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Kolb Experience Learning Cycle

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Kolb Experience Learning Cycle

Science concept : Frictional Force

Students will be able to:
1. State the meaning of friction.
2. Carry out experiment to determine factors that affect friction.
3. Describe the effects of friction.
4. Solve the daily life problems by increasing or decreasing friction.
Year: 6

Materials: (per group)

• Card board, Thread ,Straw, Scissor, Box,Sand paper, Plastic ,Colours
Card manila,Tape, remote toy cars

5E Instructional Kolb's Learning What the teacher does What the students do
Model Cycle
Engagement 1. Concrete - Teacher provide remote toy car - Students be in group
Experience for each group of student. and play the remote toy
- Teacher ask the students to play car in cement surface.
the car on cement surface. - Students observe the
- Teacher asking question “is it toy car’s movement and
the movement is same for all time taken to reach the
type surface”? end point.
- Students response to
(The teacher accesses students’
the questions.
prior knowledge through the use
of short activities that promote (Students access prior
curiosity and elicit prior knowledge and become
knowledge) interested in a new topic,
tools, or materials
through connection to
their own lives and
Exploration - Teacher ask the students to - Students in the group
explore more by giving different will play the remote toy
situation. car in 2 different
- Teacher will ask the students to surfaces.
play the remote toy car in 2 - Student will observe the
different surface (on road & movement of the cars
field). and take measurement
- Teacher will ask them to identify of timing to reach the
the differences of the movement end point.
and time taken. - Students discuss about
the differences of the

(The teacher creating a non- (Students investigate the
judgmental space nature of
for trial and error; asking scientifically testable
questions about what questions. Students
students are creating) engage in short readings
and generate their own
set of testable
Explanation 2. Reflective -Teacher will ask why there are -Students will reflect
Experience differences occur with 3 type of observation of the new
surfaces. findings (experience).

- Teacher will encourage the -Students will discuss

students to explain concepts among group to find the
reason behind the
and designs in their own words.
- Teacher will explain the correct -Students start to
concept of the Frictional force. connect their previous
Introduce the scientific terms experiences with current
and different of force and learning and to make
frictional force. conceptual sense of the
main ideas
of the frictional force.
(Teacher helps focus students’ (Students have the
attention on a particular aspect opportunity to explain
of their phase or exploration their understanding of
experiences concepts and make
by providing scientific meaning from previous
explanations) lesson stages)

Elaboration 3. Abstract - Teacher will give group activity -Student will be

Conceptualization to the students. challenge to create a car
- Will ask the group to design a track and a car using
car track with 3 different given materials only.
surfaces using given materials.
- Teacher will give the sketch of -Students will play the
car by push and pull
the design as well.
along the track created.
- Teacher will ask the students in
-Student will make the
the group play (push & pull) with conclusion about the
car in 3 different surfaces frictional force.
- Teacher will ask the conclusion (Students are challenged
of their activity. to extend their
(Teachers challenge and extend knowledge, deepen
students’ conceptual understanding, and apply
understanding and skills. Asking concepts in novel
the students to apply their settings. Reflection gives
rise to a new idea, or a

creations in a new situation or modification of an
test existing abstract concept)
additional refinements.)
Evaluation 4. Active -Teacher will ask the students to -Student will response to
Experimentation find out the negative and positive explain about the
of usages the frictional force in negative and positive of
their daily life. frictional force in thoer
daily life.
-Teacher will ask the group to
select one problem they facing in -Student will
their daily life and use the demonstrating applicable
fractional force concept to createskills including
probe to overcome the problem. fabrication skills and
habits of a maker
(Teacher observing students as mindset to to create
they create probe to overcome the
products and looking for evidence problem of frictional force
of understanding.) in the group.

(Students demonstrate
what they know and are
able to do.)

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