful communications tool for managers.
4. How do you reduce the barriers of communication?
 Recognize Perspective
 Avoid Stereotyping Your Audience
 Be Aware That Listeners May Receive a Different Message
 Form a Relationship, and Then Communicate
 Accept That Jargon May Be Negative Communication
 Time Your Message Appropriately
 Practice Full Disclosure
5. Why is communication important in management?
 Communication helps managers to perform their jobs and responsibilities. Communication
serves as a foundation for planning. All the essential information must be communicated to
the managers who in-turn must communicate the plans so as to implement them. In other
words, communication acts as organizational blood.

Exercise # 2: Define briefly the following:

1. Decoding
 This is the interpretation of the message. Decoding is performed by the receiver.
2. Effective communication
 Is defined as the ability to convey information to another effectively and efficiently. Business
managers with good verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills help facilitate the
sharing of information between people within a company for its commercial benefit.
3. Feedback
 In some instances, the receiver might have feedback or a response for the
sender. This starts an interaction.
4. Oral communication
 Communicating with spoken words. It's a verbal form of communication where you
communicate your thoughts, present ideas and share information.
5. Job specializtion
 A process where individuals or employees develop specific skills and expertise to perform
certain activities. It involves training the person to excel in a given set of tasks.

Exercise # 3: Case Study


BMCS Lending Corporation is a 10-month-old business located in Talibon, Bohol. Its principal
business is lending money to the lower and middle classes of people. Although it is a new lending
institution, it has many borrowers. Bong Go, the president, is a socially-oriented person. His loan policies
are attractive. As a result, the volume of business keeps on increasing every month.

The president is very active and generous in social development projects for the poor. With the
approval of the Board of Directors, he has been donating big amounts of money to victims of natural
calamities, scholarships for the poor students, and home for the street children and the aged.
Such philanthropic activities of the president have caught the attention of many stockholders. They
claimed that such money donated should be used for business expansion since the business is still young
and not yet the proper time to engage in charity. The stockholders intended to oppose vigorously such
charitable activities of the president in the coming stockholders meeting.

Questions: 1. If you were the president, how would you defend your activities for the poor?
 By explaining to them thoroughly the goodness of the action and how it can help a
lot of people. Doing charities can also help the company's publicity and being able
to get a charitable donation tax deduction. One of the great privileges of running a
small business is being able to give generously to community organizations and
charitable causes that matter to you. charitable companies will earn a reputation as
being “good” companies, and people will be more likely to want to go to them.
2. Do you agree with the stockholders? Why?
 No, because doing a charitable activities is never a mistake.

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